The Weather Warmer with probable show- ers followed by slight fall in temperature. Wit i an Ilaitil Editorials Gems From Diamonds.., Something More To Think About . .. I; VOL. XLVI No. 123 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS Mussolini Abolishes Chamber Fascist State Takes Over Large Private Industry On 17th Anniversary Act Is Preparation For European War 'Big Industry Must Labor Exclusively For Armed Forces,' Duce Says ROME, March 23. - (') - Premier Mussolini, standing under the shadow of a statue of Julius Caesar, today abolished large private industries and Italy's Chamber of Deputies in prep- aration for an expected European war. His purpose in placing large in- dustries under direct or indirect state control, he explained, was to take the profits from war. The dictator put these far-reach- ing changes into effect as the nation celebratedhthe seventeenthhanniver- sary of the founding of the Fascist party. With these reforms, he told his cheering followers in the Julius Caesar Hall of the capitol building on Capitoline Hill, the Fascist party reaches fulfillment of its purposes. A council of guilds, to be known as "The Chamber of Fascists and Cor- poations," will be substituted for the impotent Chamber of Deputies, long prepared for its abolition. Hints At Coming War Medium and small private indus- tries were left untouched, but Il Duce said "we are going toward the period" in which large private industries "will have to labor exclusively, or almost so, for the armed forces of the na- tion." Of sanctions, he said: "They will remain a mark of in- famy in the history of Europe, just as furnishing material and moral aid to Ethiopia will remain as a page of dishonor." Italy, he added, now has enough iron for either peace or war needs. In striking phrases, I Duce took the following steps: 1.-Abolished the Italian Chamber of Deputies in favor of a council of guilds. 2.-Abolished large industries to take the profits from war. 3- Asserted that economic self- sufficiency is Italy's goal as a prepara- tion for war. 4.--Abolished "sharkims' 'to end profits on essentials of life. 5.-Asserted differences in ranks among producers must be reduced. 6.- Defied sanctions. 7.- Declared that political au- tonomy means economic autonomy. 8.-Announced that Italy is trans- forming her economy, developing some prime materials and learning to get along without others. Austro-Magyar Accords Signed New political and economic accords between Italy, Hungary and Austria were signed today at the Venezia pal- ace. The three powers were repre- sented by their premiers Mussolini for Italy, Chancellor Kurt Schusch- nigg for Austria and Julius Goemboes for Hungary. The accords, agreed upon yesterday, are reported to strengthen existing protocols between the three nations. Blackshirted Fascists paraded, waved flags, cheered and shouted "Viva Il Duce" throughout the nation in celebration of their party's birth- day. At provincial ceremonies, Fas- cists heard a proclamation of the names of their companions who have died in the Ethiopian war. Senate Passes Big Peacetime Bill For Army WASHINGTON, March 23.- (A) - Ignoring cries of "this means war" and "extravagance," the Senate today boomed out a 53 to 12 vote to pass a record-breaking peacetime army sup- ply bill of $611,362,604. The measure was sent to the House for action on Senate changes adding a net of $66,000,000 to the House- approved total, after a vote of 36 to 35 had defeated a second attempt to include funds to continue work on the WPA-initiated ship canal. nnnrcnt of the A-mile Atlantic Guest At Smoker WILLIAM S. KNUDSEN * *- * Knudsen To Be Guest Speaker. Before Smoker Address On Auto Industry To Be Heard By Council In UnionTonightt William S. Knudsen, vice-president of the General Motors Corporationt since 1933, will address the Engineer- ing Council's annualssmoker at 7:30 p.m. today in the ballroom of the Michigan Union, it was announcedt last night by Francis Wallace, '36, president of the council. His subjectt will be "The Growth of the Automo- bile Industry." Arriving in America from Denmark1 at the age of 20, Mr. Knudsen is known widely for his phenomenal riset from a worker in New York ship-c yards to one of the most influential and powerful positions in the auto- mobile industry.1 Resigning his job in the shipyards, he worked for the Erie Railroad shops for 18 months. He then transferredI to the John R. Keim Mills in Buffalo,t N. Y., being advanced to superinten- dent in 1902. He then entered the employment of the Ford Motor Car Co., Detroit,1 where he remained