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March 21, 1936 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-21

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day in commenting on the "malady," that it is pos-
sibly a depletion of calcium In the system this time
of year that willabe resupplied by a few weeks of
sun. He said that medical science did not recog-
nize any such "fever" as being any more than a
general let-down after a long winter, and that this
lassitude was usually short-lived.
Spring is the time for writing poetry and for love.
Which is worse? There'll be a lot of class cutting
these first really warm days and we imagine the
professors will understand, if they get to class
The open road lures or beckons or whatever it is
that the open road does in the spring. The call
of the fishing rod and the hike is manifesting
itself. Nature lovers and other kinds will wander
through the early floral exuberai ce of the Arbore-
tum and along the Huron River. Ann Arbor is a
beautiful place this time of year and it is likely
that the beauty of the scene will relegate such
topics of conversation as politics, the Supreme
Court decisions, and economics to other times and
Yes, spring's here all right . . . We seem to be
overcome suddenly by a smothering listlessness.
We can't write any more . . . ho . . . hum .. .
_ _

Publis'ned every morning except Monday during tho
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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eublication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her-
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Feportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman;
Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes.
Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D.
Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman.
Women's Departmezsu: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T.
Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.



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tions, Lyman Btttman.

This Time.. .
fessor and the colorful traveling
salesman, the college student has been typed by
the American public which is quick to associate
him ;with gin parties, raccoon coats and rumble
seats. This impression, as mistaken as it is, can
hardly be called pernicious. If Kansan housewives
like to imagine college men riding around in
rumble seats hatless and wrapped up in raccoon
coats, it probably isn't worth the trouble to shatter
their illusions. And if Mississippi farmers have
become acquainted with the American campus
through the medium of ridiculous motion pictures
of college life, they probably won't do anything
malicious because they think that all one does at
college is wait around for the next football game.
There are, unfortunately, some who are harm-
fully misinformed about college students. Evi-
dence of this is the following excerpt from the
editorial columns of the American Guardian,
"Fearless and True," of Oklahoma City. "The am-
ateur scab brigade is composed of riff-raff, slum
dwellers, imbeciles, college students, and other un-
desirable citizens."
The role of the undesirable citizen is a new one
for the college student and one that he is com-
pletely miscast in, we think. The American Guar-
dian has obviously taken a small and a typical
group of undergraduates and used them as the
basis for a statement that implies the utter useless-
ness of higher education in this country.
It is true that there are unthinking college
students who do things as undesirable as joining
scab brigades, but there are thousands of others
who are good citizens located in social strata far
above the riff-raff and slum dwellers imprecated by
the American Guardian.
Like the college professor who isn't at all for-
getful and the travelling salesman who hasn't ever
been inside of a farmhouse, we're going to defend
that majority of college students who have been
completely overlooked by the short-sighted Amer-
ican Guardian, "Fearless," but not in this case
Ten Inches
Of Spring . . .
THIS IS THE TIME of year when
50,000 city editors say to as many re-
porters, "Go out and get ten inches of spring."
It's a topic you can't write about it in the ordi-
nary news style. You can't say: "Spring came to
the campus early today, according to the weather
Nevertheless it is true. Spring did come to State
St. this morning, for it is March 21, the first
official day of the season. If no delicate green
buds have yet been noticed on the oaks, they
soon will be. Soon small creatures will be scud-
ding through the green grass. Birds will look
around for mates pretty soon now, will find them,
and fly away together with something like "Where
have you been all my life?"
This is the season when the crack of the ball is
heard against the bat and the ping of the tennis
ball as it bounds from the racquet. Small boys'
knees grimy from shooting marbles are the order of
the day, and kites will be carried on the breeze into
the blue.
Ofnhp " tuns of emringAn- f hf nP saving kon

