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March 10, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-10

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Increasing cloudiness, pos-
sibly rain in north, warmer to-
day; tomorrow cloudy, colder.




A Constitutional Amendment..
Cutting Our Own"Throats ..
Stabilize World Currency...



Jones Is Silent
On Rumored
Is Considering Favorably
Harvard's Offer, Student
Newspaper States
Has Opportunity Of
Full Professorship
Meeting Last Week With
President Conant Was
Start Of Rumors
Prof. Howard Mumford Jones of the
English department "declined to com-
ment for a few days" last night as a
wire from the Harvard Crimson stated
that he is "considering favorably the
offer of a full professorship at Har-
Professor Jones arrived here yester-
day from New York City, where after
docking from Bermuda Friday, he
conferred with President James B.
Conant of Harvard Saturday. Ru-
mors that he would take a post in
the Harvard English department, re-
signing his position here, started last
week when it became known that he
saw President Conant in New York
before sailing for Bermuda. He is on
a semester's leave.
"Although Jones has not yet ac-
cepted," the Harvard dispatch stated,
"he is considering the proposition fa-
vorably and will decide this week.
If he comes, he will teach courses
on prose fiction of the 18th and
19th centuries in American and Eng-
lish literature, as well as seminar
courses in comparative literature
showing connection of these fields
with European literature."
When informed of this wire, Pro-
fessor Jones told The Daily last night
that he htd "nothing to say. I
shall have to decline to comment
for a few days. I will let you know
as soon as I can."
No comment could be obtained from
University officials.
Alumni To Meet
With Students At
Detroit Banquet
Discussion Will Facilitate
Exchange Of Ideas That
Pertain To University
Michigan alumni of Detroit will
consider University problems, with
nine campus leaders -and several
prominent members of the faculty to-
night at the Student Relations Ban-
quet at the University Club in De-
troit. It is an annual practice of this
club to hold a round table discussion
in which alumni, faculty and students
are all able to exchange their ideas
pertaining to the University.
Faculty members and others con-
nected with the University attending
the banquet are: Prof. Henry C. And-
erson of the engineering college; Em-
ory J. Hyde, president of the Alumni
Association; Stanley Waltz, manager
of the Union; T. Hawley Tapping,
general secretary of the Alumni As-
sociation; and Robert O. Morgan, also
of the Alumni Association.
Students attending the banquet
are: William Dixon, '36, president of
the Men's Council; John C. Mc-
Carthy, '36, secretary of the Union;

Foster Campbell, '36, business man-
ager of the Michiganensian; Clayton
Lem, '36, president of the Chinese
Students Club; Paul W. Phillips, '36,
cadet-colonel of the R.O.T.C.; George
R. Williams, '36, president of the In-
terfraternity Council; Wencel Neu-
man, president of the Union; Thomas
H. Kleene, '36, managing editor of
The Daily; and Francis Wallace, '36,
president of the Engineering Coun-
Bates To Speak On
'Law As A Career'
Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law
School will deliver the first of a series
of 13 lectures to be given this spring
by prominent faculty men on profes-
sions and the student's preparation
for them when he discusses "Law As
a Career" at 4:15 p.m. today in Room
1025, Angell Hall.
In the past these talks have en-
joyed great popularity with students,
,- ,-nc C itnrq lOirar n11 c? of. -