until 1921. Hef was in charge of building assembly plants there, and later became pro-t duction manager. In 1921 Mr. Knudsen became gen- cral manager of the Matthews &t Ireland Co., and a year later wentt into the employment of the Chevro- let Co., as vice-president. He wast later appointed president of Chevro- let and then executive vice-president of the General Motors Corporation, with supervisory control of all auto- mobile and ,body manufacturing ac- tivities. Prof. Walter E. Lay f the automo- tive engineering department will be toastmaster of the smoker. Tickets may be obtained for 25 cents either at the Union immediate- ly before the smoker or in advance on the second-floor hallway of the West Engineering Building, directly above the Engineering Arch. O'Shea Profits In Stock Deals Are Revealed. Banker I)dln't Purchase $10,000 Home For Her, Miss lDinimer Asserts DETROIT, March 23.--- (') -James J. O'Shea's 26-year-old confidential secretary said today that he had re- ceived half the profits from a secret stock market account of $135,000 which the banker directed her Thurs- day to turn over to detectives inves- tigating the $395,000 embezzlement of city funds. O'Shea, vice president of the Na- tional Bank of Detroit, is held for trial on charges that he aided Harry M. Tyler, assistant city budget direc- tor. in withdrawing money fraudu- lently from the city's account in the bank. The banker asserted that the stock account was Tyler's, but Miss Mer- cedes F. Dimmer, his secretary, said that "so far as I know this was O'Shea's own stock market account. He never told me Tyler had any in- terest in it, and I do not recall ever hearing Mr. O'Shea mentioning his name." Miss Dimmer denied that O'Shea purchased for her a $10,000 home into which she moved her family from a 2A-a-month flat last autumn. She New Awards For Women AreOffered $500 Graduate Fellowship And Two Scholarships Are Given By Alumnae April 15 Last Day To File Application Establishment Of Endowed Fellowship Fund Sought By Alumnae Council By JOSEPHINE T. McLEAN A fellowship for graduate study amounting to $500, and two senior gift scholarships of $100 each will be available to women students for the academic year 1936-37 through the Alumnae Council of the Alumni Asso- ciation, Mrs. Seymour Beach Con- ger, executive secretary of the Alum- nae Association, announced yesterday. Winners of awards will be an- nounced April 30. Application blanks, which are now obtainable at the of- fice of the Dean of Women must be filed with that office by April 15. The choice of candidates rests with the Alumnae Council Committee of Awards consisting of Miss Alice C. Lloyd, dean of women; Mrs. Delos Parker Heath of Detroit, chairman of the Alumnae Council Fellowship Com- mittee, Mrs. Charles Gore of Ben- ton Harbor, Dean Clarence Yoakum of the Graduate School, and another member of the rAjduate iSchocl Board appointed by Dean Yoakum. These awards, offered currently, comprise individual and group con- tributions and are made possible prin- cipally through the gifts of organized alumnae throughout the United States. They are only a part of the Alumnae Council's general fellowship program, which has as its ultimate goal the establishment of an endow- ment fund of $150,000 for the main- tenance of 10 graduate fellowships. Three of these original capital funds are already under way, the most recent being that of the Michigan League Undergraduate Council, with a goal of $15,000. The Emma Holbrook Clark-Alum- nae Council Fellowship of $500, grant- ed on the basis of high scholastic ability and scholarly achievement, is open to any college woman with a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or University and is to be used for work toward a master's or doc- tor's degree. A Michigan graduate may use the award for study on the (Continued on Page 2) Kagawa To Speak About Christianity Toyohiko Kagawa, Martin Loud lecturer for 1936, will give four pub- lic addresses this'week in Ann Arbor, and will hold a special forum to an- swer all questions, handed in by stu- dents. The first lecture on "Christian Co- operatives and World Peace" will be presented at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday in Hill Auditorium. The student meeting will be held in the Union at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. fn the First Methodist Church, Kagawa will present a series of three lectures. The first will be at 4:15 p.m. Thursday on "Cooperative Movement"; the second will be given at 8:15 p.m. Thursday on "Chris- tianity and a Cooperative State"; and at 4:15 p.m. Friday the last lecture, on "The Principle of the Cross and Economic Reconstruction," will be presented. Claims Innocence -By ailyStaf Phtographer. 