I The Weather Generally fair, not quite soi cold today; tomorrow probably snow and not so cold. tl4r SirF D ooOAItN441 Editorials A New License Law ... Will Hitler Learn From Musslini?... VOL. XLVI No. 97 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS I House Will Students Voice Approval Of' Double Standard Of Morality jI Investigate Pension Plan Investigating Committee Has Both Parties On It To Find 'Real Facts' $200-A-Month Plan Called Fraudulent Townsend Branded Quack Of Nation's Social Ills By Author Of Inquiry WASHINGTON, Feb. 19.--(P) - The House voted 240 to 4 to investi- gate the Townsend and other old age pension movements today after hear- ing them defended from such charges as "fantastic" and "fraudulent." Speaker Joseph W. Byrns said that he would consult both Republican and Democratic leaders before appointing the eight-member investigating com- mittee. The stand of members for or against the Townsend plan, he said, would not govern the selections. Rep. C. Jasper Bell (Dem., Mo.), author of the inquiry resolution, prob- ably will be committee chairman, with the major political parties given equal representation Representatives Usher L. Burdick, (Rep., N. D.), Karl Stefan (Rep., Neb.) Vito Marcantonio, (Rep., N.Y.), and Theodore L. Moritz, (Dem., Pa.), who cast the dissenting votes, indicat- ed their belief that the investigation would cost $50,000 to $60,000 and pro- duce no definite results. "We started to investigate the Power Lobby here last year and the whole thing fell flat despite the fact that it concerned one of the most outrageous scandals in several years," said Burdick. "I doubt if this investigation will accomplish any more."~ Bell branded the Townsend Plan as "fantastic, impossible and fraudu- lent." He told the House he had. re- ceived letters from all parts of the country "demanding that the people 9f t1y Un.ited States be given an opportunity to know the real facts behind this vat promotion." "I want to say I cast no reflection whatsoever on Dr. Townsend as a medical doctor," said Bell, "* * * but as a doctor of the ills which afflict our social structure, he is a charlatan and a quack." The Missourian said the depres- sion's widespread want and unem- ployment "has been a fertile field in which these quacks and charlatans, these false prophets of social reform have promoted their schemes and rackets, reaping vast sums in unholy profits at the expense of tens of thou- sands of good and faithful, but de- luded, followers." Rep. Verner W. Main, (Rep., Mich) recently elected on a Townsend plat- form, told the House he favored the inquiry but that he was "beginning to recognize the symptoms of polit- ical jitters which I was told were evident in Washington." Soviet Movie To Be Shown HereTonight Jonathan Swift's Lilliputians will come to life tonight in the persons of 3,000 puppets which, along with a 12-year-old boy, comprise the cast of "The New Gulliver," the So- viet film offering of the Art Cinema League at the LydiaMendelssohn Theatre. This movie has been held by critics to be the precedent for the inclusion of figurettes in historical pictures of the future. The film to be shown tonight, Fri- day matinee and evening and Sat- urday evening, tells the story of a young Russian boy who falls asleep reading "Gulliver's Travels" and dreams he is shipwrecked on the shores of Lilliput, the land of people. the height of a man's finger. The entire film is done in a highly saUr- ical vein, with even the accompany- ing music expressing the critical idea. Expressions on the faces of the fig- urettes and especially on that of the Chief =of Police of Lilliput is repre- sentative, it is said, of the usual police chief. The King, however, is a com- bination of Alfonso of Spain and the late George of England. LEAVES FOR WASHINGTON ____ - I Birth Control Is Approved, But Men, Women Differ On Pre-Marital Morals By WILLIAM J. DE LANCEY Seeming to conform squarely to a "double standard" of morality on other controversial matters, men and women. students in the University registered a concerted approval of birth control methods in a survey re- cently conducted on the campus. From the 400 replies to question- naires a base group of 200 was se- lected; of this number 105 answers were made by men and 95 by women. Asked "Do you approve of birth control?" 