.. ... .................. . ..... . ...... . ..... . ..... .
as it now can be passed. By this time it is obvious
that the mere amendment will not completely repel
the makers of commodities and war. But to repeal
an amendment a Congressman must stand up and
speak. It would be a war speech he would have
to make and it might be effective. Granted that'
there has been enough public pressure to have
passed such an amendment, Congressmen will be
loath to scream against it.
General Butler's suggestion is not a complete
solution, but it is a step we can actually take now
against war. We could be patriotic, nationalistic,
American. We could be all of these and at the
same time sleep with all our limbs in our accus-
tomed beds at night.
. .
r ,.
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'i Want
To Be A-Lawn'..,
ACH YEAR, when the buds come
bursting through, The Daily runs its
editorial about anti-social people who depart from
the travelled ways of life and beat paths across the
campus lawns.
This year, what with the depression beaten,
floods receding, and new buildings for the Univer-
sity rising, we feel too generous to chide over small
things. (But we still think they're unforgiveable
99 Per Cent
Pure ...
WELL," Mr. Hitler is probably satis-
fied now.
He has "proved" to the world that the entire
German nation, concentration camps and all, love
their Reichsfuehrer deeply and approve whole-
heartedly of any action he takes.
Of course the ballots had only.a place to mark a,
check after "yes," and there was a penalty for notI
voting, and if a German left his ballot blank he
probably would suffer at the hands of the Storm
Troopers. But Mr. Hitler knows that the rest of
the world thinks the elections are perfectly lovely
and democratic.
So of course the Germans recorded how they
love their dictator. They would have loved him if.
he had told them he wanted them to approve a
conquest of Siberia or if he had asked them to
vote favorably on the question of eating sauerkraut
for breakfast. So, the matter of approving some-
thing the German people REALLY approved of
was nothing at all.
Mr. Hitler took as great a chance as a man who
bets that Christmas will arrive on Dec. 25. A real
sportsman; Herr Adolf.
But now everything is rosy again, and when un-
understanding Americans, who are so foolish as to
believe in democracy, cast aspersions at the Nazis,
Mr. Hitler can say: "Dictatorship? Didn't all the
Germans vote for me in the elections? I guess I'm
popular, I am."
Th, Butler
TIof us seems to know what we can
do about keeping ourselves out of one. If a plan is
adequate, it is too complicated for the people to
understand and if it is simple, it appears too much
so to be useful.
General Butler has said that the Army and the
Navy have not one military plan which is defensive.
He holds, and he should know, that every single
move the military makes is offensive. He says,
and we are inclined to believe, that the armed
forces of the country are making for war rather
than peace.
In its truth the statement may be novel to some
and to most it is frightening. But the general
does not intend to frighten us alone. From him
has come a wise if vehement demand.
"If you want to stay out 1f war you can. All you
have to do is pass an amendment to the constitu-
tion making it a crime for any man with a gun
on his shoulder to go beyond the continental bor-
ders of the United States. We can't fight if we
don't leave home."
The plan is simple and it is sorely needed. Of
course the super patriots will rail against it but
that would be fine. It would incriminate them.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of conmunicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial imoortance
end interest to the camnpus.
Health Service
To the Editor:
Two years ago I had my eyes examined by a
competent oculist to change the lenses in my
glasses. Aside from the time spent in having the
drops take effect, I spent more than a half hour
in an actual examination to determine just what
lenses were correct for my eyes.
A short time ago I went to the Health Service
to have the lenses changed again. After the time
had been allowed for the drops to take action, the
specialist in this office began his examination. Two
different trial lenses were placed before one eye
and one before the other and the prescription was
filled. No more than three minutes were spent
in the examination.
Is it possible that with three trial lenses and
three minutes of time, a thorough examination of
the needs of one's eyes can be made? I realize
that one cannot expect too muchdfor nothing.
Nevertheless, the Health Service makes a claim
for examining eyes and fitting students eyes for the
close work demanded of them. Does it pretend to
fulfill this task in such a short amount of time?
If it is impossible for the University to afford a
more thorough and complete examination, why
does it make a pretense of supplying students with
the proper glasses? -J.W.P.
