THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY r- ~ - - Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR.............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR...............THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS eublication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her- shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal. Rteportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes. Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman. Women's Department: Josephine T. McLean. Chairman; Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-12141 BUSINESS MANAGER.........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER ........... JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMENS BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; CirculationtandnNational Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: RALPH W. HURD n r- - - - - - - - - - - - - 'Wise Yet Not Fussy . . I N A RECENT ESSAY by Charles Thwing, president - emeritus of Western Reserve University, it was stated that through the exercise of one's intellect and powers of reason one ought to become, among other things, "wise yet not fussy." No advice could be more profitably applied to college life than this. For in every college, the University not excepted, there is an oversupply of fussy "wise" men. Such an individual can best be characterized as one who has a smattering of knowledge, is anx- ious for others to know that he has, is anxious to convert others to the particular point of view derived from this smattering and is anxious to preserve his smattering against possible encroach- ment by other points of view which would render ineffectual his own The obnoxiousness of this type of person becomes especially evident in the classroom. Among his ilk are the students who take exception to most of what the instructor has to say --ready to pounce on him, as it were, if he but make a slip in use of words or exactness of meaning. Also "birds of this feather" are the bright boys who keep a few chapters ahead of the rest of the class, and whose pleasant habit it is to throw the dis- cussion into a blind-alley detour by reference to their advanced reading - reference which, of c'ourse, is calculated to impress the instructor. And professors themselves are not wholly guilt- less of this fussiness, as every upperclassman who has been around long enough will testify. Now all of this is quite obvious, and everyone can recall to mind, with nose-wrinkling distaste, at least one person, whether student or faculty mem- ber, who fits this description of "fussiness." But the point is that none of us are completely free from fussiness, we all have our pet aversions or prejudices, we all are inclined to pick flaws in other peoples assertions and exaggerate their importance, to insist petulantly that certain things must be just so. It is about time most of us took a mental in- ventory of ourselves, writing off as "uneconomical" some of the assets which have been inflating our "net worth" and swelling the total of "liabilities" other people are holding against us. There is a nice balance to be maintained be- tween fussiness and apathy, and he who would steer down this middle course must be ever alert and self-critical. Civil Service Cooperation. . . T HE ANNOUNCEMENT that a co- operative project has been set up to aid in installing merit systems for public officials in Michigan cities comes as one long awaited by Michigan. Many cities have had adverse experiences with merit systems which they have devised and are greatly in need of such an cooperative project. However, the blame for the failure of the merit systems previously set up must be attributed to the cities themselves and not to the theory of the civil service. When merit systems are initiated the complete organization should be carried out by tehniaiv are defeating their own ends by insuring a hap- hazard arrangement. These have been the two outstanding features of the systems devised and set up by many cities. The theory which many cities employed was that they could obtain an efficient personnel advisory board and competent officials regardless of the manner of organization. Of course theirf reasoning was fallacious as shown by the results.1 Therefore, the establishment of this central agency meets these problems encountered by the cities in a professional way. It will assist in estab- lishing merit systems in Michigan by affording1 them competent and trained organizers as wellr as supplementing the local personnel boards by supplying trained public administration officials. Multifarious benefits are expected to accrue with1 the culmination of the project in the cities seek-1 ing its aid, especially in relation to university graduates. Through the work of such projectsr public administration will ultimately, become a career field, as it now exists in other countries.. But first politicians, or at least incompetent offi- cials must be divorced from public administra- tion. This must be the first task of the project. Then the way will be open for the entrance of university graduates into this new and broad vo- cational field. A Progressive Educational Move ..