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March 21, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-21

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The Weather
Snow or rain; somewhat
warmer today; tomorrow partly


Sir ig an


Wrong This Time ...
Ten.Inches Of Spring .. .




Michigan Academy)
Hears Symposium'
Discuss Hypnotism

Actions Of Subconscious
Shown Impressively In
Packed Auditorium
Many Papers Are
Heard By Groups
Michigan Academy Will
Conclude Its Meeting,
This Afternoon
The part the sub-conscious mind is
coming to play in the investigations
and practice of medicine and psychi-
atry was vividly demonstrated last
night to an audience which jammed
Natural Science Auditorium to sit in
on a symposium on hypnotism and
suggestion held by the psychological
section of the Michigan Academy
of Science, Arts, and Letters, which
will close its 41st annual convention
today after an intensive three-day
Dr. Robert R. Dieterle of the Uni-
versity Psychopathic Hospital, after a
talk on hysteria and infantile regres-
sion, showed moving pictures taken
at the hospital of two young girls,
patients suffering from hysteria which
took the form of a reversion to the
behavior of one-year-old babies, while
Dr. M. Erickson of the Eloise Psycho-
pathic Hospital with the aid of two
assistants gave an actual demonstra-
tion which included the regression by
suggestion of a girl now 23 years old
to the ages of.seven, twelve, and sev-
Mid Greatest Instrument
"The mind is the greatest single
instrument of the human body," Dr.
Dieterle postulated, "and diseases in
the other systems, such as the heart,
the gastro-vascular system, or the
respiratory system may be mere
symptoms or effects of a mental dis-
These symptoms are known in psy-
chiatry as "conversion symptoms," in-
dicators of the mind affecting the
In explaining the two cases ob-
served in the films, he said that
these were a form of hysteria which
was an outgrowth possibly of a re-
pressed childhood, with dream-ac-
tions of it in the subconscious mind
which finally become so strong that
the subjects acted it as a reality. "The,
child exists within a theoretically en-
capsulated state within us all, and
hysteria is dependent upon a primary
disassociability, in this case of the
child from the actual adult."
The cures in the two cases were
affected by hypnotism and suggestion.
Dr. Erickson used a young man and
woman as subjects to illustrate the
phenomenon of post-hypnotic sug-
gestion. Through suggestion, while
the woman was in an hypnotic state,
she was made to believe herself to be
seven years old, standing in a class-
room. She wrote her name with dif-
ficulty on the blackboard and found
it hard to duplicate numbers already
written on the board.
Desired Cigarette
It was suggested that sne was grow-
ing older and her handwriting conse-
quently grew smoother. She thought
Dr. Erickson to be the truant of-
ficer. Next she was impressed, still
under hypnosis, that she urgently
desired a cigarette, but was restrained
by the ban on smoking in Natural
Science Auditorium. Cigarettes were
laid before her and she exhibited in-
tense discomfort in the ensuing con-
flict upon awakening between her
desire and her respect for rule.
Complete disassociation of all mem-
ory was shown with the male subjects
and in both cases the complete loss
of memory of the time during the
hypnotic trance was evidenced by the
The greater part of more than 250
papers to be read during the Acad-
emy's three-day session were given

Thursday and yesterday.
Sections in botany. language and
literature, zoology, mathematics, and
philosophy will conclude their sec-
tion meetings today. The Academy
council will meet at 2 p.m., previous
to the annual business meeting of the
entire Academy at 3 p.m., and at 4:15
(Continued on Page 2)
And Floor Is Lousy
.. . z r u.1 o