Editor's Note: The following statement
was obtained from the Health Service in
answer to the above letter:
"Our ophthalmologist finds that for some
students the recheck on lenses previously well
fitted is so easily done that only a few minutes
of his time are required. Others require much
time and repeated tests, depending upon the
general condition of the eyes. We appreciate
the viewpoint of some students in such sit-
uations. It is an example of the conflict be-
tween most efficient methods of medical prac-
tice and those which will please all patients.
We like having such questions raised with us
at once when there is doubt in any student's
mind. The fact that the service is supplied
without specific charge should not be accepted
as a reason for accepting unsatisfactory serv-
ice. Health service attention will compare fa-
vorably on the basis of indicated thoroughness
with that obtainable anwhere."
Our Rich Heritage
To the Editor:
The continued daily reports of the damage of
the devastating floods brings to mind how valiantly
the men of vision fought to save the forests in the
early days of the movement back in 1907 when
Gifford Pinchot was Chief of the U. S. Forest Serv-
ice and Theodore Roosevelt was our President. The
fight was on between the vested interests who
would grab the timberlands of the West, getting
many a John Doe to sign up and then turn over
his property to one central lumber company, and
those who would protect the welfare of the Nation
as a whole. Big business was not interested in the
denuded mountain sides and the resulting floods,
and the fact that tons upon tons of rich topsoil
were washed away by the Mississippi and its trib-
utaries season after season with the melting of
the winter snows.
Well do I recall that when our bill was up before
Congress I would remain at my desk during a noon
hour to answer a possible 'phone call for informa-
tion. Many a clerk loyally worked overtime pre-
paring needed data. We were all in the fight,
knowing the cause was just.
Could all of the vast emergency appropriations
that have gone to aid the flood sufferers of the
Mississippi valley from that time down to the
present, or an equal amount, have been used for
wise flood prevention, the appalling disaster in this
year of our Lord, 1936, could not have come to pass.
To what purpose are the lessons of other nations
when we fail to take heed? China's problem is
perhaps best known. It has vast stretches of de-
nuded mountain sides, formerly covered with for-
ests, which are today a constant flood menace tak-
ing heavy annual toll of life and property. And we,
the richest nation on earth, in the face of such
inevitable results, permit conditions in our country
to grow worse and worse from year to year.
With special interests increnched as they are, is
it possible so to legislate as to protect the inter-
ests of the whole people? Are we living in a
democracy or is it such in name only? Must our
rich heritage of rocks and rills, of woods and tem-
pled hills be sacrificed to floods and dust storms?
We the people of these United States must be alert
and up and doing. Since science to date has not
discovered any method whereby soil can be fas-
tened to the steep mountain sides once the surface
has been washed clean, there is no pound of cure
after the damage is done. It would seem that some
of the huge sums on their way to such new and
untried projects as the Florida ship canal, for
instance, might better be used for the well-known
thoroughly authenticated project of flood control.
e Conning Towe
Saturday, March 21
BETIMES UP and to the country early, and
my wife said to me in Saugatuck, "Look,
there is the Governor," and I said, no, that
could not be, forasmuch as the Governor must
needs be in Hartford, where there is such great
devastation. So she said that she would wager
me a pound that it was, and I said that I would
bet her two to one that it was not; and she
said, "Well, I will wager you that it was his
car," and I said "Done and done!" So 'I felt
that there were three pounds that I would not
have to pay her, and two that she would owe me.
So home for luncheon, and thenafter fell asleep,
and in the evening I read until nine o'clock,
and so to bed.
Sunday, March 22
UP EARLY, and at work on the attempt to
write some verses, without the success that
I tried for; and so in the afternoon to the train,
which I had to wait for one hour, owing to the
flood in Hartford; and so to Stamford, and G.
Root and his daughter Anne met us there and so
to Bronxville, and had a merry time there at
his house; and to Dot Lewis's for supper, and
I sate beside a young woman from Vassar Col-
ledge, Miss Banning, and she told me that she
lived in Duluth, and I asked her whether she
were kith to Margaret Culkin Banning of that
city; and she said that she was, and that
Margaret was her mother, and that there she
was, across the table, so after supper I made
an excuse to speak with her, and so did so most
of the evening, and she to me, and for my part,
mighty pleasant it was, too. So after all had
left I to bed in Bronxville, and slept mighty -well.
