war on Germany they would have advanced long
before the Deutschland's rearmament.
But if the statesmen of the allied countries, and
France in particular, were wrong when they drew
up the treaty, and if they are the cause of the pres-
ent situation, how did they err, and can their mis-
takes be remedied? In the first place, there can be
no doubt that Briand and Clemenceau, the French
representatives who aided in drawing up the treaty,
were vindictive towards Germany, and eager to
adopt extreme punitive measures. They did not
realize what history since the war has now proven,
that in a country as severely oppressed as was Ger-
many, a strong nationalism is bound to develop,
creating an opportunity for the rise to power of a
fascist form of government and a dictator. Their
excuse for their action is, no doubt, that they de-
sired completely to remove the menace of Germany
from the continent, but they should also have real-
ized that a dissatisfied nation is a dangerous na-
4-,F[" v O
Publisned every morning except Monday during tho
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
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The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use
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Dorothy S. Gics Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
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Josephine M. Cavanagh. Florence H. Davies, Marion T.
Hoiden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. '
Another mistake made by the statesmen who
drew up the treaty - and this one can be remedied
today - was the creating of a demilitarized zone on
the German side of the Rhine, while the French
were permitted to build fortresses along their side.
Not only is this a point of great inequality, but
it also indicates the short-sightedness of the states-
men who thought that the disarming and weaken-
ing of one nation would prevent war while other
nations were allowed to arm almost at their will.
Another way of lessening the tension between
France and Germany, then, would be to create a
demilitarized zone on the French side of the Rhine
as well as in the Rhineland.
Perhaps one of the greatest faults in Germany
today, and the one which has been most conducive
to the rise of a fascist government, is the weak-
ness caused by the heavy reparations which Ger-
many had to pay to the allies, and to France and
Belgium in particular after the war. Germany
needs outside aid in the readjustment of her finan-
cial system, and when this has been accomplished,
the Nazi government will not be as appealing as
it is now to a restless and dissatisfied people.
It is possible for the parties to the Versailles
Treaty and the Locarno Pact to correct the evils
which they have caused. Doing so will have a
double effect. It will, first, remove from the Nazis
any excuse which they can present for their actions
other than that they are acting as a fascist govern-
ment must if it is to hold the peoples' support.
Second, it will improve the financial condition and
national pride of the German people to the ex-
tent that they will no longer need the moral
support and encouragement of a belligerent gov-
ernment. Peace is possible in Europe. The next
move is up to the former allied powers. They
must correct their errors, discard the attitude of
vindictive conquerors, and give Germany a chance
to re-establish herself on a level with the other
great powers of the world.
Telephone 2-12141
Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department,
Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver-
tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tions, Lyman Bittman.
The Purchase
Of Silver . .
the government has made a deal
with the Bank of Canada to the effect that the
Bank shall purchase for the United States newly-
mined silver produced in Canada. This agree-
ment is similar to that previously made with Mex-
ico. Furthermore, the government has made a
standing offer of 77 cents an ounce for all silver
mined in the United States. These arrangements
give the Treasury command of over 50 per centl
of the silver produced throughout the world. I
It has also been announced that deals are being
made with South American countries which. when
completed, will give the United States a monopoly
over the silver supply of the world. It is difficult
to discover the New Deal's purpose in buying this
great supply of silver, which has been discarded as1
a standard of exchange by every country of the
world, including China, which went off the silver
standard in 1935, when the United States ex-
changed gold for its silver. One of the most im-
portant reasons for discarding silver has been the
fact that it fluctuates in price too quickly and in
too short a period. This fact has been illustrated
in the government's buying spree, during which
prices ranging from 40 to 80 cents an ounce have
been paid for silver.
All this means that Canada and Mexico are
making a fine profit by selling their silver to us,
while the United States is incurring heavy losses,
Other nations of the world have sold over 650 mil-
lion ounces of silver since 1920. China now uses
gold and in India the value of silver has dropped
while our government's price has not. At the end
of President Roosevelt's term of office, the United
States Treasury will have amassed 108,000 tons of
silver, every ounce of it worthless.
