0 SATURDAY,- OCTOBE - 5,1 935 THE MCHI AN DAILY PAGE FIVE Freshmen W omen Participate In Newly Planned Fail Sp0rts P rogram w i THE SPORTING LADY ByTIHREE BLIND MICE Everyone has a hankering these days to get outdoors ... to feel the firm smack of the hockey ball against the stick or to hear the whang of the tennis racquet as it hits the ball . . . And there are those who would aspire to the accomplishments of William Tell ... * * * Though their class has had only two practices, perhaps Barbara Heath er Virginia Thielk, both Ann Arbor '39-ers, could already persuade sons of Michigan to support the traditional apple ... They are usually surrounded b. flocks of admirers anyway .. . . And any stray nominations from those who would like to act as subjects will be accepted with much pleasure .... .mines will form single file on the right, please . . . . Martha Bragg, that well-known Tri-Delt, will probably have much to say about all that because she has been one of the leading female archery enthusiasts these past two years that she has been on campus .... Militaristic Trend . . Along with archery, we begin to think of riflery . . . . Everyone has been keeping pretty quiet about the kind of shots they are this year . . . . Wait 'til Harriet Kanouse gets back on the range, and then we'll see which of the newcomers will spend their days practicing to beat her and their nights dreaming about a victory over this perfectly swell shooter ......... . * * * And you should just see those freshmen swarming around the bowling alleys waiting for an opportunity to play . . . . One innocent enthusiast with lots of pep was teetering around in a pair of high heeled pumps, just waiting for a chance to try . . . . Needless to say, she had never played before, or perhaps she would have been more adequktely shod for the occasion .. . Some hidden talent has appeared in the person of Jane O'Ferrall, '37, of Sorosis fame . . . . Her line is fencing ... . She has behind her a great career -including a junior high school fencing championship . . . . Her difficulty seems to be in finding an opponent brave enough to attack her .... Perhaps Margaret Cutler, better known as "Cuddles," who dabbled in fencing last year, might be a possible candidate for this position if she gets over her stiffnes acquired in rhythms class .... Crazy Over Horses .. . And on the way to Palmer Field, 'we caught Muriel Fink in brown breeches and tailored jacket taking a few final minutes of relaxation before going out to face the horses . . . At the field, Ellen Rohblatt was waving a tennis racquet with the emphatic declaration that she would play tennis even if it were snowing . . . . She almost had a chance to carry out her threat . ... Most of the blue and yellow clad freshmen were already well on their way toward congealment . . . . By the way, have you seen the cute new phys. ed. outfits - yellow or blue playsuits and navy sweatshirts plus slacks? . . . Farley Ullrich seemed to be having plenty of trouble battling not only her opponent but the wind as well .... Guess we just looked lazyt 'cause they set us to chasing balls .... All of which calls to mind plansI for the fall tennis tournament . . . . There are several names so far on the list in the W.A.A. building, but we're sure there are even more tennisC enthusiasts who will sign up before Oct. 7.i * * * AnAppleADay. .. Just before we went back to the field after hearing all about the biga tennis tournament which is approaching, we glimpsed Pete Hartwig standingf in the inner hall munching an apple . . . . She was trying to guess why the signers-up so far all preferred to play single . . . . Hockey practices will bei held every Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 4:15 now . .. So we dashedt out to view the first one . . . . It seemed colder than ever when we went t outside again, believe it or not!t * * f Yellows vs. Blues.. .. Lois Spreen, blond Newberryite, was playing center, and Louise Lock- 1 mann, Ruth White, Barbara Eppstein, and Thelma Peterson were doing their best to keep the Yellow from getting more than three goals from thet Blues .... Voted the most outstanding player of the afternoon was the smallt wire-haired terrior who shadowed the ball even more diligently than any of" the players . . . . Our W.A.A. prexy, Brenda Parkinson, was helping uphold the honor of the Yellows . . . . We