The Weather Y r. Sir igm Al 13 t t E,: ('klMI1 rI'tic 1 i'rdttbaseOf iilv4r,' _.__ i '" VOL. XLVI No. 114 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS C Ceek Grani Admits Dishonesty In NYA Work Small Percentage Receive Salaries Without Doing Work, HeSays Student Cheaters Called 'Scallywags' Hits Collier's Magazine Article As Exaggeration Of Minor Flaws Probably one to five per cent of the students on the NYA roll are re- ceiving NYA funds "dishonestly," Prof. Lewis M. Gram, director of the NYA stated yesterday in answer to a Daily editorial, but he held the "un- qualified belief that the vast majority of students on the rolls were hon- est." The editorial pointed out the fact that at least two students were known to have received NYA money Without having worked for it, through care- lessness in the checking of work hours by NYA supervisors. "I presume that there are anywhere up to 50 students on the NYA pay- roll who are dishonest enough to re- ceive NYA money without working for it," Professor Gram stated, "but such students represent only a neg- ligible percentage of the entire group, and there doesn't seem to be any way of eliminating these few." Supervimrs Not To Blame Professor Gram did not believe that carelessness of supervisors is an im- portant cause of this minority of "cheating" on the NYA. "Either the students are honest or they are of the type which thinks it 'smart' to 'beat' the NYA administration out of unearned money, and these dishonest students will always find some way to get something for nothing," he as- serted.. Even if the supervisors do impose a rigid check on the number of hours put in by the students, Professor Gram held that the dishonest ones -- 'scallywags' he called them - will loaf on the job or devise other means to cheat the NYA. Professor Gram referred to the campaign of The Daily last semester to illustrate the difficulty of ferret- ing out these "smart" boys. The studen~t body was urged by The Daily to report cases in which cheating on the NYA was known. Only a few replies were received - all anonymous - and careful check on these failed in the majority of instances to reveal any actual dishonesty among the stu- dents. Article Is Exaggeration The articl by Walter Davenport entitled "Youth Won't Be Served," in March 7 issue of Collier's mag- azine, a sweeping criticism of NYA activities throughout the country was attacked by Professor Gram as an exaggeration of minor flaws in the workings of the NYA. In any sort of relief or welfare work, according to Professor Gram," a cer- tain amount of undeserving persons will be given aid, but to deny the en- tire worth of such agencies on the basis of these few cases is unjusti- fiable." English Ruler Asks Fund For Possible Queen Communication Brings Up Names Of Five Eligible Princesses For Monarch LONDON, March 11.- (/P) - Ed- ward VII, the first bachelor King of England in 176 years, opened the way tonight for a queen to sit beside him on the British Throne. His action consisted only of a royal request to the House of Commons to take account of financial provision for a prospective queen, but it spurred speculation throughout the nation of possibility of a regal wedding. "His Majesty desires that the con- tingency of his marriage should be taken into account so that, in that event, there should be a provision for her majesty," said the King's mes- sage, which was read by Neville Chamberlain, chancellor of the ex- chequer. Actually, he asked the Lower House of Parliament to bear in mind that his queen, if he marries, would needj Sellars, Slosson, She pard Speak On Fascism, Naziism And Hearst Faculty Men Appear At Symposium Sponsored By Student Alliance By ARTHUR A. MILLER "The psychology of the Fascist is the psychology of the cheater and the whole basic psychology of Fascism is that of deceit." said Prof. John F. Shepard of the psychology depart- ment last night before more than 500 students and others assembled in the Unitarian Church to hear Prof. Pres- ton W. Slosson of the history de- partment, Prof. Roy W. Sellars of the philosophy department and Professor Shepard in a symposium on war and Fascism sponsored by the Michigan Student Alliance. Two Types of Fas'sm$ "There are two types of Fascist," Professor Shepard said. "The delib- erate one who puts forth specious reasons for opportunism and the ser- ious, Hitler type." The contradictions of the German economic situation are so great, Pro- fessor Shepard stated, and Nazi hatred for Socialist solutions so deep, that Hitler and his followers have found a rational approach impossible. "Intuition instead of reason rules Naziism and since no two men have the same feelings, Hitler's are su- preme." In his talk on "Hearst and the Growth of Fascism in America," Pro- fessor Slosson began, "if by Fascism