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March 20, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-20

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an. a . -, . M.I.. ..IT. 1 . 1.AN 1./ .ADA.v


ism but we can't laugh at Townsendites. For they
are part and parcel of America.
But we join with the future veterans in a good T hfe Conning Tover
laugh, however, at the crowd before the tent show. ;
The stuff in the bottle may be just plain water,
the Indian doctor may be an unemployed brake- THE DIARY OF OUR OWN SAMUEL PEPYS
man, but as much as we laugh and slap our Saturday, March 7
neighbor on the back knowingly, the crowd seems UP, FAR from early, and to the office, the strike
to remain. In fact it's getting larger. Perhaps of the liftmen still being on, and mighty irk-
what we should do is go to the regular hospital for some to meaoinARFARFARFARFARFliRbRFGR!
a recognized physician. For as much as we sneer, some, too. But less irksome to me than to the
it happens that the old boy on the left there has stdikers' wives and children, I will be bound. To
the gout, and Pa Simpson 'way back there has a play in the great pocket billiards tilt against C.
crick in the knee. Campbell, and the best I could do was not good
enough, he trouncing me. So around about the
To Campus town in the evening, and to bed.



Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.




Sunday, March 8

The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not nthrinnritrinhi ar na Al.

.A . LAY LONG, and in the afternoon to the office at
work upon matters of information to give to
HE DAILY wishes to urge everyone't Clet fIt
H A s t o rg e nethe Collector of Internal Revenue, vho I feel re-
T who has taken any part in speakingr-

A Washington
WASHINGTON, March 19. - It is
a generally accepted theory of
the federal constitution that none
of the sovereign powers possessed by
the states which entered into that
compact were lost. They were either
retained by "the states or the people
thereof," as the bill of rights reserva-
tion puts it, or handed over specifical-
ly to the central government.
Yet in presentation of the Guffey
"little NRA" for regulation of the coal
industry to the supreme court, a
novel situation developed. The act
was assailed as beyond the constitu-
tional powers of the central govern-
ment. At the same time the seven
states most immediately concerned,
because they produced virtually all of
the coal involved, came into court to
say they could not regulate the in-
dustry because of its interstate as-
THERE is a new factor to bother the
justices. If, in the face of the
formal declarations of the states
chiefly concerned that they cannot
regulate because of circumstances be-
yon their jurisdiction, they say the
Federal Government cannot regulate
because coal production is a "local,"
intra-state matter, what has become

n therie c u uete i n iew pap. > All rights of r debating or thinks that he would like to try,
republication of all other matter herein also reserved, to etrt, oratoicl that isd toke hly,
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter, in conjunction with the annual contest sponsored
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by the Northern Oratorical League, of which Mich-
igan is a member.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., 1 There are many incentives for entering the con-
Ohicigo, Ill. test. One of the first is the honor of represent-
EDITORIAL DEPARTMETNT Telephone 4925 g Michigan at the finals of the NOL contest. We
are not saying this in the old "go in there and
BOARD OF EDITORS fight for dear old Rutgers" vein. But it will
MANAGINGEDITOR..............THOMAS H. KLEENE not be an idle honor to be Michigan's speaker in a
ASSOCIATE EDITOR............. THOMAS E. GROEHN competition which Michigan has often won. There
Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed o e $100 rizf irst ace an the
is also the $100 prize for first place, and the $50
DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS prize for second place in the finals, which will be
eublication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; IEheld May 1 at Northvestern University. The win-
Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cumnmins, Richard . . Her-
shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal. ner of the local contest will receive a bronze medal,


