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March 26, 1936 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-26

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'iRLtLuk)Al, ?viAtSCHIG, J93g

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State Aecies IUniversty Broadcasting Service
For IReief W' ill 111(eThse Acii es M ach 2v

Be taoordmLated
Fitzgerald rT o Nane New
Body To Outline Changes
In Michigan Laws
LANSING, March 25. -U0) -- Gov.
Frank D. Fitzgerald told a commit-
tee from the state medical society
today he will appoint a commission
to outline legislation designed to re-
vamp and coordinate all state relief
The Governor told the doctors of
his intention when they visited his
office to offer their cooperation in
cutting costs for the crippled and af-
flicted children's commission.
Dr. Grover C. Penberthy, of De-;
troit, society president,headed the
committee which consisted of Drs.
Henry Cook, of Flint, H. H. Cum-
mings of Ann Arbor, L. Fernald Fos-
ter, of Bay City, and S. W. Insley, of1
Dr. Cummings told Governor Fitz-
gerald the process of committing
crippled and afflicted children to state
care has become a "local political
racket," and declared physicians
"would be better off if they did not
have to touch the cases." He de-
clared relief agencies, service clubs,
visiting nurses and welfare workers
have added to the burden by seeking
out new cases to add to the rolls.
Dr. Foster asserted committees of
the society which pass on the neces-
sity of state care for applicants in
67 counties have greatly reduced the
number of hospitalized cases. He
added that probate judges in Gogebic
and Gratiot Counties have refused to
cooperate with doctors in their ef-
forts to cut hospitalization.
Physicians will not accept the gov-
ernor's offer of 25 per cent of normal
fees for the care of crippled and af-
flicted children, Dr. Cook said, pre-
ferring to receive only $1 a case in
order to preserve their fee schedules
in private practice.
Governor Fitzgerald pointed out
that the solution would be to force
local governments to carry a portion
of the expense. That recommenda-
tion, he said, will be considered by
the commission he intends to appoint
to study relief and social service prob-
Japan Premier
Favors Peace
For Far East
TOKYO, March 25. - (A) - Koki
Hirota declared today that Japan
would fight no war while he was pre-
The new premier, who recalled that
he told parliament in 1935 that "there
will be no war while I am forign
minister," told foreign correspondents
today, "That holds good while I am
Hirota expressed "keen gratifica-
tion" over a recent statement by
Vyacheslaff Molotoff, president of the
council of Soviet commissars, that
Russo-Japanese relations were im-
The premier said he and Moltoff
were intimate friends during Hirota's
period as ambassador at Moscow, and
that "Moltoff evidently believes with
his old friend, the premier of Japan,
the time has come for promotion of
better relations between our coun-
Hirota, who became premier after
the Feb. 26 Tokyo uprising and as-
sassinations, explained that the "pos-
itive foreign policy" which the new
cabinet announced "merely means a
speeding up of a solution of ques-
tions between Japan and her neigh-
bors by diplomatic means."

Best in Town.

"Spanish Geography and the Span-E
ish People," was the subject of a
speech given yesterday by Prof
Charles Wagner, of the romance lan-
guage department, over the University
Broadcasting Service.
Describing the country and its top-
ocraphy, Professor Wagner pointed
out that the central portion is a vast
semi-arid plateau, cut by several
mountain ranges. "Spain's chief
wealth," he added, "is inaagriculture
and grazing, for the coastal plains of
of marvelous fertility. Cork, the bark
of a kind of oak, wine, and olives and
olive oil are the chief exports."
The speaker stated that "the ro-
mantic tradition that makes every
Spaniard as handsome and seductivet
as the lamented Valentino and every
Spanish woman a languorously beau-
tiful passion-flower" had its basis in
fact, pointing to the "full direct gaze,
dignified carriage and golden skin of
a Castilian peasant girl."
"The Spaniards' other qualities,"
the speaker continued, "are an un-
failing kindness and courtesy, an in-
ordinate love of children, great per-
sonal dignity, and thorough democ-
racy. He considers himself as good
as the other fellow, though no better,
whatever his rank."
Describing the modern life, Profes-
sor Wagner showed how modern ideas
are being im'ported into the land, stat-
ing that "many of the picturesque
features of Spanish life have suc-
cumbed to the levelling tendencies of
modern civilization."

After 10 weeks of continuous broad-
casting, the University Broadcasting
Service will cease producing from
Morris Hall over WJR Sunday, March
During this session of broadcasting,
lectures have been given at 2:00 p.m.
eachtday by varioius members of the
faculty on their specialized subjects.
Series of speeches, which included the
Michigan, My Michigan series,the
American History as Told by Artists
series, Geography and Travel Series,
Eras in English Literature series and
Critical Moments in Lives of Nations
series, were presented during the
Classes in wind and stringed in-
struments, as well as in elementary
singing, have been given over the air
during morning broadcasts by Prof.
Joseph Maddy, of the School of Music.
On Sunday, a series of lectures on
parent education have been present-
The only evening Droadcasts were
speeches given on the planning of the
home, for persons who were about to
build a home and those who intended
to repair or improve their present
ones, and lectures interpreting cur-
rent events.
Laboratory programs, during which
skits depicting campus life were pre-
sented, were given by the Laboratory
Class in Broadcasting under the tute-
lage of Prof. Waldo Abbot at 9:00
a.m. on each Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday.