estimated that there must have been about 40 beginners learning the rudiments of hockey at the other end of the field, but we were too absolutely cold and shivering to investigate further, details. For Today's Game Dr. Bell Explains University Tuberculosis Prevention Drive ivs E Health Talk Especially appropriate for today's football game is this chic swagger coat that provides sufficient warmth against the cold winds. Warm Clothes Are Predicted At First Fall Football Game Yesterday's small snow flurry should serve as a timely warning for today's football event. Dress warm- ly! A steamer-rug or two will not be at all amiss. Remember how cold ne's ankles and knees end hands get in spite of all the excitement. Wear your warmest pair of gloves too. Bright mittens are decidedly "in." And voluminous scarfs, topping the accessory list, will be found most com- f orting. The stadium is the best place imag- inable to flaunt your swagger coats that are so strictly new and popular this fall. The type is a happy com- bination of style and comfort. The fullness, falling from shoulder line to hem is flattering to the tall and short alike and that extra width will be found most convenient when climbing the steps at the bowl. Heavy tweeds, caracul (see cut) or Persian Lamb are favorites. Gay sweaters or jersey blouses add the necessary touch of color. And in speaking of colors it is necessary to mention a few of the predominating ones this season. Brown tones of the most interesting variety are being displayed in all the shops. They range from a deep, vel- vety shade to a bright, warm Spanish tile or terra-cotta. Shades of gray are also in vogue. They are particu- larly desirable for the interesting combinations which can be made with blues, reds, greens and browns. By the way, the newest fall color for accessories is "dubonnet," a pleasant deep wine color, bright enough to add life, yet neutral enough to tone in with gray, black and particularly brown. And shoes! They are nicer this year than ever before. We can now, be completely comfortable and com- pletely beautiful as far as foot-wear is concerned. This is indeed a para- dox and a great stride in the direction of sensible, becoming styles. Ties, ghillies, zippers, or buckles are equally effective. Positive Reaction To Skin Test Not Indication Of Actual Infection By DR. MARGARET BELL This article is written in an effort to make clear to the students, es- pecially the women who have had the advantage of this test, its value in the prevention of tuberculosis. It is well to remember that the key-note of the Health Service work is preven- tion. A very serious and enlightened effort is made to use every device to anticipate andmeradicate disease. In such a program it immediately be- comes obvious that the shortest course to success is the accurate education of the student in preventive measures. The skin test coupled with the x- ray is at present the most refined and only way of recognizing the very earliest stages of this disease. Ob- viously this becomes an expensive method when carried out on a large group of students and necessarily is of great Advantage to such a group. This test was given to women students be- cause young 'women of college age represent the group that is most sus- ceptible to pulmonary tuberculosis. Since September 1931 this skin test has been incorporatedin women's entering medical examinations. A preparation called tuberculin was in- jected into the skin of the arm, and if a red halo appeared in 48 hours, the test was read as positive. About 30% sreacted. Each individual who had a positive reaction, was given the privilege of x-ray. Of the total number x-rayed, about 3% were re- garded as deserving special care. Negative Reaction The interpretation of a negative re- action is generally that the individual has never been infected with the Tu- bercule Bacillus. The meaning of a positive reaction is that the individual has at some time during life, from infancy on, been so infected. It probably does not mean tuberculous disease of an active kind, but simply means previous infection healed. It may have been from a bottle of raw milk from infected cows taken dur- ing infancy, or the chance contact with a carrier of the disease in the home, school, or elsewhere. It does not mean susceptibility to this or any other disease. The harmlessness of the test has been demonstrated