THlE MIUMlIXGN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1826 THE MICHIGAN DAILTY Publis'ned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR .............HOMAS B. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her- shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal.; Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes. Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: William R.nReed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman. Women's Departmen,: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. advocating, or even countenancing Communistic doctrines. It is doing nothing of the sort -in- stead it is recognizing the maturity of the student body by showing them the best of modern drama. Army Boosters. . A FTER a study of the world military situation, we are still unable to see the necessity at this time for the recent legislation boosting our army from 147,000 to 165,000 men. Granted that the United States has the least military strength of any of the number one powers, it is nevertheless true that: we have the greatest resources of any nation in the world upon which we can draw on a minute's notice; we are one of the strongest nations, geographically, in the world; and because of this we are, and have been for more than 100 years, in almost no danger whatsoever from invasion; and we have demon- strated, in the World War, that on a moment's notice we can put hundreds of thousands of trained men into the field. One of the main reasons why we support the Reserve Officers Training Corps is because it builds up a reserve of trained men and thus alleviates the necessity of having a large standing army. To the advocates of the bill increasing the stand- ing army, we ask: "Why?" To be sure the inter- national horizon on the West and the East is sorely troubled. But on the other hand, we are not quite sure how this affects the United States. There is in this country today a tremend.ous oppo- sition to war. Government control of war-making munitions manufacturers is growing. The United States is on friendly terms with the nations of the world. It will be many years before any American will dare talk of an aggressive war, or even of a war "to make the world safe for democracy." Americans are today as never before interested first in America, and they realize, we think, that war is inimical to that interest. And finally we are opposed to the increased armaments and army because such a condition breeds a war psychology. Without a great army no nation will willingly go to war. With a great army, many nations will willingly go to war. Preparedness is quite proper, but it depends on the conditions and the circumstances. We feel that the United States today with its present army and reserve system is fully prepared, taking into con- sideration its location and the attitude of its people. An increased militia seems so much waste and foolishness. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER.........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER ....... ....JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ... .MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER .. .ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward. Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising andaPublica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: CLINTON B. CONGER Please Return The Ribe.4 THAT'S the last straw! For a while we thought we'd just go on bearing it, not saying anything at all, but it's too much Yesterday out of a full class of students, not one of the numerous women in the class knew, or cared to know, what the terms "right" and "left" mean in political circles. When asked in what language Plato wrote, a woman student replied: "Sanskrit." When the AAA was invalidated, a junior woman in the lit- erary college asked her house mother at break- fast: "What is this AAA anyway, the American Automobile Association?" . On and on, forever. The list of tales illustrating the dumbness of the species is endless. What is the matter with them? Are newspapers just comic strips, fashion notes and lip-stick advertise- ments? Is Franklin D. Roosevelt president of the United States or is it J. Edgar Hoover? Do we live in a democracy, and how can we, after such as these? There's nothing we can suggest. Jus as horses are horses, rats are rats, and cows are cows, co-eds are co-eds, and it looks as if they always will be. Waiting For Leftists. WHILE RADICAL STUDENTS are earnestly trying to arouse their classmates with denunciations of what they term the University's policy of suppression of freedom of speech, the University quietly takes a step which proves it is far more liberal than most universities in the country. This step was the granting of permission to play Production to pro- duce Clifford Odets' new play, "Waiting for Lefty," which contains a bitter diatribe on the capitalistic system. "Waiting for Lefty," though acclaimed ol Broad- Way as a great new play, has had a stormy history in its year of existence, after it was taken from the professional stage. Yale University banned the play, even after it was awarded