sRC! ,,186 , THE, MICHIGAN DAILY Sees Doom Of Spoils System TH E WEEK IN REVIEW World and National News In Brief Baird Carillon AnM. L. Burton Tower Are Described By Prof. Earl V. Moore Faculty Member Head Of Civil Selected Service Investigation (Continued from Page 1) ings could be made, and what is equally important, service improved." The present patronage system "not only fails to disclose the degree of native intelligence and formal train- ing possessed by the applicant," Pro- fessor Pollock declared, "but it also offers no guarantee that he possesses any of the virtues desirable in a gov- ernment servant. No head of a large department, however honest and cap- able himself, can personally hire every employe needed," he advised. "No governor, however much he has at heart the interests of the people, can pass on the qualifications of more than 13,000 employes of the state. An agency to determine qual- ifications based on merit is the only way yet found of securing qualified employes throughout the whole ser- vice." Professor Pollock ridiculed the idea that civil service encourages discour- tesy and incompetence. "As a mat- ter of fact," he declared, "it is easier to get rid of an incompetent employe ui.tder civil service than under the patronage system, where he is likely to be protected by his political spon- sors. The morale and attitude of public servants in such states as California, New Jersey and Wiscon- sin is superior to that of employes under non-civil service states. "The commission," Professor Pol- lock charged, "has discovered just about the same inefficiency under the spoils system when investigation disclosed that no form of physical examination is given to the guards at one of the larger prisons of the state. Apparently, anybody bearing the proper letter of introduction could get a job." Holding that "civil service is now imperative in Michigan if we are to have efficient and economical gov- ernment," Professor Pollock is cer- tain that in many jobs won under te spoils system, merit is not a fac- tor in making appointments, promo- tions or removals. He declared that only under a civil service system does a governor and his immediate sub- ordinates find it possible to resist the pressure for jobs. Unitarians To Have New Twilight Series A series of addresses on "Depart- ures" for the March Twilight services of the Unitarian church was an- nounced yesterday by the Rev.H. P. Marley. The topics for the remainder of the month are "Clifford Odets - Footlights on the Controversial," on March 15, "John Dewey -Man Con- trols His Destiny," on March 22, and "Nicolai Lenin - The Proletariat are Also People," on March 29. Also during March a special insti- tute of religion will be held on three Sunday mornings in the church li- brary on the history and present sta- tus of liberal religion in the United States. Leaders of the discussion will be Professors Roy W. Sellars, Arthur Wood and John Shepard. The Rev. Marley will give, a historical sketch of the local church. At the men's supper on March 20, Prof. Robert Hall of the geography department, recently returned from Japan, will address the group. WORLD Ominous Symbol The house-painter from Austria made banner news in the world's press with a surprise pronunciamento be- fore the Reichstag at noon yester- day, thus climaxing a week of in- tricate European chess diplomacy. Tearing into little pieces the Lo- carno and the Versailles Treaties by a "symbolic" occupation of the Rhine- land, dissolving the Reichstag and calling for a plebiscite March 29, Adolf Hitler proferred with the other hand a bouquet of non-aggression of- fers to all. Explanations for his move have their roots in the League peace nego- tiations with Italy. - 1 Garden Of Eden The League sanction deliberations were opened this week by an unex- pectedly strong declaration for imme- diate and complete oil sanctions by Sir Anthony Eden, British foreign secretary. Result was that Mussolini was offered 48 hours to decide between a peace settlement and, presumably, oil embargoes. Later the time was extended to one week, giving Il Duce until this coming Tuesday to think it over. Haile Selassie indicated his will- ingness to settle on terms not less favorable than those offered by the ill-fated Hoare-Laval suggestion. In Rome, however, Mussolini, irked by the threatening tone of the "ultima- tum," the thought of settling within the League covenant, refused to have Italy thought of as the aggressor nation, and seemed about to turn down the offer. Contributing fac- tors were: (1) Eden rode into office on the wave of disapproval against Hoare for his joint suggestion for peace with Laval, and hence was not likely to agiee to terms more