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March 17, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-17

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The Weather
Fair, continued cold today;
tomorrow increasing cloudi-
ness and warmer, possibly rain
in north portions.


L~~Ie gn


On The Education
Of Women ...




Expect 300
At Opening
Of Senate
'Should The Student Back
Old Parties In 1936?'
Is DiscussionTopic
Floor Is Open For
Student Remarks
Republicans, communists,.
Democrats And Socialists
To Be Represented
More than 300 students are expect-
ed to attend the first meeting of the
Student Senate at 7:45 p.m. today in
the Union Ballroom to discuss the
question, "Should the Student Back
the Old Parties in the 1936 Cam-,
paign? "
With John C. McCarthy, '36, re-
cording secretary of the Union, pre-
siding, the Senate, which will be
composed of "all students interested
in political discussion," will first hear
four speakers address them for seven
minutes each, giving the views of
their respective parties. Then the
floor will be thrown open until 10
p.m. to remarks from students on the
Each Party Represented
The speakers are: fOr the Repub-
licans, John R. Martin, '36L, Rhodes
Scholar and campaigner for Sen.
Arthur-H. Vandenberg, (Rep., Mich.)
and Gov. Frank Fitzgerald; for the
Democrats, Mrs. James McDonald of
Ypsilanti, vice-chairman of the State
Central Democratic Committee; Prof.
Harold J. McFarlan of the engineer-I
ing college; for the Communists, Leo
Luskin, '36. This last speaker will in-
clude in his discourse the aims of a
proposed Farmer-Labor party.
Created by professors and students
in social science units in the Uni-
versity, the Senate last week received
recognition and wishes of success
from University officials. The idea
of the Senate, according to Edward
Stone, '36, president of the council I
organizing the body, is that of an
"open forum for student disussion
in which views of all kinds may be
Will Meet Often
He emphasized that the meeting
would not be dominated by "radicals"
and expressed the hope that students
will turn out in sufficient numbers to
make the Senate "truly representative
of campus opinion. "Its character,"
he said, "depends entirely on those
According to present arrangements,
the Senate will meet at intervals for
the remainder of the semester, the
length of time between sessions to be
determined by those present tonight.
A different question will be thrown on
the floor for discussion at each meet-
Although the original plan was to
conclude each session of the Senate
with a vote of those present, accord-
ing to Stone this has been abandoned,
and the students present will not be
asked to go on record.
Conistrutio i Work
On oWel Is Begun
Construction of the Burton Me-
morial Tower which will house the
$70,000 Charles Baird Carillon was
begun in earnest yesterday. Work
on the 193-foot campanile was started

last Thursday when the steam shovel
began its excavation work.
However, the real work began to-
day with the building of the concrete
forms into which the concrete will
be poured for several days unless
weather conditions prove too bad.
Pledges to support the drive being
sponsored by the local University
club kept pouring in, and high hopes
for the reaching of the $25,000 goal
were held late last night by officials
in charge.
Complete returns. on the student
drive were not announced but it is
believed, William R. Dixon, '36, chair-
man of the student drive stated, that
complete amounts will be. announced
sometime today.
Cardenas Pledges
Help For Workers
MEXICO CITY, March 16. - (k')-
President Lazaro Cardenas told the
business men of Mexico Sunday night

Student Populace
Hails From All 48
States Of Country
The University may be a state in-
stitution but its student body is of a
"nationalistic" nature, for in the
1934-35 academic year every one of
the 48 states in the Union sent at
least one student to the University.
New York state, outside of Michi-
gan, had the greatest number of
students, 1,061 persons from that
state coming to study at the Uni-
versity. Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana
followed closely on the heels of New
York, 742 students stating that their
homes were in Ohio, 542 stating they
were from Illinois and 309 coming
from Indiana.
California led the states in the
West. Fifty-nine students claimed
that state as their home. Colorado
was next with 28, and Idaho was low-
est among the states in the far-
west. Only three students attended
the University from that state.
Of the states below the Mason-
Dixon line, Tennessee led with 53astu-
dents and was followed closely by
Texas, from which state 49 students
came. But of all the southern states
proper, Missouri was far in the lead
with 111 students.
Latest Figures
For Enrollment
Show Increase
Mark Set In 1927-'28 Year
Is Surpassed By Present
Number Of Students
The present enrollment of the'
University is 10,360. This figure
which was released yesterday by ther
Registrar and is complete through
March 16, represents the largest num-
ber of students that has ever at-
tended the University and surpasses
the mark of the regular session of
1927-28, which was 10,212.
Final figures for the first semester
of the present academic year were
9,858 and represented an increase of
9.1 per cent over that semester for
the 1934-35 year while the enrollment
for the present semester shows an
'8.2 per cent increase.
The greatest percentage increase
for the second semester was realized
in the School of Forestry and Con-
servation, which showed a 50.7 per
cent increase over complete second
semester enrollment for the 1934-35
academic year.
In the literary college the present
enrollment is 4,705, and enrollment in
this college increased by more than
three per cent. The engineering col-
lege, which has the second largest
enrollment, showed an increase of
11.9 per cent, with the total enroll-
ment at the present time being 1,586.
In the first semester five women were
registered in the engineering college,
and the enrollment for the second
semester is exactly the same.
The greatest increase in the num-
ber enrolled in all the colleges and
schools was made by the men. In
the first semester 2,703 women were
enrolled while 7,155 men were regis-
tered. For the present semester 7,474
men are enrolled 'as compared to 2,-
886 women. There are 2.9 men to
every woman in the University.
In the school of Forestry and
Consei'vation no women were en-
rolled while in the School of Nursing
no. men have as yet signed up.
Gov. Hoffmann