one means the full blown totalitarian state, I think we can say we will never live to see it in the United States. Attacks Hearst "The true seeds of Fascism are in this country," he added, "but you can't establish such a regime unless the internal conditions are ripe for it."' Despite the fact, however, that Americans would revolt against a gagged press, abolition of the ballot and are "reluctant to obey even if they are not reluctant to fight." The brunt of any invective his speech contained, however, drove against "William also Randolph Hearst," who, Professor Slosson held, "is the example of the nearest ap- Technic Picks Staff Members For New Year Baldwin, Sutin, Walker E Appointed To Positions Of MonthlyMagazine I 7 % proach to a Fascist who could appeal to the American mind. His clever, jingoistic, chauvinistic appeal to na- tionalism is at the bottom of his whole career. Differences between original Italian and German Fascism, Professor Sel- lars saw, as mainly arisingnfrom the Ifact that Mussolini had no definite piogram at his advent but continued in power governmentally eating "from hand to mouth." The philosophy of Nietzsche, he said, is quoted by Mus- solini who has taken many tenets of the "superman" doctrine. Nietzsche admired war, Professor Sellars said, and believed in the supremacy of the strong man. The fundamental impetus for Fas- cism, however, Professor Sellars said, are not philosophical. "Intrinsically, fFascism is preparation against a threat, for a struggle against So- cialism and Karl Marx's teachings," he stated. Housel States Board Favors Water Softener Says Problem Should Be Divorced From Question Of SupplySource The Board of Water Commissioners is fully in favor of building the new water softener here, Prof. William Housel of the engineering college, a member of the Board, told the Ann Arbor Citizens' Council last night in the City Hall. The reason that the Board did not take action sooner, Professor Housel told the Citizens' Council, "is that the question has never been present- ed properly." He emphasized that "never before have we been able to divorce the problem of a water soft- ener from the problem of water source." He cited briefly the con- troversy that has been waged for 50 years over Ann Arbor's water supply, the chief question being whether or not it should come from wells or from the Huron River." The city is fortunate, Professor Housel declared, in having two sources of water. He announced that a "com- prehensive survey" shows that the ground west of the city, near the cite of the proposed water softener, is adequate to handle the water here for years to come, although he said there is a question of whether it can be done "within a reasonable cost." Lewis W. Ayres, designer of the proposed water softener, who preced- ed Professor Housel, pointed out that Court Checks Lobby Group By Inj unction Holds Senate Committee Over-Stepped Limitations Of Bill OfRights Subpena Violated Fouirth A1! 'endment Black Threatens Passage Of Law Limiting Power Of District Court WASHINGTON, March 11. - (P) - The Supreme Court of the District of Columbia today rebuked the Sen- ate Lobby Committee - with a pre- liminary injunction - for over-step- ping the limitations of the Consti- tution. It ruled that a subpena issued by the committee for all telegrams sent and received by Winston, Strawn and Shaw, Chicago attorneys, between Feb. 1 and Dec. 1 of last year consti- tuted "unreasonable search and seiz- ure" in violation of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. "Feeling as I do, that this subpena goes away beyond any legitimate ex- ercise of the right of the subpena duces tecum," said Chief Justice Al- fred A. Wheat, "I think I am bound to grant the injunction as prayed for." No Appeal Intended Both Chairman Hugo L. Black, (Dem., Ala.), of the Senate committee, and attorneys on both sides of the case said the injunction issued by Justice Wheat, in effect, was perma- nent since neither party intended to appeal. The formality of a further motion remained, however, and Frank J. Hogan, famed Washington attor- ney, acting for the plaintiffs, said that he would take that technical step on Friday. The injunction had been asked by Silas Strawn, a .member of the Chi- cago firm, prominent Republican and formerpresident of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, who charged that the committee was con- ducting a "fishing expedition" against opponents of the New Deal in de- manding that Western Union pro- duce the telegrams. Arguments Incomplete The decision, announced orally even before Strawn's attorneys had fully completed their argument, loosed a train of circumstances filled with possibilities of a spectacular conflict between the Senate and the courts. Plainly aroused, Chairman Black, who had threatened