The Weather
Generally fair, continued
cold today; tomorrow cloudy,
with rising temperatures.
4iltr4 4 tv,
t 9 an
We're Going To The
Pep Meeting . . .
Michigan Needs Men's
Dormitories ...
Alumni President
Will Be Speaker
At Rally
Emory J. Hyde To Address
Pep Meeting At 8 p.m.
In Hill Auditorium
Band, Glee Club
Will Also Appear
Mens' Council And Union
Are Sponsors; Robert
Burns Cheerleader
Emory J. Hyde, National President
of the Michigan Alumni Association,
will speak at the first pep meeting of
the year which will be held at 8 p.m.
tonight in Hill Auditorium. It is
probable that a member of the coach-
ing staff and a former University
football player will also speak, of-
ficials in charge of the event stated.
Reports forecasting inclement
weather were responsible for the
abandonment of plans to hold the
gathering in Sleepy Hollow, as it was
announced in The Daily yesterday.
Numerous University musical or-
ganizations will combine efforts to
make the program of the pep rally
successful. The Glee Club, under the
direction of Prof. David Mattern, will
appear on the program and will sing
many of the different Michigan songs
as well as assist in leading the mass
The full 'Varsity Football Band of
110 pieces will be making its first
appearance under the baton of Prof.
William D. Revelli, newly appointed
band director and formerly of Ho-
bart, Ind. The band will march
The executive committee of the
Interfraternity Council at a
meeting held last night ruled that
the regulation regarding rushing
outside of fraternities after.6:30
p.m. would be relaxed for the pep
meeting tonight. - A
It was stated that fraternity
men would be allowed to escort
rushees to the pep meeting at 8
p.m. but that such groups would
have to break up at the beginning
of the rally.
from Morris Hall to Hill Auditorium
and probably a short distance in the
fraternity and rooming house dis-
The pep meeting is being spon-
sored by the Men's Council and the
Union in order to usher in the 1935
football season and to create student
interest in the Michigan State Game
tomorrow. .
Robert Burns, '36, head cheerlead-
er, will lead the yells at the meeting
and help acquaint new students with
the cheers and songs of the Uni-
Emory J. Hyde, formerly of New
York City, was elected national presi-
dent of all the alumni associations
formed in all the different cities. A
few months ago Mr. Hyde moved to
Ann Arbor in order to devote his
full time to his duties. He has been
visiting the associations in each city
and helping new alumni groups to
become organized. In the words of a
prominent alumni official, "he is the
essential spiritual contact between
Michigan men of the past and the
The names of the other speakers
for the program were not announced.
and the exact length of the program
was not forecast by officials. How-
ever, the meeting will be compara-
tively short and not last more than
45 minutes, they said. /
If the meeting is attended by a
large crowd and if officials in charge
feel that the event is a success, it is
very probable that such meetings will
be held before each home game.
Funds Are Given By
Earhart Foundation
A gift of funds by the Earhart
Foundation has made possible the
establishment and work of the Bu-
reau of Industrial Relations, Bureau
officials announced yesterday. The
identity of the donor of these funds
had not been disclosed previously.
Mr. H. B. Earhart, as well as other
leading industrialists, the announce-
ment explains, felt that there was the
greatest need at this time, and par-
ticularly in the Mid-Western indus-
trial area, for a scientific and impar-
tial study of the various problems in-
Books Deserted As
Tigers And Cubs
Swing Into Action
Studies, sports, and other after-
noon activities are being shoved in-
discriminately into the discard these
days as Ann Arbor's vicarious World
Series rooters cluster anxiously about
every available radio.
The five new radios scattered about
the Union have been broadcasting
to large crowds, and there isn't a de-
serted loudspeaker in any of the State
Street emporiums while the game is
Rushers and rushees are meeting
on common ground around the radios
in fraternity houses, while on the
streets undergraduate heads can be
seen jerking hungrily around as auto-
mobiles with radios go by.
Over in Ann Arbor High School,
regular reports of the game's progress
are despatched to the classrooms.
University High School students are
permitted to spend their library pe-
riods listening to the baseball broad-
cast in the auditorium.
Charge Mather
With Being In
Soviet Employ
Noted Harvard Geologist's
Refusal To Take Loyalty
Oath Brings Accusation
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 3. -(P)
- Dr. Kirtley F. Mather, eminent
Harvard geologist, who has an-
nounced - his determination not to
take the teachers' oath, today was
atused h b'staterepresentative Tho-
mas Dorgan of being in the service
of Russia.
