PAGE FOUR TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Publisned every morning except Monday during th University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, ill. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR.............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR............. THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her- shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes. Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D. Shulman. ports Department: Wili m R.nReed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman. Wumen's Departmellb: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. WuerfeL. ficiality, and externalism that effected their choice of entertainment. These characters are not con- ducive to the development of literary taste, and reystlt, in. the ldifferent spirit in which substan- tial magazines are taken, while periodicals dealing in light fiction are accepted as favorites. This is because the student desires a mild mental intoxi- cant for the gaps in his academic routine, accord- ing to Professor Angell, rather than food for thought of which he feels he has an abundance in his textbooks. The quality of books read on the campus, accord- ing to a recent survey by The Daily, proved them to be the exceptions in reading matter, perhaps because the depression inclines the student to de- liberate carefully before purchasing. This delib- eration is often based on tastes cultivated by English courses, and shows the good effect that the University exerts in this matter. Speaking of this accomplishment of the University, Professor Angell wrote, "Battling against the intellectual indifference and the distrE(ctions i4 ident to university life teachers, fanning a tiny spark into flame now and then, find they have willing follow- ers into the land of good literature." Professor Angell believes this group is growing, and so do we. If it weren't the students who left college with only those interests they enjoyed on entering would have found their collegiate lives, to a large extent, in vain. Observers agree that the longer students remain in the University, the more interest they show in the better forms of enter- tainment, and the less in frivolous motion pictures. We only hope that the mention of these truths so effectively advanced in "The Campus" will arouse the student mind to a fuller conception of college life and the importance of ektra-academic reading and choice of entertainment in the en- joyment of the present and those years after grad- uation. One Side OfThe PicLure... THERE are many who will look to rising commodity prices as an in- dication of business recovery. These persons will take heart when they note the very substantial achievements of the Roosevelt administration in raising prices, which are noted in a survey of the National Industrial Conference Board. Indexes of the "three basic commodities" show that food prices have risen 40.4 per cent since the low point of the depression in 1933, clothing prices are up 22.7 per cent, and housing prices have risen 17.9 per cent. All of these increases are substantial, and un- doubtedly have made many a business man happy. Yet this is only one side of the picture. Any survey purporting to show the degree of recovery during the Roosevelt administration will be most misleading unless, at the same time that it shows price fluctuations it shows wage fluctua- tions, for the wage-earners's prosperity is the basis for permanent business prosperity. This survey neglects to mention this other side of the picture, and therefore, although its facts are interesting, they are hardly conclusive or even significant evi- dences of prosperity's return. AsOthers See I __ The Coning Tower ESCAPE No work she does on any day In a world of desperate men. A morning tag is on her door, "Do not disturb till ten." The coiffeur, masseur, and modiste Hold her in fawning care. In a cosmic hush all time stanas still While they golden-gleam her hair. Machine guns spit and cannon roar, And life and love go by As she hunts the proper shadow To smooth beneath her eye. Her mind is shaped, as are her frocks To fit the modern phase. Just now she's hotly "radical" In all her chic cafes. Her voice is clipped and British And can a tale unfold Would bring a blush to Esquire, Make Rabelais turn cold. My life is gray and lonely But could be worse, you see, For years ago I loved that gal And she wouldn't marry me. K.C.G. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER...........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER ............ JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: CLINTON B. CONGER Townsend Plan Investigation.. . O PPOSITION to the appropriation of $50,000 to be used to finance an in- vestigation of the Townsend movement and the plan itself has been finally subdued in the House and the act has been passed. It seems to us that investigation of the Townsend plan, as well as of the organization, is a wise move on the part of the House. The election of Representative Main from the Battle Creek congressional district illustrates the great following the Townsend plan has. The or- ganization now has its own publication, and throughout the nation local branches of Town- send clubs are being fostered. Because of this great following, the party organization of move- ment should be investigated not only to answer thousands of complaints concerning the use of money collected, but to provoke discussion of the Townsend plan itself and to have its provisions aired to the public. A bi-partisan congressional committee of eight congressmen will meet and hold public hearings concerning the plan. It is very probable that Dr. F. E. Townsend himself will be called in and questioned as well as many of the officials in the party. By these hearings the aims of the proposal and how it is planned to pay to every person over 60 a monthly pension of $200 at a cost of 20 bil- lions of dollars will be divulged. An investigation of the Townsend plan such as the House will undertake is certainly in order. The people who have contributed to the Townsend or- ganization deserve to know if their funds have been used correctly. But it seems to us that the most; important benefit of the investigation will be to encourage public discussion on the bill and to have its provisions and proposal become known to every- one. Both opponents and supporters of the plan should back any effort for investigation. The Student's Ow n Curriculum,... T ASTE in entertainment has long been regarded as a reliable criterion of intellectual interest. Because of modern com- munication and inventions like the motion picture, and because of the high per capita wealth in our country, the desire to be entertained is being more fully gratified than ever before in the world's history. This increases the importance of this cri- terion and makes a choice of entertainment a problem offering many solutions. University students have built up this desire since their childhood, but what is more significant is the kind of entertainment they chose, according to Prof. Robert Cooley Angell's book, "The Cam- pus." This book is a study of contemporary under- graduate life in the American university, particu- larly as it was found by Professor Angell here in Ann Arbor. Professor Angell observed that those types of entertainment appealing to the higher powers of the mind, such as good drama, symphony music, and thought-provoking lectures have a small following compared with athletic contests and frivolous or sensual movies which appeal to the grosser emotions and require little LaGuardia And The Strike (From the Columbia Missourian) PUDGY BUSINESS MEN and sedentary workers puffed up flight after flight of Manhattan stairway this week as 20,000 elevator operators walked out of 1000 skyscrapers and apartment hotels, demanding higher wages and shorter work- ing hours per week. While industrial labor groups clamor for a 30- hour week and increatsed wages, elevator op- erators asked for a 48-hour week, and a $2 pay in- crease over the average $20 per week with which they must meet the high cost of living in New York. Unable to gain their objectives, union operators declared a strike. All greater New York catapulted into turmoil. Delivery of goods to customers on top-floors necessitated enlarged distribution serv- ice. Baby carriages had to be jogged down many floors, step-by-step, commerce hopped along on sore feet. Violence ran rampant when Mayor Fiorello La- Guardia declared the strike a state of emergency and began deputizing men to act as strike-breakers. Windows were smashed. Steam jets on boilers were opened. Elevator cables were slashed. Pick- ets, beaten by police, were herded into "paddy wagons"' and jailed. Mayor LaGuardia's action conforms with his' labor policy -his policy since he became mayor. Two weeks ago, La Guardia's police co-ordinator, Commissioner Valentine, picked up twelve "agita- tors" at a WPA wage protest meeting which was being held under permit. Escorted to the city jail, they were only "temporarily detained" when the bluecoats realized the leader of the group was Congressman Vito Marcantino. Blue About Black (From the Minnesota Daily) PROBING into the files of telegraph companies, Senator Hugo L. Black, chairman of the Sen- at investigting committee, seems to have struck a nerve in the unwilling patient, the lobbyist. Clapping his hands to his hurt and shrieking, "Oh, my personal liberty!" the patient has struggled to free himself from the operating table. Charges that the Black investigating committee is overstepping legal bounds are based on the committee's perusal of telegrams and records of telephone communications at the offices of the private communications agencies. Senator Borah, Why people want pomp and oratory we don't know. In Mountain Lakes, N.J., they laid the cornerstone of the new $254,000 high school. The ceremony was what the papers describe as simple; there were no speeches of any sort; only