the renowned George Pierce Baker prize by the Yale Little The- atre. More recently, in fact just last month, it was the storm center at the University of Oklahoma. Chosen for presentation by the student dramatic group along with another of Odets' plays, "Till the Day I Die," it created a controversy not only on the campus, but throughout the state, because both plays were "allegedly Communistic." Even though a number of scenes and many lines were cut from them, they were still deemed unfit for presen- tation, and were called off. The University of Michigan is to be congrat- ulated on allowing the presentation of a play which is excellent drama, even though it does em- body political doctrines not acceptable to the majority of students and to the administration. "Waiting for Lefty" is art -just as much as is Galsworthy's portrayal of the arch-capitalist, John Anthony, in "Strife." Surely these other universities err in treating their students like children who must be sheltered against the doctrines of Communism, lest their immature minds be too greatly influenced. It is a pleasure to think that this University treats the TRE FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Etiquette For Undergraduates To the Editor: While the U. of M. is spending millions of dollars to develop a cultural atmosphere in the form of magnificent buildings, it seems too bad that no provision is made for the development of one of the most important phases of a student's cultural training - social etiquette. It's a lamentable fact that many students and graduates of this great university are not welcome in refined homes because of their atrocious social manners. At the table they hold their forks like cellos; rest their knives and forks on the edges of their plates like oars on the side of a boat; are1 ill at ease with a butter spreader and salad fork, and do not know that a flat refusal of food is ex-; ceedingly bad form.- Vests or suspenders without 'a coat are never acceptable in a drawing-room, living-room or at the table any more than a girl's slip without a dress. The writer knows a woman who entertained a group of U. of M. students as house guests for three days -devoting a great deal of time and money to make it a memorable occasion. Did she receive one little note of appreciation? No, not a line. Were the students to blame? No, they hadn't been taught social manners. Many eastern schools and colleges set aside cer- tain periods for social training. In the various houses and dormitories mock parties are held. Table manners are discussed; the students taught how to enter and leave a room; how to introduce people; how to speak in well modulated voices - in other words, how to become socially acceptable. An all "A" scholastic record with a Phi Beta Kappa key loses much of its significance if the owner is socially offensive. In the U. of M. it would be well to include professors and instructors in a course' of this sort, for they too might learn that a "table cello player" does not reflect a cultural background. These are the sentiments of a person once dis- missed from a table in an eastern school because she did not use a fork to peel and eat a banana at' Sunday night supper. -A Mother. AsOthers SeeIt Planned Loafing (From the Minnesota Daily) TWO THOUSAND YEARS hence ethnologists, delving into college-midderns, will dig out such artifacts of Homo Universitas as the cram. The cram is a dull, boring weapon used to bar sleep from the study den. It is used to pound, stamp, and otherwise insert into the Universitas head enough assorted facts to pass exams. The Conning Tower] OLD BILL'S MEMORY BOOK SOUNDEST of all literary legal tenders Was Harry Leon Wilson's novel "The Spenders." I was fonder of it -know what I mean?- Than even of Merton or of Bunker Bean. I read it at a time when we tiny tots Were appalled by Thomas Dixon's "The Leopard's Spots"; And my young emotions were sliced and carvered By Reginald Wright Kauffmann's "Jarvis of Har- vard." Purple with passion, red with strife, Me and my pal thought, "Gee! That's life!" But most of all we loved in our backyard shebeen To smoke cubebs and read the Strand Magazine..-. To the following statement there's no rebuttal Swell stuff was Cutliffe Hayne's "Captain Cuttle," Though that is a point we can easily settle Because actually the title was "Captain Kettle!" But one of the greatest triumphs known to all nations Were Stanley Wood's ferocious illustrations! And ah, when life was just a-bornung What a hero to me was E. W. Hornung! On the stoop in the ,moonlight singing "Nelly Was a Lady" Our minds would be dwelling on Old and Young King Brady- And one's parents subscribed (though they'd books by the bin) To the Booklovers' Library and the Tabard Inn; And even today in the evening damp I can smell the hot tin of my bicycle lamp; Yes, and though today I may be dull and brainless, Once I owned a Columbia Chainless! A memory that cures my many ills Is of reading in the bathtub "The Hound of the Baskervilles" And the very same genius who thereby left me terrored Also wrote "The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard"- Also a book