FRTTIAV MAR.f'.T-T 9(1 1Q'-)L2

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Wiiversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
wktU 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


tseits my every nickel tat I do frivol away in car-

- A r, -.3n - - - 4 1-- T TI-11

r m.lvLY, mmLbo'171 v, wuu anu :3u p.m. in me League Ball-
VOL. XLVI No. 119 room. The fee is as follows:
Gowns: $4.50 (rental $2.50, deposit
Notices $2.00).
Student Accounts: Your attention Caps: $1.75.
is called to the following rule passed Collar: .35.
by the Regents at their meeting of Total $6.60 $2.00 refund on re-
Feb. 28, 1936: turn of gown).
"Students shall pay all accounts
due the University not later than the The University Bureau of Appoint-
last day of classes of each semester ments and Occupational Information
or Summer Session. Student loans has received announcement of United
which fall due during any semester States Civil Service examinations for
'or Summer Session which are not Associate Physicist (Radio), salary,
paid or renewed are subject to this $3,200; Junior Meteorologist, Option-
regulation; however, student loans al Subjects, Climatology and Physi-
not yet due are exempt. Any un- cal and Dynamic Meteorology, Bu-
paid accounts at the close of busi- reau of Agricultural Economics, De-
ness on the last day of classes will partment of Agriculture, salary, $2,-
be reported to the Cashier of the 000; and Junior Calculating Ma-
University, and chine Operator, salary, $1,440.
"(a) All academic credits will be For further information concern-
withheld, the grades for the semester ing these examinations call at 201
or Summer Session just completed Mason Hall, office hours, 9 to 12 and
will not be released, and no tran- 2 to 4.
scripts of credits will be issued.
"(b) All students owing such ac- Ten Mile Swim: Registration for
counts will notdbe allowed to register the Union Ten Mile Swim will close
in any subsequent semester or Sum-. Monday, March 23. You may regis-
mer Session until payment has been ter now at the desk of the Union
made." Pool.
S. W. Smith, Vice-President
and Secretary.



Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman;
Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes.
Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D.
Rports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman.
Women's Departmez,: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T.
Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department,
Willis Tomnlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Edward Wohigemutli Circulation and National Adver-
tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tions, LyIan Bittman.


a gift of the Chicago alumni.

fare, forasmuch as I should walk, so that he mightI
have the nickel. So then to Jane Adams's, and
Inez and Will Irwin come in and tell me of Nancy#
Smith's wedding yesterday, and why was I not
there? cried they all. So I said I had not been
bidden. Lord! said Sam'l Adams, who hitherto had!
been silent, when did that ever keep you back?
Touche, I cried, and felt so merry withal that I
had some drink that they had there that tasted like
medicine, and so I out to Sheila Barrett's very gay,
and met there W. Gibbs and his wife and S. Walker,
and they took me to dinner, but I cried quits at
dessert time, and so home alone, and to bed.
Monday, March 9#
UP AND to the office and home early in the after-3
noon, and lay down and fell asleep with fa-1
tigue, and so in the evening with Mrs. Dot Kun-k
hardt to see "Saint Joan," mighty well done by alli
and on the whole better done than when I saw it inc
1923. And Miss Cornell as the Maid mighty good,I
and methought that she looked less like a maidr
than she did as Juliet, but she was utterly audiblee
as Joan, and her singing words well fitted to that
divinely mad girl's character, I thought. But myt
memory of Winifred Lenihan as Joan was mighty
strong, and I do recall her as being deeply excellent, '
and so home to look for what I might have wrote t
about that play but could not find it at all, andc
so to bed.n
Tuesday, March 10;
EARLY up, and to work pretty betimes, and ino
the afternoon to the hospital, to see R. Kirby,p
he being mighty much better today, he having beena
cut for the stone a seven-night since, and I was for

Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Instructors are
requested to spend their "Freghm