'SHORTY' HAYDEN- Streicher Case Is Opened Anew By Prosecutor New Evidence Disclosure Brings Quiz Of Former Law Student Another step forward in the solu- tion of the murder of Richard Streicher at Ypsilanti a year ago was made known yesterday when Prose- cutor Albert J. Rapp revealed that he had questioned a former Uni- versity law student who is a suspect' in the case. Prosecutor Rapp questioned the former student who was suspected be- cause of his psychopathic tendencies, his absence from his rooming house here the night of the murder and his departure for the coast the next day. Richard Streicher's body was found brutally mutilated near the Huron River bridge in Ypsilanti. The suspect, whose name Prosecut- or Rapp would not divulge, stated that his departure for the coast had been planned weeks before, the Pros- ecutor said. He also claimed that he had never been in Ypsilanti and had stayed in an Ann Arbor hotel the night of the murder. Several grotesque drawings which were recently mailed to Chief of Po- lice Ralph Southard, in Ypsilanti, were also investigated by Prosecutor Rapp. He is attempting to establish a relationship between these draw- ings and a book found in the suspects'j room which was opened to the picture of an Aztec priest. The drawings mailed to Chief Southard were con- structed in part from newspaper pic- tures and in part from what was penciled in by the sender. A mis- formed madonna with a detached arm holding a dagger was the sub- ject of one of the drawings, while another showed a laughing crowd watching a man chase a child down the street. An obituary of the Rev. Oresta Trinchieri of the Salesian Fathers, former pastor of the church of St. Peter and Paul in San Francisco, was also mailed to Ypsilanti. No hand- writing accompanied it, and no clue as to the sender has been discovered. Much verification and checking of details must be made, Prosecutor Rapp said, before the value of the in- formation is determined. ASKS AAA REPORT WASHINGTON, March 23. -- W) - Charging "enormous" AAA payments to some farmers, Sen. Arthur H. Van- denberg asked the Senate today to request from Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace, a report on all, crop-control contracts which paid more than $10,000. Plea In Stang Murder Case Is NotGuilty Padgett, Who Was Called Hayden, Won't Admit Previous Presence Here Two Men Identify Alleged Murderer 'Shorty' Wants Road Maps With Which To Explain His Activities Last March Once more denying that he had ever been in Ann Arbor, William Pad- gett, alias "Shorty Hayden," pleaded not guilty, when arraigned in Judge Jay H. Payne's court yesterday after- noon, to the murder of Patrolman Clifford Stang in March, 1935. "I've never been in Ann Arbor in all my life," he stated when asked how he would plead. He demanded an examination, which was set for 2 p.m. Friday. Hayden was identified by William Conlin and Herbert Wetherbee, pro- prietors of the clothing store in which Stang was shot, as one of the two thugs who participated in the murder of Stang. James Akers, '38, a customer in the store at the time of the holdup, was not called upon to identify the pris- oner. Chief of Police Lewis W. Fo- hey stated that the two men were "ab- solutely certain" that Hayden was the bandit. Asking for road maps of Ohio, West Virginia and Michigan, Hayden said that he would probably be able to tell from them where he was last March. He had previously said that hekhad left this part of the country in Feb- ruary or early March last year and had gone to Baltimore and then on to Washington, New York and Wheel- ing. Judge Payne stated that the maps would be furnished to him at the time-of the examination. Hayden is being held in the county jail without bond. He has been there since Saturday when he was returned from Los Angeles by Prosecutor Al- bert J. Rapp, Chief Fohey and Sergt,. Sherman Mortenson, folowing an un- successful fight against extradition. Paroled in October, 1934, from the Southern Michigan Prison at Jack- son after serving five years of a seven and a half to 15-year sentence for robbery armed, Hayden was tentative- ly identified by the witnesses of the hold-up from pictures released by the prison when he broke his parole. He was arrested by Los Angeles police on a charge of breaking and entering, and identified as Hayden from fin- ger prints which were taken. Judge Payne said that Padgett was the prisoner's authentic