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March 11, 1936 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-11

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European Tour
For Graduates
To Give Credit
tour Visits 8 Countries
Offering 6 Hours Credit
In Summer Session
A European study tour through
ght countries will be offered by the
niversity Summer Session for grad-
ate students in education by Prof.
1mer D. Mitchell of the School of
ducation, director of the tour.
The course, offering six hours of
raduate credit will devote special at-
ntion to the fields of physical edu-
ction, health, recreation, youth
iovements, adult education and uni-
ersity life in Europe. These activ-
ies will be studied in relation to the
>cial, cultural, and political back-
round of the various countries to be
sited, it was announced.
A feature of the tour will be the
pportunity of attending the Olympic
ines in Berlin this summer. At-
ndance is voluntary, it was ex-
ained, but special events taking
ace during the stay of the tour
ill be the opening ceremonies on
ugust 1, the track events continuing
om August 1 to 8, and the mass
monstrations of Swedish, German
id Sokol gymnastics of August 9 and

Eden Sees No War

-Associated Press Photo.
Dapper Anthony Eden, British
foreign secretary, told the House of
Commons England was prepared to
help France in an emergency but
that he saw no need for war in
Adolf Hitler's. remilitarization of
the Rhine and urged a study of the
Reichsfuehrer's peace proposals.

Student Deaths
Show Increase
Without Reason
Decline In Student Health
In Last 6 Months Shown
By Health Service Report
Six student deaths in the six
months from July to February 1935-
36, as compared to only one in the
same period a year ago, are recorded
in the February repo- t of the Health
Service. The report also states that
there has been an unexplainable de-
,line in student health.
Chance seems to be the best way of
accounting for this increase, as well
as the 50 per cent increase of ap-
pendicitis in this same period, ac-
cording to Dr. Forsythe. The heavy
and prolonged snow cover which can
also only be attributed to chance, re-
sulted in seven serious sliding acci-
dents, which the report showed to be
unusual. Other serious hospital
cases have likewise been more fre-
quent this year.
"So far," Dr. Forsythe said, "the
student body has escaped the un-
usual amount of influenza which has
been serious in some parts of the
An increase in pneumonia from
four cases in February of last year
to seven for the same period this
year was recorded. Other figures in-
cluded in the report for February
were : dispensary calls ( 9,619) , hos-
pital patients 38), room calls (148),
mental hygiene interviews (1,468)
laboratory examinations (2,325),'pre-
scriptions (1,299), sensitization tests
(122), refractions (151), dermatology
treatments (311), upper respiratory
infections (686), bone fractures (22),
local infections (50), and boils (17).
Nine new members have joined the
department of journalism library this
semester, it was announced yesterday
by Maynard Hicks, Grad., librarian,
bringing the total membership to
about 35. Several new books have
also been added to the library by
donation and purchases, Hicks said.
The library now contains about 50
About 4 acres near Barton Hills.
High building spot with beauti-
ful views. Building suitable for
summer cottage. Could be re-
modeled for year-around use.
Other desirable suburban prop-
erties for sale.
Phone 2-2839

Worley Hits Government Order
Reducing Rates for Railroads
Says Slash Is 'Flagrant' that the Interstate Commerce Com-
E p Gmission "doesn't know anything about
I.example OfGovernment the real problems facing the rail-
Bureaucracy' road, or their solution," and as evi-
dence of this he pointed to the fact

The recent action of the Interstate
Commerce Commission in reducing
passenger railroad rates is a flagrant
example of governmental bureauc-
racy "stepping in where it has no
business to belong" in the opinion of
Prof. John S. Worley, head of the de-
partment of transportation engineer-
The rate-slashing mandate of the
Commission, lowering coach fares
from 3.6 cents to 2 cents a mile, and
cutting Pullman fares from four to
three cents a mile, was passed Feb.
28 by a five-four decision, and will go
into effect June 2. Its practical ap-
plication will be limited to eastern
railways, since south and western
railroad lines already have estab-
lished fares as low or lower than those
fixed by the Commission.
Although in design this mandate
purposed to meet the challenge of
cheap highway transportation, Pro-
fessor Worley emphatically denied
that it would bring to the railroads
anything but an aggravation of the
already heavy losses being suffered
in the railway passenger service.
"Not only is this act an unwar-
ranted display of government author-
ity and an increasing burden both on
the railroads and ultimately on the
public, but it is in opposition to the
Constitutional principle of liberty,"
Professor Worley declared.;
The Constitution assures private
enterprise freedom as long as such
freedom does not interfere with pub-
lic interest, he continued, and the
Commission's rate reduction is direct-
ly contrary to public interest. "I
hope the railroads will take it to
court," he stated.
It is the belief of Professor Worley;

that there is on the Commission, only
one "railroad man," who has been
directly connected with the industry.
"It doesn't even make sense," he
stated, to assume that the men ac-
tually engaged in the industry, whose
income depends on its successful op-
eration, know less about how to make
profits than members of the Com-
mission entirely inexperienced in ac-
tual railroad operations."
Asked if there was any other so-
lution to the problem of almost uni-
versal railroad losses on passenger
service, Professor Worley replied that
the only way out he could see would
be simply to eliminate those passen-
ger runs in which consistent losses
have been sustained.
Stream-lined trains have opened a.
new opportunity for railroad passen-
ger service, he pointed out, but it is
too early yet to say how important
they may become. Some railroads
are enthusiastic over this latest in-
novation, but others, such as the New
York Central, won't touch them.
Sales To Address
Kennel Club Here
Members of the Ann Arbor Kennel
Club will meet in the Chamber of
Commere Building tonight to hear an
address by Prof. Edward K. Sales of
the department of veterinary medi-
cine of Michigan State College.
Professor Sales' talk was originally
scheduled for the Union. He will
discuss the diet and care and preven-
tion of diseases in dogs. Non-mem-
bers who are interested are invited to
attend. The meeting will begin at
8 p.m.