over and over again on many hundreds of thousands of children in this country and the world over. Two or three weeks after the infection takes place, certain changes occur in the body which makes the skin sensitive to tuberculin and this sensitiveness as a rule persists through life. When in- fection takes place we know that over 90% of it localizes in the lungs and that lung disease is the most serious aspect of tuberculosis. Therefore, in all positive reactions, an x-ray of the lungs should be taken and the presence or absence, extent, localization and character of the in- FOR YOUR FOOTBALL PARTY YOU'LL need some Ginger Ales and other mixers to make those drinks right- Be assured of good quality and get them at The GRAYSTONE 1217 Prospect 7171 fected focus searched for. In Dr. Chadwick's experience withyschool children about 30 out of every hun- dred showed evidence of past infec- tion, and about five had signs of its localization in the glands in the chest, while one in every two hundred had definite tuberculosis of the lungs that needed immediate treatment. There is no other way of being sure to find this one -student in two hundred that needs prompt help. In other cases, one finds enough old healed tuber- culosis to be able to advise the student about their future life, that might avoid awakening a dormant disease focus. This is simply taking the bull by the horns, instead of waiting until the disease becomes disabling. It means that the healthy have to go through a lot of seemingly unneces- sary examinations to protect the few and have their own assurance of health. There is no other way of separating the many from the few. Infant Tuberculin With these facts in mind, it is in- teresting to realize that while rela- tively few infants present readings of positive tuberculin that with each added year, an increasing number show positive reaction. Now it is obvious that if the infec- tion is found in larger and larger per- centages as students grow older, it is not enough to content one's self with one examinationaat the age of 18. If one is negative at 18, one might as easily become positive at 19 or 20 as the other had become positive before 18. In fact, the older one gets and the wider contact one makes with life, the more opportunity there is for in- fection. Therefore, it is important that students who are negative one year should be re-tested later to de- termine if infection may have taken place during the interval. If it has, an x-ray will betaken and judged in the light of the findings. It is doubly mportant that this negatve group be followed for it is among the young women of this age that we have had the most difficulty in con- trolling tuberculosis. SCHNIDER-HIGGINS Marcella Schnider, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Schnider, became the bride of James Higgins on Sept. 12. The couple were married in Spo- kane, Wash., and are now making their home at Deer Lodge, Montana. Miss Schnider, a member of the class of '35, was a dietician at Mosher- Jordan dormitory. Mr. Higgins is a graduate of the University of Mon- tana. New Directors To Be Honored By Dormitories Jordan To Hold Luncheon For 30 Faculty Women Before Football Game Jordan Hall will entertain about thirty guests in honor of the new di- rectors of the University dormitories today at a luncheon. Miss Isabel Dudley, social director of Jordan Hall. has chosen fall flowers as the decora- tions for the small tables at which the guests will be seated. The guests will include Mrs. Alex- ander Ruthven, Mrs. Clarence Yoak- um, Mrs. Shirley Smith, Mrs. Fred- erick Jordan, Mrs. Charles Sink, Dean Alice Lloyd, Miss Jeannette Perry, Mrs. Byrl Bacher, Mrs. George Stan- ley, Dr. Margaret Bell, Iyr. Helen Schutz, Miss Ethel McCormick, Mrs. George Cadd,, Miss Sara Rowe, Mrs. Katherine Parsons, Miss Danielson, MissaAnn Varden, and Miss Vera Howard. Also attending are Mrs. Herbert Peppleton, Miss Edna Hammel, Dr. Smalley, Miss Inez Bozarth, Mrs. Jamieson, Miss Torrence, Mrs. Pres- ton, Miss Louise Dickleman, Miss Kathleen Hamm, Miss Maxine Boone, Mrs. Frederick Ray, Miss Kathleen Carpenter, Miss Ruth Barrett, and Miss Isabel Dudley. DELTA SIGMA DELTA Week-end visitors at Delta Sigma Delta fraternity include the alumni Dr. O. Lee Ricker and Dr. S. J. Swan, both of Lansing, Dr. J. H. Hicks, Dr. Fred Henny, and Dr. John Schwartz- bek all of