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March 20, 1936 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-20

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The Weather
lViortly tliiuly, r xin or iow
In s itherast toda:v; tomnorrow


Aep Ap


Future Of The Student
Senate .. .
At Withmn Are We



F o u r - Power Conference
To Discuss Hitler's Plan
To Be Held In May
France Approves
London Program
Germany To Be Requested
To Submit Soviet Pact
To Hague Court
LONDON, March 19.-(IF)-The
British cabinet agreed tonight to a
four-power proposal for an interna-
tional security and economic confer-
ence to consider Adolf Hitler's peace
(The French cabinet approved a
report of the plan submitted by For-
eign Minister Pierre Etienne Flandin,
and semi-official sources said this
meant full approval of the four-pow-
er plan formulated in London.)
Under the plan, Germany also
would be asked to submit the French-
Soviet mutual assistance pact to the
Hague Court, which would decide
whether the treaty violated the Lo-
carno agreement and thus gave Ger-
many the right to remilitarize the
British To Explain
High British quarters disclosed that
if this demand were carried out
France was willing to withdraw her
demand for evacuation of German
troops in the Rhineland. The plan
was formulated by delegates of Brit-
ain, France, Italy and Belgium. The
British government was expected to
make a full statement about it in the
House of Commons about 3:30 p.m.
The development, the major one of
six days of negotiation and dickering
among worried European powers,
overshadowed a formal indictment of
Germany by the League of Iations
council today as a violator of the Lo-
carno and Versailles treaties.
The conference probably would be
held in May. Germany, however,
must consent to international forces
policing the remilitarized Rhineland
zone during the negotiations.
Condemns Germany
LONDON, March 19. - (P) -- The
Council of the League of Nations
heard a spokesman for unrepentant
Germany defend her remilitarization'
of the Rhineland today and then un-
animously adopted a resolution con-
demning her for violation of the Lo-
carno and Versailles treaties.
Following the vote a high British
authority said the four Locarno mem-
bers had tentatively agreed on an in-
ternational conference.
The new international conference
would discuss limitation of arma-
ments, economic problems and sub-
mission of the Franco-Soviet military
pact to the Hague peace court.
The basic points of the Locarno
members' proposal were reported to
have eliminated France's previous de-
mand that Germany must abide by
the court's decision even if it means
withdrawal of the Nazi troop from
the Rhine zone.
Germany, however, must consent to

Hagood Showdown
Seat For Tomorrow
WASHINGTON, March 19. - () -
A final showdown in the case of Maj.
Gen. Johnson Hagood, whose refer-
ence to WPA funds as "stage money"
stirred a two week's storm in Con-
gress, has been scheduled for tomor-
row - involving either his restoration
to active duty or his retirement.
The White House announced to-
night that President Roosevelt had
granted the former commanding gen-
eral of the eighth corps area a hearing
through the intercession of an un-
named third person.
Political observers here attached
official significance to this meeting,
because of repeated reports from well-
informed sources, that Hagood might
answer the discipline imposed on him
for his remarks by entering politics
in South Carolina, his native state.
A report that he might possibly op-
pose Senator Byrnes, (Dem., S.C.)
a staunch administration man who is
up for reelection, brought from the
South Carolinian a statement that he
considered this highly unlikely.
Byrnes was one of the general's most
active defenders.
Kohler Praises
New Corporate
Tax Measures
Claims Levy Should Stop
Irregular Administration
Of Income Tax Laws
The tax on undistributed corporate
profits proposed by President Roose-
velt and now before Congress received
support and praise yesterday, and
the present administration of the
Federal corporation income tax was
branded as "almost criminal" by E.
I. Kohler, president of the American
Accounting Association, at a lecture
in the Romance Languages Building.
Although Roosevelt's original pro-
posal has degenerated into a confused
and feeble measure in Congressional
hands, in the opinion of Mr. Kohler,
the tax will be no heavier a burden
on corporations and should eliminate
much of the maladministration of the
present corporate income tax laws.
As illustration of the workings of
the proposed law, Mr. Kohler cited
the example of a large corporation
which earned substantially more than
$400,000 last year, distributed half
of its income to stockholders, and
payed approximately 16 per cent of
its income to the Federal govern-
ment in the form of net income, ex-
cess profit and capital stock taxes.
With this corporation declaring the
same proportion of its income as divi-
dends under the proposed tax, the lat-
ter would apply only to the half which
was left in the business, he con-
tinued. Since the tax is 33 and one-
third per cent-twice the present
levies-and since it applies to only
one-half of the concern's net in-
come, the corporation would pay just
about the same amount.
Mr. Koher pointed to the similari-
ty existing between the next revenue
'continued on Psge B
O'Shea Jailed
For $27,700
Street Railway Funds Are
Added To Shortage After
Department Audit

