THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE I 1 11 1 1 1 - I I I - ---- ----------- a, Composers Of Entire Music For Junior Girls P 'Sprize' Music To Be Played By Al Cowan Composers Of Selections Are Robert Lodge, '39, Herbert Schultz, '39 To Open March 26 Tickets Will Go On Sale At Lydia Mendelssohn Office March 22 The musical selections for the 1936 Junior Girls Play, "Sprize!" have, for the first time in several years, been. written entirely by two University students, Robert Lodge, '39, and Her- bert Schultz, '39E, Barbara Hanna, chariman of the music committee, announced last night. In addition to these numbers, Ra- cheal Lease, '37, a member of the cast, has composed some incidental music which is to be used as sup- plementary numibers between the scenes. Cowan's Band To Play Al Cowan and his band have been contracted to play for this year's mu- sical revue, Miss Hanna announced. Cowan's seven-piece band has been paying at the Silver Grill since its opening a year ago as well as at all of the League teas. Tickets for the play will be put on sale Monday, March 21 in the box office of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Gretchen Lehman, ticket chairman stated. They are priced 75 cents and $1 for the evening per- formances, and 50 and 75 cents for the matinee. To Hnor Seniors The production will open at 8:15 Thursday, March 26 and will continue for an additional two day run with evening performances on Friday and Saturday. In addition, a matinee will be given Saturday. The opening performance is to be held after the annual Senior Supper, and will honor the graduating women. Lodge and Schultz have not only written the melody to the musical se- lections which range from modernist- ic feature numbers to popular pieces and waltzes, but they have also com- posed the lyrics to be used with these numbers. Selections to be used in the play which they have written are: "Ar- cade," "Love is Climbing Up a Rain- bow," a magazine feature number,I two waltzes, and two doll dances. Schultz is serving as the accompan- ist for all of the choruses during re- hearsals. Compose Seven Numbers The composers for the music for "Sprize!" have been active in camp- us musical organizations. Both stu- dents have studied piano for a num- ber of years. Lodge has been fea- tured as a singer with the La Scala Opera Co. in California. He is a member of the University Choral Union and the Freshmen Men's Glee Club. Schultz has written a number of popular pieces which have been used by many mid-western orchestras. In addition to playing the piano, he plays the clarinet. He has been en- gaged by several Michigan bands. The cast of "Sprize!" calls for approximately 195 junior women, in- cluding the speaking parts as well as the choruses. An additional 100 are working on committees for the musi- cal revue. Massive Jewelry In Brilliant Colors brightens Dresses With spring well on its way, jewel- ry blazes out into a flame of color. Spring suits and dresses are bright- ened by sets of bracelets, clips and ear rings in vivid colors and delicate pastels. They are. made of either wood or bakelite and are massive in size. Ear rings of this type are very attractive for campus, and definitely do not give an over dressed appear- ance. Radiantly colored clips and pins either take sports as their theme and adopt the shapes of tennis rac- quets, golf clubs or oars, or are in the shapes of animals---scotties be- ing the favorite. A novel way of dressing up blouses and sweaters is by replacing plain but os wilh th ee or four bar or recangular shaped little gold or sil- ver pins. The pearls worn all winter over plain necked sweaters can be discarded for a heavy silver cross on a silver chain. This tends to give a very pious appearance. For evening, jewelry is the acme of u , . r r. 4- - AIV"U6 u"IftfULI'Mul --I Petitioning For Judiciary Body Several Chapter Houses Make Announcements Of Initiations r Is R eopened1 Many sororities and fraternities _ have announced pledging and initia- tions which have been held recently. Winifred Bell, Chairman, APADLA 1 - ALPHA DELTA PI Announces Interviews Alpha Delta Pi announces the re- For Two Positions cent initiation of Edna Kandelin, '39, and Julia Ann Upson, '39. There Petioning for two senior positions will be an initiation dance, March Pettioningfory twousenior pasiton 14. Jean Finlayson, chairman for the on the Judiciary Council has been .m~r~rn A r Wni }. affair, plans that the house will be i X eopen , n1eJ. re e), 0'.r, Lc ar- man of the council, announced yes- terday. Due to the fact that there are two senior positions available on the Ju- diciary Council for the coming year, instead of the usual one, it will be pcssible for junior women to have additional time to apply for offices, Miss Bell said. It is required that all those apply- ing for the positions be junior women. The interviews will be given from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. today