Professor Mather, a captain of en-
gineers in the World War, asserted
he failed to understand why an oath
f allegiance should be required of
him before he could instruct Harvard
students in geology.
"Many Americans who visit Rus-
sia," said Dorgan, World.War veteran
md author of the recently-enacted
egislation, "are shown a false side
)f the picture there. They return
o this country and are used by the
Russians for propaganda.
"I believe that Professor Mather is
'eing used by the Russians.
"I do not see," countered Professor
Mather, "how I can possibly conform
o a law which I believe violates my
,onstitutional rights as a citizen and
' teacher, and I believe many other
nembers of the faculty will refuse to
In this belief, Professor Mather re-
ceived early support, for a group of
;rominent Harvard professors let it
)ecome known they too would refuse
o conform to the teachers' oath bill,
which makes it mandatory for every
Massachusetts school and college
teacher to swear allegiance to state
and federal constitutions and which
was opposed by many educators while
?ending in the legislature.
Detroit Beats
Cubs 8-3 To
Even Series
Greenberg Hits Homer As
Teammates Bat Four
Runs In FirstInning
Cubs Get Only Six
Hits Off Bridges
Detroiters Miss Chances
To Score Because Of
Poor Base-Running
NAVIN FIELD, Detroit, Oct. 3. -
(Special) - Loosing a heavy artil-
lery barrage in the first inning on
that usually crafty left hander, Char-
ley Root, Detroit's battling Bengals
behind the six hit pitching of Tommy
Bridges, today slugged out an 8-3 vic-
tory to tie up the World Series with
the Chicago Cub at one game each.
The chilly blasts that swept across
Navin Field following the hail storm
this morning only increased the
attendance figure over the opening
game, and as the Tigers took the field
in the first inning, the sun broke
through the clouds for the first time.
An exceptionally strong wind was
blowing toward right field and all
high flies were difficult to judge.
The Tigers presented a different
picture today as they played heads-
up ball in the field. They appeared to
have snapped the tension under
which they played yesterday, and al-
though they put on several very sad
exhibitions of baserunning, they
looked more like the Detroit club
which climbed from the cellar to the
American League championship dur-
ing July and August than they have
since they clinched the pennant
earlier in September.
Pound Root
Charley Root, who Manager Grimm
thought was a good bet to give the
Cubs two in a row, started on the hill
for the National Leaguers, but from
the moment White, leading off for
Detroit in the first, looped a single
into left, it was apparent that the
old maestro had nothing on the ball.
Manager Mickey Cochrane waited
until he got one that he liked and
then lashed a double down thedright
field foul line, scoring the first Tiger
run of the series. Charley Gehringer
proceeded to demonstrate' that Root
was not improving wen he polled
a long drive over the right field wall
that was foul by several feet, and
then slashed a single to center on
which Cochrane scored standing up.
Big Hank Greenberg strode to the
plate and the Cub infield went into
a huddle. Root's first pitch to Green-
berg was a curve that the big boy
missed completely, but a moment lat-
er he picked out a shoulder high pitch
and hoisted it far into the left field
stands for a home run, scoring Geh-
ringer ahead of him. Greenberg's
drive might have been foul had it not
been carried to the right by the
strong wind.
Henshaw Nervous
Even Grimm was convinced at this
point, and stubby Roy Henshaw, an-
other left hander, replaced Root on'
the mound for the Cubs. He looked
nervous as he walked Goslin. Pete
Fox caught hold of a fast ball for
what looked like another base hit, but
Billy Herman' stabbed the ball and
doubled Goslin off first. The Tigers
were finally retired when Henshaw
(Continued on Pae 61
Mussolini's Forces Cross Border,
Start Colonial War In Ethiopia;
League Planning Drastic Action
England And France Agree
To Take Combined Steps
Against Italy
Would Sever All
Economic Relations
Reports Of Advance Into'
Ethiopia Confirmed By
Italian Diplomats
LONDON, Oct. 3. - (P) - The'
feared word "war" which enthus-
iastic world statesmen once declared
to be rendered obsolete, thundered'
across Europe and Africa tonight, as
word went out from authoritative'
quarters that the British government
is supporting the League of Nations'
to the utmost for quick action to re-
strain Italy in its African ventures.
Officials announced in Paris that
Anthony Eden, British minister for
League affairs, and Premier Pierre
Laval had agreed to seek direct ac-'
tion with Italy.
