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March 27, 1936 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-27

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l-'ICIUAV, MARCH Ti, 19'j1


Plan Series Of
Conceits For
Summer Period
Music School Will Sponsor
Program By Members
Of Faculty
The Summer Session Music School
will sponsor a weekly series of con-
certs to be given by faculty members
as one of the special features of the
Summer Session activities, it was an-
nounced in a bulletin released by the
School of Music Summer Session.
These concerts will be held in Hill
Auditorium and will be open to the
public without admission charge. The
first of these concerts will be held
July 7 and will continue for sevn
weeks during the Summer Session.
The School of Music is further
contemplating cooperating with the
summer speech department in t:,
production of an operetta similar to
the one held last summer.
To Hold Music Clinic
A new feature of the music school
curriculum for the summer will be
the inauguration of a three-week high
school music clinic extending from
July 6 to July 25. Enrollment in this
clinic will be open to high school
students and to recent graduates who
are intei'ested in music either as a
vocation or as an avocation, and to in-
structors and directors of music in
secondary schools, it was announced.
The objectives of the clinic, it was
outlined, are to furnish opportunities
to high school musicians for daily re-
hearsals under distinguished profes-
sional leadership and for the improve-
ment of the students' technical skill
in instrument or voice under teach-
ers of recognized ability. It also will
endeavor to provide facilities for in-
structors and directors of music in
secondary schools to observe the pres-
entation of modern methods of organ-
izing and teaching music as a subject
of definite educational value at the
high school level.
Three Guests Oh Faculty
The music school faculty for the
summer will include 21 professors and
instructors with three guest members.
The guest faculty will include Prof.
Harper C. Maybee, head of,the music
department of Western State Teach-
ers College, who will teach music edu-
cation, Mary Fishburne of the piano
department at Mary Baldwin College
of Staunton, Virginia, who will be a
guest instructor in piano, and Roxy
Cowin,. assistant supervisor of the
Ann Arbor Public Schools will be a
guest instructor in public school
The Summer Session Orchestra
and Band will be under the direction
of Professors Mattern and Revelli,
it was announced.
The summer of 1936 will mark the
seventh appearance of the School
of Music as a unit of the University
offering courses during the regular
eight week Summer Session. For the'
preceding forty years instruction had
been offered by the University School
of Music in a separate Summer Ses-
SCA To Hold
Sociology Trip
To Detroit Soon
Scheduled For April 4th ;
Accomodations Limited
To 40 Students

A sociological trip to Detroit April
4 was announced last night by Rich-
ard Skrede Clark, '37, secretary of
the Student Christian Association,
sponsors of the trips to nearby cities
in order to study at first hand actual
living conditions.
The trip, the second of the semes-
ter, will be given with the coopera-
tion of the University sociological de-
partment, Clark said, stressing the
fact that there will be accommoda-
tions for only 40 students, necessitat-
ing an early registration for the trip
by those interested.
A tentative itinerary includes visits
to the Hastings Street rehousing proj-
ect, Franklin street settlement, Art
Museum, Rebel Arts dance recital,
children's aid, Tau Beta Settlement,
and the Sophie Wright Negro settle-
Clark said the party intended mak-
ing the trip in private automobiles,
leaving Ann Arbor at 1 p.m. April 4
to return late that evening. A regis-
tration fee of 50 cents is payable to
Dorothy Shapland of the psychology
office, or at Lane Hall. The only other
cost is $1 for transportation, he said.
Evelyn Maloy, '37. vice-president of
the S.C.A., chairman of the sociology
trip committee, and in charge of the
trip, urged everyone interested to
register at Lane Hall or with ,Miss
Shapland at once.
LANSING, March 26.-(AP)-A 68-

("o-Foltilder Of Tolvilselld plall Resigit's

Hods Ge-1rmany
WiII 'Behaive'
For Olympics
American Committee Says
Hitler Won't Jeopardize
Stucess Of Program
With $34,000,000 already spent in
preparation for the Beriin Olympic
Games in anticipation of 300,000 vis-
itors and 5,000 contestants, American
sports leaders have every reason to
believe that Germany will do nothing
to jeopardize the successful running
off of the Games, according to a dis-
patch from the American Olympic
1nmmittee received yesterday.
Clarence A. Bush, publicity direct-
or of the American Olympic commit-
tee, emphasized in the dispatch that
the fundamental rule of the inter-
national committee is to ignore racial,
icligious and political affairs as much
as possible. Bush also stated that in
a world which is continually torn by
controversie.: of various kinds, the
games would never the held unless
this policy were strictly adhered to.