87 per cent of the men and 88 per cent of the women an- swered in the affirmative. Ninety' per cent of the men and ninety per cent of the women approved the dis- semination of birth control informa- tion. Men and women students differed widely, however, in answering ques- tions on moral standards. Fifty- eight per cent of the women agreed affirmatively to the statement that women should have a higher moral code than men, while only forty-two per cent of the men students indicat- ed an approval of the proposition. Men and women also held opposite opinions in answering the question "Would you have intimate relations with the person you intend to mar- ry?" Sixty-one per cent of the men answered affirmatively, while only twenty per cent of the women con- curred in this belief. According to 49 per cent of the men and 32 per Zero Weather Keeps Its Grip' On Ann Arbor Lowest Mark 6.3 Below; Warmer Temperatures May Be OnWay Tuesday's sharp temperature drop, the most severe in many winters of Ann Arbor weather history, yielded yesterday to slight gains which still kept the mercury hovering around and just below the zero point for the greater part of the day. The lowest temperature for the day of 6.3 degrees below zero came dur- ing the early morning hours and con- tinued until about 8 a.m. This tem- perature represented a substantial rise from the sub-zero low of 11.8 for the previous day. The temperature continued to rise throughout the morning and early afternoon, and reached the high point for the day, 7.8 degrees above zero, at about 3 p.m. The tempera- ture reported by the University Ob- servatory Weather Bureau at 7 p.m. yesterday was four degrees above zero. Clear weather and a bright sun served to dull the edge of the cold, but a strong wind, blowing about 10 miles per hour, continued throughout the day. Associated Press reports indicate that a similar rise in temperature is taking place throughout the coun- try, and forecasts in many areas sub- stantial continuation of this relief. Warmer weather was reported in the northern Rocky Mountain States, the central plains, and many of the Mid- west states. cent of the women, pre-marital re- lationships were justified by econ- omic handicaps to marriage. Fifty per cent of the men students and only eleven per cent of the women students would have extra- marital associations if their mates were incapable. Seventy-five per cent of the men and ninety-two per cent of the women would not have extra-marital relationships if their, mate were away from home the greater part of the time. Disloyalty during the engagement period would change plans formar-I rying for 82 per cent of the men and 64 per cent of the women. A con- verging of morality views after mar- riage to eliminate the double stand- ard was indicated in the answers to the causes for divorce. Both men and women considered infidelity the most basic reason; desertion and sexual incompatibility both were cited byI nearly the same number of men and women. A broad censure of free love was made by both men and women, Only 23 per cent of the men recorded an (Continued on Page 2)> Bell To Talky On Interviews With Diplomats Europe And Asia Covered By Newshawk Who Met And Questioned Leaders A man who has hobnobbed with every prime minister and every for- eign minister in Europe and Asia, whose wanderings have taken him' over 38,000 odd miles in those con- tinents, Edward Price Bell, will give an account of his experiences next Thursday in Hill Auditorium under the joint auspices of the University Oratorical Association and Sigma Delta Chi, national professional jour- nalistic fraternity. His subject will be "Interviewing the Leaders of the World," and he was commissioned by the Literary Digest to make this extended tour of Eu- rope and Asia with the express pur- pose of interviewing governmental leaders in the countries visited. Mr. Bell was the London corre- spondent for the Chicago Daily News for more than 20 years previous to his association with the Literary Di- gest. He is a member of Sigma Delta Chi. Viewed from the standpoint of those governmental leaders who were largely responsible for their occur- rence, Mr. Bell's interpretation of recent European events should be timely and of interest to patrons of the Oratorical Association Lecture course. Tickets at the regular price of 35 cents are obtainable at Wahr's State Street bookstore. THOMAS TO SPEAKj Norman Thomas, nationally prom- inent Socialist twice a candidate for the presidency on that ticket, will address three audiences here tomor- row. His first address will be given at 1:30 p.m. in the Ann Arbor High School assembly; his second at 4 p.m. in the Masonic Temple where he will address public school teachers