The purchase of great quantities of silver has
not met with the approval of government officials.
At the time that deals with Mexico and Canada
were formulated, the undersecretary and an as-
sistant secretary resigned. No matter how broad
a point of view they took, they -could find no de-
fense for the New Deal's actions. What reasons
the government could have in attempting to mo-
nopolize silver must remain a mystery. The action
may be accurately termed either mistaken or
Renov1ing The
Revenge Tradition .
for no more perfect demonstration
of the results of the Versailles Treaty than the
actions of Herr Hitler and the German Republic.
These events transpiring in contemporary Europe
serve to prove once more that if the "statesmen"
who drew up the Treaty had been possessed of any-
thing resembling political and economic foresight.
the countries of the continent would not be in the
state of tension which menaces them today.
The people of Germany cannot be blamed for
the action which they have pursued. The treaty
humbled and humiliated them, and Hitler prom-
ised them liberation from the bonds which held
them. Although all that has happened in Germany
in recent years cannot be blamed on the treaty,
much of it can be traced directly to that wordy
document. The statesmen of the world gave Hitler
sn nnnormtity .and he has imnlv made the mnt
Letters published in this column should not be '
construedsas expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded S
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense n
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject w
Setters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus, ti
Thesis Mania d
To the Editor: L
I wish some antidote could be found for the F
thesis mania of the Sociology Department. No s
doubt I'm a Lazy Mind, but since I am, concentrat- t
ing in that field I occasionally elect courses about S
which my whole heart and soul do not revolve t
night and day. Every semester I have several e
theses to write, and although I begin them with In
some enthusiasm, long before they are ended my b
interest has been caught by other things and I fin- a
ish them by sheer self-compulsion and with com- w
plete boredom. a
Please, gentlemen, at least give us an alterna-
tive! -Swamped. r0
As Others See It
t rx
Ott The Compan~I1y We Keep,
(From the Daily O'Collegian)
I EOPLE ARE KNOWN by the company they w
keep. This old adage has been proven time
and again.
The other day a student on this campus was sus-I
pected of a very serious theft because he was knownA
to be constantly in the company of those who were
not above such activities. The student proved his
innocence and absolved himself of any connection
with the entire matter. And, although his recordF
was spotless, he admits that authorities had reason
to suspect him because of the company he kept.
Association with weak, ill-tempered, selfish peo-
ple is bound to affect any individual. The oldI
verse ...I
"If thou are mated to a clown,
The grossness of his nature shall have
weight to drag thee down."
has proved itself true time and again.!
An example of this influence of the people with
whom one associates is found in one's every day
language and mode of speech. Certain wise-cracksI
and- witticisms, accents, and manners of gesture
are quickly picked up. It does not take long for
one person's manner of speech to become easily
discernible in an entire group. Especially is this1
noticeable in fraternities and sororities and other
groups that are bound closely together.l
A student would do wisely to take time out to
pick those with whom he associates. Not always
can this be brought about because of jobs, class-f
rooms, and other things of a similar nature where<
t one cannot pick his associates. But one can cer-
Saturday, February 29
'O THE OFFICE, and there at my work of this
and that, but much in writing letters, and
ere most all the day, and so home for dinner
rd early to bed.
