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Floods Do Not,
Affect Forests,
Ramsdell Says
Claims Trees Can Do Much
In Preventing Overflow
Of WaterDuring Thaw
Forestry will not be affected to any
noticeable degree by rising flood wa- I
As Liars, California
eanJustDon, at
BERKELEY, Cal., March 20.-April
1 has been chosen as the date for the
third annual liars' contest at the
University of California.
Although prevarications may be on
any subject, no one may send a stooge,
but must be on the spot himself
either to relate or read his tale.
A special prize is being offered to
co-eds, who, according to the rules
committee, "are in a class by them-
Rooms Needed Prof. Griggs Describes ren ds
To Care For Of Modern English Literature,
Festiva. Guests;. .
Declares Novel Criticises is "a bewildering succession of move-
i Social Order Influenced ments and counter-movements and
ters, Prof. Willett F. Ramsdell of the selves."
School of Forestry and Conservation_
said yesterday in connection with the
Votino To Open
rampant waters in Pennsylvania and
New England. For Co mmunit
Commenting on the reasons for O OR1 J1J.1
floods, Professor Ramsdell said that
although denuded land in the Alle- Fund Directors
gheny region may have exerted some
influence on the wild waters, defor-
estation was not the primary factor More than 4,000 ballots will be dis-
in a situation of such immense pro- tributed to subscribers by the Ann
portions; but he pointed out that Arbor Community Fund this morning,
lack of trees at river sources do have for the election of five new members
an appreciable effect on spring floods. of the board of directors for terms of
Michigan Well Protected
"Michigan is fortunate in respect
to high waters," he said, "in that its
river basins are not large enough to
build up flood waters to any con-
siderable extent. Also numerous river
sources are in sandy soil that absorb
an unbelievable amount of water."
Forestry can do much in preventing
spring floods, he indicated. Among
the benefits of a heavily forested
source is the amelioration of soil ero-
sion harm. Where there is a heavily
wooded river source, the ice and snow
melts more gradually because of thej
shade afforded by the trees, which
also serve to block great slides of ice
and snow that would ordinarily slip
five years.
Professor-emeritus Louis P. Hall of
the School of Dentistry and Mrs. John
E. Tracy, professor of economics, are
among 10 who have been nominated
for the positions. Others are Frank-
lin C. Forsythe, local attorney and a
graduate of the, Law School, Eugene
S. Gauss, Frank S. Hait, Edwin E.
Linton, a representative of local labor
organizations, Arthur B. Moehlman,
Reardon Piersol, Julius E. Schmidt
and Mrs. D. E. Standish.
About 150 Boy Scouts will do the
distributing, which is scheduled to
begin at 10 a.m. Everett Hames, ex-
ecutive director for the Fund, said
that this method of sending the bal-
Union Asks Householders
To Register Extra Rooms
Before May Concerts
All householders having extra
rooms which could be rented by guests
attending the May Festival were urged
by Wencel A. Neumann, '36, presidentI
of the Union, to telephone the UnionI
and to register such rooms.
"We are anxious to compile a list
of accommodations for the benefit of
all persons coming to Ann Arbor to at-
tend the Festival," Neumann stated.
"A list of such rooms will help all
out-of-town guests find accommoda-
tions quickly and easily."I
It was pointed out by Union offi-
cials that facilities at both the Union
I and the League would most certainly
be completely filled and that to take'
care of the overflow such added ac-
commodations would be needed. With
a list, guests coming to the Union
would be urged to look at some of
the rooms registered.
Neumann stated that all house-
holders having extra rooms should
call 4151 and ask for the "Manager's 1
Office" and that addresses of per-
sons having such rooms would there
be recorded and a card index com-
piled. It is planned to send Union
council men to the houses which are
registered and to classify and grade
the rooms as to quality, price and
other facilities.
It was especially emphasized that
all persons having such rooms should 1
call the Union at their earliest con-
venience in order to complete the
index of accommodations in plenty of
time before the Festival approaches
and the influx of guests begins:
Michigan journalist
Will Appear April 1
The first issue of The Michigan{
Journalist,, prepared by students in
the journalism department, will go
to press April 1, it was announced
The newspaper is the student lab-
oratory newspaper of the department.
After its first appearance it will ap-
pear on a weekly schedule.
projects. After the evening business;
meeting, those attending the meet-1
ing will go to the Butler Relays beingi
held tonight in the Butler FieldI
House in Indianapolis.
The states located in the fourthr
district are Indiana, Kentucky, Mis-
sissippi, Tennessee, and Alabama. 7
A summary of modern English lit-
erature was given by Prof. Earl Griggs,
of the English department yesterday,
in reading a speech written by Dr.
Joe Davis, of the same department,
over the radio broadcasting service.
