°'4 C1TV iff Fr, 111 X h TT.Y ' STTNDAY. IIARCII 19. 19?6 . i.L a1 1e.a. i \ .L1 . iT f.'1 A " l.f L'b. J.. .J .L AP w _ _ -_---_ _ 1 a_ NDAY. M"i~taACH 21l e"1 +ral Prof.Dickinson Tells Of Pitfalls In Cooperatives Administrative Difficulties Of Plan Emphasized By Professor (Continued from Page 1) ing the investment of control in a board of directors, the cooperatives become subject to the same "control of insiders" and "inertia" that char- acterize many large corporations. Local manifestations of the cooper- ative movement, according to Profes- sor Dickinson, include a gas station which is part of the American Co- operative Association, a credit union of Ann Arbor teachers, the Saline Valley Cooperative Plan with a store at Saline, and a consumer's coopera- tive in Flint. Participation of colleges in the movement has been limited to co- operative bookstores, such as the ones at Harvard and at the University of Minnesota, he stated. Professor Dickinson, in explaining the reasons for the slow development of the movement in the United States, pointed to the fact that retailing in this country has been greatly more efficient than in other countries, that cooperatives in other nations "dis- coered" the cash and carry policy which had already been in wide- spread use here, and that Americans have not been so socialistic or as radi- cal as Europeans. The most important benefit to so- ciety as a whole which these coopera- tives have to offer, according to Pro- fessor Dickinson, is that they reduce the "ballyhoo of marketing, the ec- onomic waste from sales promotion efforts." The present movement in this country indicates, Professor Dick- inson believes, a swing to the left on the part of large groups of the people, and a closer alignment of middle class and workers' interests. GUARD PRESIDENT'S SON BOSTON, March 28. - (P) - Two secret service agents guarded John A. Roosevelt, youngest son of the President, when he appeared last night at the Copley Theatre in Har- vard's Hasty Pudding Club play, it was learned today. b.. .11 T WE EEK IN REVIEW World and National News In Brief FOREIGN Let's Go Home London settled down to the quiet life again this week as the Naval Con- ference and the meeting of the Coun- cil of the League of Nations were brought to a close, the latter only temporarily. A few members of both groups went home dissatisfied and on no 1 front was either meeting cosidered a complete success. The Naval Con- ference was concluded with the sign- ing of an agreement creating quali- tative limitations of navies on terms which were not approved by Japan and Italy, who refused to sign the agreement. Following the signing of the agreement, Secretary of State Hull was kept busy denying that it does not constitute an alliance be- tween the United States and Great Britain. The fact that Japan did not sign is not taken seriously in Europ- ean quarters, since it is commonly known that her finances are too weak- ened at present to allow her to under- take a naval-building race. Herr Krupp, Herr Hitler Chancellor Hitler viewed the agree- ment with distaste, once more point- ing out, in a dramatic pre-election speech that world peace cannot be achieved through military compro- mises. The speech, broadcast throughout Germany, was delivered in the factory of the Krupp Corp- oration, world's largest manufac- turers of armaments. In an impres- sive setting of machinery and muni- tions, Chancellor Hitler addressed a great crowd of enthusiastic Germans, among them the 60,000 employes of the Krupp plant. Appealing to the people of the world, the Chancellor pleaded, "Make peace. Do not talk of gestures." And again he announced that Germany will not renounce her right to fortify the Rhineland, there- by showing his disapproval of the most important term of the four- power pact suggested last week at the Council meeting. Italy, carrying on the policy begun by her decision not to become a party to the naval agreement, announced a new plan of national economy, wiped that Chamber of Deputies off the record, and replaced it with a National Assembly of Corporations, completing the nationalization of