111 r VII IAIN jIjALY TFUESDAY, MUCH 31, 19; LATE WIRE NE WS (With the inauguration of Associated Press teletype service in The Daily, Late Wire News will again become a regular feature appearing each day in this space). .Karpis Escapes G-Men In Arkansas Raid HOT SPRINGS, Ark., March 30.-- (A') - Police Chief Joe Wa- kelin said tonight that Arkansas state police, postoffice inspectors and Department of Justice men were seeking Alvin Karpis, pub- lie enemy No. 1, and a companion he described as Harold Johnson in an unsuccessful raid on a sum- mer cottage near here early today. Wakelin agreed to discuss the case after he was informed that Wint Smith, chief of the Kansas state police, had been quoted in an official statement as saying the raid failed to apprehend Kar- pis, wanted for the $200,000 Bre- mer kidnaping at St. Paul in'1934. Woman On Trial For Welfare 'Chiseling' FLINT, March 30.-- (A) -Mrs. Hester Burnell went on trial in Circuit Court today, charged with obtaining welfare relief under false pretenses. The state charges that she continued to accept re- lief after receiving $2,000 insur- anee following the death of her husband last April. Railway Bridge Swept Away By Ice In M ississippi River .... -. . . . .s .; . s... .. , .. ., .. "+ ' : ~ . . .. . .. . . .. . .. .::" " .-Jy}- . .. . . . rr . . .. . .. . .. . V . . ..:::.. .. . .. : ....r... {. ",..... .Sv ......... .... : r {. 'K' . r{ ... f ..;,t::::' :::::.:::.'::; Y. .."A w .::. " :::^::.........:'.:..:*.:::, ..':.,,............ .Y t-. x. a 1NM -Associated Press Photo. Ice floes in the Mississippi River Fwept away a majer portion of the Milwaukee Railroad's pontoon bridge at Read's Landing, Minn., carrying it 600 feet downstream before ldging it against the shore. The bridge, almost 400 feet long, is used by a branch line of the railway. Denial OfPlea Removes Hopes For Hauptmanii Governor Ald Pardons Board Refuse Appeal For Reprieve !Continued from Pge 1 chances of seeing her husband again eemed slight, grew hysterical when the news reached her. Throwing her- self on the bed in her hotel room she sobbed: "There must be some way out. There must be!" She had visited him only a few hours before and had left the death house expressing confidence that "his innocene will save hinm." "He did not say goodbye to mc," she said then, "he said 'auf wieder- sehen' Cuntil we meet again')." Mrs. Hauptmann will not be per- mtted to see her husband on his last day, which he will spend with a 7spiritual adviser, the Rev. John Mat- thiesen. He has not seen their two year old son, Manfred, since he was ar- rested in September, 1934, as the Lindberh kidnaper, a charge he al- ways has denied. Fisher. who contended that "new evidence" warranted a reprieve, dis- cussed the Pardons Court decision in vigorcus language at first but then withdrew his remarks. Attorney General David T. Wilentz, chief of the prosecution staff at Hatuptmann's trial in Felmington more than a year ago, likewise said he had no comment. During the Court of Pardons ses- sion, held in executive session and marked by the collapse of Prosecutor Anthony M. Hauck, Jr., it was known that the disputed kidnap ladder played an important part in Governor Hoffman's plea for Hauptmann. Hcffman, who has declared the prisoner's trial "reeked with unfair- ness, passion and prejudice," per- sonally inspected the floor boards in the attic of Hauptmann's Bronx home which allegedly matched one of those used in making the ladder. The court listened to arguments by counsel for four hours and 32 mi- utes, taking luncheon in the hearing room. Hauck was temporarily over- come by excitement and strain, but was able to return to the chamber after a brief rest. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified kdvertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at five )clock previous to day of insertion. Iox numbers may be secured at no ' xtra charve. Cash in advance Ile per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. Minimum 3 lines per In- sert ion. releplone rate - 15c per reading line for two or more insertions. Minimum tbhree lines per insertion. 10";, discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. 