FAGE SYIA THF. MIlCHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 19,6 _ _ _ _ Rapid Advance In Dental Field Affects Student Prof. R. W. Bunting Tells Of Changing Profession In Vocational Talk A close affiliation which has de- veloped between dentistry and medi- cine is the result of the great changes which have taken place in the dental profession in recent years, said Prof. Russell W. Bunting of the School of Dentistry in a talk given yesterday in the vocational series. "The practice of dentistry has, as a result of these changes," Professor Bunting said, "come to have a dual Italian Artillery Bombards Retreating Ethiopians aspect; first, the diagnosis and elim- ination of infectious processes which may exist in and about the teeth and second, the mechanical repair and {" restoration of teeth which have been damaged or lostethrough dental dis- ease. It follows, therefore, that the dental practitioner must have a broad education in the basic medical sci- ences and that hehmust be thoroughly ' familiar with the various disease processes which may arise from den- tal infections." Many Difficult Problems The education of the public regard- ing dental disease, he said, has placed an ever-increasing burden on the dental profession, while what is known today regarding the signifi- cance of these diseases has given rise to many intricate and difficult problems which require for their solu- tion the keenest minds and the most mature judgment. The student preparing for dental practice should have the broadest pos- sible collegiate training in the basic sciences, said Prof. Bunting. These sciences he divided into two groups, placing botany, zoology and organic chemistry in one, and physics, metal- lurgy, fine arts and the basic engi- neering sciences in the other. Wide Field Today The broadening of the field of den- tistry, he said, has made it unneces- sary that a young man entering the' profession be mechanically inclined, since for such a student there is to- day a wide range of services in the biological branches of dentistry which offer him unlimited opportunities for advancement. Prof. Bunting pointed out that with the development of dentistry many' new fields. of specialization are now' open to the student planning his work. Among these he included sur- gery, X-ray diagnosis, orthodontics, dentistry for children, preventive den- tistry, the treatment of pyorrhea and others, such as the even more specialized and technical procedures] involved in the making of fillings,1 crowns and bridges. Adams Praises Saint-Gaudens' Lincoln Statue Art Instructor Discusses 'The Greatest Americanl Sculptor'_In Radio Talk The statue of Lincoln by Augustus Saint-Gaudens, "our greatest Ameri- can sculptor," was analyzed yester- day by Marie Abbot, Grad., and Miss Adelaide Adams, instructor in fine arts, over the University Broadcast- ing Service, in a continuation of the art series lectures. Miss Adams traced Saint-Gaudens' excellent draftsmanship ad mastery of relief sclupture to his training as a cameo cutter as a youth. Having mastered the proportion, pose, and movement of the human figure in1 sculpture in Europe, he returned toE America, she stated, to win fame.1 Comparatively Early Work Pointing out that the statue of Lincoln is a comparatively early work1 of Saint-Gaudens, she explained that it was immediately hailed as the greatest portrait statue in the United States, and it has remained so. "From its exalted conception of the charac- ter of Lincoln to the last detail of its simple accessories it is a master- piece." "Here is a work of art which speaks for itself so eloquently that very little need be said about it." Miss Adams continued. "Its simplicity was a result of the sculptor's usual la- borious and painstaking care, she added. Lincoln's pose, she said, is entirely simple and natural; he stands wita his feet firmly planted, the left foot well advanced, in the resolute pose of a man accustomed to face multitudes and bend them to his will." The great chair behind the figure is an important element in the design, she asserted, giving volume to the slen- der figure, which alone would seem meagre in silhouette. Entirely Harmonious The forms of the figure, Miss Ad- ams declared, are enveloped and all details mndified until the srfac is -Associated Press rhoto Italy's drive into the interior of Ethiopia along the Northern front, which brought sweeping victories to Il Duce's troops, was covered by powerful 75-millimeter guns, shown pouring their rain of death into the retreating enemy near Amba Aradam. This picture was made by Edward J. O'Neil, Associated Press corre- spondent with the Northern army. Athletic Subsidization Defeated, 6-5, In. Radio Reporters' Poll 'Why Not Subsidize? Field Made Possible Through Profits,'_Minority Says Voting six to five against subsi- dization of athletes, the students ac- costed by the enquiring reporter in front of Morris Hall yesterday, broad- cast their opinions throughout the State over WJR. The question asked them was, "What is your opinion of the sub- sidization of college athletes? By subsidizing I mean the helping of athletes by giving them financial aid, scholarships, or employment." Arguments of those favoring sub- sidization were similar, most of the students declaring that the Field House and Intramural Building were built