The Weather
Fair and ccntinued cold Sat-
urday with diminishing north-
west winds.
--dg&, -A,
t in
jr !j TWPIWv n
A New Deal For The Band . ..
Noise In Classrooms.. .
Troops About To
Invade Aduwa As-
League Convenes
Fascists Use Airplanes To
Kill 400 In Ogaden;
Haile Selassie Confident
Japan May Join In
Sanctions Parley
Laval Cabinet Encourages
Sanctions While British
Press For Geneva Stand
GENEVA, Oct. 5- (Saturday)
-(P)-The League of Nations
Council committee early today
virtually completed the reports
on the Italo-Ethiopian quarrels
which, authortative sources said,
contains "a pretty clear picture"
of the aggressor, but does not
name him.
Informed sources said Great
Britain, through Anthony Eden,
her Minister for League Affairs,
had insisted on a strong report
clearly spotlighting the facts and
printing out who was guilty.
(Copyrghted 1935 by The Associated Press)
ETHIOPIA (Via Asmara, Eritrea),
Oct. 5.- (Saturday) - (A') -Italian
troops who reached their objectives
yesterday without difficulty encoun-
tered thoroughly determined resist-
ance this morning in the mountain
ranges which command the trails
leading to Aduwa.
They fought with brilliant action
against the enemy positions.
Thirty airplanes, flying low, raked
the terrain with their machine guns1
and dropped numbers of bombs.
None of the pilots was hit by the1
violent fire of the Ethiopians.
The squadron of Count Glleazzo
Ciano, son-in-law of Premier Musso-
lini, repeated yesterday's operation,1
bombarding forces massed north of
Strong concentration of Ethiopian
troops was reported near the village1
of Adigrat, but the Italian commandt
was confident the resistance would be
overcome in the course of the day
and the march on Aduwa resumed.t
Italian troops might enter Aduwa
Sunday, their officers said.
(By The Associated Press)
Glimpses of the Italo-EthiopianI
ASMARA, Eritrea - Mighty Italian
army swarms hills of vengeance, ready
to take Aduwa; tanks, bombs deal
death from land and air; "very heavy
casualties" among natives claimed;
more objectives occupied.
ADDIS ABABA - New Italianx
bombings reported from Walkeit and
Ogaden Province as Italian forces
fight way into Ethiopia from three
directions. Bloody Ogaden battle re-t
vealed, 400 dead. Emperor confident
in troops.
GENE VA - It's not war, only "mili-
tary police measures," say Italy's late!
delegates. League Council meets to-x
day for grave decisions.
ROME -Il Duce maneuvers tot
keep war from spreading to Europex
as officials report capture of Adigrat
(Continued on Page 2)
$45,000,000 Gft
From Rackham
Fund Approved
DETROIT, Oct. 4. - (A') - The $5,-
000,000 gift by the Horace H. Rack-
ham and Mary A. Rackham Fund to
the University of Michigan for con-
struction of a graduate school was
approvedCtoday by Probate Judge
Thomas C. Murphy.
The probate court order formally
permits the trustees to pay out the1
Judge Murphy remarked that the
trustees might "well consider appro-
priating some of the fund for the
constructing" of hospitals for the in-l
sane, pointing out that the state's
hospitals for mental cases are over-
Bryson D. Horton, chairman of the
trustees, said the matter would be1
taken up by the board.
Horton said the gift to the univer-
sity called for the expenditure oft
- yi nn non Afn r rwe
State Game To Be
First Assignment
For Drum Major
The career of a new drum major
for the Michigan band willustart to-
day. Robert Fox, '38, a drum major
of wide experience, will lead the
Michigan band on the football field
for the first time today.
Under the direction of Prof. Leon-
ard Falcone, the Michigan State Col-
lege band will arrive in Ann Arbor at
10 a.m. today and head a parade
starting from the downtown sections
of the city to Morris Hall, the "home"
of the Michigan band.
The new drum major, although a
sophomore, is a new man on the
Michigan campus this year. Fox has
been drum major of the Kalamazoo
Central High School Band, the
Parchment, Mich., town band, and a
corporal in an American Legion Drum
and Bugle Corps.
Students WIll
Find Churches
Open To Them
Open Houses And Special
serVices Indicative Of
Churches' New Activity
This Sunday will find all churches
ready for Michigan students. Many
have services and meetings especially
intended for their interests.
