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March 28, 1936 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-28

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Slossonl Gives .
Radio Ad d ress
On World War
Decisions In Crises Held
Important Implications,
Professor Believes
Pointing out that a decision in a
crisis by a statesman or commanding
general may mean "the difference be-
tween an early peace and years of
fighting or between ultimate victory
and disastrous defeat," Prof. Preston
W. Slosson, of the history depart-
mcnt, spoke yesterday on "Important
Crises in the World War" over the
University Broadcasting System.
The decisive and most important
battle of the war, the first battle of
the Marne, was the first crisis men-
tioned by Professor Slosson. When
the Germans retreated ,"Paris was
saved, and with it the war, for Russia
was then pressing Germany so hard
in the east that it was many months
before a general German offensive in
the West was possible," he said. At
that time, the speaker emphasized,
the war of movement ended, and
four years of dull siege operations
Turning to the eastern front, Pro-
fessor Slosson pointed out the im-
portance of the battle of Tannenberg,
which saved Germany. In this bat-
tle, he said, Generals Hindenburg
and Ludendorff trapped the Russian
armies, and relieved Russia's pres-
sure upon the east.
Failure to take advantage of the
first gas attack used in the war,
which caught the British by sur-
prise, was called by Professor Slos-
son a loss of opportunity for the
Germans "to break the British line,
seize the Channel ports, turn the
flank of the French line ,and win the
A similar failure by the Allies to
take advantage of the first attack by
tanks in 1916, which came at a time
when it was thought the defensive
was invulnerable ,was another loss
of opportunity, the speaker added, al-
though it did bring about more
movement in the last months of the
FLINT, March 27.--(A)-Grant F.
Kettles of Lansing, state WPA air
marking supervisor, surveying dis-
tricts for the project, said Thursday
the marking of 540 leading cities and
towns of Michigan will start about
April 13.

MJanudteOn AJ;iiiltiiz (dioh ctlipd lBy HIider

(Coiiiined fromi Page 4) j
11:00 a.m. Morning prayer and ser-
mon by The Reverend Frederick W.
Flr t Prcsbyterian Church, Sunday
At the Masonic Temple, 327 S.t
Fourth St. Ministers: William P.
ILemon and Norman W. Kunkel. 1
9:45 a.m., Westminster Student1
Forum, Mr. Kunkel, leader. Sub-
ject: "What is the Most Aggressive
Thing in the Spiritual Life?"
10:45 a.m., Morning worship withi
sermon by Dr. Lemon on the theme,
"A Certain Lost Art."
5:00 p.m., Westminster Roundtable
will discuss the question, "Does Pray-
er Change God?"
6:00 p.m., Fellowship supper and
social half hour followed by the meet-
ing of the Westminster Guild. Mr.
John B. Geisel will be the leader.
There will be a social hour following
the meeting.
Church of Christ (Disciples), Sun-
10:45 a.m., Church worship service.
Rev. Fred Cowin, Minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible Class.fl H.
L. Pickerill, campus minister, leader.
6 p.m., Social hour. 15c supper;
The remaining two Sundays before
Spring Vacation the Guild will co-
operate with the University Peace,
Council in a program of peace educa-
tion. This Sunday evening, March
29, the Guild will have charge of the
evening church service at 7:30 p.m.
and will present a play, "Peace I
Give Unto You," by Dorothy Clarke
Wilson. Students and residents of
the community are cordially invited.
This service at 7:30 will take the
place of the usual 6:30 discussion
hour. Please note the change of time.
Zion Lutheran Church, Sunday:
Ernest C. Stellhorn, pastor.
9:00 a.m., Church School.
10:30 a.m., Church service with
sermon b the pastor on "Glorifying
5:30 p.m., Fellowship and supper
hour of student club.
6:30 p.m., Talk by Dr. Henry San-t
believed in its worth and given it
fostering care and direction; and fi-
nally because capable and trained
inmates have made its purpose the
object of their untiring devotion,"
IDoctor Keeler pointed out.