Sunday, March 1
LL THIS MORNING I at work at my office, and
so home of a fair day, and so in the afternoon
hear Miss Myra Hess play with great beauty
)on the pianoforte; and so to the office for a bit,;
mi so practiced in the evening guiding balls into
)ckets by means of a cue; and so home and to
Monday, March 2
fESTERDAY morning the workers in many
edifices in the city, members of the workers
rvice Employees Union, decided to cease work,
ley desiring to work fewer hours per diem, and
receive more money - the desire of every
uman being. Lord! my wish is to have a great
age for not working at all, and why those who
slike to read what I write, or even to live in a
orld wherein such matter is printed, do not form a
nion to pay me as much for not writing as I can
irn by writing. Hypocrites all, I say. But this
igh sounding name of Building Service Employes
e the men who run the lifts and put coal on
e furnace, and in some buildings the men who
and at the doors, and whistle to a taxidriver who
ready is at the door. Now the Mayor is right
hen he says that such a strike would be inimical
> the city's health. But how any union can get
nything from any employers unless they do is
ot only essential to the business of the employers
ut also when it is necessary to the health and
>mfort of the public. For then ,if the demands
f the union seem ,just, the public sympathizes with
e workers. Now if there were a strike of blue-
ather-on-women's-hat stickers nobody would be
euch inconvenienced by such a strike, and I doubt
ven whether the news of it would be printed in
ie newspapers. Nor is there much said in the
ress hereabout about the strike of the Hearst em-
loyees in Milwaukee, rebelling against what they
ill low pay and long hours and bad conditions of
ork. News this morning that a myriad (10,000)
thiopians had perished in northern Tembien. But
aere could be 10,000 a day perish in war which
ow is geographically remote from us, and it would
ot have the interest for us that this strike of
ie liftmen has. Perhaps the denizens in Tudor
ity soon will have literally to walk not only to
ork, but all the way downstairs to the sidewalk.
Root to dinner, and did a card trick, which
e taught to my boy, and I remembered that John
[ilholland told me that he started his career of
iagic by having learned a trick from Kellar, and
thought how haply in a year or two I might be
ble to retire, and wondered what work the parents
f Shirley Temple do.
Tuesday, March 3
[O THE OFFICE, and heard that Dr. Charles
Beard, whom I love and respect greatly, hath
ent a message to Governor Landon, saying, "A
umber of educators who have followed your career
'ith great interest would like to ask you one ques-
on: Are you proud to be sponsored by William
andolph Hearst?" Now I doubt whether Mr. Lan-
on will answer that, and I think it is poorly
hrased, for it is unfair and rhetorical, like the
iterary Digest's capitalization of NOW in its poll.
'or a candid answer might be, "Pride and even
elf-respect have little to do with a man who wants
o be a candidate for the Presidency of the United
tates. So I would rather have the support of
he Hearst press than its malicious enmity." But
andor and candidacy, though they spring from
he same root that, unless I remember nothing,
means glittering white. So to dinner with C. Camp-
ell and R. Irvin, who gave me so fine and large
steak that it made me very happy, and so
atched R. Hoffman beat Ned Wever, and so home
end to bed.
Wednesday, March 4
PHIS being one year before the inauguration of
whoever is elected next November, at the close
f day I gave a great party in my office to May
ecker, and when it was bruited about that she
vas being the first lady so to be distinguished,
nany persons called at my office to wish her
vell in many a toast and sandwich.
Thursday, March 5
11.P EARLY and to my office, wearily but cheerily
and mighty glad to find that W. W. Rock had
wrote a poem about the strike, as England's lau-
eate might himself have done it, thus:
must go down to the ground again, and I wisL
that I could fly,
And all I ask is a little lift, and a rope to pull
her by.
And the door's click, and the wind's rush, and the
long shaft shaking;
For I'm dead beat, and my heart's weak, and the
calves of my legs are aching.
I must go down to the ground again, for the call
of the daily chore
Is a loud call, and a steady call, as well as an
awful bore;
And all I want is a bungalow, or a modest river-
side shanty,
With one floor, and no more, where the entranc(
steps are scanty.
I sit and sigh as the days go by, nor peace witi
justice blended,
And hope for some millenium when the long strik
will be ended.
If all they want is a living wage, then give it,
and get it over,
For I must go down to the ground again to tak(
out little Rover.