At the Baptist Church Dr. Howard
R. Chpman will hold services from
12 to 12:40 p.m. In the evening, at
6 p.m. the Rev. Fred Cowin of the
Memorial Church of Christ will speak.
A student Bible Class will be held
at the church of the Disciples of
Christ at noon. At 5:30 p.m. will be
held a social hour with supper served,
to be followed by a program and dis-
cussion at 6:30 p.m.
Dr. Randolph Adams, director of
the Clements Library, is to speak at
St. Andrews Church. His subject is
"If I were a Freshman Again." The
meeting is scheduled to start at 7:00
The Bethlehem Evangelical Church
will hold at 9:30 a.m. a church school
for both young and old. At 10:30 a.m.
comes the morning worship with a
sermon by Pastor Theodore Schmale
on "The Motive of Devout Chris-
tians." A meeting of the Young Peo-
ples' and Student League will be held
at 7 p.m.
Service is to be held in the Luth-
eran Church at 10:30 a.m. The topic
of the sermon is to be "Your Religion
- a Load or a Lift?" Of special in-
terest to students will be the gathering
of the Student Lutheran Club at the
Zion Luther Parish Hall. Supper will
be served at 6 and will be followed
by observations of a recent European
trip by Dr. Ora S. Duffendack of the
physics department.
A unique event in church activity1
will be the Open House at the First
(Continued on Page 2)
LONDON, Oct.-4. - (P) - Dispatch
from Addis Ababa tonight said that
John Robinson, American Negro, who
is an Ethiopian pilot, successfully
fought off two Italian attacking
planes at the front.
Tigers Take
Series Lead
By Winning
Chicago Is Defeated 6-5 In
Game Filled With Thrills
And Excitement
Jo-Jo White Wins
Battle For Detroit
Contest Forced To Extra
Innings By Cubs' Rally;
WRIGLEY FIELD, Chicago, Oct. 4.
- () - The Detroit Tigers took the
lead in the World Series today by
defeating the Chicago Cubs in the
third game, 6 to 5.
Mickey Cochrane's team, playing
without the services of their star first
baseman, Hank Greenberg, overcame
the handicap and is leading Charlie
Grimm's team, two games to one.
Flea Clifton filled in at third base
with Marvin Owen moving to first for
the Tigers.
The game went 11 innings.
Frank Demaree, Chicago outfield-
er, put the Cubs out in front in the
second inning when he smashed a
home run into the right field bleach-
ers, the drive barely clearing the six-
foot barrier. The Cubs added anoth-
er run in this frame when Hack
singled, stole second, went to third
while Clifton made an error on a
grounder hit by Jurges and scored
while Lee was being tossed out at
Several times in the early innings
the Cub outfielders halted threaten-
ing Detroit rallies by some sensa-
tional fielding. This was especially
true in the fifth when Lindstrom rob-
bed Clifton of a hit to left center and
Demaree speared a liner hit by Coch-
rane, turning a complete somersault
after the catch.
Chicago scored its third run in the
fifth, when Jurges walked, was sac-
rifced to second by Lee and scored on
Galan's single to right field.
The Tigers did not break through
the Chicago defense for a run until
the sixth. Goose Goslin got his first
hit of the series, a single to right field
and scored on a triple by Pete Fox
down the right field line. Fox was
picked off third by a snap throw
from Hartnett to Hack.
Auker hurled the first six innings
for the Tigers, yielding only six hits.
Gerald Walker was sent to bat for
him in the seventh and hit into a
double play. Chief Elon Hogsett,
Tiger southpaw, took up the pitching
burden in the last half of the seventh.
Detroit heavy artillery got into ac-
tion in the eighth and shelled Lee off
the mound. White walked and Geh-
ringer doubled. Goslin drove both
home with a single, tying the score.
Lon Warneke, star of the first game,
then took up the pitching for the
Cubs and was greeted by Pete Fox
with a single. Rogell followed with
another single scoring Goslin and
Fox reached home while Rogell was
(Continued on Page 3)
Police Seek Finder
Of Streicher Body
YPSILANTI, Oct. 4.-()--State
police conducted a widening search
today for Buck M. Holt, the 13-year-
old boy who found the body of Rich-
ard Streicher, Jr., last March 8.
