SUNDAY, 1WARCH 22, 1938
mentioned, the promotion of recreational reading
and instruction in the intricacies involved in using
for the greatest benefit theslibrary facilities. Vi-e
Stalization o n t y of its institution seems to be the sloganc nn g T we J
of the Stephens Library. _
Although practical difficulties lie in the way of
adoption of similar programs in the larger uni- FLOWER S11OW
versities (Stephens College numbers 900 women i1EMORY ever finds its truest power
students), we can logically expect the assumption To move my pen to sentient word or rhyme
of similar functions in smaller institutions and In fragrance from some far off scene or flower,
eventually in larger universities, but with different Faint blown, like star dust, down the winds of time.
administrative programs, It certainly indicates a
tendency toward greater vitalization or libraries - For Life nor Death has known me face to face,
a trend which may have amazing effect in educa- But some soft perfume can recall the day,
tion. Some dear reflection of remembered grace
Turn back the clock and blow the mist away.
Publication in the Bulletin is const.ructive notice to all members of the
versity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
uWA 320; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 1936
k-.- -
Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Poor was the childhood whose memories are left
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
Rio t otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mall matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00;
by mail., $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
By spruce pine boughs within a firelit room,
By ginger cookies and brown-crusted bread,
Letters published in this column should not be By peach preserves or oldtime "pinks" in bloom.
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The French well say that "chaque femme garde
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked content
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense Un joile petit coin dans son boncoeur
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject UnoiepttcndasSnoceu
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance I Ou elle n'a jamais jamais que vingt ans."
end interest to the campus.
d Upon such themes the French but seldom err.
Eductio In Nazi eC mny
The scent of valley lilies even now - absurd-
To the Editor: Can bring young love all warming to my heart,
Those who have kept in touch with events in Remembering each dear and foolish word
Germany since the coming to power of Hitler know That set their sweetness from the rest apart.
A Rai pica-iie starring Fred Astaire Vol. XLVI No. 121
iand Ginger Rogers, with Harriet Hil-
Bard. Randolph Scott .Astritllwyn,
and others. Notices
Students. College of Engineering:
Chapter Four in the Astaire-Rogers The final day for dropping a course
song and dance epic compares favor- without record will be Saturday,
ably with Chapter Three, "Top Hat," March 28. Courses may be dropped
although conceding something to both only with the permission of the
"Gay Divorcee" and "Roberta." classifier after conference with the
The success of "Follow the Fleet' instructor in the course.
rests upon three things: (1) the music A. H. Lovell, Secretary
and dancing, (2) Harriet Hilliard, and --
(3) ingenious comedy. It lacks the Notice: Permission has been grant-
brightness of story and dialogue of ed to the Salvation Army to place
"Gay Divorcee' and smooth liveliness three barrels on the Campus to col-
of "Roberta." lect clothing, shoes, etc. to be distri-
Because the mistaken identity- buted to the needy in the flood-
beach resort idea won't be due again stricken areas. The barrels will be
until next time, the navy is used as conveniently located - one at each
I a front for six or seven good Irving end of the diagonal and one in front
Berlin tunes and an Astaire-Rogers of the Libary, on Monday, Tuesday,
comedy dance routine that is probably and Wednesday of the week of March
their best yet. Good-looking Harriet 22. This arrangement has the sane-
Hilliard has only two short songs, de- tion of the University and your co-
spite the fact that she is a much operation and generosity will be ap-
better singer than actress. preciated.
Lack of even a semi-adequate plot Shiley W. Smith, Vice-President
is the picture's worst fault. Although and Secretary.
Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her-
shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal.
Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman;
Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes.
Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D.
Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman.
Women's Departme ,,: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman:
Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T.
Hoiden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
Local Advertising, William Barndt Service Department,
Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Edward Wollgemuth; Circulation and National Adver
tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publia-.
tions, Lyman Bittman.