~No lWar For E~
Key iNahions 1
Danger Is Minimized By
Preuss, Hleneman; See
Event As Inevitable
No war for Europe - yet
That was the opinion yesterday of
political science department author-
ities on international affairs, who an-
alyzed the crisis caused by Germany's
repudiation of the Locarno Pact. t
Prof. Lawrence Preuss ninimized
the danger of conflict because he
sees the key nations of Europe as
"check-mated" by each other. Point-
ing to Hitler's renunciation of the'
treaty as "perfectly timed," he held
that the action "fully justifies" a
French invasion of Germany. But
nevertheless he thinks the nation'
west of the Rhine is not in a posi-
tion to stand up for its rights.
Both Professor Preuss and Dr. Har-
low J. Heneman declared that Ger-
many's occupation of the Rhineland
is "another inevitable and expected
step" toward fulfillment of the Third'
Reich's nationalistic amoitions, and
Dr. Heneman says the odds are
says ( thee dd
Matthews Talks
On Methods Of
Crime Detection
Describes Use Of Ballistics
And Micro-Photography
In War On Criminals
The work which can be done by
ballistics and by micro-photography
in fighting crime was described by
Prof. J. B. Mathews, chairman of the
University of Wisconsin chemistry
department, in his address on "The
Use of Scientific Methods in the Iden-
tification of the Criminal" yesterday
afternoon in Natural Science auditor-
Constantly illustrating by slides the
met nods about which he spoke, Pro-
fessor Matthews mentioned many
cases which he and his colleagues had
solved by detecting various markings
on bullets which were found at the
scenes of crimes.
Use Micrsopic Studies
Through microscopic study of the
markings which were left on the lead
of the bullet by markings on the gun
barr i, the gun used in the crime can
be taced. Another method is to
study the markings left on the shell
of the bullet, Professor Matthews
stated, either by the firing pin or by
the impact of the shell against the
breech of the gun when fired.
i;y photographing these markings,
highly magnified of course, and com-
paring photographs of the firing pins
and breeches of guns, the gun with
wv'ich the shot was fired could be
determined, Professor Matthews
pointed out.
Markings Examined
In cases where firearms were not
used, Professor Matthews explained
Lhat a similar study of the markings
of the bla'ded instrument, if such
were used, could be studied. This
often led to the apprehension of the
perpetrator of the crime, Professor
Matthews added.
He cited an instance where a knife
had been used merely as an instru-
ment to whittle branches which were
used as a camouflage in a forest mur-
der. By a two-weeks study of the
ends of the branches and the blade of
a knife found on a suspect, the latter
was connected with the crime.

rtrope--Yet,' As
tre Check-Mated
against war because "no nation in Eu-
rope is prepared, either economically
or psychologically, for a major con-
Germany's move could especially
have been anticipated now, Professor J
Preuss pointed out, "because the only
three states that could have prevent-
ed it - France, England and Italy,
upholders of the Versailles Treaty
- were at swords points aover Ethi-
Hitler Times ills Move
"Hitler timed hismove to make it
at exactly the moment that the
League of Nations Committee on
Sanctions reported avorably on an
oil embargo," he continued.
The committee's report, according
to Professor Preuss, really put France
on the spot. "Disapproval of the
report by France would alienate
England. Approval would alienate
Italy. Either, with Nazi troops camp-
ing on her borders, would be embar-
rassing for France."
And despite Nazi solemn protests
to the contrary, Professor Preuss be-
lieves that the occupation of thef
Rhine is only the beginning of further
demands on the part of Germany.
"The only thing remaining in the Ver-
sailles Treaty is territorial adjust-
ments," he declared. "No one had
ought to be certain that Germany
has no territo"al ambitionsbecause
of other offical Nazi proclamations
and because of their consistency in
throwing off provision aftermprovision
of the Versailles Treaty.
Denounces Germanys' Argument
Pointing to the "peculiar" interpre-
tation of international law worked out
by National Socialist jurists, Profes-
sor Preuss denounced Germany's ar-
gument that the VersaillesTreaty was
voided by the recent Franco-Soviet
Pact. "It is utterly without validity,"
he charged.
He pointed to Third Reich rational-
izations on international law, all for
the purpose of invalidating the Ver-
sailles treaty, including, especially the
toontimuea on age B)
No One Bitten, But
An Economics Class
Goes To The Dogs
When a class, especially an ec-
onomics class, goes to the dogs then
that's news even if no one was bitten.
Members of W. Lawrence Hebbard's
class yesterday were opening their
books to settle down to an hour's dis-
cssion. Suddenly a loud bark was
heard in the back of the room where
a sleeping police puppy came to life as
someone stepped on said canine's tail.
In the midst of the confusion no
one noticed the arrival of a second
puppy attracted by the bark. Soon
the room was in a state of bedlam as
both puppies chased each other under
seats and around the desk of Mr.
Finally the police puppy, being the
only one of the two owning a collar,
was ejected from the class while the
other pup settled down under a rear
The room was warm, so Mr. Heb-
bard, opened the door slightly, re-
marking, "We'll leave this open in
case he should change his mind and
want to return."
Simultaneously the door did open
wider and a tardy student came in.
The class roared. The laughter grew
when the second puppy returned to
see what all the confusion was about,
and then the police pup in the rear
woke up to see what was going on.
This time both dogs were removed,
not out of the room but out of the

