_ THEa MIChIGAN Ji AILY ,SA ^TRDAY, MARCHi 7, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I ~ - Publisned every morning except Monday during th Vniversity year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertiaing Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 49251 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ..............THOMAS .H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR..............THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS eublication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her- shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes. Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D. Shulman. 4ports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman. Women's Departmen: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman: Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER ..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER ............JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ... MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tsing, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT CUMMINS A Penalty That Is Too Severe.. .. T HE ACTION taken by the Athletic Board of Wayne University in end- ing forever the college athletic career of Adam Widlak, Wayne hockey player and three-sport man who was found guilty of beginning a fight at the conclusion of the Michigan-Wayne hockey game in Olympia Tuesday night, seems altogether too severe to us.! The Wayne Board felt that Widlak's action reflected upon the University and apparently be- lieved that the only proper rectification they could make lay in a strict disciplinary measure. Athletic Director Holmes, although believing that the penalty was too severe, said he could see no more reason for fights in hockey than in football. The fact remains that fighting has alwdy been frequent in hockey, and despite the1 good intentions of the director, the very character of the sport with its speed and opportunity for the use of a high stick and an illegal body check makes it a fiery game and breeds quick tempers. The result is frequent fistic outbreaks. The fact of the matter is that because of the manner in which the Detroit papers handled the story, a sensationalism that was in no sense the truth resulted from the incident, and what might have been just another hockey fight was made to appear as a serious riot. Because the specta- tors were students and the game was over there, was a tendency to mill out on the ice and get into the affair, but there was nothing bitter in the attitude of the crowd, which was quickly dis- persed. Vic Heyfiger, the Michigan player who was at-, tacked by Widlak, was not hurt, and the only person who received serious blows of any kind was Widlak himself. Neither Heyliger nor Coach Eddie Lowrey bear any malice over the incident, and their attitude seems to be that the incident would have been much better forgotten in the beginning. It is apparent that Widlak has been made the horrible example in Wayne's attempt to apologize to Michigan for the whole affair simply be- cause he began a hockey fight at an inopportune time and under 'unfortunate circumstances, a life suspension from participation in Wayne ath- letics seems, we repeat, entirely too severe a pen- alty to impose. Success To The Student Forum. . NOUNCEMENT of plans for the Student Senate may well be hailed with jubilance. The one thing that this University lacks at the present minute and always has lacked is some medium through which its students may express their opinions on important questions of the day. If we read the plan of the Senate aright, that organization will furnish that medium. To be suie, the Spring Parley has for five years served the function of a sort of revival meet- ing each spring. There many topics are given a thorough and necessary airing. But after the Spring Parley, what? Absolutely nothing but a dearth of expression. The Student Senate will serve the function of continuing the Parley idea. racy. The coming election is one of the most sig- nificant in our history. Students, we believe, are as well, if not better qualified to speak of politics than the general public. Certainly it is time their voice is heard. The Daily urges all students to attend the meet- ings of the Senate and speak their mind. It is a forum that is neither radical nor conservative and one that well merits serious consideration. A word of warning, however, to those in charge: we feel that although the idea of a student Senate is a splendid one, it is one that will take careful planning to put into effect. The danger of bad organization, an organization that fails to obtain student interest, is great. We have the greatest respect for those students planning the Senate. The system they have worked out looks on its surface an excellent one. But its success depends on the interest aroused over it. Our guess is that Michigan students will take advantage of the opportunity. Code For Fans . . I'S A WONDERFUL FEELING to be young! It's comfortable to be part of a crowd, all united by the strong bond of a loyalty for Michigan --it will be one of the thrill- ing feelings we'll be striving for and missing as alumni ! And it's easy, when you're a part of a crowd, to do things you wouldn't think of doing when alone. For this reason, we are calling on you who will attend the Purdue game tonight to temper your enthusiasm