all industry in the country. A new men- ace was added to the safety of world peace this week when a number of , ;,1'?;', SOCIAL DANCING Adult class every Thur. eve, at 8 p.m. Private lessons daily, 10 to 10. TERRACE GARDEN STUDIO Wuerth Theater Bldg. Phone 9695 clashes occured on the Soviet-Man- churian border, causing a number of deaths. The situation in Europe appears little relieved by the London Confer- ences, and the powers are now fol- lowing a waiting policy-waiting for action on Germany's part while Ger- many asks the other nations to keep hands off her affairs. France Will Stand Pat One of the most discouraging re- sults of the past week's activities is the rift which has developed between France and Great Britain. Franec has stated definitely that she is un- willing to change in any way the terms of the four-power agreement while Britain is ready co bargain wish Germany, especially on the term of the pact calling for a demilitarized zone in the Rhineland. It is this de- mand which is most obnoxious to Chancellor Hitler, and English paci- fists would like to please him. The rift was broadened by Joachim von Ribbentrop's speech at the clos- ing session of the Council, when he affirmed that Germany would reject ti e entire pact, but would make posi- twe counter-proposals after today's "elections." France does not want to bargain with Hitler. Following this speech, the meeting was adjourned until it shall be called again by Stanley Bruce of Australia, its Presi- dent. * * * Mussolini, Inc. The possibilities of war in Europe are not tossed off lightly by Premier Mussolini, as is evidenced by his na- tionalization of all Italian industry. Other actions taken than the abolish- ing of the Chanfber of Deputies are as follows: the nationalization of key industries; measures to attain the greatest possible degree of economic independence; the disciplining of every branch of national activity and the inauguration of a regime of "higher social justice" based on the idea that workers should be consid- ered as collaborators of capital with equal rights and duties. All of these reforms, Il Duce says are neessary to prepare the nation for the "su- preme test of war" which he is sure is coming. It seems that this atti- tude is sincere, since all about him Mussolini says the European nations engaged in a hectic armament build- ing race, with unrest and indecision characterizing all of their activities. NATIONAL Trouble For Dr. Townsend Dr. Francis E. Townsend's flare for high finance, which proved so highly popular with America's depression victims, boomeranged last week in the form of a Congressional investiga- tion which gives every sign of dis- abusing many of the doctor's disil- lusioned followers. Robert E. Clem- ents, co-founder of the Old Age Re- volving Pensions, Ltd., was the first to be questioned by the committee when it opened Thursday. He estimated the income from the Townsend Plan from its formation to the present tinh 'was approximately $952,000, mostly in the form of "dime-a-month" dues. His personal income during 1935, was $12,585, he said, but that did not include his $130-a-month apartinent, which he shares with Dr. Townsend, his food bills or his travel- ling expenses, all of which are paid by the OARP. Special interest was evident in the Clements testimony because his resig- nation, tendered Tuesday because of disagreement between the founders on "fundamental policies and meth- ods," had led Washington to suspect that horrifying details would be re- vealed. Dr. Townsend and many of his state managers will be called before the committee before its investiga- tion is concluded, and all the accounts of the organization will be inspected. The next session of the committee will be Wednesday. Clering House In what appeared to be a timely check on Congressional criticism of the New Deal, President Roosevelt early in the week announced a sur- vey to determine which of the New Deal agencies shall be scrapped, re- duced or molded into the permanent government framework. By this move the President relegated the Senate survey of the New Deal, instigated by Senator Byrd, an