THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1936' Medicine To Be Subject Of Talk By Furstenburg Will Describe Vocational Aspect For Pre-Medical Students Of Present "Medicine As A Vocation" will be the subject of a talk by Dean Albert C. Furstenburg of the Medical School at 4:15 p.m. today in Room 1025, Angell Hall. The talk is one of a series sponsored by the literary col- lege, and is designed primarily for students interested in future work in medicine. Dean Furstenburg's talk will be concerned with a number of subjects, particularly those which will add to the student's knowledge of the char- acter of pre-medical study. Dean Furstenburg will also discuss the op- portunities for medical education here at the University and elsewhere and the selection of a good medical school. The talk will also include a discus- sion as to the choice of practice fol- lowing graduation from medical school, as well as opportunities for practice after graduation. The next talk in the series will be given by Dr. W. W. Bishop, Librarian of the University, on Thursday, March 26. Gen. Smedlfy Butler-- Quakler Turned Soldier-- To Tal§ek On War Outspoken And Dynamic, He Has Had -His Share Of Conflicts A Quaker who became a soldier, but whose experiences since his en-j listment many years ago have given him more reasons for renouncing war than simply the faith of his parentsj -that is Maj.-Gen. Smedley Darling- ton Butler, who will speak on "War Is! A Racket" at 8:15 p.m. Thursday in Hill Auditorium under the auspices of the Students' Alliance. "As a soldier I long suspected that' war was a racket; not until I retiredc to civil life did I fully realize it," General Butler has said. Never quiescent once he has formed a con- viction, since that realization he has spent the majority of his time in speaking and writing about what he has seen and what he believes about war. Turbulent Career General Butler's turbulent career has made him famous throughout the country. His personal courage hasI made all respect him, but his im- patience with exaggerated ceremony1 and pompous custom has more than, once upset his Washington supervis- ors - chiefly Secretary of the Navy Charles Francis Adams of the Hoov- er cabinet. The story is told that in introduc- ing Secretary Adams to a group of officers, he said, "Gentlemen, I want you to meet the Secretary of the God damned Navy." Twice in public speeches he incurred the official dis- favor of Adams. In a Pittsburgh speech he told of the Marines' meth- ods of conducting elections in Nicara- gua, of declaring the "opposition" party bandits and closing the polls' before they could vote. A more famous incident is the Phil-, adelphia seh, i whuti he told of a hitain'1 inci>n in wich Ben- ito V",Sh was ll involved. At the sa tme he was arrested for this sta,' mnt, h was officially praisedr:y - th v D ipartnent in these vo s: "w,';: ' no finer ex- am.pl1;i f '' fuj ation by Americn flicers hbe-fn demon- stratud in r t years thal the peace-.midng ah .i'ents that crowned(ief Gfnera1 ut's efiorts in China in 192 7 w ai (12" Tricd Cleaan)n; Pi ]dphia His much-1'ai: a d attempt to clean up Phil'dtljple ing the hey- day of the pr:o cii ;Yi ;n ( ra created a nation-widef ear I T efforts routed many of the 'rii'inal nlement and did much to brew!k- 3'J. lin:e with the police, b ih nsf har two years saying, "I ho u t political pow- ers wanteda Ph ilad(celpm-, cleaned up, but pretty (c '. >kly I discovered all they wanted was to make the citizens of Philadv'lphia believe it had been cleaned up." It was General Butler who appeared before the Congresional Committee on un-American act ivities. and told of the efforts of Gerald C. MacGuire, Wall Street bond--salesman, to in- duce him to head a Fascist march on Washington. Now retired, General Butler has spent more of his life in the army. He joined when he was 16, and this story is told of his conversation with his father after his under-age en- listment: "When did thee tell them thee was born?" his father asked. "April 20, 1880." "Thy mother and I were not mar- ried until February, 1879, so do not add any more years to thy age." Law Institute Is Scheduled For March 20 Second Annual Convention Of Policemen To Last Through April 2 The third Institute for Law-En- forcement Officers sponsored by the University Extension Division has been arranged to take place on four consecutive days, beginning March 30 and lasting until April 2. According to an announcement is- sued by the Extension Division the purpose of the Institute is to fa- cilitate the exchange of information between officers and other persons in- terested in effective enforcement of the laws relating particularly to pub- lic safety. At the first institute, held two years ago, emphasis was placed upon the utilization of those branches of knowledge allied to medicine, and at the institute held last year the use of physical and chemical inventions in the detection of crime was espe- cially emphasized. Effective traffic control in the county and in the city and the pre- vention of traffic accidents will be the principal consideration of the institute to be held March 30. Prof. Orlando W. Stephenson has been chosen general chairman of the meetings of the institute, which will be held every morning and afternoon. The first two days of the conven- tion will be spent more particularly in a discussion of law and matters of detection while the last two traffic regulation and control will receive .the major attention of the conference. IT- 'FACTO FT )LO When Included In Our Special Student Bundle!F N O MATTER HOW YOU FIGURE, you'll find it's no longer cheaper to send your laundry home, especially after you give this Student Bundle a trial. Yes, shirts are only tell cents, and given the same service in washing and ironing that is given uinder the regular charge. Of course, Think a Minute d Reading The ichigan DaiY -Want Ads this special price is given only when included in the Student Bundle. today for information regarding this service. Call ' ! ' j + Shirts, handkerchiefs, and socks a e finished, while underwear and pa- jaias are dried and folded ready for wear. ~YJ d thlat Ab~dertist -9ire t ju- rALYS C1ssitie6 D I Ime tlr -I f " RESUS ys ohe somethin9 to ' th t e ous o srd column. Sample Bundle ( Finished Service ) 6 HANDKERCHIEFS 3 SHIRTS 3 PAIRS OF SOX ( Folded - Ready to Wear ) 2 SUITS UNDERWEAR 2 BATH TOWELS 1 PAJAMA SUIT Cost92 Shirts Extra . . . . . loc Minimum Bundle 50c Price per lb. .. lOc l'or MAsyttl3 C As°- N flinilum carge for a thireeline 1~d 1inserted one time. Additional \insertions only a litemore. The wN ANT-AD D (Full Dress Shirts are not included in this Special Price) Sox Extra, per pair.. . 2c Handkerchiefs, Extra . . Ic a 4 . :.:. t y1Ny 1. f e'°' VARSITY LAUNDRY Phone 2-3123 TROJAN LAUNDRY Phone 9495 III