So at the office until after four, and so hom(
for a nap, and got it, and after supper to th
office and then to the Hoyle Club, and hard b
it I met Merrill Hall the tennis president, and w
WASHINGTON, March 11.-One of
the happy memories of the Dem-
ocratic convention at Houston in '28
- happy even for those southern
Democrats who accepted the nomina-c
tion of Al Smith with such ill-con-1
cealed distaste - is that of the Hous-
ton "keynote" speech. It was quite at
speech, delivered by Claude Gernade
Bowers, then a big editorial gun ine
New York City: now ambassador to
There were explosive phrases
aplenty, such as Democrats love for
the adornment of political oratory.t
They were so explosive sometimes as
to raise doubt whether Mr. Bowers'
middle name had not been misspelled
on the program.
Diplomacy offers small scope for
the art of verbal pyrotechnics at
which the Bowers of '28 scintillated.
Hence a growing suspicion that Am-
bassador Bowers is due for service at
home during the campaign. There
are even hints that the Bowers type-
writer at Madrid has already done a
lot of work not confined to diplo-
matic pouches for transmission to
the United States. The Bowers touch
is supposed to be identifiable at times
in some of the many, many speeches
"Big Jim" Farfey makes.
THE idea that Ambassador Bowers'
special talents would be highly
useful to the Democrats when the
campaign gets into swing is fortified
by the expected nature of the cam-
paign. President Roosevelt, by re-
port, intends to carry the major
speech-making burden himself. None
of his cabinet looms as ranking ad-
ministration chief spokesman any-
how. Vice-President Garner is noted
for his reluctance to taking the
The normal Democratic national
committee publicity organization will
have its hands full without worry-
ing over coordination of the Presi-
dent's major lieutenants for cam-
paign purposes. What more logical
than that the efficient ex-editor in
Madrid should supplement the com-
mittee forces?
"'HE notion that the Democrats are
working out long view plans of
this nature for use after the Phila-
delphia convention grows out of the
most recent Republican national
committee assignment. "Ted" Hunt-
ley, a Pennsylvania newspaper veter-
an, graduate of the capitol press gal-
lery and one-time secretary to former
Senator Dave Reed of Pennsylvania,
has become director of publicity. Mr.
Huntley was so busy in Pennsylvania
political affairs during Senator Reed's
incumbency as to earn the joking
title "third senator from Pennsyl-
vania" among his former press gal-
lery colleagues.
Huntley's appointment makes quite
a Pennsylvania affair of the Repub-
lican committee set-up. National
Chairman Fletcher also is a Key-
stone stater. And that emphasizes
the ad interim character of the na-
tional Republican campaign organi-
zation since it seems highly doubtful
that any of the most talked of pos-
Bible Republican nominees would en-
trust the campaign management to
so Pennsylvania-tinged a group. They
all hail from the west.
Ten Years Ago
From The Daily Files
Of March 11, 1926
Publication in theB ilIe 1in is cot)structiv(1no t 11t !al m mb rs of the
Un verstty. Copy reccked at Ihe iloc of the A sistant to th .President
xmtUl3:30; 11:00 a m. on aturday.
THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1936 Library Science Special Lectures:
VOL. XLVI No. 112 Mir. J. Christian Bay of the John
Crerar Library of Chicago will speak
Notices on Friday, March 13, at 4:00 p.m., on
Faculty, College of Engineering: "The Work and Organization of the
There will be a meeting of the faculty John Crerar Library." On Saturday,
of this College on Thursday, March at 10:00 a.m., he will speak on "Re-
12. at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348 West discovered Books," illustrating par-
Engineering Building. Special order ticularly the work of certain Ameri-
-Recommendations of the Commit- can Botanists. Both lectures will be
tee onmCoordination and Teaching held in Room 110 in the General Li-
relative to change in the nontechnical brary and are open to all persons in-
electives and rearrangement of cur- terested.