Will Question
'Jaf sie' Condon
TRENTON, N. J., March 16. - (A)-
Gov. Harold G. Hoffman laid plans,
an authoritative source said tonight,
to request Dr. John F. (Jafsie) Con-
don, Lindbergh ransom intermediary,
to appear at the state house for ques-
tioning on his part in the famous kid-
nap murder case.
The date of the proposed interroga-
tion was not fixed, depending upon
the convenience of the elderly Bronx
educator, who returns tomorrow from
a Caribbean cruise, and upon his
willingness to come to New Jersey.
The Governor, who for several
months has conducted an investiga-
tion of the crime for which Bruno
Richard Hauptmann was convicted;
suggested, it was said, that Attorney-
General David G. Wilentz and An-
thony M. Hauck, Jr., Hunterdon
County prosecutor, attend the ques-

Educators And
Scientists Plan
3-Day Session
41st Annual Convention
Of State Academy To
Open Here Thursday
Faculty Men Head
Four Of 13 Sections
Nearly 250 Papers To Be
Presented At Meeting;
Public Is Invite.
The 41st annual meeting of the
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts,
and Letters, to be held Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, will bring to
Ann Arbor the state's authorities in
every field of general education for
a three-day session in which nearly
250 papers will be read by the visit-
ing scientists and other educators, in
meetings open to the public at large.
Opening Thursday afternoon with
a meeting of the section in anthro-
pology, the Academy will continue its
meetings until the annual business
session at 3 p.m. Saturday. During
that period 43 meetings will be held,
including a reception Thursday night
and the annual banquet Friday night,
at which Prof. A. M. Chickering of
Albion College will deliver the presi-
dential address on "Evolution in
Composed of 13 sections
The Academy comprises 13 sec-
tions, four of whose ciiairmen are
Michigan men.
Prof. Ralph L. Belknap is chair-
man of the geology and mineralology
section, Prof. Harlow J. Heneman,
head of history and political science,
Prof. Herward T. Price, in charge of
the section on language and litera-
ture, and Prof. Frank E. Eggleton,
chairman of the zoology section.
Many papers will be given by faculty
men and students in the University.
On the reception committee will
be Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven, as
honorary chairman, Mrs. George R.
LaRue, chairman, Mrs. E. H. Kraus,
Mrs. L. R. Dice, Mrs. Paul S. Welch,
Mrs. A. M. Chickering, Mrs. Carl E.
Guthe, Mrs. H. R. Hunt, and Miss
Crystal Thompson.
Hayden Will Speak
In addition to the presidential ad-
dress by Professor Chickering, two
of the principal, speeches will be
"What Water Means to the Forest,"
by Prof. C. F. Korstian of Duke Uni-
versity, to be given at 4:15 p.m. Fri-
day in Natural Science Auditorium,
and an address on "Recent Banking
Legislation and the Problems of the
Banker," to be given by Benjamin E.
Young of the National Bank of De-
troit at the Friday noon luncheon of
the section on economics and so-

