TWO TIE MICHIAI N TITXIY W ENSD APRIL 1, 19 f ,. i Lead Discussion Of Tax Bill LATE WIRE NEWS President To Continue Fishing Cruise NASSAU, Bahamas, March 31. - (P) - Enthusiastic over his fishing luck, sun-tanned Presi- dent Roosevelt told newspaper- men during a brief visit in harbor here today he would continue his cruise until the end of the week -his second at sea. The U.S.S. Potomac carrying the President's flag and the Stars and Stripes anchored in mid- harbor of this quaint picturesque capital of the British Bahamas Islands for the day as Mr. Roose- velt put into very actual practice his "good neighbor" policy. Italian Army Perils British Interests WITH THE NORTHERN ITALIAN ARMY, GONDAR, Ethi- opia, March 31. - (P)- Italy's "mechanical cavalry" captured this strategic Ethiopian city today and established itself close to a vital zone of British influence. Gondar is only a few miles from the head of Lake Tana, source of the Blue Nile and the water supply of the Anglo-Egyptian Su- dan and Egypt. A column of trucks manned by 5,000 picked men of the northern army and led by Lt.-Col. Achille Starace, secretary of the Fascist party who came here from Rome expressly for this task, clattered into Gondar. The sudden southward thrust cut all Northern Ethiopia off from supplies which had been coming in over caravan trails from the Sudan. The capture of Gondar was regarded as the most im- portant activity of the war from an international standpoint be- cause of its proximity to British influence. Mexican Priests Told To Leave MEXICO CITY, March 31. - (P) -President Lazaro Cardenas was reported in dispatches to- night to have given priests in the town of San Felipe Torres Mo- chas, state of Guanajuato, 24 hours to leave following a battle between Catholics and school teachers there in which 16 per- sons were killed and 30 wounded. The president went there today for a personal investigation. Dis- patches said he apparently was convinced that "priests incited the Catholics to attack the teach- ers" and then "invited" the priests to get out of town. Syrian Construction Accident Dills 30 ANTIOCH, Syria, March 31. - (IP) - Thirty workmen were re- ported killed and 20 others in- jured when a wall of the National Museum collapsed in the course of construction. Program For May Festival Is Announced C. A. Sink, Music School President, Tells Details Of Six Coflcerts *j*3 (Continued from Page 1) urday afternoon, will again feature' the Philadelphia Symphony, with Mr. Stokowski as conductor, and Efrem Zimbalist, violinist, as soloist. The program for this concert has been chosen from orchestral works of the modern composers, Silbelius,1 Stravinsky, and Tschaikowsky. The orchestra will open with Tschaikow- sky's "Symphony No. 5 in E Minor,"a "Andante-Allegro con anima," "An- dante cantabile con alcuna licenza," "Valse: Allegro moderato," and "Fi- nale: Andante mbaestoso Allegro- Allegro vivace." The second selection will be Si- belius' "Concerto in D minor for Violin and Orchestra, including three movements, "Allegro moderato," "Adagio di molto" and "Allegro ma1 non tanto." Mr. Zimbalist will be the soloist for this selection. To close the concert the orchestra will play 1Introduction," "The Fire Bird and ier Dance," "Dance of the Princess- -Associated Press Photo. Guy T. Helvering (left), internal revenue commissioner, told the House Ways and Means Committee, headed by Rep. Robert Doughton (right), North Carolina Democrat, that levies recommended by a House sub-committee would not raise as much money as President Roosevelt wants. He was the first witness as the hearing on the new $799,000,000 tax program opened. kama CLA SSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified \ldvertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at five Velock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no E xtra charge. Cash in advance 11c per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. Minimum 3 lines per in- sertion. Telephone rate -15c perreading line ! for two or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. 101, discount If paid within ten days j from the date of last insertion. By contract, per line--2 lines daily, one month.......................8e 4 lines E.OD., 2 months ........8c 2 lines daily, college year ..7c 4 tines E.O.D., 2 months ,........8c 100 lnes used as desired....9e 300 lines used as desired ........$c 1,000 lines used as desired ........7c 2.000 lines used as desired ........ The above rates are per reading line based on eight reading lines per inch. tonic type, upper and lower case. Add 5c per line to above rates for all capital etters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 7% point type. HELP WANTED WANTED: Student with car for part time work evenings, 602 Monroe. Phone 6555. Vitamins In Foods Affect Love-Making SEATTLE, Wash., April 1.