eleven persons were present. Why should there be oratory, probably to the effect that this school will be the finest in the best community in New Jersey, and therefore in the world? Who re- members what was said by whom at the Wool- worth Building cornerstone laying? Or even the Empire State? Or the Municipal Building? Besides, the high school and Mountain Lakes got fifty times the publicity for no oratory than it would have got with three hours of it. The European Situation Alas! alas! there are no Folks faithful to Locarno. When the treaty of Versailles was published, terms and signers, we read the headlines and let it go at that. And so with the Locarno pact. For, we said to ourself, it will be plenty of time to read these things when some nation, grown strong and candidly greedy, decides to Crusade for Righteousness. There is the possiblity that there is not enough delicacy, or wisdom, or kindness, or whatever it is that avoids wars, in the world. But we warn all nations that the next time there is an armistice, signifying "peace," we shall not celebrate, but proclaim a day of mourning. "I'll tell you a story Of one signatory, And now my story is [To be continued] As it may some day transpire in an investiga- tion of messages, we may as well say that the following was embodied in a telegram from O. M. Samuel, New Orleans: East Side, West Side, all around the town, Lifts remain inactive, going neither up nor down. Boys and girls together, Rosenberg and O'Rorke, Climb up the endless stairways from the side- walks of New York. When a President of the United States goes to bed, tired and worried as he must be, what does he think about? It must sometimes occur to him, perhaps furtively, that maybe it wouldn't be so terrible if one of these foreign nations took over the U.S. by either conquest or lack of re- sistance. And he probably would say to himself "This fellow doesn't know what trouble is." This is the last day of the Sixth Avenue trolley, and tomorrow will be Bus Day. Sixth Avenue will seem comparatively quiet, for there was no noise at Chateau-Thierry comparable to that made by two trolley cars and two Sixth Avenue L trains synchronously. HOW to SLEEP with ROBERT BENCHLEY.- Trans-Lux advertisement. We did it once in 1914, and didn't close an eye. Ambassadors of good will, who used, as Don Alhambra sings in "The Gondoliers," to crop up like hay are now, like Dukes in the same song, three a penny. And what good did these am- bassadors of good will accomplish? Why, even that good will ambassador, the Mayor of New York, has lost his patience with the alleged callousness and obdurateness of the Realty Board. Trioletto Said General Badoglio, "Let's all go back to Rome; This African imbroglio," Said General Badoglio, "It gives me menacholio And makes me long for home," Said General Badoglio, "Let's all go back to Rome." E. C. MOORE The Realty Board and the union are going to fight it out to a finish. A finish of the patience and good nature of thousands of tenants. ? THE SCREEN AT THE MICHIGAN "THE PETRIFIED FOREST" A Warner Brothers picture starring Leslie Howard, and Bette Davis. fea- turing Genevieve Tobin, Dick Foran, Humphrey Bogart, and Charlie Grape- win. "The Petrified Forest" will probably be included among the 10 best pic- tures of 1936 by a good majority of the nation's critics; and justly so, not only because of the polished act- ing of Leslie Howard, Bette Davis, and the extraordinary supporting cast, but because it weaves humor, excitement, tragedy and a certain amount of mys- tery into a remarkable dramatic unity that is seldom found in even the most intelligently presented pictures. Mr. Howard is Alan Squier, a ma- ture, worldly, but unfortunate writer who, in thumbing his way to Cali- fornia, stops at a Bar-B-Cue restau- rant in Arizona. Gabrielle Maple, the proprietor's artistically ambitious youngdaughter,is attracted to his charm and intellect, he to her fresh- ness, simplicity, and ability. Each of the major characters con- tributes a necessary part to the well- rounded dramatic whole of "The Pet- rified Forest." There is the gang leader, a tragic wreck of a man; there is Gramp Maple, representing a combination of ironically villainous contrast and comic hero worship; there is Mrs. Chisholm, fluttery on the surface, but deeply disappointed with her useless life; and there is Boze Hertzlinger whose character nourishes that of Gabrielle, Alan, and the gangster. Each is distinctive and essential; and their individualities interweave, creating a complex, close- ly knit result that is effectively exe- cuted and strangely oppressive. -C.B.C. AT THE MAJESTIC "IT HAD TO HAPPEN" 1 *1/2 A 20th Century picture with George Raft, Rosalind Russell, Leo Carillo, and Arline Judge. Also a Pete Smith short, Our Gang Comedy, an a Hearst newsreel. Maybe this "had to happen," but to the ordinary movie-goer the reason for the parade of stale situations, bad- ly acted by George Raft and Rosalind Russell, won't be at all plain. The story is one