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October 06, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-06

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Published every morning except Monday during the
University year an Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
J050oct t olleiate Sr s
1934 CstyP 1935
The Asociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches redited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paperand the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General,
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc. 11
West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
News Editor ............Elsie A. Pierce
Editorial Writers: Robert Cummins and Marshall D. Shul-
Night Editors: Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Rich-
ard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, and
Bernard Weissman.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred
Delano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy A. Briscoe, Florence H.
Davies, Olive E. Griffith, Marion T. Holden, Lois M.
King, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
REPORTERS: E. Bryce Alpern, Leonard Bleyer, Jr., Wil-
liam A. Boles, Lester Brauser, Albert Carlisle, Rich-
ard Cohen, Arnold S. Daniels, William John DeLancey,
Robert Eckhouse, John J. Frederick, Carl Gerstacker,
Warren Gladders, Robert Goldstine, John Hinckley,
S. Leonard Kasle, Richard LaMarca, Herbert W. Little,
Earle J. Luby, Joseph S."Mattes, rnest L. McKenzie,
Arthur A. Miller, Stewart Orton George S. Quick,
Robert D. Rogers William Scholz, William E. Shackle-
ton, Richard Sidder, I. S.-ilverman, William C. Spater,
Tuure Tenander, and Robert Weeks.
Helen Louise Arner, Mary Campbell, Helen Douglas,
Beatrice Fisher, Mary E. Garvin, Betty J. Groomes,
Jeanne Johnson, Rosalie I~anners, Virginia Kenner,
Barbara Lovell, 'Marjorie Mackintoh, -Ltouise Mars,
Roberta Jean Melin, Barbara Spencer, Betty Strick-
root, Theresa Swab, Peggy Swantz, and Elizabeth Whit-
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS: Local advertisng, William
Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlison; Con-
tracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohigemuth;
Circulation and National Advertisfng, John Park;
Classified Advertising and Publications, Lyman Bitt-
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Jerome I. Balas, Charles W.
Barkduil, D. G. Bronson, Lewis E. Bulkeley, John C.
Clark, Robert J. Cooper, Richard L. Croushore, Herbert.
D. Fallender, John T. Guernsey, Jack R. Gustafon,
Morton Jacobs, Ernest A. Jones, Marvin Kay, Henry
SKls, William C Knecht, R. A. Kronenberger, i-
.'lam,R. Mann, John F. Mclean, Jr., LawrenceM.It Rth,.
Rchard M. Samuels, John D. Staple, Lawrence A. Star-
7ky, Norman B. Steinberg.
WOMBN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Bernadine
Field, Betty Greve, Helen Shap>and, Grace Snyder,
Betsy Baxter, Margaret Bentley, Mary McCord, Adele
We Salute
The Freshme. .
from far and near to see yesterday's
game must naturally have been very disappointed
with the results, and they will talke their leave of
the campus hoping that tle tean will have better
luck next time. But everyone at the game saw
something which was as satisfying and enour-
aging to witness as anything which has happened
in a long, long time.
The class of '39, proudly wearing its newly adopt-
ed "pots," appeared between the halves, and flaunt-
ed its numbers before the crowd - before the class
of '38 in particular. Weaving across the field in
an hysterical snake-dance, the freshmen gave a
wonderful show of class and school spirit; and by
school spirit we don't mean any of the features
of the not-so-long-ago 'rah-rah' days which made
the college man an object of contempt, and the
butt of innumerable jokes.
No, the spirit exhibited by '39 is the kind of*
spirit which Michigan has needed for these many
years, the spirit of the 'touchdown a minute' days.
When this same spirit has spread through the
whole school, the work begun at Friday night's rally

will truly have been successfully completed.-
The upperclasses may well feel a little abhamed
of themselves, and very proud of these yearlings,
who in a few days have grasped an idea which the
rest of the school has completely missed in a much
longer .period.
.More power to you, '39!
Our Arms
Embargo . ..
IT IS ONLY NATURAL that at least
a part of America's interest in the
Italo-Ethiopian war should center on the effect
our neutr.ality embargo legislation will have on
the parties concerned.
The Embargo Act prohibits absolutely the ship-
inent of arms from the United States to both
belligerents in a war, but provides that the embargo