to seek legis- lation restricting the jurisdiction of any court which presumed to limit the Senate's investigating rights said that the committee would "go over the briefs which the judge did not seem to have time to read" before making a final decision upon a course of action. Girl Suffers Face Injuries In Crash Jewell Fingerle, 26 years old, of 1332 Geddes Ave., suffered lacera- tions of the face and scalp at 10:45 p.m. yesterday when the light coupe she was driving was involved in a head-on collision with a Ford coach driven by Arthur E. Greene, 35 years old, 516 E. Liberty St. The injured woman was taken to St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital by a pass- ing driver after flying glass from her shattered windshield had cut her about the head. Banquet Will Mark Peak In Tower Drive Osborn, Former Regent And Governor, To Talk At AnnualMeeting Progress Toward $25,000 Goal Made Campaign For Entire City Will Begin Immediately; Distribute Cards The peak of the drive for student contributions to be used for the con- struction of the superstructure of the Burton Memorial Tower will be reached at 6:30 p.m. tonight at the University of Michigan Alumni Club's annual stag banquet. Chase S. Osborne, former regent and governor of Michigan, and Pres- ident Alexander G. Ruthven will speak at the banquet. It will be the first appearance of President Ruth- ven since his leg injury suffered early in January. It is planned to announce at the banquet the total amounts of the contributions of the various frater- nities toward the Tower. Last night the exact amount was not reported, but it was believed that many more i lnt.ributions had come Into the Alumni office during the day to raise the total of student organizations much higher than the $500 reported day before yesterday. The banquet tonight, while it will' mark the climax of the student drive, will mark the beginning of the drive by the University club which will can- vass the entire city. Special efforts will be made by the Tower committee of the local alumni organization to distribute pledge cards} to the entire community. The goal set for the local club is $25,000 and it is planned to raise approximately one fifth of the amount by student contribution and the remaining amount by subscription of the towns- people. The major part of the banquet pro- gram will consist of the discussion coficerning the building of the Burton Tower and complete plans for can- vassing the city will be laid. Results of the subscriptions from students and townspeople will be announced and the exact amount needed to reach the goal will be determined. Students, members of the local club, and non-members of the club were urged to attend by officials in League's Existence Threatened As War Looms Over Rhine i Cohen Loses Fight For Readnissiou LANSING, March 11. - (P) - Sam- uel Cohen lost his State Supreme Court fight todayto compel the Uni- versity of Michigan to accept him again as a student. He was one of a group of peace day demonstrators in Ann Arbor last spring. The court without comment refused to issue an order directing the Uni- versity regents to show cause why they should not re-register him. Cohen complained in his petition that although he had been a student in good standing since 1933, Presi- dent Alexander G. Ruthven of the University notified him July 9, 1935, that he could not return. He con- tended that the president's action caused him a $4,000 loss. Cohen had argued he is entitled to a full hearing before faculty mem- bers before he can be excluded. i~i Subcommittee Gets Modified Tax Program Treasury Offers List Of New Schedules; Seeks Levies On Corporation WASHINGTON, March 11. -(A) - More than a dozen new tax schedules, some far less drastic than earlier sug- gestions, were given by Treasury ex- perts today to a House Ways and Means subcommittee. With some committeemen still un- convinced that an additional yield of $620,000,000 is possible through a levy on undistributed profits, the sub- committee threw a curtain of secrecy around its proceedings. It was learned, however, that some of the new tables contemplated tax rates of 10 to 15 per cent on around 10 to 20 per cent of net undivided corporate income, graduating upward to 50 or 55 per cent on larger por- tionsnot distributed among stock- holders in dividends. One committee member asserted privately that the tables might offer a basis for periitting corporations to accumulate a "cushion" reserve to carry firms over "hard times" without decreasing the potential yield to the Treasury. Another member said he under- stood that the Treasury was prepared to insist that banks, insurance com- panies and fiduciary corporations be brought within the corporate tax plan. but the committee also was cnsid- ering a solution that might produce