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October 04, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-04

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Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service._
A5sociated t leiate $rss
-1934 !urlt ~ .13
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc. 11
West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. -400 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, Il1.
Telephone 4925
News Editor.............................Elsie A. Pierce
Editorial Writers: Robert Cummins and Marshall D. Shul-
Night Editors: Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Rich-
ard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, and
Bernard Weissman.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred
Delano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy A. Briscoe, Florence H.
Davies, Olive E. Griffith, Marion T. Holden, Lois M.
King, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
REPORTERS: E. Bryce Alpern, Leonard Bleyer, Jr., Wil-
liam A. Boles, Lester Brauser, Albert Carlise,Rich-
ard Cohen, Arnold S. Daniels, William John DeLancey,
Robrt Ec]h.ouse, John J. Frederick, Carl Gestacker,
Warren Gladders, Robert Gldstine;, John likley, y
S. Leonard Kasie, Richard LaMarca; Herbert W.'Little,
Earle J. Luby, Joseph S. Mattes, Ernest L. McKenzie,
Arthur A. Miller, Stewart Orton, George S. Quick,
Robert D Rogers, William Scholz, William E. Shackle-
ton, Richard Sidder, I: S. Silverman, William C Spaller,
Tuure Tenander, and Robert Weeks.
Helen Louise Arner, Mary Campbell, Helen Douglas,
Beatrice Fisher, Mary E. Garvin, Betty J. Groomes,
Jeanne Johnson, Rosalie Kanners, Virginia Kenner,
Barbara Lovell; Marjorie Mackintosh, Louise Mars,
Roberta Jean Melin, Barbara Spencer, Betty Strick-
root, Theresa Swab, Peggy Swantz, and Elizabeth Whit-
A Telephone 2-1214
WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGERS ... . . ............ . .
DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS: Local advertising, William
Barndt; 13ervice Department, Willis Tomlinson; Con-
tracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth;
Circulationi and National Advertising, John Park;
Classified 'Advertisingtand Publications, Lyman Bitt-
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Jerome I. Balas, Charles W.
Barkdull, D. G. Bronson, Lewis E. Bulkeley, John C.
Clark, Robert J. Cooper, Richard L. Croushore, Herbert
D. Falender, John T. Guernsey, Jack R. Gustafson,
Morton Jacobs, Ernest A. Jones, Marvin Kay, Henry
J Klose, William C. Knecht, R. A. Kronenberger, Wil-
lam R. Mann, John F. McLean, Jr., Lawrence M. Roth,
S chard M. Samuels, John D. Staple, Lawrence A. Star-
5 k, Norman B. Steinberg.
WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Bernadine
Field, Betty Greve, Helen Shapland, Grace Snyder,
Betsy Baxter, Margaret Bentley, Mary McCord, Adele
We're Going To
The Pep Meeting...
WE ARE ALL going over to Pep Meet-
ing tonight!
The Band is going, the cheerleaders are going,,
the Glee Club is going. You had better come
along too. There will be yelling, there will be
singing, there will be speaking, but it is going to
be short and snappy.
Until last year Michigan was king of the Western
Conference. We were good, but the trouble was
that we knew we were good. This year we are
good, but we don't know it.
Michigan's football team is a great team, but
they cannot win with an apathetic student body
as their only support.
The whole freshman class should spend today in
studying their "bibles" and learning the songs and
yells. The other classes might spend the day in
limbering uIp the old voice with a few practice yelps.
Then we'll all go over tonight, and by the Moses,
we'll yell ourselves right into a Big Ten champion-
Let's revive the spirit that once was Michigan's
we'll yell like hell and again be "the champions
of the West."