in the Under- ,graduate offices of the League. For all those who cannot be present at those times due to a conflict, an ad- ditional period has been set aside: decorated with spring flowers. ALPhA GAMMA DELTA. The Alpha Gamma Delta sororityI held a rushing dinner Monday, March 9, Margaret Carlson, '38, was in charge. ALPHA KAPPA KAPPA The Alpha Kappa Kappa frater-I nity held an initiation of new mem- bees at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, March 7. In the evening, following the initia- tion, a banquet will be held which about 35 alumni attended. The fol- lowing men were initiated: Marion De Weese, '39, Robert Finton, '39, War- ren Hastings, '39, Fred Lowrie, '39, Barbara Hanna, chairman of the music committee for J.G.P. has an- nounced the music and composers for the coming production. Frosh Frolic's Patron Group Is Anounced Sammy l[aye's Orchestra Coumies From Cleveland For Aiiniial Event Patrons and patronesses for the annual Frosh Frolic, to be held .Fri- day, March 20 in the Union ballroom, were announced last night by Doro- thea Staebler, '39, chairman of that committee. Sammy Kaye and his orchestra will come from Cleveland to play for the dance. They are now appearing there at the popular Cabin Club. President and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven head the list of patrons and patronesses which include Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley, Dean and Mrs. E. H. Kraus, Dean and Mrs. H. C. Sadler, Dean Alice Lloyd, assist- ant Dean and Mrs A. H. Lovell and assistant Dean and Mrs F. B. Wahr. Also included are Proi. and Mrs. A. D. Moore, Prof. and Mrs. F. N. Menefee, Prof. and Mrs. W. G. Smea- ton, Prof. and Mrs. I. D. Scott, Prof. and Mrs. Albert Hyma, Prof. and Mrs. P. A. Leidy, Prof. and Mrs. F. A. Mickle, Prof. and Mrs. R. C. Hussey, Prof. and Mrs. C. E. Burklund, Prof. and Mrs. P. W. Slosson, Prof. and Mrs. A. H. White and Prof. and Mrs. J. H. Hodges.; Dr. Margaret Bell, Dr. Emeth Schutz, Dr. W. M. Bruce, Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Himler, Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Forsythe, Dr. and Mrs. J. V. Fo- peano, Dr. and Mrs. J. V. McGarvey and Capt. and Mrs. R. R. Coursey. Completing the list are Miss Ethel McCormick, Mrs. Byrl F. Bacher, Miss Jeanette Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton F. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hornberger, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Win- nacker, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Litzen- berg and Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Fisher. ANN ARBOR WOMEN'S CLUB The Arts and Crafts division of the Ann Arbor Women's Club will meet at 2:30 p.m. today in the League. Mrs. George Jurdak, whose husband is a professor of mathematics in the American University in Beirut, will speak on Syrian arts and crafts. HALLER'S Jewelry State and Liberty Watch Repairing! means that now is the time to renovate your wardrobe. Take advantage of our quality clean- ing service. For you last-minute persons we have our excellent- HOUR EMERGENCY CLEANING AND PRESSING SERVICE C(lothes (Cilcd For and Delivered , ,. , Shoe Repairing Care.- fully done . . . .~Ph. 8722 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Friday in the James Lawrence, '38, James C. Ler- same room. chen. '39, James Miller, '39, John This is the final opportunity for Welgamot, '39. any woman to apply for a major DELTA SIGMA DELTA League position, Miss Bell stated, Delta Sigma Delta entertained the since all other petitions for major entire Dental School with a smoker offices have been closed, at the Michigan Union last Tuesday The duties of the Judiciary Coun- at 7:30 p.m. cii are divided into three major di- The class president Leonard Klaus - visions, according to Miss Bell. It ; ieyer, '36, opened the smoker with takes care of all of the interviewing an acdess The rest of the program of applications for League positions, consisted of moving pictures taken in has charge of the disciplining of all Flo rida and presented by the courtesy women students on campus, and also of Matt Mann, a student entertain- has charge of all sign-out slips. The ment which was in the form of a Council consists of three senior and ;radio program, a talk by Dr. Harry two junior positions.k I Parks of Jackson, President of Mich- The new officers will take their positions following the installation banquet wlich will be held in the *Trd*F n l League sometime in April. g t -~~ To Be Reached Where T10 G1 In Two Weeks Theatre: Majestic, "The Country Although the finals in the all- Doctor" with Jean Hersholt; Michi- campus annual bridge tournament gan, "tSrike Me Pink", Eddie Can-. have not yet been rached, the inter- tor; Orpheum "Society Doctor" with oty g e reanow ghn in Chester Morris and "Red-Heads on I O y gamesare nowgiinfull Parade" with John Boles; Whitney swing, according