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March 15, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-15

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The Weather
SutW ik 1rth, rai .lniI or snoW
il suith l ()t y; tonortrOW
incereasing Icl*J iI 11i 1tit
somewhat warmer.


Sic igan

at i

Townsend Plan Investigation ..
The Student's Own



France Is
Willing To
Talk Peacee
Agrees To Allow Troops
In Rhineland; Invites
Germany To Parley
Hopes To Salvage
The Locarno Pact
Eden Strives For Peace On
Basis Of More Firm
European Foundation
LONDON, March 14.-(P) -
France announced tonight its willing-
ness to consider an alternate plan
whereby Germany might retain her
troops in the Rhineland.
This break in the critical European
situation, which until now has seen
France and Germany bitterly at odds
over the question of German troops
at the French border, came after the
League of Nations Council had made
a friendly gesture to Germany.
The Council asked that Reichs-
fuehrer Adolf Hitler send a repre-
sentative to London to talk with the
League' representatives who decided
that Germany had violated her treaty
obligations by moving soldiers into
the long-demilitarized zone of the
Ask Reich To Parley
A French spokesman asserted:
"We do not want to stick blindly to
our insistence on evacuation if we
can get something better."
The spokesman emphasized, how-
ever, that his nation was willing to
parley with the Germans only on
the question of the Locarno Treaty
denunciation, and France will not
discuss Hitler's peace offer until the
Rhineland dispute .s settledd.
The French viewpoint, the spokes-
man pointed out, is that Germany
would automatically recognize con-
tinuance of the Locarno Treaty if a
Nazi represntative comes to the
Council table.
The Council, meeting in secret ses-
sion, extended its offer to Reichs-
fuehrer Hitler to show his cards after
being assured by Britain ,in a public]
meeting, of fullest cooperation in the
building of a new peace structure.
France and Belgium joined in a de-
mand at the public meeting of the
Council that the League condemn the
Offers Britain Aid
Anthony Eden, Britain's foreign
secretary, supporting the charge that
an "incontestable breach of treaties
has been committed," declared that
the Council must deal with the crisis.
Asserting that the peace of Europe
depended on the wisdom of the Coun-
cil's action, Eden offered Britain's
help in "reestablishing peace on a
firm foundation."j
French sources said that France
was likely to abandon her idea of
sanctions against Germany if she
could obtain a definite military agree-
ment with Great Britain.
The Council's private session,
pointed toward conciliation, followed
a dramatic hint from Foreign Min-
ister Pierre-Etienna Flandin at the
public hearing that France might
still find it necessary to "take urgent-
ly brutal, decisive measures."
Flandin declared France had a leg-
al right, under the provisions of the
Locarno Pact, to attempt by such

methodsto prevent Hitler'srevived
army from marching across the
Rhine, but chose instead to lay the
case before the League.
Coastal States Are
Menaced By Flood
(By The Associated Press)
Choked by rain and thaws, New
England rivers swept great ice packs
toward the sea Saturday night,
threatening coastal cities with the
same flood devastation that already
has wrought havoc among their head-
Elsewhere in the eastern United
States and Canada, flood waters
began slowly to recede after a two-
day rampage.
Altogether 29 deaths have been at-
tributed to the spring floods thus far,