Monday, March 23
UP, BUT NOT very early, and Dorothy and I
by motor-carre to the office, and so hard
at work all day, and read about the six-year
naval treaty of Great Britain, France, and the
United States; and one was that the maximum
of capital ships is to be 25,000 tons; and that
caused me to look up things about Sam'l Pepys
and the British Navy; and when he first was
associated with the Admiralty the battle-line
was thirty ships, and the total tonnage was
about 25,000; and when he left office twenty-
eight years later, the total was fifty-nine ships
of 66,000 tons. Lord! Mr. Pepys is best known
for his Diary, and Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes
for his poems and breakfast-table essays, but
it is the British Navy that is Pepy's monument.
as it is obstetrics, especially in the reduction of
maternal mortality, that is Dr. Holmes's. Though
there are many who still think that his immor-
tality rests upon the fame of his son that was
Mr. Justice Holmes. So at this and that all
day, and on the train heard some men discus-
sing the allegiance of Dr. Townsend to Senator
Borah, and I wonder how Mr. Borah likes that
fealty. But I think that it will do him no good.
Mr. Borah I heard last night over the wireless,
but it seemed to me that if I had not known
who was speaking I could not have told, save
that it was not the President, for say what you
will about him, but not I pray, you to me,
save it be short, he speaks the speech trippingly
on the tongue. So home, and to supper, and
early to bed.
Tuesday, March 24
U P VERY EARLY, and to the station, and met
there Mike Williams the pamphleteer, and
I upbraided him for being a neighbour of mine,
thought he dwells a ten-mile span from me, for
not coming to visit me; and he tells me many
things, but I forgote to ask him why I no longer
get The Commonweal. So rode on the train
with Florence Clisbee, and we solved the cross-
word puzzle in a few minutes, but she is more
adroit and patient than I, forasmuch as her first
duty is to solve the cryptograms appearing on
the penultimate page of the Herald Tribune. So
to the office, and all day there, at many duties,
and hearing that because of Mussolini's nation-
alization of Italy's industries, stocks in Italyhad
decreased in value. And I wonder whether
there would be a learned financial article, called
"The Decline and Fall of the Roman Stock
Market." So in the afternoon about the town
on literary business, and so to dinner and then-
after with my wife to see Rob Shrewood's
"Idiot's Delight," which I not only enjoyed bet-
ter than any of his other plays, but felt that
it was good, and would do more for the cause
of peace and against the cause of war than
plays written and played in the blinding heat
of propaganda, and Mr. Lunt and Miss Fon-
tanne so good that it seemed that nobody could
be any better, and that is how it seemed to me
about them all, from Miss Jacqueline Page and
Mr. Richard Whorf, who is the most versatile
actor ever I saw, to Mr. Bretagne Windust and
Mr. Sydney Greenstreet. My only fear about
the import of the play is that most of the talk
about it will be about Mr. Lunt's song-and-dance
act instead of the poignant import of the play;
yet perhaps that is just as well, for when people
think there is a lesson or a moral in the play-
house they fear to go. Lord! I think this Sher-
wood is a passionate, bitter fellow! So to a
party at Alice Guinzburg's and had a pleasant
time talking to Mrs. Lord, and so home at two
in the morning.
Wednesday, March 25
LAY LONG, and so to the office hard at work.
and read that yesternight Gerald Brooks
had died; which saddened me beyond the tell-
ing of it. So home and to bed early.
Thursday, March 26
E ARLY UP, and by train to the o lice, and
Aread of the death of Paul McCullough, and
how the stories of it said that he and Bobby
Clark had appeared in London in 1922, and
then, the same year, in "The Music Box Revue!"
