TIlE MICHIGAN DXIIY WEDNESDAY , MARCH i, 193 [ 200 In Danger Of Losing Relief, a gg Declares City Council's Refusal To Appropriate $4,000 Is Blamed For Shortage Unless the City Council retracts its refusal to appropriate approximately $4,000 in relief funds, 200 unemployed residents of Ann Arbor will be com- pletely cut off from all outside aid in five days, Charles F. Wagg, adminis- trator of the Washtenaw County Wel- fare Relief Administration, said yes- ter day. More than180eadditional unem- ployed in the rest of the county will also be without relief if local governments fail to contribute ap- proximately $6,000 by March 15, he added. An unnamed committee of inde- pendent citizens announced last night that it will present a petition to the City Council today or tomorrow ask- ing that a special meeting of the Council be called before March 14 in order to vote funds to meet the emer-1 gency. Half of Burden Is Local German Troops Whose Advance Stirs France -Associated Press Photo For the first time since the World war, German and French trops faced one another on the Rhineland frontier, in some places "within ma- chine gun distance," as the result of Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler's remili- tarization of the zone. Fear of frontier incidents that might lead to armed conflict swept along the border. Machine gun-equipped German troops are shown at left during recent war games. League In Advance Of Pollock's Aency In Civil Service Work , A * A. A A The present emergency arises from the cut of state relief appropriations and a new plan of financing relief costs which were announced last week, Wagg said. The new method requires thatlocal governments bear 45 per cent of the relief costs and the state government the remaining 55 per cent. Until last week the localities had been paying 22 2per cent. The reduction came so suddenly, Wagg stated, that it was impossible for him to make provision for it. He had expected, before the cut was an- nounced, that the state and local funds would carry the agency through March. His office has consequently been al- lotting payments of state money into March and unless the city and other local governments appropriate funds immediately, there will not be enough money to feed 380 people in the county after March 15. Counted On State Aid The relief agency has been count- ing on state appropriations but since they are not forthcoming, the im- mediate responsibility has been shift- ed to the localities under the new agreement. Those affected in this emergency, with few exceptions, have been de- pending on state relief. They are healthy and are therefore employ- able, Wagg said. Some of them have worked on WPA projects but for most of them there have been no positions. Aside from its inability to care for the 380 workers forced off the rolls, the agency has also been forced to discontinue all supplementary relief to WPA workers. Until now, workers on Federal rolls have been entitled to supplementary aid from the state fund if their budgets, or necessary ex- penditures, are 15 per cent more than their incomes. U. S. Delegates May Be Asked To Sign Treaty France And Great Britain Planning New 'ripartite Naval Agreement LONDON, March 10. - (P) - With the international naval conference rapidly drawing to a close, the United States delegation cabled today to Washington for instructions as to whether it should sign the tripar- tite treaty now being drawn up be- tween the United States, Great Brit- ain and France. The action was necessitated by an eleventh-hour change in the plan of the delegates of Great Britain and France, who previously had expected only to initial rather than sign the treaty. 