with a bit of judgment. For some rea- son or other, we of Michigan have been less sports- manlike fans in basketball than we have been in all the other sports, and we'd like to bring our behavior there up to our usual standard. Booing a referee is not only bad taste, but it is foolish. Forced as he is to render an arbitrary judgment which cannot gain a unanimous support from the crowd, he faces charges against his in- tegrity from one side of the floor or the other. No serious charges against the integrity of any official has ever been made here and there is little basis for charges of incompetency. President Angell of Yale, speaking on Alumni Day at that institution, declared: "There will be no general, much less complete, cure (of bad sportsmanship) until our American college groups, both graduate and under-graduate, come to real- ize that bad manners and poor sportsmanship are the marks of the 'mucker' and that no self-re- specting institution can afford to tolerate insults to guests, which is what in fact visiting teams are." Tonight there will be two top-rate teams on the floor. We know that Michigan's team will be doing its best, and we suspect that Purdue won't be beaten by a very high score. The referee will be calling them as he sees them, we are confident. All that remains is for us to show a more genuine Michigan spirit by cheering but never booing. T HEFOR U Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of connunicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. The Heidelberg Invithtimim, To the Editor: Many students and alumni of the University must have, been shocked by its announcement that it would participate in the celebration of the 550th anniversary of the University at Heidel- berg. The acceptance of the invitation is partic- ularly conspicuous in that it was preceded by the refusal of the great English universities to par- ticipate on the grounds that acceptance would, directly or indirectly, condone the Nazi policy to- wards Academic Freedom and Civil Liberty. The statement that the participation of the University of Michigan does not involve approval of Nazi policy is naive. Whatever the motives of the University may be, the presence of its dele- gates at the ceremonies will be taken by the German people and less discriminating Americans as our tacit acceptance of the Nazi regime in academic life. The strangulation of the academic life of Ger- many is too well known to require proof. Only last week the German minister for education called upon the professors and students of the nation to create an Aryan-National Socialist science. Where is the much vaunted, courageous liberal- ism of our University? The refusal of the German invitation would have shown the world that our University supports and defends Academic Free- dom. It would have been a symbol of our refusal to glorify brutality and regimentation. In accepting, the University has involved the whole student body and faculty in an international gesture of approval which the Nazis desire. From the viewpoint of humanity, and in partic- ular of the student, the coming ceremonies are a funeral for our highest academic ideals. Let us not satisfy the murderer by acting as pall bearers. -F.R. Student DisCussions To the Editor: Why can't we have more student discussions on this campus? Must all our learning come from professors? Lectures certainly have their place in education but knowledge cannot become a part of us unless we think for ourselves. The only thing of this sort on this campus is the Spring Parley and certainly one week is not enough. There seems to be a growing sentiment among the students that we should have a get-together more frequently. Many of my friends have ex- pressed their desire to meet other students and lean thfir oninionse on wiriano fnicc ofr nmni SHe Conning Tower On Not Writing About Mauna Loa (We shall not be satisfied until we see a poem about Mauna Loa by Muna Lee. - Conning Tower, December 31, 1935.) Shall Muna Lee set on Mauna Loa Foot shod or metric? She answers Noa! (All her life, those who could tisa Have called her "Mauna Loa" or "Mona Lisa.") If thoughts of Hawaii drive you haggard, The poet for you is Genevieve Taggard. But Muna Lee, tell them as sico, Hymns not Hawaii, but Puerto Rico! MUNA LEE The Conning Tower is in favor of the public health, and it feels that there are many emer- gencies, life and death affairs, making it neces- sary for elevators to run. But it is in favor of the health of elevator operators And their fami- lies, too, although it realizes that an elevator operator is not in business primarily for his health. Maybe the building owners are philanthropic. Maybe they think that if the operators got $2 a week more and had to work fewer hours all that money and leisure would work only to their ultimate harm. You Should Do Nothing But Go to Pictures Sir: To settle a bet, it seems we went to see the Charlie Chaplin picture, and we go there just as Paulette Goddard was coming on the screen. And it seems she plays a kind of waif or something. So we stayed and saw the beginning again, and pretty soon it got to where Miss Goddard came on - you remember she plays a kind of waif or some- thing - so I said, "Let's go - this is where we gamin." . . . So to settle a bet maybe I shouldn't have gone to the picture. What do you think? G.S.K. Keeping Up With the Joneses Jones was the name of the richest family. They