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March 19, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-19

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lectures delivered in the past few weeks have
revealed that the average student, though he may
understandthe requirements listed in a catalog, is I e Con ing Tower
Signorant of the characteristics which are ex- eo n n o e
pected of him in his field of concentration.
That an understanding of these factors is im-
portant cannot be denied, and it is difficult to dis- Receipt for a Heavy (Academic) Dragoon
cover a better means of gaining it than through (Bowing in the direction of Sir W. S. Gilbert, o
the vocational lectures. The speakers concern course).
themselves only with basic facts, facts which are If you want a receipt for the popular mystery.
necessary for an intelligent evaluation of any field Known to the world as a college's dean,
of ccncentration. Speakers scheduled for the Take all the remarkable people in history-
weeks preceding the spring recess are Dean A. C. Boil them together and put through a screen!
Furstenburg of the Medical School, Dr. W. W.

A Washington

Publication in the Bullctin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
untl 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.






... , ROL gr +;jL 7 k,..:.e..,-
Publisned every morning except Monday during th
University year and Summer Session by the Board i
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the us
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it o7
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights o
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan a
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00
by mail, $450.

Bishop, director of the Library, Prof. R. B. RodkeyI
of the School of Education, Dean H .C. Sadler of
the College of Engineering, Prof. E. V. Moore of the
A School of Music and Dean S. T. Dana of the For-
n estry School.
All of these men have had years of experience
in guiding students in their individual fields. Their
e2 advice will prove invaluable even to the student]
f who has definite plans regarding his field of con-
centration. If the lectures are to be continued in
the following years, they must have student sup-
; port, and there are few activities on campus more

Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
teublication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her-
shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal.
Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman;
Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes.
Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D.
Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman.
Women's Departmeu.~: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T.
Hoiden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.


Telephone 2-1214

Focal Advertising, Williar Barndt; Service Department,
Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Edward Wohigemuth; Circulation and National Adver-
tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tions, Lyman Bittman.
ajar And
Freedom Of The Seas ...
DESPITE all the hurly and burly
about preventing war, despite all
the neutrality bills that Congress has passed, and
despite the attempts to "take the profits out of
war," the pacifists are still not marshalling their
forces for the eradication of one of the most essen-
tial roots of war.
A perusal of the neutrality bills passed by Con-
gress will reveal that every one substantiates the
fabled "freedom of the seas." Every activity of
the government reflects its continuance. And yet,
even if all profit were taken out of war, even if we
did not try to bind ourselves to neutrality by legis-
lative means, and even if we did hold Olympic
games every four years, the United States still will
have war and more war if it continues to demand
freedom upon the high seas in time of war.
With our modern methods of warfare, it would
be suicide for any warring nation to refrain from
molesting the ships from other countries carrying
provisions to its foes. We must send provisions to
warring countries, and we will have our ships sunk.
For the United States cannot suddenly cut off
its trade with a large number of the nations of
the world upon sudden notice; it is economically]
impossible. We need at present at least 30 vital
products including manganese and rubber which
we must import from the various nations of
the world, and in case of a war involving many
nations, we must trade with some of the bellig-
erents either directly or indirectly. If we did
not, we would be left with industries shut down,
we would be left with our ships rotting in our
harbors, we would be left without steel with which
to build our massive buildings, and we would be
left with hundreds of thousands more unemployed.
Our trade must go on. If Europe and Asia
were thrown into bitter conflict, we should still
continue to import rubber, nickel, and various
other commodities, many of which are under con-
trol of the larger nations of Europe. In payment,
we must ship other goods, for we cannot allow
our gold supply to dwindle away, and this involves
trading with warring nations.
If we demand that our ships be left unmolested
upon the waters we must ultimately come into
conflict with one or both of the conflicting allies.
However, if we devote our efforts to causing our
losses to be shouldered as part of the risks of
trade during war, paying more for our imported
goods to be sure, but removing a cause of war,
if we recognize the ramifications of modern war-
fare and the economic dependence of the nations
of the world, and if we throw out of consideration
the war phrase, "the freedom of the seas," we
would be making more headway towards eliminat-
ing war than all the pictures of the horror of
war and all the strikes in opposition to war can
ever make.
The Vocational
r IIE CHOICE of a vocation or field
of concentration is always a difficult
one, and any aid in making the choice an intel-
ligent one is certain to be of great value to the
undergraduate student. Especially valuable is such
aid from a man active in a field of study, a man
who has a thorough understanding of the many
factors which make the student suitable for work
in that field, as well as a wealth of practical ex-