Which all is true; but I well recall how Neysa
and I went to the Columbia Burlesque Theater,
on Broadway and 49th Street, in 1919, to see,
The Ann Arbor Dramatic Season
enters its seventh year this spring
when for five weeks. from May 18
thicugh June 20. the leading plays
and players of the New York stage
hold court in the Lydia Mendelssohn
The sven years have brought Ann
Arbor a gala crowd of actors, the
cream of the professional theatre. In
these seven years, Ann Arbor audi-
ences have become the most the-
atrically sophisticated outside of New
York itself. The plays in past Dra-
matic Seasons have ranged from
Greek tragedy to Nel Coward. The
list includes the Electra and the An-
tigone of Sophocles; and at the other
end of the scale, Pivate Lives and
Design for Living while they were still
running on Broadway, with Ann Arbor
the first city outside of New York
to see them.
There has been Twelfth Night with
a cast which included Jane Cowl, Tom
Powers, Walter Kingsford, Rollo Pe-
ters, Robert Loraine, Joyce Carey.
Lewis Martin and Anthony Kembe-
Cooper. There has been a long-for-
gotten but brilliant performance of
Strindberg's The Father in the first;
Dramatic Season; there was Violet
Kemble-Cooper's fantastic perform-
ance in Paul Osborne's The Vinegar
Tree, and Patricia Collinge's exquisite
performance of Candida.
Surely no one will forget Eugenie
Leontovich's radiant interpretation of
Mistress Pepys in And S To Bed;
or Walter Slezak and Olive Olsen in
Meet My Sister; or Geoffrey Kerr in
The Animal Kingdom; or Edmund
Gwenn and Melville Cooper in Labur-
num Grove.
Last spring there was the electric
opening night of The Ugly Runts at its
world premiere. Unforgettable, too,
was the opening of Ghosts with Nazi-,
mova and Romney Brent and Mac-
Kay Morris in performances that have
made theatrical history. It is a mat-
ter of considerable pride that Ann
Arbor first saw this production which
was hailed in New York unanimously
as the triumph of the season. "Great,"
and "superb" were words that Brooks
Atkinson and other critics used un-
sparingly of this production which
had its inception at Ann Arbor, and
was a duplicate of the Ann Arbor
performance. Ghosts, more than any
other single achievement, has lifted
the An Arbor season to national at-
tention and importance.
+ ART__
Of interest to Ann Arbor art pa-
trons is the Second Annual Exhibi-
tion of pictures created by the chil-
dren of the Detroit School for the
Deaf which opened yesterday at the
Gordon Beer Art Galleries, 38 E.
Adams, Detroit.
The children range in age from
6 to 18 years. Their work is a com-
plete vindication of the efforts of
those who have devoted their lives to
the training of children unable to
hear. Through the medium of color
and form they who are denied the
normal channels of experience find a
new medium of self expression. The
range of their subjects is interest-
ing: there are hockey games, air-
planes, landscapes. Their drawings
are vital and alive.
During the last year's Exhibition,
28 pictures were sold. All proceeds
from the sale of the pictures are
given to the school to further the
children's art work and topi'ovide
The Exhibition will close Saturday,
April 4.
A1 Metr'o -uidwyn-Mayc'r Picture sar-
ring Robert Montgomery and Myrna
Loy, with Reginald Owen, some Eski-
mnos and others.
"Petticoat Fever" is one of the best
light comedies of the new year, and
beyond that there is little to be said
about it. If Conrad Nagel and Laura
LaPlante, for example, had been cast
in the Loy-Montgomery parts, things
would not have gone so conventionally
and smoothly, and there would be
more opportunity for comment.
Reginald Owen is one of Holly-
wood's best performers, and the Es-
kimos more than hold their own.
It's a very pleasant show.
Hollywood has come through with
a new idea which gives the audience
a chance to participate in the pic-
ture. A ough it is dignified with the
name o 'Audioscopiks," one simply
holds some color'ed cellophane (or
whatever it is) up in front of his eyes,
and it looks like a baseball is going to
hit him in the face, and other star-
tling things are going to happen.
'Audioscopiks" is are a good idea.
rfo Spbeak Saturday
Dean Thomas W. Graham of the
graduate school of theology at Ober-
lin College will be the guest speakerl
Publication In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Oaiversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
unt2 3:30; 21:00 a.m. on Saturday.