Burton Tower
Building Gifts
All But 2 Of Contributing
Fraternities, Sororities
Donate $50 Or More
To nve Out Pledge
4111 1 .2 7 in


Stan( Weakened;

British Seek Conciliation;
Await MeetingOf League

CtUrVs Last Of Week
Supply Companies Give
$1850 In Materials For
2onstru ction
Gifts from a group of 14 fraterni-
ties and sororities to be used in the
building of the Burton Tower totaled
more than $500, T. Hawley Tapping,
Alumni secretary, announced yester-


Paris Counting On Aid Of
Little Entente, Russia,
BelgiumAnd Poland
Germany Formally
Invited To League
Hitler's Peace Pact Offer
To Stand Or Fall On
Council Decision

day. *
The groups contributing, all but
two of which gave $50 or more, are:
Phi Sigma Delta, Acacia, Alpha Phi,
Chi Omega, Zeta Beta Tau, Collegiate
Scrosis, Phi Kappa Tau, Sigma PhiI
Epsilon, Alpha Omicron Pi, Trigon,
Alpha Xi Delta, Alpha Tau Omega,
Sigma Chi and Phi Kappa Psi.
Reports last night stated that the
Martha Cook, Mosher Hall, Adelia
Cheever Cottage, Alumnae House,
Alpha Delta Phi, Pi Beta Phi and
Kappa Kappa Gamma had also con-
tributed to the drive, but the total of
these gifts was not known.
General distribution of pledge
cards will take place in the city
Thursday, Friday and Saturday and
subscriptions from the townspeople
are being turned in to officials in
charge of the drive.
A goal of $25,000 has been set by
the local University Club to build the
superstructure of the Tower and the
chamber housing the $70,000 Charles This pikture, rushed by mnessen;
Baird Carillon, which will arrive in and by radio to New York, shows
Ann Arbor late this summer accord- entering the city if Cologne, in t
ing to Prof. Earl V. Moore. Rhine, after Reichsfuehrer Adolf t
Among the volunteer gifts already and ordered military occupation of t
given for materials and service in~
conjunction with the Tower construc-_
tion are Luther G. Randolph, $900,
the Killins Gravel Co., $450, and the Stately Indian QuenC
Shawnee Stone Co., $500. I! Rescued From Chains
Teams to distribute the pledge
cards throughout the city and campus PROVIDENCE, R. I. March 9.-An
have been organized. They will at- PRVDNER.IMac9-A
tempt to canvass the entire down- unwelcome attendant at morning
town district as well as the campus. chapel for Brown University students
had to be sawed from her place in the
front row.
The visitor was Little Red Wing, a
cigar-store Indian, placed in the
A chapel by student pranksters. The
Severs A rter y, stately Indian queen, cigars in hand,
was found chained to a seat when the
Is: TRecl v Terincr chapel was opened in the morning.'
! i The chapel caretaker and a car-'
penter worked vigorously to saw the
Herman Volz, 46-year-old Ypsilanti chains by which the figure was held.
man, was reported out of danger last Through their efforts the solemnity
night by Dr. Karl D. Malcolm, staff of the chapel service was saved be-
physician at St. Joseph's Mercy hos- ifore the main body of students ar
nital after he had allegedly attempt- I rived.