Letters published in this column should notbe
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
Letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
The Informer
To the Editor:
While glancing through one of the city's news-
papers my attention was drawn to a notice in-
serted in the theatre section. It stated that
a picture called The Informer would not be shown
at a local theatre for the reason that the Ann
Arbor Catholic League of Decency objected. It is
rather difficult for me to believe that the picture
is immoral inasmuch as it was voted to be one
of the finest of the year, and also to the best
of my knowledge the national organization of the
Catholic Church has not black-listed it. If the
local Catholics believe the picture to be indecent
let them by all means remain away from the the-
atre. I cannot see, however, why people who are
perfectly capable of seeing this splendid picture
without serious danger to their morals should be
deprived of that pleasure.
-J. H. Dalton, '38.
EDITOR'S NOTE: As explained in Wed-
nesday's Daily, the Legion of Decency's ban on
"The Informer" has been withdrawn on orders
from the New York Council. The New York
Council ruling supplanted that of the Chicago
Council, which had previously disapproved the
To the Editor:
The inquiring reporter who took that most in-
accurate census of women who did not know what
the political terms "right" and "left" meant in
a class Tuesday certainly has a crying lack of in-
sight. Where is his sociology and psychology?
Please remember it is the professor who still guides
the course of discussion in class rooms and if he
does not choose to call on the women in the class-
room who know it, please do not consider us ignor-
ant. Sociologically man and woman are equal
in the world of intellect and psychologically the
woman is reputed to have the edge on the male
in the matter of insight: Why be too bright?
Let one of these lazy males who didn't study any-
way, answer an occasional question. Did you, Mr.
Editor of the Daily, take a census of the male pop-
ulation of the class who knew the answer? No
it might be embarrassing to wake the male from
his prolonged nap. I might add that although the
female may be stupid on occasions at least she
pretends to stay awake in class and may with great
straining of intellect gather a few pearls of wisdom
from the masculine mind. Now, you got your kick-
back from the female element! Are you satisfied?
-Margaret Veenboer.
The University of Chicago has one of the world's
most complete newspaper files. The Chicago files of
the London Chronicle extend back to 1758.

