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February 18, 1936 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-02-18

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Varsity Forced

Team Battles St.


To Depend On
Two Reserves
Lowrey Will Start James,
Heyliger And Fabello On
Front Line
Radical changes in the Varsity
hockey line-up for the second game
of the semester with St. Thomas A.C.
here tonight were announced by
Coach Eddie Lowrey at the conclu-
sion of last night's practice.
Beaten by Pt. Edward of Sarnia,
4-2, Saturday in a ragged game, the
team will present a strangely differ-
ent appearance when it skates out on
the Coliseum ice for tonight's game.
The forward line will consist ofVie
Heyliger at center, Johnny Fabello on
right wing, and Gib James, Ottawa
sophomore who became eligible Sat-
urday, on the left flank.
Simpson At Defense
Instead of Bert Smith, Bob Simp-
son will team with Larry David on
the defense, and Irving Shalek will
be^ in the nets in place of Reed Low
who started against Pt. Edward.
Michigan will have only Jack Merrill
and Fritz Radford for spares.
It is understood that the omission
of the names of Bert Smith, Dick
Berryman, and Dick Griggs from the
line-up was made pending the meet-
ing of the Board in Control of Aath-
letics to determine eligibility.
Against Pt. Edward Michigan used
a second forward wall made up of
Berryman at center with Merrill and
Griggs on the wings and both Simp-
son and Radford as alternate de-
fensemen. Tonight the team will
clash with the strong St. Thomas six
minus the second line, with the ex-
ception of Merrill, and without Bert
Lowrey Expects Improvement
Lowrey expressed himself as not
satisfied with the forwards' perform-
ance Saturday, saying that there was
too much stick handling and too lit-
tle passing, but added, that the team
would look better tonight despite the
fact that it would have only two
spares, one of whom has seen prac-
tically no Varsity action.
The Pt. Edward tilt was the first;
regular game in which Gib James,

Ineligibility Decisions
Due Thursday Night
The bogey of ineligibility hovered
over the Michigan athletic camp yes-
terday and today as the Wolverines
began second-semester competition,
but no official notice will be made un-
til a formal announcement by the
eligibility committee of the Board in
Control of Physical Education fol-
lowing its meeting Thursday night.
In the meantime, questionable
cases are being kept from competi-
tion by their coaches. Earl Meyers,
basketball reserve, was not included
on the squad which met Indiana last
night, and Harry Wright was kept at
home as the Varsity wrestling team
met Ohio State.
Bert Smith and Dick Berryman
were not listed in the hockey lineup
which goes against St. Thomas to-
night, supposedly for eligibility rea-
Entry Lists For Olympic
Court Eliminations Close
INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 17. -A-P) -
Entry lists for the Fifth District N.
C. A. A. Olympic basketball elimina-
tion will close at 6 p.m. Feb. 26, it
was announced today by W. F. Fox,
Jr., district chairman
The Fifth District includes Indiana,
Ohio, Michigan and Illinois and the
eight-team district tournament will
be held at the Butler Field House
here in March. The Fifth District
champion will compete against the
winner in the Sixth District, which
includes Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota
and the Dakotas, for the right to,
compete in the final tournament at
New York early in April.
has played in two years, and he was
trembling with nervousness just be-
fore the commencement of play. Car-
rying his stick in the crook of his arm
and using his hundred and thirty-
five pounds to very effective advan-
tage, James played a good game in
his initial appearance as a Wolver-
ine. He teamed with Heyliger to'
break through the defense time and
again Saturday night, but the Can-
adians kept him closely checked
throughout the game, and the Pt.
,'dward netminder was exceptionally
good as he limited the Wolverines to
a pair of tallies

Two Important
Changes Made
In Grid Rules'
California Meeting Comes
To Close After Three
Days Of Secret Session
PALM SPRINGS, Cal. -The end-
ing today of the first national foot-
ball rules committee session ever to
be held west of Philadelphia revealed
that only two major changes in regu-
lations had been written in the 1936
After three days of secret meetings,
the committee disclosed:
1 - A blocked kick which did notj
pass the line of scrimmage hereafter
would be a "free ball" which may be
advanced by either side if recovered
before it is "dead." Previously the
kicking team could not advance the
ball when its punts were blocked.
Forwards Altered Slightly
2 -The "slow whistle" was elimi-)
nated because it apparently resultedI
in too many injuries. Previously end-
ing of a play was delayed to give the
offensive team more latitude for lat-
eral passes.
A minor change was made in rules
governing the forward pass, expected
to be drastically altered at the meet-
ing. The board decided only that use
of "screen" players should be tight-1
Players ineligible to receive a pass
may not advance beyond the point
where the pass is caught, intercepted,
or falls incomplete, nor may inel-
igible players "obstruct the view ofI
any opponent."
No Time Warning
Violation of the new "screening"
rule will carry the same penalty as
now applied for pass interference.
Other rule revisions included:
Teams will be given no warning to
return to the playing field three min-
utes before start of the second half.
The squads must be on the field and
ready to play at the end of the fif-1
teen-minute rest period between
halves without urging from officials.I
Option of putting the pigskin in1
play from scrimmage instead of from
the kickoff was eliminated. The ball
must be kicked.