DETROIT, March 19. -City offi-
cials today added $27,700 of street
railway funds to a shortage in city
accounts already estimated at more
than $450,000, and jailed James J.
O'Shea, vice-president of the National
Bank of Detroit, in a cell at the Fed-
eral Detention Farm at Milan, accus-
ing him of having conspired with
Harry M. Tyler, assistant budget di-
rector of Detroit, who committed sui-
cide last week, to loot city funds
passing through their hands.
Charles N. Williams, assistant city
treasurer, announced the new short-
age following an audit of transpor-
tation department accounts, after the
United States marshal's staff had al-
ready started O'Shea on his way to
confinement. These accounts were
handled by Tyler along with the trust
funds in which the initial shortage
of $349,000 and later discrepancies
amounting to more than $100,000
were discovered.
To date assets totalling $156,000
hnin hpp rarnar - a fnm rP r nfo

Guthe Begins
First Session
Of Academy
41st Annual Convention
Of Society To Continue
With ManySpeeches
Stanton To Speak
On Far East Today
Museum Director Opens
Meeting With Discussion
On Anthropology
The Michigan Academy of Science,
Arts, and Letters, which convened
here yesterday to begin the three-day
session of its 41st annual meeting,
will continue here in its full extent
today and tomorrow, after prelim-
inary meetings of the section in an-
thropology, a business meeting of the
Academy's council, and the annual re-
ception held yesterday.
Section meetings for papers and
discussion in 11 of the 13 sections
will be held today, while the remain-
ing two groups, mathematics and
philosophy, will dispose of all their,
papers Saturday.
Guthe Speaks

200,000 Desert Homes As


Flood Of Century
Rising Death Tc

ill Exceed,

s 100

Students Are Frantic When
Unable To Reach Homes
In Flood Area
I elegraph Down
Daily Besieged By Anxious
Requests For News Of
I Stricken Territory
More than a score of University
students from flood-stricken Pitts-
burgh and New England were frantic
last night as the damage toll mounted
in their home towns and they were
unable to get in touch with their
Only one student, Florence Lucas,

Deaths Rise As Floods Sweep Through East

--"°39, could be found who succeeded in
Prof. Carl E. Guthe, director of the reaching Pittsburgh by telephone last
University Museum of Anthropologynr a lthough syveleAn Abo
opened the Academy's first session night, although several Ann Arbor
at 2 p.m. yesterday with a paper on persons talked to relatives in Penn-
"Anthropology and Modern Life," sylvania earlier yesterday and Wed-
in which he discussed the part an- nesday.
thropologists have to play in the civ- Last night students were unable to
ilization of today, describing the field reach either Pittsburgh or New Eng-
as the key to the complexities of the land by telephone or telegraph. Most
present world. telephone and telegraph wires were
"The information obtained by phys- down, they were told, and where
ical anthropologists is of great value communications still survived the
in studying such problems as race surging floods, wires could only be
mixture, race prejudice, criminology used for emergency calls.
and eugenics," he told the section The Daily was besieged all night
headed by Prof. R. Clyde Ford of with anxious requests for news of
Michigan State Normal College. "To- the flood situation, and frightened
day the relation of the child to the voices reflected disappointment when
school is also being discussed. The told that the only news, vague as it
physical and psychological changes was, was bad news.
during growth from infancy to ma-o
turity are of -equal interest to the an Radio Plea Made
thropologist and the educator." A plea, made over the University
He pointed out that anthropology broadcasting system yesterday morn-
can be of great service to nations ing by Irving Levitt, '36, of Pittsburgh,
having under their control other for persons in stranded areas to com-
races, such as, in the case of the I municate with relatives here was be-
United States, the natives of the Car- lieved to have brought no results.
ibbean nations, the colonials in the Students whose homes were in spots
Philippines, and the Indians within reported under water were fearful of
the borders of the United States. the welfare of their families and
PresntsNewViepoit !anxiously kept trying both telegraph
Presents New Viewpoint and telephone. A number of students
"Anthropology is able to present a who sent telegrams to their families
new point of view which is often re- last night had not received answers
freshing on many social problems early this morning and had just about
which are particularly our own," he given up hope of communicating with
asserted. "The great confusion which their parents.
exists because of the inability to dis- Miss Lucas, who talked with her
tinguish between "human nature" and mother, Mrs. Anthony Lucas, in Pitts-
automatic habits leads to much sub-
jective rationalization on such mat- burgh shortly after 7 p.m. yesterday,
teatiaize antinfon suc -'reported that it was raining hard
ters as marriage and the family, eco- there, and that the flood, thought
nomics and capitalism, religion, mor- earlier in the day to be receeding, was
alsagain rising. The huge steel city
"Through an objective study of was in absolute darkness, her mother
groups of men, it is possible to obtain told her, all electricity and gas being
a more complete picture of all the shut off. All private telephones were
many closely related activity patterns cut, she said, and permission had to
which combine to form our civiliza- be obtained before outgoing telephone
tion, and to secure a better appre- calls could be made. Although her
ciation of the fundamental natural home, near the edge of the city, was
and social forces which permit man- still above water, great flood areas in