Skill of a Borgia in artistry potional,
Smoothness of Eden cajoling the League,
Craft of Cornell in a crisis emotional.
Conscience of Talleyrand in an intrigue,
Machiavelli's renown for duplicity,
Bluster and blague of the late Huey Long,
Anthony Comstock's delight in pudicity,
Porter's command of the popular song,
Bonny Prince Farley's delight in high politics,
Nero's contempt for the masses of men,
Chrysler's control of the lore of football-itics,
Hitler's "Thou must!" with a stroke of the pen!
Dogged persistence of brave little Hannibal,
Justice toward Mooney - displayed by a Rolph,
Coolness of Crusoe when caught by a cannibal,
Little's devotion to tournament golf,
Pluck of a Byrd in his reckless adventuring
Legal acument of Chief Justice Hughes,
Luck of a Raskob in risky indenturing
Patience of Job in admonishing stews,-
Admiral Dewey, the Toast of Manila,
Haile Selassie and Mr. Havrilla,
Thomas Aquinas and Thomas McAn,
Maxie der Moxie and Joe What-a-Man?
Euclid and Coughlin and Dr. Defoe,
Il Duce, the Duchess, and Stalin & Co.
Take of these elements all that is fusible,
Melt them all down in a pipkin or crucible,
Set them to simmer and take of the scum
And a college's dean is the residuum!
Mr. William Randolph Hearst has filed a peti-
tion seeking to prevent the Western Union Tele-
graph Company from delivery a copy of one spe-
cific telegram to the Senate lobby committee. It
is impossible that Mr. Hearst is the author of the
telegram; it is well known to all who have read or
heard stories about him that he hasn't sent a
telegram since Alexander Graham Bell was in kilts.
Yes, Pahs, it seems odd that no one has written
a one-act play about the elevator strike ... Oh,
yes. "Waiting for Lifty."
In the old days we used to uphold Jimmy Walk-
er when it was charged against him that he was
a wisecracker, as though that alone were easy
enough to prove his incompetence, and as though
wisecracking were easy. When we read yesterday
of the puerile stuff that went on in the House Wed-
nesday it seemed to us that Jimmy Walker was in
a class with Sheridan and Steele. Mr. Zioncheck,
of Washington, said that he didn't object if Mr.
Ekwall, of Oregon, wanted "to make a fool out of
himself"; and Mr. Ekwall said that there was "no
bigger jackass" in Congress than Mr. Zioncheck.
It seems to us that our ole friends Penrod and Sam
were a little too adult to exchange repartee of this
That bad legal phrasing of and 'or
Is wanting in technical cand/or.
Suppose I should stut/or:
"Please pass me the but/or,"
Or talked of Keats, Swinburne, and Land/or!
Mr. Frederick H. Wood, arguing against the
Guffey coal control act, was pitching his voice high.
Chief Justice Hughes asked him whether he would
mind lowering his voice. "I've been trying to do
that all my life," said Mr. Wood, 550 Park Avenue,
New York. We think that Mr. Wood ought to go
on tour. Millions of Milquetoast Americans who
have been trying all their lives to raise their voices
would pay to see him.
The Gals' Union of the Herald Tribune object
to our having objected to saying of the passenger
who rides down one floor that she slows up the
service. "How about him, you old woman-hater,
you?" writes the corresponding secretary. The
proportion is at least ten to one against the gals.
No matter what happens in an elevator,
We are anything but a woman-hater.

rASHINGTON, March 1.- What-
evcr destiny may hold in store for
the world in the wake of German
military reoccupation of the Rhine-
land in defiance of treaty, American
aloofness from the new European
crisis is distinctly greater than it was
in those fateful mid-summer days of
1914. It has been bolstered by ex-
perience and buttressed by law.
Yet it cannot be said that the march
of rearmed Germany to resume "The
Watch on the Rhine" may not have
political repercussions in this country.
If war is to come of it, the factors
now shaping to frame the impending
presidential election here could all be
completely changed. For America
no less than the nations immediately
involved abroad, external policy
rather than internal could become the
major domestic issue
T REQUIRES no recapitulation of
the controversy in Congress over
the shaping of neutrality legislation
to foretell a bitter clash of opinion
over whatever executive steps might
be necessary at any stage to imple-
ment that national policy. Even ex-
cluding weapons and direct war mu-
nitions from consideration, as they
are excluded by law, there are rich
possibilities of more innocent trade
to be glimpsed in a new battle of
European giants. Will other neutral
countries ignore them? Can any au-
thority of government be found to re-
inforce a "good neighbor" policy of
rigid non-participation?
For peace-minded folk, however,
the differences of the American sit-
uation now and in 1914 have their
distinctly hopeful aspect. There is a
double-barrelled neutrality act. since
the bill fathered by Hiram Johnson
and closing American financial mar-
kets to war-debt defaulters must of
necessity restrict war trade of any
character in this country. More than,
that, however, the effect on national
opinion of those defaults, now aggre-
gating a billion dollars, of the stu-
pendous cost of the last war was so
sharply illustrated by the size of the
bonus prepayment bill check present-
ed to Congress for ways and means
of liquidation, have to be considered.
BETWEEN pro and anti-League of
Nations factions, "if" if going to
be a mighty word Could this new
snarl have happened "if" the United
States had joined, will be asked by
one side. On the other will be voiced
the conviction that had it been a
member of the league, the nation
would now have been on the brink
of a new war effort.
Many students have undoubtedly
seen "The Informer," either when it
was presented several months ago by
the Art Cinema League or outside of
Ann Arbor. To these, and even to
those who have not seen it; a rcom-
mendation is hardly necessary.
This story of an Irish revolutionist
who betrays his comrades is hardly
the movie that ordinarily comes from
Hollywood. It was expected that the
picture would be nothing more than
a program filler, until a flood of criti-
cal opinion established it as probably
the best American film of last year.!
Victor McLagen's acting and John
Ford's directing combinedto bring
forth a masterpiece. It will play at
the Michigan through Saturday.
A Paramount Picture with John How-
arcd, Wendy Barrie, Willie Froward.
Benny Baker. Eleanor Whitney, Robert
Cummings, and George Barbier