Earle Wallbridge found for me, in those days displayed, Was concerned with a hospital nurse named Hilda Wade; And, of course, one of the best juveniles St. Nich- olas ever gave To a palpitant young public was dubbed "The White Cave," Wherein something was learned by my sister and me: Which was the Australian hail and call of "Cooee!" On the Fourth of July, as memory unreels, I remember bunting around my bicycle wheels; And in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, (Moravian anointer Of my youth) there was a picture of a horse called Star Pointer. And it must have been at Bethlehem's famous hostel about that time That my talented father delivered himself of the following rhyme: All hail to the Eagle That hostelry regal, Where happy we lived On the third story high- Where William grew pallid On too much shrimp salad, And Laura had measles And wanted to die!t WILLIAM ROSE BENET. While to most persons it is evident that the1 Hearst editors write just as their leader tells 'em to, and the telegram to that effect is not a stag- gerer, we believe that investigation of messages is a threat to the freedom of the press, about which even the Supreme Court had a good deal to say. If this is to go on we can save the investigators some time. The only important message we ever got was one from our, at that time, boss, when we were writing stuff from London, Rome and Flor- ence. It said "Come home stuff rotten regards SWOPE." CONVERSATIONt (Among those awarded sport blazers at Smith College were Miss Betty Bunce and Miss Ettie Chin, fencers). Said Ettie Chin to Betty Bunce, "At fencing, sister, you're no dunce." "You too, my dear, are prone to win," Said Betty Bunce to Ettie Chin. F. SULLIVAN. Mr. O. O. McIntyre says that he never saw any one who looked like W. C. Fields. Odd should stroll along Fifth Avenue one of these afternoons and stare at Mr. Samuel Hopkins Adams, who looked like Bill Fields before Bill did. "Don't understand why you've had no strike," writes R. H. "You've taken a few contribs up, but you've taken down a lot more, and left 'em there." And what will the - the query is C. W. Brown- low's - anti-Liberty League sports reporters say tvhen Pitcher Al Smith, of the Giants, gets his first base on balls? One who remembers the old ham-and-eggs wheeze says that if he had a horse he'd go back to the horse-and-buggy days if he had a buggy. -F.P.A. beginning of the quarter they would not have had to cram. The trouble is that classwork is not education. A conscientious student, interested in satisfying the academic world's own criterion of success - good grades - while getting an education is in a dilemma. He drives himself through uninterest- 1 ! A Washington IBYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, March 17. - Any- body who reads the Senate debate over dropping a $26,000,000 item to meet ocean mail carriage contracts for next year out of the postoffice bill will find therein about as odd a story of triangular cross purposes and attempted strategy as can well be imagined. Whether the "shipping men" in- volved are what Senator Copeland called them, "a lot of 'dumb Doras' "; what Clark of Missouri suggested, "very smart" in having devised a. "strategy" of opposition to a bill they actually favor to relieve it "from the odium of their support," or are pur- suing a "discerning," "wise" and even "tricky" course to force continuance of the old contracts as Glass of Vir- ginia viewed it, nobody knows. IT ALL CAME out of the prolonged deadlock between postoffice and commerce departments to displace the disguised subsidies in the ocean mail contracts. An appropriation of some $26,000,000 was involved, although the maximum possible actual cost of ocean mails is placed at $4,500,000 by poastal authorities. When that item came up in the Senate committee, a decision to force the issue on a substitute ship subsidy bill was reached. Whether by indi- rect presidential urging, does not ap- pear. The White House has been known to reach around corners at times to club even cabineteers into action. The committee decided to cut out the $26,000,000 and substitute an ocean mail appropriation of $4,500,- 000. It notified Postmaster General Farley and Secretary Roper. The' next day these departments reached an agreement on a modified form of Copeland's ship subsidy bill. If that was inside administration strategy, it certainly worked. BUT WHEN Copeland, not at all pleased by the departmental manhandling of his bill, took it up with the "shipping men," he found them as far from agreement as ever, still sticking out for the mail contracts about legality of which there has been so much talk and so little action in the last three years. As it stands, assuming the Senate sticks by its guns and refuses to ap--1 propriate in the final postal bill to i pay the ocean subsidies, some time between now and adjournment of Congress either a ship subsidy bill must be passed or a deficiency appro- priation of $22,000,000 must be put7 through. Otherwise the ocean mail contract holders stand to lose thatc much without which, Copeland held,l not more than a trio of American lines could