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October 04, 1935 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-04

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PA G E E IG H T--- ------O C O B ER---193

- - wmmo

I1 Duce Fires
His Nation On
Eve Of Conflict
Dictator's Talk Aimed At
League; Says All Italy
Ready ToFight
(Continued from Page 1)
actually wanted to bring sanctions
against Italy but, he warned:
"To sanctions of an economic
character, we shall respond with the
spirit of discipline, with sobriety, and
with sacrifice. To measures of a mili-
tary order, we shall respond with
measures of a military order. To
acts of war, we shall respond with
acts of war."
He declared that the Allies had
given Italy only "the crumbs of the
sumptuous colonial booty for the
others," at the end of the World War.
Finally he shouted: "Fascist Italy
- arise!"
He was heard by millions of Fas-
cists in uniform who, thrilled by the
knowledge that war with Ethiopia
might be imminent, massed in every
city and village at a sudden call of
Il Duce, in the light of huge flam-
ing oil pots, spoke into a microphone
on the balcony of Venezia Palace.
He told his listeners that he did not
believe "Real French" or "Genuine
British" would execute sanctions
against Italy.
Hendeclared: "A solemn hour is
about to break in history."
Mussolini spoke 15 minutes. His
gestures were broad and emphatic.
He spoke slowly, shouting every word
with wide open mouth and with a
snap of the jaws.
Discussing sanctions - the punish-
ment of aggressor nations under the
League of Nation Covenant --he de-
"We will not pretend. To eco-
nomic sanctions, we will reply with
the discipline of our people. To mili-
tary ones ,we will reply with military
British Troops
Said To Be Set
For Transfer
Eden Is Silent On Talk
About Sending Army To
African War Center
LONDON, Oct. 2. - (A) - Reports
from Bombay that the British army
in India was preparing for eventu-
alities in Africa went undenied today
by the government as the cabinet met
to discuss the Italo-Ethiopian situa-
tion with Anthony Eden, British
spokesman at Geneva.
The British army strength in In-
dia is approximately 60,000 troops.
The reports said plans have been
made quietly for the quick transfer
of large contingents of troops to
Bombay for embarkation to East Af-
rica in case of war.
Officers have made plans, the re-
ports continued, for concentration of
the forces in British territory near
Ethiopia, where the strain of the
Italian campaign is expected to be
Following the cabinet meeting, Ed-
en hurried to the Foreign Office to
re-enter a conference of officials
preparatory to his return Thursday to
The procession of important cabi-
net members to Buckingham Palace
continued as signs everywhere point-

ed to increased martial activity in
view of the expected outbreak of
Italo-Ethiopian hostilities shortly.
Sir Samuel Hoare, foreign secre-
tary, and Viscount Halifax, war min-
ister, conferred with King George
before the cabinet meeting. Great
significance was attached to the vis-
its in informed circles.
Authoritative quarters confirmed
reports that Britain's arms embargo
against Ethiopia might be lifted al-
most simultaneously with the out-
break of Italo-Ethiopian hostilities.

Huican 'u'i' at(VC H Biiii IIsln1dIDesolate

, ,

-Associated Press Photo.
Some idea of the havoc wrought on tiny Bimini island, 45 miles east
of Miami, Fla., when a tropical hurricane roared over it, is shown
graphically in this pictures All of the 610 inhabitants escaped with their
lives but the fishing camp buildings were flattened by the devastating