bow, are forced to obtain modern guns from
any source they can. In part, should sanc-
tions really be invoked against Mussolini, they
will be able to get these from Europe. But an
additional supply from America would be inval-
And furthermore, besides our act being unfair
for what it says, it is also unfair to the little
African nation for what it does not say. The
prohibition affects only those goods set forth re-
cently in a list by the Munitions Control Board,
and that list omits all raw materials. Ethiopia,
being largely rural and agricultural, has no need
for wheat from outside and it is doubtful that she
could manufacture guns if she were shipped the
steel. With Italy the situation is vastly different.
Italy has very few natural resources. She de-
pends almost entirely for both wheat and steel
on the rest of Europe and America. Should the
League members vigorously invoke economic sanc-
tions, one source of these would be shut off. But
under our Embargo Act, Il Duce will be able to
obtain as much of both of these commodities W he
can pay for.
And thus we find it possible that the United
States, through its desire to insure absolute im-
partiality and neutrality, may be aiding the ag-
gressor nation in the Italo-Ethiopian conflict.
Except for what little harm it may do to our con-
sciences and sense of fair play, this will do us
no harm in itself. But, England and other great
European powers may become involved, and then
where will we be? Suppose England should at-
tempt to enforce a blockade of Italy? Then what?
There isone other possibility, however. Should
an Italian army get well into Ethiopia, and Eng-
land then close the Suez Canal and thus shut off
communications and food from the troops of Mus-
solini, importation of steel from the United States
on the part of Ethiopia, with which she could
have guns and ammunition manufactured else-
where, would be an invaluable aid. You can't
fight without bullets, and should such a crisis
arise, the Italians would not have them and the
Ethiopians would.
We point out these facts and possibilities through
no idle speculation, but because we feel that they
are what more intimately than anything on the
horizlon, at the present time, tie us up with a
situation which may or may not involve all Europe
in conflict.
As Oathers See It
Cost Ten Millon,
(From the Coumbia Missourian)
TEN MILLION dollars rained down on young
George W. Vanderbilt as he crossed -the 21-
year mark last week. Ile cooly announced in an
interview dear to day-dreaming office boys and
working girls, that he wasn't going to work for
a living.
He reasoned that with this first installment
to care for his immediate wants and more millions
to come on future birthdays there is no need for
him to clutter up an office.
Tiger hunts and world travel will occupy the
young millionaire, he says, and will provide ma-
terial for travel articles which he is interested in
writing and enable him to collect anthropological
Perhaps the young man emphasizes too much the
pleasure element in the spending of his fortune.
But it seems that a nearby metropolitan paper
takes an extreme view when it speaks of people
who "just naturally get hot under the collar when
they read of ostentationus spending by young
The trouble is that it represents exactly what
most of us would like to be doing. Envy always
creates ill feeling._
There is no reason why a young man with
ten million dollars should compete in a world al-
ready packed with unemployment. If his interest
in anthropology continues it is probable that Van-
derbilt can be of service to science.
When a millionaire makes foolish use of his
fortune it is rather to be regretted that he has
not learned how to make his money most bene-
ficial to himself and to humanity than to begrudge
his ,millions and insist that he "get down to honest

Concerning a recent statement in the press that
,almost all radio announcers are college graduates,'
C. C. Wood of the Eureka Herald naively asks: "Is
this an argument for or against higher education?"
-Topeka Daily Capital.