Michigan Needs
Men's Dormitories...
N THE PAST few years rooms for
men students have been at a prem-
ium. Not only have the prices of rooms risen, but
the number available has steadily declined. This
condition is partly due to the increased enrollment
of men students and partly to the elimination of
many rooming houses to make way for new Uni-
versity buildings.
A few years ago the University Hospital was the
only building which was located off the campus
proper. Now the East Medical Building, the Law
Quadrangle, the College of Architecture and sev-
eral others stand where rooming houses were for-
merly located. The new graduate school will make
even further inroads on rooming accommodations.
This year room rents rose considerably, making

the men who wish to enroll will be able to find
At Harvard a dormitory system similar to the
ones employed at Oxford and Cambridge, has been
inaugurated. Seven new buildings have been con-
structed which accommodate from 200 to 290
students. The new structures are equipped with
squash courts, swimming pools and other athletic
It has c.ten been said that in large universities
the individual is lost among thousands." The new
dormitory system as devised at Harvard was in-
stituted partly to provide the benefits gained from
a small college by closer association of students
and instructors. The fees charged by colleges for
dormitory rooms and meals do not exceed the
prices now being paid by many students to Ann
Arbor landladies and restaurants; needless to say,
the quality, on the whole, is better in the col-
The University of Michigan has already suc-
cessfully operated dormitories in the Law School.
There is no reason why a similar system could not
be devised to include the other schools and colleges.
Students will not be bull-dozed into paying exhor-
bitant prices for rooms with barely one comfort-
able chair. A dormitory system of some sort will
soon be forced by the enrollment which is in-
creasing every year.
The U.S. Must
Avoid War.. .
said at San Diego that the United
States was sternly determined "to avoid those
perils that will endanger peace.''
These words sound ominously like the campaign
slogan of the late President Wilson: "he kgept
us out of the war." Not that we are placing the
blame for the last war on President Wilson, nor
the blame for a future war on President Roosevelt,
but the general atmosphere is too tense to be
The Italo-Ethiopian war is going to be one
that will arouse emotions. Italy is committing
an act of unjust aggression, but peoples of the
United States should not become so aroused that
they want to fight. As one reads reports of the
war, it must be borne in mind that much- of the
news originates in the propaganda departments of
either Italy or Ethiopia.
There will .,be tales of cruelty, stores of he
murder of women and little chillren and reports
of mutilations. Perhaps there will be truth in
some of these reports, perhaps there will not. In
any event the dispatches from the African front
should be read with the tongue firmly pressed in
one cheek.
One has only to recall the reports of, German
cruelties in the World War to see the workings]
of wartime propaganda. Every effort will be made
to swing World Opinion to one side or the other.
At present Ethiopia has the rest of the world on
her side, prolably justly so, but the war frenzy
must not gain ground in the United States.
The stage is set for another World War. Great
pritain may at any moment clash with Italy, and
it would take but a spark to send other nations in.
'.here may arise a situation in which it will
appear that it is to the advantage, is a necessity,
for the United States to enter a war. Remember
that it appeared that way in 1917, but our net profit
was the loss of many lives and many dollars.
War can never pay.