sufficient revenue without including them. Originally, he explained, the treas- ury contemplated that such institu- tions should be subjected only to taxation under present levies. Since they are permitted special exemptions and deductions already from their net income, it was contended, they might well be brought under the pro- posed corporate tax.r Volz Is Arraigned On Three Charges Herman Volz, 46 years old, Ypsi-l lanti beer tavern operator, was ar-i raigned today before Judge Jay H. Payne, here on charges of arson, fel-I onious assault, and reckless driving,c and bound over for examinationi under $13,000 bond, following a fam- ily altercation in which, it is assert-f 'ed, he assaulted his wife and set fire to the barn of his father-in-law, Gus Sandusky, of Dexter Road. Volz has been held in the Washte- naw County Jail here since early Sat- urday morning. Monday noon he severed an artery in his left arm with a tin can cover in an alleged suicide attempt while in his cell and was staken to St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital for two days to recover. At the arraignment Volz, upon his .attorney's advice, demanded exam- ination on all three charges, and+ withdrew his previous confession. The examination was set for March 20. I Great Britain Determined To Attempt Mediation Between France, Nazis French Attitude Is Termed Mere Bluff Announcement of staff positions on while the degree of hardness of the the Michigan Technic for the com- well water now supplied is 450 parts ing publication year was made at the per million and that of the Huron annual banquet held last night in the River 250, the softener will bring it Union. i'down to 85 pairts per million. Robert H. Baldwin, '37E, was chosen d _____parspe __n_ editor-in-chief, Hillard A. Sutin, '37E, managing editor, and James H. Wal- Post Office Bill ker, Jr., '37E, business manager. Col. H. W. Miller of the Advisory Board TO made the announcement and present- Is Stripped Of ed keys to the retiring staff mem- ee e bers.Ship Subsidies Prof. John L. Brumm, chairman of b the journalism department, was the principal speaker of the evening. His WASHINGTON, March 11. (P)-- subject was "Engineering Values." Two possible threats to early ad- Other speakers were Professors John Topnmsitlespirats o Cress D. Emswiler, Robert D. Brackett and Journment aspirations of Congress James H. Sains, Jr. arose today out of the course of Sen- Lower staff posiclons will be filled ate affairs. by David B. Lansdale, '38E, as ac- The Senate's action in ripping out counts manager, Goff Smith, '38E, of the treasury post office appropria- sales and publicity, James G. Eck- tion bill, a $26,500,000 item for ocean house, '38E, publication editor, Fred main subsidies was accompanied by M. Kempton, '38E, alumni editor, hints of a filibuster against legisla- Harold Luskin, '38E, circulation man- ager, S. M. Smith, '38E, Spec., articles tion to provide outright Federal aid editor and Sydney Steinborn, '38E, to shipping. college and professional notes. The $976,000,000 treasury post of- Baldwin closed the meeting and fice bill was snapped through pas- outlined new policies of the Technic sage by the Senate and sent to con- for the coming year. ference after debate on the ocean charge last night. It was especially emphasized that students could at- tend by making reservations in ad- vance either at the Union or with Dr. Dean Myers, president of the local club. U.S., British Plan Exchange Of Views LONDON, March 10. - (P)-An ex- change of views between Great Brit- ain and the United States on the question of fortifications in the Pa- cific may be undertaken before the United States delegation to the naval conference leaves for home. An authoritative source said that such discussions were contemplated because the Washington naval treaty of 1922, which provided for the status quo of Pacific ocean fortifications, will be terminated next Jan. 31. Both British and American dele- gates were reported to favor an ex- change of views. It was said that no formal understanding was being sought, but that each nation desired to have full information as to the intentions of the other. Say Little Entente Would Join France Should She Desert League LONDON, March 11.