name. He assumed the name of Hayden, his mother's maiden name, during his stay in Michigan. Winter To Give Annual Russel LectureMay 7 Younger Faculty Memer To Be Honored At Same Time By Award The annual Henry Russel lecture for 1935-36, which will be given by Prof. John G. Winter, chairman of the Latin department, will be de- livered at 4:15 p.m. May 7 in Natural Science Auditorium. Dr. Heber D. Curtis, president of the Research Club of the University, stated yester- day. Announcement of the Hemy Rus- sel award will also be made at the time of the lecture, and, according to Dr. Curtis, the award is annually given to an instructor or assistant professor whose scientific and scho- lastic work has been outstanding. The lectureship was first awarded in 1925 after the Regents had decided to use $250 from the endowment giv- en the University by the late Henry Russel of Detroit. The Regents also decided to award $250 to some young- er member of the staff whose prom- ise seems to merit appointment. Professor Winter is the eleventh faculty man to be asked to give the Henry Russel lecture, Having been connected with the University since 1904, Professor Winter has achieved international recognition as a schol- ar and at the present time is director of the division of fine arts in the lit- erary college and of the Museum of Classical Archaeology. Covers New Area;. 172 Deaths Known Local Red Cross Raises $1,300 Flood Relief Michigan's honor societies so- licited nearly $200 in Red Cross flood relief yesterday morning, as Lewis E. Ayres chairman of the local Red Cross chapter, an- nounced last night that Ann Ar- bor had more than doubled its quota of $520. Michigamua, Sphinx and Vul- cans canvassed the campus for $192.27, bringing the total for the city up to nearly $1,300, Mr. Ayres said. A portion of this came from Ypsilanti, he added.I Mr. Ayres said he received an- other telegram from national Red Cross headquarters stating that oversubscriptions were needed be- cause of growing damages wroughtI by the flood. League Awaits Proposal Reply From Dictators Family Of Nations Anxious Over Italian And German Attitude On Peace LONDON, March 23. - () - With apprehension the League of Nations Council awaited word tonight from two dictators-Adolf Hitler and Ben- ito Mussolini. Der Fuehrer's all-important an- swer to proposals of the four Locarno powers was still unsighted late to- night. It was linked closely by League circles with an expected mes- sage of the Italian dictator stating his basicdemands for halting the war in Africa. The League's committee of 13, which is the Council without Italy, dispatched a new plea for peace di- rectly to Italy and Ethiopia after re- assuming consideration of the war Tht African bloodshed had been temporarily forgotten in the stress of the crisis caused by Hitler's drop- ping of the Locarno treaty. Joachim von Ribbentrop, Hitler's special ambassador, said dispatches from Berlin may fly to London to- morrow bringing Germany's scheme for solution of the first part of the double dilemma confronting the League-the Rhineland crisis and the Italo-Ethiopian conflict. One, it was admitted, cannot easily be settled without some agreement concerning the other. Mussolini, it is believed, will insist upon assurances that he will get an Italian peacemin Ethiopia with a simultaneous lifting of sanctions be- fore he gives broad pledges in con- nection with the projected quad- ruple alliance which would function against Germany should Hitler re- fuse to negotiate for a new Locarno accord. Borah Resumes Campaign Tour Of Middle West WASHINGTON, March 23. - () - With the brief comment that he was glad to have support from Dr. Fran- cis E. Townsend, Sen. William Edgar Borah, (Rep., Ida.) said today that he would resume his campaigning for the Republican Presidential nomina- tion in the Middle West in about a week. He plans to speak in Illinois and perhaps Wisconsin about April 1. Early in May he will make an address in Ohio before that state's primary May 12. In Los Angeles Dr. Townsend, au- thor of the Townsend Old Age Pen- sion Plan, revived talk of a third party with the declaration that if the Republicans show the same "cold- ness" to his plan, "a third party, composed exclusively of Townsend Plan followers, will be formulated with the avowed purpose of shelving! both Democratic and Republican par- ties perpetually." FILIPINOS BACK ROOSEVELT Devastated Eastern States Begin Work To Restore Half BillionDamage To Study Program Of Flood Control Governors To Ask WPA For Funds; Seek Special Relief Grants (By The