lived in a tall gray house, surrounded by sweeping lawns. They were such tall gray people themselves that in some curious way they resembled their house. They seemed to have been there always. Just as if God said, "Let there be Jones" and there were Jones. In a way, like Adam and Eve, only with greater dignity and decorum. They owned the First National Bank, an insti- tution of equal dignity and decorum. The tellers' cages were so hidden by a missive fortress of nubby carven mahogany that all to be seen of any pale young man was through a tiny golden barred window imbedded in this impregnable wall. It had quite an air, this bank. Somber and inex- orable as Death and Taxes. The great clock tick- ing with devilish deliberation seemed to say as its pendulum went right and left, "Jones-Jones. Loans -Loans. Groans -Groans. Moans -Moans. Bones-Bones." The directorate of the bank changed with the times. As citizens grew in prosperity or attained it suddenly and dazzingly, as men did with the fruits of this undeveloped land, they found them- selves absorbed into the directorate, their wives into the Jones Social Circle (outer circle though it might be). And so there appeared on the board a former miller (the floury kind like the Miller of Dee), a former teamster, a former oil pumper, and in the rooms of the great Jones mansion their homely ,timid, fumbling wives. "He is really quite a gentleman," the delicately genteel Madam Jones would say softly about some particularly un- couth specimen, and you thereupon knew that the First National's deposits had been increased by a substantial amount, a considerable block of stock sold, and a New Name added to the directorate. Did those babies know their onions! I'll say. Gentility was all very well - but Power was better. And that went in Hancock County as well as Manhattan. B. ROSS The approach to your mail box must be kept clear so that the carrier may serve it without leaving his vehicle. --Found in a Weston mail box, "Dear Mr. Postmaster," wrote Moira Wellace, of Cobb's Mill Inn, "we will be pleased to re- ceive your vehicle. Please leave it." It seems that the first business day in Chicago under Eastern Standard Time passed smoothly except in the stock yards. We didn't read the whole story, but we assume the cattle didn't like the new time. How such an innovation could not pass smooth- ly we don't understand. Ought to have been at- tended by scenes of violence? And what do the contracting parties do at an unquiet wedding? Yell "I Do!"? "THESE ARE THE THINGS" These are things that make me sore: Movies portraying the whistling snore, Radio skits with screams and moans, Nickels I've lost in the dial phones. L. J. MULHEARN. Some members of the Newspaper Guild, we among them, are phony; a little bit dependent. The 100 per cent Guilders should walk up to their offices as long as their comrades are on strike. THE IMPERIALISTS The Imperialists pass: They die from day to day- The people live. The people lives. Alas, And what they give. The Imperialists slay. JOHN MALTA. "A Womany of Destiny."-Times. That's a girlie when she grows uppy. A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, March 6.-There are several deductions to be drawn from President Roosevelt's election year demand on Congress for a tax bill to meet extra budgetary drafts on the treasury. Not the least interesting is the in- dication it gives that Mr. Roosevelt is utterly confident of his power to block any alternative movement to- ward mandatory currency inflation. Had he any doubts whatever on that point, he could not well have risked stirring up inflation bloc as his tax requests did. Shortly before the President made known his decision to forward a sweeping tax message it was being conceded in congressional circles by inflation bloc leaders that the move- ment had no prospect of success at this session in view of presidential opposition. It could be that part of the delay in formulating administra- tion policy was due to a check up to establish certainly that the votes to sustain a veto of any currency in- flation alternative bill could be count- ed on. H is another interesting thing about presidential calculation of the amount of new revenue Congress is asked to supply to meet both the bonus pre-payment bill and the fall of the AAA processing tax method of financing farm aid measures. Mr. Roosevelt seems to have fol- lowed the same policy he did in his' first budget message, which took an extreme view of what the cost of1 recovery measures would be. His present estimates of tax needs could have been scaled down nearly half a billion if some analysts are right7 about it. The President elected to use in- stead minimum estimates on tax yields and maximum figures on pros- pective outlays. THAT MIGHT BE with the idea of' doing a little horse trading with Congressas thettax bill takes shape. Or it could be that the tax message announcement on the eve of treasury presentation of its major fiscal oper- ation to date under the Roosevelt ad- ministration were not unrelated events. Going after some $1,800,000,000 of which $800,000,000 is "new money" is quite an undertaking. Launching that operation in the backwash of the presidential demand on Congress to restore the more favorable budgetary trend described in his budget message, and which passage of the bonus bill over his veto and the AAA decision so quickly upset, certainly must have added