SIX rTHEg MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1936 .. . . . . . . . . - - - . . . . SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1936 A prove Civil Service Merit Plan For State Prof. Pollock's Committee Finds Department Heads Favorable To Reform LANSING, March 6. - 0) - Gov- ernor Fitzgerald's civil service com- mission, appointed to draft a civil service bill for the legislature, said to- day the merit system has the endorse- knent of state department heads. The commission met yesterday be- hind closed doors with executives of half a dozen state departments. Pro- fessor James K. Pollock, head of the committee, said not one of the con- ferees objected to a civil service sys- tem of choosing employes, but that they suggested they be given the right to choose from two or three eligible persons in filling jobs. Most of them wanted to reserve the right to dismiss for cause and to sus- pend subordinates in the interests of discipline. . Conferring with the committee were Oscar G. Olander, state police commissioner; P. J. Hoffmaster, di- rector of conservation; M. B. Mc- Pherson, tax commission chairman; Dr. C. C. Slemons, commissioner of public health; Dr. William Haber, emergency relief administrator; John J. O'Hara, auditor general, and Gil- bert H. Isbister, secretary of the liq- uor commission. Pollock said Haber went so far as to recommend that the employment of relief dispensers be placed on civil service "right down through the counties." He quoted Olander as saying the civil service plan in his department has worked well and he can see no reason why it should not work in others. The commission chairman said hearings will be held again here and in Saginaw and the Upper Peninsula to obtain a wider picture of state sen- tinient on the question. 454 CCC Men Aided By WPA Study Program German, French, History Among Subjects Offered I In Extension Courses Out of the 765 high school gradu- ates who are being aided in exten- sion study by the University's Works Progress Administration funds, 454 are Civilian Conservation Corps men stationed at 28 camps throughout the State. According to -Dr. Fred G. Steven- son, State supervisor of these corres- pondence centers for the Michigan WPA, the following freshmen cor- respondence courses are available for those unable to enroll in the Uni- versity at the present, but still are desirous of doing work: English, to be required of all freshmen, geo- graphy, history, mathematics, ele- mentary French and German. * Sociology and mechanical drawing are available from the home study department of the Extension Divi- sion, but are not acceptable for fresh- man credit. Additional courses are being contemplated. The CCC men are alloted certain regular hours while they are in camp in order to study, and those who sat- isfactorily pass the final examina- tions in their courses will be eligible to enroll in the University if they so desire. An average of about 20 men in all CCC camps are taking various courses from the University. The smallest enrollment is 9 at Camp Walkerville, a negro camp, to 30 at Camp Custer. Besides the 454 CCC men, 291 stu- dents are meeting in various schools and buildings throughout the State under a WPA instructor, and 20 are doing individual study in conjunc- tion with the Extension Division. Saline Farmer Dies As Result Of Fall On Ice Carl Finkbeiner, Saline township farmer, died yesterday in the Saline General hospital after he suffered a broken neck and other injuries, prob- ably as the result of a fall, on US 112 about two and a half miles south of Saline. Finkbeiner was found about 2 p.m.' Thursday lying between his car and its trailer which he used while operat- ing a milk route. He was unaccom- panied. Sheriff's officers expressed the opinion that he had probably slipped on the ice while attempting Vivid Picture Of Cancer Threat Given In Medical School Exhibit DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) speak on "What I Live For," third in the series on personal philosophies. R. B. Monroe will lead the forum fol- lowing the talk. is H Haris all Suaay v -----" _.._. Wax Models, Posters And Photographs On Display In Medical School An exhibit which vividly illustrates the effects and the treatment of cancer, the second most fatal disease in the United States, in