Help The
Red Cross! . .e
honor societies Michigamua, Vul-
cans Sphinx and Triangles will canvass the Uni-
versity in an effort to help the Ann Arbor branch
of the Red Cross raise its quota of relief funds to
be used in the flooded areas of the East.
University students will have a real opportunity
to help alleviate the great suffering resulting from
the disastrous floods in New England, the Ohio
Valley, Pennsylvania and Washington. Under the
direction of President Roosevelt, the Federal re-
lief agencies and the Red Cross are cooperating in
a super-human effort to help take care of the
270;000 victims in the 13 states. Only by the com-
plete cooperation of the entire nation can the
Red Cross and the other relief agencies accomplish
their tremendous task.
The national organization of the Red Cross
has set $3,000,000 as its goal, and Ann Arbor has
been asked to raise but $520 of this amount. Pres-
idents of the honor societies are to be commended
upon offering their support to the local branch.
The entire student body should follow their ex-
ample and support them to the fullest extent by
contributions to their campaign which will bene-
fit the thousands of starving, homeless flood vic-
The Stephens
i h ary Plan.,
ly among the most advanced in the
world and constant innovations are being in-
stituted to uphold the high standard. Especially
are college and University libraries satisfied to
remain stationary.
One of the most remarkable programs which
have recently been adopted is the product of
Stephens College Library, which in a few years
has wrought such remarkable reforms as to quad-
ruple its circulation and indicate an almost rev-
olutionary trend in library interests and services.
This library has taken the form of a combined
library and instructional institution, in which the
instru'ctors are both teachers and librarians. The
innovator of this system at Stephens College is B.
Lamar Johnson, who was a student in the library
science department of the University a few years
ago. He has been given the unique and probably
unprecedented title of librarian and dean of in-
The benefits of working in the classrooms in the
atmosphere of and under the influence of books
certainly do not need mention, nor does the fact
that the instructors are acquainted with almost
every book in their fields and use the books in their
every-day instruction in the library-classroom
But of greater Devolutionary character are the
new functions of the library, and its increased in-
terests which make the library a more vital factor
in instruction.and an indispensible cultural in-
Active participation in fostering artistic appre-
ciation is a unique function of a library and one
that certainly offers greater interest for the stu-
dent than mere lecture courses which point out
artistic works but go no further in developing the
deeper sensitivity toward the arts and classics
that dozens of books and hundreds of article
have been written on Nazi Germany. Practicall
every phase of the Hitler regime has thus bee
minutely described. The changes that have taker
place during the last three years in the heretofor
civiized Germany are such as to make one wonde
whether he is living in the twentieth century o
in some far off age -in the grey dawn of his-
tory - when civilization was at its lowest ebb, when
fear, force and violence kept the German tribes in
subjection and when the mythical Teutonic gods
Thor and Wotan, ruled over those tribes.
Among the numerous subjects concerning Naz
Germany, there is one which, by reason of its far-
reaching importance to the world, has called forth
much comment -namely, education as carried
on by the Nazis. On this subject under the titl
of "Education Under the Nazis" there has jus
been published in the latest number of the dis-
tinguished magazine Foreign Affairs a masterly
article by Charles A. Beard, the eminent historian
The article comprises sixteen pages in which Mr
Beard dwells on every phase of his subject.
Space does not permit to do more than dwel
upon a few passages of the article. Professor Bear
states that there is not a shred of academic free-
dom left in German schools and universities and
he points out that the most rigid regimentation
is being practiced in all branches of education
"Perfect regimentation characterizes all student
life. The way to the university and careers is
not open to talents on the basis of intellectual
powers and attainments. No student can ad-
vance in learning without receiving the approva
of Youth Leaders and Nazi party officials." -
"Private and experimental work in education is
dead in Germany." -"Admission to the institu-
tions of higher learning is in effect a party affair
and closely restricted. Before they are admitted.