VOL. XLVI No. 118
Marsh and Mandlebaum Scholar-
,:hips in the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Applications
for these scholarships for the yearI
1936-37 may now be made on blanks
to be obtained at the office of the
Dean of the College, 1210 Angell Hall.,
All blanks must be returned to the
same office on or before March 20.
These scholarships may be held by
those who are enrolled in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts!
only. The Marsh Scholarships are'
available to both men and women,
the Mandlebaum Scholarships may
be awarded to men only. For further
information consult the bulletin on1
Scholarships and Fellowships which
may be obtained at the office of the
Secretary in University Hall
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Instructors aref
requested to send their "Freshman
Report Cards" to Room 4, University
Hall not later than Saturday, March,
Mid-semester reports will be called
for at the end of the eighth week.
Mr. J. H. Dillon, of the Ingersoll-
Rand Company, will be in Room 221;
West Engineering Building for two
or three days, beginning Wednesday,
March 18, for the purpose of inter-
viewing prospective graduates who
might be interested in work with
this organization. Please make an
appointment. H. C. Anderson.
Mr. L. H. Means, of the General
Electric Company, will be in Room
221 West Engineering Building forj
two or three days beginning Thurs-
day, March 19, for the purpose of in-
terviewing prospective graduates who
might be interested in work with this
organization. Please make an ap-
pointment. H. C. Anderson.
Seniors: College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Senior dues of
$1.00 will be collected by members of
the Finance committee and other
Senior Class committees today in the
lobby of Angell Hall and the main
corridor of University Hall.
Senior Music School dues must be
paid by Tuesday, March 24. Pay dues
to following people: Maxine Hutchins,
Jean Hoover, Alan Wells, Irene Maki,
Myrtle Trunk, Milton Herman. ii
Waiting for Lefty and The Doctor
in Spite of Himself: Tickets are still
available for all performances of Play
Production's third presentation of'
the season. Evening performances
will be given tonight, Friday and Sat-
urday. There will be a special mat-
inee at 3:15 Saturday. Curtain for
the evenings at 8:30. Prices are: eve-
nings, 75, 50 and 35c; matinee, 35
and 50c. For reservations call at
the box office of the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre or telephone 6300.
Academic Notices
Preliminary Examinations for the
Ph.D. in Economics: These examina-
tions will be held on May 4-6 inclu-
sive. All graduate students who con-
template writing papers at this time
should notify the secretary of the De-
partment of Economics at once.
Events Of! Today
Observatory Journal Club meets at
4:15 p.m., in the Observatory lectlre