--Associated Press Photo.
ger to Berlin, telephoned to London
a detachment of German cavalry
he demilitarized district along the
Hitler denounced the Locarno Pact
the zone.
f i
Mimles .Society
Discloses Plan
For New Opera
A call for manuscripts for the
Union Opera to be produced next
year was issued yesterday by Shirrel
Kasle, '37, new president -of Mimes,
honorary dramatic society of the
At a meeting yesterday other of-
ficers elected were G. Stewart John-
son, '37, vice-president and Edward
Adams, Jr., '37, secretary-treasurer.
Retiring officers are Robert Slack,
'36, Nesbitt Haas, '36, and Vaudie
Vandenberg, '36.
Anyone interested in writing a book
for next year's production is urged to
see Kasle. Manuscripts must be in
one week after spring vacation.
kasle is a member of Phi Epsilon
Pi fraternity, the Varsity Glee Club
and president of Hillel Foundation.
Johnson was a member of last year's
Opera cast, and Adams has been a
member of the Opera cast for twoa
years in addition to being a member
of the Dance Club of Play Production.
HARRISBRG, Pa., March 9. - (P)
-- Cornelia Bryce Pinchot, red-haired
wife of former Gov. Gifford Pinchot,
and long an aggressive political fig-
ure in her own right, took the re-
quired legal steps today to get her
name on the Republican ballot.

PARIS, March 9. - (A) - France,
with pledges of support for her pro-
test against German reoccupation of
the Rhine zone, saw her position
weakened tonight by an apparent
British desire to negotiate a new Eu-
ropean peace treaty.
Publicly, the government asked its
military allies how far they would
go to punish Adolf Hitler's violation
of the Locarno Pact.
Six nations -Poland, Russia, Bel-
gium, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and
Rumania-came forward with pledges
of support for the French protest to
the League ofrNations.
Privately, French officials declared
that the speech in the House of Com-
mons by Anthony Eden, British for-
eign secretary, left possible only a
"platonic" condemnation of the Reich.
The threat of war to oust the Ger-
man troops from the Rhineland les-
sened after French officials declared
that they believed an outbreak of ac-
tual conflict to be impossible.
Officials expressed themselves as
convinced that Great Britain mut
be the intermediary in any discus-
sion between France and Germany
over the Reich's denunciation of the
mutual security treaty
The flat refusal of Premier Albert
Sarraut to consider offers of new trea-
ties, they said, makes it "impossible"
for Paris to talk directly to Berlin
and at the same time "save its face."
BERLIN; March 9. - (P) - Ger-
many, expressing disappointment at
France's curt refusal of her offer of
a peace pact, looked today to a meet-
ing of the Council of the League of
Nations Friday to decide whether she
will further estrange herself from the
former Allies.
Adolf Hitler's offer to sign peace
treaties with his neighbors, a foreign
office spokesman said, stands or falls
on the manner in which the Council
will handle the Franco-Belgian
charge of a violation of the treaty of
A foreign office question spokes-
man, commenting upon the Council's
session said: "A fateful question con-
fronts all Europe next Friday. Will
France prove stronger than the
League, or will the League prove
more formidable than France?
"Will the League take March 7 as
a starting point and say we violated
Locarno or will it go back to May 2,
1935, to find the Soviet pact so pro-
voked Germany that her action is
GENEVA, March 9. - () The League
of Nations formally invited Germany
tonight to participate in a meeting of
the Council Friday to examine the
Franco-Belgian appeal against Ber-
lin's violation of the Locarno treaty.
The speech of Foreign Secretary
Anthony Eden to the British House of
Commons created the impression
here that League sanctions against
Germany are unlikely.
Some circles said Premier Mussolini
would demand cancellation of the
sanctions now in force against Italy
as a condition to pursuing African
peace negotiations. Italy Saturday
accepted the League's appeal for
such negotiations.
ROME, March 9. - (P) - Italy and
Germany signed a treaty today giv-
ing mutual recognition to civil and
juridicial codes of their countries.
Despite reports that Berlin and
Rome are seeking a rapprochement
in the current European crisis, of-
ficials said the meeting was limited to
this point.