t oi 1 m Biblical MzLnuscripts. All J9 "' t
i , 1 t e d ( O N 't A . 'E x ,* e,:t1ic ' I t' i n:.d y e-VEing Oat 71: (}. O cr i ) I , +
'I'd" w5( 'e VCd on Wednesday ci , L~ l/s
.tation for this week will be on The ExceedThs
Seventh Word from the Cross.nT A definite widening in its scope of
activities and a substantial increase
Roger Williams Guild, Sunday:
12:00 noon. Student class at Guild in its placements of graduates into
flouse Mr Chapman. paying positions in the outer world
6:00 p.m., Dr. W. D. Baten of the was indicated in the 1935 President's
departnent of mathematics will ad- Report by the Bureau of Appoint-
d(tess the studcnts on "Anticipating ments and Occupational Informa-
the Cross." tion.
The work of the bureau, up to the
Trinity Lutheran Church, Sunday: present time, has been divided into
0enry f. Yoder, Pastor. four general classes: general place-
9:15 a.m., Church school. ments, teacher placements, personell
10:30 a.m., Church worship ser- research work and student guidance.
vice with sermon on "The Cross and In the field of general placements
Christian Service-Inseparable." This the bureau has attempted to contact
sermon will conclude a series of ser- more business organizations through-
mons on the inseparables of the out the country, and thus to render
Christian Service. more service to Michigan graduates
5:30, Student Fellowship and sup- and alumni.
per hour in Zion Lutheran Parish During 1935, 193 graduates were
Hall. placed in general positions by the
6:30 p.m., Talk by Dr. Henry San- bureau, as compared with sixty who
dcers on Biblical Manuscripts. All were placed during the preceding
students are invited. year. Two hundred and ninety-four
Lenten Service on Wednesday eve- students registered with the bureau
ning at 7:45 with sermon on Voices found positions. themselves, an in-
at Calvary. crease of 60 over 1934. A total gain

Of 1934 By 133
of 120 placements was made during
the entire year.
In the work of teacher placements,
the office has made a definite effort
to contact all the educational insti-
tutions of the state and the institu-
tions of college rank throughout the
country, in order to make as many
contacts as possible for the immediate
graduates and the alumni. Accord-
ing to the report this effort was re-
warded by a substantial increase in
the 'number of calls during 1935.
More than 1300 calls for people with
educational training were received
during that year, as compared to 885
the preceding year.
In the field of personell research,
an intensive study is being made of
the similarities and differences of the
recognized leaders, non-leaders and
self maintainence groups on the cam-
pus, with special reference to per-
sonality traits. Further research
work is being done in cooperation
with administrators and graduate
students in an extension course.

--AsSociated Press Photo.
RIeichsfuihrer Adolf Hitler, proclaiming a special election in Ger-
many for a mandate on his recent militarization of the Rhineland, is
shawn as he addressed a campaign speech to more than 200,000 persons
in Munich, capital of the national socialist movement.
Two Facultyb eers ireet
Jackson . Illiterates' Education
Although direct extension work be- seemed clear that because the prob-
tween the University Extension Divi- lem dealt with adult men, the ma-
sion and the Michigan State Prison terial ordinarily used for children
has not been followed for the last few ir adults desirous of becoming cit-
izens was unsuitable-.
years, the illiterate inmates at Jack- "it was discovered that inmates
son are still being taught the funda- are interested in themselves and their
mentals of reading and writing fellows and that activity might better
through the efforts of Dr. Clifford begin within the prison than be in-
Woody and Dr. Louis W. Keeler, both itiated from without," Doctor Keeler
'ei csaid, "and our decision was that
of the educational school, reading material should be created by
When the extension work wasthinasthmev."
dropped, those in charge of the ad- the inmates themselves.
ministration of the prison expressed The result was the editing of a ser-
to Dean James Edmonson of the ies of textbooks, printed in the prison
School of Education a desire for as- print shop. These publications are
sistance in setting up a program for different from the ordinary elemen-
teaching adult illiterate inmates of tary text in that each stresses the
the prison. The request was willingly immediate surroundings of the adult.
granted and Doctors Woody and Kee- "The undertaking has succeeded1
ler were given the supervision of the because successive wardens have un-
project. derstood its purpose and have given
After several visits to the prison, it it endorsement; school officials have

Hillel Foundation: Sunday evening
Forum will be held at 8:00 p.m. Dr.
Heller will speak on "Plight of the
Polish Jew." The Forum will be fol-
lowed by a social. All are welcome.
First Baptist Church, Sunday:
10:45 a.m., Rev. R. Edward Sayles,
minister, will speak on "The Power
of a Great Decision." At 9:30 the
Church School meets. At 9:45 Dr.
Waterman's class meets at Guild
Unitarian Church, Sunday, 5:30,
Twilight Service-"Nikolai Lenin-
The Proletariat are also People."
Special music and readings.
7:30 p.m., Liberal Student's Union,
Miss Florence Binell will talk on
"Patent Medicine Palliatives."
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and Washtenow
One of the choicest building
sites available just east of Ann
Arbor. One acre facing north
overlooking miles of the Huron
river valley as well as beautiful j
views on the east, south and
vest. Low taxes. Priced for a
short time at $2,500. Oril Fer-
w-uon, 721 Church. Ph. 2-2839.

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