7 Coimmittees
Are Appointed
For Alpha Nur
Annual Freshman Smoker
Scheduled Wednesday;
New Men Are Invited
Seven major Alpha Nu commit-
tees were named last night by Paul
Von Bergen, '37, president of the
honorary speech fraternity, as the
oldest society on the campus mapped
its program for the year.
Chairmen of the committees are:
Joseph Walsh, '38, finance; George
Sipprel, '36, legislative; Richard G.
Hershey, '37, publicity; Ralph Dana,
'36L, debate; Frank Aldrich, '37, pro-
gram; Earl Nelson, '37, membership;
and Frank Lapick, '38, social.
Officers of the speech fraternity,
which is affiliated with Kappa Phi
Sigma, national society, are Von Ber-
gen, president; Sipprel, vice-presi-
dent; John Bannister, '36, secretary;
and John Patterson, '37, treasurer.
Discussing their program infor-
mally, members agreed to hold their
annual freshman smoker next Wed-
nesday night at their room on tie
fourth floor of Angell Hall. All
freshmargare invited to the meet bg,
Von Bergen said. A faculty member
who is an Alpha Nu alumnus is ex-
pected to be the speaker.
Later in the year, the speech so-
ciety will debate whether or not to
remain in Kappa Phi Sigma, Von
Bergen declared.
In the main, the speech program
of Alpha Nu will consist of inter-
fraternity debates as well as debates
with other speech societies, Von Ber-
gon pointed out. The series always
includes one or two humorous de-
bates. Last year Alpha Nu debated
Zeta Phi Alpha, women's speech so-
ciety, on the question: "Resolved,
that blondes prefer gentlemen."
Graduate Students
Given Scholarships
Three $500 scholarships have been
awarded to the following graduate
students: John O. Drake, Wayne,
Neb., John Henry Moore, Bowling
Green, O.; and Mrs. Minna Faust, De-
troit, who is a re-appointee from last
Mrs. Krassovosky and' Mr. Russel
W. Splaine, both of Ann Arbor, re-
ceived $150 apiece. They will all do
research work on the Michigan Juve-
nile Delinquency Information Ser-
Marshall Levy has been appointed
director of the program of the Ann
Arbor Boys Guidance Project, which
is a follow-up of the experiment with
the children who attended the Michi-
gan Fresh Air Camp this summer.

Radio Studios To Have New
Sound RecordinoEquipi
Announcement of some sound re- use the equipment. It is int
cording equipment to be installed whenever famous artists p
next week in the University's radio original compositions, reco
studios was made today by Prof. Wal- be made and thus a perm
do Abbot, director of the radio sta- ord of the performance w
tion. Orchestras will be able to in
"This equipment," said Prof. Ab- upon listening to the rec
bot," will be used in connection with their playing they can no
the broadcasting service of the Uni- fects.
versity. The advantages of such Will Keep Librai
equipment can readily be seen, and "It is anticipated that a
we are going to make records which the recordings of famous1
can be sent to alumni associations
throughout the country. These rec- and of faculty members wi
ords will carry personal messages continued Prof. Abbot.
from the faculty members of the Uni- what a distinct advantag
versity besides carrying special rec- be for reunion purposes if
ords by the glee-club and the band."r
Professor Abbot believes that it record of James Burrow
will have much influence on alumni remarked.
groups. It will enable those groups It is also intended thatt
which are far away to hear voices of department will use the re
faculty members known in college an attempt to better the p
days and they can request talks from tion and understanding of
any member of the family, he said. uage.
Uses For Transcriptions.The records are made
Some of the University radio pro- with an aluminum base."
Some oflthelUnivessitytradionpro--better than the ordinaryc
grams will also be sent to the north- num records," asserted Pr(
ern pehinsula, where the programs bot, "for they are more d
cannot be picked up direct because of do not require a specia
the ore deposits which interfere with needle."
good reception.
Other stations have already re-
quested "electrical transcriptions" of
many of the University's programs,
and the University of Tennessee was
the first other school to ask for this
type of program.
In addition to the value to the F
broadcasting service, the equipment
will be used by many of the other P
departments of the University. "This
will enable students in speech defect SUCCESSOR TO IN
classes and in phonetics to note the
improvement in their speech," said T H I S R E V
Professor Abbot. "Each student will only lasts from Sept
make a recording, which is the only rpae!Oep
way to hear oneself talk, at the be- repeated! One pa
ginning of the year and again at the is being given free
end of the year and thus will have a Skrip between thes
permanent record of his improve- generally used by
ment," he said. introduce our new
The School of Music also intends to Leads", which fitsc

ended that
lay or sing
ardings will
anent rec-
'ill be had.
mprove, for
cordings of
ate the de-
library of
ll be kept,"
e it would
we had a
Angell," he
the French
cordings in
f the lang-
of acetate
"These are
of alumni-
ofessor Ab-
urable and
l type of