_f_____- Presbyterian Lenten Lecture: The
Students of the College othird of the Lenten Lectures by Dr.
ture, Science and the Arts: A meeting William P. Lemon will be given at the
will be held on Thursday, March 12,Masonic Temple tonight at 7 p.m.
at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1025 Angel' Reservations for the dinner at 6 p.m.
Hall, for students in the Collegelof are necessary for those who wish to
Ha, frtudScienceand the Crtsgnd',attend. The subject of the lecture
Literature, Science, and the Arts and this week will be, Lessing's "Nathan
others terested etiu will bork inthe Wise." Students and faculty are
dressed by Dr. R. W. Bunting of the invited.
School of Dentistry. This will be the
second meeting of the vocational Exhibition
series designed to give information Exhibition of Water Colors, Archi-
concerning the nature of and prep- tectural Building: A collection of
aration for the various professions. water colors by Louis Bruyere is now
The third meeting, to be addressed by 'on view in the ground floor corridor
Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School of of the Architectural Building. Open
Education, will be held on Tuesday, daily 9:00 to 5:00 during this week.
March 17. Visitors are cordially invited.
Student Loans: There will be a Events Of Today
meeting of the Loan Committee in
Room 2, University Hall, Monday Psychology Journal Club meets at
afternoon, March 16. Students who 7:30 p.m., Room 3126 N.S. Professor
have already filed applications for Adams will present a paper on the
new loans with the Office of the Dean evaluation of certain statistical con-
of Students should call there at once cerpts in Psychology.
to make an appointment to meet the
committee. Applied Mechanics Colloquium:
The University Bureau of Appoint-"
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcement of United
States Civil Service Examinations for
Assistant and Junior Land Nego-
tiator, Bureau of Biological Survey,
Department of Agriculture, salary,
$2,000 to $2,600.
For further information concern-
ing these examinations call at 201
Mason Hall, office hours, 9:00 to 12:00
and 2:00 to 4:00.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received a catalogue from the
Graduate School for Jewish Social
Work for 1936-37. This catalogue may
be seen in the office of the Bureau,
201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9:00 to
12:00 and 2:00 to 4:00.
Academic Notices
Make-up Examination in Chem-
istry 3, Lecture Section II (Prof.
Bates) will be held at 3 p.m, on
Thursday, March 12, Room 410
Chemistry Building.
History 12: Section 3 and 6 (Mr.
Long's) will meet with sections 4 and
5 (Mr. Winnacker's, Tu and Th at
9, 229 A.H.; Tu and Th at 10, 229
A.H.) until Mr. Long returns.
Psychology 41: Students who were
absent from the final examination
will meet in Room 2116 Natural
Science Building, Friday at 2:00 p.m.
for a make-up examination.
Psychology 33: Students who were
absent from the final examination
-will meet in Room 2116 Natural
Science Building, Friday at 2:00 p.m.
for a make-up examination.
Political Science 107: Make-up final
I examination, Saturday, March 14, 9
a.m., Room 2032 Angell Hall.
University Lecture: Mr. Paul Dietz
of the Carl Schurz Memorial Founda-
tion, Philadelphia, will read in Ger-
man from Goethe and Schiller on
Thursday, March 12, at 4:15 p.m., in
time Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The
public is cordially invited.
Mr. C. W. Nelson will talko"Tr
sion Fatigue Testing Machines." Re-
view of Literature.. Meeting in Room
314 W. Engineering Annex, 4 p.m. All
interested are cordially invited to at-
Deutscher Zirkel: Meeting at 8 p.m.,
Michigan League. Prof. Benjamin W.
Wheeler will lead an informal discus-
sion of the present European situa-
tion. Members and all who are in-
terested, are invited to attend.
Sigma Delta Chi will hold a lunch-
eon business meeting for members
.and pledges today at 12:15 in the
Union. Prof. Wesley Maurer will
discuss briefly the recent Supreme
Court decision on freedom of the
Scalp and Blade Smoker at the
Union, 8 p.m. All members please
Physical Education, Women Stu-
dents: Students wishing to take the
skating test are asked to report to
Miss Burr at the Coliseum between
3:30 and 4:30 p.m.
