t HE MICHIGAN AILY PAGE FIVE A nnual Frosh Frolic To Be Held Today In MichiganUnion B allroom Pollard, Bissell Will Lead 600 In Grand March Sammy Kaye's Orchestra, Featuring Tommy Ryan, To Play For Dance Scheduled to begin at 11:45 p.m., the grand march of the annual Frosh Frolic, which is to be held in the ball- room of the Michigan Union tonight, will be led by Betsy Bissell, of De- troit, and Robert Pollard, general chairman for the event. Sammy Kaye and his NBC orches- tra will come from Cleveland to play for the Frolic at which 300 couples are expected to attend. He is now appearing at the popular Cabin Club there. Featured with Sammy Kaye are Tommy Ryan and the rhythmic trio, the Three Barons. Committee Members' Guests Other committee members andI their guests who will attend the dance are Dorothea Staebler, patrons chair- man, who has asked Jack Brennan, '38Ed; Jeanette Beck, programs chair- man, who will attend with Jack Stoner, '37E; and Margaret E. Mc- Call, decorations chairman, who will be escorted by Herbert Jones, of Wy- andotte. Willim Rashliegh, who is in charge of floor arrangements, has invited Bertha Peterlin, of Detroit, to attend as his guest. Marjorie Barowsky, '39,t will come as the guest of Malcolmt Levenson, who is handling the or- chestra arrangements. David Bowe, ticket chairman, has invited as his guest Harriet Beecher, '39A. Marion Smith, '39, will be the guest of John Green, publicity chairman.t Decorations In Green The predominant note in the dec- orations will be green, in keeping withf the traditional class color, Miss Mc-a Call announced last night. Spring flowers will effectively carry out the air of gayety. Two baskets of snap- dragons and other early spring flow-j To Lead Frosh Frolic Grand March Tonight Ticket Sell-Out Is Announced I BETSY BISSELL ROBERT POLLARD Man Dance Are To Be Held By Houses During Week-End y _ I Three Parties Have Been Scheduled For Tonight; Seven For Tomorrow There have been a great number of dances planned for this week-end, the majority of which will be held' tomorrow night. Several informal dances have been scheduled, and al few chapter houses will honor their recent initiates at parties. Kappa Sigma is holding a closed formal tonight. Don Marti is chair- man, and Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Newton and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hig- f gins of Toledo. will be the chaperons. Moe and Carter's orchestra will play. Phi Kappa Sigma Phi Kappa Sigma has planned a closed informal dance for tonight. Dr. crchestra will provide the music for the occasion.j Zeta Psi Max Collins' orchestra will play tor the closed informal dance to be given by Zeta Psi tomorrow night. The dance will be chaperoned by Prof. and Mrs. Ernest F. Barker and Prof. and Mrs. Walter O. Menge. Arthur H. Ernst, '38, is in charge of the ar- rangements. Delta Zeta Marie Matthews, g36, was in charge of the rushing dinner given by the Delta Zeta sorority Thursday evening. The decorations carried out the St. Patrick's day theme, and the tables were adorned with green candles, Irish pipes, and little green hats. Phi Kappa Tau Phi Kappa Tau announces the elec- tion of the following officers: presi- dent, Donald Ralston, 137; vice-presi- dent, Hillary Everson, '37; treasurer, Wilson Hardleben, '38; recording sec- retary, George Frank, '37; house man- ager, Howard Carroll, '37E; rushing chairman, Philip Wagner, '37; ser- geant-at-arms, Joseph Tate, '37. Theta Xi Theta Xi announces the initiation of FrancisBell, '36, Carl Gerstacker, '38; Carl Nelson, '37; John Williams, '37; Leigh Worthing, '39; John Fech- nay, '39; Donald Alexander, '38; Les- ter Goda, '39; Tom Jensen, '37; Philip Clark, '39; Philip Buckminister, '37, and Robert Newcomb, '36. For Slide Rule Robert Taylor, Chairman, Announces Members Of Cotilnittees A sell-out of tickets for the sev- :nth annual Slide Rule Dance which will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, April 3 in the Union Ballroom is announced by Robert L. Taylor, M6E, general