The Weather Lower Michigan: cloudy, fol- lowed by snow in West and south today; tomorrow snow. Iii, r SirP Iatl~j Editorials Swimming For Women .3. Germany's New Moses ... VOL. XLVI No. 130 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS .. . . Russo-Jap Relations Near Crisis Japan's Invasion Of Outer Mongolia Brings About Heavy Fighting Invaders Advance With Armed Tanks Protest Issued By Soviet Foreign Office; Demand 'Energetic Measures (Copyright, 1936, by the Associated Press) MOSCOW, April 1.-(Wednesday) - Reports from Ulan Bator. Capital of outer Mongolia, said early today that heavy fighting between Mon- golian defenders and Japanese-Man- choukuoan invaders was continuing. The invading troops, whose actions caused a sharp protest to be delivered to the Japanese Ambassador at Mos- cow, have not yet been forced out of Mongolian territory, the reports de- clared. The Russian foreign office protest, made by B. S. Stomaniakoff, vice- commissar for foreign affairs, in- formed the Japanese flatly the sit- uation "Does not permit pacificaly waiting for developments of events." Stomaniakoff's declaration, made to Japanese Ambassador Tamekichi Ota, followed first reports of the in- vasion which began yesterday when a force of Japanese-Manchoukuoan troops pushed into Mongolia after capturing the border post of Adyk- dolon. Stomaniakoff declared it was nec- essary to take "energetic measures" to put an immediate end to the at- tacks by Japanese troops against Mongolia. He said "serious respon- sibility" would fall on the Japanese government in case the actions of its "dependent organization" might lead' to the extension of conflicts in Mon- goian. territory. T h e Japanese - Manchoukuoan forces are supported by an artillery' battery, tanks, armored cars and air- planes, the dispatches asserted. The first attack was said to have been launched against the border post of Adykodolon. It was occupied and the invaders proceeded on against Tamsyk-Bulak, which is about 30 miles inside Mongolian ter- ritory, the Soviet accounts continued. The attackers were said to have met strong resistance at Tamsyk-Bu- lak and to have been pushed back be- yond Adykdolon. There they received reinforcements and resumed the of- fensive. Late tonight it was said fighting is still going on. TOKYO, April 1.-(Wednesday)-- (A-The Japanese foreign office said today it lacked information on reports of fighting yesterday on the Manchoukuoan-Mongolian border. An authoritative source close to the army pointed out that a press ban prohibits publication of details of the border situation except official Jap- anese-Manchoukuoan communiques. Recent indications, however, were that Japanese forces in Northwest Manchoukuo have been preparing for action of some kind. (Copyright, 1936, by the Associated Press) TOKYO, April 1-(Wednesday)- Eiji Amau, spokesman for the Jap- anese foreign office, said today the reported invasion of Outer Mongolia by Japanese-Manchoukuoan troops was impossible without orders from the highest quarters in Tokyo except for ''special reasons." C arnapLecture On Philosophy To BeApril 2 Dr. Rudolf Carnap, professor of philosophy at the University of Prague, will speak on "Philosophy and Logical Analysis" at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Natural Science Au- ditorium. The talk is one in the University lecture series. Professor Carnap, who is a visiting lecturer at the University of Chicago this year, is a leading member of the movement known as the Vienna Circle. This movement represents an attempt to apply the method and IN MEMORIAM On April 1, 1916 - 20 years ago today - James Burrill Angell, a former Michigan President, and one of the outstanding educators cf the past century, passed away. With his death came the conclu- sion of a career almost without parallel from the standpoint of lngevity and of diversified service to mankind. He was inaugurated as Presi- dent of the University June 28, 1871. From that time until his re- tirement 38 years later, he devoted the major part of his activities to furthering the interests of Mich- igan.. During this period - the most crucial in the growth of the iriititutcn --the University d- veloped from a state of compara- tive obscurity into the position which it holds today as one of the nation's major institutions of learning. This progress was large- ly due to the inspired leadership of President Angell. On this anniversary of his death, Michigan honors the man whose career forms such an integral part of her history. There can Le no other feeling than one of rever- ence in contemplating a life thus spent in promoting the highest aims and ideals of our civilization. Spring