(It was stated they decided to ask
the League to request its members to
sever all economic and financial rela-
tions with Italy, to provide arms, am-
munitions and financial assistance to
Ethiopia, and to halt all trade.-
Eden left for Paris en route toi
Geneva, carrying the grim instruc-
tions of the British cabinet to go the
limit under the League banner in
pursuit of peace, at almost the exact
moment word came that Ethiopia
had ordered mobilization and that1
Italians had bombed Aduwa from the
Officials at Whitehall sadly re-
marked, "The dispute has now defi-
nitely become war," as they heard
first electrifying reports of hostilities,
which were followed by a confused
medley of charges, countercnarges,
reports of atrocities, air bombings,
advances, retreats, and casualties.
The Italian advances were officially
confirmed here and at Geneva and
elsewhere by Italian diplomats, who
said the moves were necessitated in
the interests of self-defense. The
outbreak of hostilities apparently)
caught most of Europe's diplomats
flatfooted, although coming almost;
exactly as they predicted.,
PARIS, Oct. 3.- (A')- Great Britain]
and France today agreed on a joint
program before the League of Nations
which calls for the immediate sev-
erance by League members of finan-
cial and economic relations with Italy
and possible financial help to Ethi-
The third of the three points of
the agreement, French officials an-
nounced, favors prohibition of pur-
chase of Italian goods by League
members or sale of goods to Mus-
solini's nation, including war muni-
tions and their transportation.
Premier Pierre Laval, after an
hour's conference with Anthony Eden,
British minister of League of Na-
tions' affairs, which preceded the
agreement, stated:
"Mr. Eden and I talked over the
order of the day for the Council of
the League. We have considered va-
rious methods of procedure. We will
continue in close collaboration in
Lift Arms Embargo for Haile
Under the second provision of the
accord, which hints at financial help
to Emperor Haile Selassie for na-
tional defense, is included also the
lifting of the arms embargo against
the African empire.
Eden, it was authoritatively stated,
disposed of the suggestion for the
closing of the Suez canal-through
which Italy's troops reach the zone
of war-by reporting that the Brit-
ish cabinet thought such an act too
Britain's request for French assist-
ance if Italy attacks the British Med-
iterranean fleet will receive the offi-
cial sanction of the cabinet tomor-
row, officials said.
Laval promised Eden such a reply,
officials continued, in return for the
same guarantees from Britain in case
France is attacked.
Laval will leave after tomorrow's
cabinet session for Geneva, where he
will rejoin Eden.
Laval To Answer Deputies
Members of the chamber of dep-
League Sanctions Are Certain
To Be Applied, Says Preuss
Italians Plan To, Forego
Any Formal Declaration
Of War;_Aduwa Bombed
The curse of the League of Na-
tions - the dreaded sanctions - is
almost certain to be brought down
on Italy, Prof. Lawrence Preuss of
the political science department de-
clared yesterday.
"Now that Mussolini has openly
attacked Ethiopia, there is a better
chance than ever before of the sanc-
tions being brought into play," he
said. Professor Preuss feels quite
sure that at least in the beginning
the sanctions will be only economic,
but both he and Prof. Jesse S. Reeves,
chairman of the political science de-
partment, agree that the Italo-Ithi-
opian crisis is "gravely serious."
Before the sanctions, which are
provided for under article 16 of the
Covenant of the League, can be
brought into play, other action will
have to be taken by the League, Pro-
fessor Preuss explained. Under ar-
ticle 15 of the Covenant, a commit-
tee to which the arguments are sub-
mitted, must make a report to the
assembly on the situation. That re-
port, now being drawn up, has not
yet been made.
If the nations unanimously consent
to the report, they all agree not to
go to war with any nation abiding by
it, the professor stated. Should one
nation fail to abide by it, article 16
obliges all other members of the
League to invoke sanctions against
that nation, he pointed out.
But Mussolini will incur the wrath
of article 16 anyway, Professor Preuss
believes, because Il Duce did not even
wait for the commission's report be-
fore taking things in his own hands.
The committee under article 12 has
six months in which to make its re-
port, and article 15 declares that any
Scontnuea on Page 6)
President Ruthven
Leaves For West
Leaving for the west tonight, Pres-
ident Ruthven plans to attend a meet-
ing in Chicago and continue to Iowa
for a visit with his father. Regent
Junius E. Beal is accompanying him
to Chicago.