A Washington
AS THE SUPREME COURT membership regath-
ered in Washington for the fateful October
term, these facts about the justices were worth re-
Five of the nine now are eligible by age and
length of Federal bench service for retirement
at their own request. Six of them range in age
between 69 and 79 years.
There is no hint that either through retirement
or because of ill health there will be any change
in the personnel of the court as it takes up per-
haps the most far-reaching and comprehensive
task of constitutional interpretation of Federal
powers in history. It is the same court that unan-
imously overthrew NRA on constitutional grounds.
Week by week, month by month, since the court
recessed for the summer the march of Constitu-
tional issues through the lower courts toward this
crucial session has proceeded. New Deal recovery
and reform innovations have forced the issue.
New Deal legal lights have been mobilized with
the idea of bringing it to the earliest possible
court conclusion.
* * * *
Import Of Change
AMPLE GROUND thus has been laid for such
decisions during the October term as will clarify.
the constitutional questions involved for any sub-,
sequent political action which might be sought.
That fact serves to center attention on the jus-
tices as perhaps never before. It serves also to
make it certain that any change on the bench due
to retirement or death of a justice would be now
matter of special, perhaps historical significance.
And with six of nine justices at or beyond the
traditional three-score-and-ten year life span,
early changes are to be expected.
That feeling is reflected in the rumors flitting
about Washington constantly as to the health or
retirement intentions of various justices. The best
available information, however, indicates that all
nine expect to be in their places throughout the
term. That any of them in the circumstances
would contemplate vacating his seat except for
gravest reasons of health or because of political
allurements such as Senator Borah so greatly
deprecated is hardly thinkable.
Rumor On Robinson
THERE have been few instances when more
than two or three years elapsed between su-
preme court appointments. Most men have at-
tained that position of legal eminence only at ad-
vanced age. The last appointment was by Presi-
dent Hoover in 1932, already three years ago.
If rumor has it right, Senator Joe Robinson is
an attentive student of Supreme Court history,
past or present. He is supposed to aspire toward
rounding out his public career on the highest
bench should a vacancy occur. The fact that he
stands already committed to New Deal theories of
the flexibility of the constitution to meet national
emergencies might be an important factor in his
As Others See It
Don't Give Up The Ship Too Soon-
(From the Indiana Daily Student)
LAST SATURDAY afternoon while the curtain
was being raised all over the country on a col-
orful season of intercollegiate football matches, an
event of importance took place at Elsah, Ill. Knox
college, loser in 27 consecutive football games, won
its first game in four years, defeating Principia
The small college deserves credit for the deter-
mination and will to win it has shown during its
gridiron depression. Despite the ridicule poked at
it by thousands and the sarcasm it has borne from
hosts of sports writers, the school has carried on in

fine fashion. The coach has been retained, can-
didates for the team have reported every season
and a full schedule has been drawn up each year.
There seems to be a lesson behind Knox's pe-
culiar record for every college football fan in the
nation. A memory of the Illinois college's last
four years carried to all the gridirons will go far
toward easing the hurt of one or two losses during
the coming season.
Intelligence Or Force?
(From the Denver Clarion)
THE ENFORCEMENT of freshman regulations
and campus traditions have, at least, after
many years of slow growth taken a turn for the
better in that a policy of cooperation is to replace
a policy of force.
Colleges are at last realizing that coercion is not
the method to employ and those who have insti-
gated a plan of cooperation are to be congratulated.
Nothing in the past could repay the injuries suf-
fered in some of the so-called free-for-alls. And
although there still remain a few who are barbaric
enough to long for the "good old days' 'they are in
the minority.
Let this minority scoff, as they will, at the new
trend which is being ushered in on this campus, be-
cause they refuse to weigh the facts of this case
which experience in past years has brought to
We have taken a step forward, let's not slip back.
Italy Vs. Jimmie
(From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
Ethinnia!" at aFacist meeting- in Rome, the