Detroit. ~-- Dr. Margaret Bell, head of the physical education department for women, tells of the advantages and reactions of the tuberculosis test given to freshmen women upon en- tering the University. A.A0,UVW. Seeks Neutrality In Present Strife LANSING, Oct. 4. - W)P - The Michigan branch of the American Association of University Women opened a two-day convention here yesterday with a plea for peace in a war-menaced world given spotlight attention in its program. Major C. Douglas Booth, British lecturer, opened the convention with a discussion of international affairs that dealt extensively with the Ethi- opian-Italian situation. A resolution exhorting the United States to remain strictly neutral and to maintain an adequate national de- fense already is in the hanris of the resolutions committee. A slate of candidates for the three offices to be filled by election today appeared to be unopposed. Mrs. Burn- ham Finney, of Detroit, is seeking re- election as first vice-president; Miss Frances Herald, of Marquette, is the candidate for second vice-president. HAL LER'S Jewelry State and Liberty Watch Repairing! To look your loveliest in your New Fall Clothes be sure to have a DiMattia . . PERMANENT WAVING EXPERT SERVICE In All Lines of Beauty Work Diattia m3eauty Shoppe 3 38 South State Street FJ~ ~ - ~-1 Women Voters Plan Meeting Of State Group Noted Author To Be Guest Speaker; Convention To Be Held In Detroit The League of Women Voters has announced that its annual state con- vention is to be held October 13, 14 and 15 in the Y.W.C.A., Detroit. , Mrs. Horace R. Lamb, New York, N. Y., is to be the guest speaker at the group's banquet October 14. Mrs. Lamb is the author of eight publica- tions of the national league which reflects her grasp of international ec- onomic affairs in relation to disarma- ment plans, war debts, and the League of Nations. She has investigated consumer's interests, labor legislation, unemploy- ment, public relief, and is a member of the New York Consumers' League. She served in the league's depart- ment of international cooperation from 1928 until taking the economic welfare department work last year. The state convention opens with a board meeting on Sunday, Oct. 13. Registration from 9 to 10 a.m. Mon- day morning is followed by welcome by Mrs. Orville Bond of Detroit, host- ess president; response by Mrs. Paul W. Jones of Grand Rapids, state president; a business session; report of the nominating committee by Mrs. Fred Johnson, chairman; presenta- tion of proposed budget by the state finance chairman, Mrs. Bond; and th nronnosal of hy-laws. Denart- Tentative Plans Are Announced By Outin Club The Graduate Outing Club is to begin its program for the 1935-36 school year with a trip Sunday, Oc- tober 6. The club is open to all grad- uate students, and plans have been made for an active and varied sched- ule for the coming year. The tentative plans include hikes to various nearby points of interest as w~ell as picnics, baseball games, over-night trips in the surrounding territory, skiing parties, canoeing and swimming events. All of the trips scheduled will be held on Saturday and Sunday af- ternoons during the regular college year, and announcements of each trip will be found in the D.O.B. a day or two in advance for the members' con- venience. KAPPA DELTA Teresa St. John, Detroit, and Ruth Driver, Kalamazoo, alumnae of Kap- pa Delta sorority are visiting the house this week-end and will attend the game Saturday. Jean Hayward, Detroit, is also a guest. mental conferences will be held from 11 to 12:30. Mrs. Arthur A. McGeoch, region- al chairman, will speak at the family luncheon to be held from 1 to 3 p.m., and to be followed from 3 to 5:30 by a presentation of- Michigan's proposed program of work by the chairmen. Mrs. William Haber, state chairman of the department of gov- ernment and economic welfare, will nroeiriPat fth hennnct at 7-Rfr JA 304 r. number Wie hav ea ofs-wool or dresseso smatlY styled e esta yse- A modern automatic Magic Chef lights itself, keeps your kitchen cooler and cleaner, cooks a whole meal unattended. Two-piece grid-pan broiler drains fat from fire, prevents smoking. Red Wheel Oven Regulator watches your oven. 'iop burners are heat-spreading, non-clogging, fuel saving. Many other features. $000 ALLOWANCE LOOK FOR THE RED WHEEL WHEN YOU BUY A MAGIC 6NEF For Your Old Stove! I