The Weather Increasing chnidiuess, some- what warmer, rain or snow ex- treme west today; tomorrow warmer. i E4r Sic igmi ~Iaiti Editorials War And Freedom Of The Seas The Vocational Lectures VOL XLVI No. 120 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1936 - _ _ __ --------- PRICE FIVE CENTS 400 Come Here For Academy Science, Letters And Arts Group Convenes Today For 41st Session First Seetion Meets At 2 P.M. In Museum 13 Convention Divisions Will Assemble Friday And Saturday Also More than 400 members of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters will convene in Ann Ar- bor this week-end for the 41st an- nual meeting of the Academy to be held here today, Friday, and Satur- day, to hear nearly 250 papers to be read in the three-day session of the organization. The convention will be opened at 2 p.m. today with the meeting of the section of anthropology, one of the 13 sections of the Academy, in Room 3024, University Museums. Other meetings for the first day include that of the council, which will dis- cuss the agenda for the Academy's business session at 3 p.m. Saturday, and a reception for the members of the Academy at 8 p.m. in the Mu- seums. Jefferson To Speak The section on anthropology, under R. Clyde Ford of Michigan State Normal College, will be opened by a paper on "Anthropology and Modern Life," to be given by Prof. Carl E. Guthe, director of the Museum of Anthropology. The paper will be followed by a round-table discus- sion. A second speech, on "House and Folks," to be given by Prof. Mark Jefferson of Michigan State Normal College, will close the afternoon's meeting. The reception committee for the annual reception will be headed by Mrg. Alexander G. Ruthven as hon- orary chairman, and Mrs. George R. LaRue as chairman. Meetings of the other 12 sections of the Academy will open Friday, and together with the anthropological section will continue through Satur- day afternoon. The Michigan Academy is officially affiliated with the American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science. Special exhibits during the three- day session will be on display in the University Museums, the Museum of Classical Archeology in Newberry Auditorium, and the corridors of the Natural Science Building. Mmbers From Michigan Academy members come mostly from the University, Detroit universi- ties and colleges, and the various state colleges and normal schools such as Albion, Michigan State Normal Col- lege, and Western State Teachers College. The thirteen sections of the Acad- emy deal with anthropology, botany, economics and sociology, forestry, geography, geology and mineralogy, history and political science, lan- -guage and literature, mathematics, philosophy, psychology, sanitary and medical science, and zoology. Four of these sections are headed by Michigan professors, and among the officers of the Academy are Prof. Leigh J. Young of the forestry school, secretary; Prof. Alfred H. Stockard of the zoology department, editor; and Dr. William W. Bishop, director of the University libraries, librarian. The Academy is headed by Dr. A. M. Chickering of Albion College, who will give the presidential address on "Evolution in Spiders" at the annual banquet Friday night. Coming To Ann Arbor 121 Billions Are Sought By Roosevelt Powers Tied WhenFrance Rejects Plan Scores Perish As Floods Relief Budget May Need German Delegation Flies Even More, President To London To Consider Says In Speech Rhineland Proposals MAJ.-GEN. SMEDLEY D. BUTLER Smedley Butler Will Give Talk Here Thursday Students' Alliance Brings Former Marine Chief To' Discuss War Racket Maj.-Gen. Smedley D. Butler, re- tired officer of the United States ma- rines, will tell why he thinks "War Is a Racket" at 8:15 p.m. next Thurs- day in Hill Auditorium. His talk is being sponsored by the Students' Al- liance. Three essay contests are being con-, ducted by the Students' Alliance in connection with the Butler talk; one for freshmen and sophomores, an- other for upperclassmen and grad- uates, and a third for Ann Arbor High School students.I Prizes of $5, which may be in- creased as the contest progresses, will be offered by the Students' Alliance in each of the three contests. A com- mittee of faculty men will judge the entries of University students. General Butlei, famous veteran of wars in France, China, Nicaragua, Haiti, Mexico, and Cuba, has declared that "never again will I fight out- side the United States." He has been active in recent months in writ- ing-,and speaking extensively against war. Perhaps the best-known living United .States military, man,. General