room. Dr. Dean B. McLaughlin will
speak on "Interpretation of the Phe-
nomena of Novae." Tea will be
served at 4.
Iota Alpha: Regular monthly meet-
ing at 7:30 p.m., in the Seminar
Room, 3201 E. Engineering Building.
Prof. A. L. Cross, of the Department
of History, will be the speaker on the
subject, "The Hartzell-Drake Case."
It is urged that every member be
Weekly Reading Hour: Dr. Fred
Cowin, pastor of the Church of Christ,
will read from the poetry of Robert
Burns at the Weekly Reading Hour
at 4 p.m., in Room 205 Mason: Hall.
The public is very cordially invited
to hear Dr. Cowin.
Varsity Glee Club: Very important
rehearsal 7:15 sharp followed by short
concert for Banker's Association Ban-
quet. Informal dress. List for East-
er trip will be read at this meeting.
Mr. E. I. Kohler, of Arthur Ander-
sen and Company of Chicago, will
speak on "Corporate Income Taxa-
tion" at 11 p.m., in Room 103, Ro-
mance Languages Building. Students
and faculty of the School of Business
Administration and others interested
are invited to attend.
Mr. Ellis Cowling, of Thorntown,
Indiana, author of "A Short Intro-
duction to the Cooperative Move-
ment," will speak in Lane Hall audi-
torium at 8:00 p.m. on "The Coopera-
tive Movement." This is the second
of the Cooperative Movement which
is being sponsored by the Student
Christian Association. The public is
Hillel Players: Tryouts for three
one-act plays are being held at the
Hillel Foundation, from 3:00 to 5:00
and from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. All in-
terested are urgently requested to be
Harris Hall: Today from 12 noon to
1 o'clock, Student Starvation Lunch
in Harris Hall. All students and
their friends are cordially invited.


Dames Music


meets this evening at 8 o'clock, at
the home of Mrs. Beukema on Dex-
ter Road. The discussiofi will be on
the Modern Symphony Orchestra,
and anyone interested is invited.
Transportation will be provided from
the Michigan League lobby at 7:50
A full rehearsal for all members of
the Juniors Girls Play cast will be
held at 7 p.m. today in the Laboratory
Theatre. It is essential that every-
one be present.
Virginia Frink, Director.
Coming Events
Athletic Group, Michigan Dames:
Final meeting of the year will be held
[Friday, March 20, 8:30 p.m., Women's
Athletic Bldg.
Delta Epsilon Pi meeting at the
Michigan Union Friday at 8 p.m.
sharp. Pledges will be formally in-
itiated. Future plans of the frater-
nity will be discussed. All members
are urged to be present.
Informal Dance for Graduate Stu-
dcnts on Saturday evening, March 21,
at the Women's Athletic Building
(Continued on Page 6)



Most Interesting' Contemporary
REVIEW OF CONTEMPORARY not be particularly annoying; but one of them is
By KARL LITZENBERG distinctly terrible.
(Of the English Department) But the prose is another matter. Of the stories,
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following review pre- I think Anina Coniglio's "The Wedding" is the
sents a faculty reaction to the latest issue of the most moving. Miss Coniglio has interpreted an
student literary magazine, "Contemporary." In
tomorrow's Daily will appear a student reaction to ironically ugly situation through the mind of a
child too young to understand why no one is happy
THE EDITORIAL "Lend Us Your Ears" which in- at the wedding of her father's friend-with-the-
troduces the current issue of Contemporary is mustache. Peter L. Mintz's "No Longer Mourn"
intended to explain and defend the policy of the struck me as being a little lugubrious; while I feel
that Chester Thalman's "Between You and Me",
magazine. If I understand the tone of the editor- bites off more than a story can chew in a page
ial; if it means that there is very little material and a half - to use a well-mixed metaphor.
from which the editor may pick and choose; if it
conveys, as I think it does, the rather depressing Among the essays, Professor H. T. Price's "What
cnveyssI thnkit os nitheratr depres .Really Happens in Hamlet," and Jack Conklin's
fact that Contemporary has neither enough writers "Can Jazz Go Highbrow," are worthy of first men-
nor enough readers - then I believe it is incumbent tion. Professor Price minces no words in attack-
upon me to suggest a reconsideration of the policy ing J. Dover Wilson's interpretation of the play-
which the editors here explain andtdefend. If it is within-the-play; he insists that the Wilson inter-
true that only Hopwood aspirants and English pretation (actually 'borrowed' from Halliwell, and
majors are interested in Contemporary, then two given a few new twists) "ignores human nature,
courses lie open: the magazine can continue to rules of court procedure, and the art of the drama."
operate in its own field of endeavor, or it can Mr. Conklin attempts - a difficult thing - to de-
change its policies and adapt itself to a sphere fine what Jazz actually is. In a third piece, James
beyond its present reach. The second course i Doll explains the "Needs of a University Theatre."
cannot be followed until the editors know a great In a fourth, Miss Helen Shiro "Things They Don't
deal more about what students want to read than Teach in College" suggests a course in 'Allure'
they seem to know (by their own admission) at as a necessary addition to the curriculum; the
the present time. only objection that occurs to me at the moment