for which Holly- wood has a particular affection: (1) the humble hero climbs the ladder of success, and (2), he wins the love of a beautiful and wealthy girl. This one has to drink champagne to over- come her snobbishness. The dialogue proceeds in this man- ner-George Raft to Rosalind Russell, who is playing the piano rather bad- ly: "You play beautifully." "I play only by ear, but thanks just the same." "Will you play that again. .. just for me?" Exchanges of banter in which Raft addresses his secretary as "lambie-pie" and she calls him "toots" are particularly trying. Raft and Russeil were offered hope- less material, but for some reason seemed to have the impression they were playing in an extremely witty and sophisticated movie. The result is an unconscious burlesque that isn't difficult to laugh at and makes the picture bearable. -R.A.C. V RADIO By TUURE TENANDER A SPLENDID program has been ar- ranged by Arturo Toscanini for the concert of the New York Phil- harmonic Symphony to be broadcast at 3 p.m. this afternoon over CBS. The program will inclule: Overture, "L'Italiana in Algeri," Rossini; Symphony No. 4, E minor, Brahms; Overture, Oratorio "Susanna," Han- del; Allegro and Andante, Quartet No. 2, Kozeluch; Les Eolides, Franck; Fantasy, "Romeo and Juliet," Tchaikovsky. More programs to be watched for during the week are Efrem Zim- balist, violinist, tonight; Lawrence Tibbett, baritone, on Tuesday; Rosa Ponselle, soprano, and John Charles Thomas, baritone, on separate pro- grams on Wednesday; Josef Hof- mann, pianist, tonight. The Metro- politan Opera broadcast ,next Sat- urday afternoon will present Puccini's "La Rondine," with Lucrezia Bori singing the role of Magda. The program featuring Bing Cros- by, Jimmy Dorsey and his orchestra, and Bob Burns, which supplanted the Paul Whiteman Music Hall hour, is getting very favorable criticism despite the fact that it replaced such a fine predecessor and had to fill some pretty large shoes. Crosby's singing fits in very well with Jimmy Dorsey's instrumental arrangements. Bob Burns, the Arkansas Traveler, provides plenty of laughs with his humor and his bazooka solos. Isham Jones deserves commenda- tion for his fine commercial and sus- SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 115 Notices Students of the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts: A meet- ing will be held on Tuesday, March 17, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1025 Angell Hall for students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and others interested in future work in Education. The meeting will be ad- dressed by Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School of Education. This will be the third meeting of the voca- tional series designed to give infor- mation concerning the nature of and preparation for the various profes- sions. The next meeting, to be ad- dressed by Dean A. C. Furstenberg of the Medical School, will be held on Tuesday, March 24. Choral Union Concert: To avoid confusion, the public isrrespectfully reminded to present for admission to the Albert Spalding concert Monday evening, March 16, in Hill Auditor- ium, ticket coupon number 10, read- ing "Myra Hess" in whose stead Mr. Spalding is appearing. Frosh Frolic Tickets: Notice is hereby given that Frosh Frolic tick- ets Nos. 16, 41, 42, 145 and 146 have been lost and will not be honored at the door on Friday evening, March 20. Holders of Frolic tickets are re- quested to check the numbers of their tickets and if any of the above numbers are in their possession to promptly communicate with W. B. Rea, Room 2, University Hall. A cademic Notices English 147: The make-up final ex- amination in English 147 will be given Monday, March 16, 2 p.m., Room 3227 Angell Hall. Concert Choral Union Concert: Albert Spald- ing, violinist, with Mr. Andre Benoist at the piano, will give the following program in Hill Auditorium, Monday evening, March 16, at 8:15 o'clock, taking the place of Myra Hess. He will present the following program: La Folia ...........Corelli Concerto in A.............Mozart Allegio aperto Adagio Rondo: Tempo di minuetto Sonata in D minor, Op. 108 . .Brahms (for piano and violin) Allegro Adagio Allegretto Presto Prelude "Dine in the Pines". Spalding Cortege ................ Boulanger Malaguena..............Sarasate Habanera ................... Ravel Tarentelle...........Szymanowski Graduation Recital: Elizabeth Mann, violoncellist, Syracuse, New York, will appear in recital in partial fulfillment for graduation with the degree of Master of Music, Tuesday evening, March 17, at 8:15 p.m. at the School of Music auditorium on Maynard Street, to which the gen- eral public is invited. Miss Mann, with Miss Janet McLoud at the piano, will play the following program: Sonata in A major, Op. 69 .Beethoven Allegro ma non tanto Allegro molto Adatio cantabile-Allegro vivace Sonata in E minor, Op. 38 .. Brahms Allegro non troppo Allegretto quasi minuetto Sonata ....................Debussy Prologue Serenade Finale Sonata in A minor, Op. 36 .. . .Greig Allegro agitato Andante molto tranquillo Allegro; Allegro molto e marcato Events Of Today Stalker Hall: 12 noon, Dr. Bessie Kanous will lead a class on "Developing the Chris- nian Personality." 