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March 13, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-13

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_ n . ,


Publisned every morning except Monday during tho
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Pressis exclusively entitled to the use
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ernment dictated by the constitution. Counties
electing to continue under the present system
could do so. The way would be clear, however,
for any county to experiment with various plans,
and transform its interest into action for the
taxpayers' benefit.
Proposed amendments have been initiated to
remedy the situation many times, yet either one
or the other house would reject it, until now a
proposed amendment has finally passed the State
legislature and will be placed on the ballot in No-
vember of this year.
The constitutional form of government is not
repealed by the proposed amendment nor is the
legislature specifically authorized to disregard it
in framing a general law of incorporation for
"The amendment falls far short of authorizing in
clear and unmistakable language any major ad-
justments," declares Prof. Arthur W. Bromage, of
the political science department. "It still will
not allow counties to get away from Article VIII;
although it permits the readjustment of statutory
laws and officers."
The amendment may be a good one as a step
in the right direction, but the Legislature and the
voters still have a lot to do to completely remedy
a situation deserving of more than passing atten-
Business And The
Voting Employe...
THE VAN NUYS BILL enacted by the
Senate and now before the House
Judiciary Committee to make it a felony for em-
ployers to advise their employees how to vote in
a national election embodies a fine principle but
one which can hardly be realized by the mere pas-
sage of a law.
In the hierarchy of government officials the bill
could have some great effect. It could do much
to eliminate any domination by the Postmaster-
General of the postmasters or other lower post-
office officials. But conditions are not now par-
ticularly bad in respect to the national government.
The worst conditions of employers telling their em-
ployes how to vote lie in the state governments
and, of course, the bill can not apply to these gov-
The field where there is the greatest number of
violations of "free" voting is in that of private
business. But how can the bill be enforced in this
field? It is now very hard to find much real
concrete proof of where employes have been ad-
vised how to vote, for employes realize in such
cases that to hold their positions they must keep
such advisements strictly secret.
Under the Van Nuys law, it will be even more
difficult to detect those cases in which employers
do advise their employes. Anyway, the penalty
for large corporations, a $5,000 fine, is not too
great to be any great preventative toviolations
of the bill. If the bill is passed by the House,
we fail to see how it can be enforced because any
violations will be very hard to detect. There are
many subtle ways which, while not violating the
letter of the law, would violate the spirit of the
law and not bring conviction in a law court.
The principle of the Van Nuys Bill is an excel-
lent and a desirable one which must be present
in any nation if it is to be a democracy. It is an
axiom that it is impossible to legislate morals,
and we doubt if it is possible to legislate demo-
cratic principles. The principle of the bill must be
realized not by law but by public opinion and edu-
cation leading to free, independent thinking.
As Others SeeIt_


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Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department,
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tions, Lyman Bittman.]
With Power ..
HIGH SOUNDING phrases such as
"Is ours any longer a free country?"
made by Justice Wheat in serving an injunction
on Sen. Black's power of subpena serve only to dif-
fuse the issue, and, as far as we are concerned, fall
on deaf ears.
It seems to us that the court's duty was to de-
cide whether the American Liberty League could]
reasonably be suspected of lobbying in the utilities
bill. After all, Congressional committees do have
the right to investigate each and everyone whom
they suspect of unlawful or underhanded work.
It is worth questioning, moreover, whether the
Supreme Court of the District of Columbia has the
right to dictate to the Senate. Perhaps the judge
was drunk with the potentialities of his power.
On the face of things, the American Liberty
League would seem as likely to lobby on any New
Deal sponsored bill as anyone. Perhaps the util-
ities themselves lobbied more in this particular
case, but we would guess the Liberty League a
close second.
Judges whose decisions are based on such banal
comments as "Is ours any longer a free country?"
are not exemplary examples of what the American
judicial system should be. They merely sweep
the surface of the law and come up with somej
trite saying. A good judge renders an intelligent
and comprehensive opinion. But, then, we should
not criticize judges unfairly, for it is possible that
they are pandering to the "saviors of our country,"
the Liberty League, et. al.
We hope that Sen. Black will not be bulldozed
by the decision of the District of Columbia Su-
preme Court. May he carry the fight to the
Senate; and may the Senators open their eyes,
to the issue actually at stake. We are all for him.
The Need For
County Home Rule ..,
ALMOST EVERYONE agrees that the
mounting costs of local govern-
ment in the United States today should be checked.
It seems equally obvious that we should expect
the greatest possible return in service from every
dollar contributed to the support of local rural
government. In Detroit's recent expose involving
high county officials in corrupt practices, we see
a distressing picture of the inefficiency and laxity
of county government as it exists today in Mich-
The present system' of county government in
Michigan is a set one, prescribing uniformity in
Michigan's 83 counties. In the constitution under
Article VIII, county government is cast into a rigid
mold, regardless of whether that single mold makes
for efficiency. It sets up the same type of organ-
ization for all the counties of the state.
The citizens have had reason to take an en-
thusiastic interest in the principles of local self
government in cities. No single system of muni-
cipal government has been strapped upon the
backs of the taxpayers of all cities. If they felt
that their mayor and council government did not
provide services commensurate to costs, they could
adopt other forms,
What is the situation in county government?
As we have seen, it is quite the reverse. We believe
that the best way to remedy the current problem
of county government is by a system of home rule.
This does not mean that counties will be entirely