Associated Press) The flood crest of the Ohio River moved westward toward the Missis- sippi Monday night, carrying de- struction and suffering into new areas, as a dozen flood-torn Eastern states struggled with an immense re-' habilitation task. Hundreds of persons were desert- ing their homes as the crest of the Ohio flood neared Cincinnati and inundated large areas of lowlands in the Southwestern portion of the Buckeye State. Dozens of villages were submerged and isolated. In Portsmouth, 110 miles upstream from Cincinnati, the river was at 59 feet, one foot below the top of the mililon-dollar flood wall. The river was steadily leveling off, however, and it was believed that the wall was safe. A recheck of the death list, .as Eastern rivers rapidly receded, showed 172 dead. Property damage was estimated, unofficialy and of- ficialy, at more than $500,000,000. More than 425,000 persons were homeless. Governors Ask Relief As thousands of National Guards- men and WPA workers started clear- ing away flood wreckage, state of- ficials converged on Washington seeking rehabilitation funds. Gov. George H. Earle, of Pennsyl- vania; Gov. Louis J. Brann, of Maine; Gov. Wilbur L. Cross, of Connecticut, and Frank Foy, Massachusetts direc- tor of the National Emergency Coun- cil, conferred with their congres- sional delegations regarding proposed flood relief legislation. Gov. Earle made an appeal to Har- ry Hopkins, Works Progress admini- strator, for Federal funds. He said 'that a special session of the Pennsyl- vania Legislature is "practically in- evitable." After a conference with the Penn- sylvania Governor, Hopkins an- nounced that he and six other WPA officials would leave at once on a tour of the stricken areas. Senator Joseph F. Guffey, Penn- sylvania Democrat, prepared to in- troduce two bills to provide approp- riations totaling $68,578,000.for perm- anent flood control programs in the Allegheny and Susquehanna River basins. Johnstown Loss Exceeds '89 At Hartford, Conn., insurance cap- ital of the Nation, 1,000 National Guardsmen continued on duty to pre- vent looting. The damage there was estimated by business men at $25,- 000,000. A committee of experts set the per- sonal and property damage at Johns- town, Pa., at $28,821,692, nearly three times that of the famous flood of 1889. The estimate did not include damage to bridges, streets, sewers and other public property. Nearly 400,000 men were reported engaged in rehabilitation work. The flood claimed its first victim in the Lower Ohio Valley Monday when Charles Smittle, 57 years old, died of exposure after falling from a row- boat near Portsmouth. WASHINGTON, March 23. - (') - Members of Congress from 15 states voted today to seek the appointment (Continued on Page 2) Find New Evidence In Hauptmann Case TRENTON, March 23. - (A)--Gov. Harold J. Hoffman, authoritative sources disclosed, has developed new evidence in the Lindbergh kidnap murder case, which he considered suf- ficient material to seek clemency for Bruno Richard Hauptmann. The governor conferred last week with Attorney-General David T. Wil- entz, Hauptmann's prosecutor, and the sources said the governor sug- gested that they together request a cnmmutatinn nf the Tdath npna1tv t Ohio Valley Flood i _ _ _ _ i 'Swing' Results From Efforts To Play 'Hot'In Earlier Style By TUJURE TENANDER This present era of "swing" music ballyhood by writers, critics, and pub- licity agents is, in the opinion of Philip Diamond of the German de- partment, nothing more than an effort to reproduce the music which was being produced by the artists oft 10 years ago. Mr. Diamond also believes that to- day's attempts to "swing out" are not producing the results that were attained by the musical immortals of the middle of the last decade, and he should know, for he was in the music business for eight years. During his experiences at the pi-i ano and leading a dance orchestra, Dorsey, Frankie Trambauer. Don Murray and Joe Venuti. "I used to wish for the floor to open up and swallow me every time we started to play immediately after that aggregation of stars had com- pleted its turn," said Mr. Diamond, remembering those days when his orchestra had to compete with the ace Goldkette organization. Just to prove that he was not an "old fogey" reminiscing about the "good old days," Mr. Diamond took your correspondent to his home to listen to recordings which were made by these men in the middle twenties. The records offered very convincing evidence that the top musicians of yesteryear have not been equalled by the musicians of today, as far as