'The American delegates also asked what chance there would be for an early consideration by the senate of the treaty which would become ef- fective Jan. 1, 1937, provided the signatories had ratified it. The pact, which probably will be completed next week, will be "an open treaty," to which any power later can adhere. The French and British hope the Italians soon will adhere while the Americans and British entertain similar hope regarding Japan. Germany and Russia probably will sign bilateral treaties with Great Britain and not enter the general, multilateral treaty. The feeling was expressed among delegates that the United States' ratification may be made with res- ervations depending upon the entry of Japan and Italy. dI Today and Thursday Cooperative Project Ready To Help Cities In Setting Up Personnel Programs By I. S. SILVERMAN The cooperative Project which has been set up tq aid Michigan cities in establishing merit systems is today at a more advanced stage than the State Civil Service Commission head- ed by Prof. James Pollock, which is still in its fact-finding state, it was explained yesterday by Maxwell DeVoe. Mr. DeVoe is field representative of the Civil Service Assembly of U.S. and Canada, which, together with the Public Service Commission and the Michigan Municipal League, has al- ready initiated a program of setting up personnel systems in Michigan cities. Therefore, in view of the more ad- vanced state of the Michigan Mu- nicipal League's work, a comparison between the cooperative personnel program and the governor's commis- sion which is at present making a study looking towards the desirability of establishing a state civil service program cannot be made, Mr. DeVoe said. "In the first' place the two projects are dissimilar," he said. "The gov- ernor's commission is essentially a temporary fact-finding committee to determine through public hearings the sentiment in regard to civil serv- ice and through these special hear-. ings to get the reaction of State de-. partment heads to civil service." "Secondly," Mr. DeVoe continued, "the commission has not crystallized on any proposed legislation and it would be premature to make any pre- dictions as to what might be com- bined in such legislation." Two years ago plans were discussed Pack Forestry Essay Contest Ends March 15 Essays intended for the Pack essay contest must be in the office of the forestry school secretary by March 15, it was announced yesterday by Prof. D. V. Baxter and Prof. W. Ky- noch of the school of forestry and conservation. The contest, open each year to forestry students, is made possible by a gift from Mr. Charles Lathrop Pack of Englewood, N. J., a former resident of Michigan who is president of the American Tree Association. According to the forestry office, 23 students have signed slips indicating the title of their entry. There is a $50 first prize for the best popular article on a forestry subjectrdesigned to interest the public in forestry. If there are more than five entrants a second prize of $20 will be given, and a third prize of $5 is offered if there are more than, ten submissions. Essays are limited to 2,500 words. Last year's winning manuscripts may be examined in the forestry library. for the setting up of an independent project in "Michigan in the absence of any State civil service agency. These plans have materialized in the foim of the present cooperative Proj- ect., The work in the State is being done through the Michigan Municipal League of which Harold D. Smith is director. "However, the Project is not a pro- motional program to foster civil serv- ice," he stated, "but is being under- taken by the League with the belief that cities will benefit through a proper professional approach to their personnel problems. The League will undertake to provide this service only in the event that there is sufficient public interest and sufficient inter- est on the part of the management of cities that some form of merit system is desirable, whether that be a full civil service program or a par- tial program embodying some of the important principles of a merit sys- tem.," EVEN ING RADIOI PROGRAMS__ 6,:00-WJR Buck Rogers. wWJ Ty Tyson. WXYZ Amusement Guide. CKLW Omar. 6:15 --WJR Junior Nurse Corps. WWJ Dinner Music. WXYZ Dance Music. CKLW Joe Gentile. 6:30-WJR Duncan Moore. WWJ Bulletins. WXYZ Day in Review. CKLW Rhythm Ramblings. 6:45--WJR Musical Moments. wWJ Musical Moments. WXYZ Lowell Thomas. CKLW Old Bill. 7:00-WJR Myrt and Marge. WWJ Amos and Andy. WXYZ Easy Aces. CKLW Shadows on the Clock. 7 :15-WJR Adventures of Jimmie Allen. WWJ Evening Melodies. WXYZ Captain Tim. 7:30-WJR Kate Smith. WWJ Studio Hour. WXYZ Lone Ranger. CKLW 'variety Revue. 7:45-WJR Boake Carter. 8 :00-WJR "Cavalcade of America." WWJ One Man's Family.j WXYZ Rendezvous. CKLW Listener. 8:30--WJR Burns and Allen. WWJ Wayne King's Music. WXYZ Ironmasters. CKLW Hugo Mariani's Music. 