Fire breaking out in the base-
ment of the Alpha Sigma Phi
fraternity, at Hill and Forest
streets, early this morning was
believed to have caused $10,000
damage before it was extinguish-
ed by firemen shortly before 2
The fire was believed torhave f
started from a faulty furnace,
according to Willard Walbridge,
'36, president of the fraternity.
He estimatedl the damage at "at
least $10,000."
In an effort to reach'the blaze,
firemen ripped holes in the living
room floor and flooded the lower
story with water. Clothes were
believed to have been ruined by
the heavy screen of smoke which
penetrated the entire house.
Many students were sleeping
when the fire was first discovered
at approximately 12:30 a.m. Sev-
eral were nearly overcome with
smoke before they were roused.
Members will have to abandon
the house until repairs can be
made, Walbridge said.
Fajans Named11
For Chemistry
German Physico - Chemist
To Fill Vacancy Left By
Dr. Kasmir Fajans, described by
Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to
the President, as one of the "really
great physical chemists of today," was
appointed professor of general and
physical chemistry yesterday. The
appointment was made to fill the
opening left by the resignation of
Prof. Moses Gomberg last semester,
Dr. Robbins said.
At the beginning of the 1936-37
school year Dr. Fajans will assume
his duties here. Dr. Robbins said that
the services of the great German
chemist were secured only because of
the present political situation in Ger-
many ard the attitude of the Nazi
Government toward professors and
other university officials.
Dr. Fajans pronounced "Fiance"
was formerly the head of the Insti-
tute of Physico-Chemistry at the Uni-
versity of Munich. This institute was
founded some years ago by the Rocke-
feller Foundation especially for Dr.
Fajans. Best known for the formu-
lation of laws concerning radio-ac-
tivity, he is recognized as an interna-
tional authority in the field of chem-
The academic experience of the
new chemistry professor is great.
First educated at the Oberrealschule
in Warsaw and at the University of
Leipzig, since 1910, when he received
his doctor's degree at the University
of Heidelberg, Dr. Fajans has been
connected with two German Univer-
sities in the capacity of a teacher.
In 1911 he was assistant at the
Technische Hochscule in Karlsruhe
and later, in 1917, became an associ-
ate professor at the University of
Munich, he remained their until leav-)
ing Germany last year.
The scientific contributions of Dr.
Fajans have been in many fields in-
cluding radio chemistry, thermo-
chemistry, refractometry, photo-
chemistry, theory of the solutions of
molecule and crystal structure, mass
analysis and isotopes.
He is a native of Poland, having
been born in that country in 1887.

Spring Parley
Goal Is Told
By Blakeman
Synthesis And Discovery
Of Values Forum's Aim,
He Explains
Committee Meets
In League Today
Professor Slosson Named
By Council In Religion
As Faculty Advisor
The expanded continuation com-
mittee of the Spring Parley will meet
at 3 p.m. in the League today with
the aim of making the Parley this
year "a synthesis and a discovery of
values," Dr. E. W. Blakeman, counsel-
or in religion ,announced last night.
He also announced that the Uni-
versity's Council of Religion, sponsor
of the parley, had named Prof. Pres-
ton W. Slosson of the history depart-
ment the first of the faculty advisors.
Emphasizing that the Parley was
"evolved by religious groups here in
an effort to function beyond their
immediate worship memberships, and1
that religion on its ethical side has a
specific service to perform within
a university," Dr. Blakeman declared
that it "was never intended to be a
competitor for headlines nor the chief
center of campus distress. If the
Parley is to create distress, heckel
professors, denounce this and that,
spread a gloom psychology and stop
there," he said, it has ceased to serve
a religious purpose and will be equiv-
alent to a funeral."
He characterized the Parley as "a
family affair, with the guests absent.
Within the family, students from
every group interest with a few fa-
vorite faculty persons appraise them-
selves," he said. "They ask them-
selves "Are we getting an education?
Where can we improve our efforts?
Should the direction be changed? Do
we have a grasp of the facts essen-
tial for living and leadership?" Like-
wise," he continued, "the Parley seeks
to introduce the exceptional student,
to draw out every superior student
who might otherwise be pocketed in
his laboratory or unable to exchange
readily views with his fellows in re-
mote fields.
Dr. Blakeman pointed to the need
of a "spiritual center" in every com-
munity,",. a place where we frankly
(Continued on Page 3)
Bell, '79, Donates

Defeated By
Michigan's 5-Year Reign
As Big Ten Swimming
Champions Ended
Record Is Broken
In Medley Relay
Northwestern Third With
21 Points And Illinois
Fourth With 19
MINNEAPOLIS, March 14.- (Spe-
cial to The Daily) - Michigan's five-
year reign as Western Conference
swimming champion was interrupted
here tonight when a strong Iowa
team placed men in every event to
outscore the Wolverines 39 to 37 in
the 26th annual championship meet.
Northwestern was third with 21
points, followed by Illinois 19, Chicago
18, Ohio State 15, Minnesota 131'/2 and
Purdue 22.
The turn of the meet came in the
diving when Michigan's favored quar-
tet could get no more than a second
by Capt. Frank Fehsenfeld and a
fourth by Ben Grady, as Jim Patter-
son of Ohio State scored 124.34 points
for first place. Ned Diefendorf and
Derland Johnston failed to place.
Wolverines Doom Sealed
Two other outsiders combined to
seal the Wolverines' doom when Lewis
of Illinois and Wilson of Chicago beat
Frank Barnard in the 220-yard free-
style in 2:16.8 with only the medley
relay remaining.
In the medley the Michigan team,
of Rieke, Kasley, and Mowerson set
a new intercollegiate record of 2:59.8,
bettering their own mark of 3:00.8.
Rieke was five yards behind Danny
Zehr of Northwestern in the back-
stroke leg, Kasley brought it even,
and Mowerson finished with a three-
yard lead. Iowa finished in third
place, but the meet was already
Barnard won the 440-yard free-
style in five minutes flat by 15 yards,
but Jacobsmeyer and Christians of
Iowa came up fast in the last 25 yards
to pass the early leaders, Woodford
of Ohio and Wilson of Chicago, and
give the Hawkeyes some unexpected
Started Out Badly