I , . 'I
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
fetters upon the criteria of general editorial moortance
and interest to the campus.
Strife Against Whar
To the Editor:
In The Daily for Thursday, one of your edi-
torials makes a plea for genuine neutrality legis-
lation which would abandon the war provoking
policy of "freedom of the seas" and be a step
towards eliminating war. But you oppose this
succession to the proposal of a strike in opposition
to war.
To desire the elimination of war, to desire neu-
trality legislation which would keep us out of war
is very fine. But how do you propose to achieve
this desire? Genuine neutrality legislation will
not come as a gift from nowhere; it will not come
as a patriotic gesture from "the merchants of
death." You admit in your editorial that thus
far all the neutrality legislation passed by Con-
gress and every activity by the government per-
petuates that principle of "freedom of the seas"
which must inevitably bring us into a war. You
will admit that the forces opposed to real neu-
trality legislation are tremendous, the mere fact
that we have none as yet suggests that.
What is the conclusion? You have stated it.
"The marshalling of the forces of the pacifistst
for the eradication of one of the most essential
roots of war." How is this to be accomplished?
We must think for peace, educate for peace, speak
for peace, organize for peace and, by all means,
make this organization felt. It is the organization
and demonstration of the will for peace, against
war, that the war-makers fear and which will con-
vince Congress to take steps to enact genuine
neutrality legislation.
A student strike against war, for peace, should
and could serve as an organizer and demonstrator
of this will for peace. The strike should be spon-
sored by our administration, by all the organiza-
tions on the campus, by the Michigan Daily; classes
should be dismissed at a specific hour; an all
campus' rally should be held, whether indoor or
outdoor does not make any essential difference;
it should be in unison with similar activities all
over the country - the general date set is April
22; it should be preceded and followed by a vigorous
educational and organizational campaign -all di-
rected towards marshalling and welding into- a
unity the largest possible peace forces so that
Congress can be made to realize that the students
of America are actively demanding the passage
of effective neutrality legislation and further steps
toward the eradication of war.
The Michigan Daily, which has spoken for peace,
for keeping America out of war, for the forma-
tion of a farmer-labor party, for the marshalling
forces against wai'-can do no greater service
to the students and people of our country than
to undertake at the earliest possible moment an
educational and organizational campaign for an
all-campus student strike against war.
As Others See It

The Conning Tower
Horace: Book I, Ode 5
"Quis multa gracilis te puer in rosa?"
WHAT slender lad, reeking of scent,
Now gives thee roseate embraces?
For who dost thou, in blandishment,
Bind thy gold locks in simple graces?
Alas! how frequently he'll rue
Thy heart so hard, thy soul sodowdy!
His heaven that seems forever blue
Tomorrow will be black and cloudy.
Forlorn are they who see thee shine;
Blinded who gaze at thee unloathing.
I've hung upon the temple's line
To dry, my sadly dripping clothing.
Our Mr. Francis D. Perkins attended the old-
instruments recital on Tuesday afternoon, hear-
ing, among other things, the recorder. "Though
probably few Shakespearean students have heard
the recorder," he says, "most of them have read
about it." Milton also is cited by Mr. Perkins,
who might also have quoted Samuel Pepys. If
Mr. Perkins, however, would like to hear the
recorder played daily, he should visit the City
and Country School, 165 West Twelfth Street,
any afternoon, and hear the recorder well played
by children from eight to thirteen years of age.
Our Economist, Ex Dividend
Sir: As the owner of one (1) share of stock
in a golfelub recently passed to the happy hunt-
ing fairways; and one (1) share of stock in a
tennis club still struggling with the burdens of
a 1927 mortgage; and one (1) share of stock in
a squash club now reorganized beyond recognition,
I wish to plop down on the side of those who
want their surplus dividends now and the divil
take 1940. Anyway, I think there s'too much
worrying about the next generation and the next
depression. A lot of people get to censoring my
movies and banning my books and clipping my
dividends for the common good and talking
about freedom and liberty in the same breath.
So I can't see "It Can't Happen Here" on the
screen, and I can't squander my dividends on a
new tennis racquet because in 1941 those divi-
dends will be needed to keep the wolf from my
door. I gotta stay down in the lower brackets
because Henry Ford would still be a tinker if
such a tax law had been in force in 1910 - and I
am supposed to weep over that, too. Who knows
whether we are happier now that Mr. Ford isn't
a tinker? Or that the dividends I didn't get in
1928, nobody got in 1932? . . . Gosh - who knows
anything these days? Yours for big juicy divi-
dends. F.A.S. Jr.
At Princeton has been organized the first
chapter of the Veterans of Future Wars; and at
Vassars the girls have formed the Association of
Gold Star Mothers of Veterans of Future Wars.,
Look out, Mr. Hearst! First thing you know the;
Reds will organize the Daughters of the Immi-
nent Revolution.
Book Review
The most delightful of hern
Is "Monogram," by G. B. Stern.
A film by the Marx Brothers exactly expresses
the craziness of modern life, if "exactly" is a
term that can be used for their inconsecutive
"It's my belief," says Groucho to Chico, "it's
my belief that the missing picture is hidden in,
the house next door."
Chico objects to the theory: "There isn't a
house next door,"
"Then we'll build one." - From "Monogram,"
by G. B. Stern, published March 16.
So to see "Animal Crackers," which, with the
anticks of the Brothers Marx, made me laugh
long and loud. And I thought that the idea of
looking for a stolen picture in a house and being
unable to find it, and therefore building a house,
on the chance that the picture might be in that

