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March 15, 1936 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-15

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SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1936



Staehle, Stone
Clinch Victory
Over Wisconsin
Wisconsin Ends In Second
Place With Wolverines
Ahead, 33-31 1/4
f Continued from Page 1)
far ahead of Wisconsin's team, which
finished in 3:24.4, with Indiana and
Chicago taking second and third.
Mile run: Won by Fenske (Wis.);
second, Brelsford (Mich.); third,
Deckard (Ind.); fourth, Fink (Mich.);
fifth, Lash (Ind.). Time, 4.16.
60-yard dash: Won by Grieve (Ill.) ;
second, Stoller (Mich.); third, Dooley
(Iowa); fourth, Collier (Ind.); fifth,
Emsley (N.U.). Time, 6.2.
440-yard dash: Won by Ellinwood
(Chi.); second, Birleson (Mich.) and
Heg (N. U.); fourth, Skinner (Iowa);
fifth, Hicks (Ind.). Time, 48.9. (New
Conference Record).
70-yard high hurdles: Won by
Caldemeyer (Ind.); second, Osgood
(Mich.); third, Robinson (Ill.);
fourth, Cretzmeyer (Iowa); fifth,
Huntley (Ill.). Time, 8.7 (New Con-
ference Record and New World's Rec-
ord, old record: 49.3bynAlex Wilson).
Two-mile run: Won by Staehle
(Mich); second, Stone, Mich.); third,
Deckard (nd.); fourth, Fenske
(Wis.); fifth, O'Connell (Ill.). Time,
Half-mile run: Won by Beetham
(O.S.U.); second, Fleming (N.U.);
third, Hobbs (Ind.); fourth, Glend-
enning (P.U.); fifth, Davidson,
(Mich.). Time, 1:56.2.
Pole vault: Won by Allan (Wis.);
second, Sharf (Wis.); third, Mur-
daugh (Wis.); tied for fourth and
fifth, Hackett (Ill.), Parker, (Wis.),
Abel (Chi.), and Shormaker (Ill.).
Height, 13 feet 6 inches.
High jump: Won by Albritton
(O.S.U.); tied for second and third,
Weichmann (Wis.) and Spurgeon
(Ill.); -fourth, Caldemeyer (Ind.);
tied for fifth, Kolak (Chi.), Gordon
(Chi.), and Latham (Iowa). Height,
6 feet 2 inches.
Shot put: Won by Kreboski
(Minn.); second, Rubow (Wis.);
third, DeHeer (Iowa) ; fourth, Chris-
tenson (Wis.); fifth, Schneiderman
(Ind.). Distance, 47 feet, 7%.
Mile relay: Won by Michigan
(Stiles, Patton, Aikens, and Birleson, i
second, Indiana; third, Chicago;
fourth, Wisconsin; fifth, Illinois.
Time, 3:21.
400-yard free-style relay: Won by
Illinois (Hansen, Erwin, Overman,
and N. Lewis); second, Chicago; third,
Iowa; fourth, Michigan; fifth, Min-
nesota. Time, 3:38.5. (New Confer-
ence record; old record 3:41 set by
Illinois in 1935).
200-yard breast-stroke: Won by
John Kasley (Mich.); second, G.
Horschke (N.U.); third, R. Kirbert
(O.S.U.); fourth, R. Allen (Iowa);
fifth John Comstock (Minn.). Time,

Edward's Choice?

-Associated Press Photo.
Princess Cecelie (above) of Ger-
many has been mentioned as a pos-
sible future bride of King Edward
VIII of England.
March Issue Of
Technie To Be
Sold Monday
B. K. Swartz Discusses
Essentials For Success
Of Engineer Students
What engineering students don't
learn from textbooks, but what they
must have if they are to ever become
successful is discussed by Blair K.
Swartz, '23, supervisor of personal re-
search of the Detroit Edison Co., in
the March issue of the Michigan
Technic, on sale tomorrow.
Good English is emphasized as a
requisite by Mr. Swartz. Relating
an experience of his in interviewing
a graduate of an engineering college,
he stated that the applicant was re-
fused the job because he used the
phrase "I seen."
Amiability is also a highly desirable
and almost necessary quality for the
engineer, he writes. He traces the
progress of two engineers of his per-
sonal acquaintance to prove his point,
one being amiable and the other shy
and uninterested in his fellow-work-
Also included in this issue of the
Technic are: "Power-Who Gets It?"
by George W. Malone, '37E; "Man-
agement in Industry" by Prof.
CharlesB. Gordy of the mechanical
engineering department; and "Ram-
bling Thoughts on Life and Jour-
nalism" by Philip W. Swain, editor
of "Power."
"Secure Planes," a double-page
photograph of a view from the deck
of the U.S.S. Saratoga, is also in-