Lowly Hamburger Rises Senate Miakes
Ta ' t r ..T hin ' '.Stat s

II x" ""I U--& 1 L41 Gs. JGIRGGGa7

At last! A man has been found on
the University campus who makes
Wimpy look like a piker. He is Wal-
ter Bronster, '38, who yesterday won
a $5 bet from Sid Yellen, '38, by con-
suming 10 hamburgers in 58 minutes
in the Union taproom. Many side
bets were also wagered, about $25
changing hands altogether.
After the ordeal was over, the vic-
torious one went on record as saying
that he never wanted "to look an-
other hamburger in the face." In
answer to a query, Bronster said that
the seventh one was the hardest. He
said that he couldn't chew the last
one at all, but had to wash it down
with the grape juice he was permit-
ted to have. No reaction had yet
been experienced two hours after the
Soviet Admits
Industrial Plan
Is Unsuccessful
Sabotage, Bureaucracy Is
Blaimed For Failure Of
Stakhanoff Movement
MOSCOW, March 16. - (') - The
Soviet government admitted tonight
the development of the Stakhanoff
movement to increase industrial pro-
duction has failed to live up to ex-
pectations and ordered immediate
steps to eradicate sabotage and bu-
reaucracy held responsible for the
Directors of the chief branches of
heavy industry and managers of
many factories and mines were sum-
moned into conference by Commissar
of Heavy Industry Ordzhonikidze,
who told them the shortcomings of
production must te overcome in
Official figures published today re-
vealed that in numerous instances
not only have expected increases
failed to materialize, but production
has even fallen short of annual plan
A noteworthy example was fur-
nished by coal mines in the Don bas-
in, where the Stakhanoff movement
originated. Production in these
mines for January, February and the
first part of March was considerably
below the plan..
The newspaper Izvestia laid the
principal blame for this failure to
Boy Auto Thieves
Arrested By Police
Ann Arbor police today sent one boy
to the State Detention Home and
deferred action on the case of a sec-
ond, as the result of a night's esca-
pade Saturday night which included
theft of a car, a revolver, 10 gallons
of gasoline, and a. wild ride at 83
miles an hour which ended in their
capture by state trooper.s near Clin-

Greater Army
Enlisted Strength Boosted
From Quota Of 147,000
To 165,000 Men
Wrangling Defers
Vote Until Today
Deadlock Continued Over
Florida Ship Canal And
Other WPA Projects
WASHINGTON, March 16. - () -
After accepting without question in-
creased funds to boost the army's
enlisted strength from 147,000 to 165,-
000 men, the Senate today deadlocked
itself in battle over a 20 million dol-
lar amendment to the War Depart-
ment bill to permit continued work
on the Florida ship canal and three
other WPA-initiated projects.
The $605,000,000 army measure-
the largest in peace-time history-
was given tentative approval as it
came from the appropriations com-
mittee. Prolonged wrangling over the
Florida canal deferred a final vote
until tomorrow.
Canal proponents, led by Senator
Fletcher (Dem., Fla.), won an in-
itial victory when a point of order
against the $20,000,000 amendment,
raised by Sen. Bennett Clark (Dem,,
Mo.), was rejected, 42 to 32.
While this did not go into the
merits of the 200-mile waterway
across northern Florida, some sen-
ators asserted they regarded it as
a "pretty fair" test of strength on
the issue.
Contending it was economically un-
sound, Senator Vandenberg (Rep.,
Mich.), led criticism of the canal,
for which budget estimates have al-
lotted $12,000,OOp. Other projects cov-
ered in the Fletcher amendment are
the Conchas Dam, New Mexico, $3,-
500,000; Sardis Reservoir, Mississippi,
$2,500,000; and Bluestone Reservoir,
West Virginia, $2,000,000.
Congress also displayed unpreced-
ented interest in the annual income
tax as citizens throughout the coun-
try hastened to get their returns in
before the deadline at midnight to-
It was believed by many senators
and representatives that the returns
would be much larger than was esti-
mated by Secretary Morgenthau in
his budget report. In case the re-
turns were smaller, it was hoped that
congress might be able to scale down
the new $792,000,000 tax program ad-
vocated by President Roosevelt.
Senate Inquiry
Into WPA Asked
By Rush D Holt
J. Davis Predicts Approval
Of 'Full And Complete'
WASHINGTON, March 16. - (') --
Returning from a new investigation in
his own state, Sen. Rush D. Holt,
(Dem., W. Va.), announced tonight
that he would demand a nationwide
senatorial inquiry into chargesthat
politics has entered into the running
of the WPA in many states.
At the same time Sen. James J.
Davis, (Rep., Penn.), predicted that
his resolution calling for a "full and
complete" investigation of WPA
would be approved by the Senate

