PAGFE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBERS, 1935 PAGE TWO SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1935 U Freshman Run Amuck After Pep- Meeting Unanimously Decide To Reestablish Tradition Of Freshman Pots Father Knick Shows His Sole But It's Rubber (Continued from Page 1) ak is do not go astray, the freshmen will form' for their march at the south goalposts, by the flagpole, wearing their identifying pots. (Moe an- nounced that nearly 150 remained on hand.) During the parade the yearlings met with defeat only at the Union and League, where they planned to invade the dance floor, and at the Michigan Theater. Two burly ushers routed them at the Union, ushers and locked doors at the Michigan, while the in- domitable Ethel McCormick blocked their path at the Michigan League. At the Sugar Bowl, however, the boys were given refreshments "on the house," and to express their gratitude, passed the hat to collect the sales tax for the bill. In the Hut basement Bob Carson's band swung into "Hail, Hail the Gang's All Here," and then "The Victors" as they marched through clearing the floor of dancers. At Chubbs' the marchers sprinted through the revolving door at top speed, and all made the dangerous passage with no major injuries. Else- where along the line of march the group met with no resistance, but sopkeeperswatched them file through the stores and restaurants with watchfulsand somewhat appre- hensive glances. The total damage was a broken glass at the Sugar Bowl, although Moe's plate-glass window threatened to give way as they hammered on it for admittance. The general tempo of the night's business was a highly spirited and vig- orous running fire chant of insults hurled at both the Cass of '38 and Michigan State, interspersed with oc- cassional multi-keyed renditions of "The Victors" and "Varsity," and yells for "'39." The class spirit shown, according to observers' comments, was higher than any seen on the campus in re- cent years. in spite of the hard- fought skirmishes between '36 and '37 and '38 in the past two years, and several predicted that Fall Games would result in an annihilation of the sophomore class unless the sec- ond -year men took more interest in Sproceedings than they apparently were taking in the freshmen's taunts last night. Itaflans Invade African Towns, Scores Injured (Continued from Page 1) and "say Aduwa will fall today or tomorrow despite stiff resistance. WASHINGTON - United States withholds arms embargo but sets up machinery for supervision of ship- ments. LONDON - Prime Minister Bald- win appeals to Italy to refrain from action that will hamper League; gov- ernment presses for Geneva decision on war guilt. PARIS - Premier Laval asks na- tion for support after cabinet gives him confidence vote on sanctions. TOKIO - Japan will stay neutral, spokesman says, but might consider sanction invitations from League powers. NEW YORK - Stock market quiet, traders cautious. Churches Plan For Student Services (Continued from Page 1) Methodist Episcopal Church this Sun- day. Displays and exhibits of the various organizations connected with the church will be evident. All the committees in charge of the business end of churci affairs will demonstrate the work that has to be done. Im- mediately after the Open House, which is from 2 to 6 p.m. the young people of the church will meet to begin their new year with a banquet. The morning sermon at the First Presbyterian Church this Sunday will be "Life A La Carte" and is to be de- livered by Dr. William P. Lemon. The congregation is meeting at the Ma- sonic Temple, 327 South Fourth St. A student forum with Norman W. Kunkel in charge meets at 9:45 a.m. Mr. Kunkel will speak briefly tomor- row morning on the theme "This Age of Forward March." -Associated Press Photo. Little old New York has contracted a spell of "nerves" and the busy city has smashed down with a bang on the noise-makers. There will be no more noise during the day and soon Mayor La Guardia's edict will apply after sundown. Geolog istsReturn From Alaska After Study Of Indian Relics Local Church' To Be Host To Presbyterians Michigan Synod Will Be Held Here For First Time In Half-Century For the first time in 52 years Ann Arbor will be host to the meeting of the Michigan Synod of the Presby- terian Church which is to convene here Oct. 15 for a three-day session at which national leaders in the church will participate. The session, the synod's one hun- dred and first annual one, will meet in the Masonic Temple, the present