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October 05, 1935 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-05

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Expect Large
Attendance At
Choral Union
Concert Series Deemed
Best That Has Yet Been
Scheduled Here
With the opening concert of th
fifty-seventh Choral Union series still
two weeks away, officials report a de-
cided increase in the number of those
planning to take advantage of the op-
portunity of hearing what have been
4ermed the best 10 concerts ever
scheduled here.
"It is apparent that there is a grow-
ing realization among students of to-
day that the cultural offerings of
their University life are among the
'most important," according to Pres.
Charles A. Sink of the School of
Music, who is also in charge of the
Choral Union program.cHegstressed
that many in the past have waited
a year or two before beginning this
phase of their education and so have
missed opportunities which may never
again be offered them.
Juniors, Seniors Give Praise
In an effort to disclose the student
angle a number of juniors and sen-
iors were questioned regarding their
reaction to the series and all agreed
that to them the development of an
appreciation for fine music has been
as important as any of their univer-
sity work.
The 10 concerts which have been
announced for this season include the
greatest array of talent in the history
of the Choral Union series, it was
stated yesterday. Beginning with the
Metropolitan Opera Quartet, appear-
ing Saturday, Oct. 19, the series con-
tinues through March 16. In the
quartet are Giovanni Martinelli, Eide
Norena, Doris Doe, and Ezio Pinza,
presenting a program of solos, duets,
and quartets.
The second concert, Wednesday,
Nov. 6, will bring Sergei Rachmani-
noff, pianist, in what promises to be
one of the features of the series. He
+ will be followed on Nov. 11 by the
Don Cosack Russian Chorus under
Sergei Jaroff, favorites of many past
Kreisler To Play Dec. 3
Fritz Kreisler, violinist, appears on
Dec. 3, and will be followed by the
Boston Symphony Orchestra, the first
of three such orchestras on the series
program,s in the last concert of the
calendar year. It will come to Ann
Arbor-Dec. 11, playing under Serge
Koussevitsky, conductor.
Jan. 14, Vladmir Golschmann
brings the St. LouisrSymphony Or-
chestra, .to be followed on Jan. 20
by the Kolisch String Quartet. The
third of the orchestras, the Detroit
Symphony, will give a concert Jan. 24,
with Bernardino Molinari as guest
John Charles Thomas, baritone,
appearing Feb. 17, and Myra Hess,
pianist, March 16, will close the sea-
son for 1935-36.
Season tickets, which are now on'
sale at the School of Music office are
priced from $5 to $10, with individual
tickets priced from $1 to $2. In the
season tickets are included a $3 May
Festival Coupon.
Collier Trophy Winner '
Dies In New York City
NEW YORK - (A) - Dr. Sylvanusi
Albert Reed, 81, inventor of the firstl
all metal airplane propeller who re-i
ceived in 1925 the Collier trophy
awarded by the aeronautical associ-l
ation for "the greatest invention inI
aviation in America," is dead. ;

World Watches Map As War Blasts Ethiopia
u - s '2:
>T' H I- O* P- I
* 4'~ *
-Associated Press Map
Localities indicated by arrows are those which are being torn by the
Italo-Ethiopian conflict. The Italian ambassador was handed his pass-
port as the battle raged, and Mussolini's armies are reported to have
captured the city of Adigrat. Dispatches place the number killed in
bombing raids and actual mancuvers at several thousands.
Colonel Miller Sees Duce Halt
Bfefore Impassable Mountains