to treasury confidence that the new loans will be heavily oversub- scribed. - -9 BOOKS "*: WITH the awakening of interest in the proletarian novel in the early part of this century, a conflict arose between critics over the questions of propaganda and art, and whether a work can be one and still be the other. The battle of one faction to prove that all great art is propaganda, while the other argues that no propa- ganda can be art, has aroused the in- terest of writers as well as critics. Thus, when James T. Farrell, author of the "Studs Lonigan" trilogy, gives his opinions on the matter, a great deal of light is bound to be played on both sides of the issue. Farrell is a masterly writer, and his books carry definite social implica- tions. Yet in his article in this week's Nation, he admits that there can be "art for art's sake." Mr. Farrell feels, however, that contemporary work cannot be considered from this point of view. It is only when writing has lost its social meaning, he says, or when the circumstances of the period of the writing are forgotten, that they may be considered for art's sake alone. "The creation of art and literature," he says, "is not an independent pro- cess taking place in a vacuum. This is a truism. It is another matter, however, to attempt to specify in any particular case the manner in which objective situations control and de- limit thought." The claims of revolutionary writers that such works as "Hamlet" and "Macbeth" are defenses of British imperialism are, in Farrell's opinion, unfounded, but, he says, the plays do have social significance in that they present a phase of human char- acter which recurrs many times in the experience of Man. He points out that such claims have been made in regard to Dickens' writing, and states that although Dickens' work did have a strong social signfi- cance at the time of their writing, it is now respected simply for the masterful art which produced it. In some cases, Farrell says, the work of artists of decades and cen- turies ago does have a social influ- ence. This' is true of such men as l SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1936 I VOL. XLVI No. 108 Noices To The Members of the University Council: The regular Ma ch'meet ing of the University Council has been cancelled. Smoking in University Buildings: Attention is called to the general rule that smoking is prohibited in Univer- sity buildings except in private offices and assigned smoking rooms where precautions can be taken and control exercised. This is neither a mere arbitrary regulation nor an attempt to meddle with anyone's personal habits. It is established and enforced solely with the purpose of preventing fires. During the past two years there have been twenty fires in University buildings, seven of which were at- tributed to cigarettes. To be effec- tive, the rule must necessarily apply to bringing lighted tobacco into or through University Buildings -in- cluding such lighting just previous to going outdoors. Within the last few years a serious fire was started at the exit from the Pharmacology Building by the throwing of a still lighted match into refuse waiting removal at the doorway. If the rule is to be en- forced at all its enforcement must be- gin at the building entrance. Further, it is impossible that the rule should be enforced with one class of persons if another class of persons disregards it. It is a disagreeable and thankless task to enforce' any rule. This rule against the use of tobacco within the less and difficult of all, unless it has the willing support of everyone con- cerned. An appeal is made to all persons using the University build- buildings is perhaps the most thank- ings -- staff members, students and others - to contribute individual co- operation to this effort to protect University buildings against fires. Notice to all Members of the Uni- versity: The following is an extract of a By-Law of the Regents (Chap- ter III-Z, Sections 8 and 9) which has been in effect since September, 1926: "It will hereafter be regarded as contrary to University policy for any one to have in his or her possession any key to University buildings or parts of buildings if such key is not stamped as provided (i.e. by the Buildings and Grounds department). If such unauthorized keys are found the case shall be referred to the Dean or the proper head of the University division involved for his action in accordance with this principle. Any watchman or other proper represen- tative of the Buildings and Grounds Department, or any Dean, department head, or other proper University offi- cial shall have the right to inspect keys believed to open University buildings, at any reasonable time or place. " . ..For any individual to order, have made, or permit to be ordered or made, any duplicate of his or her University key, through unauthorized. channels, must be regarded as a spe- cial and willful disregard of the safety of University property." These regulations are called to the attention of all concerned, for their' information and guidance. Any per- son having any key or keys to Uni- versity buildings, doors, or other locks, contrary to the provisions recited above, should promptly surrender the same to the Key Clerk at the office of the Superintendent of Build- ings and Grounds. Shirley W. Smith. Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the faculty of this College on Thursday, March 12, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348 West Engineering Building. Special order -Recommendations of the Commit- tee on Coordination and Teaching relative to change in the nontechnical electives and rearrangement of cur- ricula. Students of the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts: A meet- ing will be held on Tuesday, March 10, 4:15 p.m., Room 1025 Angell Hall, for students in the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts and others interested in future work in Law. The meeting will be addressed by Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School. This will be the first meeting of the vocational series designed to give in- formation concerning the nature of and preparation for the various pro- fessions. The second meeting, to be addressed by Dr. R. W. Bunting of the School of Dentistry, will be held on Thursday, March 12. ' School of Education, Changes of Elections: No course may be elected for credit after Saturday, March 7. Students enrolled in this school must report all changes of elections at the Registrar's Office, Room 4, Universi- ty Hall. This includes any change of sections or instructors. Membership in a class does not cease nor begin until all changes have thus officially been registered Ar- rangements made with the instruct- ors are not official changes. cnd to successful applicants is an order on the University covering the full semester fees. Application forms may be secured at the Graduate School office, 1006 Angell Hall. Forms should be in the office by March 18. The Graduate School. Choral Union Members: Copies of "Caractacus" and tickets for the "Spalding" and "Thomas" concerts will be given out to members in good standing Monday, March 9, between the hours of 9 to 12, and 1 to 4 at the Recorder's Office, School of Music Building. Those whose attendance records are not clear, or who have failed to return their "Messiah" copies, will not be given tickets, nor will tickets be given out after the hours specified above. Attention Patrons of the Art Cine- ma League: There will be an extra showing of "Crime and Punishment" Saturday at 10:30 p.m. Tickets for this show will be put on sale at 10:00 p.m. There will be no reserved seats. A cademic Notices Philosophy 31: A make-up final ex- amination will be held on Monday, March 9, at 3 o'clock, Room 201 South Wing. Make-up examination in English 143 will be given Monday, March 9, 3 p.m., 3217 Angell Hall. Political Science 1: Make-up ex- amination Saturday, March 7, 2 p.m., Room 2029 A.H. Lecture Chemistry Lecture: Professor J. H. Mathews, of the chemistry depart- ment of the University of Wisconsin, will lecture on "The Use of Scientific Methods in the Identification of the Criminal" on Monday, March 9, 4:00 p.m., in Natural Science Auditorium. The lecture is under the auspices of the University and the local section of the American Chemical Society. The public is cordially invited. Concert Faculty Concert: Wassily Besekir- sky, violinist, and Joseph Brinkman, pianist, of the faculty of the Universi- ty School of Music, will provide a program of Sonatas Sunday after- noon, March 8, at 4:15 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium, to which the general public, with the exception of small children, is invited without admission charge. The public is requested, how- ever, to be seated on time as the doors will be closed during numbers. The program is as follows: Sonata in B-flat (Kochel No. 378) .-...- - ...-.- - - .M ozart Allegro moderato Andantino sostenuto Rondo Sonata in G major, Op. 78 . .Brahms Vivace ma non troppo Adagio Allegro molto moderato El Poema. de Una Sanluquena ......... Turina Ante el espejo La cancion del lunar El rosario en la iglesia Alucinaciones Eventis Of Today Hillel Foundation: There will be a Purim Party at the Hillel Foundation at 8 p.m. Sponsored by Hillel in co- operation with the Hillel Indepen- dents. Entertainment and refresh- ments. All Jewish students are cor- dially invited to attend. Coming Events Alpha Gamma Sigma meeting for all members and pledges Monday, March 9, at the League, 7:30 p.m. Genesee Club meeting in the Union on Sunday, March 8, 4:30 p.m. The Monday Evening Drama See-, tio'n of the Facuity Women's Club will meet Monday evening, 7:45 p.m., March 9, at the home of Mrs. John fLeete, 1514 Granger Ave. Bridge Group of the Michigan Dames meets at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening, March 10, Michigan League. All those who wish to come and have not been notified either by card or phone or have not signed the slip which was passed, please call Mrs. W. L. Hindman by Monday noon. Stalker Hall, Sunday: 12 noon, Class on "Developing Christian Personality" led by Dr. BIessie Kanouse. 6 p.m., Wesleyan Guild. Mr. L. LaVerne Finch will speak on "Faith." 7 p.m., Fellowship Hour and supper. All Methodist students and their friends are cordially invited to attend each of the above meetings. First BaIvtist Church, Sunday: 10:45 a.m., Sermon by Mr. Sayles on "What is a Christian?" 9:30, The Church School meets. 9:45, Dr. Wa- terman's class at Guild House. 12:00, Students at Guild House. Discuss. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the uiletin bi eonstrucI% ii ;l.I,,-e to 'ni members of the ftlversity. Copy received at tu olm l' or t -e Asi1tant to the President vktil 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Sat~urday. I 4 4