Parley To Get Campus Opinion Today General Topic For Parley Will Be Determined By Committee At League E Students from all organizations on the campus will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in the Grand Rapids Room of the League to work out plans for the 1936 Spring Parley. The group, the General Committee of the Parley, will have as the basis for its actions work completed by the expanded continuations committee, Irving Levitt, '36, executive chair- man, said. Acting on the smaller committee's recommendations, the General Committee will decide on a general topic for the Parley, draw up sub-topics and name a general Parley chairman, Levitt said. Tentatively, he explained, the ex- panded continuations committee has agreed that the topic shall be "Our Tomoriow-What Shall We Make of It?" Under this genieral heading, he said, the smaller committee has outlined, not in the exact wording, these sub-topics: government and ec- onomic system, family and sex, peace, education and religion. The General Committee tonight will decide upon actual titles, work out an agenda for the Parley and probably vote to back the expanded continuations committee in the date it has tentatively set for the Par- ley-the week-end of April 25-ac- cording to Levitt. 700 Onlookers Throng Union At Open House Bowling, Billiard Matches, Carillon Model, Dancing Entertain Visitors More than 700 students, alumni and faculty thronged the Union last night to celebrate "University Night," the annual spring open house, which fea- tured many exhibits, demonstrations and certain other special attractions. Four students from the department of physical education opened the pro- gram with a tumbling exhibition. A faculty-Union team bowling contest and billiard matches closely followed the women's swimming and diving in the pool. Several displays were featured in the North Lounge. The State High- way department sponsored one exhibit on highway construction and main- tenance, and one of the bill boards displayed the ballots collected by Prof. James K. Pollock of the polit- ical science department. The collec- tion included ballots from many parts of the world, and some from Ger- many, used during the Hitler elections and plebiscites. Bob Steinle and his regular Union band played before a huge crowd which jammed the ballroom and at 9 p.m. a floor show was sponsored. Certain other exhibits by the R.O.- Program For May Festival Is Announced C. A. Sink, Music President, Tells Of Six Concerts School Details Noted Artists Will Appear On Program Philadelphia Symphony Is I Led By Stokowski; To Open Festival May 13 Programs for the six concerts of the May Festival, to be given May 13, 14, 15 and 16 in Hill Auditorium, which will feature a famous group of operatic and concert soloists, in addition to the Philadelphia Sym- phony orchestra, under the direction of Leopold Stokowski, were an- nounced yesterday by President Charles A. Sink of the School of Music. The opening concert which will be given by the Philadelphia orches- tra, will include works by the great German composers, Bach and Wag- ner. The Bach works which will be played are "Toccata and Fugue in D Minor," "Aria," "Fugue in G Minor," "Come Sweet Death," "Passacaglia." Three selections from the operas of Wagner, including "Prelude to 'Die Meistersingers'," "Prelude to 'Lohen- grin'," and "Love Music from 'Tri- stan and Isolde'." 'Caractacus' To Be Given Elgar's "Caractacus" has been planned for the second concert, to be given Thursday evening. The Philadelphia orchestra, with Mr.. Stokowski conducting, and the Uni- iversity Choral Union, under the direction of Prof. Earl V. Moore of I the School of Music, will accompany the soloists of the evening. The solo roles will be sung by Jeanette Vree- land, soprano; Paul Althouse, tenor; Keith Faulkner, baritone; and Julius Huehn, baritone. The traditional children's concert will be given as usual on Friday af- ternoon. The Young People's Fes- tival Chorus, made up of Ann Arbor school children, and directed by Juva Higbee, Professor Moore and Charles O'Connell, wll sing a group of Christmas carols, "O Little Town of Bethlehem," "Away in a Manger," and "Silent Night," and "The Chil- dren at Bethlehem," by Pierne, a mystery in two parts. They will be accompanied by the Philadelphia or- chestra. Bauer On Program Harold Bauer, pianist, will also be featured in this concert. He will play Beethoven's "Concerto No. 5 in E flat for Piano and Orchestra." Lily Pons, famous French operatic star, will be heard in thefourth con- cert Friday night. The program will be opened by the orchestra with "Symphony No. 1 in C Minor" by Brahms, including the movements, "Un