(Continued from Page 1)
friendly natives, for Europeans in
such a climate."
"There are no roads at present,"
Colonel Miller pointed out. "In the
south the two invading armies will be
confronted by a trackless and almost
uninhabited desert. The lack of vil-
lages in the southern part of Ethi-
opia is in itself proof of. an inability
to support life. Between the desert
and the Addis Ababa - Jibouti rail-
road, which appears to be the objec-
tive of these armies, rises a precipi-
tous range of mountains. That they
will reach the railroad seems unlikely.
"The two northern armies sent
from Eritrea towards Aduwa and Ad-
dis Ababa will encounter mountains
all the way south. Probably they will
succeed in getting part way to Addis
Ababa before the rains begin next
The entire progress of this conflict
will provide an example of the rela-
tive success of two entirely different
types of warfare, guerilla andamech-
anized. On the one hand, as Col.
Miller sees it, there are the brave,
hardy, but untrained Ethiopian na-
tives whose advantages are the na-
ture of the territory and their per-
sonal resourcefulness. Their success
will "depend on surprise and conceal-
ment. Their mode of operation is to
disconcert the enemy."
On the other hand is the highly or-
ganized and thoroughly disciplined
Italian force which must rely upon
the aid of trucks, tanks, telephones,
commissaries, and sanitation, he
"In any case of this sort," said
Colonel Miller, "the man with the
machine is the aggressor. He moves
forward, laying roads and building
bridges, while his opponent hides be-
hind trees or thistle thickets and
snipes at the invader. There will be
some instances of sheer slaughter of
overly zealous natives who have not
yet become acquainted with the ma-
chine-gun. Eventually the Ethiopian
will learn the few principles of guer-
illa warfare, which include remaining
hidden and doing most of the fight-
ing by night.
"Likewise there will be many vil-
lages 'wiped out' by aerial bombard-
ment," he believes. "This will mean
almost nothing in the progress of the

war, for it only costs the Italians
money and destroys very little of
value to the natives.
"In their first big push the Italian
forces probably will advance some
distance beyond Aduwa, but after
that, experience has shown that they
will slow up. Every mile which they
cover will only be won by large ex-
penditure of money, men, and energy.
Every village will prove a stone-
walled barrier. the farther the in-
vading force goes, the smaller will
its head become:
Colonel Miller declared that "com-
plete stoppage of operations would
undoubtedly be effected through clos-
ing the Suez Canal." but that such a
measure would "precipitate a Euro-
pean war. However, should Italy be
left unmolested and her forces reach
the capital, there yet would remain
an enormous drain of men and ma-
terials required in policing' the hos-
tile country. Thus the entire affair
appears to hinge upon whether or
not Italy has the resources and en-
ergy which will be needed."
Koch Replaces
Carrothers At
Education Post
H. C. Koch, assistant director of the
Bureau of Cooperation with Educa-
tional Institutions, this week assumed
the duties of Dr. George E. Carroth-
ers, director of the bureau, who is on
leave of absence from the University
for the semester.
Dr. Carrothers left this week with
Mrs. Carrothers for an extended tour
through the Middle West, South and
East, where he will visit colleges,
secondary schools, and state depart-
ments of public instruction in order
to study the cooperative relationships
existing between the state depart-
ments and institutions of learning.
The director will later make his
headquarters at Columbia University
where he plans to do research work,
dividing his time between New York
City and Washington, D.C., where he
will continue to serve on the national
committee on the "Cooperative Study
of Secondary School Standards."