Future Of The
Student Senate,...
may be termed eminently success-
ful as far as its first meeting goes. But that did
not go far enough.
It was encouraging to hear students stand up
and advocate the formation of a Farmer-Labor
party, to hear them urge support for the New Deal
and the Republicans, or the Socialists. But, with
few exceptions, the students who spoke largely neg-
lected to point out the platforms and leadership of
their party, or the platforms and leadership which
they would like to have in their party. We feel
that the next session of the Senate should devote
itself to a discussion of ways and means, of definite
programs, without the wordy platitudes which
dominated Wednesday's session.
The Farmer-Laborites offended least in this
respect. Their advocacy of the American Youth
Act, the Lundeen social insurance measure, the
Nye-Kvale Bill and similar projects were practi-
cally the only concrete suggestions presented. The
obsence of comparable proposals by student Re-
publicans and Democrats not only lessened the
liveliness of debate, but tended to give the im-
pression that they were not as well prepared to
defend their views, an impression that is undoubt-
'edly not true.
We feel that the success of the Senate is as-
sured. There is, its first meeting indicated, plenty
of political sentiment on the campus. If it can
be organized in plain language and be presented
coherently without bickering, there seems little
doubt that the Senate will do much to wake the
campus from its lethargy, bring a realization of
the great importance of political problems today,
and the vital role the student should play in their
At\7io r
We Laugh#itig?.**.
TSEEMS that if a man laughs,
cries, or jeers long enough in Amer-
ica, the time will come long before the millenium
when an organization will evolve to laugh, cry and
jeer in militant chorus with him.
Many of us have derided programs like Town-
sendism because we see not an economic program
which menaces ours, but because the panacea for
the aged is a bubble, impractical, and fantastic.
But there is the fire of conviction in the convert
these days and fire does not waver before logic.
So perhaps we'have a new and powerful political
weapon evolving in the form of the "Veterans of
Future Foreign Wars."
Essentially the future veterans are organized
consciously and rather seriously to lead America
in a laugh crusade. They would petition Congress
to pay bonuses to potential soldiers and among
dther items, they propose to send girls abroad as
Gold Star mothers to mourn over the undug graves
of unborn children.
It's a lot of fun and we're chuckling too. We
too regard as fantastic the conception among some
people that the "guvment" ought to pay for this
or that. The idea seems to prevail in some quar-
ters that since the budget is unbalanced anyway
there would be no harm if they took a cut out of it
while the cutting is good.
But with all the fanfare brushed away from



Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
Waiting For Lefty
To the Editor:
It was a trifle surprising to read "The Michigan
Daily" editorial "Waiting For Leftists" lauding the
University of Michigan for permitting the presen-
tation of "Waiting For Lefty" and condemning
other universities that "err in treating their stu-
dents like children who must be sheltered against
the doctrines of Communism." The editorial con-
tinued, "It is a pleasure to think that this Univer-
sity treats the students as discriminating adults.
. It is a compliment to the student that the
University believes him capable of objectively real-
izing the importance of the social criticism of the
play, and after serious thought, passing discrim-
inating judgment upon it."
. May I recall several instances in which the Uni-
versity seemed to doubt the students' ability for
passing discriminating judgment upon events:
1. The censorship of the Michigan Daily last
2. The refusal of Hill Auditorium for the John
Strachey lecture.
3. The expulsion of three students for their zeal-
ous peace activity.
4. The leaflet ban.
5. The subtle but nevertheless firm direction of
the Art Cinema League's choice of pictures.
6. The administration's dispatching an observer
to National Student League meetings to carefully
note what was said and who said it.
Do not these events indicate that the University I
of Michigan, like to and not different from other
universities, has treated its students like children?;
The fact that a bit of Liberalism called forth such
a lengthy editorial indicates that Liberalism is the.

1 cucacuzv czu rci rr sr ran
of the power of government to regu- Report Cards" to Room 4, University
late this industry? It surely was in- Hall not later than Saturday, March
herent in the original complete sov- 21.
ereignty of the states. Mid-semester reports will be called
The Ritter impeachment case is for at the end of the eighth week.
the 13th such proceeding since the
establishment of the constitution.
That seems an amazingly small num- Marsh and Mandlebaum Scholar-
ber of men to have been brought to ships in the College of Literature,
the bar of the Senate for trial on Science, and the Arts; Applications
charges of "high crimes and misde- for these scholarships for the year
meanors." considering the vast army 1936-37 may now be made on blanks
of federal officers of one kind and an- to be obtained at the office of the
other who have been subject to im- Dean of the College, 1210 Angell Hall,
peachment during nearly a century All blanks must be returned to the
and a half. same office on or before March 20.
These scholarships may - be held by
thnl hnan an~lil intnOlon