The Conning Towers
What holy wafer, placed upon your tongue,
Dissolved, and gave your singing voice its tone?
What secret herbage did you eat, when young?
What charm did you possess? What sacred stone?
Was it some philtre, brewed of blood and brine
One ancient midnight, with barbaric rite,
That swallowed, caused your melodies to shine,
And gave your songs this lucid, marble light?
Here is no usual gift; this strength of fire
That beat and flare in every word you choose
Are fare beyond dull mortals who aspire,
And weep and pray. What witchcraft to you use?
Whisper your secret in my curious ear,
And envious gods will bow their heads to hear.
The President got some birthday presents in
yesterday's papers. There were the reports of
the London speech in Topeka, the Knox speech
in Cleveland, and the Talmadge demonstration
in Macon. The Administration, or its press de-
partment, exudes confidence. We wonder how
Mr. Roosevelt feels about his popularity, and
whether he feels that he has made many mis-
takes. Maybe he feels like the insurance man
who was repeatedly kicked out of a man's office.
"Maybe," the solicitor said, "he doesn't want any
insurance, and maybe he just doesn't like me."
It seems to us that Governor Landon's speech
was the best, thus far, of the anti-Roosevelt
speeches. It contained no comic valentines and
no phony rhetorical questions, like Governor
Talmadge's "Americanism or Communism ?"
Americanism is a question of definition, of course,
and nobody in the Administration, from the Pres-
ident to the least of the department clerks, will
let anybody assail his Americanism. Americanism
is like a sense of humor; no American will confess
that he hasn't got it.
The Macon denunciation of the New Deal was
too long. In essence it was this: "Who was that
Democrat I seen you with?" "That was no
Democrat; that was Franklin Roosevelt."
What there is behind the taking of Mrs. Mabel
Eaton's two children from her, and warding their
custody to Mr. Warren Eaton, who has obtained
a divorce on the grounds of extreme cruelty,
we do not know. Radical and atheistic litera-
ture, it was said, was found in Mrs. Eaton's
possession, and the allegation was that she was
teaching the two children, ten and five, to be-
come atheistic Communists. If that is all there
is to it, we doubt that there is much danger of
the principles of atheism and Communism gain-
ing a foothold on the children. If those princi-
ples, whatever they are, are compulsory spinach
for the kids, the chances are that they will ma-
ture into capitalistic monotheists. Train up a
child in the way you think he should go, and the
bet is that even before he is old he will depart
from it.
Maybe the government will soon take over all
the kids that say that they want to be con-
ductors, locomotive engineers, or firemen. These
professions, the Department of Labor may say,
are overcrowded, and to let children think that
they may adopt these glamorous careers may
be considered subversive of the common good.
We find one great change in the ambitions
expressed by children who are able to read the
newspapers. None of them wants to be Presi-
dent of the United States.
I built a house on a hilltop high,
Etched in beauty against the sky.
Quiet fields and a silver stream
Where a weary heart might rest and dream.
I made me a garden green and gold
With a hawthorn hedge, and a pool to hold
The mirrored blue of a summer sky
With lazy cloud-ships drifting by.
A forest where autumn could flame and die

And winter winds through the branches sigh.
Where spring's carillon of daffodils
Ring out their promise that June fulfills.
I opened my door to peace and joy,
To brotherly love and to pity.
Then I sold the place to a guy from Chase
And moved into Tudor City. S.J.
Mayor LaGuardia is about to appoint a com-
mission to investigate the drunkenness of drunken
drivers. The old question of how drunk a driver
is to be called drunk will arise; how drunk is a
drunk. Certainly some drivers can drive care-
fully if they have had four or five drinks, and
some drive recklessly when they have had a
glass of beer. Many years ago we conducted a
contest. The prize-winning answer to "When is
a man drunk?" was "When he kisses the bartender
good night."
There is one great difficulty with such an in-
vestigation : It won't happen until the accident
occurs. Well, a man goes to a party in New
York; he drives to his home in Stonington, Conn.,
he collides with a driver who has attended a beer
party in Watch Hill, R.I. It will be a nice point.
Of course, our notion of intoxicated driving is
to confuse the dashboard clock with the speed-
ometer, so that you think ..you are virtually
A strike which may be called on Monday will
be that of the elevator operators and other
service employees in the Empire State Building.
May be the president of the corporation that
owns the building shouldn't have referred, last
Saturday night, to his supreme happiness and