*g* T HE OLD CONCEPTION of a univer- sity was that of a place of cloistered halls. The idea conveyed by this term was that a university was a place set apart from the world. In those days it was common to think of this' "cloistered hall" university as a place where theE educational activities were confined strictly to the campus. 1 The idea of restriction was widespread among scholars. Indeed, only a few years ago here atl the University when the question of the organiza- tion of an extension division was being discussed, a man who was then a prominent member of our faculty, expressed the opinion that the Uni- versity is for the student on the campus, and not for the peope off the campus., Today, however, we have a new conception of the function of a university. A university isI first of all for the students on the campus. It1 should teach thoroughly and well the young menY and women who enter its doors. This is of pri- mary importance. Second, the university should foster the spirit of research on the part of theE members of its faculty. And third, and hereinf lies the new conception, a university should render to the people of the state the largest measure ofr service compatible with its equipment and facili- ties.I We still think, and rightly so, of a university as a place where there is a certain measure of seclusion, but we no longer think of higher edu- cation as necessarily being shut up within the narrow bounds of a campus. Through the mediumc of extension service our universities today havet in a sense overflowed from the campus to the state. Extension service as now carried on in this University has two aims. First is the dissemination of knowledge. The specific idea of service as embodied by University extension is that this insti-I tution shall carry to the people knowledge which they can assimilate for the betterment along all lines. But there is another far wider and more effective objective. Into the University pour streams of knowledge in an ever-increasing volume. The University is equipped to receive this knowledge, sift it, judge of its worth, and then hand it on. It should be interpreted in such a way that the people as a whole may apply it to the conduct of the affairs of life, if life is to be ordered wisely and sucessfully. This is not a measure of education alone, either7 higher or lower. It involves the idea of the trans- mutation of learning in such forms that it may be used in the practical affairs of life; it means the extension of learning and its application to the concrete problems of life. As Others See It A Ii Building Workers Strike (From the Wisconsin Daily Cardinal)Z VICTOR HUGO once said, "Labor is the giant who needs only fold his arms to bring the rest of the world to his feet." No finer example exists than the present building workers strike in New York City. We need not ponder over what is going on in Gotham, or send an expedition of research economists. The case is clear, thet forces are well drawn, and a city of eight millions is tied up by its own despicable abuse of a rela- tively few elevator employees and janitors. Violence is taking place, and will always be present on the American labor scene, and it is foolish to deny that labor's hand in this violence is fairly bloody along with the LaGuardia Cos- sacks. But it is hardly the intent of labor to be violent and to smash Park avenue windows. The impetus for the present explosion was provided by the hands of employers, and the responsibility is theirs. Arrogant and vicious, the employers have refused to bargain, and will listen to not the slightest murmur about human rights. LaGuardia is the quintesence of the liberal in power sworn to uphold the existing status and "protect the peace and preserve private property." A settlement will undoubtedly be arrived at- and it will probably be an unjust one, but lett us remember that in injustice there can lie no permanent solution, and that the scratching of a pen on an edict changes nothing and merely delays and befuddles the issue. Let us remembero that it is generally the footmen and servants who u IThe Conning Tower They are going after the Sagebrush of Baltimore for his "Three Years of Dr. Roosevelt" in the March American Mercury. He screams too loud, say many; he is ignorant and reactionary, say others. The Administration, we have been in- formed by an impeachable source far from the President, sings: "Old Man Henry, he don't know nothin'; he just keeps Mencken along." It is Dr. Mencken's expressed idea that Repub- licans are beginning to grasp the fact that they can beat Roosevelt with a Chinaman. Incidentally, such is the muddy-minded way of reading that most readers of the piece, or of excerpts, will say, "Mencken says that a Chinaman can beat Roose- velt." Amplifying: He might get beat by a Chinaman, A Murphy or a Heinemann, Or perhaps Italian. MOST NEW YORKERS DON'T READ LITERALLY Sir: "Most Detroiters are convinced" . .. says an editorial in my favorite paper on Friday. "The people of Detroit are almost more bitter" . . .con- tinues that editorial. Query: How does an editor get to know of what most Detroiters are convinced; or how almost more bitter the people of Detroit are? Where does an editor go, and what does he read and to whom does he talk that he can say, "The people of De- troit think. . ."