Kipke Issues Call For
All Freshmen Gridders
Freshman football candidates
were ordered to report to the In-
tramural sports building at 3:00
p.m. today by Harry G. Kipke
Varsity grid coach.
Due to the fresh varnish on the
Intramural floor Coach Kipke will
merely assign lockers to the year-
lings who will be eligible for the
Varsity eleven next fall. Active
drills consisting of exercises, bas-
ketball and light workouts with a
football including signal drills will
begin Thursday.

A.C. In Coliseum Tonight
Wrestler Grinds And Crams To Win
Place On Team But Fate Tricks Him

Michigan Wins
Three Of Four
eekend Tilts
Michigan Varsity squads were vic-
torious in three out of four engage-
ments over the past weekend. The
swimming, basketball and wrestling
teams won easy decisions while the
hockey sextet dropped a 4-2 battleI
with Point Edward of Sarnia Satur-
day night in the Coliseum.
Coach Franklin Cappon's basket-
ball five defeated Michigan State Sat-
urday night at East Lansing, 41 to
23. John Gee returned to form with
five baskets and two free throws to
lead the Wolverines with 12 points.
John Townsend collected nine points
and George Rudness seven. The
Spartans did not score until 11 min-
utes of the first half had gone by, and
were trailing 18 to 8 at halftime.
Indiana fell to Coach Matt Mann's
National championship swimmers
Saturday afternoon at Bloomington
53 to 31 for the second time this sea-
son. Using only six swimmers and
two divers, the Michigan natators
took first in every event but the back-
stroke. Pool records were made by
Coach Mann's proteges in the breast-
stroke, medley and sprint relays.
By virtue of their 21-13 mat vic-
tory over Michigan State's Spartans
Saturday at East Lansing, Coach
Keen's Varsity grapplers avenged the
two defeats suffered last year at the
hands of the State matmen. It was
the Wolverines' second consecutive
win over their arch rivals.

Deserving of praise is the young
man who spends a whole year being
tossed all over a rough mat in hopes
that someday he may toss others
around in actual varsity competition.
Equally deserving is the young man
who, confronted with the dreadful
prospect of going down in academic
defeat, burns the well known oil
courageously through the wee hours
of the night so that he may survive
in that grim fight for what the ath-
letes know as eligibility.
Lilburn Ochs, 175 pound wrestler
gained the right to claim these things
as his accomplishments. Then with
the seemingly inevitable reward ly-
ing practically at his feet the weird-
est misfortunes caused it literally to
vanish in thin air.
Ochs came here a year ago this
month from the University of Mis-
souri, where he had been hailed as
one of the brightest wrestling finds
of the season. Twice Ochs had ter-
rorized interscholastic wrestling tour-
naments in Missouri to gain cham-
pionships in the 155-pound class, at
which weight he wrestled in high
school. Missouri expected great things
from Ochs but before he had had a
chance to perform for that school
he decided that he would go to Mich-
At Michigan, Ochs was obliged to
bide his time until he had qualified
himself for varsity competition by
meeting the Big Ten requirement of
a non-competitive freshman year. He
I-M Sports
The preliminaries for the annual
fraternity swimming meet will be run
off at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the
Intramural Pool. Sixteen fraterni-
ties have entered the meet this year
in an attempt to wrest the title from
Psi Upsilon, last year's winners. The
finals will take place at 5:00 p.m.
The mid-winter sports season re-
sumes its play with All-Campus tour-
naments in badminton, handball
singles, bowling singles and squash.

worked hard during two long semes-
ters of grind without glory or reward.
Studies came hard to Ochs and by the
time final examinations rolled around
this past semester Ochs had found
himself below the required standard
for eligibility. But determined tc
overcome his deficiency he put him-
self industriously to his studies and as
a result pulled up his grades to the
required mark.
Ochs had succeeded and he was
happy that he had done so. Then a
few days ago he had finished a long
workout, one of the last in prepara-
tion for his first varsity meet, and
panting heavily from the strain of the
tussle he sat down to rest. He dropped
limply to his haunches and fell flat
on his face. His knees caved in under
his tired body. A sharp click and
Ochs a few hours later was resting in
a soft white bed up at the University
Health Service. His right leg, one
that had stood the strain of innumer-
The floor of the large gym in
the Intramural Sport Building has
been varnished and will not be
ready for use until 7:00 p.m. Wed-
nesday, when the basketball teams
will resume play.

able workouts, had given away. Ochs
is through for the present wrestling
Fate played Ochs a wicked trick,
but, lying helpless in his bed with a
plaster cast around his knee, he is
stoically anticipating the time when
he will be once more ready to don his
sweat suit and carry on for Coach
Cliff Keen and his band of hard work-
ing wrestlers.
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A Bachelor's degree in arts, sci-
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