-(P)-Great Britain, on the eve of a momentous conference of Locarno signatories here tomorrow, faced the problem of holding the League of Nations intact and staving off a "preventive war" against Germany for its recent re- militarization of the Rhineland. The situation was admittedly ser- ious tonight and negotiations of the next few days will determine whether Europe will return to 1914, or whether a series of lasting peace pacts can be evolved from the wreckage of Ver- sailles and Locarno. With French spokesmen threaten- ing an immediate war against Ger- many and withdrawal from the League, Britain is still determined to follow a ''middle-of-the-road course" and to try to mediate between France and Germany. Russia Backs France A high diplomat here tonight de- clared that he regarded the French threat to quit the League as "mere bluff." But the real danger lay, ob- servers said, in the possibility that France, backed by Russia, Italy and the- Little Entente, would feel safe in launching a war against Germany without England and the League. "Why not now when we have a chance to win? It will come in two years anyway." This was the grow- ing French attitude, an attitude all the more dangerous since it was coupled with declarations throughout France that "French honor was at stakV." Diplomats, remembering the dark days of 1914, recalled how all efforts to mediate between the pow- ers were balked because they failed to satisfy "national honor." France Has Allies If France withdraws from the League, she will not be alone. It was regarded as certain that the Little Entente would follow her. Small nations, fearful that rearmed Ger- many is deliberately scrapping de- fensive alliances to make Europe helpless to act when Hitler starts to seize the small states, feel that now is the time to strike, if war needs be. France's allies were also increased today, when Turkey, whose hard- fighting troops were directed by Ger- many military genius in the last war, declared that she would help enforce Locarno against Hitler. French Attitude Is Critkcized By Nazis BERLIN, March 11. - (R)- A French threat to leave the League of Nations because of the Locarno sit- uation was seized upon by German officials tonight as proof of Nazi charges that France would not let the League "work against her." "Now it is clear," a foreign office spokesman said, "Germany's conten- tion was correct. Furthermore, the Franco-Russian pact is gradually be- ing smoked out. "Russia's eagerness to back France to the limit against Germany justifies our fears the pact had more behind it than was admitted. There were strong indications, how- ever, that if the council formally in- vites the Reich to attend she will do so. Italy Will Assume 'Reserve Attitude' ROME, March 11. - (P)-Italy, an official spokesman said today, will adopt an attitude of "absolute re- serve" at the London Locarno talks, refusing to collaborate with France and Britain as long as sanctions are applied against her. (French officials admitted in Paris Weaver Speaks At Alpha No Initiation mail subsidy had simmered down to a vote which struck out the $26,500,- 000 item. Eight Hours Sleep Are Essential, Local Medical Authorities Hold Senator Glass charge of the bill, (Dem., Va.), in conceded the com- TL-). .fln rr I wrATI-XTI !n 'AT merce committee recommended the R ED WAINLI NLL Alpha Nu, campus speech society, ocan mail provision be eliminated in How much sleep must you have? heard Prof. Bennett Weaver of the order to force action on direct sub- Or, rather, how little sleep can you English department at a banquet sidy legislation. If this failed, he get away with? last night in the Union, following said, the $26,500,000 item would be The answer to this question, which initiation of five members in Angell attached to a later deficiency bill. every student has asked himself at Hall. ________ .< aeone time or another, is, according to The attitude of the speaker de- J FlUniversity medical authorities, eight pends on his audience, and a speaker Urge Federal Workhours at least! And it doesn't make should talk neither over or under its eeaydfeec hte o'eaby intelligence," Professor Weaver said. For Civil Engineer any difference whether you're a boy and he stated that a public speaker Ciilo gr. must feel response of his listeners That's only if you are the Average and govern his remarks accordingly. Opportunities for civil engineers Student, however. If you're above Pledges were welcomed in a speech will continue to expand rapidly with average, you possibly can get away by George Sipprell, '36, former pres- "the increasing volume of public with seven without impairing your ident, and a response was given by works," R. L. McNamee, Ann Arbor physical or mental efficiency. But Camp said, "I think one can ac- custom himself to less and still keep a high degree of efficiency. Like eat- ing, it is a matter of training." Dr. Camp does not believe that go- ing without adequate sleep actually lowers one's resistance to disease. He disparaged the idea that certain dis- eases may be brought on by going without the amount of sleep needed, "at least for a considerable time." Butt Dr. Margaret Bell of the Health Service, director of Women's physical education,takes a slightly different view. Dr. Bell holds out for eight and a half hours for everybody. She admitted that it. "depends on the I-