Showing the influence of the pe-
riod of the 1890's upon modern writ-
ers, Professor Griggs pointed out that
the age was "not a period of literary
decadence," but rather a period of
"literary incubation." During this
period, he added, the realistic novel
1was brought into closer contact with
I scientific thought and with economic
I and social actualities, and the prob-
lem play became less sentimental and
less melodramatic, and more real-
istic and intellectual in appeal.
"The most important literary form
in modern English literature has been
the novel," Professor Griggs con-
tinued, emphasizing the two main
trends which characterize its develop-
ment: Interpretation and criticism of
the changing English social order and
the study of psychological problems
and the exploration of the stream of
consciousness. The major sociological
novelists of the period, he asserted,
were Arnold Bennett, whose out- I
standing defect was his failure to be:
really critical of the social order
he attempted to portray, H. G. Wells,
and. John Galsworthy.
The modern English psychological
novel has taken form under three
main stimuli, the speaker explained,
the psychoanalysis of Freud, Adler,
and Jung, with its emphasis on the1
role of the unconscious and the im-
portance of complexes; the investi-
gations of Havelock Ellis into the psy-
chology of sex, published between
1897 and 1910; and the novel of the
American, Henry James, which indi-
cated the technical value of limiting
a novel to the portrayal of reality as
reflected in the mind of a single char-
Turning to the modern English
drama, Professor Griggs, emphasized
the influence of George Bernard
Shaw, attributing to his abundant and
varied works the credit for "routing,
sentimentality from the English
drama by giving realistic treatment to
themes which popular dramatists oft
the nineteenth century had dealt with
in a sentimental fashion." The critic1
also gave Shaw credit for his revolu-
tionary criticism of English social1
institutions, and analyzed his attempt
to use drama as a medium for the for-
mulation of his own complex philos-
ophy of life, creative evolution.
Speaking of modern English poetry,
Professor Griggs explained that there1
judging it by the attitudes the poets
have taken to the rapid development
of modern science and the transfor-
mation it has wrought in the intel-
lectual background, the World War.
and the chaos of the post-war period.
(Continued from Page 4)
sumers' Cooperative has Meant for
the Gary Poor."
Graduate Outing Club will meet at
Lane Hall Sunday, March 22, at 3:00.
Transportation will be provided to the
Scio Scout Cabin for an afternoon
of games and hiking. Supper will be
served for approximately 30 cents.
All graduates are cordially invited to
Genesee Club meeting at 5:15, Sun-
day, March 22. Meeting will be fol-
lowed by a dinner. Professor Slos-
son, speaker.
Mcnday Evening Drama Section of{
the Faculty Women's Club will meet
Monday evening, March 23, at the
home of Mrs. John Leete, 1514 Gran-
ger Ave.
Interior Decoration Group of the1
Faculty Women's Club will meet at
2:45 p.m. on Monday, March 23,
Michigan League. Prof. Walter J.
Gores will talk on "Fabrics." The en-
tire Art Section is invited.
First Presbyterian Church, Sunday:
Meeting in the Masonic Temple, 327
South Fourth Avenue. Ministers:
William P. Lemon and Norman W.,
9:45, The Student Forum will dis-
cuss the question "Does It Matter;
What We Believe?"
10:45, Morning worship with ser
mon by Dr. Lemon on the subject,
"The Great Divide."
5:00, Westminster Round Table
Discussion, Mr. Kunkel, leader. Sub-
ject, "How Can We Think About
God?" 6:00, Fellowship supper with
cost supper. 6:30, Westminster Guild
meeting considering the same ques-
tion as the five o'clock study hour.
There will be a social hour following
the meeting.
The subject of Dr. Lemon's Thurs-
day night Lenten Lecture will be
Tennyson's "Idylls of the King."
several outstanding poetic talents."
By Psychoanalysis He pointed out the importance of
superintendent of the Detroit Bap-
tist Mission Society, will be the
9:30, The Church School. H. F.,
Frinkle, Supt. 9:45, Dr. Waterman's
class meets at Guild House.
Roger Williams Guild, Sunday:
Twelve noon, Dr. Carl E. W. L.j
Dahlstrom will lead a discussion on
"Our Economic Order."
Sunday, 6:00 p.m., Students Guild.
Mr. Garfield Barnett will speak on
"Christianity." This will be the
Fourth and last of the series of dis-
,ussions on great living religions. Dis-
;ussions, social hour, and refresh-
Harris Hall, Sunday:
9:30 a.m., there will be a celebra-
tion of the Holy Communion in the
chapel at Harris Hall.
Sunday evening at 7 o'clock there
Nill be the regular student meeting
in Harris Hall. Professor Charles
. Remer will speak on, "The Utopian
Method." All students and their
friends are cordially invited.
Saint Andrews Episcopal Church,
Services of worship are: 8:00 a.m.,
Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m., Church
School; 11:00 a.m., Kindergarten;
11:00 a.m., Morning prayer and serm-
3n by The Reverend Henry Lewis.