telling him how Mr. Pepys himself had been suc- JUDGE'RITTER NO. 13
cessfully cut for the stone on March 26th, 1658, THE thing more or less explains
uuufirhenhewARF ARF ARFAR ARetaoitaoinao itself, however, on a glance at the
when he was but 26, and how each anniversary he impeachments record. Judge Ritter
will be the tenth member of the Fed-
celebrated with thanksgiving, and how he had eral judiciary brought to trial for im-
mighty little trouble on that score, albeit he was peachment. The other three cases
seventy years of age when he died. But a doctor where the Senate sat as an impeach-
come to me and said 1 must not wear Rollin, so I ment court were those of a senator,
left, and so to dinner, and in the evening took Miss a president and a secretary of war.
Edna Dugan to the play, to see "Star Spangled," That clearly indicates, whether
a muddled play, but well acted, and with some such was the intention of the consti-
comick moments in it, too. So she uptown and tution framers or not, that in practice
I downtown and early to bed. I the nation has used the impeachment,
Wednsday Marh 1 process to reach the only branch of
Wednesday, March 11 government where office was a life
UP, AND my daughter became ill last night, so job, the judiciary. Peculiar circum-
my boys to the country to be from her, and I to stances surrounded each of the three
the office, and read of the demands that the lift- occasions of resort to impeachment
men were making, and of those that the edifice which did not involve a judge.
owners were making, and out of a cloudy sky there Another factor restricting use of
come something from .Patricia Collinge, on this the impeachment process is the re;
very subject of what the liftmen should ask from quirement of a two-third vote in the
Senate to pronounce a defendant
the passengers: guilty. Only three judges were ever
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: convicted and removed from office
It seems to me, as a mere spectator under that requirement. Another re-
If I were running an elevator signed before he came to trial.
I'd lift my voice in demand emphaticI
For less discussion of things climatic
Less having to say --it's a lovely day the sun isl TH E S R EEN
shining-the win is whining the ais is raw it's going

10 w no are enro ed uin the C'olege
of Literature, Science, and the Arts
only. The Marsh Scholarships are
available to both men and women,
the Mandlebaum Scholarships may
be awarded to men only. For further
information consult the bulletin on
Scholarships and Fellowships which
may be obtained at the office of the
Secretary in University Hall.
Bronson-Thomas Prize in German
(value about $50.00)-open to all
undergraduate students in German of
American birth and training. Will
be awarded mainly on the results of
a three-hour essay competition to be
held under departmental supervision
on March 30, at 2 p.m., 204 University
Hall. The essay may be written in
English or German. Each contestant
will be free to choose his own subject
from a list of ten offered. The list
will cover five chapters in the de-
velopment of German literature from
1750 to 1900, each of which will be
represented by two subjects.
The UniversitycBureau of Appoint-
inents wishes to call attention to the
fact that there is a demand for li-
brarians holding teachers' certifi-
cates. Anyone interested and quali-
fied for this type of position should
register imediately with the Bureau.
T. Luther Purdon, Director.
Mr. L. H. Means, of the General
Electric Company, will be in Room.
221 West Engineering Building for
two or three days beginning Thurs-
day, March 19, for the purpose of in-
terviewing prospective graduates who
might be interested in work with this
organization. Please make an ap-
pointment. H. C, Anderson.


AiUUUemi~c ivottCC
Zoology 31: (Organic Evolution).
There will be a make-up examination
held in Room 2116 N.S., Saturday, 1
p.m., March 28, for all those who
missed the final examination in that
course last semester.
Sociology 242 (Migration and Race)
Owing to the meetings of the Michi-
gan Academy, this class will not
meet Friday afternoon.