Michigan Holds


S upremacy

As Indiana
Third Place



__ _ _-_- --- ---- - - -
County Relief Administration
Caring For All But 50 Cases
Charles Wagg Finds Only the state commission was given an
Two Townships Unable appropriation of $9,000,000 a year for
a two-year period ending July 1, 1937.
To Pay All Workers This appropriation for the current
year has been reduced five per cent.
With all but about 50 cases being Beginning in December, the local
taken care of, at least temporarily, units were asked to contribute 45 per
Washtenaw County's welfare admin- cent of the cost for unemployable
stration is now under a satisfactory cases. This cost amounted to ap-
working agreement for the month of proximately 22% per cent of the total
March. cost of relief in the county inasmuch
fare -as the number of unemployable cases
Charles Wagg, county welfare ad- constituted slightly less than half
ministrator, said yesterday that with the total load.
the appropriation of the Common Under usual conditions, Mr. Wagg
Council Friday night, only Ypsilanti said, this would have been taken care
and Superior township have not as of by the county units. However,
yet voted sufficient funds to aid those some 380 cases of employables were
emnployables who are not being taken on the direct relief rolls. This was.
care of by the WPA. The Ypsilanti caused by both lack of WPA. projects
Common Council will meet tomorrow and the eligibility rules governing
night to consider further the best assigiomety te e
way of meeting the present emer- eassigning of men to them, he ex-
gency. '.
The change in the method of dis- Policy Change Necessary
Thebcangeiathe e dtho o he . - Finding that it was running. con-
tributing state relief funds to the siderably behind its appropriation, the
several counties by the State Emer- State Commission announced in Feb-
gency Relief Commission, which has ruary thatbeginning March 14 it
caused these 50 cases to be left with wuld hatobegi i c 4.
no means of support, was explained would have to change its policy.
to The Daily by Mr. Wagg in an in- Instead of contributing all addi-
terview yesterday. tional funds needed after the local
By the act of the 1935 legislature, units had contributed their fixed
-----~~~~_- ~amounts of 45 per cent for the sup-
port of unemployables, the state is
N ext Concert now contributing a fixed amount. It
will na v55 n t ref fha dlirf rliaf

Wisconsin Ends In Second
Place With Wolverines
Ahead, 33-31 1/4
Relay Team Scores
Win Over Hoosiers
Michigan Takes First And
Second In 2-Mile Run;
Stoller Is Defeated
(Michigan Daily Sport Editor)
14. - (Special) - Blasting Indiana's
vaunted distance strength and off-
setting the points of a near-slam in
the pole vault by Wisconsin, Mich-
igan's track team took its third
straight Big Ten indoor title here to-
The final score was Michigan 33,
Wisconsin 31%, and Indiana 25 ,
with Illinois a poor fourth.
It was the unexpected showing of
Bill Staehle and Walter Stone as they
finished first and second in the two-
mile, and the points earned by Clay-
ton Brelsford and Ray Fink in the
mile, which carried Michigan through
to victory, topped by a brilliant relay
victory for the Wolverine team' of
Fred Stiles, Harvey Patton, Frank
Aikens and Stan Birleson in 3:21.
Their points furnished the nucleus
of the Michigan win, but it was the
semi-final performance of Sam Stol-
ler in the sixty yard dash as he tied
the World's record of 6.1 seconds that
provided the spark for the victory. Off
to a perfect start,. Stoller was never
threatened, but in the finals a poor
start left him in second place behind
Bob Grieve of Illinois, who won in
Aside from Michigan's stirring vic-