High Water Delays
Academy Speaker's
Address On Floods
One of the principal addresses of
the Michigan Academy this year,
"What Water Means to the Forest,"
might well be changed to "What Wa-
ter Means to the Speaker," because
Dr. C. E. Korstian of Duke University
who willmake the speech this after-1
noon has been detained for two days
by flood waters in Pennsylvania.
Dr. Korstian, proessor of silvicul-
ture at Duke, while coming north from
Durham, N. C., found that water cov-
ering the Baltimore and Ohio Rail-
way tracks prevented his getting any
farther than Sayre, Pa., where he was"
marooned for two days. He wired
Academy officials yesterday from this
small Pennsylvania town, "Stranded
here. Unable to reach Ann Arbor to-'
day. Best bet seems to be sometime
Saturday. Korstian."
Prof. Leigh J. Young of the School
of Forestry and Conservation, is hop-
ing for the best and expects Dr. Kor-
stian to arrive in time for his speech
at 4:15 p.m. today. He will undoubt-
edly supplement his words on "What
Water Means to the Forest" with a
few personal observations.
Societies Start
Campus Relief
Honor Groups To Canvass
University To Raise Part
Of Red Cross Quota
Michigan's four honor societies -
Michigamua, Sphinx, Vulcans and
Triangle - will aid in the raising
of relief funds for the 38,000 home-
less families in flood-stricken areas.
These societies will canvass the
University Monday morning to obtain
the University's part of Ann Arbor's
quota in the nation-wide Red Cross
drive. The national organization has
set $3,000,000 as its goal, and Ann
Arbor's share is $520, according to
Lewis E. Ayres, chairman of the local
Red Cross chapter.
Assisted by Herbert Watkins, sec-
retary of the University, members of
the honor societies will station them-
selves at strategic points on the
campus Monday morning, holding
pails bearing the Red Cross seal. The
drive will only be held Monday moro
ing. Together with Mr. Watkins and
Mr. Ayres, presidents of these societies
urged students to contribute, pointing
to statements of President Roosevelt
and Governor Fitzgerald that therek
is grat need for immediate action.
The presidents are: John Cawley, of
Michigamua, all campus senior;
Frank Dennison, Vulcans, engineering
college senior; Sanford Ladd, Sphinx,
junior literary; and Robert Buehler,
Triangle, junior engineering.
On the campus, more than a score
of students whose homes are in the
flooded areas kept trying to reach
their families. Several succeeded in
reaching their homes in Pennsylvania
and Pittsburgh as the water abated
in some sections. Many are still in
a state of doubtful fear, knowing that
their homes are under water and hav-
ing no information regarding their

Revenue Men
Detroit Graft
Charge O'Shea In Federal
Warrant With Assisting
In Embezzlement
City Officials Deny
New Rumored Loss
Proposal To Settle Bank's
Liabilities In Case Now
Being Drafted
DETROIT, March 20. - P) - The
Internal revenue department entered
the investigation of the $349,000 em-
bezzlement of city trust funds today
as another federal agency, the de-
partment of justice, assigned more
operatives to the case.
The revenue officers said they were
checking the income tax returns of
James J. O'Shea, vice-president of
the National Bank of Detroit; Harry
M. Tyler, assistant city budget direc-
tor who committed suicide March 12;
and Mrs. Mercedes Dimmer, book-
keeper for O'Shea.
O'Shea, charged in a federal war-
rant with "aiding and abetting" Tyl-
er in "misapplication" of the money,
is held in the Federal Detention Farm
at Milan, Mich., pending examination
April 4. His arrest followed his sur-
render of approximately $135,000 in
stocks and securities, which he said
were Tyler's, to the department of
justice agents.
The government, in a statement is-
sued in Washington, said "it is be-
lieved these securities represent the
first of O'Shea's operations with Tyl-
The safe deposit box in which the
securities and cash were kept was
listed in Mrs. Dimmer's name, as were
some of Tyler's stock market trans-
City officials denied rumors that
a new shortage of $310,000 in city
funds had been discovered. But mem-
bers of the city council agreed to
order an independent audit of all city
Harry C. Bulkley, attorney for the
National Bank of Detroit, announced
that a tentative agreement by which
the bank would settle any liabilities
in the Tyler-O'Shea case is being
drafted. O'Shea approved some of
Tyler's withdrawals from the trust
funds, city officials had pointed out,
in asserting that the bank was liable
for the loss.
Miss Dimmer was questioned by
Federal agents today but Gregory H.
Frederick, United States district at-
torney, said nothing had been found
to implicate her in the embezzle-
Goodyear Strikers
Still Idle In Akron
AKRON, O., March 20. -.-IP)-Rep-
resentatives of The Goodyear Tire &
Rubber Workers of America ended
three days of conferences over a
strike at Goodyear plants today with
a union announcement of a special
meeting tomorrow.
John House, president of the Good-
year Local of the union, said that the
meeting would hear a report from
the union negotiating committee, but
declined to say whether a form of
settlement had been outlined.
L. M. Buckingham, company coun-
sel, also declined comment.

The strike, more than a month old
has kept more than 14,000 Good-
year employes idle.