1 y contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one month ......................8c 4 lines E.Q.D., 2 months.....8c j 2 lines daily, college year ......7c 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months...... ,..8c 100 lii~es used as desired .. ..9 ,300 lines used as desired ........8 1.000 lines used as desired.......7 2.000 lines used as desired .......c. The above rates are per reading line based on eight reading lines per inch. Conic type, upper and lower case. Add 5c per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Ad - l0c per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 71, point type. LST AND FOUND LOST: A brown leather wallet con- taining papers valuable only to owner. Reward. Call 3687. 415 REWARD for return of Sigma Nu fra- ternity pin lost between Ann Arbor High School and Geddes Heights, initials R.W.H. Call 2-2551. 416 LOST: Black Cocker Spaniel. Sturd- ily built, white forepaws. Reward offered, 501 Onondaga St. 6890. 412 LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 1x fladjo Ilaii Forces Books To Repflace NOTICES NOTICE : The College Shoe Repair Shtophas moved from 426 Thomp- son St. to 440-S. State. Their new phone is 3400. 414 TWO fast gas-electric round trips mornings daily except Sunday be- tween Detroit and Ann Arbor via Michigan Central. 16x ONE THIRD OFF on all fur work. E. L. Greenbaum, 448 Spring Street. Phone 9625. 14x STATIONERY: Printed with youi name and address. 100 sheets, 100 envelopes. $1.00. Many styles. Craft Press, 305 Maynard. 9x MAC'S TAXI-4289. Try our effi- cient service. All new cabs. 3x EYES examined, best glasses made at lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M. graduate, 44 years practice. 549 Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair and refinish furniture. Phone 8105. A. A. Stuhlman. 15x SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES: We'll buy old and new suits ard over- coats for $3 to $20. Also hirhest prices for saxophones and typewrit- ers. Don't sell before you see Sam. Phone for appointments. 2-3640. lox J. 1. Wye r T() Talk James 1. Wyer, director of the New York State Library and formerly head of the New Yor-k State Library School will deliver three lectures here on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, of this week. The set of talks is spon- soi ed by the University library science department, Mr. Wyer being the Cla ssified Direotory] ower From The Huron River' Discussed By Horace W. King Chinese Steamship Sinking Near Indo-China HONKONG, March 31-(Tues- day)-V(P)-The steamship Pei An radioed today itswas sinking near Eakhlong Island in the Gulf of Tongking off the French Indo- China coast. The nearest vessel was a Brit- ish warship at Hongkong, 400 miles away, which would be un-. able to reach the Pei An before tomorrow (Wednesday) morn- ing, reports here indicated. U. S. Bureau Of Mines Building Hit By Fire / PITTSBURGH, March 30.-(P) -Fire destroyed a storage build- ing at the rear of the United States Bureau of Mines tonight, causing a series of explosions of poisonous gases and chemicals. Officials said no one was be- lieved to be in the building but firemen reported it burned so fast they could not be sure. They planned to search the ruins when they cooled. The Bureau of Mines kept sup- plies of chlorine and hydrogen sulphide and other chemicals used in its experiments in the storage place. Describes Plants Of Ford Motor Co. And Detroit Edison System By PROF. HORACE W. KING (This is the second of a series of ar- ticles on the Huron River valley. writ- ten by members of the University fac- ulty for a guide booklet to the Huron River.aOther articles will appear at a later date.) The first water power plant of im- portance on the Huron is at Barton about a mile above Ann Arbor. Be- tween the Barton Pond and Lake Erie there is a total fall of about 225 feet, and of this, 155 feet is being used in eight hydro-electric power stations. Six of these stations are operated by the Detroit Edison Company, and two by the Ford Motor Company. The total capacity of the Edison plants is about 8500 kilowatts and the Ford plants, 3000 kilowatts. The flow of the Huron River is most variable. There have been dis- charge records taken in the vicinity of Ann Arbor for nearly 30 years, the average for the period being about 400 cubic feet per second. The maxi- mum recorded flow, which occurred during the spring of 