? Suppose I want to check up on him, where do I go and what do I do? I am almost a bit bitter myself today. And I'll be almost more bitter if editors keep talking for folks they don't know, never met, and never will. Bitterly yours, -F.A.S.,Jr. Most authors who describe childbirth are not mothers, which does not answer your query. For we agree that no New York editorial writer knows what most Detroiters think. If Detroit is like other large cities, most Detroiters do not think at all. But an editorial writer does not have to talk to many persons to give him the statistics he is seeking. Most editorial writers can imagine how the country feels-bitter, in- flamed, hopeful. Why, most columnists can im- agine that. . . . But the only generalities we can make concern contributors to The Conning Tower; one is that most contributors are not gifted with F.A.S. Jr.'s humor or toleration. A-many years ago, when we were young and charming Evening Mail readers, we exhibited what most contributors did. We printed their contributions in the order of discovery; that is, the first few letters we opened. Some day soon we shall do that again, without warning. Historians' Peekly Weekly First Photos of the Marshmallow-Fudge Olympics of 1936 HURLING $1.84 ACROSS THE RAPPAHAN- NOCK. George ("Papa") Washington (left, foreground) takes first trial heat as thousands fiddle. In semi-finals, George was eliminated by Walter ("Big Train") Johnson, father of a country believed in basball circles to be Fungo-Fungo. SILVER SKATES AMONG THE GOLDEN GLOVES. Congressman Sol Bloom (pink tights) fighting his way to victory over Post- master General Farley, representing Czecho- Canarsie, in the Ringworm Racquets final. May the best man bust! TOSSING THE 56-LB. BUBBLE. Hollywood's great hammer-thrower and space chiseler, Al- mond B. Frangle, gets down to brass tacks in 1,500,000 words flat. "Marlene Exploitovitch's new starring vehicle, 'It Happened One Nightie,' will be the world's most stu " began Mr. Frangle, just as the editor, by a stroke of good luck, had to catch a train. SIX-DAY MIKE RACE. After 144 consecutive hours of talking, the team of Caquet & Ver- borum leads Loquendi & Drawl by a syllable and a half. But you can't prove it by fan right). "This is where I tuned in,' says he; "and I tunes out here." WALTZING OFF WITH THE HOP, SKIP & STUMBLE. Nazi whirlwind, Adolph Badoff, all-around ski-jumper, fly swatter, and tweet- tweeter, shows how easy it is to pitch, play third base, and wear the chest protector all at the same time. (Arrow points to Ernst Franz Sedgwick Hanfstaengl, no relation to Casey- stengel.) GOOD MORNING, GOOD LEAP YEAR! Break- ing every known record since 1932, February (in straw hat) finished its annual 28-day ob- stacle race one day late. The delay was attributed to (a) the overproduction of ski- jumpers on Murray Hill; (b) the low week-end excursion rates on the B.M.T.; and (c) the February release of the theme song orignally intended for March: "I Feel Like a Feather in the Northeast Wind (nee Breeze)." ALL OUT FOR THE RUNNING BREWED JUMP! Schlitz, Milwaukee brewer, announces "Sunshine Vitamin D Beer." Well, we suppose it had to come; for, after all, wasn't it D that once was called "The Vitamin that Made Mil- waukee Famous?" (Next: Vitamin K Skittles in Kans.) YE OULDE AL GRAHAM On Saturday, Frederic, the promising boy in "The Pirates of Penzance" who was apprenticed to a pirate, having been born on February 29, was twenty. The opera was first produced on April 3, 1880, when Frederic was "five and a ittle bit over, though he was actually twenty- one. And when Gilbert made him say that he would not be twenty-one until 1940, the date RADIO By TUURE TENANDER COLONEL STOOPNAGLE and Budd, a couple of funny fellahs, are scheduled to return to the air in a new series of broadcasts next Sat- urday night. However, the Knights of Columbus track meet is also billed for the air at the same time, 10:30 p.m., and it remains to be seen just which will win out. The Colonel has been hiding out in Reno, but promises his scientific following plenty of new inventions when the team gets back on the ether. Mary Pickford's "Parties at Pick- fair" have not as yet provided the incentive to stay home on Tuesday night, but this week may be differ- ent. Freddie Bartholomew, familiar to all motion picture addicts, will ap- pear on the program this Tuesday in an effort to brighten the broadcast. It certainly needs brightening, and Mary herself is not capable of doing it. She seems to have neither the voice nor the personality for radio. Next Saturday afternoon will cer- tainly be an enjoyable day for clas- sical music lovers. The Metropolitan Opera broadcast on that day will pre- sent Grace Moore in La Boheme. For those who would like to hear something worthwhile at 8 p.m. Sun- day nights, instead of suffering through the Major Bowes broadcast, there is the program "Understanding 1'Tnera" which is aired over the CBS. Valuable material for aiding a true appreciation of opera is handled on this broadcast. All right now, all right. Don Redmon is back on the air again, and a welcome return it is. He can be heard several nights a week over CBS (sometimes including WJR) as he broadcasts from his native haunts in Harlem. Rumor has it that Tommy Dorsey and his Clam- bake Seven will receive a definite schedule very soon. During the lat- ter part of the week, the Casa Loma orchestra will supplant Ray Noble in the latter's sustaining broadcasts, as Glen Gray, Clarence Hutchenrider, Sonny Dunham et al move into RCA's Rainbow