Sociology54 (Modern Social Prob-
lebs). This class will meet in 205 Ma-
son Hall, Friday, March 20, instead
of the usual meeting place.
Preliminary Examinations for the
Ph.D. in Economics: These examina,
tions will be held on May 4-6 inclu-
sive. All graduate students who con-
template writing papers at this time
should notify the secretary of the De-
partment of Economics at once.
Choral Union Concert: John
Charles Thomas, with Carroll Hol-
lister at the piano, will sing the fol-
lowing program in the tenth Choral
Union Concert, Monday evening,
March 23, in Hill Auditorium, at 8:15
Tu Lo Sai .................. Torelli
Alma del core .............. Caldara
Schwesterlein ..............,Brahms
Stille Thranen ............Schumann
Der* Ton .....................Marx
Mr. Thomas
Bouree ...........Bach-Saint-Saens
La Cathedrale Engloutie . . .Debussy
Malaguena ...............Lecuona
Mr. Hollister
O del mio amato ben .......Donaudy
Le Manoir de Rosemonde ... Dupare
Amuri, Amuri (Sicilian) ... arranged
..by Sadero
L'Intruse ...................Febrier
Recitative and Air from "Herodiade"
-Salome ...............Massenet
Mr. Thomas
Bonnie George Campbell........
Frederick Keel
She Moved Thro' the Fair .........
......Arranged by Herbert Hughes
The Minstrel Boy. ................
.... Arranged by Wm. Arms Fisher
Nocturne ............Pearl Curran
Kitty, My Love ..................
...... Arranged by Herbert Hughes
Ulysses ............George Siemonn
Mr. Thomas
Events Of Today


to thaw and isn't it hot and isn't it not and isn't
it nice and what of the ice and yes it's snowy and

Sunusual rather than the customary thing on cam- Imy, it's blowy and it's clouding fast and it's Spring
pus. at last and isn't it warm and mightn't it storm
If permission to show "Waiting for Lefty" is the and over and over and once again it looks like
beginning of a new policy for the Administration, - it looks like - it looks like rain.
the student body will accept the tenor of the edi- It seems to me that such repetitions
torial "Waiting For Leftists." However in view of Would cause quite horrible inhibitions
the Administration's past record, the editorial is Relief would be better than higher pay
taken with a liberal dose of salt. And mightn't it seem like a shorter day?
--Harold Ross, Grad. But it seems to me as a mere passenger that
-- -- whereas there were once signs DO NOT TALKI
bosge Of ~Sjd TO THE ELEVATOR MAN it was impossible to J
talk to him without interrupting and then only to
To the Editor: say "It sure is," or "I think you're right." For
You err in point of fact in today's editorial in talk of a passenger's life is a thing apart, 'tis a
saying of "Waiting for Lefty" - "Yale University liftman's whole existence. And there was only
banned the play, even after it was awarded the one elevator man in fiction whom I remembered
irenowned George Pierce Baker prize by the Yale and that was the one in Albert Halper's "The
Little Theatre." Foundry." So with R. Irvin to dinuner, and there-I
"Waiting for Lefty" was presented last spring after played a game of pool with F. Day, and beat
by the Unity Players, a dramatic group consisting him terribly, and Jimmy tells me if anybody but he
r of both students and townspeople, at the Yale had done so he wouldn't have believed it.r
Theatre, in a competition sponsored by the Drama Thursday, March 12
Tournament Association, whose officers include
faculty members. Its presentation was banned EARLY UP and to the office, and they tell me
in New Haven by the city's Board of Education that the Saugatuck is raging, but that the As-
and Chief of Police. The support of faculty mem- petuck hath overflowed near the Old Redding,
bers and students, interested persons at large, and Road. All day at work, and.so late at dinner that
trade unions, forced the cancelling of the ban with- I had all alone, and I had as lief starve as dine thus.
in two weeks. But later fell in with C. Weed, and we were part-'
in tw wees. .I ners at games, winning all, and so home and to bed.,-
I don't believe that the University of Michigan is, r
as you say, "far more liberal than most univer- Friday, March 13
sities in the country." And if it is, that is not JP AT SEVEN, and read of the things that are
much. This play has been shown on may cam- happening in Europe, how four Locarno pow-
puses, including Smith, Harvard, Dartmouth, and ers, Great Britain, Italy, Belgium, and France had
M.I.T., and was rung down by the president of the found that the remilitarization of the Rhineland1
U. of Oklahoma. Today's editorial, complimenting was a violation of the Locarno and Versailles trea- i
the student, congratulating the Administration, ties; booh to you, pooh pooh to you is what Hitler
and generally beating a drum which says "Look says, it seemeth to me. Yet every one of these
what nice liberals are we!" is in poor taste. Stu- powers, Germany included, will say that all that1
dents should expect plays of this kind, as much they want is peace. And it reminds me of nothingl
as they expect courses which explain minority, so much as the "That She Blows" legend; foras-
yea, even Communist opinion. And if, outside of much as all they want is peace, and very little of
Ann Arbor, policemen and reactionary university that. So they decided that Friday the Thirteenth -
presidents are ringing down the curtains, it is the was nought but a silly superstition; and so by theI
student's job to see the play, and to be on guard I beautiful new Sixth Avenue Bus to the office; andz
lest Michigan's conservatives emerge from their was about to take train for the country, but the1

A RKO picture starring Victor MeLag-
len, featuring Margot Grahame, Hea-
ther Angel, and Preston Foster.