The meet starved out badly for
Michigan when the 440-yard sprint
relay team of Mowerson, Drew, Blake
and McCarthy failed to keep an early
lead and lapsed into fourth place
behind Illinois, Chicago and Iowa.
In a mild upset Westerfield of Iowa
touched out Rieke in the backstroke

for second behind Zehr. As it turned
To Carillon Tower out, his points furnished Iowa with
its margin of victory.
Dean Meyers, president of the Uni- Ray Walters of the Hawkeyes was
versity of Michigan Club of Ann Ar- scon vorie inte 10 and 50-
bor, announced last night that a gen- yard sprints.
erous gift towards the construction (Summaries of the swimming meet
of the Burton Memorial Tower had are to be found on page three).
been made by Frederick S. Bell, '79, of
The gift was first announced last Faculty Men
night at Delta Upsilon's 60th anni-
versary banquet and initiation. Prof. W 1 1 Address
Arthur L. Cross was toastmaster at ~
the banquet, and the group was ad- -c1o
dressed by George N. Carman, '81, Churcn roups
for 40 years head of the Lewis Insti-
tute of Chicago. Both Bell and Car-
man were members of the first pledge Professors Slosson, Hyma,
class of Delta Upsilon on this campus. I n a c WT

3 }

Given Monday
Noted American Violinist
Will Play Tomorrow In
Choral Union Series
Albert Spalding, distinguished
American violinist will be heard in
Ann Arbor for the fourth time when
he appears tomorrow night in the
Choral Union series of concerts held
in Hill Auditorium.
Mr. Spalding, who is acknowledged
throughout the musical world as
America's foremost violin virtuoso,
will take the place of Myra Hess,
English pianist, who was unable to
fill her engagement.
He was born in Chicago, studied in,
I Florende, New York, and Paris, where
he made his debut with Adelina Patti
when he was 20 years old. He en-
listed in the Italian army when war
broke out, and became an officer in
the aviation corps. He is one of the
few Americans to be decorated with
the Cross of the Crown of Italy,
awarded to him by the Italian gov-
ernment in recognition of his serv-
ices during the war. He has also
received the Cross of the Chevalier
of the Legion of Honor by the French
I Government.
He has won renown as soloist with
the great orchestras of America and
New York, as well as in recital. Mr.
Spalding was heard here first in re-
cital in 1920, again in 1926, and a!
third time in recital in 1931.

wil ijy per cenu of Le areci renei
in these cases, plus the administra-
tive costs, and no more, the local units
having to contribute the varying
amounts for the remainder.
This left the care of the 380 employ-
able county relief cases, about 200 of
which are in the city, squarely up to
the local units, Mr. Wagg stated. He
communicated this condition to all
township and city officials in the
county on Feb. 29. Although working
agreements were effected with the
majority of townships, the Ann Arbor
Council voted a protest to the action
of the State in its meeting on March
5, following the example of Ypsilanti
and the County Welfare Relief Com-
Citizens Petition
As the deadline approached and no
action was taken by the local Council,
the Ann Arbor Citizens' Council in-
terested itself in the affair, having a
special meeting called in order to
avoid any suffering by those who
would have received no welfare orders
yesterday if no relief were forthcom-
ing. Petitions circulated by this
group, which were signed by from 500
to 600 persons, were presented to Prof.
Walter C. Sadler, president of the
Council, last Friday and the special
meeting was called for that night.
The appropriation voted by the
Council is only a temporary measure,
however, it is understood. The Coun-
cil agreed, by a vote of 13 to 1, to pay
45 per cent of the total costs of re-
lief or not more than $2,000 for the
month of March, making paynent
contingent upon approval of the in-
dividual cases by the proper city offi-
cials. It was estimated by Mr. Wagg
that about $2,200 would be needed to
take care of the city's employables
now on direct relief.

Track Team Totals

1st MICHIGAN ..........33
2nd Wisconsin...........31
3rd Indiana............25
4tht Illinois ..............15
5th Iowa ................10
6th Chicago ............. 9
7th Ohio State..... ....10
8th Northwestern ........ 8
9th Minnesota .......... 5
10th Purdue .............2