lib- eral to Italy than those offered by his unfortunate predecessor; (2) Ital- ian armies have been having a bang- up week in Ethiopia, having defeated three defense armies before them and with effective air raids on Addis Ababa a likely prospect for this week; (3) Hungarian and Austrian officials are coming to visit I Duce this week - a possible indication of an attempt at salvation of the Five-Power pact. and that these two countries and possibly Switzerland would be will- ing to follow Italy out of the League if he chooses to reject e s= French Predicament The general air of doubt made Pierre-Etienne Flandin the most em- barrassed man in Europe. The French foreign minister knew that if Il Duce refused, France would be called upon to stand back of oil sanctions, thus severing Italian relations and leav- ing them no possible ally against Germany - unless it be England. With this in mind, Flandin addressed ardent overtures to Eden for an Anglo- French pact of mutual assistance against German invasion, but Eng- land seeemd unreceptive. Concerned over what Britain's rely to French overtures might be, Hitler advanced the Reichstag meeting from next Friday to yesterday. He had already puzzled the French earlier this week by giving out an interview to a French journal in which he pro- claimed nothing but peaceful inten- tions, offered to shake hands - ne- glecting meanwhile to correct "wrong impressions" in Germany gleaned from "Mein Kampf" that France was Germany's mortal enemy. Thus, fearing Anglo-French strangulation, fearing Italy's rejection of the League offer and its consequences, and fear- ing the effect of the Franco-Soviet pact of mutual assistance passed by the Chamber of Deputies last week. Hitler chose the moment to declare the Versailles a classic example of how a war should not be ended. Telephones buzzed in diplomatic centers of Europe; the effects were immediate. Mussolini announced a provisional acceptance of the League peace terms, indicating a willingness to accept but little more than was offered and rejected earlier, with rights to keep all land which Italian troops now hold. France ordered all army leaves cancelled, Flandin cancelled an intended vacation, and lights burned late last night in Eu- rope's capitals. Thus ended the in- ternational week, on a Stravinsky chord. NATIONAL Labor-Strike One Penthouse dwellers were hardest hit of all throughout last week as employes of 1,988 New York City apartments, hotels, and office build- ings went on strike for higher wages, fewer hours, and a closed shop. Switchboards buzzed and buzzed un- answered, elevators were motionless, furnace fires went untended. The strike began comparatively slowly, but gained momentum rapidly until yesterday both the strikers and the Realty Advisory Board, represent- atives of the great majority of the employers, were steadfast in their de- mands, indicating that the strike will last indefinitely. Governor Lehman adopted a "hands off" policy, but Mayor LaGuardia and Edward F. Mc- Grady, Federal representative, - at- tempted arbitration. All attempts, however, were to no avail, even though the strikers re- linquished their closed shop demand for a preferential shop. The Realty Advisory Board maintained that the present wages, based on a compre- hensive study a year ago, were ade- q uate and that employers could not afford to pay more. Mayor LaGuardia made a plea in the middle of the week for private agreements, in effect, ignoring the Realty Board as a collective bar- gaining organization for the em- ployers. Yesterday the first fruit of his plea appeared when the Pru- dence Co., controlling 45 large build- ings, complied with all but the closed shop demand of the strikers. Complete support was assured James J. Bambrick, strike leader, by William Green, president of the A. F. of L. and the New York teamsters union promised to boycott all build- ings affected by the strike. Police radio cars, called to all parts of the city to dampen ihreats of violence, had the busiest time in their history. Strikers were generally peaceful, but there were numerous arrests and some fatalities. Although it was denied, there was some evi- dence in the activity about the Berg- doff Co.. America's most notorious strike breakers, that it was being hired by the Realty Advisory Board. What the future held in store for the strike was very indefinite. If both sides remain resolute in their de- (Continued from Page.1) bells. As yet he has not been hired, and whether he will be an American or will come from England or the Continent is not yet known, Profes- sor Moore said. The bells will be played by counter weights, hanging down from the clap- pers. By pulling the weights, the