Flaming Meteor
Shoots Across
New Jersey Sky
Apparently Falls In Sea;
Rattles House Windows,
Blots Out Moon's Light
NEWARK, N. J., March 14. - (P) -
A flaming meteor so near the earth
that it rattled windows and awoke
many persons from slumber, shot
across the sky over central New Jersey
early today and then vanished ap-
parently into the Atlantic ocean.
The speeding object lighted up the
countryside for many miles and was
visible in buildings as far as Wash-
ington, D. C., approximately 225 miles
Air tremors from the fiery body
were reported felt many miles north
and south of Newark.
Policemen on their rounds told of
seeing a vivid blue and white flash in
the sky, followed some minutes later
by deep rumbling, as of firing of a
cannon on a distant battlefield.
J. Templeton, a United Airlines
pilot flying a plane to Newark air-
port from Cleveland, said that soon
after 2:30 a.m. he saw a brilliant light
overhead that blotted out the light of
the moon.
He feared at first the flash would
envelop his plane, but it quickly dis-
appeared in an easterly direction,
over the Atlantic ocean.
"It was the whitest light I ever
saw." he said.
Don Johnston, Eastern Airlines
pilot, reported by wireless to the air-
port that he saw a great ball of light
at 2:53 a.m. as he was flying over
"It seemed like burning rock," he
said, "with a red core and a blue
flame." He thought it struck the
ground somewhere near Lawrence-
ville, Va.
Residents of Trenton reported see-
ing the light almost directly over the
city. It was so brilliant that street
lights were dim by contrast.
Windows at the state hospital in
Trenton were rattled by the passage
of the meteor and the light was de-
scribed as "bright as day."
Pretzel Bell Scores
Scholastic Victory
(Continued from Page 1)

Spring Parley Has Purpose In
University, Blakeman Holds
Synthesis And Discovery be manly, courteous, generous and
Of VluesForu 's Aeve1 n prayerful, it will serve Michi-
Of Values Forum's Aim, gn-
He Explains The Parley, to serve the purposes
of its earlier leaders, according to Dr. j
(Continued from Page 1) Blakeman, "must give tone to campus
lay aside artificiality and with some life. Here is a difficult task," he as-
humility admit our needs. It is in serted, "a task which no single agency
such a place," he declared, "that we can perform.
dig down to deeper truths or reach "Can the Parley," he asked, "by a
out toward nobler goals and discover method extremely democratic so
in each other, in ourselves and in the clarify its objectives and so use its
universe itself, satisfactions other- procedures that the faculty persons
wise unidentified. involved and the abler students
"If this Spring Parley can become brought into the deliberations will
such a center," he continued, "if it rise to creative significance?I
can draw to itself the divergent val- "Not every Parley will fully suc-
ues which inevitably contend for cewd," he warned, "but this one
supremacy in any university and can should. We have suffered from mis-
teach us how to differ widely and yet understanding. There is a pathos in

our campus life ranging from lack of
food by some and fears of many
youths to state responsibility and
various profound convictions on thel
part of great scholars. Given suchl
experience and free intercourse of our
normal daily work, the Spring Par-
ley should not only add something to
the character of Michigan, but should
assure us the rare pleasure of renewed
spiritual purpose."




American Violinist
Instead of
Monday, 8:15
March 16th
Choral Union Series
Tickets: $1., $1.50, $2.