Severe Storm
Strikes Great
Lakes Ships
Northern Michigan Hit
By Early Appearance Of
Wintry Weather
(By The Associated Press)
Wintry blasts which drove Great
Lakes ships into harbor refuges con-
tinued to rage in northern Michigan
today and under their influence tem-
per atures remained low throughout
the state.
Thirty men who were stranded on
a pulpwood barge in Lake Superior,
20 miles north of Whitefish Point,
were safe in a lumoer camp in north-
ern Luce County. A 60-mile gale
which snapped the barge, Transport,
from its moorings drove it upon the
outer bar at Little Lake yesterday.
Three coast guard crews, from
Whitefish Point, Deer Park and Ver-
million, took off the majority of the
barge's complement. The others were
able to swim or wade through the
chill water to safety as the wind blew
the barge closer to shore.
Ships Seek Shelter
The barge's tug Lamond, with Capt.
Rowan in charge, was forced to put
in at Whitefish.
In Lake Michigan, shipping simi-
larly sought shelter. The freighter
William Nelson was riding out the
storm behind South Manitou Island.
The Ann Arbor carferry Wabash,
caught in the storm was at anchor
off the Wisconsin shore. All other
boats of the carferry fleet were tied
up in port.
The Pittsburgh steamer, Henry C.
Frick, is aground at Nine Mile Point
in lower St. Marys River, having
struck when she dragged an anchor
last night. Sault tugs are standing
The Gros Cap lightship at the en-
trance of the St. Marys River, was
blown almost six miles from her sta-
tion in Whitfish Bay last night, and
a Sault tug was dispatched to her aid
early this morning.
Newberry Cut Off
Newberry was cut off from com-
munication with territory to the
north, and lines were down in other
northern districts. An inch of snow
fell in Ironwood, in the upper pen-
insula yesterday.
Wind disrupted electric light ser-
vice in a section of Port Huron, put-
ting scores of radio receiving sets out
of commission for half an hour in the
middle of the World Series game.
Preuss Explains
Statement To Daily
Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the po-
litical science department, who was
quoted in The Daily yesterday as
holding that sanctions are certain to
be invoked against Italy by other
League members, modified and ex-
plained his statement yesterday.
"The statement must be inter-
preted in the light of what is legally
obligatory," he said. "Sanctions will
probably be applied against Mussolini
if the other League members fulfill
their legal obligations under the cov-
enant. From external appearances, it
appears that there is now a better
chance than ever before that the
sanctions will be applied.
"However," he continued, "even
though the legal obligations may be
clear in any given case, whether or
not those obligations will be ful-
filled may depend on the interests of
the states involved."

WASHINGTON, Oct. 4. - (W) - A
tiny straggling town of low hung
houses nestled high in the mountains
close to the Mareb River, which on
non-Italian maps marks the north-
ern boundary between Ethiopia and
Italian Eritrea, bore the brunt of the
initial casualties in the East African
Aduwa, bombed by Italian air-
planes, has a population of about 5,-
000, the National Geographic Society
Aduwa was described by the society
as "strikingly different" in geographic
setting from the low, torrid region
near Mussa Ali, over 200 miles to the
It was in the latter area, forming
the intersection of Eritrea Ethiopia
Work On New
School To Start
December 15
The construction of a new junior
high school with PWA funds on Ann
Arbor's west side will begin before
Dec. 15, Otto W. Haisley, superinten-
dent of schools, announced yesterday
folowing the board of education's
approval of the project.
The PWA has provided $130,500
of the $330,000 needed for construc-
tion. Although the money was in-
tended for use in construction -of an
addition to the senior high school
building, school officials have been
assured that the change of plans will
not affect the grant.
The change in plans was made
largely because, had the city proceed-
ed with the proposed high school ad-
dition ,the allotment would have been
cut to $54,000, Mr. Hasley said. Be-
cause more labor will be employed in
the construction of a junior high
school, this plan is preferred by the
Five hundred pupils will be cared
for in the new school, which replaces
Mack School as the west side junior
high school unit. Mack School will,
on the completion of the new build-
ing, become an elementary school.
Three possible sites, all in Water-
works Park, are under consideration.