The boy, his arm in a cast as a
result of a recent bicycle accident,
left home yesterday with a school
friend. His companion said today
that he last saw Buck in Detroit and
that he planned to board a Wabash
freight train for Indiana.
Crucial Football Opener
Freslumen Return Pot Tradition
Wolverines Seek
Comeback In
Distinctive Caps To Be
Worn By Frosh To Show
'Superiority' Over Sophs
Yearlings Parade
Through Streets
Major Campus Hangouts
Visited By Class Of '38;
Demonstration Today
Almost 400 freshmen, meeting after
the pep-meeting in Hill Auditorium
last night, voted unanimously to
adopt the old traditions of freshman
pots and wear the caps until they
could prove their "superiority" over
the sophomore class, then proceeded
to "paint the town red" in one of the
most frenzied outbursts of student
enthusiasm seen in Ann Arbor in re-
cent years.
The meeting was announced by
William Dixon, '36, president of the
Men's Council, during the program
of the football pep meeting, and was
held in place of an afternoon session
at the Union which was only weakly
attended by the yearlings.
Dixon Presides
Presided over by Dixon, the crowd
of freshmen was swung from the start,
toward unanimous approval by a
group who had attended the earlier
meeting and who leaped onto the
stage, pots on their heads, to urge
their classmates to "put 'em on."
Immediately after the meeting, half
of the mob stormed Moe's Sport Store
and milled about North University
Ave. in a howling gang until admitted.
Emerging with the freshmfan 'dinks"
perched on the backs of their heads,
they snake-danced up State Street
to begin an evening of parading,
cheering, and reviling the sophomore
Although the line of march, starting
at the Union, took in the Michigan
League, the Michigan Theater, the
Pretzel Bell, the Sugar Bowl, Daven-
port's, Chubbs, the Hut, and the Su-
perior Dairy store, when the proces-
sion reached the Student Publications
Building to announce to the world
in general that they represented the
Class of 1939 and were "proud of it"
nearly 100 of the original group still
remained in the ranks.
Plan Snake-Dance
Before disbanding the freshmen
planned a snake-dance at the Sta-
dium today between halves of the
game with Michigan State. If plans
(Coninued on Page 2)
Draw Plan To
Restrict Arms
For War Zone
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3 s u -
The State Department tonight set up
the machinery for the first Federal
supervision of arms shipments but
momentarily witheld the clamping
of an embargo on munitions to Italy
and Ethiopia.
When and if the State Department
decides that a "state of war" exists,
probably tomorrow or Monday, Presi-
dent Roosevelt from his cruise on a
warship in the Pacific is ready to is-
sue a proclamation prohibiting mu-
nitions sales to the belligerents.
Secretary Hull's announcement to-
night covered rules under which all
manufacturers, importers or export-
ers of any of the arms, munitions or
implements of war already designat-
ed by President Roosevelt, must reg-
ister with the State Department be-
fore Nov. 29, and secure licenses for
each specific shipment.
The munitions embargo measure
is of a permanent nature and not
connected directly to the present con-
flict. The embargo is expected to
be confined to actual implements of
Harvard Teachers
Must Take Oath
('AMRDTTE.a M Oct 4 -(Pl)
Student Spirit Soars As 5,000
Attend First Football Pep Rally'
Student spirit for the Michigan
State game today and for the 1935
football season soared to an unprece-
dented height at the pep meeting last
night in Hill Auditorium, which was
jammed by ,more than 5,000 cheer-
ing, singing students.
Traffic outside of the auditorium
and on State Street was paralyzed
by the crowd of students marching
in a snake dance following the band.
Students were milling about by the
hundreds on the sidewalks and streets
and some were bunched behind the
band until the parade, an entirely
spontaneous affair and an event not
planned by officials in charge of the
rally, was broken up outside of Mor-
ris Hall, where the band stopped.
The 110-piece Varsity R.O.T.C.
band, making its first public appear-
ance under the baton of the new di-
rector, Prof. William D. Revelli,
marched around the campus and
opened the pep meeting after stop-
ping out in front of Hill Auditorium
and blaring forth "The Victors" be-
fore many onlookers.