ardent administra- tion critic, to a subordinate position. To undertake the survey, Roosevelt appointed a committee of three, for whom he asked the cooperation of both houses of Congress. The New Tax Bill The House Ways and Means com- mittee accepted tentatively the plan for taxing undivided corporate profits submitted to it by its subcommittee, which has been working on the cor- porate tax plan since the President suggested it several weeks ago. In the great mnajority of instances, the subcommittee proposal adhered close- ly to the Roosevelt draft, but it pro- vided for only 799 million dollars ad- ditional appropriation for the next P year, and 616 million additional an- nual revenue for every year there- after, where the President wanted 792 million additional revenue for the next year and 620 million for the following years, This discrepancy brought a hard- boiled" threat from the President on Friday to the effect that unless Con- gress provided the revenue he asked, enough to meet his budget, he would push some more tax proposals. The proposal called for an undis- tributed corporate tax and a windfall tax, designed to retrieve the impound- ed or unpaid processing tax collec- tions which were returned or abated to processors by the invalidation of the AAA. Corporations would be di- vided into the classes of $10,000 year- ly income or under, and over $10,000 yearly income. The former would be taxed on total net income at a rate of from one to 29.7 per cent, depend- ing on the portion of profits dis- tributed. The tax rate on the second group would be from four to 42 per cent, both on a basis of total net income. The subcommittee pro- posed that there be a group whose income was between $10,000 and $20,- 000 that should be allowed a combina- I tion of the tax rates. Flood Crisis Past Floods that have wrought more than half a billion dollars damage throughout the East during the last two weeks died down last week until yesterday there was little danger to any community, although rivers were swelling in the South. Enheartened populaces beg.an to clean up their debris-ridden cities last week. Pitts- burgh was hastily putting itself in order again, and New England cities, f such as Hartford, worked valiently in the face of disease. Governor Earle of Pennsylvania prepared to call a special session of the legislature and ask for 70 million dollars to re- furbish that state's flood-wrecked communities. EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS 6:00-WJR Phil Spitalny and Girl Ensemble. WWJ Catholic Hour. WxYz Rosary Hour. CKLW National Amateur Night. 6:30-WJR Smilin' Ed McConnell. wwJ Story of Song. CKLW Stardust. 6:45--WJR Voice of Experience. CKLW Laugh Parade. 7:00-WJR Eddie Cantor. WWJ K-7 Drama. WXYZ Jack Benny, Mary Livingstone: Johnny Green's Music. CKLW Song Symphony. 7:15-CKLW Forum Hour. 730-WJR Phil Baker. WWJFireside Recital. wxYz Ozzie Nelson's Music: Robert L. Ripley. 7:45-WWJ Sunset Dr.eams. CKLW Larry Bradford's Music. 8:00-WJR Orchestra: Soloists Chorus. WWJ Major Bowes' Amateurs. WXYZ Evening Melodies. CKLW Master Musicians. ':] S--WXY'1 Evening lelodies. CKLW Will Osborne's Music. WXYZ Kavanagh's Music. 8_:--WXYZ Cavanagh's Music.. 8:30-CKLW Will Osbore's Music. 8:45-wXYZ Larry Funk's Music. 9:W0-WJR Sunday Evening Hour, WWJ Merry-Go-Round. WXYZ "Life is a Song." CKLW Pop Concert. ;:30-WWJ Album of Familiar Muic. WXYZ Walter Winchel-- CKLW Vincent York's Music. 9:45--WXYZ Paul Whitenan's Varieties. CKLW Upton Close. 10:00---WJR House of a Thousand Eyes. WWJ Soloist; Symrphony Orchestra. CKLW Famous Jury Trials. 10:30-WJR Ghost Stories. wXYZ Adventures of the Hornet. CKlW Pontiac Baptist Churc. }:00 _ WWJ Melody Master. WJR Vincent Travers' Music. WXYZ Biker Twins. CKLW Freddy Martin's Music. 11:15 WXY'1 Lowry Clark's Mus ,~. CKLW Key Kyser's Music. ww WW.J Dace Music. WXYZ E Chico. 'KI 'fTed Weins' Musaic. 1:2 Midn],ight - WJR B~arney IhIpp's R~i~c, WXYZ Dance Music. CKLW Dick Messner's Music. 12:30-WJR Harry Sosrick's Music. wxYz Tom Coakley's Music. CKLW Will Osborne's Music. 