Members of the University of Mich-
igan Club of Memphis, Tenn., have
just completed arrangements for a
tuition scholarship to the University
for some outstanding student of
Memphis or the vicinity.
This scholarship is the project of
the Memphis Club in the 10-year
Alumni Program being conducted by
the Alumni Association.
The scholarship fund has been
placed in the hands of the University
and provides for the annual sum of
$450 for the next ten years. The
University is also in charge of all
subsequent sums pledged to this fund
and it is hoped that in the future
more than one scholarship will be
The applicants for this scholarship
will be given preliminary interviwes
by the members of the Memphis
club, but the ultimate choice will be
left up to the University. A project
similar to this one has been devised
by alumni in Pittsburg, and Gary,
Ind., but this scholarship will be the
first to be offered by such a club.

Herman Volz, 46-year-old Ypsi-
lanti man, who allegedly attempted
to commit suicideMonday noon in
the county jail, was released from
St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital yesterday
He was returned to the jail and
lodged in one of the strong cells.
Sheriff Jacob Andres was attempting
to get in touch with the State Fire
Marshall's office in Detroit to have
a representative come here and ques-
tion the prisoner about the burning of
a barn on the Dexter road that be-
longed to his father-in-law, Gus San-
dowsky. Volz was about to be ques-
tioned by a representative of the
Marshall's office when he was dis-
covered with a severed artery.
He is being held in the jail on a
charge of felonious assault, brought
by his wife, and a charge of reckless
driving, brought by his sister-in-law.
Family altercations were thought to
have led to his attempted suicide, al-
though Volz denied having cut him-

Scholarship Given Would-Be Suicide
By Memphis Alumni| Is Returned To Jail

.7 .A SINGTEO1852

The trip will cover a period of 65
ays extending from June 27 to
eptember 1. The eight countries
cluded in the itinerary are France,
ermany, Austria, Hungary, Czecho-
ovakia, Denmark, Sweden, and Eng-
nd. However, special trips at added
:pense may be arranged to Switzer-
nd, Italy, Poland, Finland and Rus-
a, it was explained.


(Continued from Page 4)
day, March 12, 4:00 p.m. All in-
terested are cordially invited to at-
Weekly Reading Hour: For the pro-
gram on Thursday, March 12, at 4
o'clock, in Room 302 Mason Hall,
Professor Hollister will read from the
newer poetry. Persons interested are
cordially invited4 to these reading
Physical Education, Women Stu-
dernts: Students wishing to take the
sating test are asked to report to
iss Burr at the Coliseum on Thurs-
day, March 12, between 3:30 and 4:30.
Deutscher Zirkel; Meeting Thurs-
day, March 12, 8 p.m., Michigan
League. Professor Benjamin W.
Wheeler will lead an informal discus-
sion of the present European situa-
tion. Members and all who are in-
terested, are invited to attend.
Miss Francis Harrison, representa-
tive of the Graduate School for Jew-
ish Social Workers, will be in 313
Haven Hall between 10:30 and 12:30
and 1:30 and 4:00 on Thursday,
March 12 to interview students who
wishk to enter the Graduate School
for Jewish Social Workers next Sep-
Appointments during these hours
may be made by calling Miss Mildred
A. Valentine, extension 440 or 22685.
Harris Hall: Student Starvation
luncheon from 12 to 1 o'clock on
Thursday in Harris Hall. All stu-
dents and their friends are cordially
invited. The proceeds will go to the
Rector's Discretionary Fund for stu-
Sigma Delta Chi will hold a lunch-
con business meeting for members
and pledges tomorrow at 12:15 in thel
Union. Prof. Wesley Maurer will dis-
cuss briefly the recent Supreme Court
decision on freedom of the press.

Announce Program
For Albert Spalding
The program to be played by Al-
bert Spalding, distinguished Ameri-
can violinist, who will appear here
at 8:15 p.m. Monday night in Hill
Auditorium, on the choral Union
Concert series, was announced yes-
terday by President Charles A. Sink
of the School of Music.
Mr. Spalding will open the pro-
gram with "La Polia" by Corelli, to be
followed by Mozart's "Concerto in
A." He will then play Brahms "Son-
ata in D Minor" for piano and violin,
and Spalding's prelude to "The Wind
In The Pines.",
"Cortege" by Boulanger will be the
next number, followed by Sarasate's
"Malaguena," Ravel's "Habanera,"
and Szymanowski's "Tarentelle."
Mr. Tuure Tenander will give the first
of the five-minute pledge talks, dis-
cussing some aspects of the Associat-
ed Press. Arrangements will be made
for those who have one o'clock
Phi Beta Delta will sponsor a tea
at Hillel Foundation Thursday after-
noon at 3. Cordial invitation to



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Violin ist

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