Oiff The Record
INSTREL SHOWS and circuses around Poplar-
ville, Miss., had a faithful follower in Senator
Theodore Bilbo when he was a small boy. He de-
termined to be a "circus spieler." He studied the
profession, standing open mouthed as the harangue
artist would start, "Inside you will see the bearded
"Did you ever compose a 'spiel' of your own?"
Bilbo was asked.
"I'm in the Senate," he replied.
Constituents don't wait for voting age to
ask favors of 1Mrs. Edith Nourse Rogers, repre-
sentative from Massachusetts. She had a note
from an eight-year-old girl:
"As my congressman I wish you would make
laws to take care of the birds."
PROBABLY the only man in official life to carry
two watches is "Wild Bill" Lyons, administra-
tive assistant to the postmaster general.
He never forgets to wind either of them. One
is a gift from Jack Dempsey. It has a stop watch
and split second device.
LADY NANCY ASTOR, for all the time she spends
in England, is a very live memory in Wash-
ington because she was one of the famous Lang-
horne beauties of the nearby Virginia piedmont.
The glories of her life in England are recounted
here, and among the stories is that one about her
old Negro mammy who had heard much of "Missie
Nancy's" life at court.
"Glory be," she said to Lady Astor on her last
trip here, "yo' jus' done outmarried yo'self, didn't
SINCE THE DAYS of Tom Taggart of Indiana,
the Senate has had no member who could
think up a good practical joke, but his colleagues
still tell of Taggart's watch.
He used to bring conversation around to a dis-
cussion of the time. He would pull a watch from
his pocket and maneuver until it looked as though
the other person had joggled the watch from his
hand. It would crash to the floor, wheels and
pins flying in all directions. The friend's hair
would stand on end, and Taggart would look woe-
begone. "
The watch was specially assembled for the act.
THERE were three candidates for a job in the
state of Washington. It was necessary for
them to write their qualifications to Senator Lewis
B. Schwellenbach.
The letters were to detail the applicants' qualifi-
cations for the job. One correspondent made two
mistakes; he mispelled both the names of Schwel-
lenbach and of President Roosevelt.
Representative Ev4rett M. Dirksen of Illinois
was asked if he were a member of any alumni
committees of his old college.
"Yes," he said. "I'm a fugitive from the dues'
The congressional crowd which is not joining
the "junket" to the Orient is grinning over the
thught of the traveling senators and their wives
padding around Japanese homes in their stocking
feet as custom in that country dictates.
It seems etiquette on the subject greatly dis-
turbed the congressmen before they left. They
set out with more than the usual supply of new
Many students who had planned to go to the
University have enrolled in the local business col-
lege. A practical education that will enable them
to earn enough money to buy an occasional ham-
burger means more to them than a cultural course
with a college degree, which, in late years, has led
only to a case supervisor's job.-Douglas County
(Kans. Republican.
It's impossible to get a college degree in Italy

now without proficiency in military science.
From the 250 persons-he has rescued, Lifeguard
Jack Nathans, Jr., at Folly Beach, S.C., has re-
ceived only a $1.50 cigarette case. Even then
he may -have been overpaid.

Class spirit is back on the campus,
the old roaring, raging, skylarking
class spirit that made class games,
Black Friday, Cap Night, and all the
other interclass events the high spots
of the year. It's back on campus, and
we hope it's here to stay.
Somehow, the sight of a shouting,
charging bunch of freshmen on the
rampage makes us feel that after all
the college student isn't as durn blase
as they try to make out at times,
and we're glad they aren't. After suc-
ceeding years of dead pans and sour-
pusses, one is apt to get the notion
that the human race is composed of
grubbing automatons, eating, sleep-
ing, grinding, going through the mo-
tions of life without a single emo-
And then along comes a big order
of enthusiasm like that of Friday
night, and the gloom just gets wiped
right off the map - your map, our
map, everybody's map. Yes sir, old
Iffy -I mean old Jabber Wock is
sure happy the frosh are on the ball
again. It means that if the sopho-
mores know what's healthy for them,
they'll be on the ball too in no time
at all, and then, with the youngsters
on the tear, the upperclassmen will
have to watch their step and find
some way of asserting what dignity
they'll have left.
* * *
In the' old days, when the wild
hordes of the King of Kings and Con-
quering Lion of Judah, then Menelik
II, or possibly III, ripped the Italian
line to pieces at Adua in 1895 or so,.
and did a pretty good job on the
backfield, Ethiopia was known to
everybody as Abyssinia. They did a
good workmanlike job then, and in
the hopes that they will repeat, Ethi-
opia shall henceforth be known as;
Abyssinia. in the columns of this
column. What pots have done for
the freshmen, a new name might do
for Eth-Abyssinia.
Besides, if we mention it often
enough, it ought to fill the colyum
quicker. Abyssinia, Abyssinia, Aby-
ssinia, Abyssinia. Are we spelling it
right? If we aren't we're just trying
to be quaint.
* * * :
After perusing the foregoing an-
nouncement, three linotypers resigned
from the composing room staff. They
just couldn't take it, I guess. Pretty
soon they'll just be leaving the column
blank, and I'll have to write the col-
umn out long-hand 4,500 times a
night. (Daily Circulation adv.)
* * *
To the Editor:
The address of Harold Q. Thistle-
waite, '11L, has been changed from
1325 Fleabottom Drive, Brookside,
Arizona, to 4308%/2 N. 143 St., Chelsea,
Mich. Please make this correction in
your files.
United States Post Office.
Editor's Note: And we had to pay
two cents to get that letter!)
* * 'a
By H. Selassie
IN THE FIELD, Oct. 5. - (By Runner
to Aaahddis Aahwahwah) Hello,
My air forces appear to be the most
successful units under my command.