1918, was ap- proximately 8,000 cubic feet per sec- ond and the ordinary minimum flow which occurs during the dry summer months is less than 100 cubic feet per second. The ratio of maximum to minimum is therefore approximately 100 to 1. Since the power output of a stream is dependent upon the supply of water, it can be seen that the power generated on the river is highly variable. The plants general- ly have capacities to take care of flows of 500 to 1000 cubic feet per second, the tendency being to provide for greater use of water in the newer plants. It is thus necessary to waste considerable surplus water during the higher stages of the river, and dur- ing the lower stages there is not nearly enough water to operate the full capacity of the plants. During the dry months water is al- lowed to collect in the ponds in the early portion of the day, and is used in the afternoon when the demand for power is greatest. Usually the plants upstream use the water first, and then successively those next be- low, until the water has passed through all of the turbines. It is only during a very small part of the year when discharge is at a maximum that the plants can operate at anything like full capacity. During the re- S.C.A. Subject To Be Student Personalities Personality adjustments on the campus will be the topic of discus- sion at the second general meeting of the Student Christian Association at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Lane Hall, ac- cording to announcement made yes- terday by Richard S. Clark, secretary. Several members of the mental hy- giene department of the University Hospital are expected to be present as guests. No formal speeches are scheduled for the meeting. Patricia Woodward, chairman of the assemb- ly, said, but a round table discussion will be the order of the occasion. Analysis of the adjustment prob- lem will come under scrutiny, along with "what should student organi- zations do in regard to the prob- lem?" Student apathy, "spreading thin," and the question of getting at the unadjusted student will be considered. This meeting, to which all students interested in the subject or in the mainder of the year a large part of the capacity must remain idle. The water power developed by the Detroit Edison Company is intercon- nected with their steam plants at De- troit and Port Huron. The water power plants are useful in regulating local voltage; but improvements in the efficiency of steam power produc- tionshas been so great during recent year-s that it is impossible for snal water power development to produce power as cheaply as it can be gen- erated in the best steam plants. Water power does, however, add flexibility to a combined system and aids in taking care of peak loads. These advantages often make it desirable to have a cer- tain amount of water power connect- ed to steam plants. Interconnected with the Detroit Edison system are the plants of the Ford Motor Company, the Consum- ers Power Company, and the steam power plant of the University of Mich- igan. There is continually going on an iterchange of power between these various systems. Of the total power consumed by Ann Arbor during 1925 only 20 per cent was supplied by the Argo and Barton Dams, the two plants nearest the city. The demand load at Ann Arbor is about 8,000 kilowatts, three times the maximum capacity of these two plants. It is thus seen how de- pendent this community is on the Detroit steam plants and how- rela- tively unimportant the water power of the Huron River really is. Thefts Of $100 Reported By 4 Chapters Here Four fraternity houses located at the outer end of Washtenaw Avenue yesterday reported to police the theft of about $100 total in cash, making a total of six houses enteed in the past week, all but one of them on Wash- tenaw. The houses entered were Phi Sig- ma Delta, 1811 Washtenaw, where between $50 and $75 was taken; Tri- gon, 1617 Washtenaw, where about $20 was taken; and Sigma Phi Epsilon, 1805 Washtenaw, and Zeta Beta Tau, 2006 Washtenaw, both re- porting thefts of about $10. A valuable wrist watch was re- ported taken from Zeta Beta Tan, while a Trigon member reported the loss of a white silk scarf. Last week theives obtained about $150 in cash from two houses, Theta Chi and Alpha Tau Omega, in the same night. The police