A speaking trip to the upper penin-
sula is planned by President Ruthven
for late this month. T. Hawley Tap-
ping, general secretary of the alumni
association, will accompany him on
the tour.l
Angell Letters
Published In
New Alumnus
Correspondence of James Burrill
Angell, one-time President of the Uni-
versity, features the joint issue of the
Michigan Alumnus and Quarterly Re-
view which goes on sale today. The
article is the second of a series of
three edited by Wilfred B. Shaw,
and contains letters written by Angell
previous to his acceptance of the pres-
idential nomination.
Mehemet Aga-Oglu, a Freer Fellow
and lecturer on Oriental art in the
University, contributes an article, "A
Pilgrimage to the Tomb of Firdaw-
ski." It is the story of a 4,000-mile
automobile trip in Iran to the tomb of
the poet Firdawski, whose thousandth
anniversary was being celebrated at
the time the trip was made last Oc-
Albert F. White, director of engi-
neering research of the University
is the author of an article describing
the variety and scope of the research
carried on by the University. An-
other contributor is Prof. W. H. Wor-
rell of the Semitics department, whose
article "The People -of Abyssinia,"
throws light upon the Italo-Ethiopian
Arms Embargo
U. S. Officials
State Department Acts To
Insure Continued Unitedj
States Neutrality
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3. - (A') - A
proclamation for clamping an em-a
bargo on munitions shipments to Italy
and Ethiopia was drafted tentatively
at the state department today as an
extraordinary -step toward- ix7uring-
continued American neutrality.
Only official confirmation that the
undeclared war raging in Africa was
an "outbreak of war" within the.
meaning of the new neutrality act was
awaited by Secretary Cordell Hull
before recommending to President
Roosevelt the issuance of the arms
embargo directed by that statute.
The Chief Executive, cruising on a
warship in the Pacific, was kept in-
formed of Italo-Ethiopian develop-
ments by Hull. But the Secretary de-
clined any comment on movements
of Rome's modern legions beyond de-
claring that the government was pre-
pared, fully and adequately, for im-
mediate action in any emergency.
Beside the arms embargo, an offi-
cial determination that "a state of
war" exists also would authorize Mr.
Roosevelt to issue a proclamation
warning American citizens against
traveling on vessels of either bellig-
erent nation, except at their own risk.
This would affect American travel
only on Italian liners, since Ethiopia
has no merchant marine.
Although the neutrality act makes
it mandatory on the President to pro-
hibit exports to any original bellig-
erent nation, he has discretionary
power concerning imposition of an
embargo on other nations which
might be drawn into the conflict.
Full Mobilization Is
Ordered By Selassie
1,700 Said To Have Been
Killed And Wounded By
Italian Bombardment
(By The Associated Press)
The war began in East Africa
Thursday with Premier Mussolini's
Italian army advancing into Ethi-
opia to meet the fierce opposition
of Haile Selassie's warriors.
The war was undeclared, but un-
mistakably war. The Italian govern-
ment admitted that its army had
crossed the border and reiterated its
intention to carry out its "colonial
program" without a formal declara-
tion of war.
League of Nations circles at Geneva
said a state of war existed.
Emperor Haile Selassie telegraphed
a full report and protest to the League
of Nations. He asserted that Red
Cross hospitals full of sick and in-
jured were the targets of Italian
bombs and appealed to world opinion
to condemn such tactics.
Report 1,700 Casualties
The Addis Ababa correspondent of
the Exchange Telegraph Agency re-
ported to London that 1,700 persons
had been killed and wounded in the
bombardment of Aduwa. At Rome,
Italian officials denied that towns
had been bombed.
Fierce land fighting was reported
under way near Aduwa. The Reuters
correspondent said Italians were re-
treating in-that section under-cover
of their airplanes.
An Ethiopian announcement said
that 100 houses at Adigrat and 15 at
Aduwa, where Ethiopia crushed the
Italians 40 years ago, were destroyed.
Casualties were unknown, the an-
nouncement said, but it was believed
that the Italians occupied the entire
town of Aduwa.
Hand-to-hand conflict was re-
ported in northern Tigre Province, the
Ethiopian buffer against Eritrea. The
government in Addis Ababa said the
Ethiopian troops forced the retreat of
Il Duce's troops. Italian airplanes
were covering the retreat.
ADDIS ABABA, Oct. 3. -(UP) - The
Italian government announced in-
vading Italian fliers bombed historic
Aduwa today, killing women and chil-
dren, signallizing the start of a long-
awaited war.