continue to operate. Yet passing a subsidy bill would in-i volve a considerable row. Putting through a deficiency item in the last moment rush of an adjourning con- gress is a touchy business. A casual1 filibuster in the Senate over unre- lated matters could kill it.c ART POTTERY EXHIBIT POTTERY fashioned by the handsr of craftsmen who lived more than a thousand years ago has been placed on exhibition in the cases which flank the entrance to the library of the College of Architecture. Dating from the great T'ang dynasty of China, 6181 to 900 A.D., the objects simply dis-I play the tendencies towards experi- mentation in glazes and the develop-t ment of shape that were to mean so much to the pottery of the worldI during the following centuries. The shapes, broken away from the tradition of the past, and free from1 the influence of the bronze typesl which was so frequently felt duringc earlier dynasties, are essentially thosei of the potter. The objects vary inc composition from earthen-ware, of which a large green jar may be cited( as an example through hard stone- ware vases to delicate drinking cups that approach true porcelain. For the purpose of rendering them impervious to leakage, or for decora-; tion, all of the pieces were covered with glaze. This takes the form of either a thin, opaque lead glaze which is characteristically white, yellow, green or occasionally blue, or a transparent felspathic glaze, which; varies from a greenish to a neutral tint and frequently forms a thick roll or large drops short of the base. A variety of types will be noticed. among the pieces which are largely objects that once saw actual house- 4 hold use. Such are jars, large and small, that once held grain or condi- ments in rows on earthen kitchen shelves, drinking cups and pots for pouring tea and wine. One wide- lipped, tall-necked flask, however, un- doubtedly once saw service on a temple altar, while the small ducks and pigs in the collection were espe- cially fashioned as models for burial. The objects were acquired two years ago by Mr. and Mrs. James Marshall WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 117 Notices Marsh and Mandlebaum Scholar- ships in the College of Literature Science, and the Arts: Applications for these scholarships for the year 1936-37 may now be made on blanks to be obtained at the office of the Dean of the College, 1210 Angell Hall. All blanks must be returned to the same office on or before March 20. These scholarships may be held by those who are enrolled in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts only. The Marsh Scholarships are available to both men and women, the Mandlebaum Scholarships may be awarded to men only. For further information consult the bulletin on Scholarships and Fellowships which may be obtained at the office of the Secretary in University Hall. International Panel on "Recent De- velopments in China." An Interna- tional Panel on "Recent Develop- ments in China" will be presented by the Chinese students next Sunday, March 22, at 4 o'clock in the Grand Rapids Room of the Michigan League. Miss I-Djen Ho will speak on De- velopments in the Applications of Modern Science; Eugene Lee, on De- velopments in Transportation; Hei Chau Cheung on Economic Develop- ments; and Wei Sang Tsang, on Re- cent Publications. I would like to urge all from other lands, and all American students, faculty, or townspeople interested in international affairs to avail them- seelves of this opportunity to hear Chinese affairs discussed by four young Chinese chosen for their spe- cial qualifications for speaking on the subjects listed. J1. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to Foreign Students. Senior Engineers: Class dues are now payable to Lawrence Halleck, Thomas Jefferis, George Frid, Charles Donker, Percival Williams, Robert Warner, Robert Merrill, or Howard Jackson. Mr. L. H. Means, of the General Electric Company, will be in Room 221 West Engineering Building for two or three days beginning Thurs- day, March 19, for the purpose of in- terviewing prospective graduates who might be interested in work with this organization. Please make an ap- pointment. It. C. Anderson. Mr. J. H. Dillon, of the Ingersoll- Rand Company, will be in Room 221 West Engineering Building for two or three days, beginning Wednesday, March 18, for the purpose of inter- viewing prospective graduates who might be interested in work withI this organization. Please make an appointment. H. C. Anderson. Waiting for Lefty and The Doctor In Spite of Himself: TPickets are still available for Play Production's third offering of the season. Performances will be given tonight and every night through Saturday of this week. There will be a special matinee Sat- urday afternoon at 3:15. Tickets are priced at 35, 50, and 75c for the eve- nings and 35 and 50c for the matineeI For reservations call at the box of - fice of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre or telephone 6300. Chemistry 6, Section 12: The five weeks examination will be given this Friday, March 20. No bluebooks will be necessary. This examination will cover all the work of the lecture