MOSCOW, March 14.-<)--Con-
struction has 'started on a "para-
chute city" 30 miles from Moscow,
where instructors will be trained to
teach civilians the new "sport," as
parachute jumping is described here.
The "city" will be a complete areial
center, with hangars, special jump-
ing fields, dwellings and shops.




Days Till



150-yard back-stroke: Won by Dan-L
ny Zehr (N. U.); second, R. Wester- r es
field (Iowa) ; third, Harry Rieke P oesr o a
(Mich.) ; fourth C. Salie (O.S.U.) ;>
fifth, R. Smith (O.S.U.. Time, 1:39.1. (Continued from Page 1)c
50-yard free-style: Won by Ray per meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m.
Walters (Iowa); second, J. Brown A discussion on "Archaeology anda
(Chi.); tied for third and fourth, Rex the Bible" will be led by Rolf Haat-
Hudson (Minn.) and P. Vernon (P.U) ; ( tadAt aba :0pm
fifth, W. Wehmeyer (Iowa). Time: A sermon on "The Cross and Man-
:24. Inseperable" will be included in the
440-yard free-style: Won by Frank service of the Trinity Lutheran
Barnard (Mich.); second, A. Jacobs- Church at 10:30 a.m. The Luther
meyer (Iowa); third, R. Christians )League will meet at 7:30 p.m.
fIfthaH.Wisonrh.).orTisMn5.:At the Twilight Service of the Uni-
100-yard. freson yle:i.. WonTim b0.tarian Church, the Rev. H. P. Marley
100-yard free-style: Won by R,. ildlvrasro n"lfod
Walters (Iowa); second, D. Zehr (N will deliver a sermon on "Clifford
U.);tirsd, N.DwisIll.) fothr (Odets' Footlights on the Controver-{
U ; third, N, Lewis (Ill.);sial." The Liberal Students' Union,
W. Webb (Minn.) ; fifth, H. Hansen which meets at 7:30 p.m., will dis-
Diving: Won by Jim Patterson (O. cuss "What Youth Expects of the;
S. U.); second, Frank Fehsenfeld Church."
(Mich.); third, B. Grady (Mich.); The regular service of the dSt.
fourth, A. Christen (Iowa); fifth, F. Paul's Lutheran Church will be held
Stuffier (Chi)./ at 10:45 a.m. The sermon will be
220-yard free-style: Won by Nor- on "Destroy This Temple." The Stu-
man Lewis (Ill.); second, H. Lewis dent-Walther League will meet at
(Chi); third, Frank Barnard (Mich.); 6:30 p.m., and a lecture on "Our
fourth, D. Woodford (O.S.U.); fifth Church in Canada" will be given at
A. Jacobsmeyer (Iowa). Time, 2:16.8. 7:30 p.m.
300-yard medley relay: Won by The morning worship service of
Michigan (Harry Rieke, John Kasley, the Church of Christ Disciples will be
Bob Mowerson); second, Northwest- held at 10:45 a.m. A discussion pro-
ern; third Iowa; fourth, Minnesota; gram will be held at 6:30 p.m., the
fifth, O.S.U. Time, 2:59.8 (New Con- topic being "Characters Who Have I
ference recordl. Old record 3 :03.5 set Discovered a Satisfying Philosophy
by Michigan in 1935). of Life."

vey was the return from the student
employes at the Pretzel Bell. Their
Mr. Average Student received almost
a. 1.92 score. A distribution of the
total of their A's would give each em-
ploye 6.3 hours, higher than either
the similar share for the students
they were serving or the persons in
the library. One scholastic Prome-
theus was taking 23 hours of courses,
n addition to supporting himself;
hie received 12 hours of A and six
hours of B.
Supplementary remarks were added
to several of the questionnaires dis-
tributed in the libraries. Sample
comments: (By a straight A student)
-"Sure! But I'll see you in the Pret-
zel Bell, too, later on tonight. T'hell
with ya." (By a woman student with
nine hours of A, three of B) - "Li-
brary - by dint of necessity - not of
choice." "First Friday evening I've
studied." "Will see you at the P.B.
about 9:30." 'N

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The clever corded inserts
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