VOL. XLVI No. 128
Students of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts: A meeting
will be held on Tuesday, March 31, at
4:15 p.m., in Room 1025, Angell Hall,
for students in the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts and others
interested in future work in Business
Administration. The meeting, one of
the vocational series designed to give
information concerning the nature
and preparation of the various pro-
fessions, will be addressed by Profes-
sor R. G. Rodkey of the School of
Business Administration. The next
proessional talk, to be given by Dean
H. C. Sadler of the College of Engi-
neering, will be given on Thursday,
Apil 2.f
Seniors, College of Engineering:
Class dues must be paid promptly.
Failure to do so will result in the de-
nial of the following privileges:
1. Attendance at the Senior Ball.
2. Rental of cap and gown through
the Cap and Gown Committee.
3. Name included in special com-
mencemnnt program; also right to
purchase special program.
4. Picture included in class pic-
ture to be hung in hall of W. English
Howard J. Jackson, Class Treas.
Biological Station: Application for
admission for the coming Summer
Session should be in my hands be-
fore April 15 when all applications
will be considered. Announcements
of courses offered can be obtained
at the Office of the Summer Session
or from the Director. Applications
should be made on application blanks
which can be secured at my office,
Room 1119 or at Room 3089, Natural
Science Building.-
George R. LaRue, Director.
Phi Beta Kappa: The local chapter
of Phi Beta Kappa is anxious to have
on its lists the names and addresses
of members of the organization who
have recently moved to Ann Arbor.
The names may be sent to the Sec-
retary's office, 3233 Angell Hall, by
U. S. Mail or by 'Campus Mail.
Any members who have not been
receiving the notices of the Annual
Banquet and desire to have them are
asked to inform the Secretary.
Orma F. Butler, Secretary.
Senior Aeronautical Engineering
Students: All seniors are requested to
make out personnel records as per the
form posted on the Areonautical En-
gineering Department Bulletin'Board.
These records are necessary in order
to help graduates secure employment.
Chinese Students in Aeronautical
Engineering: There are two notices
posted on the Aeronautical Engineer-
ing Bulletin Board which may be of
interest to Chinese students in that
field. They are concerned with open-
ings for Aeronautical Engineers in
Attention to all concerned: A call
will be made shortly after Spring Va-
cation for all Librettos, books, manu-
scripts, and plots for next year's
Union Opera. An opera, to be pro-
duced, must be written by a student.
Mimes, honorary dramatic society
and sponsors of the Opera, have of-
fered a prize to the winning manu-
script. Students are urged to try
their hand at writing a play so that
this traditional Michigan institution
will not pass out of existence.
Academic Notices
Students of Mathematics: A com-
prchensive examination in Mathe-
matics for students who are this se-
mester entering upon concentration
in this subject will be held in Room
3011 A.H. on Tuesday, April 7, 4-6
J. W. Bradshaw.
Economics 173: Examination Wed-
nesday, April 1, 8 a.m., in Room C,
Haven Hall.
Graduation Recital: Margaret Jane
Kimball will appear in a piano re-
cital in partial fulfillment for the de-
gree of Master of Music, in the School
of Music Auditorium on Maynard
Street, Tuesday, March 31, at 8:15
p.m., to which the general public,
with the exception of small children,
is invited, at which time she will play
the following program:
Antiche Danze ed Arie .. .Respighi
Gagliarda (Galilei, 155)
Italiana (Ignote, XVI)
Sicilian~a (Ignote, XVI)
Passacaglia (Roncalli, 1692)
Sonata in A flat major, Op. 110,.
Moderato cantabile molto espres-'
Allegro molto
Adagio ma non troppo
Fuga: Allegro ma non troppo
Prelude, Chorale and Fugue ..Franck
Miroirs ...................... Ravel
Oiseaux tristes
Une barque sur l'Ocean
evening, March 31, will be in sections
as follows: Sopranos and altos at the
School of Music auditorium; tenors
and basses at the School'of Music An-
nex (above Ann Arbor Press).
