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February 02, 1936 - Image 22

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-02-02

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Page Ten


Saturdia Februar Q6

Pae e TE MIHGA DIY n y,,, y ~,,, , itI

Swings It Private Lives' Of Orchestra

James"Piggie" Lunceford (above),
as he posed for the staff caricatur-
ist just before taking over his band-
stand in the huge Intramural
Gymnasium for the 1936 J-Hop.
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FLANNELS and SHETLANDS . from $35.00
NEW SPRING SHIRTS . . . . . from $2.50
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State Street at Campus 41 East Adams
Ann Arbor Detroit

Leaders Not All Sweet Music
By Arnold S. Daniels answering your questions, but I'm
Jan Garber leaned back comfort- afraid that I have to - well, its get-
ably in his chair, cradled his violin ting pretty late, and . . .
tenderly in his arms, and said, "Yes, His voice trailed off into silence.
it was a baseball that made me what Perspiration stood in beads on his
I am now. I caught one between the brow, and his knuckles were white as
eyes, and I've been playing the violin his hands clenched the arms of the
since then. I guess you might say chair. I repeated my question.
that I've built my orchestra around "I'll tell, I'll tell, only leave me
this violin, theoretically speaking, ofa alone! Yes, its all true. I used to be
course." called 'The Originator Of Hokum.' It
"Is there any foundation for the was because, well, it was because I
rumor, Mr. Garber .. ." I said. would do anything for a laugh. That's
"No. I do smoke, but I don't the truth, I swear it is."
drink." Leaving the Idol of the Airlanes in
"But, Mr. Garber, is there any a state of collapse, I rushed to the
truth ... " office with the history-making con-
"Well," he said, smiling piquantly, fession, and, then armed with a fresh
"there may be something in that, but notebook, prepared to beard James
I got my start as an orchestra leader Melvin Lunceford in his lair. Using
in the army, leading a large band." a different approach, I asked the
"Yes, Mr. Garber, but what I want- husky orchestra leader his opinion of
ed to ask . . ." 1 the University, of the campus, of
"And then, after playing in the thecoeds, etc.
Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra I "Yes," he said, "I do smoke, but
organized . . ." I don't drink."
The genial maestro quivered, and A quirk accentuating his deep
shrank from me. dimples, he said, "You might like
"Well," Mr. - uh, its been nice to hear about the time I was caught
-- - - j[in a blizzard in Colorado, and kept
Governor Fitzgerald myself warm by playing hot licks
n my flute"
Heads Patrons Of Hop; . "Ha, Ha, Mr. Lunceford. That's
Spretty rich. Yessir!"
Faculty Are Included He smiled benignly. "Oh, that's
______nt all. Did yu knew that my fa-
(Continued from page 3) vorite dish is Chow Mein at mid-
Dean Jeannette Perry, Assistant night?"
Dean Fred Wahr and Mrs. Wahr, Dr. "Really, and..."
Harley A. Haynes, Prof. Henry C. "And did you know that my fa-
Anderson. vorite author is Joseph Conrad?"
Prof. and Mrs. Henry F. Adams, "Well, that's fine, Mr. Lunceford,
Prof. and Mrs. Shirley W. Allen, Dr. really interesting. But tell me, which
and Mrs. Carl E. Badgley, Prof. and do you like better, the slow, languid,
Mrs. Roger Bailey, Prof. and Mrs. or 'hot' fast sort of music?"
Floyd E. Bartell, Prof. Dow V. Baxter, "I, uh, well, since the other, er,
Dr. and Mrs. Edward W. Blakeman, well, yes."
Dr. and Mrs. William Bishop, Dr.--__ __
and Mrs. Russell W. Bunting, Dr. key, Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Lieut. Col.
William M. Brace, Prof. and Mrs. and Mrs. Frederick C. Rogers, Mr.
Philip E. Bursley, Dr. and Mrs. H. and Mrs. Clarence L. Samuelson,
B. Calderwood, Dr. and Mrs. Fred- Prof. and Mrs. William A. Spindler,
erick A. Coller, Capt. and Mrs. Rich- Charles N. Staubach, Prof. Lewis G.
ard R. Coursey, Prof. Arthur L. Cross, VanderVelde, Dr. and Mrs. Francis
Dr. Paul M. Cuncannon, Prof. and B. Vedder, Prof. and Mrs. John B.
Mrs. John P. Dawson, Prof. and Mrs. Waite, Capt. and Mrs. M. G. Walling-
Earl W. Dow, Gordon Farrell, Dr. ton, Prof. and Mrs. Merwin H. Wa-
and Mrs. Bruce F. Farlick, Prof. and terman, Prof. and Mrs. Albert E.
Mrs. Herbert A. Fowler, Prof. and White, Prof. and Mrs. Alfred H.
Mrs. Lewis M. Gram, Prof. and Mrs. White, Prof. Valentine B. Windt,
Ralph W. Hammett, Maj. and Mrs. Prof. and Mrs. John S. Worley, Prof.
Rosswell E. Hardy, Prof. and Mrs. and Mrs. Fielding H. Yost and Regis-
Charles L. C. Jamison, Dr. and Mrs. trar Ira M. Smith and Mrs. Smith.
Paul H. Jeserich, Dr. and Mrs. The list concludes with Mr. and
Henry M. Kendall, Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. H. B. Abbott of Orchard Park,
Albert C. Kerlikowske, Prof. and N. Y., Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Briegel of
Mrs. Paul A. Leidy, Dr. and Mrs. Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Burwell,
Howard B. Lewis, Prof. and Mrs. Emil Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Cary of Grand
Lorch, Prof. and Mrs. William A. Mc- Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Cox of
Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Mea- Terre Haute, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. P.
cham, Prof. and Mrs. Elmer D. Mit- N. Dennis and Dr. and Mrs. J. A.
chell, Prof. and Mrs. Arthur D. Freese of Detroit, Mrs. F. E. Green-
Moore, Prof. and Mrs. Earl V. Moore, wald of New Kensington, Pa., Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Oakes, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hillier of Cedar Rap-
and Mrs. Edward C. Pardon, Mr. and ids, Ia.; Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Holden of
Mrs. Walter B. Rea, Prof. and Mrs. Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lathrop
Daniel L. Rich, Prof. and Mrs. John of Indianapolis, Ind. and Mr. and
W. Reigel, Mr. and Mrs. Earl N. Ris- Mrs. Nathan S. Potter of Lansing.
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