Butler has had a tempestuous career both .as a soldier and in civil life. In 1924 he was placed at the head of the Philadelphia police force to head a campaign to rid the city' of thugs and bootleggers. In two years, under his vigorous leadership, arrests increased astonishingly and the crim- inal element was to a great extent driven to cover. It was he who, in 1929, accused Italy's Fascist leader, Benito Musso- lini, of a hit-and-run crime. For this "discourteous" remark, he was placed under arrest by Secretary of the Navy Charles Francis Adams, but the proposed court-martial was never prosecuted. Ellis Cowling Talks Tonight At Lane Hall SCA Brings Illinois Man To Discuss Cooperative Purchasing Movement The Rev. Ellis Cowling, connected with the cooperative association of Waukegan, Ill., will speak on co- operative buying at 8 p.m. today in Lane Hall under the auspices of the S.C.A. committee on social study and action and the Ann Arbor Coopera- tive Association, which is now in the process of formation. Mr. Cowling is one of the best in- formed persons in the country on the cooperative movement, according to Holds Employment Increase Is Vital New WPA Appropriation Faces Hot Opposition By Congressmen WASHINGTON, March 18. - UP) - President Roosevelt today appealed directly to business to increase em- ployment, declaring that upon it rest- ed the responsibility as to whether the new $1,500,000,000 relief fund be asked of Congress would be adequate. In a special message asking that a lump sum deposit of a billion and a half be placed to the credit of WPA for the 1 37 fiscal year - a re- quest that stirred protest and brought promise of a major battle in Congress -the Chief Executive placed special, emphasis upon a call to industry to "organize a common effort" to pro- vide more jobs. Declaring that about $1,600,000,000 would be available to add to the $1,- 500,000,000 he requested, Mr. Roose- velt presented this picture of the pres- ent relief situation: 5,300,000 families and unattached persons are in need of public assistance (3,800,000 on the works program and 1,500,000 on local and state rolls). Fight Predicted Even as his message was read in the Senate and House, however, sig- nals were hoisted that a fight would be made to earmark the new fund for specific purposes . Speaker Joseph W. Byrns was one who foresaw a battle over earmarking. Sen. Bennett C. Clark, (Dem., Mo.) asserted that he was "tired of sign- ing blank checks." Sen. Charles L. McNary, of Oregon, minority leader, said no appropriation should be made "without a bill of particulars." Rep. Bertrand Snell, of New York, the Republican leader, termed the request "a last grab at the treasury before the election," and asserted that "the demoralization of the Federal relief work by spoils politics, incom- petence, waste and futile boondog- gling cannot be ignored longer by the Congress."I Holt Wants Investigation Soon after the message was read, Sen. Rush D. Holt (Dem., W. Va.) arose and demanded a "thorough and searching" investigation of the Works Progress Administration. He reiterated charges that "poli- tics" controlled the WPA in West Vir- ginia and asserted that if Harry L. Hopkins, administrator, "is as hon- est as he says he is and has any re- spect for the integrity" of the Federal government, he could not oppose a senatorial inquiry. Hopkins during the day wrote all state administrators that "no per- son shall be employed or discharged on the ground of his support or non- support of any political organization." He added that no WPA worker was required to make any political con- tributions and that any employee who solicited such contributions would be immediately discharged . HITCH-HIKERS BEWARE SAGINAW, March 18.-Hitchhik- Nazi Minister Sees M Open Peace Road British Stand By Belief. That Temporary Neutral Zone Would End Tension LONDON, March 18. - A)-A flat refusal by the French even to con- sider a British proposal for a Franco- German demilitarized zone along the Rhine brought the Locarno powers into a deadlock again today. Representatives of Great Britain, France, Belgium and Italy struggled in the Foreign Office to find a new way to restore the shattered security framework of Western Europe. A delegation of German diplomats,' assured of Great Britain's consider- ation of Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler's new peace proposals, was flying by airplane from Berlin but was due too late for today's session of the League of Nations Council. Despite a violent storm of criticism, the British did not abandon their belief that a temporary neutral zone