students must spend a season in a labor camp,
win the approval of local Youth Leaders, and
receive the stamp 'politically reliable.' Even then
they are not sure of advancement to the univer-
sity, for the total number admitted is arbitrarily
Nazi education rejects and condemns every-
thing known in Western Europe and the United
States as "liberalism." Parliamentary institutions,
liberty of press, speech, and religious worship,
freedom of parties, discussion, and elections, equal
rights for women, the inviolability of established
law, and individual liberty within established law
- all these things breought forth in struggle over
three hundred years - are cast aside as bourgeois,
effete and contrary to "the German spirit."- At
the same time internationalism is also discarded.
As for the aim of Nazi education, "decree after
decree shows that the German educational admin-
istration is above all interested in imposing a rigid
pattern of life and thought on teachers and pupils
alike, and is openly hostile to every manifestation
of free inquiry and discussion in the schools -
from the bottom to the top, the subjects to be
taught, the books admitted to school rooms, the
papers and magazines bought for school libraries,
and the very spirit of instruction are prescribed
in minute details. No room is left for private opin-
ion, for experimentation, or for the consideration
of any questions deemed "out of line" by the ad-
ministration. The life and sports of students as
well as the thought and conduct of teachers are
brought within the system of regimentation. The
declared purpose and program of education is to
crush all liberty of instruction and all independent
search for truth, and to "incorporate German
youth in Home, Folk, and State by the awakening
of sound racial forces and to the cultivation of
them with political goals consciously in mind."
Moreover, all Nazi education tends in the direc-
tion of militarism and war. As for those who think
that Hitler's offers of peace are sincere, they will
be disappointed on reading the conclusion of Pro-
fessor Beard's article: "Turned in upon them-
selves," writes Mr. Beard, "nourishing deep resent-
ments, and lashed to fury by a militant system
of education, the Germany people are conditioned
for that day when Hitler, his technicians, and the
army are ready, and one reasonably sure of the
prospects of success in a sudden and devastating
attack, East or West. To cherish any other con-
ception of Hitler's state or of the aims of Ger-
man education is to cherish a delusion."
The whole article should be read if one wishes
to get an idea of a state of things that seems
incredible in the twentieth century - and yet
which does exist in Nazi Germany.
-lu. Levi, Professor-Emeritus.
mr A r r 7 r) E
Lilies and palms and orange flower -
y Muted organ and vioin-
n "The Voice That Breathed O'er Eden's Bower."
a And "Lohengrin."
Pink chestnut blossoms - the quick tears sting-
rThe chestnut blooms
And Paris in the Spring.
Small posies on a table set for two,
Jonquils and tulips and hyacinths blue,
And a little flat turned castle built in Spain
I With the scent of jonquils -- and the 6:02 train.
Ether and roses and a rubber floor;
I Against a window lines of silver rain;
e And dumb, fixt staring at a panelled door,
t Each hurting breath a prayer - and not in vain.
Still in the summer night shall come the scent
of growing things.
Of flowers and of dew on fresh-turned loam,
And memory, sleeping, stirs her fragrant wings,
1 And finds within my garden walls, her home.
d -K.QG.
Professor Josephine L. Rathbone says that most
persons don't know how to relax. "Delegate as
much of your office work," she advises, "and worries
t as possible to your subordinates. Well, what wor-
ries most of us is that we have no subordinates to
1 delegate our office work to; and that most of us
are as subordinate as they come.
Of course, we delegate a good deal of our work to
the gentlemen in the composing room, but let
Professor Rathbone call those boys subordinates
or even think of them as such, and see how long
it'll take them to set her stuff. And as to the
work we delegate to contribs, who are anything
but subordinate.
Said Georgie White to Rudy Vallee,
"To you my feeling's far from pally."
"For you I am replete with spite,"
Said Rudy Vallee to Georgie White."