Ie EnIids lit h."ti

'Mountan Climbing Is World's
GremIest Sport To Sophonjo
Experience Of Icnber Of nine were scaled including the tal
Teton Expeditio Ofhich is 13,700 fi He thi
Tetonn ers Rlated Of thisditricti lmbnicone of
Mountainieer; IRelated favorite mountain climbing cent


Mountain climbing to the 'erage
person is the same a stepping out of
an airplane wv.ith 1.1t a parachute but!
to one individual here on: the campus
it means something more. This per-
son. Robert Sanford, a sophomore
urom Brooklyn, N, Y., hi ,1ks mot1-
tain climbing the "greatein sport i
the world."
Sanford has been climbing around
ocks and cliffs including the peaks
in the Grand Teton Na ional Park
:f Wyoinug for the lost or yet's.
Ce gained his first experience crawl-
-ng around the heights along th
Hudson River. Soon a ft'r he m('t
Fritz Weissner, famous German rock
-limber and Iot in 1 aineer, wioL) t:ug lit
iIn and others he fller point of
"People haven't the right idea of
.ountaineering," says Sanford, whol
s studying to be a chemist. There's
nothing dangerous about it." lie Con-
tinued, "if you climb only what you
know you can do safely. You don't
have to be big and strong to be good.
Why, most of the good mountaineers
are little fellowsr:."
Last summer he and three other
comrades from New York formed a
party called the "Mountaineers Teton
Expedition," the purpose being to
travel to Wyoming and climb as many
of the heights as possible. Out of
twelve peaks in the National Park

on this continent.
I-his plans forl' next summer are not
made out yet but lie hopes that lie
will be climbing the rocks again. H'
is not sure because of the expense in-
volved and the time.
One Hundred SHEEiTS andI
i'iitdwt S ( dOne undirediENVELOPE,
Printed with Nanw , & Addross
M 5 Manad st I'e ,. 5

On the eve of the opening ofa
movement, Robert E. Clements (lei
Townsend old age pension plan, a
differences on "fundamental" pol
Townsend, spokesman for the mov

a congress
It), co-fo
licies. He
s Et

Gein-any Will be 'Good'
The view is generally held that the
German government under the dom-
ination of Adolph Hitler will do every-
thing within its power to see that the
more than a quater-of-a-million vis-
-Associated Press Photo. itors have an enjoyable time and get
ional investigation into the a good impression of Germany dur-
under and treasurer of the ing the duration of the Games from
his resignation because of August 1 to 16. In other words Ger-
is shown with Dr. F. E. many will be on her best behavior,
and that she would carelessly endan-
- gerthe program whose successful car-
! xyang out will do much to enhance
ducational her international position and gain
for her the confidence of other pow-
ers, appears absurd, it was stated.
SatsfactOry Although the total number of com-
petitors would approach 30,000 if each
of the 50 competing nations brought

Carrothers Fins

System Far From
Observations Made IDuriiig who has
Sabbaical Veve Told after be.
force foi
In Bulletin they car
on the tc
Finding that the educational sys- wrong."
tem is still far from being satisfac- A fou
tory, Prof. George E. Carrothers, di- peared,
rector of the bureau of cooperation stated,r
with educationalinstitutions in the tically i
School of Education, discussed educa- telyi
tional tendencies in the current bul- recogniz
letin of the school which has just the onl
been released. tend to
Professor Carrothers made his ob- when th
servation of tendencies and currents icism.
while on sabbatical leave from the A fina
University when he served as chair- policy of
man of the Committee on Coopera- schoolsr
tive Study of Secondary School rothers
Standards. ment of
One tendency noted appeared to great be
be the experiencing of a sort of "edu- changer
cational blight," the article stated. It of facul
was attributed to an outgrowth of
the knowledge and feeling that one is
"on relief," which is now inflicting
itself in a subtle and damaging way
not only on the 2,875,000 youth be-
tween the ages of 16 and 24 who are Va
now or have been on relief, but also
on over 15 to 20 million other young
persons with whom they come into
Coincidentally with this stultifying
blight laws are being passed which thesee
compel all children to remain in urged, "
school' until they are 18, Professor the sku
Carrothers continues. Although the He rid
laws were passed with the best of trade is
intentions, another phase of the sit-, life of tU
uation was seldom examined --- the it consti
possible harm to the work of the business
school when many big boys and girls. trality 1
who are sophisticated and worldly to be th
wise as persons of older years, ser- shipmen
iously and constantly interfere with nation
the work of teachers and other pu- ,eted,
pils. such as
Another tendency seen wasthat of
suspending carefully thought-out In res
qualifications and requirements for I audienec
the holding of teaching positions. he was
"When a school board goes so far," tary tr
the article states, "as to give a teach- "not ac
ing position to an ex-city policeman being ir

returned to his native town

ing discharged from the city
)r immorality, merely because
n thus keep him from 'going
own,' the action is 180 degrees
urth impression which ap-
to exist, Professor Carrothers
s the feeling that a very large
of teachers are not enthusias-
nterested in their work. While
ing that teachers are not
y professional workers who
go along in well beaten paths,
he situation as doubly serious
ere is added the fear of crit-
al tendency observed was the
f exchanging teachers between,
and colleges. Professor Car-
advocated further encourage-
this practice because of the
nefit derived by both the ex-
professors and the local staffs
tier Terms
ir A Product
f Financiers,
'Continued from Page It
exploiters," General Butler
let them fly their own flag-
ll and cross-bones."
liculed the theory that foreign
snecessary to the economic
,e country, pointing out that
ituted but seven per cent of
transactions. While neu-
laws prevent munition sales
eir friends. It is when such
t of arms are stopped by the
against whom they are di-
General Butler said, that cries
"freedom of the seas" arise.,
sponse to- questions from the
e, General Butler said that
opposed to compulsory mili-
aining, and that there was
chance" of the United States
nv aded.
ers of the essay contest on
A Racket." sponsored by the
SAlliance, are Robert Lodge,
the University group, and
Willis in the Ann Arbor High
group, it was announced at