between the German and French mil- itary forces would materially aid the situation. The French, who seemed virtually panic-striken by the British tendency to compromise with Germany, served notice that they were not prepared to enter into any negotiations with Germany until in May-after the French and German parliamentary elections. BERLIN, March 18-(IP)--The Ger-I man government viewed the interna- tional situation with the greatest op- timism tonight after the departure of its delegation for the League of Na- tions Locarno talks in London. No Answer Yet In Hell Week Quiz B Council. The investigation into the Hell Week practices of 10 fraternities, started Monday by the ExecutiveI Committee of the Interfraternity Council, was concludedyesterday, but no decisions as to guilt or discipline have as yet been reached, George R. Williams, '36, president, said last night. An air of mystery surrounded the i conclusion of the investigation as both Williams and Paul W. Philips. '36, secretary of the Council, de- clined to coment as to possible disci- plinary action. "All I can say now," said Williams, "is that announce- ment of disciplinary action has been postponed to a future date and we don't know whether that will be this week, next week, or even later." It is believed, however, that de- spite the present delay, the commit- tee will take definite disciplinary measures against the individual houses which violated the Hell Week Devasta New En 900 National Guardsmen Patrol Pittsburgh As Rivers Reach Crest Food Profiteering Confronts Citizens Waters Inundate Business Section And Sweep Away Thousands Of Homes PITTSBURGH, March 18.-)- Nine hundred national guardsmen patrolled this terrified city of 700,- 000 tonight while fearful residents watched rivers reach their crest and turned to the new terrors of possible food shortage, darkness, disease and pillage. The waters reached the record- breaking level of 45 feet, 20 feet above flood stage, before they began to re- cede slowly. Weather observers said the slow subsidence would continue through the night although a new rain began. Food profiteering, with prices soar- ing skyward in the inundated area, confronted Pittsburgh. Public safety director Thomas Dunn told Mayor William N. McNair of the rising prices and asked a proclamation to curb profits at the expense of the suffer- ing. "I'll sign the proclamation as soon as it reaches me," the Mayor said. The flood covered whole blocks of the famed "Golden triangle"-part of the city's business district, and hundreds of homes were filled with water. The list of homeless rose rap- idly into the thousands. The guardsmen went on duty in the "triangle" to prevent looting and also lend aid to refugees. The biggest flood of history in this section was rolling on toward cities down the Ohio with misery yet to come for them. Wheeling, W. Va., expected 30,000 homeless by morn- ing. The Sixth island, in the middle of the Ohio River, was under water and its 10,000 residents without shelt- er. Fire and explosions added to the burden borne by the steel metropolis. Two identified men were dead. At least 49 persons were injured by a series of explosions and fires that tore through flooded buildings in the low-lying suburbs. BOSTON, March 18.-(IP)-New floods ravaged New England tonight, brought the number of dead in the last week to 18 and caused inestim- able property damage. A southeast storm deluged the area and mountain snows softened by con- tinued warm temperatures poured thousands of tons of water into rag- ing rivers, which, in turn, engulfed whole communities, submerged high- ways and railroad trackage, swept bridges before them and cut lines of power, light and telephonic communi- cation. WASHINGTON, March 18-(P)- The Federal Government today rushed help to the sufferers of the Eastern United States flood front as it sought to stave off deluge from its own Capital doors. NORTH HAMPTON, Mass., March 18.-GAP)-State police reported the huge power dam on the Connecticut River at Vernon, Vt., went out at 11:10 p.m. today. Emergency warnings were sent out by state police for residents of the Conneticut valley below the dam to flee. State Congressmen Face Patronage Rift WASHINGTON, March 18.