A WashingtonI
WASHINGTON, March 12.--With
the '36 primaries just getting in-
to swing, Herbert Hoover resumes his
crusade against the New Deal before
a Colorado Young Republican group
and says, among many other things:'
"I have had every honor that any
man could want."
Now just what does that imply,
spoken by a man always placed in
the forefront of those Republicans
thought to be 'leading choices" for
presidential nomination? Is it to be
construed as a Hoover adaptation of
the Coolidge "I-do-not-choose" state-
ment in 1927, the statement that had
so great a bearing on Mr. Hoover's
own chance for the presidency? Does1
it mean that Mr. Hoover definitely is1
not seeking another nomination?
* ** *
THERE is no easier way to get into
an argument in Washington than
to assert in political company that
Mr. Hoover is, or is not, seeking a
personal political comeback. It makes1
no difference which view you taket
and very little whether you are talk-1
ing with Republicans or Democrats.'
To date the most ardent Hoover nom-'
inator of public record seems to be
Postmaster General Farley.
Under all the talk, however, and
particularly strong among political!
news writers striving to form imper-
sonal and disinterested judgments as
to what will happen at Cleveland has
been a distinct and growing feeling
that Mr. Hoover is not a candidate,
does not expect to be nominated. As
in the case of President Coolidge,1
nevertheless, this does not foreclose
his acceptance of a movement to'
draft him for new service should it1
turn out that way at Cleveland.
T HE late Theodore Roosevelt,
speaking in 1911 to a group in
Spokane where he had been urged to
seek the 1912 nomination against
President Taft, made much the same,
statement that Mr. Hoover did at
Colorado Springs. He also noted that
he had every honor and supplement-
ed that by adding that he well knew,
his popularity could only suffer if
he reentered the White House. For,
all that, in less than a year his hat
was in the ring. Denied the nomin-
ation at Chicago, he bolted to form
the Bull Moose movement that dis-
rupted Republican national control.
Mr. Hoover's remark, savoring as
it does of a gesture of withdrawal
from the Republican nomination
race, comes just at a time when every
Tuesday for two months will be
marked by presidential preference
primaries. It remains to be seen
whether. Hoover delegates are to be
among those chosen despite the in-
dicated Hoover aloofness. It also re-
mains to be disclosed whether the
former President has a favored can-
didate among those who may active-
ly engage in the primary contests.
Most political onlookers expect Mr.
Hoover sooner or later formally to
step out of the nomination picture,
and his remark at Colorado Springs
increased that expectation. For that
reason, this single clause of his Colo-
rado speech attracted more atten-
tion than al lthe rest.
0% ART
LOUIS BRUYERE is a practicing
architect in Toledo, and so, when
Mr. Bruyere exhibits a group of water
colors which display impressive abili-

ty sans any indications of the tech-
nique of the architect, they are
worthy of more than ordinary in-
A large collection of Mr. Bruyere's
water colors are now being shown in
the College of Architecture, and there
is no one of the paintings which
would be out of place in the gal-
leries of Alumni Memorial Hall. It
is t'ue that inesuch works as the one
portrait in the gr'oup, the architect's
exactness and accuracy come to the
fore, but since the subject is an ex-
cellent one, and because the rather
sketchy technique which Mr. Bruyere
exhibits in this case is quite pleasing,
the portrait is very successful.
The most impressive works in Mr.
Bruyere's collection, from the point
of view of color, arrangement and
technique, are his ship paintings. The
subject range is broad, from old
windjammers to tugboats and tramp
steamers. The best of this group
is that representing an old three-
master at dock, her yellow hull re-
flected in the calm water. In this
picture, as in all the others, Mr.
Bruyere has instilled a sense of ar-
rested motion, an impression of bird-
like fleetness paused for a moment.
Corresponding with the mood creat-
ed by the view of the old ship, the
background of the docks is indefinite,
with a hazy, almost dream-like qual-
ity about it. There is soft music in
the picture, and the scent of old lone-
ly places sleeping forever in the sun.
In a more modern mood. Mr. Bru-

FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1936
VOL. XLVI No. 113
Student Loans: There will be a
meeting of the Loan Committee in
Room 2, University Hall, Monday
afternoon, March 16. Students who
have already filed applications for
new loans with the Office of the Dean
of Students should call there at once
to make an appointment to meet the
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, School of Music, and School
of Education: All students, now in
residence, who received marks of In-
complete or X at the close of their
last term of attendance, must com-
plete work in such courses by the end
of the first month of the present se-
mester, March 17. Where illness or
other unavoidable circumstances
make this impossible, a limited exten-
sion of time may be granted by the
Administrative Board of the Literary
College, the Administrative Conimit-
tee of the School of Education, or
the Director of the School of Music,
provided a written request, with the
approval and signature of the in-
structor concerned is presented at
the Registrar's Office, Room 4, Uni-
versity Hall.
In cases where no supplementary
grade is received and no request for
additional time has been filed, these
marks shall be considered as having
lapsed into E grades.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received a catalogue from the
Graduate School for Jewish Social
Work for 1936-37. This catalogue may
be seen in the office of the Bureau,
201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9:00 to
12:00 and 2:00 to,4:00.
Academic Notices
Psychology 41: Students who were
absent from the final examination
will meet in Room 2116 Natural
Science Building, Friday at 2:00 p.m.
for a make-up examination.
Psychology 33: Students who were
absent from the final examination
will meet in Room 2116 Natural
Science Building, Friday at 2:00 p.m.
for a make-up examination.
Political Science 107: Make-up final
examination, Saturday, March 14, 9
a.m., Room 2032 Angell Hall.

English 147: The make-up
amination in English 147
given Monday, March 16,
Room 3227 Angell Hall.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Vniversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

final ex-
will be
2 p.m.,

ing a St. Patrick party at 8:30 p.m.,
at Palmer Field Building. The faculty
of the Public Health department as
well as students interested in Public
Health are cordially invited. There is
a charge of $.25 for non-members
All Congregational Students and
their friends are invited to attend the
Student Fellowship Party to be held
in the Church Parlors, this eve-
ning. Dancing, 8:30 to 12:00. Admis-
sion 25c.
Coming Events
Alpha Gamma Sigma: There will
be a bowling party at the Woman's
Athletic Building on Saturday, March
14, 3 p.m.
University Oratorical Contest: The
first try-out for this contest will be
held Friday, March 27, at 4 p.m. in
Room 4203 Angell Hall. This date
has beensetin order to enable ad-
ditional students to participate. Any
undergraduate in the University is
eligible to compete. The winner of
the contest will represent the Uni-
versity in the Northern Oratorical
League contest and will receive the
Chicago Alumni Medal for excellence
in public speaking. The rules of the
contest provide that the speech shall
be one of the speaker's own compo-
sition on a subject of his own choice
and shall not exceed 1850 words in
length. Further information con-
cerning this contest may be obtained
from any member of the Department
of Speech and General Linguistics.
Copies of orations that have won con-
tests in past years may be examined
by applying to the office of the De-
partment of Speech and General Lin-
guistics, 3211 Angell Hall, where stu-
dents are asked to register for this
Graduate Outing Club is having a
Skating Party at the Michigan Skat-
ing Rink Saturday evening, March
14. All those interested are requested
to meet at Lane Hall at 7:30 p.m.
Admission will be 15 cents. Following
the party refreshments will be served
at the home of one of the offcers.
All Graduate students are cqrdially
invited to attend.
Lutheran Student Club: Mr. Rolfe
Haatvedt and Miss Alta Haab will
give talks at the meeting of the Lu-
theran Student Club Sunday evening
in the parish hall of Zion Lutheran
Church on Washington. They will
talk on "Archeology and the Bible."
Supper will be served at 6 p.m.
Stalker Hall: St. Patrick's Party,
Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. All
Methodist students and their friends
are cordially invited to enjoy an eve-
ning of games and entertainment.
Small charge for refreshments.
Ann Arbor Friends: "Those Jap-
anese" will be discussed by Robert B.
Hall, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the
Georgraphy department of the Uni-
versity, before the Ann Arbor Friends
on Sunday, March 15, 5:30 p.m., at
the home of Professor and Mrs. Ar-
thur Dunham, 1217 West Huron St.
There will be a sing, supper, meeting
for worship, and Dr. Hall's discussion.
All interested are invited. Supper
reservations should be made as early
as possible by telephoning 7830.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Carl A.
Brauer, Pastor.
March 15: 9:30 a.m., Church school.
9:30 a.m., German Lenten service.
Sermon: "Jesus, Accused." 10:45 a.m.,
regular morning service. Sermon:
"Destroy This Temple." 6:30 p.m.,
Student-Walther League supper and
fellowship hour. 7:30 p.m., Lenten
slide lecture on "Our Church In Can-
ada." Wednesday, March 18: 7:30
p.m., The 4th midweek Lenten service
Iwith sermon by the pastor on "Jesus,