Small Nations
Balk At Plans
Of 'Big Four'
Nazis' Reaction To Peace
Pact Is In Doubt; Hitler
Refuses To Withdraw
Council Revolt Led
By Polish Minister'
England, Italy, Belgium
Agree To Assist France
In Any Necessary Act
LONDON, March 20.-(P) -Dis-
cord within the Council of the League
of Nations was disclosed tonight over
positions of the Rhineland program
mapped by representatives of the four
Locarno powers.
A row broke out when the document
was submitted at a private session of
the council.
Dr. Joseph Beck, foreign minister of
Poland, led an incipient revolt by
angrily accusing the Locarno mem-
bers-Great Britain, France, Italy
and Belgium - of trying to railroad
the plan to the League which, he in-
sinuated, they are attempting to dom-
When Chile and Denmark gave
evidences that they could not hasti-
ly approve the proposals without di-
gesting them, Anthony Eden, Brit-
ain's foreign secretary, hastily ex-
plained there was no intention of
forcing anything upon the Council.
The program constitutes a virtual
super-military alliance by the four if
Hitler refuses to accept proposals de-
signed to lead to a new security
framework for Europe.
BERLIN, March 20.- ()-Ger-
many's reaction to the proposal for
European peace made by the Locarno
signatories remained in doubt to-
night. In Hamburg Adolf Hitler as-
serted that he would not "retreat a
single centimeter" in the Rhineland
and would "accept nothing which in-
fringes on German honor."
In Berlin, on the other hand, one
of Hitler's intimates predicted that
the Reichsfuehrer "is determined to
come to an arrangement with Brit-
ain, cost what may."
The German position on the Lo-
carno proposals, indicated in editor-
ials and reflected by previous state-
ments of Government spokesmen, is:
1-It is too late to go to the Hague
Court now that the League Council
has already condemned Germany.
2-A new demilitarized zone is
thinkable only if it is made effective
on both sides of the western frontier
of Germany.
3-The question of cooperation be-
tween general staffs of the Locarno
powers until an agreement has been
reached is looked on with indiffer-
4-In regard to an international
arms and economic conference, Ger-
many objects to loading it with mat-
ter extraneous to Hitler's proposals
for a new peace framework.
Social Security
Angell's Topic
fIn TalkySunday

The fourth in the Union series of
Sunday speeces by well known faculty
men will be given at 4:15 p.m. tomor-
row in the Union ballroom by Prof.
Robert C. Angell of the sociology de-
"Are We Free In America?" will
be the subject of the speech to be
given by Professor Angell.
T A well known authority on the so-
cial problems of the University camp-
us, Professor Angell has devoted most
r of his time in the field of sociology tc
the study of the campuses of uni-
versities in the United States. Sev-
eral years ago he published the book,
"The Campus, a Study of Contemp-
orary Intellectual Life in the Ameri-
can University," and he has been in-
fluential in the publication and edi-
tion of other works, his most receni
being on the influence of the de-
pression on the American family.
In 1933 after the repeal of pro-
e hibition, he was called in by State
a officials to help frame the liquor laws
g of the State.
At the present time Professor An-
g gell has been devising a workabli
n . fn,. Americn social security,

Ohio Valley Hit By Floods
As Disease, Fire Threaten;
Death Toll Mounts To 152


Conflict Of Population Theories
Of Marx, Malthus Told By Levin

Food Raiders Beaten Back
In Pennsylvania Town
By Policeofficers
Red Cross Reports
Many Contributions

Handman And McKenzie
Also Discuss Problems
Of Population
The views of two great thinkers -
Karl Marx and Thomas Malthus - on
population and subsistence were con-
trasted by Prof. Samuel M. Levin yes-
terday before the economics and so-
ciology section of the Michigan Acad-
emy of Science, Arts, and Letters.
Professor Levin pointed out that
Marx had expressed definite views
about population, but his opinions are
little known because his views on ec-
onomics and the capitalistic system
have occupied so much attention.
Malthus, Professor Levin pointed
out, regarded the "principle of pop-
ulation," holding that the popula-
tion increases with the increase in
the means of subsistence, as a law of
nature and of God. Marx, however,
objected to any all-embracing law
and held that present laws of popu-
lation are typical of capitalism alone,
and that each system of production
has laws of its own.
"The greater part of Malthus' dis-
quisition on population concerns it-
self with the problem of the increase
of the lower classes," Professor Levin
said. "To Marx, however, such aug-
mentation of numbers is no evidence
of a 'constant tendency.' The pres-
sure is not that of population on sub-
sistence, but of the dominating groups
in the capitalistic system on labor."
According to Professor Levin, Mal-
thus held that population increases
Fire Marshal
Pushes Check
Of Fraternities
J. M. Allen, state fire marshal, will
return here Monday to continue in-
vestigations including every frater-
nity and sorority building on the
campus, in accordance with provi-
sions of fire inspection laws passed
by the legislature last year.
A check of campus buildings was
made early in the fall, but according
to Mr. Allen yesterday, the second
check is being made because of the
Alpha Sigma Phi fire last week. He
also said there was insufficient data
when the first inspection was made.
The tour of the buildings is being
madetas a preventative measure. None
of the University buildings will be
looked over, he said, but apartments
in the city will come under examina-
Mr. Allen visited sororities yester-
day afternoon with Miss Alice Lloyd,
dean of women. He pointed out that
numerous electrical appliances used
by women are a source of fire danger,
if the wiring is faulty.
DETROIT, March 20.-(P)-Joseplh
Cassie was shot in the legs early today
by a police sub-machine gun-the
Ssecond 14-year-old boy wounded by
patrolmen in a little more than 24