Room. THE SCREEN AT THE MAJESTIC 1/2 'THE COUNTRY DOCTOR' Twentieth Century-Fox picture, star- ring the Dionne quintuplets and Jean Hersholt. Barring the news reels, this is probably the most realistic picture that has ever been filmed. Even though most of it was done synthet- ically in Hollywood, and even though the story is for the most part fic- titious, the event of the birth of the quintuplets has been cinematically recorded with a journalistic fidelity that is not only realistic but enter- taining. Not as much of the film's footage is devoted to the quintuplets as might be expected. The story starts a year before they are born with a diph- theria epidemic in which the country doctor and his nurse play a heroic part. There is an exciting plane trip from Montreal with serum, out of which develops a love story and a picturization of the difficulties of a country doctor. And there is the doctor's trip to Montreal the follow- ing summer during which he is con- trasted to super-scientific medical men. - You will like Slim Summerville as the amusing sheriff; the quintuplet's father will produce many chuckles; and you will find the quintuplets themselves equal to if not superior to Shirley Temple in the matter of juvenile charm, which is another way of saying that they "tug at your Aearstrings" with no little amount of infantile fortitude. If you have seen the Dionne news- reels many of the quintuplet scenes will be old stuff, but there has been added quite a bit more, and for Dionne fans, "The Country Doctor" is a picnic. -C.B.C. Slusser To Exhibit Recent Art Works Professor Jean Paul Slusser of thef faculty of the College of Architec- ture is exhibiting a group of his re- cent water colors at the galleries of J. L. Hudson and Co., Detroit, for two weeks, beginning Monday, March 9. The work consists largely of Mex- ican and western subjects done on his sabbatical leave last year, and is a different show in part from the one he exhibited here in Decem- ber. This is the fifth water color show Professor Slusser has held in Detroit, the last having been five years ago. In 1926 Professor Slusser won the Mrs. Neville Walker Purchase Prize for his water color "People's Houses,' shown at the exhibition for Mich- igan Artists at the Detroit Institute of Arts, and he is represented there and in the collection of the Ann Ar- SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 1936 VOL, XLVI No. 109 Notices Automobile Regulation: Those stu- dents possessing driving permits is- sued during the first semester who have failed to renew them are hereby requested to do so immediately. This request applies to those who will use their 1935 State license plates until August 1, as well as to those who have purchased 1936 licenses. All old per- mit tags are void as of March 1, and their continued use will constitute grounds for disciplinary action. Ap- plications for renewals must be made at Room 2, University Hall, and new sets of permit tags will be issued at no additional cost. K. E. Fisher Students of the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts: A meet- ing will be held on Tuesday, March 10, 4:15 p.m., Room 1025 Angell Hall, for students in the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts and others interested in future work in Law. The meeting will be addressed by Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School. This will be the first meeting of the vocational series designed to give in- formation concerning the nature of and preparation for the various pro- fessions. The second meeting, to be addressed by Dr. R. W. Bunting of the School of Dentistry, will be held on Thursday, March 12. All Students who are registered with the Bureau of Appointment and Occupational Information are asked to call at the office. 201 Mason Hall, to fill in second semester elections. Office hours, 9:00-12:00, 2:00-4:00; Tuesday through Friday, March 10-13 inclusive. Choral Union Members: Copies of "Caractacus" and tickets for the "Spalding" and "Thomas" concerts will be given out to members in good standing Monday, March 9, between the hours of 9 to 12, and 1 to 4 at the Recorder's Office, School of Music Building. Those whose attendance records are not clear, or who have failed to return their "Messiah" copies, will not be given tickets, nor will tickets be given out after the hours specified above. Academic Notices Mathematics 371: .The first meet- ing of the seminar on Tensor Analy- sis will meet on Monday, March 9, at 2 p.m., in 3001 A.H. G. Y. Rainich Sociology 51 Make-up: The only Sociology 51 makeup examination for last semester will be given Tuesday, March 10, at 7:00 in Room D Haven Hall. Make-up examination in English 143 will be given Monday, March 9, 3 p.m., 3217 Angell Hall. Philosophy 31: A make-up final ex- amination will be held on Monday, March 9, at 3 o'clock, Room 201 South Wing. Lecture University Lecture: Mr. Paul Dietz of the Carl Schurz Memorial Founda- tion, Philadelphia, will read in Ger- man from Goethe and Schiller on Thursday, March 12, at 4:15 p.m., in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The public is cordially invited. Chemistry Lecture: Professor J. H. Mathews, of the chemistry depart- ment of the University of Wisconsin, will lecture on "The Use of Scientific Methods in the Identification of the Criminal" on Monday, March 9, 4:00 p.m., in Natural