car- illoneur will move the clappers, which will be but an extremely small dis- tance from the edge of the bell. Thus the sounds will be made. At the present time, the bells are being cast in England at the foundry. They will be shipped to Ann Arbor sometime late in the coming summer. Although the exact size of the tle attention as shown in the slight dropof the News circulation. Delicate Subject frame of the bells was not known by Professor Moore, he stated that a space 34 feet wide, 34 feet long, and 44 feet high would be allowed for the frame in the Tower. The bells will not take up the total of this space, but they will occupy most of it. When installed in the Tower, the. bells are to be set in rigidly, and all sounds will be made by moving clap- pers. By such installation, Professor Moore stated, the richness will be en- hanced, and also the loudness and "ringing" effect of the bells will be further cut down. The carillon will be tuned at the foundry. Each bell is given its pitch at the foundry, and a very difficult process in tuning the bells is followed. After being cast, the bells are set upon a revolving turn table. As the bells revolve, a chisel is put inside the bell, and it is gradually tuned by cutting down the thickness of the bell in certain spots. Thus the tun- ing is done in a manner similar to that of tuning a violin by winding its strings at the scroll. Every bell does nor make merely one tone. Each will make several tones, and the different tonations will come from various parts of the bell. One may come from the lip of the bell, another from its top-most part and another from the middle. This again complicates the process of tun- ing the giant bells. Professor Moore emphasized that the volume of the bell is not directly proportional to its size. Just because a bell is large does not necessarily mean that it will be as loud as some bells considerably smaller or that it will be softer than one larger. The largest bell weighs 12 tons and is nine feet in diameter; the smallest weighs about 14 pounds and is six to eight inches wide. Their loudness will depend partially upon their size, upon the number played at one time ad upon the manner in which the carilloneur plays them. Two other carillons, one located at Riverside Church, New York, and the other at the University of Chicago, will be the only two larger than the Baird Carillon. 1,I."2 mands, it is certain that, since the To help restore the budget to its situation cannot remain as it is, status before the AAA invalidation either the great majority of or- and passage of the Bonus Bill, Presi- ganized New York la bor will support dent Roosevelt Sunday recommended their fellows and give them a verdict, t C or else authority will force the strik- to Congress that it levy a tax on un- ers back to work. Even though a divided corporate profits of 33 and considerable number of strike-break- 13 per cent, calculated to yield 620 ers have been obtained, labor appears million dollars annually; and the re- to have the public sympathy at this peal of the present exemption of cor- writinporation dividends from the normal writing. , individual income tax, so that all profit s divided among stockholders Strike Two would bear the full income levy. He also suggested a "windfall" tax, Shades of California's longshore- designed to retrieve a part of the im- man strike reared on Monday as the pounded or unpaid processing taxes crew of a Panama Pacific liner struck which were returned or abated by just before sailing time for parity in court orders. The deficit not covered by the "windfall" taxes, he proposed, wages with Atlantic intercoastal sea- shinddall"otaey heprsed, men. Secretary Perkins settled the should be obtained by an excise on strike Thursday by a long-distanceceti agricultural products. call to strike leaders, promising to Immediately bankers predicted dire arbirate i teiehalfwiheir results of such a measure in future arbiter n i hdepressions, when, if they paid divi- employers. dends to escape the tax, they would have no "cushion" to last them through the lean years. Without Strik Tremore ado, experts included a "cu- Editorial workers on William Ran- shion" provision in the bill they were dolph Hearst's Wisconsin News (Mil- framing. waukee) continued their strike for The stock exchange, after consid- higher wages. Picketing was carried erable alarm at the announcement on extensively and strikers assured of the proposal, reacted favorably as that they have the money necessary stocks climbed steadily. There was, to carry the strike on indefinitely. as usual, a bountiful crop of Re- Even Socialistic Milwaukee paid lit- publican criticism. 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