-(R) - Michigan's Democratic delegation in Congress, faced with new factiona disturbances within the State organi- zation, was reported unsettled Tues- day on a move to obtain a District Attorneyship appointment for Chas P. Webster, of Pontiac, Mich. Leaders of the delegation disclosed receipt of unfavorable reaction from some quarters that former Gov. Wil- liam A. Comstock was being given a fraa harlt a -nmar1Wshzf. M Vallee Misses, But 1 White Doesn't; One Bent Nose Results NEW YORK, March 18. -(P)- Rudy Vallee was out of the cast of the "Scandals" tonight after a back- stage fist fight with its producer, George White, over a proposal to slash salaries. The slap-bang contest between the crooner and producer last night, af- ter the regulair show, was strictly a no-decision bout, watched by starry- eyed chorines and others of the cast i of 200.- Versions agreed that Vallee called i White a something-or-other and that the two then tangled, White landing about five blows to Rudy's none. Some said Rudy's recently rebuilt nose was marred, but this was indignantly de- nied -by Hyman Bushel, Vallee's at-r torney.t Bushel said Vallee was willing to c take his usual singing role this af- a ternoon, but was refused admittance r to the stage by White. Later Bushel said, White "never showed up" at an c equity meeting designed to launch ar- c bitration proceedings on Rudy's con- h tract. Nobody seems sure about a rumor that Vallee had swung first-and mis- e sed. But several persons agreed thor- oughly that when White swung, he didn't miss.s Gee Is Named f Varsity Cage Team Captaint Bristol Elected To 1937f Manager Position; Takesr Place Of John Cawley John Gee, '37, Michigan's six-foot- nine-inch center, was elected captain of the 1937 Varsity basketball team, Coach Franklin Cappon announced yesterday. Gee will succeed Chelso Tamagno, who led the 1936 squad 1 through 20 games with but five lossest and third place in the Conference.- Hubert M. Bristol, '37, was elected senior manager of the team to re-c place John Cawley, who was man-t ager of the 1936 squad.1 Gee, one of the four returning let- termen, has played Varsity basketball for two years and has been a mem- ber of the starting five as well as aI letter-winner both seasons. He is also a member of the Varsity base-1 ball squad and will probably be one of the two starting pitchers this spring. The new captain was the leading Michigan free thrower of theseason with a record of 16 out of 24 tries in Conference competition and 22 out of 31 during the whole season. He scored a total of 50 points during the 12-game Conference schedule. Gee, in Cappon's opinion, would1 have been the star of the Wolverine squad if it hadn't been for the pres- ence of John Townsend, all-Confer- ence center and sophomore sensation of the Big Ten, despite the fact that he had never played basketball until he entered Michigan. In high school his rapid growth made it impossible for him to compete and therefore it has been the job of Michigan coaches to develop him. His desire to work and excellent mental attitude, although he was far behind his teammates in the knowl- edge of the sport, showed to best advantage in the final game of the season against Purdue in which Gee's left-handed hooks and effective work on the back-board play were import- ant factors in keeping the Varsity in the game Arinstrong Will Not Con-test Wife's Suit n Frank H. Armstrong, II, '36L, said - last night that he did not intend to a contest a divorce suit filed in Chicago yesterday by his wife whom he mar- Fires And Explosions Add Terror In Pittsburgh; Steel Plants Closed Quick Thaw, Rains Cause Destruction Johnstown, Heaviest Hit, Deserted As Citizens Flee To Mountains Killing scores of persons and leav- ng destruction in their wake, floods paralyzed Pittsburgh last night, de- uged Johnstown and spread through New England and the South. The flood situation at a glance: (By The Associated Press) PENNSYLVANIA - Twenty-eight eported dead; Pittsburgh, Youngs- own, Johnstown and scores of other cities flooded; fires and explosions and general power failure add to ter- 'or in Pittsburgh. MASSACHUSETTS-Man and two children swept to death when bridge collapses; North Adams engulfed; highways washed out at Warwick. VERMONT - Four dead. MAINE - One life lost; damage estimated by Governor Brann at $10,- 000,000. CONNECTICUT - Dozen buildings swept away at New Hartford as dam crumbles. 