1:00-CKLW Ted Weems' Music. Church Talks Today Center About Kag awa (Continued from Page 1) of the Unitarian church will be "Nik- olai Lenin -- The Proletariat are Also People." Miss Florence Binnell will talk on "Patent Medicine Palliatives" before the Liberal Students' Union at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Ernest C. Stellhorn of the Zion Lutheran Church will deliver a sermon on "Glorifying Christ" at 10:30 a.m. Prof. Henry A. Sanders of the speech department will talk on "Biblical Manuscripts" at 6:30 p.m. "The Cross and Chistian ServiceI nseparablc" will be the subject of the Rev. H-enr'y Yoder's sermon at 10:30 a.m. in the Trinity Luthera church. Aththe First Baptist church service the Rev. R. Edward Sayles willde- liver a sermon on "The Power of a Great Decision" at 10:45 a.m. Dr. Wil- liam D. Baten of the mathematics department will speak on "Anticipat- ing the Cross" at 6 p.m. in the Roger' Williams Guild house. Dr. Bernard Heller of the Hillel Foundation will address a forum meeting at 8 p.m. on the subject "Plight of the Polish Jew." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 127 Notices Faculty, College of Engineering: The adjourned meeting of the faculty of this college is called for Monday, March 30, 4:15 p.m., in Room 348, West Engineering Building. Students of the College of' Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts: A meeting' will be held on Tuesday, March 31, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1025, Angell Hall. for students in the College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts and others interested in future work in Business Administration. The meeting, one of the vocational series designed to give information concerning the nature and preparation of the various pro- fessions, will be addressed by Profes- sor R. G. Rodkey of the School of Business Administration. The next proessional talk, to be given by Dean H. C. Sadler of the College of Engi- neering, will be given on Thursday, April 2. Seniors of The College of Engineer- ing: Call at Room 412 eWst Engineer- ing Building at once for your Draw- ing I, II, and III Plates. Phi Beta Kappa: The local chapter of Phi Beta Kappa is anxious to have on its lists the names and addresses of members of the organization who have recently moved to Ann Arbor. The names may be sent to the See- (Continue on Page 3) Classified Direetory CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified 4dvertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at five )'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance Ile per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. Minimum 3 lines per in- sertion. Felephone rate -15c per reading line for two or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. 0 discount if paid withr ten days from the date of last insertion. 6y contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one month .................8c 41lnes E0D,2 moths...8 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ........8c 2 lines daily, college year ......7c 0 lines ED as demnsired ..8c 1.00 lines used as desired ...... 30 lne sedaas dsired .. ..8 1 ,000 lines used as desired.......W 2.000 lines used as desired .......6( The above rates are per reading line based on eight reading lines per inch. ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 5c per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. The aboverrates are for 7% point types LOST AND FOUND LOST: Black Cocker Spaniel. Sturd- ily built, white forepaws. Reward offered, 501 Onondaga St. 6890. 412 LOST: Men's Bedford wrist watch, Blown strap. Call 6740. Lester Weiss. 400 hiarier-Laboir tes I IjmlLA trIl hd a rty ST. PAUL, March 28.-_.0) - - Spon- soring a pan pointing toward a pos- sible national third party ticket in the 1936 political campaign, Minnesota Farmer-Laborites in state convention apploved tonight a platform urging a changed economic system in which "monopolized industries ultimately will be collectively owned." While not embodying the public owncrship principles of two years ago, ST E A M.hit I P, T ICKETS &CRUES }naur stewishlp passage to Europe, for this coming Spring & Summrer, should be reserved now. Phone or coa in, choose y~our ship & a small deposit will guarantee the space. If you find liou cannot go, I wil gladly arrange for a Transfer, or a full return, of deposit money. .411 details completed here- without choiqe. "Personal service" on euery booking, since 117. PH. 0412 KUE LER TRAVEL BUREAU. 