9:00-WRJ Rosa Ponselle: Kostelanetz' Music. WWJ Town Hall Tonight. WXYZ Corn Cob Pipe Club. CKLW Evening Serenade. 9:30-WJR Ray Noble's Music. WxYz Twenty Thousand Years in Sing Sing. CKLW Sinfonietta. 10:00-WJR Gang Busters. WWJ Your Hit Parade. WXYZ John Charles Thomas CKLW Husbands and Wives. 10:30-WJR March of Time. WXYZ Heidt's Brigadiers. CKLW Ted Weems' Music. 10:45-WJR Dance Tunes. WXYZ Gray Gordon's Music. 11:00--WJR Bulletins. WWJ Troupers. I WXYZ Baker Twins. CKLW Freddy Martin's Music. 11:15-WJR Abe Lyman's Music. WWJ Dance Music. CKLW Anson Weeks' Music. 11:30--WWJ George Kavanagh's Music. I WXYZ, Lowry Clark. CKLW DeMarco's Music. 11:45--WJR Bob Clarke. WXYZ_ Enoch Light's Music.1 CKLW Jan Garber's Music. 12 Midnight-WJR Barney Rap's Music. WWJ Russ Lyons' Music. CKW Hal Kemp's Music.l WXYZ Shandor: Glen Gray's Music. 12:30-WRJ Sterling Young's Music. WXYZ Ruby Newman's Music. CKLW Jack Hylton's Music. 1 :00--CKLW Will Osborne's Music. Law Discussed By Dean Bates As Profession Bar Associations Praised And Lawyers' Requisites Described In Speech That the American bar has in re- cent years been greatly improved by the growth of Bar Associations which have been developed in recent years, and which have purged the bar of shyster and other undesirable law- yers was the opinion of Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School in a talk given yesterday before a group of literary college students interested in studying law. Although the bar still has a num- ber of dark spots in it, said Dean Bates, the Bar Associatons which have been organized in 15 states, have done, and will continue to do a great service, in adding to the dignity and honor of the American bar. Understanding Needed It is necessary, said Dean Bates, that the student planning to study law ascertain whether he has in him- self certain faculties of concentration and understanding of modern life. The old style of dramatic oratory which characterized such men as Daniel Webster, he said, is no longer necessary, though it is desirable that the young lawyer of today be able to speak accurately and intelligently. The old idea that a student of ar- gumentative disposition is particular- ly well-suited for the law is a mis- taken one, Dean Bates stated. In fact, he added, such a lawyer is likely to find that he incurrs the disfavor of both judge and jury. It is more important, he said, to be able to pre- sent a case logically, clearly and concisely. A Study of Human Nature Dean Bates emphasized the idea that the change in the tempo of life has brought about a new type of law- yer, a man with an active imagina- tion, who is able to face situations for which there is no precedent with confidence and intelligence. It is im- portant, he said, that the student planningfi to enter Law School realize that the law deals with the study of human nature as well as the study of exact science. To these abstracts the lawyer must add his own imagin- ation and his own ideas, logically and cleverly thought through, he said. Dean Bates discussed the unique functions of the lawyer which modern business has developed. Among these he said, the outstanding one is per- haps, that of the "law engineer," whose duty it is not only to help his client in time of trouble but also to plan for his client, and to direct his activities so that he will not encount- er difficulties. The future of women in the law is, according to Dean Bates, not very bright at present, though he said it is slowly improving to make way for women of high ability. Musical Group Completes Tour Of Eastern U.S. The University Little Symphony, composed of fourteen assistants in instrumental instruction of the School of Music, returned to the campus Sunday night after a five- week concert tour which included fifty-eight concerts in sixteen states extending from Michigan to the Gulf of Mexico, and covering the major portion of the eastern and southern states. Most of the concerts were given in the leading institutions of higher ed- ucation in the states visited. Ap- proximately 22,000 people attended the concerts of the Little Symphony, and on all concerts this unique mu- sical group was most enthusiastically received and was also acclaimed by the press in many instances as being one of the finest organizations of its kind now on the concert stage. Ruby