Toasted Rolls announces the ad-
dition of a special new dept., the
WAR DEPT., to cover the doings of
Benito and Haile and all their hench-
men in Africa. Toasted Rolls will,as
usual, be first with the news of the
dramatic new chapter of history,
news from the front, news from the
side, news from the back.
Faced with the problem of getting
expert coverage of the little diplo-
matic incidents occurring in Ethiopia
without going down there ourselves,
now that the hay fever season has
just ended up here, we cabled Haile
Selassie to secure his services as
special war correspondent for Toast-
ed Rolls.
When the cable first reached the
Great Man, he waxed wroth. Legally
changing a slave's name to Jabber
Wock, he had him burned in oil,
then beheaded, just to how how he
felt. He said he was slightly peeved
at America in general..
"America let me down when I
was trying to pour oil on these
troubled waters," an American
quoted the fulminations of the
Conquering ,Lion of Judah, "I
was motivated only by the Stand-
ards of international goodwill."
But he finally agreed to send us a
bylined cable each day in return
for our promise to give him a chance
at making a living as a regular Rolls
reporter when the war is over,
* * * *
Meanwhile the Rolls Pherret took
off at 3 a.m. this morning from South
Ferry Field in the Rolls Phorecaster,
after attaching wing surfaces and a
propeller to the machine, which he
has geared up to make special obser-
vations of the war from the air. He
was carrying a Univex pocket-camera
with an f.1.9 Bausch & Lomb tele-
scopic lens, and will radiophoto to
Toasted Rolls the films he has spoiled
each day.
He received his final instructions
from Jabber Wock at a downtown re-
freshment parlor at 12:29 a.m. and
upon taking off was observed to fly
off in the general direction of Ypsi-
lanti, pivot about the flagpole at the
Stadium ,and then roar off into the
darkness toward Northville after
wagging his wings in salute as he
passed over the Toasted Rolls build-
ing on Maynard Street. It was
thought that he was attempting to
mislead Iffy, who, it was learned, will
attempt to follow him to Africa.
* * *
At first we thought we would let
Iffy run the weather and that stuff
while the Pherret is in Africa, but
finally we decided that, what with
Saturday rains and the full moon to
handle, we couldn't trust an amateur.
So we had the Pherret build the
Phorecaster Jr. before he left and
show us how to run it. Something
went wrong Thursday morning when
a hailstone bounced off the peep-
sight as we were "shooting the sun,"
but by adjusting the sand-storm com-
pensator we were then able to get a
somewhat retarded phorecast of the
hurricane that struck the Bahamas
last Monday. So it ought to work
all right.
Bring your best yells along,
kiddies, and let's all attend the
big pep meeting that the 1935-36
student goyernment - "Men's
Council," I think they call it,-
has rigged up for us. Even though

they have decided not to have a
bonfire, there'll be plenty of fire
in the Varsity Saturday when
they take on the Bachmanhand-
lers, and are due to get plenty of
support from the rest of the Uni-
versity. No cuts, if you aren't
there, Jabber'll mark you absent.
By H. Selassie
Hello, Everybody!
Italian bombing planes hovered
over Adua, Ethiopian outpost, early
Thursday morning, dropped a few
bombs, and generally annoyed my
citizens. Inasmuch as the bombs, in
exploding, killed a large portion of
my favorite people, to say nothing of
injuring many more, I have reported
this to the League of Nations. I claim
that this is a violation of the Euro-
pean treaty in regard to Abyssinia,
and constitutes an aggressive act on
the part of the Italian Ogre.
Aaaddis Aawahwah went wild last
night at the news that the Cubs had
taken the first game of the World
Series 3-0, and we have declared that
the day when no Italian soldier re-
mains alive and free on our soil shall
forever afterward be commemorated
as Warneke Day.
As a gentleman named Knicker-
bocker and I sat listening to the radio
reports of the game, a messenger
brought word of a skirmish in our
territory near the frontier with sev-
eral thousand Italians who had lost
their way. Several of my tribesmen
were kind enough to show them home.
Mr. Knickerbocker, who. I believe.