to Harriet Hatha- PaEad" of Ja"hndB"e; River way, '38, who has charge of the East of Java" and: "Red RerLeague tournament. Herbert Wolf, Valley" with Gene Autry; Wuerth, '37, in charge of the men's tourna- "Metropolitan" with Lawrence Tib- ment, stated that play will start for bett and "Born for Glory" with John the Union finals next Monday. Mills . The finals, to be played at the Leetures: Mr. Paul Dietz will read League and the Union in approxi- in German from Goethe and Schiller mately two weeks, are to be between at 4:15 in the Lydia Mendelssohn the winning affiliated and the win- Dancing: Hut Cellar. ning independent teams. The sororities and dormitories par- ticipating are: Alpha Chi Omega, Al- SIGMA DELTA CHI pha Gamma Delta, Alpha Omicron Tuure Tenander, '38, will give a talk Pi, Alpha Xi Delta, Chi Omega, Col- on the Associated Press to the mem- legiate Sorosis, Delta Delta Delta, bers and pledges of Delta Chi, hon- Delta Gamma, Kappa Alpha Theta, orary journalistic fraternity, at a Kappa Kappa Gamma, Pi Beta Phi, luncheon to be held at 12:15 p.m. Theta Phi Alpha, Martha Cook, Mo- today at the Union. A business meet- sher Hall, Jordan Hall, and Helen ing will follow the luncheon. Newberry. I (q11o// Does the J-l-importanl Manish Hat with a Jew Crown and a Snap Brim IN SEAENT Y -FIiI\)I II FFERENT SIADLS AiLL EIIAI)SIZ:S igan State Dental Society, and and1 annnouncement by Delos Kervin, '37, concerning the Odonto Ball. Bull sessions and refreshments con- cluded the smoker. KAPPA DELTA Kappa Delta announces the pledg- ing of Mary Loughborough, '39, of Ann Arbor. SIGMA PHI EPSILON Sigma Phi Epsilon announces the pledging of Donald T. Rudgers, '38E, of Le Roy, New York. ZETA PSI Zeta Psi wishes to announce the initiation of the following men: Harry, L. Swan, '39; John M. Maitland.,'39D,° Negaunee; George M. Lockwood, '39,. Monroe; Howard H. Rogers, '39, Mo- line, Illinois; Robert J. Banks, '39, Moline; James C. Palms, '39. Detroit; and Jonathan T. Carriel, '36, Du- buque, Iowa. The new initiates were entertained at an initiation banquet the following day. Zeta Psi also wishes to announce the pledging of Karl Klauser, Jr., '39, Milwaukee and Charles S. Quarles. '39, Milwaukee. Alumnae Will .learj ProfO. J. IR. Hayden Prof. Joseph Hayden, who recently ret urned from the Philippines will address the Michigan Alumnae Club at 2:30 p.m. today at the League on the subject of "Education in the Phil- ippines." The next meeting will take place April 4, whenMmrs. Alexander will speak on her experiences before the Supreme Court and on her work at Lansing. FRESH EN THOSE TIRED Murine quickly ( relieves eyes ir- ritated by read ingsmoke, dust, wind l oss of sleep. It's sooth- ing, refreshing. Use it daily. OR EYES U ~ luits, po-soreC by the Art Association, from 2 p.m. cvery day this week Memorial Hall. Ann Arbor p.m. to 5 in Alumni 1y Are A Fashiions XlodelcdI By Fia v, i, 4 111 '-1 A fashion show a« fa iv ythe Newcomers Group of the Faculty Women's Club, which met at 3 p.m. yesterday at the home of Mrs. Ralph Aigler, 2112 Wallingford Road. Mrs. J. C. Palmer, chairman of the Newcomers Group, was in charge of t t' cnertainment and was assisted by Mrs. 0. Clare Gates. Six faculty women. Mrs. Allan Squires. Mrs. Iv- an Thompson, i's. I .. Rot hbart, Mrs. Loi Scht1 Mrs. e. See- Lere~ an Mi Jom hed mod- elled the fressr \i wee fr- nished by local stores. EXHBITION OF PRINTS There will he an exhibit jn of . f fir..-- , , ig ton caiid 111% Famous Orchestra. YOUTH, INC. HOIXDO() DA NCE Iriday, Ie 13/h 9.un/il 2 $1.65 per COUPLE TICKETS NOW At Swift's Drug Store - - $ 5 WALK*OVER PRESENTS i nnounced CONSUMER'S DIVISION The Consumer's Division of the League of Women Voters will hold a meeting at 8 p.m. tonight in the League, it was announced by Mrs. William Stellwagen, chairman. There will be a discussion concerning the willingness of druggists to cooperate with the group in order to instruct the public on the subject of patent medicines. The housing problem and the tariff will be taken up in the near future. VO G UE says: College men with one voice voted "Sport clothes are the smartest thing ever conceived for a pretty girl." A NEW SPRING 111eanus A NEW COIFFURE Weekly Special Oil Shampoo & Fingerwave 50c CLIP THIS AD for a 10% Discount for all work here 201 E. LIBERTY - Tel. 2-3414 C AMPUS I I STYLES . ,Give your men a special treat by turning out in our low-heeled, square or round toe sports. This. one's the MECCA-white-bucko BURTON'S WALK-OVER 115 South Main __ . - -- _______-_ ._ __ .__ _ _ ?'4 ( f 1/ .fx r r . S f . . 35 .' r I . 1_ : + r: I' rrt 74 . C ' .y,,),/7, "$RENTWOOD" AS SHOWN IN HARPER'S BAZAAR B~e Gay W1ith Spring! $5 upI . , . For k prill - R- p)a o}.r vcil your hat. These hats arc inspired Creattiois lattering brims, flower-pot affairs, perky berets or one of the new straws that are so Spring-ish $395 3 lip Black., B3rowvn, beige, Jr 'oIkecfipe I I-" 1~~' I I