Roosevelt Asks 3 Million
Relief Fund For Destitute
Victims In Area
10,000 Are Trapped
On Island In Ohio
Washington Endangered
By Threatening Rise Of
Potomac River
(By The Associated Press)
The east's greatest flood of this
century .- its death toll already be-
lieved to exceed 100 -rolled on un-
checked in a dozen states Thursday
night with thousands of persons flee-
ing from newly threatened communi-
ties and roads in ravaged sections
fighting to combat disease, hunger,
and other perils.
Whole cities, towns and hamlets
were battered by the paralyzing force
of the greatest deluge in recent his-
tory of the eastern states.
Casualty lists anct damage tolls
mounted hourly as flood tides swept
desolation over vast areas from the
Ohio Valley to Maine. Already the
total of wrecked property has passed
the $150,000,000 mark.
200,000 homeless
Red Cross officials estimated 200,-
000 or more persons were homeless.
President Roosevelt joined in their
appeal for an emergency fund of
$3,000,000 to feed, clothe and shelter
Pestilence, hunger and widespread
suffering followed in the wage of
suffering followed in the wake of the
raging rivers.
Convulsed by the flood waters that
left Pittsburgh a silent city of dis-
aster, the Ohio River thundered down
the West Virginia border, pouring into
Wheeling and Wellsburg, W. Va.
WASHINGTON, March 19. -- (P)--
With muddy waters lapping near the
White House grounds, President
Roosevelt today swiftly assumed the
role of commander-in-chief of the
Federal forces fighting against the
ravages of floods sweeping the East.
Within the space of an hour the
Chief Executive took three actions.
He postponed for at least 24 hours
Ann Arbor's Red Cross chapter
will begin a drive today to raise
$520, its share in the $3,00.,000 re-
lief funds the nation will hurry
to 38,000 homeless families in
flood-stricken areas of the South
and East. A local committee will
swing into action this morning,
L. E. Ayres, chairman said, its
headquarters being in the Red
Cross office of the Chamber of
Commerce building, telephone

-Associated Press Photo.
A mounting death toll was counted as a result of the devastating
flood waters. This aerial photograph shows how high water from the
rain-swcllen Patomas and Willis creek submerged Cumberland, Md.,
rising to second stories of buildings.
The .Flood Situation In Brief
(By, The Associated Press)
WASHINGTON - President asks $3,000,000 for Red Cross, with esti-
mated homeless at 200,000; Potomac flood visible from White House; dikes
protect monuments.
WEST VIRGINIA - Floods from Pennsylvania rush upon large cities
with vast damage; many lives lost; Wheeling inundated and isolated.
WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA - Floods subside at Pittsburgh, Johnstown
and other points. Death toll may reach 44; damage $100,000,000. Trans-
portation, communication still paralyzed.
EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA-50,000 homeless; property damage in
Imillions; many cities severely hit; Susquehanna carries fresh threat.
OHIO -- Thousands flee homes; factories heavily damaged as Ohio
River reaches crest; preparations made for valley's worst flood.
MARYLAND - Swollen Potomac takes four lives, buries Cumberland
under tons of slime; $5,000,000 damage in valley.
NEW JERSEY - Traffic crippled, hundreds driven from homes with
Delaware river on rampage.
NEW YORK - 4,000 homeless, two dead, many roads blocked, Bing-
hamton faces eater shortage; relief mobilized as waters slowly recede; rush
of water expected to sweep down Finger Lakes watershed Friday; central New
York prepares.
MASSACHUSETTS - Thousands homeless, factories idle; traffic halted;
Bsoton faces milk rationing.
CONNECTICUT --Hartford faces worst flood in history -Connecticut
River still rising.
VERMONT - National Guard called out at four places to aid marooned
families and guard abandoned property.
NEW HAMPSHIRE -Ice jams dynamited in overflowing river; towns
isolated, roads closed.
RHODE ISLAND - Blackstone Valley flooded; sand bags placed around
Pawtucket city hall.
VIRGINIA -Richmond guarded by 2,000-foot dike as James River
threatens disastrous flood.

allow international force to
the demilitarized zone during
tiation for a new European
treaty, it was reported.