'NEW HAMPSHIRE - Highways flooded at Hinsdale. NEW YORK-One thousand home- ess as Susquehanna rises; communi- cations disrupted at Ithaca; hundreds evacuate homes at Binghamton; na- tional guard mobilized. VIRGINIA- Two drowned; Shen- andoah Valley damaged by wind. MARYLAND - One dead; streets flooded at Cumberland; damage at more than $1,000,000. WEST VIRGINIA - Thousands along Ohio River leave homes; inun- dation of Wheeling Island expected. GEORGIA -Two killed, in wind- storm. NORTH CAROLINA-Hundreds of school children in western part of state marooned by snowdrifts. A sudden spring thaw accompanied by rain and storms spread destruc- tive flood waters over vast areas of the East Wednesday. With at least 39 found dead, incal- culable property damage and many thousands of persons homeless, the flood waters swept sections from Western Pennsylvania to Vermont. The steel capital - Pittsburgh - was in a state of almost complete paralysis. The famous flood city of Johns- town, Pa., was largely deserted as citizens fled in panic after reports circulated that the Quemahoning Dam had broken or was weakening. Indications were, however, that the dam would hold. Nineteen persons were known to have perished and nine others were feared lost in Pennsylvania alone as floods ravaged that state for the second time in as many weeks. Additional casualties reported from Maryland, Virginia, New York, Mass- achusetts, Maine and Vermont brought the total death list to at least 39. Upwards of 25,000 persons were left homeless and shivering before the ravaging rivers and slashing storms had done their work. Thousands of persons fled from their homes as the frenzied flood wat- ers rolled along the Allegheny, Mon- ongahela, Ohio, Potomac and other rivers. Forum Course Will Be Given In High School A forum course in contemporary social and political problems, to meet once a week at Ann Arbor High School, was announced last night by George Alder of the Ann Arbor pub- lic schools' extension service. Following along the general lines of the recent Student Senate, the te Pennsylvania, igland And South ing in Saginaw is out. Police Chief j regulations, as one committee mem- Fred H. Genske Tuesday declared war ber commented last night that "def- on the practice and warned offenders, nite action on some of the houses mostly high school students, to keep will undoubtedly be taken, but we are their thumbs in their pockets. still collecting evidence." j Harold Gray, chairman of the tem- Flo rida W orker 1 porary committee appointed to draw F up a charter and by-laws for an Ann Is Crucified In Arbor cooperative organization. The speaker is a minister of the Church of Christ at Thorntown, Ind., and City ark W ood is the author of a widely-circulated j booklet, "A Short Introduction to the , Explodes Rumoi Tower Site Is = By CLINTON B. CONGER Rumors to the effect that (1) the! excavation at the site of the proposed Burton Memorial Tower had uncov- ered quicksand which would make it impossible to build the tower in that location; (2) the soil had been found incapable of bearing the weight of the tower; and (3) that the excava- tion had struck water, making it im- possible to lay the foundation, were laid at rest yesterday by Edward C. Pardon, superintendent of the build- ings and grounds department. Soil load tests made by Prof. Wil- liam S. Housel of the civil engineering department, research consultant of the State Highway Laboratory, showed that the soil at the site ofI the excavations is bearing a weight of nc hiohs 9o4 fnn .er ,manfnn rs That Burton Over Quicksand drilling to a depth of 200 feet suc- ceeded in locating nothing but gravel, more gravel, and still more gravel. Pouring of the concrete foundations for the tower will be started as soon as the necessary steel arrives. The soil load tests made by Pro- fessor Housel are done by means of a hydraulic jack exerting pressure on a steel disk, with a measurement of amount of 'give" under the various pressures. The jack is ballasted by an 80- ton load of cement, and rests on a wood 12-by-12. The beam in turn rests on the 18-inch steel disk, which is three-quarters of an inch thick. A dial on the pump supplying the I pressure for the hydraulic jack meas- I ures the pressure exerted by the beam nn th ar li i in ,nrm of+ - o r, -a OCALA, Fla., March 18. - ( ) -I Nailed hand and foot to a heavy wooden cross and his lips sewed to- gether, George Timmerman, 39-year- old unemployed carpenter, was freed today from a crucifixion which he laid to a group of unidentified men. Timmerman, nailed to the rough cross by thirty-penny nails, was re- leased by police summoned to a wood- ed section of a city park by James WhXite a friend of Timmerman Whitea Cooperative Movement." The meeting will be attended by both students and townspeople, ac- cording to Miriam Hall, Grad., chair- man of the SCA committee on cooper- ative study. The speech and follow- ing discussion will be open to all in- terested, she said yesterday. Mr. Gray said last night that more than 200 had indicated an interest in the formation of a cooperative society here. At the present the organization of such , aroun ha snromrosn no