house, as absurdly comick a notion as might be
found in or out of Lewis Carroll. - From the
Diary of Our Own Samuel Pepys, The World,
October 23, 1928.
Incidentally, the idea was not that of the
brothers, but that of the Messrs. George S.
Kaufman and Morrie Ryskind.
(But the most pathetic Athletic of all, it
seemed to me, was Gordon (Dusty) Rhodes. -
Richard Vidmer in yesterday's Herald Tribune.
A peripatetic, perenergetic, magnetic poetic for
Is the untheoretic pathetic Athletic, Mr. Gordon,
- or Dusty-Rhodes.
We know more about radio heroes than we did
a. week or two ago, as there is no place in a
frame house where they can't be heard. We were
right about Dick Tracy's sponsor being Syrup of
Figs, but Bobby Benson's diet is H-O Oats. The
Wheatena vaunter is Pop Eye the Sailor Man.
For V.L.W.
Who doesn't believe in engagement rings
Bide, then, a finger bandless for a while;
Let nothing made of metal mar its whiteness;
Allot yourself no secret little smile
Upon a token's message, or its brightness.
Often I feel such trinketry is vain
As rouge upon an infant's ruddy cheek,

Off The Record
New York sighed with relief when
the new marine monument was in
place here. He had assisted in ar-
The monument had been difficult
to execute, and had received much
publicity because of its unusual de-
sign: a large wave curling over into
foam and above it a flight of sea gulls.
Now Bloom wonders if that wave
was wise. On one of the hottest days
last summer he visited the monument
to find a tramp asleep in the bronze
wave, protected from the sun.
On a recent snowy day he went
there again. Another tramp was eat-
ing his lunch in the wave, protected
from the wind.
Clellan of Arkansas defines free-
dom of speech with a story.
"It's like this," he says. "One man
walks down the street waving his
arms and shouting 'This is my per-
sonal right.'
"Then he meets another man who
dodges the waving arms and pro-
tests, 'Sure, that's your right. But
it ends where my nose begins.'"
Huge canvas bags bulging with
mail for the folks back home are
stacked in most congressional of-
fices these days. It's a campaign
year and the canvas bags are to
such a year what a robin is to
Rogers of Massachusetts is still
wondering whether the woman was'
serious. She was a westerner and
sat next to Mrs. Rogers at a luncheon.
The talk turned to King Edward
VIII. The westerner had heard his
speech to his nation.
"How was he?" asked Mrs. Rogers.1
"Fine," said the woman, "but, you
know, he has a marked English ac-
Representative Martin F. Smith
of Washington smiled happily as
a congressional colleague paid
him a compliment before a group
of people. He bowed and replied:
"I have always thought Chaun-
cey M. Depew was right when he
said that he would rather have
taffy while he was living than
epitaphy after he was dead."
ENATOR Joseph F. Guffey of Penn-1
sylvania received no warmer wel-
come here than that given him byf
Senator F. Ryan Duffey of Wiscon-
sin. Guffey soon learned the reason.
"Guffey" and "Duffey" sound so
much alike that in the interim be-
tween the Pennsylvanian's election
and his arrival here Duffey vas con-
stantly called to the phone by Penn-1
sylvanians who wanted jobs.
Then Guffey arrived. A few nights1
later his phone rang at 2 a.m. and her
ran down the chilly hall wondering
what was up in Pittsburgh.
"CHello, senator," said a man's voice.
"Can you tell me who's going to be
postmoster at Fond du Lac, Wiscon-
Whenever the House is in ses-
sion, a handsome mace topped by
a silver eagle is in place on the
speaker's dais. When the Houser
adjourns at night, the mace is1
carefully deposited in a safe.-
When the House merely recesses
-a technicality which permits
the representatives to concentrate
on the business at hand-the
mace remains in place all night
and a policeman is assigned to'
guard it.

I'l - ,.