Ellis Cowling
Gives Talk On
The Rev. Ellis Cowling, connected
with the Waukegan, Ill., cooperative
movement, addressed more than 100
students and townspeople last night
in Lane Hall on the formation of a
cooperative association in Ann Arbor.
Mr. Cowling is the minister of the
Thorntown, Ind., Church of Christ.
Introduced by Miriam Hall, Grad.,
chairman of the social study and ac-
tion committee of the S.C.A., Mr.
Cowling recommended the "five!
Rochdale principles" in forming such j
an organization. The rules, set down'
in England in 1842 and evolved over
a period of a hundred years, are:
1. Open membership to all who
wish to join the organization. 2. Divi-
dends to be paid on basis of patron-
-- - V "1-'tvienrr u nrl Th ,

kind to live in groups," he concluded.
In the discussion following Guthe's
speech Prof. Leslie White of the an-
thropology department created a mild
furor when he arose to criticize an-
(Continued on Page 6)
Borah Begins
Campaign For
Stable Dollar
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio, March 19.
-(P)-Opening his Ohio presiden-
tial campaign here tonight, in the'
center of the United States steel in-
dustry, Sen. William E. Borah, (Rep.,
Idaho), declared himself in favor of
a "stable dollar" and "complete and
effective neutrality."
In making a bid for Buckeye state
delegates to the national convention,
the Idaho senator also declared in'
favor of retaining "the American
market for the American farmer."
He approved the cooperative sys-
tem of farm marketing and said he
favored speedy enactment of thec
commodities exchange bill now before
Congress. .
Striking at the New Deal policy of
curtailing production as a means of
relieving agriculture, Senator Borah
said he did not "believe in the Phil-

the downtown section were roped off,
she said.
Water 18 Feet Deep
Miss Ruth Barnett of Pittsburgh,:
who came here a week ago to visit
Mr. and Mrs. Harry- Breniser of 727
East University Ave., called her home
yesterday and said she was informed
that the water in Pittsburgh down-
town areas was more than 18 feet
deep in places. The city was with-
out any kind of communication or
transportation, she said, expressing,
the fear the waters were deepening.
The city onlywhada drinking water
supply for one more day, she §aid.
D. Lucille Johnson, '36, of Freeport,
Pa., talked with her father, A. M.
Johnson, late Wednesday and re-
ceived the report that her home town
was in places 10 feet under water. An
island in the nearby Allegheny River,
was completely submerged, Mr. John-
son said, and the city was deprived of
gas, light and water supply.
Rose Pseil, '39, also communicat-
ed with her parents in Pittsburgh and
was told that there were no electric
lights, telephong or street car service,
but that gas and water could be ob-

Dove Code Drafted
In Washington For
Amorous Students
WASHINGTON, D. C., - A code
intended to prevent love from dis-
placing learning has been drafted by,
12 students - six men and six women
- at American University.
The dean of the college of liberal
arts found it necessary to take al
hand when love predominated over
learning to such an extent that stu-

Drama Season
Inauguration Is
Set ForMay 18
Dates for the seventh annual spring
Dramatic Season to be directed by
Robert Henderson were announced
yesterday by Daniel L. Quirk, Jr.,
chairman of the Dramatic Commit-
As in previous years, the plays will
be presented for five weeks in the
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, opening
Monday, May 18. The closing day
of the Dramatic Season will be held
on Commencement Day, June 20.
Six New York productions of the
current year have been scheduled for

his southern fishing curise, sum-
moned 4 conference of his special
Flood Aid Committee, and appealed
in an executive proclamation for $3,-
000,000 in flood-aid contributions to
the American Red Cross.
Declaring that 200,000 people al-
ready had been driven from their
homes in 11 states, he urged "our
people to contribute promptly and
most generously, so that sufficient
funds may be available for the relief
of these thousands."
The most serious situation arose
at the Wheeling Island in the middle
of the broad Ohio, where most of the
10,000 inhabitants were trapped in
their homes by the avalanche of
water. Houses were ripped from their
foundations, tumbled pell-mell down-
Clear Island
Observers reported two of them car-
ried two men gripping to the rooftops
of the doomed buildings.
Rescuers estimated at the emer-
gency headquarters set up in the court
house that approximately 1,000 per-
sons had been taken off the island,
which is a part of the city of Wheeling
and situated about a half mile from
each shore.
JOHNSTOWN, Pa., March 19. - (O)
- Prostrated by the worst flood since
the disaster of 1889, Johnstown to-
night was a scene of despair, hunger
and suffering as relief workers start-

tained in some areas. dents' grades were dropping very
Suggestions from the code are:
Announcement Made 1. Not to sit at the same table in
~ the library or reading room.
Of Senior Secretaries 1h irr 1ra onas-
Perm Snenirer es - 2. Not to sit together in cars.
S Permanent secretaries for the lit- 3. Not to be together at all dur-

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