* 1/z


A Fort picture starring Claire Trevor,
featuring Kent Taylor, Pauline Fred-
erick, and Paul Kelly.




For his performance in "The In- . lisn journal UlCmes at 4:15
former" Victor McLaglen was given Senior Women: Call for caps and in the League. The program, to
fome" ito M~gln a gve "owvns Monday, March 23, between 1 1 (Continued on Page 5)
the best acting award of the Academy_ ____ __________
of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences; g
"The Informer" itself was voted by I'Congm orarQ'RerReviewed
four hundred and fifty critics one of CeneebetracuR e-R ev3ewed
the ten best pictures of 1035. Such
an imposing reputation alone pro- REVIEW OF CONTEMPORARY senting the article by James Doll on
vokes some critical praise. But with- By MARSHALL D. SHULMAN the "Needs of the University
out its reputation "The Informer" ON A DAY when both the Gargoyle Theatre," the magazine is function-
would still be a fine picture. and the Contemporary had just ing as it should. Attention needed
The setting of the story is in Dub- been issued, a professor asked in to be called to the pitifully inade-
lin sho'rtly after the World War, when class: "I notice many of you have quate dramatic facilities on the camp-
rebellion and gloom was felt in every your Gargoyles; how is it that so few us. It would be well, now -that atten-
inch of its foggy streets. The pro- of you have Contemporary?" Replied tion has been gained, for those men
tagonist, Gypo Nolan, is a blundering, a student: "Professor Jones said that who have been considering this situa-
ignorant, ex-member of a secret re- Contemporary is no good." tion for the past several years to
bellious organization who betrays his , What Professor Jones and others submit definite plans of building and
best friend and the cause of the so- who have commented on the maga- financing more adequate facilities.
ciety to collect a twenty pound re- zine no doubt took for granted with- The story by Anna Coniglio is the
ward with which he hopes to send his out mentioning is that while the mag- best of the issue's offerings. Poetry
mistress to America and a new life.- azine suffers from obvious flaws, it is by James Green and J. E. M., I en-
The men suspect and track him down. I nevertheless a good, sincere student joyed, but Davis' kaleidoscopic effect
"The Informer" is intense from be- attempt and deserves commendation fell flat, and Alice Hendrik's peculiar
ginning to end. Gypo, an easy char- and support. syncopated effect did not register. Mr.
acter to understand, allows every The March issue of Contemporary Wenger's comments on the failure of
thought in his mind to be projected justifies its existence by two good I proletarian poets to have "integrated
into the audience, and one follows essays, one good short story and cred- and communicated successfully any
him minutely through all his at- itable reviews. It jeopardizes its fu- praiseworthy system of psychic re-
tempts to escape and to outwit his ture by one article, some poetry and sponses," are sympathetic and
pursuers. Margot Grahame, who an unfortunately expressed editorial. thoughtful, and represent the general
plays the part of his mistress, pre- Illuminating is a comparison be- worth of the reviews.
sents her role with sympathy and in- tween Prof. Hereward T. Price's ar- If Helen Spiro's article on "Things
tegrity, and the other characters re- ticle on J. Dover Wilson's book on They Don't Teach In College" is an
strain their work sufficiently to give Hamlet and that by Prof. Paul attempt to present things the campus
the picture an artistic merit that is Mueschke in The Daily Book Page of wants, the editors have a very un-
fortunately free from the taint of March 8. "What Really and Truly flattering notion of Michigan stu-
melodramatic inferiority - except at Happens In Hamlet" as the title of a dents. Perhaps, judging by the
the very end where it transcends the discussion between these two Shake- I amount and grade of work thn far


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