by athletic funds which resulted from swimming teams, and therefore athletes should be paid to ensure winning teams. Clad in a heavy fur coat, with the snow swirling about him, Henry Musk, '39, expressed his approval, declaring subsidizing justi- fiable "so we could get winning teams." Favors Scholarships Jack Wilcox, '39, agreed that ath- letes should obtain special advantages, but limited the subsidizing to scholar- ships, adding, "Athletes should not be paid for participating in sports in any manner." When asked if he believed in sub- sidization during a period of athletic losses, John Brown, '37E, could not remember any such period at the University, although he did express approval of paying athletes. The arguments of the majority dis- approving of subsidization were many, varying from the belief that "athletes are supposed to be playing for their honor," to the statement that "Mich- igan should not lose its fine reputa- tion by subsidizing athletes." All agreed that those participating in sports should be treated exactly the same as other students in the eyes of the University. Athlete Speaks Joe Lerner, '36, outfielder and first Exhibit Of Rainbow Trout IsDisplayed A new exhibit of Michigan rainbow trodt, prepa:red by James Wood, University taxidermist, was placed on exhibition today in the Museums building. The exhibit is one of a series of groups of Michigan fish being pre- pared by Mr. Wood. Brown trout and brook trout will later be included in the exhibit and groups will be shown at the meeting of the Mich- igan Academy of Science here. P 100 Bayer Aspirin 50c Dr. Lyons Tool 50c Dr. West's Too $1.00 Pacquin's Hc 50c Kolynos Tooth MALTED MILK and Toasted Sandwich 20c baseman on the baseball squad, agreed with the majority, expressing a belief that "athletes do not expect to be subsidized." Orton Klemnan, '39, also expressed his approval of the action taken by Eastern bffieials against paying athletes, agreeing with the position of University officials. Turning from her fine arts courses to a statement on athletic subsidiza- tion, Marie Abbot, Grad., was firmly against all subsidization. She was the only girl who was caught by the enquiring reporter. The announcer of this program, which was a part of the activities of the laboratory class in production, was Gertrude Elliott, Grad. Inter- rogators of passersby accosted were Charles Harrell, Grad., and William Dixon, '36. Hail Roosevelt St. Lawrence Seaway Plans' DETROIT, March 12. - (,P) - Of- ficials of the Detroit seaway confer- ence hailed President Roosevelt's pre- diction of early completion of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence waterway today as a spur to renewed efforts for Senate ratification of the 1932 treaty with Canada. The President, expressing confi- dence that "no insuperable difficul- ties" block the path to agreement be- tween the two countries, notified the conference that "a new approach toI the problems involved" is being sought. His message was read to more than' 200 advocates of the 2,000-mile chan- nel to bring ocean-going shipping toI lake ports, by Senator Key Pittman (Dem., Nev.), chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee. Senator Pittman, who led a three- week fight for the waterway treaty in1 1934 when it failed of ratification by 13 votes, told the conference that! unity of waterway advocates would result in success at the next session of Congress. Mr. Roosevelt's message was hailed by Henry J. Allen, former senator from Kansas and president of the Great Lakes-Tidewater Association, as an "excellent presentation, full of c:ommon sense, sound argument and good advice." Mayor Daniel W. Hoan of Mil- waukee, president of the Great Lakes -a uors Association, co-sponsor of :he conference, said, "Senator Pitt- man has brought us information which is invaluable. I'm satisfied that before we adjourn today we shall find ways and means to carry out his suggestions." Noted Library Head To Give 2 Talks Here J. Christian Bay To Speak On John Crerar Library, Chicago,_Today J. Christian Bay, librarian of the John Crerar Library in Chicago, will return to Ann Arbor today to resumeS the library science lecture series. He will give two addresses in Room 110 of the General Library, one at 4 p.m. today and the other at 10 a.m., Sat-4 urday. His address today will be on the John Crerar Library which is de- scribed by Dr. William W. Bishop, University librarian, as "one of the most excellent, up-to-date and suc- cessful libraries in the world." Mr. Bay has been with the John Crerar Library since 1905, being selected to the head librarianship in 1928. Mr. Bay spoke here last week in two lectures in which he discussed "West- ern Books and Travel." The two lec- tures this week will be the third and fourth of the library lecture series sponsored by the library science de- partment of the University. WARN CLERK OF POLITICS QUEBEC, March 12. -(W) - Mem- bers of the*Catholic clergy in Que- bec were warned yesterday in a cir- cular letter from the archbishops of the ecclesiastical province of Quebec, to refrain from engaging in politics under a threat of "loss of their of- fices and benefits accruing from such offices." Surveys ,Basis Of Next Week's Forestry Talks Ramsdell, Young, Craig Will Speak To Academy Of Arts And Sciences Three members of the forestry school