Faculty, School of Education: The
first regular luncheon meeting of the
faculty will be held on Monday, Oc-
tober 7, twelve o'clock, Michigan
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open to the public from 8:00 to
10:00 Saturday evening, October 5,
to observe the moon.dChildren must
be accompanied by adults.
Choral Union Ushers: Sign up atj
Hill Auditorium box office Friday be-
tween 4:30 and 5:30 p.m.
School of Education - Changes of
Election: All changes of elections of
students enrolled in this School must
be reported at the Registrar's Of-
fice, Room 4, University Hall. After
October 5 such changes may be made
only after payment of a fee of one
Membership in a class does not
cease nor begin until all changes
have been thus officially registered.
Arrangements made with the in-
structors only are not official changes.
Women Students -Defers in Phys-
ical Education. Students who find it
necessary to ask for a defer of their
physical education for this semester,
must make these arrangements this
week. Consult Dr. Bell in the Barbour
Gymnasium office 8:30 to 10:00, or
at the Health Service 10:00 to 12:00.
Academic Notices 1
-Graduate Students in Education.]
Course B160 in Education, scheduled1
for Saturday from 9-11, -has been
withdrawn, and Course B255, Social
Interpretation, has been substituted
at the same hour. Students who have
selected the first course are requested;
to make theirbchanges in election as
soon as possible.
Psych. 33L, 35, 37. All students in
these courses are required to attend
the introductory lecture to the lab-
oratory work, given by Professor
Shepard on Friday, October 4, 4:15
p.m., Room 3126 N. S. Building. As-
signment to laboratory sections will
be made at that time.
Psych. 55. Students who were not
present for the first meeting of this
course are expected to get the ma-
terial for their first assignment on
Friday, October 4 at 5:00 p.m., in
Room 3122 N. S. Building.
History 91: MWF at 2, will meet in
25 A.H. instead of B. Haven.
Sociology 205: All applicants for
Earhart . Foundation Scholarships
should present themsevles at 307 BI
Haven Hall for consultation regard-t
ing their qualifications. Hours: Fri-
day 8-10; 2-4; Saturday 9-11.
E. M. 16; C. E. 65a Seminar in
Theory of Structures: Will meet regu-
larly Tuesdays and Thursdays in
Room 307 W. Engr. Bldg. at 11;00
starting Tuesday, Oct. 8. The fol-
lowing is a tentative outline of sub-
jects to be covered this semester:
1. Statically Determinate Systems.
2. Statically Indeterminate Sys-
3. Deflection Problems.
4. Highly Indeterminate Systems.
5. Stability Problems.
6. Use of Structural Models.
7. Suspension Bridges.
All interested are invited to at-
English 2, Sec. 5 (MWF 9, Room
3212 A. H.) will meet in Room 2231
A. H.
E. A. Walter.
Events Of Today

Adelphi House of Representatives
will hold an important closed meet-
ing for all members at 7:30 p.m. All
members should be present.
Tau Beta Pi: All members of the
Advisory Board and Officers of Tau
Beta Pi please meet at 5 o'clock at
the Union, to arrange Smoker for
National Convention Delegates.
Contemporary Tryouts: There will
be a general meeting of all those who
are interested in trying out for the
business and literary staff of Contem-
porary, Michigan literary quarterly,
4 o'clock, room 2231 Angell Hall.
Stalker Hall: Party tonight at 8:30
o'clock. Games, dancing, refresh-
ments. All students cordially invit-
ed. This is a good time to renew old
friendships and make new ones.
Baptist Students: Tonight at' 8
o'clock there will be a party for
Baptist students and their friends at
the Roger William's Guild house,
503 E. Huron. Old and new students
Ann Arbor Theosophical Society
opens its fall program with a discus-
sion on "The Seven Principles of
Man," 8:00 p.m.. Michigan League.