department wa-ned fa- ternitics that only locked doors would stop the fraternity house raid- ers. The two scout cars patrolling the city at night cannot spend all their time in the fraternity district, and once the thieves have departed with cash and jewelry, only a com- plete absence of clues remains to confront investigating officers. RellC "Std By [4 Iui A request was issued yesterday for libretto manuscripts for the Union opera to be presented next fall. All manuscripts must be in before the close of the present semester in order to provide ample time for the preparation of the score and other details, it was explained. Therefore, announcement is being made at this time to offer those wishing to submit mianuscripts sufficient time to write them. All those interested in writing man- uscripts or those with ideas upon the subject are requested to meet with Press Group's Leaders Meet Here May 7-9 Bru111111 Aninounces UHeads Of Session Groups And Topics IFor Discussion Presiding officers of sessions and leaders of roundtable discussions for the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association convention which meets here May 7, 8 and 9, were announced yesterday by Prof. John L. Brumm of the department of journalism, spon- sor of the meeting. The opening meeting Thursday cvening, May 7, will be presided over by Professor Brumm who will also pr eside at the Friday evening dinner and the closing luncheon, Saturday. P1rof. Wesley H. Maurer of the de- partment of journalism will preside at the Friday and Saturday morning sessions, and Donald Haines of the journalism department will lead the Friday afternoon session. Professor Brumm will lead the roundtable discussion on editorials, Professor Maurer on typography, and Mr. Haines on "Creative Writing for High School Publications." Kermit Eby and A. Walters of Ann Arbor High School will lead discussions entitled respectively "Reading the Newspaper Intelligently" and "The Staff as the Printer Sees It." H. C. L. Jackson of the Detroit News will con- duct a roundtable discussion on "Col- umns." Several other discussions have been scheduled for the meeting. BRUMM NAMED HISTORIAN Prof. John L. Brumm, chairman of the department of journalism, was recently elected national historian of Kappa Tau Alpha, national honorary journalism fraternity, by the Na- tional Council of the fraternity. second speaker offered in this series. ,Swing, OfiMasters J. Christian Bay, director of the John %_Crerar Library, gave the first set of No longer will the boys at 1218 lectures. South University listen to Wayne Mr. Wyer will give the three illus- King, Guy Lombardo, Amos n' Andy, trated talks on "The Presidents of the Ray Noble or Phil Baker - at least if American Library Association in the their programs come after 8 p.m. at Nineteenth Century." On Thursday night, per an injunction issued by and Friday they will be given at 4 the landlady and Dean Freddy B. p.m., and on Saturday at 10 a.m. Wahr, plaintiff and judge. The order arose out of the fact ROSE CITY FIRE LOSS $40,000 that once in a while the boys got to- ROSE CITY, March 30. - (R) - A gether in one of the rooms in their fire, which destroyed two buildings modern dwelling to settle the affairs of the Rose City Elevator Company at of the world, and, incidentally, to s listen to a radio, a loss estimated at $40,000 was ex- Judges Inadvertently Slip In Spelling Bee CHICAGO, March 28.--(P)-"In- advertently," the children in Cook County's annual school spelling con- test turned the tables on their judges today. For it developed that the children had that word correctly while the judges-ah, er-let a typographical error slip through. The judges realized something must be wrong when the star speller and contest winner, Mary Bortoff, joined others in "misspelling" the word. So they took another look at the typed list they used to mark the cor- rections from. Sure enough, it had it "inadvertantly." Outcome of the inevitable between defendants, landlady and Judge Wahr: 1. Boys could not listen or play their radios after 8 p.m. 2. Said uproarious conduct of the boys, was censured and promise was extracted never to follow said course of action again. One of the boys, in an interview yesterday, said he could hardly ap- preciate the "paternalism" of his landlady