Vol. XLVI No. 120
Smoking in University Buildings
Attention is called to the general rule
that smoking is prohibited in Univer-
sity buildings except in private offices
and assigned smoking rooms where
precautions can be taken and control
exercised. This is neither a mere
arbitrary regulation nor an attempt
to meddle with anyone's personal
habits. It is established and enforced
solely with the purpose of preventing
fires. During the past two years there
have been twenty fires in University
buildings, seven of which were at-
tributed to cigarettes. To be effec-
tive, the rule must necessarily apply
to bringing lighted tobacco into or
through University Buildings - in-
cluding such lighting just previous to
going outdoors. Within the last few
years a serious fire was started at the
exit from the Pharmacology Building
by the throwing of a still lighted
match into refuse waiting removal at
the doorway. If the rule is to be en-
forced at all its enforcement must be-
gin at the building entrance. Further,
it is impossible that the rule should
be enforced with one class of persons
if another class of persons disregards
it. It is a disagreeable and thankless
task to 'enforce' any rule. This rule
against the use of tobacco within the
buildings is perhaps the most thank-
less and difficult of all, unless it has
the willing support of everyone con-
cerned. An appeal is made to all
persons using the University build-
ings - staff members, students and
others - to contribute individual co-
operation to this effort to protect
Unigrsity buildings against fires,
Faculty, College of Engineering:
The adjourned meeting of the faculty
to consider the report of the Com-
mittee on Coordination and Teaching
is called for Monday, March 23, at
4:15 p.m., in Room 348, West Engi-
neering Building.
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Instructors are
requested to send their "Freshman
Report Cards" to Room 4, University
Hall not later than this noon.
Phi Kappa Phi: The honor society
of Phi Kappa Phi has mailed notices
to those undergraduate and graduate
students who have been elected. A
prompt response is desirable in order
that the keys and certificats may be
available at initiation banquet.
R. S. Swinton, Secretary.
308 Engineers Annex.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments wishes to call attention to the
fact that there is a demand for li-
brarians holding teachers' certifi-
cates. Anyone interested and quali-
fied for this type of position should
register imediately with the Bureau.
T. Luther Purdon, Director.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcement of United
States Civil Service examinations forl
Associate Physicist (Radio), salary,
$3,200; Junior Meteorologist, Option-
al Subjects, Climatology and Physi-
cal and Dynamic Meteorology, Bu-
reau of Agricultural Economics, De-.1
partment of Agriculture, salary, $2,-
000; and Junior Calculating Ma-
chine Operator, salary, $1,440.
For further information concern-_
ing these examinations call at 201
Mason Hall, office hours, 9 to 12 and
2 to 4.
Students of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts: A meet-
ing will be held on Tuesday, March
24, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1025 Angell
Hall for students in the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts and
others interested in future work in
medicmne. The meeting, one of the k

vocational series designed to give in-
formation concerning the nature of
and preparation for the various pro-
fessions, will be addressed by Dean
A. C. Furstenberg of the Medical
School.The next professional talk,
to be given by Dr. W. W. Bishop, Li-=
brarian of the University, will be{
given on Thursday, March 26th.
Senior Women: Call for caps and
gowns Monday, March 23, between 1
and 5:30 p.m. in the League Ball-,
room. The fee is as follows:
Gowns: $4.50 (rental $2.50, deposit,
Caps: $1.75.
Collar: .35.
Total $6.60 ($2.00 refund on re-
turn of gown)
Aeronautical Engineering Students:1
There will be available in the Depart-1
ment of Aeronautical Engineering two
Frank P. Sheehan Scholarships and
three assistantships for the year 1936-
1937. These scholarships and as-
sistantships are in general restricted
to upper classmen and graduate stu-
dents and the selection is made very
largely on the basis of scholastic
standing. Applications for these po-

Applications rpay be made for both
the scholarships and the assistant-
Academnic Notices
Preliminary Examinations for the
Ph.D. in Economics: These. examina-
tions will be held on May 4-6 inclu-
sive. All graduate students who Con-
template writing papers at this time
should notify the secretary of the De-
partment of Economics at once.
Faculty Concert: John Kollen, pi-
anist, will give the following program
Sunday afternoon, March 22, at 4:15
o'clock in Hill Auditorium, to which
the public with the exception of
small children, is invited.
Sonata in E flat major .......Haydn
Sonata in A flat major, Op. 110 .
. . .....Beethoven
Moderato cantabile molto espres-
Allegro molto
Adagio ma non troppo
Fuga: Allegro ma non troppo
Kreisleriana, Op. 16 .....Schumann
a. Sehr innig und nicht zu rasch
b. Sehr lebhaft
c. Sehr langsam
d. Ausserst bewegt
Ballade in F minor, Op. 52 . . .Chopin
Choral Uion Concert: John
Charles Thomas, with Carroll Hol-
lister at the piano, will sing the fol-
lowing program in the tenth Choral
Union Concert, Monday evening,
March 23, in Hill Auditorium, at 8:15
Tu Lo Sai .................. Torelli
Alma del core........ ...... Caldara
Schwesterlein ....... .......Brahms
Stille Thranen ........... Schumann
Der Ton ....................Marx
Mr. Thomas
Bouree ...........Bach-Saint-Saens
La Cathedrale Engloutie . . .Debussy
Mr. Hollister
O del mio amato ben......Donaudy
Le Manoir de Rosemonde ...Dupare
Amuri, Amuri (Sicilian) ...arranged
...... . ............. by Sadero
L'Intruse ..................ebrier
Recitative and Air from "Herodiade"
-Salome ...............Massenet
Mr. Thomas
Bonnie George Campbell........
. .............. Frederick Keel
She Moved Thro' the Fair........
..Arranged by Herbert Hughes
The Minstrel Boy ...............
.Arranged by Wn. Arms isher
Nocturne ............Pearl Curran
Kitty, My Love................
......Arranged by Herbert Hughes
Ulysses ........... George Siemonn
Mr. Thomas
Dr. Toyohiko Kagawa of Japan
will give the following lectures under
the auspices of Martin Loud Lecture-
1. World Peace and Christian Co-
operatives Wednesday, March 25, 4:15
(1) Hill Auditorium.
(2) Ballroom, Michigan Union-
7:30 a discussion.
2. Brotherhood and the Coopera-
tive Movement Thursday, March 26,
4:15 p.m. Methodist Church.
3. Christianity and a Cooperative
State Thursday, March 26, 8:15 p.m.
Methodist Church.
4. The Cross and Economic Re-
construction Friday, March 27, 4:15
p.m. Methodist Church.
Events Of Today
Informal Dance for Graduate Stu-
dents at the Women's Athletic Build-
ing from 9 until 12 o'clock. Admission
35 cents.
Chinese Students' Club: There will
be a social meeting for all Chinese