Great artists looking for a theme HIMSELF" and
worthy of their talents ordinarily "'WAITING FOR LEFTY"
would not choose the amateur hour
phenomenon, but that is exactly what Seeing Moliere and Odets on the
Paramount has done in "Millions in same program is very much like eat-
the Air." ing a cream puff and then topping
Although throughout the film ade- it off with a shot of straight gin;
quate attention is always given to the and such a diet is likely to produce
dramatic force of a situation in which no little amount of digestive disturb-
a millionnaire soap-maker's daugh- ance, particularly when the cream
ter and an ice-cream salesman fight puff is as delicious and the gin as
off the perils to their gestating love, powerful as are the two presentations
the producers have emphasized the that Play Production offers currently
humorous and musical aspects of at the Lydia Mendelssohn.
amateur hours, with not unpleasant I What disturbance there is, however,
results. is all for the best, because it is not
"Millions in the Air" has as its often that the spirit of Moliere's light-
major assets Benny Baker, who hearted and subtle comedy is captured,
should get bigger parts; Eleanore so completely; nor is the full signifi-
Whitney, another tap-dancer, but the cance and strength of Odets' propa-
best looking of her breed; and Willie gandist drama an easy thing to bring
Howard, one of Hollywood's better out in its full force,
funnymen. "The]Doctor in Spite of Himself"
These three make it a better show owes about eighty pe cent of its suc-
than many more pretentious musicals cess to Charles Harrell who directed
of recent date. -R,A.C. I it iii i-ineinal r

in the work of most of the other
actors. Ruth Le Roux, because of her
meticulous diction and superior stage
presence, manifests this more than
the others.
Clifford Odets' "Waiting for Lefty"
can be done well only when every
performance is good. He has no
heros. no heroines, and his chief char-
acter is always the oppressed class,
his champion, Communism, and his
technique, relentless high dramatic
pitch. Those who interpret it for
Play Production never let it down, and
the loose but lucid unity of this play
about a taxi-drivers' meeting, within
which several subordinate dramas are
enacted, is thought-provoking, almost
viciously so, in its effect. Mr. Windt's
direction has brought remarkable re-
sults and is commendable in every re-
spect. -C.B.C.
W PA Men Strike
For Higher Wages
NILES, Mich., March 18. - (P) -
Two hundied WPA workers struck
Wednesday, demanding $60 a month
instead of the prevailing $48, forcing
suspension of four projects.
In addition to the $12 increase in
the prevailing rate of pay, the men
demanded pay for days when they
are not able to work, union wages


A First National Picture with James
Dunn, Claire Dodd, Paricia Ellis and
The title of this picture probably
refers to the climactic moment in
which James Dunn's faithless wife.

IL, yllu W IV p 3 VoaJ ,tltS'.- V' p
that of the foolish Sganarelle whose
wife, seeking irevenge for the beating'
he gives her in the first scene of
the play, plots to ridicule him in the
eyes of a wealthy man and his house-
hold. The daughter of the house has
been struck dumb for a reason that
the best physicians cannot discover.'
Sganarelle a wood-cmtter is hired :to


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