6 p.m., Wesleyan Guild meeting. Mrs. Florence S. Teed will speak on "Shall I Be a Christian?" 7 p.m., Fellowship Hour and sup- First Methodist Church: At 10:45 a.m., Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach'on "What Christ can do for Divided Personalities." First Presbyterian Church: Meeting in the Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth. Ministers, William P. Lemon and Norman W. Kunkel. 9:45 a.m., Student Forum, Mr. Kunkel, leader. Subject: "The Struggle for Intellectual Integrity- Can we worship God with our Minds?" 10:45 a.m., Morning worship with sermon by Dr. Lemon. Subject: "Everyman's War." 6:00 p.m., Supper meeting of the Westminster Guild followed by a dis- cussion of Kagawa and the Coopera- DAILY OFFICIAL RULEiThN Pubiliation ID the etiletiri i5 con~-tructlve fii-, to alli roemb-rs ofth Um.versity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President ntfl 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday held in Harris Hall this evening at seven o'clock. Mr. James Plumer will speak on, "A Journey to an Ancient Pottery Site in China." All students and their friends are cordially in- vited. Saint A'ndrew's Episcopal Church, Sunday: Services of worship are: 8:00 a.m., Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m., Church School; 11:00 a.m., Kindergarten; 11:00 a.m., Rite of Confirmation and Sermon by The Right Reverend Her- man Page, D.D. First Baptist Church: Rev. R. Edward Sayles will dis- cuss the subject, "The Validity of the Church," at the 10:45 worship service. The Church School meets at 9:30 with Mr. Herman Frinkle as superintendent. Dr. Leroy Water- man meets his adult group at the Guild House at 9:45. The Roger Williams Guild: 12:00-12:45 noon Prof. Carl E. W. L. Dahlstrom of the English depart- ment of the Engineering College will speak on "Our Present Economic Order" to a group of students meet- ing at the Guild House from noon to 12:45. At 6:00 p.m. Mr. Irving Levitt will speak to the Roger Williams Guild on "Judaism." This is one of a series of discussions being heard on im- portant present day religions. A cordial invitation is-extended to all. Congregational Church: 10:30 a.m., Service of worship and Religious Education. Mr. Heaps will give the third sermon in the series on "The Mind of Christ." Professor Slosson will speak on "Pasteur, Saint of Science," second in the series on "Men of Thought." 5:00 p.m., Student Fellowship Dis- cussion Group, John Edmonds, lead- er. 6:00 p.m., Student Fellowship sup- per. Professor Hyma will give the last of the series, "What I Live For." Church of Christ: 10:45 a.m., Church worship, Min- ister, Rev. Fred Cowin. 12 noon, Students' Bible Class, Mr. Pickerill, leader. 5:30 p.m., Social hour. 15c sup- per served. 6:30 p.m., Discussion program. Sub- ject: "Characters Who Have Dis- covered a Satisfying Philosophy of Life." 7:30 p.m., Evening Church Service. Zion Lutheran Church, Sunday: 9 a.m., Sunday school. 9 a.m., service in the German lan- guage. 10:30 a.m., service with sermon, "Meeting Opposition." 5:30 p.m., student fellowship and supper. 6:30 p.m., student discussion of "Archaeology and the Bible" led by Alta Haab and Rolf Haatvedt. Trinity Lutheran Church, Sunday: Henry O. Yoder, pastor. 9:15 a.m., Church school. 10:30 a.m., Church service with sermon by the pastor on "The Cross and Man-Inseparable. 5:30 p.m., Student social hour and supper. 6:30 p.m., Program given by Mr. Rolf Haatvedt and Miss Alta Haab on Archaeology and the Bible. 7:30 p.m., Luther League meeting in Trinity Church. Unitarian Church, Sunday: 5:30 Twilight service, "Clifford Odets' Footlights on the Controver- sial." 7:30 p.m., Liberal Students' Union. Discussion on "What Youth expects of the Liberal Church." Led by students. Lutheran Student Club: Mr. Rolfe Haatvedt and Miss Alta Haab will give talks at the meeting of the Lu- theran Student Club this evening in the parish hall of Zion Lutheran Church on Washington. They will talk on "Archaeology and the Bible." Supper will be served at 6 p.m. Hillel Foundation: Sunday evening forum will be held at the Hillel Foun- dation at 8:00 p.m. Dr. Heller will deliver an address on "The Lot of the Jew in Roumania, Poland, and Ger- many." This will be followed by an open forum and social. All are wel- come. Hillel Foundation: At 3 o'clock the Palestine Club is to have its first meeting. The primary purpose of this organization is to study and discuss the problem of the Jew in Palestine and its relation to the rest of the world. Mr. Raphael Haskell, a stu- dent of the University, who has spent the greater part of his life in Pales- tine shall speak on "Life in Palestine." This will be followed by an open forum. Every student who desires to understand these problems and who q 4 A I 4