-Sever- al University of Washington profes- sors have recently come to the con- clusion that love-making is deter- mined by food vitamins. The change in diet to spring fruits and vegetables, they believe, is the reason why "man's fancies lightly turn to love." FRESHMAN EXAMS Reading examinations held after the first semester will determine CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair and refinish furniture. Phone 8105. A. A. Stuhlman. 15x SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES: We'll buy old and new suits and over- coats for $3 to $20. Also highest prices for saxophones and typewrit- ers. Don't sell before you see Sam. Phone for appointments. 2-3640. 10x LOST AND FOUND LOST: Delta Gamma pin. Reward. Call Ruth Helen Gildersleeve, 2-3355. 418 LOST: A brown leather wallet con- taining papers valuable only to owner. Reward. Call 3687. 415 LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. Ix Ecnator Duffy (Dem., Wis.) to es- tablish a coast guard station at tA:cen Bay, Wis. In a letter to Rear Admiral Harry G. Hamlet, coast guard commandant, Duffy said he understood Congressional authoriza- tion had been made some years ago and that additional legislation would not be necessary. 1"YIE WTERS New and Used, Office and por- table models. Bought, sold, Rented, Ex- changed, cleaned, repaired. Also Supplies. Special Rental Rates to students. Rent may apply in event of purchase. NOTICES FOR RENT - ROOMS NOTICE: The College Shoe Repair FOR RENT: Suite with private bath Shop has moved from 426 Thomp- and shower. Also single room, son St. to 440 S. State. Their new shcwer bath. Phone 8544. 422 E. phone is 3400. 414 Washington. 417 EYES examined, best glasses made at lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M. URGE COAST GUARD POST graduate, 44 years practice. 549 WASHINGTON, March 31.-(OP)- Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x The treasury was urged today by 0. D. 314; Since 1908 MORRILL S. State St. Phone 6615 Keeps Two Ste Q Concrete Heat Tunnel To Be Constructed As Far As Burton Bell Tower EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a series of articles on the plans and construction of the Burton Memorial Tower and the Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Two steam shovels are busy digging a ditch about 15 feet wide and 15 feet deep in which a concrete heat tunnel will be built and tests of the earth below where the new Rackham Graduate School building will stand are being made to determine exactly what type of soil is below the lot. Actual work on the $4,000,000 build- ing has not yet been started, and practically all of one block yet re- mains to be cleared. On the other block, there is but one house, which appears in fair condition. At the present time the two dredges are digging about 1,200 cubic yards of earth a day, except in places where the trees make rapid digging impos- sible. The tunnel, the concrete of which has already been poured into the forms and is now about a block' long, is about 12 feet high in its highest place and has a uniform width of about 10 feet. The middle part of the heat tunnel was poured first and at each end of it one of the steam shovels works. One is headed toward the University heating plant on Huron Street, while the other is headed toward the spot where the Burton Memorial Tower is to be erected. Thus the heat tun- nel will connect the Tower and the heating plant. When the foundation of the Grad- uate School building will be laid or when the work of digging the base- ment for the building has not yet been decided. The plans must first be ap- proved by a committee in charge of the Rackham fund but also by the Board of Regents. As for the Burton Tower, all is in readiness to begin the actual building of it. Work has been stopped tem- porarily because of a shipment of steel, which will probably be used in pouring the concrete, has not yet come in. The concrete forms for which is ap- Student Files Suit Against Taxi Owner Ralph H. Sullivan, 22 years old, a former student in the Medical School this year, yesterday filed in circuit court a suit asking $15,000 damages of a cab owner and two drivers in- volved in an accident last year during the rush to leave town for the Christ- mas holidays, in which Sullvian, rid- ing in one of the cabs, suffered a fractured pelvis and internal injuries. Sullivan, the only one injured in the crash, was confined to University Hospital for six weeks after the ac- cident, and will not be able to re- enter school until next year, he de- clared. GREEN BACK IN FOLD LANSING, March 31.