and solemnly lamented the fact that no more would he hear Benny Goodman and his orchestra. N H tinguished today after volunteers had battled the blaze since Sunday night to keep it from spreacung to adjoining homes and buildings. I "Two years is a tong time be- tween kisses!" "We'll make up for lost time.. now I" x X, Six Broadway Hits To Show Here In Spring (Continued from Page 1) with Miss Windwood in her original role of Liz, will follow the production of "Hamlet," Margola Gillmore, noted Theatre Guild Star, will play the younger sister in "The Distaff Side." Miss Gillmore, the daughter of Frank Gillmore, president of the Actors' Equity Association, has scored a suc- cess recently as the youngest sister in "The Barretts of Wimpole Street," and "Flowers of the Forest," both with Katharine Cornell. The fifth play on the schedule will be the current Broadway success, "Parnell," with Miss Gillmore as the heroine, Kaite O'Shea, for whose sake the great Irish leader gave up his po- litical carter and delayed the cause of Irish freedom for three genera- tions. Effie Shannon will be fea- tured in the role of Aunt Ben, in which she was starred in the New York production. The last play will be "Night of January 16," which had the longest run of any play on Broadway this year. As in the case of "Libel," this play will be given in Ann Arbor be- fore any other city outside of New York, special arrangements having been made with its New York pro- ducer, A. H. Woods. This play re- volves around a murder trial, and the unusual feature of its solution is that the jury is picked from members of the audience at each performance, giving the play a different ending each night according to the jury's de- cision of "guilty" or "not guilty." EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS 6:00-WJR Musical Moments. WWJ Ty Tyson. WXYZ Rhythm Time. CKLJW Omar. 6:15-WJR News of Youth.. WWJ Dinner Music. WXYZ Contrasts in Music. CKLW Joe Gentile. 6:30---WJR Bulletins. WXYZ Day in Review. CKLW Rhythm Ramblings, 6:45-WJR HotL Dates in History. WJ lMtscal INomentis. Wx gYLovell11JThomas. CKLW Old mill. 7:00-WJ H Myrt and Marge. wXYZ Easy Aces. WWJ Amos and Andy. CKIW Shadows on the Clock. 7:15-H-WJR Adventur-es of Jimmie Allen. WWJ Human Side of News. WXYZ Norsemen. 7:3(1. WXJR Kate Smith. WWJ Evening Melodies. WXYZ Musical Moments, CKLW Sunset Serenade, 7:45-WJR Boake Carter. WWJ You and Your Government. WXYZ Red Horse Ran-h. CKJ.,W Time 'Yrns Back. 8:00 WJR Lavender and Old Lace. WWVJZLeo Reisma 's Music. W.XY'Z Crime Clues. CKLW Gabriel Heatter. 8: 1.5-C1l~W Jack Hylton'.s;Music. 6 :30 --WT ReRuss iMorgan's Music: Guest St al-s. WWJ Wayne King's Music. WXYZ Edgar Guest in Welcomi- Valleyv. CKL.W Noc(urie. 00 WiJ Walli r O'Kelfc: G4,en)Gray's Music. WWJ VT -.Pop. WXYZ Ben Bernie and all the 1Lads. CKLW Sweet and Swingy. 9:30 -WJR Fmed Waring's Pennsylvanians. WWY Eddy Duchin's Music. WXYZ Western Reserve Singers. CKLW Pon Concert. 10:00-WJR Parties at; Pickfair. WWJ Benny Goodman's Music. CKLW Busiloff's Notebook. WXYZ Southern Gentleman. 10:15--WXYZ Sammy Dibert's Music. 10:30---WJR Song Stylists. WWJ Jimmy Fidler. CKLW Jack Hylton's Music. WXYZ Larry Funk's Music. 10:45- WJR Melodies. WwJ Prof. Byron Rust. WXYZ 1-Feury Biaginri's Music, 11:00 - Wi lJ ulletins. WWJRIt 1,%Lon's:;M usic. WXYZ Baker Twins. CKLW Bulletins; Stardust. 11:15-WJR Bob Crosby's Music. WXYZ Elsa Schallert. 11:30 -WWJ George Kavanagh's Music. WJR Don Redman's Music. WXYZ Henry King's Music. CKLW Jan Gamber's Music. 11:45--WJR Sola, violinist. 12-00--WJR Barney Ranp's Music. WWJ Dance Music. CKLW Basil For!,tn's Music. WXYZ Shandor: Jimmy Dorsey's Music. 12:30--WJR Eddie Oliver's Music. WXYZ Shep Fields' Music. CKLW Johnny Johnson's Music. 12:45 WR Laurie Higgins' Music. 1:00--CKLW Ted Weems' Music. Feature Presentation at MAT. - 2:00 and 3:59 EVE. - 7:32 and 9:34 Mat., 25c; Eve., 25c, 35c CHARLIE CHAPLIN In His Greatest Picture M J 00R1 N TmES"pl I I A4 I Continuous 1:30 - 11 p.m. 15c to 6-25c after 6 Last !Day - LLOYD C. DOUGLAS "MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION" . , fF. - l , q f \ ,,;, _ ,,,. e .; . i A e ' y P w_ Ot. 01- i l( ( s et' ; x aav1 stet- / vthON EXTRA! AMice in your Whiskers H!'ater inx your Eye J Ghi in your Lap! whatta howl - "A lfllAWA|ftlU(ge" |