of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti; and his third at 8:15 p.m. in Hill Auditorium, where he will speak on "A Program for Our Times." Leibowitz Out Of Fight For Bruno' s Life Noted Criminal Attorney Drops Case After Long Talk With Hauptmann Scottsboro Lawyer Gives No Reason Fisher Says Youth Unity' __ _ Condemned Slayer Wants Interview With Jafsie To Prove Innocence TRENTON, N. J., Feb. 19. - (P) - Samuel K. Leibowitz, New York crim- inal lawyer who entered the Haupt-c mann-Lindbergh case several daysI ago with the avowed intention ofr getting Hauptmann "to tell theI truth," tonight withdrew.b "I want no further part in any ofI the case," he said a short time aftert he finished a four-hour and 25-min- ute interview with Hauptmann at the death house in state's prison. L Leibowitz was asked point-blankP whether his interview with Haupt-c mann today and the two interviewsf preceding it led him to believeI Hauptmann was guilty. "I will merely stand by what Ic said," he replied, referring to hisI announcement he was quitting the case. "I cannot see how I can servei the interest of justice by any furth-i er participation." Later the Brooklyn lawyer, whoI had recently figured in the defense of the Scottsboro case, added, "I for one have refused to associate my- self as this man's lawyer." C. Lloyd Fisher, chief of Haupt-t mann's defense attorneys, met Lei- bowitz's announcement with a firmt statement he was "still convinced of the condemned man's innocence, andY confident that he would not be elec- trocuted for the crime." From his cell in the quiet of the death house, Hauptmann, the con-1 demned kidnap killer of the Lind- bergh baby, tonight asked to see Dr.1 John F. Condon, because he feels "I can prove to him I am not the man he dealt with" in the ransom nego- tiations. Hauptmann's request to see the, gray-haired "Jafsie" of the ransomE negotiations was made known after the condemned man had conferred with Leibowitz, and C. Lloyd Fisher, chief of defense counsel. taly To Lose Says Israels, Lauding Haile Guerilla Warfare, Rains And Natural Barriers To Save Ethiopians A bright prospect of the future for the Ethiopian cause was voiced last night by Josef Israels, New York Times correspondent and personal friend of Emperor Haile Selassie, in the seventh and one of the most en- tertaining of Oratorical Association lectures at Hill Auditorium. Mr. Israels believes Ethiopia will win in its struggle with Italy, not because of any superior organization or strength of Ethiopian armies, but partly as a result of "almost in- credible" natural barriers, partly as an outcome of Ethiopian strategic guerrilla war tactics," and partly as a personal triumph of the "one man brain trust," the man who "consti- tutes within himself the sole center of the intricate details of a vast and heterogenous population"- Haile Se- lassie. Better known to foreign corre- spondents as "little Charlie," accord- ing to Mr. Israels, all Ethiopia would "fly apart of its own centrifugal force" were the Emperor to be as- Speaks On Orient , Is Important Great Loyalty Of Nation, Especially Of Youth, Seen As Essential Failure Inevitable For U.S. Radicals Italy And Germany Cited As Examples Of Unity In Road Conference Talk By FRED WARNER NEAL The coming of a "democratic so- cialization arising out of our great American ideals" was prophesied last night by the Rev. Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, former Bishop of India, now pastor of Central Methodist Church, Detroit, to nearly 300 members of the State Highway Conference, at a dinner in the Union Ballroom. "Any Communistic or Fascist drive is sure to fail here," Dr. Fisher, who is a former pastor of the Ann Arbor MethodistChurch, asserted, "because our youth has been taught to think for themselves and not to be servile. But we will work out our own so- cialization, which is inevitable, and our own democracy." He foresaw the building out of "our great freedom and democracy a democratic social- ization that will not kill individual- ism for the sake of the mass, but will give the individual a greater power than ever before." Need United People The crying need of the United States today, Dr. Fisher declared, is a united American people, especially the youth, built around a great ideal to which it is unswervingly loyal. This the Communist and Fascist countries of Russia, Italy, Germany and Japan have, he said. Dr. Fisher, who made his third trip to Russia this summer, spoke on "What Americans Can Learn From Russia." He painted a vivid descrip- tion of the Soviet