with the increase in the means of
subsistence, unless checked by vice,
misery, and moral restraint. Marx,
however, stated that "the laborer
turns the money paid to him for his
labor power into means of subsist-
ence: this is his individual consump-
Expand Production
"But it is also through this con-
sumption that the muscles, nerves,
brains, and bones of existing labor-
ers are reproduced and new laborers
are begotten." Thus, Marx held, the
means of subsistence provided to
labor by capital are merely used to
expand capitalistic production.
A paper on "Problems of Popula-
tion Balance in Modern Industrial So-
ciety" by Prof. Robert D. McKenzie,
chairman of the sociology department
here, followed Professor Levin's
Malthus, Professor McKenzie main-
tained, attempted to set up a balance
between population and environment,
"a balance of stomachs and bushels,"
whereas the standard of living, or cul-
ture, of a social group must also be
taken into consideration because of
the "rapid fluctuation in human
Handman Speaks
"Balance in human society is a
function of the relationship among
three variables-population, culture,
and natural resources," he concluded.
Prof. Max S. Handman of the eco-
nomics department gave a criticism
of the two papers at the close of
Professor McKenzie's speech. While
the theories of Malthus were writ-
ten with "a pre-machine age concep-
tion, and have no bearing on the pop-
ulation problems of today," the mis-
take Marx made was in attributing
the improvements which are oppress-
ing labor to labor itself. "The im-
provements are rather those of tech-
nology than labor," he said..
The factor of technology must be
added to the standard of living under
the heading of culture in Professor
McKenzie's balance ration, he said,
with the standard of living the chief
factor. "If you want to control your
population, control your standard of
living," he concluded.

200,000 Homeless; Many
Small Ohio River Towns
Are Engulfed
(By The Associated Press)
The crest of death-dealing
floods neared the Atlantic Ocean
and the Mississippi River today
(Saturday), leaving scores of
stricken towns in many states too
busy with rescue and relief work
to start reconstruction. The death
list stood at 152.
The broad valley of the Ohio
river eased the tension of the
torrent in the Alleghanies but a
north and south strip down the
center of New England was a
virtual lake and Eastern Pennsyl-
vania had meagre reports from
several darkened, famine-fearing,
isolated towns.
Vigilantes in Leesdale, Pa.,
fought food raiders from another
town. Groups of men identified
by police Chief A. W. Nolan of
Leesdale as being from Ambridge,
Pa., invaded the little town on
the Ohio River below Pittsburgh.
National guardsmen hurried from
Pittsburgh in answer to Nolan's
call for help.
After the battle nine of the
invaders were arrested.
(By The Associated Press)
.The destructive ;foods that have
been spreading death and ruin in the
industrial Northeast laid waste new
areas in New England and the Ohio
Valley Friday.
The known dead reached 141, with
the final count expected to be con-
siderably higher.
In the East, Hartford, Conn., was
one of the cities hardest hit. The


Eastern Flood
Story In Brief
(By Associated Press)
NEW ENGLAND -Scores of com-
munities, including Hartford, Conn.,
struck by new floods. Dead 16; home-
less 100,000; damage $100,000,000.
OHIO VALLEY - Hundreds flee
between Marietta and Portmouth as
Ohio River flood rolls southward, sub-
siding gradually. 17 dead in West
Virginia; property damage $20,000,-
000. Ohio damage $7,000,000.
PENNSYLVANIA - Flood ravaged
sections combat disease, food and
water shortage. Dead 95; damage
WASHINGTON-President Roose-
velt defers vacations to organize re-
lief work; Congress considers spend-
ing $400,000,000; Red Cross dona-
tions pour in.