Pretzel Bell Defeats Libraries
By A Shade I n Scholastic Poll,


"anisrrom.) w merman


In the role of students, Pretzel Bell
frequenters effectively invade the
sacred class of the scholastically elite.
Indeed, according to a survey con-
ducted Friday night, their claim to
the distinction of being class average
raisers is more valid than that of the
hearty souls who were denizens of
more orthodox educational centers,
the University libraries.
Mr. Average Student at "The Bell"
received for his efforts of last semester
a 1.92 average, narrowly nosing out
the libraries' typical representative,
I who scored a 1.90 average. These
figures are based on questionnaires
returned by 117 students in the li-

would be 6.9 hours for each person.
Library patrons would receive B's to
the extent of seven hours each. Slight-
ly over four and one half hours of
C would be distributedhto each stu-
dent at the Pretzel Bell, while li-
brary readers would receive close to
3.8 hours of C.
Each group would get fractional
portions of hours in D and E. A total
of 47 hours of D and eight hours of
E was reported in the libraries; the
beer drinking socialites confessed to
39 hours of D and three hours of E.
Members of the Liberty Street con-
tingent would receive more A's, C's,
and D's and less B's than the library

Scheduled To Speak
Several members of the University
faculty will be guest speakers on to-
day's programs at Ann Arbor
At the 10:30 a.m. service of the
First Congregational Church, Prof.
Preston W. Slosson of the history de-
partment will speak on "Pasteur,
Saint of Science," and Allison Ray
Heaps will give a sermon on "The
Mind of Christ." A student fellow-
ship discussion will be held at 5 p.m.,
and Prof. Albert Hyma of the his-
tory department will speak on "What
I Live For" at 6 p.m.
Dr. Charles W. Brashares, of the
First , Methodist Church, will de-
liver a sermon on "What Christ Can
Do for Divided Personalities," the
third in a series of sermons on the'
psychological aspects of the Sermon
on the Mount at 10:45 a.m.
The Rt. Rev. Herman Page, D.D.,

France's Border Fortifications
Discussed By Col. Henry Miller

tory and Stoller's dash mark, Ray El-
Linwood, Chicago's sensational soph-
omore, furnished the highlight of
the meet when he smashed the Big
Ten and world's records in the quar-
ter-mile. Ellinwood, coming around
Stan Birleson of Michigan after 300
yards, was timed in 48.9 seconds, bet-
tering Alex Wilson's listed World's
record of :49.3 and Ivan Fuqua's Con-
ference mark of :49.4. Birleson, run-
ning the best race of his life, finished
two strides behind.
After Brelsford and Fink of Mich-
igan had outscored the field in the
mile, won by Charlie Fenske, dark
horse sophomore of Wisconsin, Bill
Staehle and Walter Stone came back
in the two mile with the points which
eventually meant the meet. Don Lash
of Indiana, the favorite, found the
going too tough for him at the tenth
lap as Staehle and Stone passed Tom-
my Deckard of Indiana, leading the
field, and the Wolverine pair was
never threatened for the rest of the
race. The winning time, after a com-
paratively slow mile, was 9:32.6.
Michigan's two individual cham-
pions lost their crowns in the meet,
Brelsford's late drive failing in the
mile and a spilled hurdle taking Bob
Osgood's title in the hurdles as Dan
Caldemyer of Indiana won in :08.7,
a time which Osgood had bettered in
the preliminaries.
To the one first place earned in
the two-mile, however, the Wolverines
added the relay win, five seconds in-
cluding the points by Brelsford, Stone,
Birleson, Stoller and Osgood, a fourth
by Fink, and a fifth, by Davidson in
the half-mile.
Wisconsin, after Fenske's win in
the mile, displaced Indiana as Mich-
igan's chief contender and the teams
came to the relay with Michigan trail-

The eyes of the world, focussed att
present on the border between France
and Germany, behold there on the
western side of the Rhine what is
certainly the most unique and prob-
ably the best system of fortifica-
tions ever conceived by man, Col.;
Henry W. Miller, widely recognized
authority on military affairs andI
head of the engineering drawing de-
partment, declared yesterday.
The underlying fortification theory,
whose embodiment the French have
spent the last 16 years in building,
has its basis in the experience of the
World War, Colonel Miller explained.
Until then it had been customary to

It took another offensive drive byj
the Germans to reveal an apparent
answer to the power of heavy guns.
Against Verdun in August, 1914, Ger-
man forces launched a concentrated
attack; artillery barrages quickly de-
stroyed all above-ground masonry.
Below the surface, however, were a
number of tunnels connecting the
several forts thereabouts with the
city, and these subterranean passage-
ways provided a "demonstration of
the effectiveness of concealed wea-
pons," Colonel Miller asserted.
"Not only could the French troops
find in these tunnels a comparatively
safe refuge from shell-fire: but when

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