Science Auditorium, The lecture is under the auspices of the University and the local section of the American Chemical Society. The public is cordially invited. French Lecture: Mr. James C. O'Neill will give the sixth lecture on the Cercle Francais program: "Bau- delaire et les Fleurs du Mal," Wednes- day, March 11, 4:15 p.m., Room 103, Romance Language Building. Public Lecture: "University of Michigan Excavations in Egypt" by Mr. Enoch E. Peterson, Director of U. of M. Excavations in Egypt. Spon- sored by the Research Seminary in Islamic Art. Monday, March 9, 4:15, in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Admission free. Concerts Faculty Concert: Wassily Besekir- sky, violinist, and Joseph Brinkman, pianist, of the faculty of the Universi- ty School of Music, will provide a program of Sonatas Sunday after- noon, March 8, at 4:15 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium, to which the general public, with the exception of 'small children, is invited without admission charge. The public is requested, how- ever, to be seated on time as the doors will be closed during numbers. The program is as follows: Sonata in B-flat (Kochel No. 378) .~Mozart Allegro moderato Andantino sostenut6 Graduate Recital: Margaret Hop- pert, pianist, will give the following program in a graduation recital Tues- day, March 10, at 8:15 o'clock at the School of Music Auditorium, on Maynard Street, to which the public is invited. Andante Variations .........Haydn Intermezzo Op. 76, No. 6 Rhapsody Op. 79, No. 2 Intermezzo Op. 76, No. 4 Capiiccio Op. 76, No. 5......Brahms Sonate Op. 23, No. 3......Scriabine Dramatico Allegretto Andante Presto con fuoco Feuilles Mortes ............ Debussy Fairy Tale ............... Medtner Leprechaun Dance ...... Holbrooke Troglodyte Dance ........ Hobrooke Exhibition Etchings, Lithographs and Dry Points by American Print Makers in Alumni Memorial Hall, March 4 thru 15, 2 to 5. Events Of Today The following J.G.P. practices meet at the League today: 3-4 p.m., Rag- gedy Ann Chorus; 4-5 p.m., the Pro- logue; 5-6 p.m., the Vogue chorus. Prof. J. W. Stanton will speak on "Japan's Destiny" at 4:15 p.m. today in Room 316 of the Union. First Methodist Church.: At 10:45 a.m., Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "What Christ can do for Fixations." Stalker Hall: 12 noon, Class on "Developing Christian Personality" led by Dr. Bessie Kanouse. 6 p.m., Wesleyan Guild. Mr. L. LaVerne Finch will speak on "Faith." 7 p.m., Fellowship Hour and supper. All Methodist students and their friends are cordially invited to attend each of the above meetings. First Presbyterian Church: Meeting in the Masonic Temple, 327 S. Fourth. Ministers: William P. Lemon and Norman W. Kunkel. 9:45, Student Forum, Mr. Kunkel, leader. Subject: "An Ancient and a Modern Man Whose God Was Stolen." A discussion of Humanism. 10:45, Morning worship with ser- mon by Dr. Lemon. Subject: "About Certain Neighbors." 5:00, Westminster study hour. 6:00, Fellowship supper hour, followed by meeting of the Westminster Guild with a discussion of "That Strange Little Brown Man-Gandhi." The subject of Dr. Lemon's lecture next Thursday night in the Lenten Lecture series will be Lessing's "Na- than the Wise." Harris Hall: There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion this morning at half past nine in the Chapel at Harris Hall, breakfast will be served immediately following the service. The regular student meeting will be held this evening at seven o'clock in Harris Hall. Mrs. Eugene Power of the University Health Service will speak on, "Personal Problems." All students and their friends are cordi- ally invited. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: Services of worship today: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m. Church School; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Ser- mon by The Reverend Henry Lewis; 7:30 p.m. Full Choral Evensong, sung by the men's and boys' choir. Congregational Church: 10:30, Service of Worship and Re- ligious Education. Sermon by Mr. Heaps, "The Light of the World." Prof. Slosson will give the first lec- ture in the series "Men of Thought," speaking on "Galileo, Martyr of Science." 6:00, Student Fellowship. Follow- ing the supper Professor Slosson will speak on "What I Live For," third in the series on personal philosophies. R. B. Monroe will lead the forum fol- lowing the talk. Church of Christ (Disciples): 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev. Fred Cowin, Minister. 12:00 noon, Students' Bible Class, Dr. Louis Hop- kins, speaker. 5:30 p.m., Social Hour. 15c supper served. 6:30 p.m., Address by Virgil Havens, a missionary on furlough from the Belgian Congo. Mr. Havens has been supervisor of industrial missions for the Disciples of Christ in the Congo for many years. First Baptist Church: 10:45 a.m., Sermon by Mr. Sayles on "What is a Christian?" 9:30, The Church School meets. 9:45, Dr. Wa- terman's class at Guild House. 12:00, Students at Guild House. Discuss, "Economic Affairs and Christian Ideals." 6:00 p.m. At Roger Williams guild, Mr. Anwar R. Hansi, '38, from Bag- dad, will speak on "Mohammedan- ism." This is the third in a special DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the university. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President untl 3:30; ii:00 a.m. on Saturday 4 4 I