such a manner as to be understood by the ( layman as well as the student of med- icine, is now on display on the sec- ond floor of the West Medical Build- ing. The exhibit is sponsored by the American Society for the Control of Cancer.1 It includes a number of life-like wax models showing the effect of cancer on the various parts of the body, while accompanying models show the results of correct treat- ment. Case histories are presented with a number of the models. Graphs show the age at which cancer is most dangerous, and also reveal that 120 deaths per 100,000 population are caused every year by cancer. Posters List Symptoms Another of the posters placed on exhibit lists the five most common and most easily recognizable symp- toms of cancer. They are any per- sistent lump or thickening below the skin, any irregular bleeding or dis- charge from any of the body open- ings, any sore that does not heal -particularly about the tongue, mouth or lips, persistent indigestion, and sudden changes in the growth of a wart, mole or wen. The larger part of the wax models in the exhibit is devoted to a study of cancer of the breast, the point at which women are most commonly afflicted, as is revealed by a large chart compiled by the Society. Early Treatment Stressed g A -collection of photogiraphs is shown with the models which illus- trate cases which were correctly treat- ed, and others which were neglected until it was too late for treatment. Such cases as the latter, a bulletin of the Society points out, are incur- able, but cases which are caught in the early stages are definitely cur- able, while great advances in the de- velopment of the treatment now make possible in some intermediate cases a complete and permanent cure. The Society bulletins posted at the exhibit, and the numerous case his- tories all point out the importance of having cancer treated as soon as the slightest symptoms are found. The case histories also reveal that the most common treatment used today is the use of radium and excision, and, although the first treatment does not always have permanent results, it is possible over a series of years to com- pletely remove the cancer and the tumor which may accompany it. The purpose of the display, as out- lined in the posters of the Society, is the education of the public in the control of cancer, and the further- ance of studies which will cut down greatly the death rate resulting from cancer to that it may no longer take its annual toll among persons of both sexes and all ages. 'JpnsFuture' To Be Stanton's Subject Sunday Prof. John W. Stanton of the his- tory department will speak on "Ja- pan's Destiny" in. the second of the Union seriesdoftspeeches which will be sponsored at 4:15 p.m. Sunday in Room 316 of the Union. Professor Stanton is recognized as a national authority on the Far East and during his sabbatical leave last year spent a good deal of time in Japan and Manchuria, visiting the trouble spots in the Far East. SWhile in Tokio, Professor Stanton stopped at the well-known Sanno Hotel, which was one of the buildings taken by the soldiers and militarists in the recent coup d'etat. Union officials stated that "be- cause of the fresh and vital happen- ings in Japan the past few weeks, it was decided to ask Professor Stanton to explain what the results of them might be. Dr. Stanton will give an interesting and instructional talk on Japan," the councilmen said. 327 S. Fourth. Ministers: William P. Lemon and Norman W. Kunkel. 9:45, Student Forum, Mr. Kunkel, leader. Subject: "An Ancient and a Modern Man Whose God Was Stolen." A discussion of Humanism. 10:45, Morning worship with ser- mon by Dr. Lemon. Subject: "About Certain Neighbors." 5:00, Westminster study hour. 6:00, Fellowship supper hour, followed by meeting of the Westminster Guild with a discussion of "That Strange Little Brown Man-Gandhi." The subject of Dr. Lemon's lecture next Thursday night in the Lenten Lecture series will be Lessing's "Na- than the Wise.' First Methodist Church, Sunday: At 10:45 a.m., Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "What Christ can do for Fixations." Congregational Church, Sunday: 10:30, Service of Worship and Re- ligious Education. Sermon by Mr. Heaps, "The Light of the World." Prof. Slosson will give the first lec- ture in the series "Men of Thought," speaking on "Galileo, Martyr of Science.' 