poco sostenuto-allegro," "An- dante sostenuto, "Un poco allegretto e grazioso," and "adagio, piu andante -Allegro non troppo, ma con brio." Her second number will be two arias by Mozart, including "The Ma- gic Flute" and "Queen of the Night," from "Pamina's Air." This will be followed by "A Cathedrale En- gloutie," by Debussy, and the "Bell Song" aria from "Lakme" by Delibes. She will close with "Fete dieu a Se- ville," by Albeniz. The fifth concert, to be given Sat- (Innr iniiad nn Pa.ZP2 Wily Westerners Prove Too Cagey For 'Coy' Raccoon Stan See, '37, and Duke Watson, '37, captured a raccoon for the Uni- versity yesterday afternoon, but it took a lot of perseverance to do it. At about 1:30 p.m. members of the Sigma Phi fraternity noticed the wee coy beastie in a tree in front of the house, and See climbed up to cap- ture it. Shortly afterwards, the rac- coon escaped from its well-wishers and climbed a second tree, this time wisely picking one that was unclimb- able. But not to be outdone, See, who hails from the wild and wooly West (Bay City) climbed a nearby tree and from that after several attempts man- aged to lasso the racoon. After about 15 minutes of tug-of-war, the fugitive was torn from his second refuge, and led around on the improvised leash. Like a G. A. Henty hero, the animal somehow shook off the fetters for a third time, and took shelter in a third tree. At this point, Watson, a stu- dent in the School of Forestry and Conservation, took charge of proceed- ings, and climbed the raccoon's third line of defense to prune the branch on which he was sitting, first making sure that Watson was between the, tree and the saw. The raccoon dropped, not to the ground but to a lower branch, and when Watson pruned that one, the raacoon, deciding he had had enough for one day, dropped to the ground' and sprinted through the front door and into the Sigma Phi house, wheret he was finally captured for good. Students Hear Rodkey Speak On Vocations1 Preparation In College Fort Business Is Discussed Inf Vocational Series The emphasis placed upon a train- ing in business administration was demonstrated today by Prof. R. G. Rodkey of the School of Business Ad- ministration by the fact that almost1 every member of the school last year found more than a half a dozen jobsi awaiting him after graduation. Prof. Rodkey spoke in the vocational series of lectures being sponsored for un- dergraduate students by the Literary College. The great corporations, he said, send a man to the school every year in the spring to interview prospective candidates for positions, and every member of the senior class is given an opportunity to find work which is in harmony with his training. Prof. Rodkey pointed out that with the growth of large corporations, the public welfare is in large part de- pendent on the manner in which business enterprise functions, and consequently, there has been a great demand for well-trained business ex- perts. It is this fact, he said, which has led to the growth of business ad- ministration schools in large univer- sities. The first of these schools was the Wharton School of Finance at 1 the University of Pennsylvania. A number of other universities folowed the Wharton method, which consist- ed of three years of undergraduate training, and two years in the School of Finance. However, he said, the school here follows the principle of the Tuck School at Dartmouth, which requires an AB degree for admit- tance. This system of admission has also been followed at Harvard and Stanford. Delayed For 48 Jury Scans New Ang-tles Hauptman's Execution Hours; Jury Has Longest Session In Memory Of Attaches To Mercer Court Group Ponders 12 Hours On Evidence Examination Of Wendel's Repudiated Confession To Be Resumed TRENTON, N. J., March 31.-(P)- The Mercer county grand jury struggled through the night to solve a perplexing phase of the Lindbergh case tonight after probably setting a precedent in halting the scheduled execution of Bruno Richard Haupt- mann. The grand jury had considered the case of Paul Wendel, who "confessed" the Lindbergh kidnaping only to repudiate the statement, for 12 hours. Acting on a rarely used preroga- tive, the jurors asked Prosecutor Er- win E. Marshall to leave the room as they sifted through the circum- stances that led County-Detective Chief James S. Kirkham to file a murder charge against Paul H. Wen- del, former Trenton attorney, in the Lindbergh Baby Death. At midnight there was no indica- tion of what evidence, aside from Wendel's repudiated "confession," was before the grand jury. Court attaches said the jurors already had brokenI all county records for the duration' of a single session. SOUTH AMBOY, N.J., March 31. -(R)-Two plainclothesmen were as- signed tonight to guard the home of Gov. Harold G. Hoffman. It could not be learned whether they had been stationed there be- cause of any threats against the governor's family or simply as a pre- cautionary move. The governor was in Trenton to- night awaiting developments in the Bruno Richard Hauptmann case.