home of Ann Arbor's Presbyterian Church, which is entertaining the meeting. President Ruthven will give the final day's morning session, and Dr. William P. Lemon, local Presbyterian pastor, will speak twice. He will dis- cuss "The Status of Religion in the World Today" at the Wednesday morning session, and on Thursday morning will speak on "The Gospel in a World of Relativity." The session will open with a ser- mon by the Rev. Shannon A. Grif- fith of Jackson, moderator, at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Main discussion will begin Wednesday morning when re- ports on foreign missions and pen- sions will be given. National missions will be the main subject considered in Wednesday af- ternoon's meeting. A talk by Dr. Arthur H. Limouze, New York City, will follow the presentation of re- ports by the Rev. John Comin, Ann Arbor, the Rev. Edward Montgomery, Benton Harbor, and the Rev. M. C. Pearson, Detroit. Dr. Joseph A. Vance, Detroit, mod- erator of the general assembly, will also speak Wednesday afternoon When the convention discusses united promotion. A banquet, followed by evening devotional servces, will con- clude Wednesday's activities. President Ruthven's talk will open Thursday's program with a business session and a discussion of Christian education coming later in the morn- ing. A memorial service and two ad- dresses will bring the convention to an end Thursday afternoon. "Pro- gram for Liquor Legislation" will be the subject of Dr. A. H. Harnly, Anti- Saloon League of Michigan leader. Dr. Joseph A. Stevenson, secretary of temperance and moral welfare, Board of Christian Education, will give the other talk. The Whole Cheese CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at five oclock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no ?xtra charge. Cash in advance Ilc per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more Minimum 3 lines per insertion. Telephone rate - 15c per reading line for two or more insertions. 10% discount if paid within ten days Minimum three lines per insertion. from the date of last insertion. By contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one month..............c 4 lines E ,D., 2 months.........3e 2 lines daily, college year ........7c 4 lines E.O.D.s college year.......7c 100 lines used as desired...........c 300 lines used as desired.........8c 1,000 lines used as desired........7c 2,000 lines used as desired. .....c The above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch. Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add Se per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add O0c per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 7'2 point type. LAUNDRY WANTED: Student and family laun- dry. Reasonable rates. Will call for and deliver. Phone 2-3669. 11 By JOSEPH P. ANDRIOLA Prof. Armand J. Eardley of the ge- ology department returned recently; after spending five months doing ge- ological research work in Alaska. He has resumed his duties as a member of the geology department. Last spring he was invited by the University of Pennsylvania to accom- pany an archeological expedition to Alaska. K. A. Gorton, a graduate stu- dent in the geology department, went along with Professor Eardley as an assistant. The object of the expedition was to try to trace the early migration route that the ancestors of the Amer- ican Indian might have taken on their trek from Siberia across what is now the Bering Straits and to decipher the late geological history of the re- gion. The lower part of the great Yukon valley was 'the laboratory of the expedition. For transportation the scientists used two small flat-bottomed boats which they built themselves from plans drawn up by Louis A. Baier of the department of naval architecture. The boats were built at Nenana, a small railroad terminal on one of the large tributaries of the Yukon. The small craft, powered by two twelve horsepower outboard motors, were piloted by Professor Eardley and Gor- ton for more than 1,800 miles down the Yukon and up many of its tribu- taries and sloughs. Much ethnolog- ical data was gathered, but the search for Pleistocene man was rewarded with no positive evidence. The geo- logical data obtained is being worked upon by Professor Eardley for a fu- ture scientific paper. The total population of the lower Yukon Valley numbers about 1,100 people, ten per cent of whom are white and the remainder full-blooded and half-breed Indians, the professor said. The great majority of the white men are "squaw