Representative McSwain doesn't like being
called, as he was called in the Hearst telegram to
his editor, James T. Williams, "a Communist and
a traitor in effect." Probably Mr. Williams minds
less being called by Mr. McSwain "this paid pen-
pusher, this hired minion, mercenary mud-slinger,
who takes his orders not from his own conscience
and his own brains but from this field of San Si-
moon." For we all are paid, thank Heaven, pen-
pushers and hired, thank Heaven, minions. And
few of us would rather starve than take orders
from newspaper owners; and few Congressmen
7 would rather not be reelected than tell their
constituents to go jump in the lake. Some of us
who write only what we please are fortunate; what
would happen to us so situated if it were a question
of taking orders or poverty we are courageous
enough to tremble to think.
And as to minions, there are millions of us
who would rather be hired ones than fired ones.
We still think that the seizure of telegrams,
Hearst's or anybody else's is a threat to the press's
liberty. Mr. Hearst ought to be able to say any-
thing he likes in a telegram without feeling that
it should become public. If he wanted, for ex-
ample, to lift the strike of his reporters on his Wis-
consin News, and give them the security of what
they ask - a living wage and shorter hours -
there is no reason why that telegram should not be
regarded as confidential.
Abide a canting tongue I cahn't,
Hybrid Americahns I pan,
At trahns-Atlahntic speech I rahnt,
Broad aliens turn me pale and wan,
And all deah boys I fain would plahntj
Back of beyond at Mahnasquan.
To Nellies nice no friend I am,
Mammaw-ers make me howl for mom,
In Gileahd there is no bam
When Yanks their native vowels dahmn,
So 'tis without a single quam
I bid these interlopers, Scrahm.
All that Hitler wants, he says, is a square deal.
All nations at war, or about to go to war for de-
there's a lot of dancing and a good
many laughs, the presentation is too
episodic and dull moments are inevit-
able. But Astaire-Rogers fans are
quite willing to endure these and
more, and even other persons prob-
ably won't mind them too much.
.e RA DiO
WITH the broadcast yesterday of
Puccini's "La Rondine," the
Metropolitan Opera series came to a
close for this season. We hope some
enterprising sponsor will put the pro-
gram on again next year, for these
broadcasts certainly rate at the top.
According to Radio Guide, Wagner
was the favored composer, five of his
operas being put on the air. Verdi
and Puccini were next with three
operas apiece.
ist who apeared in Ann Arbor last
week for a Choral Union concert,
will be the guest soloist with the New
York Philharmonic Orchestra broad-
cast this afternoon. His featured
number will be the concerto for violin
in G minor, Opus 26, by Bach.
EDDIE DOWLING's revue got off to
a good start last week as far as
Benny Goodman is concerned. Ben-
ny had plenty of opportunity to show
the listeners his worth. His jam
trio, consisting of Jess Stacey at the
piano, Gene Krupa behind the drums,
and Goodman himself with the clari-
net, swung out in a short session that
was the highlight of the program. Ray
Dooley, she of the baby voice, is defi-
nitely not our idea of a comedienne,
however ,and we suggest that she
'oe allotted one minute on each
RADIO drama gets a good break
this week for Lionel Barrymore
starts a series of programs on the
Sigmund Romberg Studio Party
broadcasts Tuesday night. Also,
Luise Rainer and William Powell,
stars of "Escapade," will appear asa
guests on the Hollywood Hotel pro-
gram Friday night.
EN MURRAY, star of many
Broadway productions and a
comedian of the first water (not in-
spired by the flood), will start a new
seriesaTuesday night.aMurray has
been absent from the airwaves for a
long time, and his return is a wel-
come one.
ONE band which does not seem to
get the appreciation which it de-
serves is that led by Henry Biagini
in nearby Detroit. Biagini has a fine
group of musicians who are produc-1
ing good dance music. Biagini's name
is linked with the bands of Gene
Goldkette, who produced one of the
finest bands the country has known.
Five 'of the present Casa Loma or-
ganization are Detroiters, and some
of them are former Goldkette men.
