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March 20, 1936 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-20

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F-RfDAV, MARCH 20, -192G

PA(~E SIX FTLTflAV, MARC'H 20, 19i6

Expect Sharp
De bate Over
Relief Request
Message For More Funds
Creates Problems Of
Larger Appropriation
WASHINGTON, March 19. - (A") -
Prolonged and bitter debate, particu-
larly in the Senate, is expected to
develop over President Roosevelt's re-
quest that $1,500,000,000 be approp-
riated for the continuance of federal
work relief.
Although the requested allotment
is small in comparison with the $4,-
880,000,000 supplied by Congress last
year, it raises most of the controver-
sial questions brought to the surface
by the larger appropriation.
In the debating of these questions,
the Senate is expected to provide a
theatre of bitter controversy. The
House, which last year passed the
$4,880,000,000 bill in less than a week,
is not in as acquiescent a mood as a
year ago and is likely to have its own
innings of fighting on the question
this year. In the end, however, pas-
sage is insured in the House because
of its overwhelming majority of Dem-
After reading the \message, most
leaders privately gave up hone ^f ad-
journment at any near date. Con-
troversy over the tax bill has been so
keen as to cause adjournment plans
to be postponed, in leaders' private
calculations, until nearer June 1 than
May 1. With relief and taxes now
providing a double-edged controversy,
talk from now on will revolve around
the question of whether it will be pos-
sible to get Congress away from the
capital in time for the national po-
litical conventions next summer.
Issues raised following the Presi-
dent's relief message includerthe
amount which should be appropriat-
ed, whether it should be spent for
WPA or PWA projects, work relief
versus the dole, Federal versus local
administration of relief, and the op-
position to granting another "blank
check" to Mr. Roosevelt.
(Continued from page 5)
Coming Events
Romance Journal Club will meet
Tuesday, March 24, 4:15 p.m., Room
108 Romance Language Building.
Prof. Eugene Rovillain will read a
paper on "La decouverte de l'Ameri-
que a-t-elle ete utile ou nuisible au
genre humain, d'apres des documents
ineditis du XVIe siecle." Prof.
Mar, Denkinger will read a notice
on "Une correspondance inedite de
Sainte-Beuve avec l'editeur March
Ducloux." Graduate students are
cordially invited.


val Tank Experiments Will Gitbe Begins
Deeiopj 1ork Ieguin In 81 2 Fis Aetlemy
f. Henry Adams Tests ship's crew who, upon instructions. Mil





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Means Of Ending Rolling
Motion Of Ships

would run from one side of the ship
to the other, thus causing the vessel 44st Annual Convention
to roll from side to side, whereupon
measurements of the time and dis- Of Society To Continue


By RALPH W . uUR Lance of the ship's roling motion!
In 1872 an Englishman by the name could be taken.
of W. Froude conducted some tests Tn place of a crew of men, Professori M
of the resistance of three British war Adams uses a wooden frame mounted
vessels to "rolling"-tested, in other at the north end of the naval tank. thropologists for concentrating their
words, their resistance to the tend- Two rods extending downward from attentions on "primitive and remote
ency of all ships to rock back and the frame attach to the bow and stern civilizations," and urged them to turn
forth in a sidewise motion. of the model, holding it from front- their work to possible solutions of
In 1936 a University of Michigan wards or backwards motion, while a present-day problems which confront
professor of marine engineering, Hen- third rod connects with the mast the anthropologists.
ry C. Adams, is beginning a series of and can be operated from the side of For more than a century, he said,
experiments on ship models which the frame to set the ,boat rocking to anthropologists had been working in
will be exact duplicaves of Lose Brit- the extent or degree desired by the the field of ancient civilization. He
ish vessels and which have the pur- operator. made a plea for a more evolutionary
pose of correlating the findings of Combines Resistance, Stability i concept of anthropology.
Froude with the more accurate and The c;sential problem of designing The discussion period was followed
scientific results obtainable in the ships so they won't roll is one of by the closing paper of the section
engineering college's naval tank. combining stability with resistance to meeting, "House and Folks," given by
Mark Introductory Phase rolling, according to Professor Ad- Dr. Mark Jefferson of Michigan State
These tests with model British Iams. The natural roll of the ship Normal College.
ships mark the introductory phase of has a certain period of time, as do the The meeting of the Academy coun-
a whole succession of model ship waves which cause the rolling, and cil yesterday was held for the purpose
"rolling" experiements which will ex- if the two periods correspond, and of preparing an agenda for the gen-
tend over a number of years and will the boat is so designed as to afford eral business session tomorrow after-
constitute the first time that such no resistance to its rolling move- I noon.
experiments ever have been under- ment, then the waves will rock the Heads Reception $
taken in English-speaking countries ship back and forth in increasing The reception committee at the
in a methodical and correlated man- arcs until it finally tips all the way Academy's first general formal meet-
ner. over. ing last night was headed by Mrs.
Professor Adams' plans include the But if the hull and bilge keel re- Alexander G. Ruthven and Mrs.
constructior and testing of 256 such sist the rolling movement, or shorten George R. LaRue.
models in what he calls merely "the the are through which the boat Among the leading speeches to be
present series" of experiments, moves, then the stability of the ves- given today is the presidential address
The naval architect may look to sel may be increasing he pointed out. following the banquet at 6:30 p.m.
these experiments for more correctly- This principle is paradoxical to the in the Union tonight. Prof. A. M.
designed hulls and bilge keels (vane- average person's notion of stability, Chickering of Albion College, pres-
desiged huls an bile kees (vae- of teAcademy. will speak on
like projections jutting out from the he continued. The common idea is ident o thec
side .of ships where the hull rounds that a vessel should be stable in the Evolution in Spiders.
out at the bottom); but the layman sensethat it will tend to remain con-I At the luncheon of the section on
may look to these tests as a possible .tantly upright in relation to the history and political science at 1an-
dltimate solution of the sole-remain- water. But if this were true, when a p ~m. in the Union, Dr. John R. Stan-
ing dread of ocean travel-sea sick- wave comeswalong which in effect ton of the history departmentwill-
ness. "tilts" the water on which the ship ! address that group on the Far East -
Technical Difficulties is floating the vessel will tilt with the ern situation, while the economic sec-
rrwater, thus producing a rolling effect tion luncheon will hear Benjamin
Professor Adams' experimentalf distressing to those in the boat. E. Young of the National Bank of
technique differs strikingly from that Detroit speak on "Recent Banking
of the English naval architect. Froude Legislation and the Problems of the
carried on his tests by utilizing the 1P Banker."
__ Onler raisesDr. Korstian To Speak




