Satu"rday, February 151 1936 THE MICHIGAN 'DAILY' Page Eleven .g, .g, . . .4 .. . utilized as booths, and they were Add J-Hop Queens derici, '37; Jean McFarland, '37P; PIg P --I--ggg. . done in a natural brown finish, with Bertha Kolb, '38A: Virginia Kenner, t horseshoes nailed over the entrance (Continued from Page 7) '38: Sarah Paine, '38; Marian Smith, Is O Ft I-lea rd Cry A td IV\. S. C. 1-100 adding a charming touch of beauty. Christensen, Grand Rapids: Dois '39 Jane Garriaon '39 - Refreshments were served behind the Crandall, Pigeon; Phyllis Grabiel, barnandfromthepumpin he cn- ale EAST LANSING -- (By Plow) -- gear, so that the coeds could have a barn and from the pump in the cen- The ringing of cow-bells Friday night full evening before the affair was ter of the campus, a few rods north Zeta Beta Tau announced the beginning of Michi- concluded at midnight. The boys were of the historical old silo, for many Harriet Steinberger. Memphis, gan State College's annual J-Hop and at their jolly best, swinging from the years the center of campus activities. Tenn.; Lois Appleby and Constance Hog-Calling Contest, held in con- decorations, breaking windows, fight- The campus presented a beautiful Robinson, Detroit; Harriet May, '38; junction with Farmers' Week, which ing with the "townies," moving park- sight, with the fresh-fallen snow re- Bortense Milgrim, '38. brought to the campus many of the ing signs, and just raising the very fleeting the lights -of the nearby glue college's outstanding alumni. devil. The dance was held in the factory. A contrast to the sophis- Independents Freddy Martin's band played at the loft of the college barn, and the sweet ticated merriment in the barn was Doris Baumgartner and Edna Mae dance, which was featured by the scent of hay added a touch of homey added by the presence of Coach Gustine, Ann Arbor; Virginia Mel- state-wide hog-calling contest. Rep- atmosphere. Stalls were cleverly Charlie Bachmann's two prize heif- resented in the contest were mem- ers grazing in the large pasture be- hysh, Birmingham; Winifred Bell, bers of the 4-H Club of Lansing and Distributes J-Hop Extras cntinued son Page 12 36; Marsinah Pierce, '36; Jean Frie- the varsity squad of the Michigan State football team. The football players were forced to drop out early in the contest, however, claiming that UN IVERS ITY GRI LL winning a weight-pulling contest and Tea 'lOOm with a pair of draft horses the pre- HOPE YOU ENJC vious evening had cut down their championship squad. President Rob- AS MUCH AS W ert H. Shaw officiated at the contest, Special which was held directly following the NOON LUNCHEON WORKING ON 17 Grand March, at 9:30 p.m. The Grand March was led by Jack Garlock, '37, and his guest of the EVENING SPECIAL evening, Miss Minnie Murch, of Bad CHICKEN AND STEAK Axe, which is believed to be located in Northern Michigan-or was last DINNERS 45c and 55c R o b ert 1. seen there before the winter season Soups Pies Sandwiches set in. At the conclusion of the March, the traditional block cipher A la Carte Service. The Camera Sho was formed, to the accompaniment 4 to 9 of popping corks. Following the March the dance 615 East William Street really swung into action, at high ' ie j S ~~e2VO ck"',s~a "t,_ ,8 C6 ' \11wo % a"& t asa'°4 &, es 6 8 S a- a V -p i i An Unidentified Crooner YED THE J-HOP E ENJOYED T! . Gach Co. p in the Arcade . % it OF RICH, RIPE-BODIED TOBACCO-"IT'S TOASTED" Copyright 1936. The American Tobacco Company