Roosevelt Wins
In State Vote
Col. Frank Knox Chosen
By G.O.P. In Primary Of
New Hampshire
MANCHESTER, N. H., March 11.
-(R')-Nearlytcomplete vote tabula-
tions indicated today President
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Col. Frank
Knox won complete victories in the
New Hampshire presidential primary.
The primary yesterday was the first
statewide vote on presidential dele-
gates of the present national cam-
Roosevelt leaders claimed the fig-
ures assured the President of New
Hampshire's eight convention votes,
divided among eight delegates-at-
large with a half vote each and two
district delegates from each of the
two congressional districts.
Moses Places Second
Former U. S. Sen. George H. Moses,
(Rep., N.H.), second highest vote get-
ter on the Republican delegates-at-
large slate, asserted the Republican
vote sent Col. Knox off to a "flying
start," although none of the delegates
was officially pledged to the Chicago
and Manchester publisher.
Republicans voted for seven dele-
gates-at-large and two delegates from
each of the two congressional dis-
tricts, giving thesconvention delega-
tion eleven votes.
The Roosevelt-pledged delegates-
at-large candidates leading with
votes from 254 precincts out of 294
included former Mayor Henri T.
Ledoux of Nashua, 13,308; James J.
Powers, Manchester, 12,808; William
H. Craig, Manchester, 11,855; Amos
N. Blandin, Bath, speaker of the
House of Representatives, 11,107;
HenryM. Moffett, Berlin municipal
court clerk, 10,697; James A. Broder-
ick, Manchester, 9,827; Samuel T.
Ladd, Portsmuoth, 9,426; and Laura
M. Trudel, Derry, 8.175.
Bridges Tops G.O.P.
Gov. H. Styles Bridges topped the
Republican delegates-at-large slate.
He had 27,864 votes with 261 precincts
out of 294 tabulated. He was fol-
lowed by former Senator Moses with
25,521. Former Gov. Huntley N.
Spaulding received 23,232 and U. S.
Representative Charles W. Tobey,
They were followed by Attorney
General Thomas P. Cheney, 19,306;
Republican National Committeeman
Robert P. Burroughs, 13,944; Charles
E. Carroll, newly elected mayor of
Laconia, 12,679; and Harold K. Da-
vision, former president of the state
senate 12,067.
Two Republican candidates, un-
pledged but favoring Gov. Alf Landon
of Kansas,were ninth and fourteenth
on the slate of 16 delegates. Thirty-
three precincts were missing.
Graduate Will
Direct Offering
Of PlayGroup
Comedy By Moliere To Be
Sponsored March 18, 19,
20 And 21 At League
Charles T. Harrell, Grad., will di-
rect Moliere's "The Doctor In Spite
of Himself," which will be presented
by Play Production March 18, 19, 20
and 21; in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, along with Clifford Odets'
one-act play, "Waiting for Lefty."
Harrell has been a member of Play
Production for four years, and has
played many important roles in the
student productions. Last summer he
played the lead in "The Doctor In
Spite of Himself," when it was pre-
sented during the Summer Session
by the Michigan Repertory Players.
Other roles he has played in the
recent productions are Malvolio in
"Twelfth Night," Lysander in "A
Midsummer Night's Dream," Bran-
well Bronte in "Moor Born," Richard
Crale in "Merrily W'b Roll Along," and
the title role in "Dr. Knock." In ad-
dition, he has acted as publicity man-
ager for Play Production this year.
"The Doctor In Spite of Himself,"
one of Moliere's most famous and
frequently played comedies, is a sharp
satire on social conditions among the
learned professions in seventeenth
century France.
"Waiting for Lefty," the other pro-
duction scheduled for the double bill
is a new play, produced last year by
the Group Theatre in New York, and
deals with a New York taxi drivers'
Two J, ay SociologyTrip ToToledo s dk(h
isD sed(I1~ ''E~i~eiI f C . ~aiL~t(i ' h WI
iNt) if I itm e 1efor finals, the
Examination of slum districts andl
discussions with labor leaders fea-I
tured the two-day SCA trip to Toledo'
held for University students interest-
ed in social conditions, William Wil-
snack, '37, president of the Student l
Christian Association, said yesterday.