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The 1936

Junior Girls Play
zirch 26, 27 and 28


Announce Essay Contest
On 'War Is A Racket'
Rules for the essay contest on "War
Is A Racket," being conducted by the
Student Alliance in connection with
Maj.-Gen. Smedley D. Butler's talk
on that subject next Thursday, were
announced yesterday by Max Wend-
er, '36E, who is in charge of the lec-
ture arrangements.
The essays should be not more than
1,500 words long, must be accompan-
ied by the name, class, address, and
telephone number of the writer, and
must be deposited at Lane Hall not
later than 4 p.m., Wednesday, March
24, according to Wender.
Three contests are being held: one
for University freshmen and sopho-
mores, one for upperclassmen and
graduates, and one for Ann Arbor
High School students.
Hall, to welcome new students. Re-
Roger Williams Guild: St. Patrick's
party Saturday, 8 p.m., Guild House,
503 E. Huron. Wear something green.
Small charge for refreshments.
Informal Dance for Graduate Stu-
dents on Saturday evening, March 21;
at the Women's Athletic Building
from 9 until 12 o'clock. Admission

Dr. C. F. Korstian, professor of sil-
New Corporate viculture at Duke University, and
one of the few outstate speakers to
S M easures address the Academy, is to speak at
Lax T~a~1~sa general assembly at 4:15 p.m. today
'__in Natural Science Auditorium on
(continued from Page 1) "What Water Means to the Forest."
-'- - - --- - -' --- Last night there was, however, some
of a stockholder who received a cer- question as to whether the floods in
I tain amount less 16 per cent taxes the East might prevent Korstian from
under present laws and who received reaching Ann Arbor today in time for
twice that amount less twice the tax his speech.
under the proposed laws. In the afternoon session of the
This is approximately the effect the section on economics and sociology.
1 new taxes will have on stockholders called for 2 p.m. in Room B, Haven
income, he stated. Hall, Dr. Samuel M. Levin of Wayne
Attacking the present administra- University, chairm'n of the section,
tion of corporate income taxes, Mr. will give a paper on "Marx vs. Mal-
Kohler singled out Federal revenue tht:." He will be followed by Prof.
agents as typifying the "bureaucrat- Robert J. McKenzie, chairman of the
ic, unintelligent character of the rev- sociology department here, who will
enue department." speak on "Problems of Balance in
"They are now going around the Modern Industrial Society." A dis-
country literally raiding corporations cussion of Professor McKenzie's paper
of additional tax money," he stated, will be led by Prof. Max S. Hand-
"and at the same time they frankly man of the economics department,
admit their purpose as being 'to raise__ i
taxes and we don't care how."
We are getting back to the utter
confusion of post Civil War days, he
continued, during which all corpora- All
I tions exert every effort to evade the
tax levies; and if the present situa- F ROSH FROLIC
tion continues the ultimate result
must be, as after the Civil War. the PHOTOGRAPHY
complete failure of the tax and the
repeal of the tax laws." by

a Cast and Committee
of More Than
Two Hundred





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