maximum teams, the question of fi-
nances and also the fact that prac-
tically no country in the world would
have 518 men and women athletes of
Olympic calibre promises to keep the
field down to about 5,000.t
116 Contests On Program
One hundred and sixteen individual
and team contests are on the pro-
gram, including 19 sports, five more
than at Los, Angeles. In order to
take care of this vast system of com-
plicated entries and preliminaries, a
thousand judges and an equal num-
ber of assistants will be marshalled
into a small army and drilled to take
care of the arrangements.
The number of competitors which
a nation may enter varies in the dif-
ferent contests. In the individual
events of track and field athletics or
swimming, riding, shooting and fenc-
ing the number in each case is limit-
ed to three. In weight-lifting it is
two, and in some sports such as
cycling and the different weight
classes in wrestling and boxing, it is
only one. In rowing and yachting
each nation can enter a boat in every
class, and two boats in the canoeing.
Chinese Chessmen
Shown At Museum
A set of elaborately carved Chinese
chessmen, made in China about 1883
and first shown at the World Cotton
Exhibition at New Orleans in 1884, is
being exhibited on the fourth floor of
the Museums Building.
The set was part of a large col-
lection gathered by Chinese maritime
officials for the New Orleans exhibit.
When the exhibition closed, the set
was given to the University through
friends made by President Angell
when he was a government official
in China.
The set is of the India style of
chessmen, the same as is used in
America today. They are made of
ivory or bone and represent the ex-
cellence of the Chinese carving art.

--Associated Pres Photo.
I~ it Saw (:ahove), unemployed
brckk& er: i, n~ founil dead beside
k 'ayen :: a the nicrning after
she left a dan-c hall at Salt Lake
City with a casual acquaintance for
an automobile ride. Authcrities said
she had been assaulted.
,,r if* ni
Ind(ustry Study,
Finds Need For Additional
Professionally - Traine(
A semi-professionally trained man
as a supplement to the work of the
fully trained forester is a great need
of forestry, according to Prof. Robert
Craig, jr., of the School of Forestry
and Conservation, who has just com-
pleted a survey of Michigan lumber
"Work in forestry has developed to
the point where full professional
training is required of men who hold
the position of ranger or assistant
ranger. In the earlier days the rang-
ers were drawn from ranks of the
practical men in the region, who had
a limited education and the necessary
qualifications of experience and per-
sonality," Professor Craig said, point-
ing out that now all rangers are truly
foresters, and more training is nec-
essary than ever before.
He stated that a questionnaire was
sent to representative lumber or-
ganizations asking whether men with
such training would find a field for
their knowledge of surveying, map-
making, timber estimating, scaling
and other technical forest training
that could be learned in one year of
intensive practical training. The an-
swer from most of the lumber indus-
tries was "yes"-that such men would
be welcomed as camp clerks, time-
keepers, scalpers and foreman-assist-
ants when such positions were open.
Several offered to hire at once one
or two semi-professional men if they
were available.
The one year course is being con-
templated for those young men who
would like to enter' for'estry but to
whom a college education is impos-
sible, Professoi'C'aig explained. He
saw the need for such a course for
those men who come out of the CCC
with a taste for forestry, but who
would of course need additional train-
Now at
712 E Washington Ph. 9793


"Iil-oils Grman (:oo ing" BEER !
Old German Restaurant
Is Now Serving a
C Noonday Luncheon
from 11 A.M. until 2 P.M.
One Block West of Main Street



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Next to Masonic Temple

Three to Four
Gardenias $1.00

e;ii Wmit tke Our
Speciol Gardenia









as Next Year


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These Malteds and
Shakes, made with
a delicious combina-
tion of fruits, are as
;ood as they sound.



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818 South State


(ConUnued from Page 4)
School. 9:30 a.m., German Lenten
service. Sermon: "Our Savior-
Abused." 10:45 a.m., Regular morn-
ing service. Sermon: "The Splendor
of the Cross." 6 p.m., Student-Wal-
ther League supper, followed by a
social program. 7:30 p.m., Lantern
Slide lecture on "Our Church In
April 1, 1936: 7:30 p.m., Sixth mid-
week Lenten service with sermon by
the pastor on the subject: "Our Sa-
Hillel Foundation: Traditional Fri-
day night services will be held at the
Hillel Foundation at 8:00 p.m. Dr.
Heller will speak on "What I Saw in
Roumania." This is a continuation
of his series of talks on his travels in
Europe this summer. All are welcome.
Sadie Perrin.

'War Is
the lect





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