students at 8:00 p.m., in Lane Hall,
to welcome new students. Refresh-
Roger Williams Guild: St. Patrick's
party at 8 p.m., Guild House, 503 E.
Huron. Wear something green. Small
charge for refreshments.
U. of M. Outdoor Club: There will
be a supper hike along the Huron
River drive this afternoon. The group
will leave Lane Hall at 2:30 and re-
turn about 8:30. Cost of the supper
will be about twenty cents. Everyone
is welcome.
The Stude'nt Alliance holds its first
party and dance at the -Unitarian
Church, North State and Huron, 9
p.m. There will be an orchestra, en-
tertainment and refreshments. Mem-
bers and friends of the Student Al-
liance are cordially invited.
Dental School Assmebly at 4:15
p.m. Monday, March 23. Prof. Wil-
liam H. Hobbs will speak on the sub-
ject, "Polar Explorers I Have Known."
Cercle Francais meeting on Tues-
day, 7:45 p.m., Michigan League. All

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
:;veriaty. Copy received at the ofice of the Assistant to the President
'Utl 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Ten Years Ago
From The Daily Files
March 21, 1926

Comparatively Sensible
(From the Purdue Exponent)
PRINCETON UNIVERSITY students have organ-
ized a society known as "The Veterans of Fu-
ture Wars," and Vassar University women an-
nounced that an auxiliary organization had been
formed simultaneously and will be known as the
"Gold Star Mothers of Veterans of Future Wars."
The societies were reported as having requested an
immediate payment of a thousand dollar bonus to
each member, in view of the fact that government
payment of bonuses always precede the date on
which they are due. Payment was urged on three
counts: (1) The present generation will undoubted-
ly be summoned to participate in a future war; (2)
An immediate payment would tend to relieve the
current monetary strain and end the depression;
and (3) An opportunity should be afforded the
future veterans to allow enjoyment of the bonus
before they are subjected to the possibility of being
killed in conflict.
A note of sarcasm was detected in the announce-
ment yesterday that the Gold Star Mothers of Vas-
sar would ask for trips abroad so that they would
have the opportunity to inspect the prospective
graves of their future sons.

Detroit Northwestern High School
won the 1926 Michigan Interscholast-
ic track and field meet held in Yost
Field House. Six records were brok-
Clarence Darrow, criminal lawyer
who a year ago had become nationally
famous in the Scopes Trial, will de-
bate on the question of the League of
Nations with Prof. M. O. Hudson of
Harvard Law School tomorrow eve-
ning in Hill Auditorium, it was an-
nounced. Mr. Darrow will stand
against the League.
Ann Arbor High School defeated
Lansing in Waterman Gymnasium
last night to be champion of the third
Class A basketball region.
President Angell of Yale urged the
Yale Club of Chicago to do all in its
power to prevent the development of
professional football. Football, he
maintained, should be left for the
One hundred years ago today the
House Elections committee voted to
seat Austin Ewing as delegate from


Or as the deft restorer's slyest stain
Upon the canvas of a master's peak.
For one who custom owes no similar gift,
There is enormous recompense beyond
Th 0 skil lf ,.fnnv,, ,rn- . - .4rT 1lft



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