chairman. Art Kassel and his Kassels in the Air who are making a tour of the --cuntry, will play for the dance. The 3rchestla has broadcast over CBS and NBC networks for several years. Sale of the tickets was limited to 300 couples. Members of the central committee include Noble Ashley, '37E, who is in charge of the orchestra committee, and Robert Claflin, '36E, chairman of the tickets committee. Publicity i~ under Frederick M. Schairer, '37E, and Robert Baldwin, '37E, is chairman of the programs. George Tourtellot, '3)E, and Robert Fox, '36E, are co- ehairmen of the invitations commit- tee. Goff Smith, '38E, is chairman of the floor committee. Decorations are under the direction of James Walker, '37E, Tim Hurd, '39E, and Paul Kis- singer, '36E. ot, ,her "R e cord DUING the past year our Place- ment Depari- ment received 1921 calls for KathariIeGiebs secretaries . . . the best-paid positions nat- urally requiring college women, and outnumbering the trained can- didates available. This marks an- other annual placement record. 0 Address College Course Secretary for "'Resu t s," a booNklet of initeresting place- nent informtation,a~nd illustrated Catalog. Special Course for College Women opens in New York and Boston September 22, 1936. 0 AT NEW YORK SCHOOL ONLY - same course may be started July 13, 1936, preparing for carly placement. * Also One and Two Year Courses for preparatory and high school graduates. BOSTON.........90 Marlborough Street NEW Y ORK ........... 230 Park Avenzue KATHARINE GIBBS SCHOOL DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) which the public is cordially invited, will consist of a colloquium on the subject, "Literature and Dialectical Materialism." Mr. Herbert Weising- er will lead the discussion. When he says . .. "I'll se youat eight" that means a date for the three of you.. Him, yourself, and your darling Date Dres Masculine fashions are smart asc be for daytime wear, but after d you should go the opposite extre Os softly feminine as you can \ can tusk me, be. r {/ y Delta Epsilon Pi meeting at the Michigan Union at 8 p.m. sharp.. Pledges will be formally initiated. Future plans of the fraternity will be discussed. All members are urged to be present. Athletic Group, Michigan Dames: Final meeting of the year will be held at 8:30 p.m., Women's Athletic Bldg. . i_ 1. il I, :> Club will meet -at 2:45 p.m., Michigan League. Professor Jean Paul Slusser will give an illustrated talk on "The Art of Watercolor." Hillel Foundation: Traditional Fri- day night services at the. Foundation at 8 p.m. Dr. Heller will speak on "A Realistic Appraisal of Palestinian Adventure." All are welcome. (;otmnued on Page 6) Art Section of the Faculty I ers will be placed on either side of and Mrs. Maurice K. McGarvey will the orchestra stand, while others will act as chaperons. James V. Graham, be placed at intervals around the ball-, room.37E, is planning the party. The programs for the occasion will Pi Lambda Phi will hold a formal have a transparent celluloid cover. A dance between 9:30 p.m. and 1 a.m.' silhouette of the heads of a boy and jtonight at their house. It follows a a girl will appear on the front page, week after initiation, celebrating that showing through the cover. All the event. Russ Rollins and his orches- inside pages will be green. tra will furnish the music. Chaperons Late permission for all University will be Dr. and Mrs. Philip Jay,I women attending the Frolic has been and Mr. and Mrs. C. Matthews. extended to 2:30 a.m. This has en- A unique pattern will be followed abled the committee to plan the danc- in the scheme of decorations for the ing for the hours from 9 p.m. until 2 dance. The theme will be a "Radio a.m. Party." Radio towers and silhouettes dealing with radio personalities and technicalities will furnish the back- ! Group S ground. Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority will hold To Be Offered a closed informal victrola dance from 9 p.m. to midnight tomorrow night. IIt is going to be a leap year party n Floor S o tin honor of their initiates, according The transformation begins with your dress. Choose one in a print, pastel, or smart navy; accentedwith bits of frou-frou, flowers, or fruit; one that will make your waist loop absurdly small, shoulders a-la-Gibson, and skirt pencil slim. 95to 1950 Finish up with a pair of those fetching patent strap slippers; sheer, bright Gold Stripe hose; and matching costume jewelry. Visit Goodyear's College Shops, and we'll deck you out in ex- quisite fashion, that will express all the youthful joys of spring ...and . . . Leap Year! i i -11 I'u Women's d \ , Goodyear'Is COLLEGE SHOPS 713 North University, Tele. 4171 I 1II- ai - _ h _ ':. .I Songs, Dance Specialties Of Revue Are To Be Among Features Seven feature numbers from the 1936 Junior Girls Play, "Sprize!" are to be headlined in both the League and Union floor shows to be presented tonight and tomorrow in the Silver Grill and Rainbow Room respective- ly. Kathryn Landrum and Virginia! Nimmo, both specialty dancers in the musical revue, will open tonight's floor show in the Silver Grill with a tap dance taken from "Sprize!" They will be followed on the pro- gram by Phyllis Lee Dye who is toj sing "Love Climbing Up a Rainbow."' This number has been written espe- cially for the play. Thelma Mermelstein will continue the program with another tap selec- ticn also taken from thecopening scone in the play. A trio, composed of Jean Coler, Carol Rockwell, and Ruth Ann Jernegan, will conclude the floor show program with "Rag- to Evelyn Bluestein, '37, who charge of the arrangements. chaperons are Prof. and Mrs. Sharfman and Mrs. Frieda Loeb. is in The I. L. Worried? Scrorities Itid Dances The initiates are entertaining the active members of Chi Omega tomor- row night at a formal dance. The chaperons for the occasion are Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stockard and Mr. and Mrs. C. Howard Ross both of Ann Arbor. Spring flowers will con- stitute the decorations. Katharine Taylor, '38, is in charge. Delta Delta Delta will give an in- formal dance tomorrow night with Louise Florez, '36, and Katharine Marie Hall, '36, in charge. The chap- erons are Mr. and TvMrs. Clifford Woody, and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rich. George Wheeler's orchestra will pla-. Fkimal and Radio Dances Phi Beta Delta is holding a spring formal dinner dance tomorrow night according to Leonard Oberman, '37, who is in charge of the affair. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fishman and Mr. and Mrs. Max Barish will act as chaper- ons. ra~zadrdrin din ing will make. Have you LOST something: a fraternity, pin, ring, your pocketbook- a dog or a cat. ANYTHING! Advertise in The MICHIGAN DAILY. It costs as little as 30c per issue. gedy Ann." v( ames ana raa o an ng wa up a Monte Carlo to be held tomor- Herbert Schultz, '39E, and Robert row at the Phi Kappa Tau house. Lodge, '39, writers of all of the play Mr. and Mrs. David Vokes of Detroit music, will accompany all of the floor ; and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ronan will show numbers at the piano. A sim- be the chaperons. ilar program is planned for tomorrow Sigma Phi Epsilon is holding a night's program to be given in the closed informal dance tomorrow night. Rainbow Room. William A. Keetch, '37E, is in charge "Sprize" will open at 8:15 p.m. ! of the affair. The chaperons will be Thursday, March 26, in the Lydia Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lay and Mr. and Mendelssohn Theatre, and will con- Mrs. Walter B. Rea. The chapter tinue for an additional two-day run with a matinee performance at 2:30_N p.m. Saturday, March 28. The open- ing night will be given in honor of the seniorwomen.I I ,. -Call 2--214 SL'SSER TO SPEAK Prof. Jean Paul Slusser of the fine ais department will speak at the mecting of the art section of the Faculty Women's Club at 2:45 p.m. loinmade C 'o.CS arc a speciaIty itilh .- I .................. 1 irl ri$arc 1 11 0 1I mss __-- w - cA s -m -mm- ~vmrmm .^ w W A .91I