Two speakers headed the pep meet-
ing program, which was presided over
by William R. Dixon, '36, president of
the Men's Council, a co-sponsor of the
rally, the other sponsor being the
After cries from the audience of
"take it off," "roll 'em up," and va-
rious other original calls and advice,
Emory J. Hyde, president of the Mich-
igan Alumni Association, spoke to the
restless group which filled the lower
floor and the first balcony of the au-
ditorium. Later. Later Prof. John
L. Brumm of the journalism depart-
ment addressed the gathering and
again urged the students to realize
that the Michigan spirit stands for
"sportsmanship, courage, honor and
The fullVarsity Glee Club, directed
by Prof. David Mattern, assisted in
the leading of the mass sing and aided
by the cheer leaders acquainted the
new students, easily distinguished by
their pots, with the various cheers and
Robert Burns, '36, new head cheer-
leader, introduced the new drum
major of the Fighting Hundred,
whose first public appearance was
also made tonight.
The response of the student body
to the pep rally insures the holding
of such a pep meeting before every
game for the remainder of the 1935
football season. Officials stated, the
great attendance at the meeting
showed that such rallies were need-
ed to bolster student spirit as well as
being desired by the student body.
Insistent Freshmen
Restore Tradition;
Clamor For Pots
"We want pots!" That was the cry
that went up last night from the
throats of 200 freshmen who stormed
the sports store of George Moe after
having surged from the Pep meeting
at Hill Auditorium where the old tra-
dition of pots was voted back to the
campus amid enthusiastic acclaims.
At the North University store, they
massed against the closed doors, their
demands for caps gradually increas-
ing to a thunderous crescendo. Push-
ing and crowding, mob like, against
the glass doors, they overflowed into
the street, climbing upon parked au-
tomobiles. George Moe was practical-
ly forced to unlock the door. Letting in
a storeful at a time, he and a couple
of assistants endeavored to fit vary-
ing sizes of heads with available caps.
More than 200 went over the counter
in exchange for a rain of 50 cent
Commenting on the crowd, Mr. Moe
said while he mopped a sweated brow,
"All in all they weren't so hard to
handle. Not a fresh crack was made.
The cleanest mob in years."
Felt fedoras were in disgrace when
the several hundred Freshmen were
outfitted and on the street again.
With an admonition by a first year
man from Cleveland, to be "hilarious
but not destructive," 200 strong they
pushed along, wending their way
snake-like down State street to the
It was more than an hour later
when they passed the sports store
again, bent on some newly devised
celebration, that Mr. Moe was fin-
ishing putting things to rights.
Kansan Looms
As Candidate
At Convention
Republicans May
Gov. Alfred M.
Hoover Speaks
Turn To
OAKLAND, Calif., Oct. 4. - (R) -'
Far western Republicans opened a
"Spirit of '36" convention here today,
heard a spokesman advance the gov-
ernor of Kansas as a presidential pos-
sibilty and prepared to suggest planks
for their party and to indict the New
Former President Herbert Hoover,
in his first speech to members of his
own party since he left the White
House, will sound the keynote of the
meeting tomorrow night.
Fred A. Seaton, attending in be-
half of Governor Alf. M. Landon of
Kana, a potential GOP preidential
contender, said he doubted "if Roose-
velt can carry the state (Kansas)
regardless of who the Republican
candidate may be."
"Kansas can't quite forgive Roose-
velt for running on one platform and
putting another into effect," he said.
Leaders said the convention, spon-
sored by the young Republicans, will
consider organization for the 1936
campaign, establishment of party
principles, indictment of the New
Deal, and reorganization of the party
machinery. Secretary Robert S.
Craig emphasized the gathering was
for discussion of issues rather than
Freshmen men will meet in front of
the goal posts during the half of to-
day's football game, according to
plans drawn up last night.
Michigan State To Bring
Fast Team After Second
Sweet At Fullback;
Renner Will Start
Warmbein, Edwards Out
Of Spartan Lineup While
MichiganLoses Cooper
Michigan's football team, hitting
the comeback trail from its most dis-
astrous season in history, will meet
Michigan State this afternoon in the
Stadium before a crowd that is ex-
pected to number close to 50,000, of
whom nearly 10,000 will be Spartan
In the words of State's coach,
Charlie Bachman, a "mystery team
that may be very good, very bad or
just in between," the Wolverines have
ever.y realization that the game may
be the most important of the year as
marking the course of the season.
State, boasting a fast, hard-running
team, is also looking to the game as a
chance to assume a long cherished
desire for uncontested supremacy in
Michigan football with a second
straight win over the Wolverines.