6:00, Student Fellowship. Follow- ing the supper Professor Slosson will TURKEY OR CHICKEN DINNER Sunday - 12 Noon to 8 P.M. Sixty-Five Cents, Other Dinners 35c - 40c - 45c - Sunday Evening Plate - Special - 5:30 to 8 P.M. - 25c DAILY LUNCHEONS 11:15 to 2 P.M. - 25c - 30c - 35c { DAILY DINNERS 5:15 to 8 P.M. - 30c - 35c - 40c HOME COOKING Bright Spot 802 Packard Street At 9:30 a.m. there will be a celebra- tion of the Holy Communion in the Chapel at Harris Hall. All students are cordially invited. Breakfast will be served immediately following the service. Sunday evening at 7 o'clock there will be the regular student meeting in Harris Hall. Mrs. Eugene Power of the University Health Ser- vice will be the speaker. All students and their friends are cordially invited. Unitarian Church, Sunday: 5:30 Twlight Service, "Kagawa- Christianity Goes Economic." 7:30 Liberal Student's Union. Prof. Wil- lard Olson will speak on "Education* in Fascist Countries." Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church, Sunday: Services of worship are: 8:00 a.m., Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m., Church School; 11:00 a.m., Morning prayer and sermon by The Reverend Henry Lewis; 7:30 p.m., full choral even- song, sung by the men and boys' choir. 11:00 a.m., Kindergarten. Church of Christ (Disciples) Sun- day: 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev. Fred Cowin, Minister. 12:00 noon, Students' Bible Class, Dr. Louis Hop- kins, speaker. 5:30 p.m., Social Hour. 15c supper served. 6:30 p.m., Address by Virgil Havens, a missionary on furlough from the Belgian Congo. Mr. Havens has been supervisor of industrial missions for the Disciples of Christ in the Congo for many years. Bookshelf and Stage Section of the1 Faculty Women's Club will meet Tuesday, March 10, 2:45 p.m., at the home of Mrs. D. M. Lichty, 922 Olivia Street. St. Paults Lutheran Church. Carl A.- Brauer, Minister. March 8: 9:30 a.m., Church School. 9:30 a.m., Anniversary service in German. 10:45 a.m., Seventh anni- versary of the new church will be observed. Sermon by the pastor on "We Would See Jesus." 6 p.m., Stu- dent-Walther League supper. 6:30- 7:30 p.m., An illustrated lecture on "The Educational Institutions of our Church." 7:30 p.m. Special anniver- sary service with sermon by a guest speaker, the Rev. 0. M. Riedel, Pas- tor of Trinity Church, Jackson. March 11: 7:30 p.m. Third midweek Lenten service. Sermon, "Jesus-Ac- cused." Hillel Foundation: Professor Hand- mann will speak at the Hillel Found- ation Sunday evening forums on "Is the Emigration of the Jews from Germany the Solution to Nazism?" All are welcome. Rerformed Students: Services will be held Sunday, March 8 at 10:30 a.m. in the League Chapel. Prof. Jacob Vander Meulen, of Western Theological Seminary, will be the speaker. Faculty-Alumni Dance: The fifth dance of the series will be held Tues- day, March 10, 9:30 p.m., in the Michigan Union ballroom. Religious Activitie FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH FIRST PRESBYTERIAN FIRST METHODIST Roger Wiliams Guild CHURCH EPISCOPAL CHURCH R. EDWARD SAYLES and Masonic Temple. 327 South Fourth State and Washington Streets HOWARD R. CHAPMAN, Ministers Ministers: William P. Lemon MINISTERS: and Norman W. Kunkel. CHARLES W. BRASHARES 10:45 A.M. - Mr. Sayles speaks on- and L. LaVERNE FINCH "What Is A Christian?" 9:45 - Student Forum, Mr. Kunkel, Music: Achilles Taliaferro leader. Subject: "An Ancient and 12:00 M. - Study group at the Guild A Modern Man Whose God Was House. Stolen." "Economic Affairs and Christian 10:45 A.M.- Sermon by Dr. Lemon; Sermon- Ideals." 6:00 P.M.-,Mr. Anwar R. Hansi, '38, "ABOUT CERTAIN "What CHRIST Can Do of Bagdad, will talk on "Moham- inedanism." Discussion, social hour;NEIGHBORS For FIXA TIONS'' refreshments. 5:00 - Westminster Study Hour. 6:00 P.M. -Wesleyan Guild at 6 :00-Westminster Guild supper- Stalker Hall. Mr. L. LaVerne Finch followed by meeting to discuss SakrDO NOT N EGLECT "That Strange Little Brown Man will speak on "Faith." -Gandhi." Fellowship and Supper, YOUR RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES The subject of Dr. Lemon's Thurs- Sday nightaLentenLecture will be "Lessing's 'Nathan the. Wise'." I 4 OQf&rtl -Itl //,-I 1r - ,-. -, A.