the club, has provided entertainment
for the students and their friends.
All Lutheran students are urged to be
present at this party and also to
join the club on its Sunday evening
meetings every week.
Rev. Henry Yoder of Trinity Luth-
eran church is student pastor.
Coming Events
Tau Beta lPi: All memn ers ~are re-
quested to make the Group Trip to
Lansing Saturday afternoon and eve-
ning for the Initiation and' Banquet
held by the National Convention.
Register with and secure details from
Larry Lentz, Phone 8959.
All Graduate Students are cordially
invited to the first trip of the Grad-
uate Outing Club on Sunday after-
noon. The group will leave Lane
Hall at 3 o'clock for a hike through.
nearby woods. A baseball game is
scheduled for late afternoon. Re-
freshrients will be served.
Chinese Students: The Chinese
Student's Club will hold a social
meeting to welcome all new Chinese
students, on Saturday, Oct. 5, 8 p.m.,
Lane Hall. The purpose of this meet-
ing is to get acquainted. -The pro-
gram will include: entertainments,
games, and refreshments. All Chinese
students are requested to attend.
Lutheran Student Club will meet
Sunday evening, October 6, in the
parish hall at 309 Washington St. for
its first regular meeting of the year.
Prof. O. S. Duff endack, of the physics
department, who has spent the last
ten months in Europe will speak on
his observations of European condi-
The social half hour at 5:30 o'clock
will be followed by supper at 6 o'clock.
Upperelass Women - Hygiene Ex-
emption Examination. The hygiene
exemption examination for upper-
class women will be held at 8 o'clock
on Saturday, October 5, in the West
Amphitheatre of the West Medical
Building. This examination is for
students who have received no credit
for hygiene course. This will be the
only opportunity to take the exam-
ination. Any questions should be
referred to Dr. Scl'utz at the Health
Svl p eech Grou
Holds Yl Mear'sn
The faculty of the speech ,depart-
ment of the University held its first
luncheon-meeting of the year yester-
day in the Union. The purpose of the
luncheorns, which are held semi-
monthly, is to discuss informally the
problems and work of the department,
and to give an opportunity for an
exchange of ideas.
At the meeting yesterday, the over-
crowding of the three sections of
Speech 31 was the problem most dis-
cussed. A registration of 300, the
largest in its history, has made the
course very drowded. After the meet-
ing, Prof. Henry A. Sanders started
work on organizing a numer of new
sections, so that the number in all
may be reasonably small,
Plans were also put under way for
the use of the University radio sta-
tion's new sound-recording .equip-
ment to record the efforts of students
in the speech department, and so
give them a greater chance for im-
provement by allowing them to hear
their own voices repeated.
At the next meeting of the group,
plans will be made for the annual
intercollegiate speech contest.

To H old 'Foothajl
Clinic This Year
"Post-mortem football clinics" will
be held again this year by the Uni-
versity of Michigan Club of Ann Ar-
bor, it was assured yesterday with the
selection of a committee to have
charge of these Monday noon lun-
A Varsity coach will discuss in-
teresting phases of the previous Sat-
urday's game at the clinics, which are
to begin at the Union the Monday
following the Indiana game. Only
members of the University of Michi-
gan Club are allowed to attend.
Dean W. Myers, president of the
Club, has chosen Harvey Whitney
chairman of the 'committee. .Other
members are: Clare H. McKinley,
Herbert G. Watkins, Donald C. May,
Dr. A. C..Kerlikowski, Russell T. Dob-
son, Jr., Ray Dolph, Prof. Ralph
Aigler and Paul R. Kempf.
Waterman gymnasium is open for
locker assignments and shower baths,

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy recei'ed at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a~m, on Saturday.

1142 FORUM




Letters published in this column should not be
construedsas expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names ofncommunicants will, howeVer, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense A
all' letters of, over 300 words "and= to accept or reject '
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
Michigan Spirit
To the Editor:
I read with pleasure in this mpornipg's Daily that
Michigan students of the present generation are
at last making an effort to back the football team.
It may be a sign of senility when one begins to
think of the past, but I cannot help reminisce
about the pep meetings that have been held in
the past. We used to really get behind the Mich-
igah football teams.
I hope the present undergraduates will turn out
for touight's rally and give Kipke and his boys a
real send off.
Please Repeat
To the Editor:
Might I take advantage of your columns to
suggest that there are many of us who saw the
production of Farquhar's Beaux"Stratagem by the
Nell Gwynn Players last year, who would appre-
ciate very much the opportunity to see it presented
once again.
The fine performances turned in by Professors
Hoekstra, Jones, and Patterson, and indeed by
every member of the cast made the production not-
able among last season's offerings. I do believe
that a repeat performance would be enthusiastic-
ally welcomed by all who were fortunate enough to
see it last year, and by many who were so un-
fortunate as to miss it.
Physicists at Columbia University have measured
the neutron. The answer is 0.0000000000001 of an
inch. If all the neutrons in the world were layed
end to end ...
John Germ is a bacteriology student at Ohio

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