faculty are finishing surveys this week in preparation for speeches to be given next week to the forestry and conservation section of the Mich- igan Academy of Arts and Sciences, it was disclosed yesterday. Prof. W. F. Ramsdell is scheduled to speak on the progress he has made in his study of wood-using industries in Michigan before the section that meets on March 20. Prof. Leigh J. Young will speak concerning release cuttings in plan- tations of white and Norway pine. He has been studying this phase of for- estry with F. H. Eyre of the Lake Forest Experiment Station. Semi-professional education in for- estry will be discussed by Prof. Rob- ert Craig, Jr., in the opening speech of the meeting. James Hodge, of the Resettlement Administration, will talk on "Forestry and the Resettlement Projects." Nineteen addresses are on the pro- gram for foresters. Speakers include representatives of the Department of Conservation, Huron National Forest, Ottawa National Forest, University of Michigan, Michigan State College, United States Forestry Service, and the Lake States Experimental Sta- tion. The foresters will convene at 9 p.m., March 20, in Room 2054, Natural Science Building. Anyone interested in forestry is welcome to attend, Prof. Leigh J. Young, secretary of the Academy, said yesterday. The meeting will adjourn at noon for luncheon, to meet again at 2 p.m. Glee Club To Sing In Midland Today The Varsity Men's Glee Club will appear before the second alumni club in two days when it goes to Midland to sing tonight. The Glee Club sang before the Ann Arbor alumni club last night. The recital tonight will be held in the Midland Country Club, and will include such favorites as: "Laudes atque Carmina," by Stanley; Jesu, "Joy for Everlasting," by Bach; and "Discovery" by Grieg. The Four Men of Note, a campus quartette, will sing several numbers and there will be a violin and piano solo included in the program. 100 Engraved $65 Cards & Plates THE ATHENS PRESS 'Printers City's Lowest Prices on Printing 308 North Main Street - Dial 2-1013 $1.50 Per Week New Low For Co-ed Attire NEW YORK. March 12. -The As- sociation for Improving the Condition of the Poor announced recently that a working girl or college coed could dress for $1.50 a week. The Association specified in detail the coats, suits, nightgowns and other textile items a girl needs "for health and decency," but overlooked such items as rouge and lipstick . The clothing budget was computed with the assumption that a $12.50 winter coat would last two years and a $5 spring coat three years. Group Buying Study Of SCA To Start Soon Opening an extensive program for study of the cooperative purchasing movement, the Student Christian As- sociation committee on social study and action yesterday announced speakers for two meetings to be held March 19 and 22, in Lane Hall audi- torium. Ellis Cowling, connected with the Waukegan, Ind., cooperative move- ment, will be the principal speaker at the meeting at 8 p.m. on March 19. He is a minister of the Church of Christ in Thorntown, Ind., and au- £hor of a widely circulated booklet entitled "Short Introduction to the Cooperative Movement," according to Miriam Hall, chairman of the social study commission. J. L. Reddix, president of the Con7 sumers Cooperative Trading Com- pany, of Gary, Ind., will address the March 22 meeting. Reddiz is prin- ciple of the Gary Negro High School. T T APONG ITENNIS RACKETS I Now atI Cookies .!. Home-made Cookies are a specialty with us. Let us serve you. We please our cus- tomers. Five Community F un d Directors Will Be Chosen The executive committee of the board of directors for the Ann Arbor Community Fund voted last night to accept the aid of the Boy Scouts in distributing ballots to all contributors for the election of five new members of the board. Prof. Arthur Moehlman, of the School of Education, and Mrs. John Tracy, professor of economics, are among ten nominated for the five places that have expired. The retir- ing members include Prof. Lowell J. Carr, of the sociology department, Mrs. C. F. Remer, Rabbi Bernard Heller, director of the Hillel Founda- tion, Miss Florence Pollock and Dr. Inez Wisdom. Everett Hamnes, executive secretary for the fund, stated that the coopera- tion of the Boy Scouts would save the organization approximately $200. Elections of the new members will begin as soon as the ballots are dis- tributed, Mr. Hames said. Ballots must be returned by March 28. Addi- tional nominations can be made until tomorrow if petitions with 15 names are submitted to the Community Fund office, it was announced. 4 4 PURITY PAST RY SHOP 707 PACKARD ST. ' 712 E. Washington ===DR UGS= Ph. 9793 (0 DAKS- i A AND Iii= i' f* WE DELIVER ALL ORDERS FLOWERS but not as unique and pleas- ing as this week-end's special 4I I CORSAGES ... Select Orchids and Gardenias SPRING FLOWERS TABLE DECORATIONS PLANTS BANANA SPLIT lOC TODAY'S SPECIAL LUNCH Clam Chowder.10c Breaded Ocean Perch Creamed Potatoes Buttered Peas Tomato Sauce Bread and Butter Coffee - Tea - Milk Ice Cream 35c See the New Argus Camera Now on Display Here! Ca lns-Fletcker Drug Store 2c)1 QOTT .w mAmw TmPFi'T PAUL NOLTING, Florist 316 SO. MAIN ST. DIAL 2-1615 I I CA N DY SODASI J lqr- Al LS I th Powder. th Brush .. and Cream. Paste. ... .59c 39c 39c 79c ...39c h . i HOT FUDGE SUNDAES - - - 10c I I I I