{ Mrs. Hoffman was at home with Will Reorganize r 1 C t C t Yt. i -Associated Press Photo. DR. F. E. TOWNSEND Townsend Plan Tax Hearings Cause Changes Startling Disclosures Are Hinted After Complete Reorganization WASHINGTON, March 31.-(P)- The capital centered its attention to- day on an uproarious tax hearing and dissension in the ranks of Townsend- ites. ' Complete reorganization of the dis- sension-shaken high command of the Townsend Old Age Pension organiza- tion was announced today on the eve of resumption of a congressional in- vestigation of it. Disclosures of a "startling nature" at tomorrow's hearing were hinted by committee members after a closed meeting of ,the House investigating group. Members indicated they would go deeply into the circumstances of the reorganization. In a statement, Dr. F. E. Townsend, co-founder, announced appointment of Gomer Smith, of Oklahoma City, as vice president of the Old Age Re- volvihg Pension, Ltd., and Gilmour Young, of San Francisco, to succeed Robert E. Clements, who resigned as national secretary after differences with the elderly California doctor. "I am placing the management of the organization, not in charge of one man, but in the hands of a board of several trusted, proven leaders of Bruno Saved From Chair As Executioner Waits In Death Chamber Jury's Delay Plea Is Unprecedented News Of Reprieve Throws Wife Into Hysterics; Hauptmann Quiet TRENTON, N. J., March 31.- (/P) -Bruno Richard Hauptmann was saved dramatically from the electric chair again tonight - at least for 48 hours - even as the executioner wait- ed for him to enter the death cham- ber. The hour of death was at hand. Hauptmann had written a farewell letter to Gov. Harold G. Hoffman, pro- testing anew that he was innocent of the Lindbergh baby murder. Then the Mercer County (Tren- ton) grand jury took the perhaps un- precedented action of asking that his life be spared. Col. Mark O. Kimberling, prison authority, complied with the request of delaying the execution for 48 hours. He could, on his own authority, have postponed it until Saturday night, but not beyond that. The delay was announced by Col. Kimberling at 8:05 p.m. Hauptmann's execution had been set for 8 o'clock. The warden later said : "I am staying the execution at least 48 hours. It may be Thursday or Friday. I am making a further statement tomorrow." He added that "I made the state- ment and assume all responsibility." Executions in New Jersey are us- ually on Tuesdays or Fridays. The request was made, Allyne Free- man, foreman of the jury explained, because it was investigating the re- pudiated confession of the Lindbergh kidnap-slaying, made by a disbarred Trenton lawyer, Paul H. Wendel. Freeman said there were still some "interesting new angles in the case" worthy of inquiry. The Wendel "confession" and the circumstances which led Wendel to become a prisoner, charged with the murder of the Lindbergh baby, had earlier in the day been discredited by Supreme Court Justice Thomas W. Trenchard, Hauptmann trial jur- ist. In rejecting an application for a judicial stay of execution, he called the Wendel statement "incredible and out of harmony with the known facts in the case." Mrs. Anna Hauptmann, wife of the convicted Lindbergh baby killer, re- their three daughters, Lillie. Ada, Hope and ,i I , ; l' {: i : ; : i )I I Engineers Exposed To Sufficient Culture Training, Debate Shows Culture, often defined as an in- this they added the statement that, tangible product of all successful lib- contrary to popular opinion, the en- eral arts educational processes, need gineering student at present is far not be more emphasized in engineer- from lacking culture, that, indeed, he ing studies than at present, a debate surpasses the literary or other pre- last night in the Union between Sigma professional student in that respect. Rho Tau, engineers' speech society, As proof of this statement the re- and Adelphi, literary speech group, sults of a survey by the Carnegie tended to show. Foundation were summarized in Asserting that an extra year to be graphic form. In proposing some 3,- devoted to cultural studies should be 000 questions on all cultural fields added to the engineering curriculum, to students in 45 eastern colleges, it Adelphi was slightly out-argued by was found that