Committee on Expenditures in execu-
tive departments this week.
In a busy day during which Presi-
dent Roosevelt and his aides strove
to shape a request for funds to fi-
nance the Administration's relief pro-
gram after next July 1, other top
ranking developments were:
Speaker Joseph W. Byrns hinted
that the President's request for new
relief appropriations would be under
The United States Conference of
Mayors renewed its drive for a $2,-
340,000,000 fund by making public
statements from more than 60 may-
ors asserting that "WPA must con-
tinue, at least on the present basis of
employment, throughout the next
fiscal year.''
Senate Democratic leaders sought
a man to head this year's Campaign
Expenditures Committee which may

Nazi Women Revolt
At 'Kitchen' Status,
Demand Equality
BERLIN, March 16. - (R') - Nazi
women, says their leader Gertrud
Scholtz-Klink, should come out of the
kitchen, to which Nazi men bluntly
sent them three years ago.
"The National Socialist movement,"
she announces, "regards man and
woman as equal pillars of Germany's
"It demands more than ever that
each sex fulfill completely the tasks
naturally asked of it. Each succeed-
ing year of difficulties is a year that
taxes strength and, therefore, builds
This idea differs from that of the
Nazis' first months in power, when
women were given the circumscribed
spheres of kitchen, church and nurs-
ery, but it is not a complete reversal
of the earlier conception of wom-
en's place.
Rather, Frau Scholtz-Klink adds,
women, besides caring for their chil-
dren, should assume "special obliga-
tions required of them as mothers of
the nation."
Among these the energetic leader
lists "thoughts about family rights
and care, the protection and growth
of children, and the professional ways
along which our German female
youth will go."
Jobless lMan
Admits Hutton
Extortion Plot

Indictmen t
01 Hitler Is
League Council Planning
Quick Disposal Of Rhine
Rearming Controversy
Reich Punishment
Won't Be Discussed
Germany Gets Assurance
Of Equality In Parleys;
Her Other Plea Fails
LONDON, March 16. -(P)-After
hours of heated secret debate, the
League of Nations Council decided
tonight to attempt a quick disposal of
the bitter controversy raised by Ger-
many's. reoccupation of the demilitar-
ized Rhineland.
League circles believed the Council
would adopt a joint Franco-Belgian
resolution indicting Germany for in-
fringing the treaties of Locarno and
Versailles by tomorrow night and ad-
journ without discussing punishment
of the Reich.
Germany received assurances to-
night she can sit at the Council table
with full equality. But a second con-
dition Adolf Hitler raised as a price
of his acceptance of an invitation to
be represented at the Council sessions
was rejected.

Britsh C f LHitler's Demand Rejected
Britisher Confesses Letter; The Council firmly rejected Hitler's
Revealing Kidnap Plans demand that it take up his peace pro-
sCompleteposals substituting for the Locarxo
Pact along with the question of the


Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of the po-
litical science department will ad-
dress the luncheon of the section on
history and political science Fridav

noon. The two boys stole a car belonging
to C. P. Brown, 725 Church St., and,
Ciy' R ' f took from the bicycle and gun store
Cit at the corner of Liberty and May-
$, 0onard streets an old .45-caliber rem
volver, then drove to Saline, according
to their story, throwing away the
The City Council revealed in its gun on the way.
meeting last night that almost $4,- In Saline they got ten gallons of
000 had been spent by the city on gasoline at a service station there
relief in the month of February, an and drove off without paying. The
amount which, it is believed, will be act was reported to state troopers,
increased more than $2,200 a month who caught them after they turned
by the turning over to local agencies off the main road to avoid the police
of 45 per cent of relief for employ- car.
ables, previously paid for entirely by According to police here, the state
the State, whose budget is now run- troopers informed them of the re-
ning behind on welfare expenditures. covery of the car less than a minute
A report on the progress of work after Mr. Brown had reported the