A First Latin Edition Of Euclid
Acquired By University Library

ed to commit suicide shortly before
noon at the county jail.
Discovered by sheriff's officers just
before he was about to be questioned
by a representative of the state fire
marshall's office, Volz was found to
have a severed artery in his left arm.
The cutting was done with the lid
from a salve box in the prisoner's pos-
session, Sheriff Jacob Andres stated.
Volz denied that he had attempted to
do away with his life, officers said.
The prisoner was being held here
on a charge of felonious assault with
intent to do great bodily harm, less
than the crime of murder, brought by
his wife. He was also charged with
reckless driving by his sister-in-law.
Moved to a new cell, where he was
found bleeding to death, Volz was
about to be questioned concerning
the burning of the barn of his fath-
er-in-law, Gus Sandusky, on Dexter
road. Volz was suspected of arson
because of the family altercations.
He was brought to the county jail
Saturday afternoon and had not been
arraigned in justice court when the
alleged suicide occurred.
Anniounce Winners
In Poster ContestI
Announcement of prize winners in
the Tower Poster Contest sponsored
for both High School and University
students was made yesterday, by of-
ficials in charge.
In the University division first
prize, $25, went to Max E. Hodge, '39,
Pontiac. Second prize was awarded to
David Lemon, '38, Ann Arbor.
Robert Grams of Ann Arbor High
Rehm] wrn first nzie of 9 in his

Prof. Housel To Speak
Before Citizens' Council
Prof. William Housel, of the en-
gineering college, will be one of four
speakers at a meeting of the Ann Ar-
bor Citizen's Council to be held at 8
p.m. Wednesday in the Council
chambers of the City Hall.
The proposed water softener and
how it operates will be the subject for
discussion. The operation of the
Water Department, the problems it
has met, results of the recent sur-
vey of the ground water supply and
policies of the Water Board will also
be considered.

One of the three or four first Latin
editions of Euclid in the world is now
a part of the collection of rare books
in the University Library, and dating
from 1493, the work is the first print-
ed edition in any language, accord-
ing to Prof. Louis C. Karpinski of the
mathematics department.
The book was given to the Library
by John Spaulding, '97, a well known
Detroit lawyer. Professor Karpinski,
who for more than 30 years has been
wiorking on the rare book collection,
located the edition in the book mart.
Mr. Spaulding volunteered to buy the
book and desired to place it in the
Library as a memorial to Prof. Alex-
ander Ziwet, former faculty member
of the University, whom Mr. Spauld-
ing described as the "finest teacher
I ever had."
Bound in the original vellum, the
rnnv of Euclid ha the hook-nlate of

appropriately enough include the
words, "It is not good for man to live
Approximately 150 editions of Eu-
clid's Elements including nearly all of
the English translations are in the
Library. There are editions in Eng-
lish. French, German, Spanish, Ital-
iarn, Dutch, Russian and Arabic, Pro-
fessor Karpinski stated. "In some of
these languages there are only por-
tions of the text, as the complete text
with even short comments includles
about the material in two ordinary
sized volumes," he said.
Possess Many Editions
"Mr. Spaulding," Professor Kar-
pinski continued, "saw an article in
the Michigan Alumnus of some weeks
ago concerning our collections. He
then wanted to add the book to make
our collection more nearly complete."
Professor Ziwet taught Mr. Spaulding
in a ten-honr eourse in calclush and

Million-Volt Vaeuum Tube 'Gun'
Will Bombard Nuclei Of Atoms
By E. BRYCE ALPERN possibility of employing them in the
A vacuum tube capable of opera- cure of cancer and other diseases."
tion at one million volts potential The cost of these synthetic products
inominal, and scientists have point-
will soon be thrown into operation ed out that they may be less dan-
by the physics department in an at- gerous to employ therapeutically than
tempt to solve some of the problems radium, since they lose their radio-
in nuclear theory confronting science. active properties after a few hours
In complementary use of the cyclo- or days.
tron, which is also being built by, Although the cyclotron will be cap-
the physics depar inent with Rack- able of speeding projectiles up to a
ham Foundation funds, the gigantic greater velocity, the high potential
tube will act as a gun, bombarding tube will be able to speed up a greater
the nuclei of atoms, splitting them number, making the latter more po-
into their component parts, or trans- tent for some kinds of work, Dr.
muting them into new atoms and pro- Crane asserted. He emphasized that
viding a means of observing the exact the uses of the two do not overlap,
nature of the products. By this pro- for there are problems for which each
cess it is expected to learn the con- is better suited.
stitution and form of these nuclei. Future investigation employing the
'.T.- . n a crnhn.rIm en f v ma n nvmnw1rn y .-. i- . i-.. ..-.-..-.-.fn- ~ ,. 4-.-. --


Professor Campbell Is
Reported 'Much fetter'

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