- (P)- For- mer Governor Fred W. Green pledged his support today to Governor Fitz- gerald's campaign for re-election, healing a breach that had existed between them since 1934. es," "Kastchel's Infernal Dance," Lm Shovels B usy V "Berceuse," and "Finale" from "The Bird of Fire" by Stravinsky. "Requiem" by Verdi has been se- parently the foundation have all been lected for the closing concert of the constructed. The rest of the building Festival, to be given Saturday night. construction material is on the lot Soloists will be Miss Vreeland, Miss near where the forms are built: There Bampton, contralto; Giovanni Mar- is much lumber, several wheelbarrows tinelli, tenor and Keith Faulkner, and a great pile of cement sacks all baritone. The Philadelphia orches- placed in readiness to begin the build- tra and the University Choral Union, ing of the Tower under the direction of Professor A rough estimate of the size of the Moore will also be heard in the "Re- foundation of the Tower shows that quiem." at its base it will be between 30 and 40 feet square. It was stated by offi- Flu InM'ilwa"kee cials that very probably as soon as "lY l alhC the steel arrived work on the 193- *- foot structure would begin.Iisupts Business The second block bought by the ad- ditional $1,000,000 from the estate of MILWAUKEE, March 31-(P)-- the late Horace Rackham has hardly Health Commissioner John P. Koehl- been touched, although most of the er said today a contagious throat in- houses have been vacated and the few fection might be the basis of the remaining owners are preparing to epidemic of intestinal influenza, now leave. at its peak. -- I . SECOND SEMESTER Secretarial and Business TRAINING Day and Evening Classes I STENOTYPY BOOKKEEPING SHORTHAND CALCULATOR TYPEWRITING DICTAPHONE SECRETARIAL TRAINING Classes Now Forming - Free Placement Service Hamilton Business College S -; l i whether freshmen at the Oklahoma' Agricultural and Mechanical Colltge will need to take a second semester State and W of English. illiam Streets EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS 6:00-WJR Buck Rogers. WWJ Ty Tyson. WXYZ Contrasts in Music. CKLW Omar. 6:15 -WJR Junior Nurse Corps. WWJ Dinner Music. WXYZ Dance Music.G CKLW Joe Gentile. 6:30--WJR Duncan Moore. WWJ Bulletins. WXYZ Day in Review. CKLW Rhythm Ramblings. 6:45-WJR Musical Moments. WXYZ Lowell Thomas. CKLW Old Bill. 7:00-WJR Myrt and Marge. WWJ Amos and Andy. WXYZ Easy Aces. CKLW Shadows on the Clock. 7:15-WJR Arty Hall's Ensemble. WWJ Evening Melodies. WXYZ Captain Tim. 7:30--WJR Kate Smith. WWJ Studio Hour. WXYZ Lone Ranger. CXLW Variety Revue. 7:45---WJR Boake Carter. 8:00--WJR "Cavalcade of America." WWJ One Man's Family. WXYZ Father Finn's Choir. CKLW Listener. 8:30-WXYZ Benny Rubin's Varieties. WWJ Wayne King's Music. CKLW Hugo Mariani's Music. WXYZ Whirligig. 9:00-.-WJR Rosa Ponselle: Kostelanet's Music. WWJ Town Hall Tonight. WXYZ Corn Cob Pipe Club. CKLW Serenade. 9:15-CKLW Andrew F. Kelly. 9:30-WJR Ray Noble's Music. WXYZ Twenty Thousand Years in Sing Sing. CKLW Sinfonietta. 10:00-WJR Gang Busters. WWJ Your Hit Parade. WXYZ John Charles Thomas. CKLW Husbands and Wives. 10:30-WJR Morton Downey. WXYZ Henry Biagini's Music. CKLW Ted Weems' Music. 10:45-WJR Dance Tunes. CKLW Ted Weems' Music. WXYZ Larry Funk's Music. 11 :00-WJR Bulletins. WWJ Troupers. WXYZ Baker Twins. I CKLW Freddy Martin's Music. 11 :15-WJR Isham Jones' Music. WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Henry Busse's Music. CKLW Kay Kyser's Music. 11:30-WWJ George Kavanagh's Music. WJR Bob Crosby's Music. WXYZ Lowry Clark. CKLW DeMarco's Music. 11:45-WXYZ Goldman's Band. CKLW Ted Weems' Music. 12 midnight-WJR Barney Rapp's Music. WVWJ Russ Lyon's Music. CKLW Hal Kemp's Music. WXYZ Shandtor: Joe Rine's Music. 12:30-WJR Sterling Young's Music. WXYZ Ruby Newman's Music. CKLLW Jack Hylton's Music. 1:00-CKLW Will Osborne's Music. Two deaths have been attributed to the disease by physicians and the normal routine of many offices, stores and factories has been dis- rupted with an officially estimated 120,000 persons afflicted. Missing Found; Airplane No Injuries I ELKO, Nev., March 31.-(P) - Lieut. Newton Crumley, Jr., and two companions, missing in an airplane since yesterday after- noon, have been found alive, Sheriff Charles Harper tele- phoned his office today. Sheriff Harper said Crumley, with Irvin DeLong and Harry El- liott, his passengers, made a forced landing 60 miles north of Elko, Actress' Condition 'Much Improved' NEW YORK, March 31.- (P) The condition of Marilyn Miller, stage and screen actress, who is in Doctor's Hospital, suffering from a toxic condition, was "much improved" tonight, her physician, Dr. W1. L. Whittemore, said. HIT-RUN DRIVER JAILED LUDINGTON, March 31. -(P) -1 Judge Max E. Neal pronounced a pris- on sentence today on Albert John- son, 27 years old, hit and run driver whose automobile killed 11-year-old Jean Frank on March 14. Johnson, who had pleaded guilty to negligent homicide and leaving the scene of an accident, was sentenced to serve from two and one-half to five years on the first charge and was placed 1 a rI 1 C A" Continuous 1:30 - 11 p.m. cnii'Q 15c to 6 --25c after 6 -- Now Playing ---- First Ann Arbor Showing WM. BOYD "FEDERAL AGENT" and ----- CHAS. STARRETT NOW SHOWING Feature Presentation at MAT. - 2:00 and 3:59 EVE. - 7:32 and 9:34 Mat., 25c; Eve., 25c, 35c CHARLIE CHAPLIN I I I 11 ICI U