Ilan Scholars 1
Students of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts: A meet-
ing will be held on Tuesday, March
24, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1025 Angell
Hall for students in the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts and
others interested in future work in
medicine. The meeting, one of the
vocational series designed to give in-
formation concerning the nature of
and preparation for the various pro-
fessions, will be addressed by Dean
A. C. Furstenberg of the Medical
School. The next professional talk,
to be given by Dr. W. W. Bishop, Li-
brarian of the University, will be
given on Thursday, March 26th.
Faculty, College of Engineering:
The adjourned meeting of the faculty
to consider the report -of the Comn-
mittee on Coordination and Teaching
is called for Monday, March 23, at
4:15 p.m., in Room 348, West Engi-
neering Building.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments wishes to call attention to the
fact that there is a demand for li-
brarians holding teachers'dcertifi-
cates. Anyone interested and quali-
fied for this type of position should
register immediately with the Bu-
T. Luther Purdon, Director.
Senior~ of The College of Engineer-
ing: Call at Room 412 West Engi-
neering Building at once for your
Drawing I, II, and III Plates.
Senior Women: Call for caps and
gowns Monday, March 23, between 1
and 5:30 p.m. in the League Ball-
room. The fee is as follows:
Gowns: $4.50 (rental $2.50, deposit
Caps: $1.75.
Collar: .35.
Total $6.60 ($2.00 refund on re-
turn of gown).
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments: Mr. J. R. Knisely of Firestone
Tire & Rubber Company, will be in
the office Monday and Tuesday,
March 23 and 24, to interview 1936
graduates for employment. A few
periods are still available. Kindly
make appointments at the Bureau,
201 Mason Hall, or call Extension 371.
Faculty Concert: John Kollen, pi-
anist, will give the following program
Sunday afternoon, March 22, at 4:15
o'clock in Hill Auditorium, to which
the public with the exception of
small children, is invited.
Sonata in E flat major .......Haydn
Sonata in A flat major, Op. 110 . .
. ... .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .Beethoven
Moderato cantabile molto espres-
Allegro molto
Adagio ma non troppo
Fuga: Allegro ma non troppo
Kreisleriana, Op. 16 .... .Schumann
a. Sehr innig und nicht zu rasch
b. Sehr lebhaft
c. Sehr langsam
d. Ausserst bewegt
Ballade in F minor, Op. 52 . . .Chopin
Ulysses ........... George SieMonn
Mr. Thomas
Dr. Toyohiko Kagawa of Japan
will give the following lectures under
the auspices of Martin Loud Lecture-
1. World Peace and Christian Co-
operatives Wednesday, March 25, 4:15
U) Hill Auditorium.
(2) Ballroom, Michigan Union-
7:30 a discussion.
2. Brotherhood and the Coopera-
tive Movement Thursday, March 26,
4:15 p.m. Methodist Church.
3. Christianity and a Cooperative
State Thursday, March 26, 8:15 p.m.
Methodist Church.
4. The Cross and Economic Re-
construction Friday, March 27, 4:15
p.m. Methodist Church.
French Lecture: Professor Marc
Denkinger will give the last lecture
on the Cercle Francais program:
"Jules Romains et les Hommes de
Bonne Volonte." Wednesday, March
25, 4:15 p.m., Room 103, Romance
Language Building.
Events Of Today
Stalker Hall:
12 M. Class led by Dr. Bessie
Kanouse on "Developing the Chris-
tian Life."
6 p.m., Wesleyan Guild Meeting.
Several students will present the
topic: "Religious Experiences in the
7 p.m.. Fellowship Hour and supper.
First Methodist Chuch:
10:45 a.m., Bishop Raymond J.