Case Finds History. D'riid NO PITY FOR mEN
1Yse m h DpartmentLo 2E2.KIf , A rou
Of Fossil Collectionii 4o!at00 co a nt. the ijiver'itv ofi
._ fi~~1SC enough lips ti .~ityyr Itoa li
Ar interesting piece of history e N-n-us usenughflipstck every year to cover
nected with one of the specimens in N w r g200,531suare eet, each one averag-
the collection of fossils recently do-_ing_10_applicationsaday.
nated to the Museum of Paleontology The German department is plan-
by the family of Dr. Carl Rominger, ning to offer a number of special
director of the State Geological Sur- courses in connection with the pro-
vey from 1870 to 1883, has been un- posed establishment of a Linguistic
covered by Prof. E. C. Case, director Institute in the 1936 Summer Ses-

IHcA NYMreh 25 -Bl
- wosndsparrow aw.~
"Lre heinowItrained Ito Ihnt:it. C6, iiiI1
University where several students ua.
faculty members are reviving the an-
cient Persian sport of falconry.

bj'j nr

of the Museum.I
The story is that Dr. Rominger, a{
student at the University of Tubin-
gen, was collecting in the Swabian
Alps about 1840 with his professor,
Dr. Quenstedt, a celebrated German
paleontologist of the last century. The
two saw a beautiful specimen at the
same moment and reached for it. In
the excitement both rolled down the
hill side, but Dr. Rominger had the
fossil. In deference to his profes-
sor he relinquished the prize. Later,
when Dr. Rominger was married, Dr.
Quenstedt presented the specimen to
him as a wedding present.t

lion of the University, according to
Prof. Henry Nordmeyer, chairman of
the department.
In this project, Prof. Nordmeyer ex-,
plained, the department is cooperat-
ing with the American Council of
Learned Societies to offer a wide se-
lection of courses pertaining to lan-
guage studies. The staff will be aug-
mented by outstanding men from
other institutions.
Thus, students unable to attend
the regular sessions of the larger
universities may have the advantages
of doing work in a far wider range
of languages than is possible in the
usual type of summer school.

,Y IN Er -. v
Superior Dairy Company
Phone 23181

1._____________________ __ ______-_________________________________________

Are you


AILO R-MADE down to the skin?

6:00-WJR Musical Moments.
WWJ Ty Tyson.
WXZ Rhythm Tunes.
CKLW Omar.
6:15-WJR News of Youth.
WXYZ Contrasts in Music.
WWJ Dinner Music.
CKLW Joe Gentile.
6:30-WJR Duncan Moore.
WWJ Bulletins.
WXYZ Day in Review.
CKLW Rhythm Ramblings.
6:45-WJR Strange as it Seems.
WWJ Musical Moments.
WXYZ Lowell Thomas.
CKLW Old Bill.
7:00-WJR Myrt and Marge.
WWJ Amos and Andy.
WXYZ Easy Aces.
CKLW Shadowseon the Clock.
7:15-WJR Jimmie Allen.
WWJ Popeye the Sailor.
WXY ZAlice Sheldon.
7:30-WJR Kate Smith.
WWJ Evening Melodies.
WXYZ Musical Moments.
CKLW Variety Revue.
7:45-WJR BoakesCarter.
WWJ Pastorals.
WXYZ Red Horse Ranch.
8 :00-WJR Airshow: Alexander Gray:
Mark Warnow's Music.
WWJ Rudy Vallee's Music.
WXLZ Pittsburgh Symphony.
CKLW Gabriel Heatter.
8:15--CKLW Jack Hylton's Music.
8:30--WJR Gertrude Nelsen and Harry
Harry Rich man.
WXYZ Merry-Go-Round.
CKLW Little Symphony.
8:45-WTJR Musical Program.
9:00-WJR Walter O'Keefe:
Glen Gray's Music.
WWJ Captain Henry's Showboat.
WXYZ Death Valley Days.
CKLW Revellers.
9:15-CKLW Melody Treasure Hunt.
WXYZ Murray Van Wagoner.
9:30--WJR Ed Wynn-Gulliver the
WXYZ Mellow Music.
CKLW Pop Concert.
10:00-WJR Horace Heidt's Brigadiers.
WWJ Bing Crosby: Jimmy Dorsey's
WXYZ Jubilee Singers.
CKLW Recital Hall.
10:15-WXYZ Sammy Dibert's Music.
10:30-WJR March of Time.
WXYZ Lowry Clark.
CKLW Jack Hylton's Music.
10:45-WJR Dance Tunes.
WXYZ Larry Funk's Band.
WJR Bulletins.

11:00-WWJ Russ Lyon's Music.
WXYZ Baker Twins.
CKLW Freddy Martin's Music.
11:15-WJR Moods in Music.
CKLW Anson Weeks' Music.
WXYZ Russ Morgan's Music.
11:30--WWJ George Kavanagh's Music.
WXYZ Meredith Wilson's Music.
CKLW Ted Weems' Music.
11 :45-WJR "Solay," violinist.
12 Midnight-WJR Barney Rapp's
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Paul Pendarvis's Music.
CKLW Orville Knapp's Music.
12:30-WXYZ Ed Fitzpatrick's Music.
WJR Ozzie Nelson's Music.
CKLW Will Osborne's Music.
1:00-CKLW DeMarco's Music.
Bishop To Talk In
Vocational Series
The nature of the work of the li-
brarian and preparation for that work
will be the subject of the talk to be
given at 4:15 p.m. today in Room 1025
Angell Hall by Dr. W. W. Bishop, li-
brarian of the University. The talk
is one of the vocational series being
offered throughout the semester.
Dr. Bishop will discuss preparation
for work as a librarian especially as
it is presented in the courses in li-
brary science at the University. He
will also discuss the opportunities
open to librarians today and the
nature of the work which they are
called upon to do. All students on
campus interested in future work in
library science are invited to attend.
1, The next professional talk in the
Sseries will be given by Prof. R. B.
Rodkey of the School of Business
!Administration on Tuesday, March 31

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