Team On Edge
The Michigan team, going through
a light defensive drill yesterday after-
noon on Ferry Field, appeared to be
on edge. The Wolverine squad was
taken to Plymouth last night and will
not return to Ann Arbor until game
time today. The Michigan State team
will arrive here this muornirig.
Four changes were in the Michigan
lineup yesterday by Coach Harry
Kipke as he declared his intention to
start Bob Amrine at center in place
of Joe Rinaldi, who is confined to the
Health Service with a severe cold,
Fred Ziem at right guard, as Bud
Hanshue was moved over to right
tackle to oust Mel Kramer, and Stark
Ritchie at a halfback in place of
Chris Everhardus.
Ritchie, still not in top condition
as the result of an ankle injury in the
first week of practice, may be re-
moved in place of Everhardus. Bob
Cooper, sensational sophomore back
whose knee was wrenched ten days
ago, will not dress for the game.
Complete Lineup
The complete Michigan lineup will
include Matt Patanelli and Mike Sav-
age at ends, John Viergever and Han-
shue at tackles, Frank Bissell and
Ziem at guards, Amrine at center,
Captain Bill Renner at quarterback,
John Smithers and Ritchie at the
halves, and Cedric Sweet at fullback.
Smithers, Ritchie and Ziem are soph-
Michigan State will enter the game
without the services of its two ace
backs, Dick Edwards and Kurt Warm-
bein, the latter being given only an
outside chance of appearing in the
lineup, while Steve Sebo, another
member of the fast Spartan backfield,
has reported an injured back during
the week.
The Spartan lineup will include
Zarza and Allman at the ends, Zindel
and Sleder at the tackles, Dahlgren
and Wagner at guards, Buzolits at
center, Colina at guarter, Aggett and
Sebo at halves and Brandstatter at
Running Game For State
The Spartans, with a team which
Coach Bachman calls "the fastest in
America," will depend upon their run-
ning game for the most part today
with Warmbein and Edwards, the-
passing threats, out, although Aggett
is a capable passer. State opened its
season last week with a 41-0 victory
over Grinnell college and showed an
open attack which was effective
against an admittedly weak team.
Michigan, on the other hand, will
depend upon the passing of Bill Ren-
ner, not only as a scoring threat but
as a weapon designed to aid the run-
ning attack as its spreads the de-
fense. Ritchie or Everhardus will be
the key men in the running game.
State claims an advantage with its
line which averages slightly more
than 1R5 nrnm ai ond mhihs iM b
Colonel Miller Sees Duce Halt
Before Impas sable Mountains
Farmhouse Fire - - Too Human
A Story For A Back-Page Item
That the persistence, resources, and
policing power, and not necessarily a
superiority in equipment and tech-
nique, will determine the eventual
success of Mussolini's Ethiopian in-
vasion was the opinion of Col. H. W.
Miller, of the department of mech-
anism and engineering drawing, in
an interview yesterday.
Colonel Miller, who is an authority
on military theory and practice, be-
lieves that if Italy is left to go her
course, the conflict will resolve into
the question, "Has she the reserves
to drive through more than 500 miles
their military roads from the sides of
cliffs, and to dig many wells along the
"The crow that flies over this coun-
try must carry his supplies on his
back," was Colonel Miller's character-
ization of the methods which the
Italian armies must employ to sur-
vive. "There will be no caches of food
to be found by the invaders and prac-
tically no water during the dry sea-
son except that stored in cisterns.
Grain cannot be stored long during
the rains and primitive methods of
cultivation and harvesting mean that
the Ethiopians seldom have more food
handy than is nneerv fnr a hand-.
If this were written as a news story
it would be down in the right hand
column of the page, just a line or two.
It's about a farmhouse burning
down, and that isn't ordinarily big
news, but if this had been written
just a few lines, you wouldn't have
seen the 500 farmers with the fire
lighting up their faces as they gazed
at the last of Herman Ketchum's
house and barn burning to the ground
near Salem.
after the house had fallen in flames
and everything destroyed - and the
firemen, strutting around among the
farmers and their wives, knowing
there was nothing to be done.
And perhaps you mightn't have
thought, as you read that little item,
of how the farmers, who dressed
"quicker'n I did in a gol-darned long
time!" and looking like it, stood
around Herman commiserating his
loss, offering to help build again, to
lend their barns, their houses, any-
thing - and you might not have an-