"Fifteen students from the Uni-
versity went down in three automo-
biles," he said, "in order to study at
first hand the social conditions of
that community."
Prof. Roderick D. McKenzie, head
of the sociology department aided in
arranging the tour, he said. It was
the first trip this year to nearby cities
for the purpose of seeing under what
conditions American families are liv-
ing. The two-day tours are open to
anyone on the campus who is in-
terested, and the expenses connected
with it are kept to a minimum, ac-
cording to officials. It is expected
that another such tour will be an-
nounced soon.
After arriving in Toledo at 2:30
Dietz, Interpreter,
Is To Give Recital
Paul Dietz, dramatic interpreter,
will give a recital of selectionsfrom
the works of Goethe and Schiller at
4:15 p.m. today in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre under the auspices
of the Carl Schurz Memorial Fund
and the German department of the
Mr. Dietz has devoted his life to
the stage both here and abroad. His
greatest success in this country was
in the role of Pontius Pilate in the
Freiburg Passion Play which toured
this country for four consecutive sea-
p.m., the students went directly to
the home of Professor Bushnell, head
of the University of Toledo sociology
department, where they were shown
housing plans the government has
diawn up for the slum clearance pro-
ject in that city. With Professor
Bushnell they went on an inspection
tour of the district affected.
Living conditions were seen at their
worst, Wilsnack said. The tenements
to be torn down had been evacuated,
and the students found in their ex-
amination of the interiors of the
houses still standing places where
more than twenty families had been
living in a fourteen room building,
with the "most filthy conditions"
prevailing. There were instances
where lack of water had made exist-
ence even more unbearable, he said.
They had dinner that evening at
the Central Y.M.C.A., after having
met with Vern Pfaender, government
agent in charge of contracting, and'
the problems with which he was faced
were discussed.'
A meeting with labor leaders had
been arranged by Professor Bushnell,'
and the party talked with representa-
tives of the Toledo electric light
union, central labor board, teachers;
union, the editor of a Toledo labort
publication, and a member of the,
board of education. Subjects of the
conversations were vertical unionism,,
history of unionism, Toledo Auto-
Lite strike, white collar unions, and
other aspects of the union movement.
Sunday morning part of the stu-
dent group visited a Negro Baptist
Church, while others made a general
tour of the city.
The afternoon was given over to a
meeting with relief workers and di-
rectors of relief work in the Y.M.C.A.
where they were shown Community
Chest films of social work in the city.
General relief problems were dis-
I can tho, orohloiixi ,cif umniciuril Lrovorn-
iAnn Arbor police could understand it:
ment, especially as they are correlat- or even if midsemesters, or if the J-
ed with the relations between business Hop were in the offing.
and government at 7:15 today But the local department is se-
at a professional meeting of Delta verely puzzled at present by the
Al ~ ~ ~ t ti w omite
the completion- of the first 10-year
cycle of the ahunni Ten Year Pro-
gram will be discussed today at a
meeting in the Union of a committee
of alumni officials from the Middle
West appoint ed by Emory J. Hyde,
president of the Alumni Association.
'he prograin which was begun in
1927 was intenided to give the alumni
a definite period in which to accom-
plish various projects relative to the
University, such as the erection of
the Burton Memorial Tower being
sponsored by the local alumni club.
Sigma fj pi, f l e !ifal business ad-
ninistratit) _Ifr0'ttrnit y.
The meet int, wihich is beim held
as a lr ' of the fiaterinity's student-
professional program. will be pre-
ceeded by a closed dinner. Mayor
Campbell, who is an alumnus of this
frternity, will attend the dinner
thft of Ihbree CaSes of igareMttes,L1
( slil ig 30,000 "coffin nails,'' from a
box car on a siding in the Ann Arbor
Railroad's yards sometime between 1
and 2 a.m. yesterday morning.
Someone, they maintain, must real-
ly have been in need of a smoke.
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