Battle-Scarred Aduwa Again
Scene Of Italian's Onslaught

and French Somaliland where Italian
troops were said by Emperor Haile
Selassie to have made the first land
invasion of his territory.
Aduwa, long a prosperous little vil-
lage, was the scene 40 years ago of
a crushing defeat inflicted by the
Ethiopians on an Italian army. Thus
a marital distinction was added to
its lengthy history as a trading cen-
Its markets drew traders from the
whole of Ethiopia, the Sudan and
Arabia. It was noted in the nine-
teenth century for its weavers, jew-
elers, saddlers, carpenters and black-
smiths, trades almost wholly lacking
in more southerly towns.
Situated about 6,000 feet above sea
level, amid lofty mountain peaks and
well-watered valleys, it has a health-
ful climate-similar to that of south-
ern England. Throughout the region,
ample water is available for domestic
purposes and for irrigation of a wide
If the Italians chose to advance
directly south to the capital of Addis
Ababa from Aduwa and Adigrat they
would be in mountainous country the
entire distance of 325 miles.
Should their northern armies and
planes dip about 150 miles to the east
and then advance southward they
would strike the Danakil legion, a
desert country that stretches in some
places below sea level.
Except for camel and donkey trails,
virtually no roads exist in the moun-
tainous sections. In the cool high-
lands vegetables and fruits grow in
abundance, while in the lower areas
tobacco, coffee, sisal and cotton are
the principal crops.
Train Crew Injured As
Wabash Engine Derails
HAMMOND, Ind., Oct. 4. -(P) -
Three members of the crew of a
Wabash freight train were injured
seriously early today when the en-
gine and 25 cars were derailed.
TULSA, Okla., Oct. 4.-(A)--Mrs.
Alvin Karpis, wife of the current
Public Enemy No. 1, filed suit Thurs-
day for divorce, charging her fugi-
tive husband with desertion and non-

Milk Shortage
Fears Go When
Price Is Fixed
Picketing In Illinois Stops
$hipments From Some
Milk-Producing Counties
CHICAGO, Oct. 4. - (P)- An ad-
justment in the price of milk paid -to
farmers today dispelled fears of a
market shortage in Chicago.
After four days of violence and
dumping, the new price schedule,
reached at a conference of Pure Milk
association directors and representa-
tives of the Associated Milk Dealers,
provides payment of $1.75 a hundred
pounds for all milk delivered up to 90
per cent of the base allotment for
producers -- or an increase of about
20 cents a hundredweight.
Meanwhile insurgent farmers of
the Pure Milk Association announced
they would sell no milk less than $2.50
a hundred.
Dairy officials were confident that
enough farmers would sell milk at the
$1.75 price to assure normal supplies.
The companies themselves will absorb
the price increase to farmers, and that
no boost in the retail cost was ex-
Sheriff Henry Nulle said that pick-
eting in Kane and McHenry counties
in Illinois was so effective yesterday
that, as far as authorities could de-
termine, not a quart of milk went
through to Chicago.
and tea room
Noon Luncheon
Evening Special
Chicken and Steak Dinner
Soups Pies Sandwiches
A la Carte Service
Neva Vernlyea

- First Methodist
First Presbyterian
Church Episcopal Church
State and Washington Sts.
at the Masonic Temple Ministers: Charles W. Brashares
at he asnicTemleand L. LaVerne Finch.'
327 South Fourth Music: Achilles Taliaferro
William P. Lemon T0:45 a.m.-Morning Worship Service
and Norman W. Kunkel, DO NOT "Why Are You
Ministers NEGLECT Living?"
9:45 - Student Forum Dr. Brashares
14:45- YOUR. RELIGIOUS L2:10ar. mitllass at Stalker Hall.
on "The Christian Approach to
"Lif A L Care" A TIVIIESGovernment."
"L" ACTIVITIES to6 p.m. - Church Open House.
Dr. Lemon Exhibits of Wesley Foundation ac-
tivities at the. University of Mich-
5:30 - Fellowship Hour at the igan as well as Kappa Phi for Uni-
53 elversity Women and Iota Pi for
Temple. Men, will be displayed. You are
invited to come and learn about
6:30- Pof. owad Mclusy -"Ifthe organizations.
I were a New Student." Students 6 p.m. - Wesleyan Guild Devotional
are invited following the meeting Hour at Stalker Hall. Prof. John
to the Kunkel home, 1417 S. Uni- L. Brumm of the Department of
ty. uknjournalism, will speak. A fellow-
versity. ship hour and supper will follow.





One Year-


One-Half Year


Cash . .




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