Harris Hall: Student Starvation
luncheon from 12 to 1 p.m. today in
Harris Hall. All students and their
friends are cordially invited. The
proceeds will go to the Rector's Dis-
cretionary Fund for students.
J.G.P. Rehearsal at Palmer Field
House. Vogue, 4 to 5 p.m.; Raggedy
Anne, 5 to 6 p.m.; the Prologue will
meet at 7:30 p.m. at the League.
Coming Events
All Congregational Students and
their friends are invited to attend the
Student Fellowship Party to be held
in the Church Parlors, Friday eve-
ning. Dancing, 8:30 to 12:00. Admis-
sion 25c.
Graduate Outing Club is having a
Skating Party at the Michigan Skat-
ing Rink Saturday evening, March
14. All those interested are requested
to meet at Lane Hall at 7:30 p.m.
Admission will be 15 cents. Following
the party refreshments will be served
at the home of one of the offcers.
All Graduate students are cordially
invited to attend.
"Uncle Sam is marked down in
Japan's books as a boor," said Dr.
Galen N. Fisher of New York City,
noted orientalist, lecturing yesterday
on "The Moral Issues In The Rela-
tions of Japan With America."
Preliminaries in the Western Con-
ference Championship swimming
meet will be held at 7:30 o'clock to-
night in the Union pool, with nine
out of the ten Big Ten schools repre-
The prohibition battle which has
raged so fiercely during recent weeks
in Congress developed today a trend
towards "sniping," with leaders of
the contending wet and dry forces
taking "pot shots" at each other from
points of vantage.
Contrasting the characteristics o
the representative Michigan man
with those of the man-in-the-mass in
a hypothetical university, Prof. Wil-
liam D. Henderson, director of th
University Extension division, told
members of the class of '29 that thre
qualities are typical of the first: h
is enthusiastic, he is a good sports-
man and he knows where to draw the
line between conformity and individ
Opponents of Mississippi's anti
evolution law passed at the curren
session of the legislature, today be
gan another attack on the measur
simultaneously with Governor White
field's action in signing the bill.
Sunnlementing his lecture on
Farrell On Proletarian Art
[AMES T. FARRELL, author of the concerned with finding answers in
'Studs Lonigan" trilogy, con- terms of action.
tinues to expand on his study of con- The terms "individualistic" and
temporary literature and criticism. "collective" as applied to literature
He has made a careful survey of pro- seem to have been stumbling blocks
letarian literature, and has compared in Mr. Farrell's path. He feels that
it with the bourgeois literature which there is between them only a "false
he believes is its basis and back- distinction," resulting from an over-
ground. simplified utilization of the Marxian
Mr. Farrell finds only three ac- ideals and concepts of the class
ceptable definitions of proletarian lit- struggle. Thus, Mr. Farrell feels that
erature: "It may be defined as crea- one of the greatest faults in pro-
tive literature written by a member letarian literature is that it has made
of the industrial proletariat without of the class struggle "an article of
regard to his political orientation, as faith."
creative writing that deals with some Mr. Farrell's broad criticism of
phase of the life of the industrial pro- proletarian literature is that it is not
letariat, or as creative writing, that performing the lasting service of
by reason of the auothor's point of making men feel life more keenly,
view or his actual use of the mater- and, instead, "seeks to limit itself to
ial is concerned with life, the prob- the usurping of functions better
lems, or the attitudes of that segment served by direct political agitation,
of the proletariat which is class con- by political pamphlets and political
scious," slogans."
These are useful definitions, and This fault of proletarian literature
Mr. Farrell points out that they are can be corrected, in Mr. Farrell's
not to be used as evaluations of writ- opinion, as soon as writers realize
ing, nor are they meant to indicate that social reforms cannot be consid-
that work fitting into these categor- ered from the point of view of the
ies has not been influenced by "non- group alone. Towards this end he