men"-married to Indian women and raising large fam- Irwin To Conduct Insurance Course In the absence of Professor Ernest M. Fisher of the School of Business Administration, Mr. Hampton Irwin, '17, of Detroit is conducting the course in insurance. Mr. Irwin has been engaged in the insurance business since his graduation from the Univer- sity in 1917 and is employed by the Massachusetts Mutual Insurance Company. He will hold his new post until the end of the current semester, ac- cording to Dean Clare E. Griffin. Professor Fisher is in Washington where he is in charge of the research division of the Federal Housing Ad- ministration. His work deals with current real estate values in their relations to the Housing Adminis- tration's program. With Professor Fisher in the capital is Mr. Frederick M. Babcock who conducted research here recently, and contributed to the publication, "Mich- igan Business Studies," an article on real estate valuation. FOR RENT LARGE front double room, well fur- nished. Good light and ventila- tion. Telephone. 715 Lawrence. $3. per student. 36 THREE ROOMS in private home for girls with home privileges. Garage. 5 Marshall Ct. off S. Division, after 3 o'clock. 5287. 22 GRADUATE women for sunny front corner room. Two graduate women in the house. 928 Oakland. 32 LADY with apartment will rent room or share with graduate student. Near campus, reasonable. Call 4370. 34 DOUBLE ROOM, adjoining bath, very attractive, reducedto $3.50. 508 Monroe. Phone 6118, Mrs.. Hen- dricksen. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMPLETE BEAUTY service. Spe- cial Mondays only: Shampoo, finger wave, and manicure, 75c. Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings by appointment. Raggedy Ann Beauty Shop. 1115 x. Univer- sity Ave. Dial 7561. 8x ilies of half-breeds. According to Professor Eardley, the Indians do not seem to have any written language and are at a rather primitive level of civilization. No records of any sort are kept. Although he thinks the white men are intelligent, the main influence they have had on the Indians is to teach them how to become "boozers " While he was up there, a "squaw man's" wife drank herself to death with wood alcohol. "Despite the fact that two Jesuit missions at Holy Cross and Nulatto and several Episcopalian clinics aie active in that area, few of the na- tives have learned the sanctity of marriage and according to our stand- ards live rather promiscuous lives," he stated. Families of a dozen chil- dren or more are common and the practice of giving away children to relatives and friends is not an un- usual one. Hordes of mosquitoes make life un- bearable for the researcher. As Pro- fessor Eardley said, "the only way to have more mosquitoes there would be to have smaller ones." During the daytime people must wear fine mos- quito netting over their heads and faces, securely tied under their chins and at the same time keeping their hands well covered with leather gloves. At night, after carefully fumigating their tents with buhac powder they get into cots with mos- quito netting tucked all around them. "The mosquito annoyance is off- set by the pleasure derived from ob- serving the natural beauty of the country. During most of June and July the beautiful sunsets merge into delicate pink dawns. The tempera- ture is that of Northern Michigan in the summer - comfortably cool," Pro- fessor Eardley said. Although in the region at the time of the Rogers-Post tragedy, he was not near enough to obtain first-hand information of the disaster. Profes- sor Eardley and Gorton flew 600 miles back to Nenana, their starting point in Alaska. European War Clouds May Lift Bread Prices GRAND RAPIDS, Oct. 4.- Henry J. Balkema, secretary of the Mich- igan Bakers association, predicted to- day that short wheat crops and the troubled European situation would soon result in an increase in the price of bread. -Associated Press Photo. Miss Kathryn Wengert of Mon- roe, Wis., is shown contemplating lunch from a quarter whe!zl of Swiss clivese, before it and others were cut up to make upwards of 40,000 sandwiches, given away at Monroe's cheese festival. Cost Of Integraph Stops Students' Use An interesting mechanical instru- ment possessed by the mathematics department, is the integraph, a ma- chine which will mechanically cal- culate the arc of any figure, of any shape or size. The manipulator of this instrument merely traces the figure with a stylus which is attached to a long arm. The arm is connected to the body of the machine, which does the rest of the work. The principles of calculus form the basis upon which this instrument is based. The mechanism is often used in making and tracing maps and securing data, and eliminates difficult and tedious work in calculating areas. Its cost, however, running from ap- proximately $25 for the very simple instruments to hundreds of dollars for the more complicated, accurate ones, is prohibitive for mathematics stu- dents. Slassified Directory EXPERIENCED laundress, doing stu- dents' laundry. Will call for and deliver. Telephone 4863. 