Ancient, primitive man used his eyes
almost entirely out-of-doors, in the day.
Eyes were developed for Now we use eyes for close time, under very high intensities of light
distance seeing seeing -intensities hundreds of times greater
than we find indoors today. When the sun went down, he went to sleep. And he used his
eyes for distant, not close seeing-hunting, fishing, looking at large objects. Even in Abra-
ham Lincoln's time very few people studied or sewed or read far into the night as we do.

Special Marrow Oil
Shampoo and Finger Wave
Oil Permanents $2.50
Telephone 5861
625 East Liberty, over Kroger's

It takes six gallons
the famous writin
Permanent Pen-
for college. Per
stick form. Itv
tensile stren
in the fami
lows you tc
fingers. F
this offi

Member 10th to November 1st and will not be
ckage of Pencil-Skrip, "Successor to Leads",
with every bottle of Blue or Blue-Black Pen-
e dates only! Since Pen-Skrip is already so
the American public we are using it to
Special H B Pencil-Skrip, "Successor to
all pencils using round or square leads.
sof liquid to make one gallon of Pen-Skrip,
g fluid which is absolutely free of sediment.
-Skrip is for business-washable Pen-Skrip
ncil-Skrip for mechanical pencils is in round
writes blacker, smoother, and has greatest
gth. Purchase your supply of Pen-Skrip
ly size bottle with the Skrip-Well that al-
o use the last drop of fluid. No smudgy
Remember during the period of
er a free package of Pencil-
"Successor to Leads", is
ded free with your
chase of Pen-Skrip<
DUY Y uI illiercrll i :ยข i

Eyes were developed for bright light



Today we work under low brightness


Modern civilization has completely changed all this. We have lightly tossed aside the fact
that our eves were in the process of developing for hundreds of thousands of years-develop-
ing for distance seeing under tremendous quantities of natural daylight. In the last few
centuries we have taken liberties with all four of nature's principles-distance seeing, lots
of light to aid our eyes, a relatively short day, and easy visual tasks. Instead, we have
substituted close-seeing indoors, extremely low levels of lighting, a much longer day,
I , abnormally severe visual tasks.




Bsuy your winter supply
while this offer lasts.
~) (This offer applies only
in the United States)


Calk, J
Emil* -

~Over 30%l
Sectional Views of
round and square leads.
Those round or square
leads shown in diagram
fit the same pencil.

ROUN0 or

Nature's plan was a short day


The eye is a wonderful organ! But is it
any wonder that there are so many people
with defective eyes? Here are the latest
figures for damaged eyesight among
people of varying ages:

Man's day extends into the

Grade school students.....................................20%
College students..........................................40%
40 years. ........................... ...................60%
60 years ................................................95%


f e, -v

9%'ounces,50c 2 "ounce sizel~c
Both have Skrip-Well


In the process of seeing there

are three

SHEAFFER PENS, $2.25 to $10-PENCILS, $1 to $5
W. A. SHEAFFER PEN CO., Fort Madison, Iowa

1. THE VISUAL TASK-We cannot
change our visual tasks. The act of
living imposes certain visual tasks and
our jobs require others.

PrimitiY tasks were easy on
the eyes

Today's tasks involve fine

2. THE EYES-A wonderfully exact science has been developed for correcting
eye defects with glasses. For defective eyes, there are no substitutes for the
fia..V.7Lri fllf fl.bP l C7 ennn. ;in.cf


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