Peinert, violoncellist, Romine Hamilton, concertmaster and violin- ist, Raymond Kondratowicz, pianist, and John Krell, flutist, were soloists in the concerts.l On Sunday evening, the LittleI Symphony will present the second in. its series of informal musicales in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room in the Michigan League. The concert will begin promptly at 8 p.m. Romine Hamilton will be soloist with the group. There will be no admission charged and the public is invited to attend this concert. Thor Johnson, Grad., will conduct. Ann Arbor's Own Student Vox Pop Is On VWJR Today Turning from the sidewalks of New York, Chicago, and other great cities, the "enquiring reporter" will be cur- iously quizzing students upon the campus from 9 to 9:15 a.m. tomor- row in front of Morris Hall. Sponsored by the University Broad- casting Service, under the direction of Prof. Waldo Abbot, the "enquir- ing reporter" program will be broad- cast over WJR, a Detroit station. The queries which will be aimed at stu- dents returning homewards from classes will be supervised by Gerald- ine Elliott, Grad., Charles Harrell, Grad., and William Dixon, '36, as part of their work in the Laboratory Class in Production, taught by Pro- fessor Abbot. This is the second time that this program has been given upon the campus, Miss Elliott explained. Last year, during the spring, the ques- tion asked of passerbys was, "Do you think fraternities are an advantage in after life?" Industrial Tax Gets Approval Of House Body Committee Adds Demand That Firms' Reserves Be Given Protection WASHINGTON, March 10. - (') - President Roosevelt's corporation tax revision program moved forward to- day with the approval of the Demo- cratic majority of the House Ways and Means Committee. But the committee majority in- formally approved the plan with the understanding that it should be mYod- ified to protect corporations in lay- ing aside sufficient reserves to "cushion" the concerns in lean years. This proposal was bitterly opposed by administration experts who in- sisted the program as originally pre- sented did not prevent corporations from building up reserves for a rainy day. With the committee majority's approval, a sub-committee set to work today to draft the President's recommendations into bill form, and to work out a system of moderate taxes for "cushion" reserves. Despite administration opposition, the ways and means sub-committee was considering several proposals for per- mitting corporations to lay aside "cushion" reserves without paying high taxes on them. Much discussed was a proposal to graduate the tax scale according to the percentage of annual profits turned into surplus. Thus a corpora- tion might keep 10 per cent of its profits in surplus without paying more than the present corporation tax of about 16 per cent on it. Speaker Byrns and other adminis- tration leaders were opposing this plan. They argued that even with a tax of 33 1 3 per cent, a corporation could keep half its profits in surplus without paying more total taxes than at present. Opposition was reported to have been expressed by many of the ways and means committee majority mem- bers to the President's proposal for temporary revival of the processing taxes on a broader but thinner scale. APPLE POLISHING FAILS COLUMBUS, O., March 10. - To obtain the highest grades with the feast effort, don't fall to indulging apple polishing," advise various pro- fessors of Ohio State University. "In my experiences with both students and professors," observes C. Wells Reeder, junior dean of the College of Commerce and Administration, "there have been comparatively few instances when a grade has been raised by a student impressing a professor by methods other than the actual quality of his work and a sin- cere interest in his course." Engavd $ 100 Cords& es 65 THE ATHENS PRESS Printers City's Lowest Prices on Printing 308 North Main Street - Dial 2-1013 ClassifiedDirectory NOTICES CLASSIFIED NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair ADVER ISINGand refinish furniture. Phone 8105, ADVERTISING E ulmani" ""1 A VTI I GA. A. Stuhlman. 15x Place advertisements with Classified 4dvertising Department. Phone 2-1214. EYES examined, best glasses made at The classified columns close at five lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M. )'clock previous to day of insertion,.ie.OuisU fM Box numbers may be secured at on graduate, 44 years practice. 