MANCHESTER, England, March
16. - (R') - A jobless Englishman was
jailed today after police said he had
admitted attempting to extort £200a
(about $1,000) by an offer to disclose,
a kidnap plot against the three-
weeks-old son of Countess Barbara
Police said that Alfred Molyneux,
32 years old, of Lancashire, had con-
fessed to the plot, saying:
"I admit I wrote the letter, know-
ing perfectly well that I know of no,
such plot or apy persons who intended
to kidnap the child. I wrote it in
moments of depression as I am with-
out money and with a wife and two I
children to support on 30 shillings
($7.50) a week.
"I sincerely regret my action and
hope I have not caused the Count
or Countess any worry or anxiety."
It was revealed today that the
Countess received a letter March 7,
"I have read of your having a
charming little son. Now don't get
"You should know that two men
have left Manchester to kidnap this,
son and you'd be surprised to hear
what elaborate plans have been made
for his confinement while they wait
for the ransom they intend to de-1
mand from you.
"If you would learn of these plans,
please send someone to meet me in
Manchester at once and I will let you
know what I know.
"Do not get the police or I shan't
I talk. Please be sure to bring £200
in treasury notes."
Senator Subpenaed
By District Court
WASHINGTON, March 16. - (A') -
A story of social lobby and another
demand for investigation of the WPA
today caught the ear of the capital.
The Senate lobby committee re-
sumed its hearings with testimony
that a representative of western rail-
road and power companies had en-
tertained on lavish scale for mem-
b ers of Congress - and once had
shared quarters with six of them. He
was Robert E. Smith of Portland, Ore.
Smith's testimony was interrupted
at one point while Chairman Black
(Dem., Ala.) was served with a sub-
poena ordering him to appear in the
Supreme Court of the District of1
Columbia to answer the injunction
demand of William Randolph Hearst.
The publisher seeks to restrain the
committee from seizing existing or
future telegrams to his editors.
New Strike Threat
Made hI New York
NEW YORK, March 16. - (A') -
The possibility of a new strike of the
building service emnioves arose to-

violation of Locarno.
The Franco-Belgian resolution, de-
signed to loose sanctions provisions
of the Locarno Treaty against Ger-
many, once adopted, would bind Brit-
ain and Italy to aid France and Bel-
Hitler, continuing his campaign for
his nation's support of his stand,
made another bitter attack on France
today in a speech at Frankfort-am-
Main in the Rhineland. He declared
that Germany had extended the hand
of friendship many times and that
"more cannot be expected of us."
No One Wants To Fight
Aside from the diplomatic comedy
of errors over the English translation
of the German word "alsbald," the
European situation remained ex-
treme grave.
The only hopeful sign was the in-
creased indications that no one, in-
cluding France, wants to fight. In
other words, it is a diplomatic war.
The gravity lies in the danger that
no compromise can be reached which
will satisfy both Germany and France,
resulting in Adolf Hitler's withdrawal
into isolation from Europe. -Thus a
perpetual source of uneasiness and
suspicions would be created.
SItalian Bomber
Is Shot Down
By Ethiopians
ADDIS ABABA, March 16. -( W) -
Another Italian bombing airplane was
-hot down Sunday by Ethiopian anti-
aircraft gunners stationed near Quo-
ram, in the Lake Ashangi region of
Northern Ethiopia, the government
announced. Reports said that all oc-
cupants of the bomber died in the
crash. Officials declared "more than
20" enemy planes had now been
brought down since the beginning
of the war.
Attention in this capital was cen-
tered for the moment on interna-
tional diplomatic developments. Re-
ports that the League of Nations con-
templated discussions with an even-
tual view to discontinuing sanctions
against Italy caused some uneasiness.
If such negotiations are opened, Ethi-
opia will demand representation at
the conference table, according to
best-informed sources.
It was feared here that the Euro-
pean crisis had diverted world at-
tention from Ethiopia.
ROME, March 16.-(A)-Gen.
Pietro Badoglio advised his govern-
ment today in a communique from
the northern Ethiopian front that
five members of an Italian airplane
crew had been killed when the ma-
chine fell inside his own lines.
He added that there was no new
activity on either the Northern or the
Southern fronts.

on the city water softening plans
was riven by Alderman Max P.
Krutsch, who said that, while work
has been progressing favorably, the
plant could not be finished before
November, 1937, at the earliest.
A public hearing was set for April
8 to discuss the proposed closing of
Shadford and Harding roads in the
southeast end of town, as a possible
school site.
SG.O.P.-Standard Oil
Mix-Up Is Charged
WASHINGTON, March 16. -(R) -
Sen. William E. Borah, (Rep., Ida.)
said today that he was prepared to
support his charge that "The Stand-
ard Oil Co." was mixing in Okla-
homa Republican politics, but said he
had made no reference directly or

loss, and Brown in turn was aston-
ished by the "speedy service" given
him on its recovery.
Spamish President's
Property Is Seized
MADRID, March 16. - (P) - Mobs
of men said by police to be Commu-
Cnists today swarmed over estates
owned by President Niceto Alcala Za-
mora, only to be driven off by assault
Circles close to the president said
that he is prepared to present his
resignation "at the moment he may
deem opportune." He was said to be
"seriously upset" by the recent de-
velopments in the political situation.
The attack on the president's prop-
erties was part of a series of inci-
dents which swept across Spain as


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