601 E. Huron St.. Ann Arbor NOTICES STATIONERY: Printed with yout name and address. 100 sheets, 100 envelopes. $1.00. Many styles. Craft Press, 305 Maynard. 9x MAC'S TAXI-4289. Try our effi- cient service. All new cabs. 3x EYES examined, best glasses made at lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M. graduate, 44 years practice. 549 Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair and refinish furniture. Phone 8105. A. A. Stuhlman. 15x SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES: We'll buy old and new suits and over- coats for $3 to $20. Also highest prices for saxophones and typewrit- ers, Don't sell before you see Sam. Phone for appointments. 2-3640. lox LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. Ix FOR RENT -ROOMS FOR RENT: Five-room housekeeping apartment with yard and basement. Call 6809. 406 FOR RENT Suitetwith overstuffed furniture, private batI and shower. Also single room. Cross ventila- tion. shower bath. Phone 8544. 422 E. Wasington. nor the ass rtioni ('"al)italism has failed," the party dec(laration of pol- icies for 1936 asserted: "The program of tie present sys- tem constitutes a planned poverty; we advocate and demand a system of planned plenty. To effect a cure fox economic ills changes must be fundamental." Thy'Arrival of IVORY tAESS1E;N KASHMIR SHAWLS INDIA PRINTS Come In and Look Over Our Display at The OR IENTAL GI- FOTH PTATE"rT 300-B SOUTH STATE ST. TODAY TURKEY DINNER12 N.to 8 P.m. with Savory Dressing - Olives and Celery Creamed Corn - Tomato and Cucumber Salad French Fried or Mashed Potatoes Fresh Strawberry Sundae, Pie, or Pudding Coffee, Tea, or Milk TYPEWRITERS New and Used, Office and por- table models. Bought, sold, Rented, Ex- changed, cleaned, repaired. Also Supplies. Special Rental Rates to students. Rent may apply in event of purchase. 0. D. MORRILL 314 S. State St. Since 1908 Phone 6615 I ll afi[4t1[cFIT s.=,-, -_ SIXTY-FIVE Other Meals at 35c, Special Plate Luncheon, 5 CENTS 40c, 45c, 50c. p.m. to 8 p.m., 25c Lun Din WEEK DAYS - cheons 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. -25c, 30c, 35c, 40c ners 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. - 30c, 35c, 40c, 45c BRIGHT SPOT kard Street OPEN DURING VACATION P. SUDE "Two yeeksss" long time be- tween kisses!" "We'll make up for lost time.. now!" 802 Pact Continuous 1:30 - 11 P.M. a m Feature 1:00 - 3:12 - 5:18 - 7:30 - 9:42 NOW PLAYING A GRAND SHOW! 15c to 6 - 25c after 6A THE PICTURE OF PICTURES! wo i I I irt:' - = % - , - - . *i I - . ;;r_ r" :\., c /j r>' 'i ate. , : qq F a s , \ '! 9 f / " l MF This is a ITARTMANN trunk. t is the strongest of all trunks. Dle to tie ilignious principle )f construction, not a single inch is wasted. You will not find a Wrinkle in your clothes at the end of your journey, whether your destination is five or 5,000 miles distant. Be prepared with [A RTMANN. F.W.Wjlkinson&Son 325 South Main "/lw7ays buy ledther goods at a Icather goods store" BE PREPARED! Vacationis Are Coming! ono. V4UIIe" 0c~ Shy bl r Sol VA no,. - _Ii7 we - - DID or Miniature i1r ' - L, , , . T- - --------------- ,_ - -- FOR v SP(1 GS NEED'. cuflT/L s Today's Feature at: [ :-2, 3:51 5:30, 7:29, and 9:32 We are are miniature camera specialists, You can take advantage of this in obtaining your miniature Cameras, Supplies, and Enlargements. Attend the Matinee -- Be Sure of a Seat - You Have Waited for this event 4 Years CHIAR LIC A L i N undr eds of single and married people are getting their Spring cash from us-on their own signatures -why don't you? You get the cash without delay. The payments are arranged to suit you and you can have a year or longer to repay. Use this personal moey service.Addtupyour Spring needs and see us NOWIA Miean,'1. nyour ,' Isi>kr S ! Wiater lityour ye A Girl tyour Lap! whatta howl - ail '