the highest scoring the engineers, Prof. R. S. Hawley of groups were made up from future the mechanical engineering depart- engineers and journalists, ranking ment. the judge, decided. second and first respectively. Third Although the literary college mem- place fell to artists and musicians, bers began by conceding the import- while all other non-technical groups ance of engineers in modern life, and were placed lower in the list, the latter reciprocated by admitting In reply the Adelphi speakers point- culture to be a desirable trait, the ed out that culture really cannot be statements of the two sides quickly measured, which brought from their 'Michigan Law' Institute Hears Prof. MeCluskyg State Reform Methods Are Criticized By Professor In Education School "Criminals are made, not born," Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of the School of Education yesterday told officers gathered at the Michigan Law Enforcement Institute, in an ad- dress on "What Makes a Criminal," given at the morning meeting of the convention. In his speech Professor McClusky' lashed out at present methods of re- form in Michigan, claiming that they "do not reform at all." "Our research has shown the prob lem of crime is a youth problem," he continued. "Seventy-five per cent of the adult criminals can be traced back to a delinquent boyhood. As we know enough to spot criminals at their early age, we should attempt to solve the problem through keep- ing the young occupied." He maintained that with the prop- er procedure a boy with delinquent tendencies might be developed into a law-abiding, normal adult, and cited bad habits and bad environ- ment in boyhood as strong contribut- ig factors in juvenile delinquency. Under the head of environmental influence, he described what he called "high risk areas," in urban centers, where a lack of adequate recrea- tional facilities, gang influence, brok- en homes, and lack of contact with older persons in whom the youths have confidence speed the process of manufacturing hardened adult crim- inals from the boys in such surround- ings. "I have never known of an in- stance where a recreational center, established in an area breeding crime, recognized ability and loyalty to our ceived the news his life had been movement," Townsend said. spared with hysterical weeping. She He added he would present 90 per was at her hotel, waiting for the word cent of the profits of the Townsend that he was dead. National Weekly, which he and Clem- Hauptmann, his hair already shorn ents controlled, to the movement, and for the metal cap of the chair, his that national headquarters now in trouser leg already slit for the elec- Washington would be moved to Chi- trode, took the news quietly, his chief cago. A small office will be main- counsel, C. Lloyd Fisher, said. tained in Washington, he said, "to "He took it as he takes everything serve as a contact point with Con- -in stride," Fisher said. gress." "He told me, 'I am very happy. "The Townsend plan cannot be de- I think this means better things for feated," his statement said. "The me.'" present congressional kinvestigation Earlier he had written Governor lends itself to making more solid our Hoffman, who on Jan. 16 gave him a ranks and to creating within the 30-day reprieve : millions of our followers a greater "Pleas investigate because this case zeal for an early success." is not solvet. It only adds another With his new "truly democ'atic dead to the Lindbergh case." management," he added, "we will now In another sentence he directed proceed in every congressional dis- (Continued ou Page 6) trict to seek the election of a Congr'ess The reorganization followed a break Term e between Townsend and Representa- tive McGroarty (Dem., Calif.), his principal congressional supporter. 4-Month 'Armistice' Is AskedBy Hitler BERLIN, March 31-(1P)-Adolf Hitler has called for a four-month "Armistice" in the Rhineland crisis, during which peace pact negotiations would be carried on, a reliable source said tonight. This, with a three-man interna- tional commission to supervise the Rhineland on both the German and French-Belgian sides of the frontier, was said to be the principal feature U.S.Senate WASHINGTON, March 31. - (A') - A bitterly-worded attack upon Wil- liam Randolph Hearst-during which he was termed an advocate of Fascism and a publisher of stolen documents - was loosed in the Senate today, with Hearst soon afterward replying in court to allegations of the Senate lobby committee. Senator Schwellenbach (Dem., Wash.), a member of the lobby com- mittee, accused the publisher of run- ning his newspapers on a "sweatshop" basis and of a long record of "stealing