A general mobilization order called
Ethiopia's warriors to the colors. Al-
though it was reported in official
circles, the Italian minister had been'
given his passports, they were with-
held pending the arrival of Italian
consuls from the provinces.
A special train to carry the diplo-
mat from the country tomorrow was
cancelled but officials said "we may
give the passports at any time." The
Emperor's imperial guard was thrown
about the Italian legation to safe-
guard it.
Defense Pleas For
Nellie Muench End
MEXICO, Mo., Oct. 3. -() - De-
nial by Nellie Tipton Muench, form-
er St. Louis society matron, that she
"fingered" a 1931 kidnaping, reached
a climax today as the defense, in a
surprise move, rested its cse.
Mrs. Muench, her bright red hair
contrasting with the wan paleness of
her face, sobbed loudly in court as
she denied planning the abduction of
Dr. Isaac D .Kelley, wealthy and so-
cially prominent St. Louis physician.
The tiny county seat courtroom
was packed with curious but quiet
women, as Mrs. Muench told a jury
of farmers that "I am not guilty," but
overlooked claiming as her own a
son whose birth she announced six
weeks ago.
The oversight, whether deliberate
or by accident, came in the face of
court action in St. Louis County,
wherein a Pennsylvania servant girl,
Anna Ware, claimed as her illegiti-
mate son the baby whose birth was
James Stephen's Irish Verse
Is Held To Be Akin To Music
Rally Recalls Flaming Spirit
Of Michigan's 'Good Old Days'
"A bent little figure ... with a long
head and a face like a faun's ... He
was utterly without self conscious
pose, 'solemnity, inhibitions, suppres-
sions, or affections. Never have I
seen 'a man who impressed me as
being so easy, free and natural, so
untamed by society, so untouched by
convention, so spontaneous, pagan
and joyous ..."
Quite human, despite this lyric
eulogy by Burton Rascoe, is the
famous novelist and poet, James
Stephens, who is being brought to
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Tuesday evening by the Hopwood
Now hailed as one of the foremost
literary figures of the twentieth cen-
tury, and next to William Butler
Yeats, as Ireland's greatest author,
James Stephens first began his im-
aginative writings with an indelible
pencil in his stenographic notebook
outing into the hills, that Stephens
idly picked up a volume of Brown-
ing, and was disappointed to find it
was poetry. Turning the pages care-
lessly, he found his attention caught,
his emotions stirred, and the desire{
arose within him to do -and to do
better - what Browning had done.
The spark was kindled, the fire burst
into flames.
He aspires to give Ireland some-
thing corresponding to the Arabian
Nights-"a new mythology to take
the place of the threadbare mytholo-
gy of Greece and Rome." "Deirde,"
one of the books in a series on the
bardic tales of Old Ireland, was
awarded the Tailltean Gold Medal,
and his most famous novel, "The
Crock of Gold," a unique work com-
bining fantasy, realism, and satire,
won for him the coveted Polignac
Stephens is an ardent Nationalist,
and he worked hard for the estab-
Back in the good old days when
they talked about pep meetings, that
was really what they meant. They're
going to hold one of those pep meet-
ings tonight in Hill Auditorium, but
it will have to be plenty peppy to
come anywheres near the ones back
in the early 1900's, when the boys
and girls went without their suppers
in order to jam the old University
Hall and yell their heads off for Old
Man Yost's famous point a minute
In those days, relate the oldtimers
on the campus - T. Hawley Tapping,
Alumni Association general secretary;
Regent Junius E. Beal, Professor-
Emeritus Allen Whitney, Prof.
Thomas C. Trueblood of the speech
department and the Old Man him-
self - they used to put the boys on
the first floor and the girls on the
second. They used to peel off their
coats and really go to work.
reminsced Tap. "But from no spirit of
meanness. It was genuine enthusi-
The old "U. of M., Rah! Rah!" was
the principle yell before Professor
Trueblood in 1906 caused a new era
in pep meetings by inventing the
famous "locomotive" cheer while re-
turning on the train to Ann Arbor
from a football game in Columbus,
0. And how they used to let loose!
The exact date of the first pep
meeting is lost in the ancient past.
Professor Whitney, who was chair-
man of the board in control of ath-
letics when said good old days were
at their peak, believes the first one
was around 1901 or 1902, when the
Old Man first began to be known as
"Hurry Up" Yost. They started out
slowly at first, but it was not long
before everybody took them up.
The Old Man, it seems, used to be
rather modest when he was coach and
never wanted to go. But he did and