and the laboratory. Con cert Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University Organist, will play the fol- lowing program on the Frieze Mem- orial Organ in Hill Auditorium, Wed- nesday afternoon, March 18, at 4:15 o'clock, to which the general public is invited: Prelude, Fugue and Chaconne in C ..Buxtehude Prelude (Ninth Sonata for Violin) ....................... C orelli Andante Sonata for Organ, No. 3, in D flat major..................Jepson Allegro Intermezzo Romanza Finale Scherzo ....................Gigout Prelude ................... Schmitt Finale (Symphony D ......Vierne Lecture Presbyterian Lenten Lecture: Dr. William P. Lemon of the First Pres- byterian Church will lecture at the Masonic Temple on Thursday night at 7 o'clock on "The Plays of Ibsen" A supper preceded the lecture at 6 p.m. for which reservations are nec- essary. Students and faculty are in- vited. Events Of Today Sphinx: Junior Men's Honorary So- will be a meeting of the Council at 7:30 in the same room. Chemical and Metallurgical Engi- neering Seminar: Mr. Charles B. Egof will be the speaker at the Sem- inar for graduate students at 4 p.m. in Room 3201 E. Engineering Build- ing on the subject, "The Sedimenta- tion of Flocculent Materials." Pre-Legal Students: The last two freshman case club practice -trials will be held today at Hutchins Hall, LawbSchool. The Kent club finals will be held in Room 132; the Cooley club trial, in Room 218. Both trials will begin at 4 p.m. Phi Sigma meets at 7:30 p.m., Room 2116 Natural Science Building. Prof. A. A. Cristman will speak on the Bilogical Effect of Carbon Dioxide. The meeting will be open, and each member is invited to bring guests. Refreshments. Iota Sigma Pi open meeting of the Michigan Chapter of Iota Sigma Pi, Michigan League, 8:00 p.m. Prof. Harley Bartlett will speak. Scabbard and Blade: Regular meet- ing at 7:30 p.m., at the Union. Room number posted. Alpha Nu meeting at 7:30 p.m., in the chapter room on the fourth floor of Angell Hall. Karl Nelson will lead a discussion on, "The Fu- ture of Medicine and Law as Pro- fessions." Everyone who wishes, will be given a chance to give his views on the subject. Visitors will be welcome and if they want may give tryout speeches at this meeting. These speeches should be from three to five minutes dura- tion and may be on any topic. Luncheoin for Graduate Students at 12 noon in the Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League building. Professor Laurence Preuss, of the PoliticalScience Dept., will speak in- formally on "Sanctions." Stanley Chorus meets at the Union tonight. Altos and second sopranos at 7:15 p.m. First sopranos at 8:Q0. AU. members are urged to be present. Second, Semester Freshmen, Men and women, interested in trying out for the Michiganensian, report to the Publications' Building, Maynard St., at 4 o'clock. J. G. P. Rehearsal: Prologue at the League from 4 to 5 p.m.; Raggedy Anne at Barbour Gym at 7:30 p.m. Stalker Hall: Open House and Tea from 3:30 to 5 p.m. All Methodist students and therifriends are cor- dially invited to attend and enjoy the fellowship of other students. Barris Hall: There will be a cele- bration of the Holy Communion at 7:30 a.m. in the Chapel at Harris Hall. Sai'nt Andrew's- Church: Service of worship this evening at 7:30 in the Church. The Reverend Frederick W. Leech will be in charge of the service. Comin Evets Observatory Journal Club will meet at 4:15 p.m. Thursday, March 19, in the Observatory lecture room. Dr. Dean B. McLaughlin will speak on "Interpretations of the Phenomena of Novae." Tea will be served at 4. Iota Alpha will hold its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, March 19, 7:30 p.m., in the Seminar Room, 3201 E. Engineering Building. Prof. A. L. Cross, of the Department of History, will be the speaker on the subject, "The Hartzell-Drake Case." It is urged that every member be present. English Journal Club will meet Fri- day, March 20, at 4:15 p.m. in the League. The program, to which the public is cordially invited, will consist of a colloquium on the subject, "Lit- erature and Dialectical Materialism." Mr. Herbert Weisinger will lead the discussion. Mr. Ellis Cowling, of Thorntown, Indiana, author of "A Short Intro- duction to the Cooperative Move- ment," will speak in Lane Hall audi- torium Thursday, March 19, at 8:00 p.m. on "The Cooperative Movement." This is the second of the series of meetings on the Cooperative Move- ment which is being sponsored by the Student Christian Association. The public is invited. Mr. E. L. Kohler, of Arthur Ander- sen and Company of Chicago, will speak on "Corporate Income Taxa- tion" on Thursday, March 19, at 11 p.m. in Room 103, Romance Lan- guages Building. Students and facul- ty of the School of Business Adminis- tration and others interested are in- vited to attend. Weekly Reading Tiour: Dr. Fred Cowin, pastor of the Church of Christ, will read from the noetrv of Rohrt DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin s construtIve notice to all members of the VW1versity. Copy received at the ollice of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. I I