Yesterday he fought off two Ital-
ian pursuit planes while on a run to
Aaahddis Aahwahwah, on his way to
get me two hamburgers and a cup
of coffee. When he returned I made
him a brigadier-general of the com-
missary dept. on the spot, and dec-
orated him with the various orders
of my Kingdom.
Poor fellow! Burdened with his
medals, he crashed on his next take-
off, when he was going back for a
bottle of ketchup, and broke his leg.
That wiped out my army air corps and
reduced me to the naval aviation dept.
which consists of Col. Julian, the
Black Ace of Harlem, who is all wet.
The League of Nations, I am in-
formed by authoritative sources, may
decide that Mussolini is the aggressor,
or else, if he wins out, that he is
merely policing our country. If that's
it, the durned flatfoot is way off his
beat, and I'm gonna report him to the

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

VOL. XLVI. No. 5f
Senate Receptin: The members of
the faculties and their-wives are cor-
dially invited to be present at a re-t
ception by the President and the Sen-
ate of the University in honor of the
new members of the faculties to be
held on Tuesday evening,2October 29,
from 8:30. o'clock until 12 o'clock int
the ballrooms of the Michigan Union.
Tle reception will take place between
8:30 and 10:00, after which there willt
be an opportunity for dancing. No
individualminvitations will be sent out.'
LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: Per-
sons intending to apply for LaVerneY
Noyes Scholarships for the present
year are requested to do so beforet
October 10. Applications should be
made at the President's office, 1017t
Angell Hall. World War veterans andt
their blood descendants are eligible.
Smoking in University Buildings:t
Attention is called' to the general rule1
that smoking is prohibited in Univer-
sity buildings except in private officesi
and assigned smoking rooms wherec
precautions can be taken and con-1
trol exercised. This is neither a mere
arbitrary regulation nor an attempt
to meddle with anyone's personale
habits. It is established and en-
forced solely with the purpose of pre-
venting fires. During the past two
years there have been twenty fires inI
University buildings, seven of whichi
were attributed to cigarettes. To be
effective, the rule must necessarilyI
apply to bringing lighted tobacco
into or .through University buildings
-including such lighting just prev-
ious to going outdoors. Within the
last few years a serious fire was start-l
ed at the exit from the Pharmacologyt
Building by the throwing of a still
lighted match into refuse waiting re-I
moval at the doorway. If the rule isi
to- be enforced at all its enforcemente
must begin at the building entrance.
Further, it is impossible that the rule
should be enforced with one class -of1
persons if another class of persons
disregards it. It is a disagreeable and
thankless task to "enforce" any rule.c
'This rule against the use of .tobacci,
within the buildings is perhaps the
most thankless and difficult of all,c
unless it has the willing support of3
everyone concerned. An appeal ist
made to all persons using the Uniyer-
sity buildings -staff members, stu-
dent and others - to contribute indi-
vidual cooperation to this effort toI
protect University buildings against
Notice to all Members of the Un-t
versity: The following is an extract
of a By-Law of the Regents (Chap-
ter III-B, Sections 8 and 9) which
has been in effect since September,
"It will hereafter be regarded asr
contrary to University policy for any
one to have in his or- her possession
any key to University buildings or1
parts of buildings if such key is not
stamped as provided (i.e. by theI
Buildings and Grounds department).1
If such unauthorized keys are foundc
the case shall be referred to the Dean
or the proper head of the Universityy
division involved for his action in<
accordance with this principle. Anyz
watchman or other proper representa-
tive of the Buildings and Grounds
Department, or any Dean department
head or other proper University offi-
cial shall have the right to inspectc
keys believed to open University
buildings, at any reasonable time or
"..For any individual to order,]
have made, or permit to be ordered
or made, any duplicate of his or her
University key, through unauthorizedi
channels, must be regarded as a spe-i
cial and willful disregard of the safety
of University property."
These regulations are called to the
attention of all concerned, for their