Church of Christ (Disciples) Sun-
10:45 a.m., Morning worship, Rev.
Cowin, Minister.
12:00 noon, Students' Bible Class,
Mr. Pickerill, leader.
5:30 p.m., Social hour. Fifteen cent
supper served.
6:30 p.m., Discussion program,
Subject, "Kagawa and the Coopera-
tive Movement."
Congregational Church, Sunday:
10:30 a.m., Service of worship and
Religious Education. Mr. Heaps will
give the fourth sermon in the series
on "The Mind of Christ." Prof. Ern-
est F. Barker will give the lecture on
"Newton and Einstein, Builders of
Worlds," third in the series on "Men
of Thought."
6:00 p.m., Student Fellowship. Fol-
lowing the supper Prof. John F.
Shepard will speak on "Science and
Tirinity Lutheran Church, Sunday:
Henry O. Yoder, pastor.
9:15 a.m., Church School.
10:30 a.m., Church worship with
sermon by the pastor, on "The Mes-
sage of the Church and the Cross-
5:30 p.m., Lutheran Student Fel-
lowship and supper hour at Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall.
6:45 p~m., Discussion led by Rev.
E. C. Stellhorn on Justifiication by
Hillel Foundation: The Sunday eve-
ning Forum will be held at 8 p.m.
Rabbi Leon Fram will speak on "An
Old Book With Young Ideas" in com-
memoration- of the 400th anniversary
of the Bible. The Forum will be fol-
lowed by a social.
Zion Lutheran Church, Sunday:
9:00 a.m., Church school hour.
10:30 a.m., Church service with
sermon, "Food and Drink for the
Soul" by the pastor.
5:30 p.m., Student Fellowship and
supper hour in Parish Hall.
6:45 p.m., Discussion led by Rev.
E. C. Stellhorn on Justification by
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Sun-
Carl A. Brauer, Minister.
9:30 a.m., Church School.
9:30 a.m., German Lenten Service.
Sermon, 'Our Savior, Condemned."
10:45 asm., Regular morning wor-
ship. Sermon, "It Is Expedient That
One Die."
6 p.m., Supper and fellowship hour
for students and young people.
7:30 p.m., Illustrated lecture on
"Our Church in India."
March 25, 1936: 7:30 p.m., The fifth
mid-week Lenten service with sermon
by the pastor on "Our Savior,
Unitarian Church, Sunday:
5:30, Twilight service, "John Dew-
ey-Man Controls His Destiny."
7:30 p.m., Liberal Student's Union.
Play, "The Maker of Dreams" fol-
lowed by a discussion on Amateur
Theatricals, led by Mrs. W. H. Sel-
The Michigan Dames Hokemakdng
Group will meet at 8 o'clock Tuesday
evening, March 24, at the home of
Mrs. Howard Merrick, 928 Church
Street, for an illuistrated talk on
Chinese Rugs. All Dames are cor-
dially invited to attend this meeting.
Mrs L. F. Haines.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 So. Division St.
10:30 a.m., subject, "Matter."
Sunday School, 11:45 a.m.
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into the river bed. The melting ice lots{ would save approximately $200.
and snow is also taken up in great Addressed envelopes are enclosed in
quantities by the trees themselves, the letters and will be used to return
while at the same time making the the ballots. Mr. Iames emphasized
ground in the vicinity more "friable" the fact that the deadline for turn-
- porous - so that saturation is fa- ing in the ballots would not be re-
cilitated. laxed. All ballots must be in not
Leaves A Preventative
Leaf litters on the floor of the for-
est give the soil a tendency to resist
sliding into the river "bed. Where
there is no forest or other heavy vege-
tation, Professor Ramsdell said, the
dirt is washed by rains into the source,
making the stream more and more
shallow at this spot and thus unable
to hold spring overflows when they
Forests are not necessarily harmed
by spring floods, he said, unless the
water stands long enough to leave a
deep deposit of silt on the very young
trees. He showed that trees were
not affected by usual high waters
because only trees adapted to low-
lands are found in areas affected by
floods while those unable to stand
excessive amounts of water are not
able to get a start in such places.
later than 6 p.m. Saturday, March
Indianapolis Host
To. Alumni Today
University of Michigan alumni clubs
of the fourth district are holding
their annual meeting today in In-
dianapolis. Representatives of the
Alumni Association in attendance are
Emory J. Hyde, president of the
Alumni Association; T. Hawley Tap-
ping, general secretary; and Robert
0. Morgan, council secretary.
The purpose of this meeting, ac-
cording to Mr. Tapping, is to dis-
cuss with officers of clubs in this dis-
trict the problems faced in organiz-
ing alumni and launching alumni
First Baptist Church, Sunday: ,
10:45 a.m., Dr. Henry C. Gleiss,