The Adelphi House of Representa-
tives will meet in the Sigma Rho Tau
Room in the Michigan Union at 7:30
p.m., after which time there will be
an inter-society debate on the sub-
ject. "Resovled: that the Engineering
College should extend its curriculum
to five years, to include more cultural
subjects." All members and others
interested, are urged to attend.
Tuesday afternoon Play Reading
Section of the Faculty Women's Club
will meet Tuesday, March 31, 2:15
p.m., in the Alumnae Room of the
Michigan League.
A.I.Ch.E. meets at 7:30 p.m. in
Room 1042. Mr. Howard Grant, presi-
dent of the Swenson Evaporator Co.,
will speak on "The Development of
the Black Liquor Evaporator." Re-
Members of Delta Omega are in-
vited to an informal dinner tonight,
Tuesday, at 6:30, at the Michigan
Union. The guest speaker is to be
Dr. Erna Von Abendroth of Germany,
who is traveling in the United- States
under the Carl Schurz fund. She will
discuss "The Development of Social
Welfare and Public Health in Ger-
many." Members are urged to at-
tend and bring members of the fam-
ily and friends. Reservations should
be telephoned to the Union before
noon today.
Hiawatha Club: There will be a
meeting of all members and proposed
members of this organization Tues-
day evening, March 31, at 8 p.m. in
the Michigan Union. A speaker has
been secured and a program ar-
ranged. All members are urged to bq
Hillel Foundation: Important meet-
ing of full Hillel Council on Tuesday
at 5 p.m. at the Foundation. All
members pleace attend.
Christian S e i e n c e Organization:
There will be a meeting of this or-
ganization tonight at 8 o'clock in the
Chapel League Building. Students,
alumni, and faculty members are cor-
dially invited to attend.
Alpha Kappa Delta meeting Tues-
day, March 31 at 5 p.m. Room D, Ha-
ven Hall. Election of pew members
will be held at this time.
Coming Events
Phi Beta Kappa: The annual meet-
ing for the election of officers and
new members and the transaction of
routine business of the Chapter will
be held on Thursday, April 2, 4:15
p.m., Room 2203 Angell Hall. All
members are urged to be present.
Art Section of the Faculty Women's
Club will have a business meeting at
the Michigan League on Wednesday,
April 1, 2:00 p.m. All members of
the different groups are urged to at-
Chemistry Colloquium will Acet
Wednesday, April 1, 4:15 p.m., Room
303 Chemistry Building. Mr. G. M.
Kosolapoff will speak on "Quinonoi-
dation of Acridyl Chlorides."
Faculty-Alumni Dance: The last
dance of the series will be held on
Wednesday, April 1, at 9:30 p.m., in
the Michigan Union ballroom.
Engineers: The A.S.M.E. is spon-
soring a combined meeting of the
A.I.E.E., AI.Ch.E., A.S.C.E., and both
groups of the A.S.M.E. on Wednesday
evening at 7:30 p.m at the Michigan
Union Mr. Herman H. Lind, general
manager of the National Machine
Tool Builders' Association, will speak
on "Mechanization in Industry" from
a rather broad angle. Mr. Lind is
highly interested in seeing that the
techanically trained young man "gets
a break" in industry and has given a
series of radio talks pertaining to
this subject. This is an open meet-
ing for all engineers.
Roger Williams Guild: Tickets are
still available for the Thirtieth An-
nual banquet of the Roger Williams
Guild to be held at the Michigan
League on Friday, April 3, at 6:15.
Dean Thomas W. Graham of Oberlin
College will speak on "The Prisoner
Speaks." Call 7332 for reserations
by Wednesday noon.
Phi Tau Alpha societas honorifica
Latina Graecaque ante diem quartum
Nonas Apriles (April 2) hora usitata
in Hospitium Mulierum Michiganen-
sium coveniet. Disputatio de auctori-
bus litterarum humaniorum scripta-
rum per instaurationem magnam erit.
Omnes Adeste!
The Transportation Club will visit
the Ford Plant Friday, April 3. Will
leave the East Engineering Building
at 1:20 p.m. If going, please leave