7x STUDENT HAND LAUNDRY: Prices reasonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006. 6x LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. Ix LAUNDRY Wanted. Student and Co-ed. Men's shirts 10c. Silks, wools our specialty. All bundles done separately - no markings. Personal satisfaction guaranteed. Call for and deliver. Phone 5594 anytime until 7:00. Silver Laundry 607 E. Hoover. 4x FOR SALE FOR SALE: Small upright oak desk, also oak section of a bookcase. 1224 Washtenaw, Apt. 5. 2-1554. 38 Dental Clinic Innovation Requires Service Fee The dental clinic attached to the School of Dentistry will open Monday, according to an announcement yes- terday by the clinic office. NURSERY SCHOOL: Children three to five years; for information call Miss MacNaughton, 5837. 20 FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES Call the Kempf Music Studios for artistic piano tuning. Terms rea- sonable. Phone6328. 15 MAC'S TAXI -4289. Try our effi- cient service. All new cabs. 3x NOTICES MARIE MONK, formerly of Lirette's, is now with the Groomwell Beauty Shop, 615 E. Liberty, Tel 3773. 37 PUBLIC evening classes in typewrit- ing, shorthand, bookkeeping begin Oct. 7 at the Ann Arbor High School. Registration fee $4 per subject. Enrollment Monday. 27 TEACHER of popular and classical piano music. Helen Louise Barnes. Call 8469. 2x LOST AND FOUND LOST: Brown leather cigarette case. Prized by owner for sentimental reasons. Please call Klein, 3936. 33 FRATERNITY RING: Sterling, onyx, gold, Sigma Chi crest. Please call 2-1003. Anderson. 38f University Broa dcasting Station Now Has Comme rcial Equipment "The new sound recording equip- ment which will be installed next week in the broadcasting station will definitely be of the type that is used by commercial organizations," de- clared Turrell Uleman, technichian and assistant director of the Uni- versity of Michigan Broadcasting Service yesterday. The actual recording of the records is one of the most interesting opera- tions of the services that Mr. Uleman, as technichian, must perform. The song ,story, or speech that is givenis picked up with a velocity type of mic- rophone, and the output of which is amplified until it obtains a power of 12 watts. "These programs must be practiced so well that when the signal is given there should not be any miscues or mistakes," continued Mr. Turrell. "It usually requires about 15 minutes of preparation for each three minutes of recording." The amplified sound is then fed to a phonograph part called a "cutting head," where the actual transforma- tion from a plain disc into a record is done. This "cutting head" not only cuts a groove in the disc but also re- ceives the current from the amplifier and transforms it to the disc, he said. The disc is spun off, and its rims cut 90 to the inch by a special steel or sapphire needle, in an horizontal fa- shion. The advantages of this is that they can thus be used by any type of phonograph, he pointed out. "Now the record is finished and ready to be played back. No baking, processing, or special treatment need be given the disc," asserted Mr. Ule- man. "Being an acetate disc with an alumnium base ,it is capable of being played 75 times without show- ing any appreciable wear." The discs are in three sizes. Eight inches, ten inch, and twelve inch discs will be used -for the ordinary purposes of the radio department. These discs, transcribed at the rate of 78 revolutions a minute, are played back in two and a half minutes, three and a half minutes and five minutes respectively. MICHIGAN At' NUw it U C odWE GIVE YOU the last word in Comfort together with the best foods obtainable, bo > IN4 ..rb men ko L 88i D®8,01 N N O ®e A E T CMn O W _w - -- Brightest Stars aOfScreen, e d Sot ,0(118 , fJck 0-3k'ie.1 iad George BurR5 % ppGs Gracie Allen s E :.h a Roberti Superior MILK-ICE CREAM We Serge 'mater Froin Our Own Spring appetizingly prepared and properly served at reason- able prices. 0 We extend a Sincere Welcome to all II