Wade, Methodist Bishop to Europe,
will preach on "Christ, the Hope of
Congregational Church:
10:30 a.m., Service of worship and
Religious Education. Mr. Heaps will
give the fourth sermon in the series
on "The Mind of Christ." Prof. Ern-
est F. Barker will give the lecture on
"Newton and Einstein, Builders of
Worlds," third in the series on "Men
of Thought."
6:00 p.m., Student Fellowship. Fol-
lowing the supper Prof. John F.
Shepard will speak on "Science and
First Presbyterian Church:
Meeting in the Masonic Temple, 327
South Fourth Avenue. Ministers:
William P. Lemon and Norman W.
9:45, The Student Forum will dis-
cuss the question "Does It Matter
What We Believe?"
10:45, Morning worship with ser-
mon by Dr. Lemon on the subject,
"The Great Divide."
5:00, Westminster 'Round Table
Discussion, Mr. Kunkel, leader. Sub-
ject, "How Can We Think About
God?" 6:00, Fellowship supper with
cost supper. 6:30, Westminster Guild
meeting considering the same ques-
tion as the five o'clock study hour.
There will be a social hour following
the meeting.
The subject of Dr. Lemon's Thurs-
day night Lenten Lecture will be
Tennyson's "Idylls of the King."
Barris Hall:
Celebration of the Holy Communion
in the Chapel at Harris Hall, at
9:30 a.m.
Regular students meeting in Har-
ris Hall, at 7:00 p.m. Professor
Charles F. Remer will speak on, "The
Utopian Method." All students and
their friends are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship today are: 8:00
a,m., Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m.,
Church School; 11:00 a.m., Kinder-
garten; 11:00 a.m., Morning Prayer
and Sermon by The Reverend Henry
First Baptist Church:
10:45 a.m., Dr. Henry C. Gleiss,
superintendent of the Detroit Bap-
tist Mission Society, will be the
9:30, The Church School. H. F.
Frinkle, Supt. 9:45, Dr. Waterman's
class meets at Guild House.
Roger Williams Guild:
Twelve noon, Dr. Carl E. W. L.
Dahlstrom will lead a discussion on
"Our Economic Order."
Sunday, 6:00 p.m., Students Guild.
Mr. Garfield Barnett will speak on
"Christianity." This will be the
fourth and last of the series of dis-
cussions on great living religions. Dis-
cussions, social hour, and refresh-
Lutheran Student Club. Rev. E. C.
Stellhorn will speak this evening in
the parish hall of Zion Lutheran
Church on Washington Street. The
talk will follow supper at 6.
Zion Lutheran Church:
9:00 a.m., Church school hour.
10:30 a.m., Church service with
sermon, "Food and Drink for the
Soul" by the pastor.
Fuid For Women Choral Union Concert: John
Charles Thomas, with Carroll Hol-
lister at the piano, will sing the fol-
(continued from Page 1) lowing program in the tenth Choral
the Michigan applicants may take Union Concert, Monday evening,
their work either here or at any other March 23, in Hill Auditorium, at 8:15
institution which they choose, Miss o'clock.
Seeley said. Tu Lo Sai ................. , Torelli
In the case of two applicants of I Alma del core ..............Caldara
equal merit, preference will be given Schwesterlein .............. Brahms
to the Michigan student, according Stille Thranen ........... Schumann
to Miss Seeley. Der Ton......T..... ..... Marx
The purpose of both the scholar'ship Mr. Thomas .
and fellowship awards, Miss Seeley Bouree ........... Bach-Saint-Saens
stated, is to tie the two together into La Cathedrale Engloutie . . .Debussy
a unified program - the primary pur- Malaguena .................Lecuona
pose being to develop outstanding Mr. Hollister
leaders among women. O del mio amato ben ....... Donaudy
This program, it is hoped, will serve Le Manoir de Rosemonde ... Dupare
as an incentive to undergraduate Amuri, Amuri (Sicilian) ... arranged,
women to continue their work in ac-
tivities. The program includes both
.by Sadero
L'Intruse ...................Febrier