Hillel Council: A special meeting of
the council will be held at the Foun-
dation on Tuesday at 4:45 p.m. New
staff members please attend. Im-
Mimes: All former members of
Mimes still on campus are requested
to attend a meeting at 4:30 p.m.,
Monday afternoon at the Union for
the purpose of electing new members
to the organization.
Shirrel Kasle, president.
Meta. dProCeSs ing
Film To Be Shown
A three-reel motion picture, "Metal
of the Ages," will be shown at 7:30
p.m. today in Room 231 Angell Hall,
it was announced yesterday. The
film will be shown in connection with
a course in building trades and will
be open to the public free of charge.
The film will depict the mining of
the ore and its various stages in the
manufacturing of wrought iron pipe.
The showing will be of interest to

Morals At Michigan

(From the Daily Illini)


slowly in the matter of moral standards among
men and women if the poll of students on the
question taken at Michigan can be accepted as
According to the survey the following opinions
were voiced:
1. The ages old "double standard" of one moral
code for men and another for women is still ac-
2. Free love was looked at with askance but
more men (28 per cent) believed in it than women
(eight per cent).
3. That women should have a higher standard
of moral conduct than men was the opinion of 58
per cent of the women and 42 per cent of the
4. Sixty-eight per cent of the men would be
willing to have "intimate relations with the per-
son" they "intended to marry" while only 20 per
cent of the women accepted that attitude.
5. Disloyalty during the engagement period
would cause 82 per cent of the men to break off
the engagement and 64 per cent of the women
to do the same.
In general, the survey indicated that the males
still claim special privileges and the women were
willing to accept their claim. In other words, the
men refused to share the responsibility of main-
taining a high moral standard and yet believed
that if the woman did not they were free to punish
them. (That is, 42 per cent of the men thought
that women should have a higher standard than
they but 82 per cent would break off relations in
case of infidelity).
The men said that it was up to the women
to be pure and yet 68 per cent would be willing
to have "intimate relations" upon the basis of
intent to marry. Women, on the other hand, de-
cried free love and pre-marital "intimate relations"
very decidedly but more of them would overlook
infidelity during the engagement period than men
by 17 per cent.
It would seem that, to a surprisingly large
extent, the emancipation of women doesn't extend
as far as morality. That there is a certain amountj
of realization of physical fact in the survey can

Library Science Special Lectures:
Mr. J. Christian Bay of the John
Crerar Library of Chicago will speak
on Friday, March 13, at 4:00 p.m., on
"The Work and Organization of the
John Crerar Library." On Saturday,
at 10:00 a.m., he will speak on "Re-
discovered Books," illustrating par-
ticularly the work of certain Ameri-
can Botanists. Both lectures will be
held in Room 110 in the General Li-
brarytand are open to all persons in-
teres ted.
Exhibition of Water Colors, Archi-
tectural Building: A collection of
water colors by Louis Bruyere is now
on view in the ground floor corridor
of the Architectural Building. Open
daily 9:00 to 5:00 during this week.
Visitors are cordially invited.
Events Of Today
JGP rehearsals; Prologue dance
chorus will meet at the League today
from 4 to 5 p.m., Raggedy Ann chorus
from 5 to 6 p.m.
Hillel Foundation: Traditional Fri-
day night services will be held at 8
p.m. Services will be followed by fire-
side discussion. All are welcome.
Delta Epsilon Pi meeting at the
Michigan Union, at 8 p.m. sharp. A
guest speaker will address the Fra-
ternity. All members are urged to
be prompt.
U. of M. Public Health Club is hav-
retains in them a charming personal
Most of the other pictures in the
group are devoted to scenes of the
country and of old houses set in
backgrounds of green lawns and tall
trees. The most attractive of these
is that picturing a group of old farm
buildings reflected in still, blue wa-
ters, a warm scene done in rich col-
ors. Somewhat in the same class is
the painting of a tall white house,
partially hidden by bright autumn
foliage. He has captured the quiet
charm of the old house and the bril-
liant beauty of the surrounding trees
and masterfully blended them into
an appealing picture.
One of the unusual features of the
exhibit is the intelligent use which
the artist has made of the wide card-


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