information and guidance. Any per-
soi having any key or keys to Uni-]
versity buildings, doors, or other locks,i
contrary to the provisions recited'
above, should promptly surrender the
same to the Key Clerk at the office
of the Superintendent of Buildings
and Grounds.
Shirley W. Smith.
Faculty Meeting, Collego of Liter-
ature, Science and the Arts. The reg-
ular October meeting will be held in
room 1025, Angell Hall, Monday after-
noon, October 7, beginning at 4:10
1. Memorial to Professor Wild.
2. Introduction of newsmembers of
professional rank.
3. Elections to Executive Commit-
tee, University Council,* and Library
4. Enrollment statistics.
5. Reports.
a. ;Executive Committee, LaRue.
b. Deans' Conference, Kraus.
c. Administrative Board Humph-
d. Committee on Schedules, La-'
e. Foreign Periodical and Book'
Situation, Bishop.

companied by letters of acceptance
from two sets of chaperons and a
letter of approval from the Financial
Adviser must be submitted to the
Office of the Dean of Women or the
Office of the Dean of Students on the
Monday preceding the date set for
the party.
J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students.
Teachers' Certificate Candidates:
All candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate to be granted on recommen-
dation of the faculty of the School of
Education by June 1936 are required
to fill out application blanks available
in the office of the Recorder of the
School of Education, 1437 University
Elementary School. These blanks
should be secured and filled out im-
mediately. The attention of stu-
dents in the Literary College is called
to the fact that this application is in
addition to the application made to
the Committee on the Teachers' Cer-
tificate of that college.
Sigma Xi: Members of other chap-
ters of the society who have recently
become associated with the Univer-
sity of Michigan and who wish affil-
iation with the local chapter are re-
quested to notify the secretary, Dr.
Ralph G. Smith, 203 Pharmacology
Bldg., campus. Such notification
should state the chapter and year of
election and whether elected to as-
sociate or full membership.
Women's Tennis Tournament: All
women students interested in enter-
ing the fall tennis tournament should
sign up ;.at the Women's Athletic
Building before Monday, October 7.
Events Of Today
Congregational Church: 10:30 to
12:00. Unified service of Worship and
religious education.
Sermon by Mr. Heaps, "What Has
Religion to do with Education?" first
in the monthly series on "Questions
Asked Today."
Lecture by Prof. Preston Slosson,
"St. Louis and Alfred, Christian
ITings," first in monthly series on
"Qrat Catholics."
Junior and Sepior choirs under the
diect~ign of Thpr Johnson.
6 p.m. Student Fellowship meeting.
R-9Jiowing light supper the Symphony
orchestra will play and lead the sing-
ing, and Prof. Bennett Weaver will
speak on "Spending."
Harris Hall: The student fellowship
hour will be held at 7:00 p.m., in
Harris Hall. Dr. Randolph Adams,
director of Clements Library will be
the speaker, his topic is: "Were I a
Freshman Again." All students and
their friends are cordially invited.
St. Andrew's Church: Services of
worship today are: 8:00 a.m. Holy
Communion; 9:30 a.m. Church
school; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten;
11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and ser-
mon by the Rev. Frederick W. Leech.
First Baptist Church and Roger
Williams Guild:
10:45 worship and sermon by the
minister. Subject, "The Sixth Sense."
E. W. Doty, organist and director of
chorus choir.
12 a.m. Roger Williams Guild group
meets at guild house for forty minute
discussion. Rev. Howard R. Chap-
man, minister for students, will lead.
"A View of Religious Experience.
6:00 p.m. Roger Williams guild
group meets at guild house. Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister of the Church
of Christ, will speak. Every Baptist
student invited with friends.
Following this program "eats" will
be served, with discussion and social
Stalker Hall: Student Guild meet-
ing at 6 p.m. Prof. John L. Brumm, of
the Journalism department, will be
the speaker. Fellowship hour and
supper at 7 p.m. We invite you to
come and get acquainted.