(By The Associated Press)
Deaths attributed to floods and=
storms in the northeast during
the last few days totalled 144 Fri-
day night. They were distribut-
ed as follows :
Pennsylvania 95; West Virginia
17; Vermont 5; Connecticut 1;
Massachusetts 7; Maine 5; New
Hampshire 1; Maryland 4; Vir-
ginia 4; North Carolina 2; Geor-
gia 2; New York 1.
crest of the swollen Ohio River, after
sweeping over Marietta, O., engulfed
numerous smaller communities farth-
er downstream.
Between 25,000 and 30,000 were be-
lieved homeless in the Ohio Valley.
Victims of other flood-ravaged
areas were confronted with disease,
thirst, and heaps of wreckage. Ex-
plosions, fires, and panic-breeding
rumors followed in the wake of the
devastating waters.
The first day of spring found more
than 200,000 homeless - the Red
Cross reported it was caring for 270,-
000 in 13 states - and property dam-
age estimated at $300,000,000.
In Washington, where a flood
threat from the Potomac was sub-
siding, President Roosevelt again
postponed his Southern vacation to
retain personal command of the Fed-
eral relief efforts.
Prompt response to the President's
appeal for a $3,000,000 disaster relief
fund was reported by the Red Cross.
The Ohio River floods that par-
alyzed Pittsburgh appeared to be
spending their force along the lower
valley. The flood waters churned
southward toward Cincinnati and
Nevertheless hundreds of residents
moved out of the 150-mile stretch
(continued on Page 2)
Business Attacks
Senatorial Quizzes
WASHINGTON, March 20. - (R) --
The aidministreltion relief -recovery
activities came in today for a punch
on both Capitol Hill and organized
The rhamher of Cnmmerce of the


Spring Slips In A Day Early;
Caesar's Arithn etic Was Faulty
Because Julius Caesar made a mis- 1 But Pope Gregory XIII was better
take in his arithmetic nearly 2,000 at arithmetic than Caesar.tHe sub-
years ago, spring came a day early tractedever so little from the Julian
this vear, calender and made the year 365.242 19
Spring, to be exact, slipped through days, a correction, according to Pro-
theges of AnnbA exactlythh ,fessor McLaughlin, of 11 minutes and
the gates of Ann Arbor at exactly 115 seconds per year. So after the
1:58 p.m. yesterday -- sort of un-I Gregorian calendar, under which
expected like. Nobody seemed to pay everyone but the Communists now
any attention, least of all the weather operate, instead of there being one
man, who had the audacity to predict leap year every four years, there is a
snow for last night. leap year in every year but century
Usually spring arrives March 21, years not divisible by four. Thus the
for that is the date, nearly every year four year period ending in 1800 had a
of the vernal equinox - when the sun, leap year, February that year having
in its apparent motion, crosses the 29 days, but the four year period end-
equator. Of course, in Ann Arbor ing in 1900 did not, February having
,-4 4--.4 a,,~ .1,+li --- )A nn

Vulgar Sink Hole Interpretation
Pales Before Paul Bunyan Tale

Paul Bunyan, the giant forester of
Michigan's northwoods, is still in the
habit of taking a "short, quick one"
every now and then from little known
Rainy Lake, the vanishing body of1
water south of Onaway in Presque
Isle county, it appears from a paper
read to the section on geology and
mineralogy by Dr. W. A. Kelly of
Michigan State College, during yes-
terday's meetings of the Michigan
Academy of Science, Arts, and Let-
Dr. Kelly passed through Presque
Isle county in 1935, when the lake, a
mile and a half in diameter and 150
feet deep, was brim-full, and heard
thiQ strv of its recent "disannear-

time the pictures were taken, but four
years later the lake was again com-
pletely filled.
In a discussion following the paper,
geologists sought to explain the in-
termittent character of the phenom-
enon, which had occurred 23 years
ago, and, according to rumor, several
times before, by classing the lake as
a "disappearing sinkhole lake," whose
drain became stopped by a wash of
silt and other deposits each time it
On the former occasion, Paul Bun-
yan, according to stories and photo-
graphs, played a practical joke on
his fellow-lumbermen, who had a
group of logs in the lake ready to float
out on the river when the legendary

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