experiment, which he said, greatly increased literacy and loyalty to the state, but he crit- icized the Communists for their nar- rowmindedness and intolerance. He said that he came out of Russia "more American and more Christian than ever before but with a great doubt and wonder." Russia Counts On Youth He declared he saw the Soviet Union building on its youth, which it had imbued with complete loyalty to the communist ideal, and despite the fact he complimented the inde- pendent thinking of American youth he deplored the lack of unity and lack of faith in any ideal on the part of the coming generation here. He said that in America he discovered that "we have a sophisticated, blase and heterogenous youth that doubts its professors and its ministers and is not built around any ideal. "It is our duty," Dr. Fisher told the engineers, "to measure the youth of the United States that we want truth and honesty and convince them to fight for our ideals of freedom and democracy. If we succeed in do- ing this, you need never fear that we will have Communism or Fascism in this country." He slapped at Fascism as "pagan naturalism" and at Communism as "intolerant atheism." In Russia's anti-religious museums, he said, re- ligion is portrayed in the form of ignorance and superstitition, and the part it played in the lives of great scientific men, revered by the So- 2 Students Badly Hurt In Accident Dorothy Goebel Suffers Skull Fracture In Crash Of TobogganYesterday Madaline Meyers Gets Scalp Injury One Of Three Persons On Sled Escapes Unscathed; Two InHospital PROF. J. R. HAYDEN S * * Hayden States China's Future Is Up To Japan Far East's Fate Dominated1 By Nippon, Says Former Vice-Governor Change will be the "most striking characteristic" of the Orient during the next 10 years, Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of the political science de-' partment, former vice-governor of the Philippines, told more than 700 persons yesterday in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Speaking on "The Changing Or- ient," Professor Hayden painted a picture of a chaotic, paradoxical China, fearing an ever-encroaching Japan, with the new Philippine Com- monwealth, under an American pro- tectorate, standing in between. In the coure of time, Professor Hayden declared, China will be able to gain its political, social and ec- onomic objectives, but the question the Chinese ask is, "Will we be given the time?" The answer to that, Pro- fessor Hayden believes, lies with Jap- an. He refused to say what the out- come of the Nipponese aggressive actions in China will be, but, refer- ring to Japan's "openly declared in- tentions," declared that it is certain that the Japanese army is playing a free hand in North China. The most fundamental change that has occurred in the Far East be- tween 1900 and 1936, in the opinion of Professor Hayden, a change that may affect the future of the entire world, is that "the peoples of Eastern Asia have within that period become the masters of their own fate." How- ever, he warned, Japan, playing the most important role in the Orient, dominates that fate. He said that the world is "immediately concerned" with Japan's Asiatic policy, and de-, clared his belief that Japan has an even greater interest in its puppet state of Manchukuo than does the United States in China or the entire Far East. He termed the Japanese motives "sincere," and pointed to the develop- ments in Manchuria as "the build- ing, under pioneer conditions, of a civilization different from anything else in the world, a unique contribu.. tion of the Orient." A head on crash of a toboggan into tree in the Arboretum at 3:30 p. m. esterday resulted ,n a fractured skull or Dorothy A. Goebel, '39, 14919 tanbury Ave., Detroit, and Univer- ity Hospital reports at 12 midnight ast night described her as "danger- >usly ill." Madaline A. Meyers, '39, Detroit, received a bad scalp laceration which was not considered serious by Dr. Albert C. Kerlikowski, chief resident physician, and Elizabeth B. Hender- on, '38, Detroit, the other student on he toboggan, escaped from the crash without injury. Dr. Bell Issues Warning A warning concerning skiing, to- ogganning and other winter sports was issued to all students by Dr. Mar- garet Bell, director of physical edu- cation for women. Dr. Bell pointed :ut that the accident yesterday was but the most serious of several which have occurred during the past two months. "Different students have suffered a broken leg, a serious back injury, a fractured clavicle and