Trinity Lutheran Church: E. Wil-
liams at S. Fifth Ave, Henry O. Yoder,
pastor: 10:30 sermon by the pastor on
"Your Religion, a Load or a Lift."
Lutheran Student Club will meet in
Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at 5:30
-Prof. O. S. Duffendack will speak
to the group at 6:30 on his observa-
tions while in Europe.
Zion Lutheran Church, Washing-
ton St. and Fifth Ave., E. C. Stellhorn,
9:00 a.m. Sunday school; lesson
topic, "Isaiah Portrays the Suffer-
ing Savior."
9:00 a.m. Mission service in the
German language.
10:30 a.m. Mission service with ser-
mon on "A Crusade for Christ."
The Rev. Otto H. Dagford of To-
ledo will be guest preacher at both
5:30 p.m. student fellowship meet-
in and supper.,
6:30 p.m. Prof. O. .S. Duffendack
will address the student group.
Yon Kippur Services: The Reform
services will be held at the Unitarian
Church Sunday evening, October 6
at 7:30 ?ip. 'and Monday morning,
October 7 at 10 a.m.
Orthodox services will be held at the

Gane'o Invade The Far East
By WILLIAM S. WHITE The vice president would be aghast at any im-
THE BROAD Texas grin of John N. Garner will plication that he is a diplomat - but perhaps he is,
beam out soon - from under perhaps the most at that, in a curious blunt way. A man who makes
famous bushy, white eyebrows of his time - in the a 9 p.m. bedtime almost a religion, who detests
ancient cities of the east. both white tie and black, whose face is reddened
The vice president, whose influence in the Roose- by the winds of the cattle country and who is so
velt administration is as potent as it is silent, is blunt he's sometimes almost painful -he presents
going to Tokyo, Shanghai and to Manila at the a strange contrast to the popular picture of a
head of a congressional delegation. The whole suave, silk-hatted figure bearing a grave portfolio
thing will be entirely unofficial and John N. Gar- to a world capital.
ner himself -never one to beat the drums for 'Spare Tire' Of Government
John N. Garner hin'seif - has been careful to avoid However, in the recent session of Congress the
giving the impression that he pretends to expert Texan did a tremendous amount of quiet work
knowledge on oriental affairs. for administration measures and is generally re-
To Attend Inauguration garded as more responsible than any other cap-
Thus, this is the position: He is simply sailing itol leader for pulling certain programs out of the
as Mr. Garner, bearing no label of "diplomat," fire.
and so far as the public knows is just "going for Early in the administration he referred to him-
the ride." self as the "spare tire of the government." Ob-
Others expected to make the trip, scheduled to servers believe that expression perhaps helped him,
begin October 16 from Seattle, Wash., are Speaker to be a great deal more than a spare tire - and
Byrns, of the House, and a group of senators and President Roosevelt has called Garner "Mr. Com-
representatives. The purpose is to attend the mon Sense."
inauguration of the new Philippine commonwealth Removing His Shoes
government in November, by invitation of Filipino It will be the vice president's first trip to the
leaders. The stop overs scheduled in Tokyo and east, and had to be alluring to get him away from
other points are described as more or less inci- his Uvalde, Texas, home and his famous fishing



** *
Union Dance Draws
Large Attendance'
Seven hundred and twenty people,
including many from East Lansing,
attended the dance in the Union last
A Michigan State orchestra was
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