549 extra charge. Pcad hn -86 3 Cash in advance Ile per reading line Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES: We'll per reading line for three or more buy old and new suits and over- insertions. Minimum 3 lines per in- sertion, rate --15c coats for $3 to $20. Also highest telephone pre 1nserreading line prices for saxophones and typewrit- for two or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. ers. Don't sell before you see Sam. 10%, discount if paidswithin ten days Phone for appointments. 2-3640. from the date of last insertion. By contract, per line - 2 lnes daily, lox one month ....................8c -- 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months.......8cLOST AND FOUND 2 lines daily, college year ......7c 1_________ _________ _ 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ......sc 100 lines used as desired .. ..9c LOST: Waltham wrist watch between 300 lines used as desired..........8 Recess Tavern and Union. Reward 1.000 lines used as desired .......7Poe236 '0 apn 6 2.000 lines used as desired .6 Phone 2-3361. 701 Tappan. 369 The above rates are per reading line based on eight reading lines per inch. LOST: Pair of brown sheepskin-lined [onic type, upper and lower case. Add 5c per line to above rates for all capital gloves. 606 East Catherine Street, etters. Add 6c per line to above for Phone 6740. Reward. 373 bold face, upper and lower case. Add __________________ lOc per line to above rates for bold face.LAUNDRY capital letters. The above rates are for 7% point type. STUDENT HAND LAUNDRY: Prices reasonable. Free delivery. Phone FOR RENT -ROOMS 3006. 6x 3-room suite: beautifully and com- pletely furnished. $40 per month for employed adult. 327 E. Williams, 372 WANTED: Quiet pleasant room for lady in good east side neighborhood not too far out. Preferably only roomer. Box 115. 371 FOR RENT: Wish to sublet room, now paying $4.50. Three blocks from campus, private lavatory, for $3.00. Box 113. 355 Fascism To Be Topic Of Talks At Symposium Three aspects of Fascism will be discussed by prominent University professors tonight when the Michigan Students' Alliance presents the first of a series of three symposiums at 7:45 p.m. at the Unitarian Church. Prof. Roy W. Sellars, of the philos- ophy department, Prof. John Shep- ard, of the psychology department, and Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the history department, will be the speak- ers. "The Philosophical and Political Aspects of Fascism," will be discussed by Professor Sellars, "The Psychology of Fascism" by Professor Shepard, and Professor Slosson will speak on "Mr. Hearst and Fascist Tendencies in America." The subject of the second sympo- sium, the date of which will be an- nounced soon, according to Alice Brigham, '36, will be "Fascist Or- ganizations in America and Their Influence." The third symposium will consider "How to Prevent Fas- cism in America." All students, faculty members, and townspeople are invited to attend the discussions, according to Miss Brig- ham. O RTN CA PE U RO PE OLyM piC GA M E R US$I A 6e4YZI~lfco-E) R EU I RE P SUMMER VOYAGE " JULY 1st, 1936 Of each 25 passages bought before April15 th ce-bylo oni eFRE- 60 DAYS, FIRST CLASS, FROM $725 leed b lo, i* REE (money refunded).Dook now UNIVERSITY TRAVEL ASSOCIATION -you may win fre trip! De- 30 ROCKEFELLER PLAZA, New York Cfty tils at bus. off. this paper. . . ... - - I I -- ",i.",. . a:.' , " y i t a 2 y f^ i{jR, . 4 f, ; , , 1. 7 Y"( i 'A' Continuous 1:30 - 11 p.m. 15c to 6-25c after 6 Last Day1 WALTER CONNOLLY and_- M TODAY J.rn MAT. DAILY 25c 2 &3:30 IurA EVE. 7&9:00 EVE. 25c & 35c -I Ride through the tunnel of love with Eddiel GOLDWYN {. : o presents Reach 10,000 People for as little as Cheap? Figure it out for your-70 C self. Effective? The people who use the want ads regular- (Minimum cha ly know that it is! Easy? Just for a three-line a matter of picking up a tele- inserted one ti. phone and calling our ad- Additional ins taker! What more could you tions only a it want ... whether it's rooms core.) I E DMUND LOWE "GREAT to rent, articles to sell, or lost I i i II 'P1 AlliE 1 31 i E l ii" I:liii1 111 111 11 I 1111