a broken spine while participating in various sports during the 1935-36 school year," she stated. "I hope the unfortunate ac- cident today will serve as a warning to all students to be careful here- after," Dr. Bel Isaid Toboggan Out Of Control The crash occurred yesterday when the toboggan on which the three women were riding suddenly got out of control and after swerving down the hill from the right to the left and narrowly missing several shrubs fin- ally smashed into the tree. Miss Henderson, the one of the group to receive no injuries, said that the load on the sled was too light for its size and resulted in its being dif- ficult to guide. Miss Goebel was seated behind both Miss Henderson and Miss Meyers, who were seated first and second in the toboggan re- spectively. Dr. Kerlikowske told The Daily at 1 a.m. today that Miss Goebel had not yet regained consciousness and said that "we don't anticipate any immediate change in her condition. Miss Goebel is in a very serious con- dition, however." Student Injuries Numerous Miss Meyers was confined to the Hospital to enable her to recover partially from shock, although her scalp wound was not believed ser- ious. It is very probable that she will be released from the Hospital to- day. University authorities pointed out the great number of injuries to stu- dents which have occurred in winter sports this year. The cold weather and the great amount of snow has resulted in the great increase of ac- cidents, officials continued and they hoped "students would take especial care to avoid and prevent accidents during the remainder of the year." Hanging Your Pin Involves No Option Say Chicago Girls CHICAGO, Feb. 19. -R() - Uni- versity of Chicago co-eds agreed to- day with Dean of Women Irma Voight of Ohio University that the wearing of fraternity pins is no long- er a "sure sign" of engagement - but not without a few objections. Of a dozen young university wom- en who commented on the Ohioan's declaration at St. Louis Monday, "putting out the jewelry" didn't mean what it used to. Not one would say she thought wearing a pin was now a sign of betrothal, Eleanor Jaicks, of Hinsdale, Ill., and rnnni Rrtrnit. of Tnth Supreme Court Ultimate End Of Ticket Case, Says Aigler Military History Of Revolution Traced In English Map Display ta. !li I'kT'l'lLIkT tL II"XT f+Y.lD By CLINTON B. CONGER The recent attachment by the col- lector of Internal Revenue in De- troit of more than $22,000 in a Uni- versity bank account was described yesterday by Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the Law School as a step which was "neither a surprise nor a shock" to University officials but rather an ac- tion which they had made possible in order to carry on the University's litigation on the validity of a federal tax as applicable to Michigan athletic admissions. The admissions tax, Professor Ai- gler stated, applies a Federal tax of 10 per cent to all admissions over 40 cents, and the University's objection is based on the grounds that a Federal tax on a state-supported institution is unconstitutional. "The dispute regarding the liability of the University for the federal ad- mic-innq tav rpallyhinnhresthe aues- , the tax, Professor Aigler continued, the University collected the tax and paid it over to the United States with- out any objections, although some ac- tion was even then being planned. This year, however, the University re- fused to collect the tax, stating in- stead on the face of the football, i tickets that 10 per cent of the face sassinated or bombed.T value had been added to the purchase I Disregarding such a possibility, Mr. price to cover any possible loss the Israels expects the last vestiges of University might stand if it lost in I'alidkr hopes of conquest to be the litigation on the validity of the washed away in the spring rains, tax. The proceeds from the increase which are due in April and which fall were then deposited in a special ac- "torrentially" each day for seven or count where they might be levied eight hours. upon by the federal collector. Interviewed after the lecture, Mr. Similar cases have already been Israels stated that readers of news litigated by universities in Georgia dispatches concerning the Ethiopian and Iowa, with the difference, how- affair should discount 80% of what ever, that these two institutions col- comes out of Rome, 50% of the news lected the tax and then refused to pay from Addis Ababa. (pronounced it, instead of refusing to collect it A-bay-ba). ac a - m a - e u o o Vro irn h c A " Tn -